Example #1
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_jpab_PortAudio_getHostAPIsAsBuffer(JNIEnv *env, jclass paClass) {
	HostAPI * host_api;
	const PaHostApiInfo * host_api_info;
	const UINT8 count = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
	UINT16 index, size = HOST_API_SIZE * count, offset = 0, temp;
	char * buffer = (char *)malloc(size);
	for (index = 0; index < count; index ++) {
        host_api_info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(index);
		host_api = (HostAPI *) (buffer + offset);
		host_api->default_input_device = host_api_info->defaultInputDevice == -1 ? -1 : Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(index, host_api_info->defaultInputDevice);
		host_api->default_output_device = host_api_info->defaultOutputDevice == -1 ? -1 : Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(index, host_api_info->defaultOutputDevice);
		if (host_api->default_input_device < -1) host_api->default_input_device = -1;
		if (host_api->default_output_device < -1) host_api->default_output_device = -1;
		host_api->device_count = host_api_info->deviceCount;
		host_api->type = host_api_info->type;
		host_api->index = index;
		temp = strlen(host_api_info->name);
		host_api->name_length = temp;
		size += temp;
		buffer = (char *) realloc(buffer, size);
		offset += HOST_API_SIZE;
		memcpy(buffer + offset, host_api_info->name, temp);
		offset += temp;
	return env->NewDirectByteBuffer(buffer, (jint) size);
Example #2
PortAudioOutput::initAudio( long sampleRate, int channels )
    if ( m_audio )
        Pa_CloseStream( m_audio );
        m_audio = 0;

    if ( m_deviceNum >= Pa_GetDeviceCount() || m_deviceNum < 0 )
        m_deviceNum = 0;

    int bufferSize = 512;
    int deviceID = internalSoundCardID( m_deviceNum );
    qDebug() << "Internal ID:" << deviceID << "-" << "Config:" << m_deviceNum;

    if ( deviceID < 0 )
        emit error( Radio_NoSoundcard, tr( "Your soundcard is either busy or not present. "
            "Try restarting the application." ) );

    PaStreamParameters p;
    memset( &p, 0, sizeof( PaStreamParameters ) );

    p.sampleFormat = paInt16;
    p.channelCount = 0;

    while ( p.channelCount < channels && deviceID < Pa_GetDeviceCount() )
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
        p.device = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex( Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex( paDirectSound ), deviceID++ );
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
        p.device = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex( Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex( paCoreAudio ), deviceID++ );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
        p.device = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex( Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex( paALSA ), deviceID++ );

        p.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( p.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency;
        p.channelCount = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( p.device )->maxOutputChannels;

    qDebug() << "Using device with id:" << --deviceID;
    p.channelCount = channels;
//     Pa_IsFormatSupported( 0, &p, bufferSize );

    m_deviceInfo = *Pa_GetDeviceInfo( p.device );
    m_sourceChannels = channels;

    PaError error = Pa_OpenStream( &m_audio, 0, &p, sampleRate, bufferSize, 0, audioCallback, this );
    if ( error != paNoError )
        qDebug() << "PortAudio Error:" << Pa_GetErrorText( error );
        m_audio = 0;
Example #3
QStringList AudioPA::DeviceList(bool typeInput)
	//This static method may get called before constructor
	//So we have to make sure Pa_Initialize is called, make sure we have matching Pa_Terminate()
	QStringList devList;
	QString di;
	int apiCnt = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
	const PaHostApiInfo *apiInfo;
	const PaDeviceInfo *devInfo;

	for (int i = 0; i < apiCnt; i++)
		apiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);
		for (int j=0; j < apiInfo->deviceCount; j++)
			devInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(j);
			//Note: PortAudio must be compiled as ASIO files to enable ASIO4ALL driver support
            //Ignore device types we don't support
            if (apiInfo->type==paMME
                    || apiInfo->type==paASIO
                    || apiInfo->type==paDirectSound
                    //Mac types
                    || apiInfo->type==paCoreAudio)

                //Ignore input and output devices that only have 1 channel
                //We need stereo in for I/Q
                if(typeInput && devInfo->maxInputChannels > 1)
                    di = di.sprintf("%2d:%s:%s",Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(i,j),
                    devList << di;
                else if(!typeInput && devInfo->maxOutputChannels > 1)
                    //This is the fully qualified name that will be saved and used to find the same device
                    //See FindDeviceByName()
                    di = di.sprintf("%2d:%s:%s",Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(i,j),
                    devList << di;
	return devList;
std::vector<ApiInfo> getHostApis(){
    // Returns information about available host apis. Currently uses portaudio.
    if( Pa_Initialize() != paNoError ) throw std::runtime_error("Portaudio could not be initialized during 'getHostApis'.");

    PaHostApiIndex apiCount = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
    PaDeviceIndex devCount = 0;
    PaDeviceIndex devNum = 0;
    std::vector<DevInfo> devInf;
    const PaHostApiInfo* p_ApiInf;
    const PaDeviceInfo* p_DevInf;
    std::vector<ApiInfo> vApiInf(apiCount);

    for(int api=0; api<apiCount; ++api){
        p_ApiInf = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(api);
        vApiInf[api].apiName = p_ApiInf->name;
        devCount = p_ApiInf->deviceCount;
        for(int dev=0; dev<devCount; ++dev){
            devNum = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(api, dev);
            p_DevInf = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(devNum);
            devInf[dev].devName = p_DevInf->name;
            devInf[dev].numInputs = p_DevInf->maxInputChannels;
            devInf[dev].numOutputs= p_DevInf->maxOutputChannels;
            vApiInf[api].devices = devInf;
    if( Pa_Terminate() != paNoError ) throw std::runtime_error("Error terminating portaudio during 'getHostApis'.");
    return vApiInf;
void PortAudioSettingsPage::populateDeviceList()
  int index = hostAPIList->currentIndex();


  if (index < 0) {

  PaHostApiIndex apiIndex = hostAPIList->itemData(index).toInt(NULL);
  const PaHostApiInfo *hostAPIInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(apiIndex);
  if (!hostAPIInfo) {

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < hostAPIInfo->deviceCount; i++) {
    PaDeviceIndex devIndex = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(apiIndex, i);
    const PaDeviceInfo *devInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(devIndex);
    QString name = QString::fromUtf8(devInfo->name);

    if (devInfo->maxInputChannels > 0) {
      inputDeviceList->addItem(name, devIndex);
    if (devInfo->maxOutputChannels > 0) {
      outputDeviceList->addItem(name, devIndex);
Example #6
static const PaDeviceInfo *findDeviceInfo(PaHostApiIndex hostAPI, const char *name,
                                          PaDeviceIndex *index)
  const PaHostApiInfo *hostAPIInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostAPI);
  if (!hostAPIInfo) {
    return NULL;

  const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo;
  PaDeviceIndex deviceIndex;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < hostAPIInfo->deviceCount; i++) {
    deviceIndex = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostAPI, i);
    if (deviceIndex < 0) {

    deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
    if (deviceInfo && strcmp(name, deviceInfo->name) == 0) {
  if (i >= hostAPIInfo->deviceCount) {
    deviceIndex = hostAPIInfo->defaultInputDevice;
    deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);

  if (index) {
    *index = deviceIndex;
  return deviceInfo;
Example #7
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_jpab_PortAudio_getHostAPIAsBuffer(JNIEnv *env, jclass paClass, jint index) {
    const PaHostApiInfo * host_api_info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo((PaHostApiIndex) index);
    const UINT8 size = HOST_API_SIZE + strlen(host_api_info->name);
    char * buffer = (char *)malloc(size), * original = buffer;
    HostAPI * host_api = (HostAPI *) buffer;
    host_api->device_count = host_api_info->deviceCount;
	host_api->default_input_device = host_api_info->defaultInputDevice == -1 ? -1 : Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(index, host_api_info->defaultInputDevice);
	host_api->default_output_device = host_api_info->defaultOutputDevice == -1 ? -1 : Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(index, host_api_info->defaultOutputDevice);
	if (host_api->default_input_device < -1) host_api->default_input_device = -1;
	if (host_api->default_output_device < -1) host_api->default_output_device = -1;
	host_api->type = host_api_info->type;
	host_api->index = index;
	host_api->name_length = strlen(host_api_info->name);
	buffer += HOST_API_SIZE;
	memcpy(buffer, host_api_info->name, host_api->name_length);
    return env->NewDirectByteBuffer(original, (jint) size);
QHash<PaDeviceIndex, QString> deviceNames(PaHostApiIndex hostApi)
    QHash<int, QString> names;
    for (int i = 0; i < Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi)->deviceCount; ++i)
        PaDeviceIndex index = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostApi, i);
        names[index] = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(index)->name;

    return names;
PaDeviceIndex PA_AudioIO_ALSA::setDevice(int deviceIndex = 0){
    PaHostApiIndex alsaInd = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paALSA);
    const PaHostApiInfo* apiInf = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(alsaInd);

    if(!apiInf) throw Pa_NoApiException();
    if(-1 == deviceIndex) return apiInf->defaultOutputDevice;

    if(deviceIndex > apiInf->deviceCount ||  deviceIndex < 0){
        throw Pa_DeviceIndexNotFoundException();
    return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(alsaInd, deviceIndex);
PaDeviceIndex PA_AudioIO_DS::setDevice(int deviceIndex){
    PaHostApiIndex dsInd = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paDirectSound);
    const PaHostApiInfo* apiInf = nullptr;

    apiInf = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(dsInd);
    if(!apiInf) throw Pa_NoApiException();
    if(-1 == deviceIndex) return apiInf->defaultOutputDevice;
    if(deviceIndex > apiInf->deviceCount ||  deviceIndex < 0){
        throw Pa_DeviceIndexNotFoundException();
    return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(dsInd, deviceIndex);
PaDeviceIndex PA_AudioIO_WMME::setDevice(int deviceIndex){
    PaHostApiIndex mmeInd = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paMME);
    const PaHostApiInfo* apiInf = nullptr;

    apiInf = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(mmeInd);
    if(!apiInf) throw Pa_NoApiException();
    if(-1 == deviceIndex) return apiInf->defaultOutputDevice;
    if(deviceIndex > apiInf->deviceCount ||  deviceIndex < 0){
        throw Pa_DeviceIndexNotFoundException();
    std::cout << "Device index is: " << deviceIndex << std::endl;
    return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(mmeInd, deviceIndex);
PaDeviceIndex PA_AudioIO_ASIO::setDevice(int deviceIndex){
    PaHostApiIndex asioInd = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paASIO);
    const PaHostApiInfo* apiInf = nullptr;

    apiInf = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(asioInd);
    if(!apiInf) throw Pa_NoApiException();
    if(-1 == deviceIndex) return apiInf->defaultOutputDevice;
    if(deviceIndex > apiInf->deviceCount ||  deviceIndex < 0){
        throw Pa_DeviceIndexNotFoundException();
    std::cout << "Warning: ASIO blocking is currently unimplemented in portaudio." << std::endl;
    return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(asioInd, deviceIndex);
Example #13
static const PaDeviceInfo *findDeviceInfo(PaHostApiIndex hostAPI, const char *name,
                                          PaDeviceIndex *index, bool isInput)
  const PaHostApiInfo *hostAPIInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostAPI);
  if (!hostAPIInfo) {
    return NULL;

  const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo;
  PaDeviceIndex deviceIndex;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < hostAPIInfo->deviceCount; i++) {
    deviceIndex = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostAPI, i);
    if (deviceIndex < 0) {

    deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
    if (!deviceInfo) {
    if (isInput && deviceInfo->maxInputChannels == 0) {
    if (!isInput && deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels == 0) {
    if (strcmp(deviceInfo->name, name) == 0) {
  if (i >= hostAPIInfo->deviceCount) {
    deviceIndex = isInput ? hostAPIInfo->defaultInputDevice :
    deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
    if (deviceInfo) {
      qDebug("Unable to find %s device \"%s\", falling back to \"%s\" (%d)",
             isInput ? "input" : "output",
             name, deviceInfo->name, deviceIndex);
    } else {
      qDebug("Unable to find %s device \"%s\" and no fallback available",
             isInput ? "input" : "output", name);

  if (index) {
    *index = deviceIndex;
  return deviceInfo;
Example #14
QStringList Portaudio::deviceList(int apiIdx)
      QStringList dl;
      const PaHostApiInfo* info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(apiIdx);
      if (info) {
            for (int i = 0; i < info->deviceCount; ++i) {
                  PaDeviceIndex idx = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(apiIdx, i);
                  const PaDeviceInfo* di = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(idx);
                  if (di)
      return dl;
Example #15
int Portaudio::currentDevice() const
      PaDeviceIndex idx = preferences.portaudioDevice;
      if (idx < 0)
            idx = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();

      for (int api = 0; api < Pa_GetHostApiCount(); ++api) {
            const PaHostApiInfo* info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(api);
            if (info) {
                  for (int k = 0; k < info->deviceCount; ++k) {
                        PaDeviceIndex i = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(api, k);
                        if (i == idx)
                              return k;
      qDebug("Portaudio: no current ApiDevice found for device %d", idx);
      return -1;
Example #16
const QList<audioDevice> PortAudioSystem::enumerateDevices(bool input, PaDeviceIndex match) {
	PaHostApiIndex iApiCnt;
	PaHostApiIndex iApiIndex;
	int            iApiDevIndex;
	PaDeviceIndex  iDevIndex;
	const PaDeviceInfo *pDevInfo;

	QList<audioDevice> adl;

	adl << audioDevice(tr("Default Device"), -1);

	iApiCnt = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
	for (iApiIndex = 0; iApiIndex < iApiCnt; iApiIndex++) {
		const PaHostApiInfo *apiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(iApiIndex);
		if (!apiInfo)

		QString qsApiName = QLatin1String(apiInfo->name);

		for (iApiDevIndex = 0; iApiDevIndex < apiInfo->deviceCount; iApiDevIndex++) {
			iDevIndex = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(iApiIndex, iApiDevIndex);
			pDevInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(iDevIndex);
			if (!pDevInfo)

			QString qsDevName = QLatin1String(pDevInfo->name);

			if ((input && (pDevInfo->maxInputChannels > 0)) ||
			        (!input && (pDevInfo->maxOutputChannels > 0)))
				adl << audioDevice(qsApiName + QLatin1String(": ") + qsDevName, iDevIndex);
	for (int i=0;i<adl.count();++i) {
		if (adl.at(i).second == match) {
			audioDevice ad = adl.takeAt(i);
	return adl;
Example #17
pure_expr *audio_driver_info(int api)
  const PaHostApiInfo *info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(api);
  if (info) {
    size_t i, n = info->deviceCount;
    pure_expr *devs, **xv;
    if (n == 0)
      devs = pure_listl(0);
    else {
      if (!(xv = malloc(n*sizeof(pure_expr*))))	return 0;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	xv[i] = pure_int(Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(api, i));
      devs = pure_listv(n, xv);
    return pure_tuplel(5, pure_cstring_dup(info->name),
		       pure_int(info->type), devs,
  } else
    return 0;
Example #18
// prints the device to stdout. Don't call this function, call pa_printdevinfo
// as Pa_Init needs to be done first.
void printdevice(int api_idx, int device)
	const PaDeviceInfo *pdi;
	pdi = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(api_idx, device));

	if (pdi != NULL)
		char *format = NULL;
/*		switch (pdi->nativeSampleFormats)
		case (0):
			format = strdup("float32");	break;
		case (1):
			format = strdup("int16"); break;
		case (2):
			format = strdup("int32"); break;
		case (3):
			format = strdup("int24"); break;
		case (4):
			format = strdup("packedint24");	break;
		case (5):
			format = strdup("int8"); break;
		case (6):
			format = strdup("uint8"); break;
		case (16):
			format = strdup("custom"); break;

		mexPrintf("\nDevice %i\nDevice name: %s\nMax Input channels: %i  Max Output channels: %i\nNative Sample Format: %s\n"
			, device, pdi->name, pdi->maxInputChannels, pdi->maxOutputChannels, format);
		mexPrintf("\nDevice %i\nDevice name: %s\nMax Input channels: %i  Max Output channels: %i\n"
			, device, pdi->name, pdi->maxInputChannels, pdi->maxOutputChannels);
		if (format != NULL)
			delete format;
Example #19
static void logPortAudioInfo()

  PaHostApiIndex api = 0;
  const PaHostApiInfo *apiInfo;
  while ((apiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(api))) {
    qDebug("Host API: %s (%d devices)", apiInfo->name, apiInfo->deviceCount);

    int device;
    for (device = 0; device < apiInfo->deviceCount; device++) {
      PaDeviceIndex devIdx = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(api, device);
      if (devIdx < 0) {
        qDebug("[%02d] Error: %s", device, Pa_GetErrorText(devIdx));

      const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(devIdx);
      if (!deviceInfo) {
        qDebug("[%02d] Invalid device index", device);

      qDebug("[%02d] \"%s\" (%d)", device, deviceInfo->name, devIdx);
      qDebug("     Channels: %d in, %d out",
      qDebug("     Default sample rate: %g Hz",
      qDebug("     Input latency: %g low, %g high",
      qDebug("     Output latency: %g low, %g high",
Example #20
int AudioPA::FindDeviceByName(QString name, bool inputDevice)
    QString di;
    int apiCnt = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
    const PaHostApiInfo *apiInfo;
    const PaDeviceInfo *devInfo;

    for (int i = 0; i < apiCnt; i++)
        apiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);
        for (int j=0; j < apiInfo->deviceCount; j++){
            devInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(j);
            if ((inputDevice && devInfo->maxInputChannels > 1) || (!inputDevice && devInfo->maxOutputChannels > 0)){
                //Must be EXACT format as returned by DeviceList, minus device index number
                di = di.sprintf("%s:%s",apiInfo->name,devInfo->name);
                if (di == name)
                    return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(i,j); //Index
    return -1; //Not found
Example #21
/*fa MTR_AudioInit yes */
MTR_DCLSPC bool MTR_CALL MTR_AudioInit(uint32_t sndDmSize,
 uint32_t sndReservedCount, uint32_t musDmSize, uint32_t musReservedCount,
 int freq, int channels, int chunkSize)
    PaError              error;
    int                  hostApiCount;
    const PaHostApiInfo* hostApiInfo;
    int                  deviceIndex;
    int                  devicesCount;
    const PaDeviceInfo*  deviceInfo;
    int                  i;
    int                  j;

    MTR_LogWrite("Initializing audio manager", 0, MTR_LMT_INFO);

    MTR_LogWrite_s("Reporting PortAudio version:", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO,

    error = Pa_Initialize();
    if (error != paNoError) {
        MTR_LogWrite("Unable to initialize PortAudio", 0, MTR_LMT_ERROR);
        MTR_LogWrite(Pa_GetErrorText(error), 0, MTR_LMT_ERROR);
        return false;

    MTR_LogWrite("Reporting available devices:", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO);
    devicesCount = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    for (i = 0; i < devicesCount; i++) {
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
        MTR_LogWrite(deviceInfo->name, 2, MTR_LMT_INFO);
        hostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(deviceInfo->hostApi);
        MTR_LogWrite_s("Host API:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO, hostApiInfo->name);
        MTR_LogWrite_i("Max input channels:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_i("Max output channels:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_d("Default low input latency (sec.):", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_i("Default low output latency (sec.):", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_d("Default high input latency (sec.):", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_i("Default high output latency (sec.):", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        MTR_LogWrite_i("Default sample rate:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,

    MTR_LogWrite("Reporting available hosts APIs:", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO);
    hostApiCount = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
    for (i = 0; i < hostApiCount; i++) {
        hostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);
        MTR_LogWrite(hostApiInfo->name, 2, MTR_LMT_INFO);
        MTR_LogWrite("Devices of this host API:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO);
        devicesCount = hostApiInfo->deviceCount;
        for (j = 0; j < devicesCount; j++) {
            deviceIndex = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(i, j);
            deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
            MTR_LogWrite(deviceInfo->name, 4, MTR_LMT_INFO);
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(hostApiInfo->defaultInputDevice);
        MTR_LogWrite_s("Default input device:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
        deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(hostApiInfo->defaultOutputDevice);
        MTR_LogWrite_s("Default output device:", 3, MTR_LMT_INFO,
    hostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(Pa_GetDefaultHostApi());
    MTR_LogWrite_s("Default host API:", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO, hostApiInfo->name);

//    if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) == 0)
//        MTR_LogWrite("SDL audio subsystem initialized", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    else
//        MTR_LogWrite("Unable to initialize SDL audio subsystem", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    initResult = Mix_Init(initFlags);
//    if(initResult != initFlags)
//    {
//        if (initResult == 0)
//        {
//            MTR_Notify("Unable to load libraries needed by SDL_mixer", 1,
//             MTR_LMT_ERROR);
//            return false;
//        }
//        MTR_LogWrite("Unable to initialize support of this formats:", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_FLAC) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("FLAC", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_MOD) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("MOD", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_MODPLUG) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("MODPlug", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_MP3) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("MP3", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_OGG) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("OGG", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//        if ((initResult & MIX_INIT_FLUIDSYNTH) == 0)
//            MTR_LogWrite("FluidSynth", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING);
//    }
//    else
//        MTR_LogWrite("Support of the every SDL_mixer audio format initialized",
//         1, MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    MTR_LogWrite("Preparing parameters for initialize SDL_mixer", 1,
//     MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    /* Choosing sampling frequency */
//    if (freq == MTR_AU_FREQ_DEFAULT)
//    {
//        frequency = MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed default sampling frequency (Hz): ", 2,
//    }
//    else if (freq < 11025)
//    {
//        frequency = 11025;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed sampling frequency not supported. Using "
//         "minimal supported sampling frequency (Hz): ", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING,
//         11025);
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        frequency = freq;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed sampling frequency (Hz): ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//         freq);
//    }
//    /* Choosing channels count */
//    if (channels == MTR_AU_CHANNELS_DEFAULT)
//    {
//        channelsCount = MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS;
//        MTR_LogWrite_s("Choosed default channels count: ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//         channelsConf[MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS - 1]);
//    }
//    else if (channels > 2)
//    {
//        channelsCount = 2;
//        MTR_LogWrite_s("Choosed channels count are not supported. Using max "
//         "supported channels count: ", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING, channelsConf[2 - 1]);
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        channelsCount = channels;
//        MTR_LogWrite_s("Choosed channels count: ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//         channelsConf[channels - 1]);
//    }
//    /* Choosing chunk size */
//    if (chunkSize == MTR_AU_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT)
//    {
//        finalChunkSize = 4096;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed default chunk size (bytes): ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//         4096);
//    }
//    else if (chunkSize > 8192)
//    {
//        finalChunkSize = 8192;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed chunk size not supported. Using max supported "
//         "chunk size (bytes): ", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING, 8192);
//    }
//    else if (chunkSize < 512)
//    {
//        finalChunkSize = 512;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed chunk size not supported. Using minimal "
//         "supported chunk size (bytes): ", 2, MTR_LMT_WARNING, 512);
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        finalChunkSize = chunkSize;
//        MTR_LogWrite_i("Choosed chunk size (bytes): ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//         chunkSize);
//    }
//    if (Mix_OpenAudio(frequency, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, channelsCount,
//     finalChunkSize) == 0)
//    {
//        MTR_LogWrite("SDL_mixer initialized", 1, MTR_LMT_INFO);
//        MTR_LogWrite("Reporting built-in SDL_mixer chunk decoders", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_INFO);
//        for (i = 0; i < Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders(); i++)
//            MTR_LogWrite_s("Chunk decoder found: ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//             Mix_GetChunkDecoder(i));
//        MTR_LogWrite("Reporting built-in SDL_mixer music decoders", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_INFO);
//        for (i = 0; i < Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders(); i++)
//            MTR_LogWrite_s("Music decoder found: ", 2, MTR_LMT_INFO,
//             Mix_GetMusicDecoder(i));
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        MTR_Notify("Unable to initialize SDL2_mixer", 1, MTR_LMT_ERROR);
//        MTR_LogWrite_s("SDL2_mixer error: ", 1, MTR_LMT_ERROR, Mix_GetError());
//        Mix_Quit();
//        return false;
//    }
//    Mix_AllocateChannels(64);
//    mtrSoundKeeper = (mtrIndexkeeper_t *)MTR_IndexkeeperCreate(sndDmSize,
//     sndReservedCount, sizeof(mtrSound_t));
//    if (mtrSoundKeeper == NULL)
//    {
//        MTR_Notify("Unable to initialize indexkeeper structure for sounds", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_ERROR);
//        Mix_CloseAudio();
//        Mix_Quit();
//        return false;
//    }
//    else
//        MTR_LogWrite("Indexkeeper structure for sounds initialized", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    mtrMusicKeeper = (mtrIndexkeeper_t *)MTR_IndexkeeperCreate(musDmSize,
//     musReservedCount, sizeof(mtrMusic_t));
//    if (mtrMusicKeeper == NULL)
//    {
//        MTR_Notify("Unable to initialize indexkeeper structure for music", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_ERROR);
//        Mix_CloseAudio();
//        Mix_Quit();
//        return false;
//    }
//    else
//        MTR_LogWrite("Indexkeeper structure for music initialized", 1,
//         MTR_LMT_INFO);
//    MTR_LogWrite("Audio manager initialized", 0, MTR_LMT_INFO);

    mtrCurrentMusic = 0U;
    mtrAudioInited = true;
    return true;
Example #22
int pa_wavplayrec(SAMPLE *buffer, int buflen, int bufchannels, SAMPLE *recbuffer, int recbuffirstchannel, int recbufflastchannel, int recbuflen, int deviceID, int recdevID, int samplerate)
	//mexPrintf("buflen=%i bufchannels=%i samplerate=%i\n", buflen, bufchannels, samplerate);

	// Make our wavData object, to pass to OpenStream. This gets given to us again in the
	// callback. I guess you could just have a global variable instead...
	paWavData wav;
	wav.buffer = buffer;
	wav.recbuffer = recbuffer;
	wav.buflen = buflen;
	wav.recbuflen = recbuflen;
	wav.bufchannels = bufchannels;
	wav.recbuffirstchan = recbuffirstchannel;
	wav.recbufflastchan = recbufflastchannel;
	wav.bufpos = 0;
	wav.recbufpos = 0;
	if (recbuffer == NULL)
		if (buffer == NULL)
			mexErrMsgTxt("recbuffer && buffer NULL in pa_wavplay");
			mexPrintf("Playing on device %i\n", deviceID);
			wav.recmode = play;
		if (buffer == NULL)
			mexPrintf("Recording on device %i\n", recdevID);
			wav.recmode = record;
			mexPrintf("Recording on device %i\n", recdevID);
			mexPrintf("Playing on device %i\n", deviceID);

			wav.recmode = playrecord;

	PaStream *stream;
    PaError err;

    err = Pa_Initialize();
    if( err != paNoError ) 
		goto error;

	int dev_type_indx = -1;
	const PaHostApiInfo* Api_Info;
	int num_APIs = (int )Pa_GetHostApiCount();
	for (int i=0; i<num_APIs; i++) {
 		Api_Info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);
		if (strcmp(Api_Info->name,API_NAME)==0)
			dev_type_indx = i;
	if (dev_type_indx == -1) {
		goto error;
	Api_Info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(dev_type_indx);
	if (recdevID != -1)
		recdevID = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(dev_type_indx, recdevID);
	if (deviceID != -1)
		deviceID = Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(dev_type_indx, deviceID);
	// Open an audio I/O stream. 
	PaWasapiStreamInfo api_info;
	api_info.size = sizeof(PaWasapiStreamInfo);
	api_info.version = 1;
	api_info.hostApiType = paWASAPI;
	api_info.flags = paWinWasapiExclusive;
	void *p_api_info;
	if ((strcmp(API_NAME, "Windows WASAPI")== 0)) {
		p_api_info = &api_info;
	} else {
		p_api_info = NULL;
    PaStreamParameters inputParameters;		// Parameters governing portaudio input stream
	PaStreamParameters outputParameters;	// Parameters governing portaudio output stream
    inputParameters.channelCount = recbufflastchannel;
    inputParameters.device = recdevID;
    inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = p_api_info;
    inputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;	// Input data returned as floating point
	if (recdevID != -1)
	    inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(recdevID)->defaultLowInputLatency ;
	outputParameters.channelCount = bufchannels;
    outputParameters.device = deviceID;
    outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = p_api_info;
    outputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;	// Output data returned as floating point
	if (deviceID != -1)
	    outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceID)->defaultLowInputLatency ;

	err = Pa_IsFormatSupported(NULL, &outputParameters, (double )samplerate);

	if (recbuffer == NULL)
		err = Pa_OpenStream(
			  samplerate,     // stream sample rate
			  BLOCK,            // frames per buffer 
			  paNoFlag,       // stream flag
			  (PaStreamCallback (__cdecl *))paWavCallback,  // callback function
			  &wav);          // user data
		if (buffer == NULL)
			err = Pa_OpenStream(
				  samplerate,     // stream sample rate
				  BLOCK,            // frames per buffer 
				  paNoFlag,       // stream flag
				  (PaStreamCallback (__cdecl *))paWavCallback,  // callback function
				  &wav);          // user data
			err = Pa_OpenStream(
				  samplerate,     // stream sample rate
				  BLOCK,            // frames per buffer 
				  paNoFlag,       // stream flag
				  (PaStreamCallback (__cdecl *))paWavCallback,  // callback function
				  &wav);          // user data

    if( err != paNoError ) 
		goto error;

    err = Pa_StartStream( stream );
	if( err != paNoError ) 
		goto error;
	// sleep while stream's active
	while( Pa_IsStreamActive(stream) )
		Pa_Sleep( 50 );

	if (err = Pa_IsStreamStopped( stream ) == 0) {
	    err = Pa_StopStream( stream );
	    if( err != paNoError ) 
			goto error;
	} else if (err != paNoError )
		goto error;

	err = Pa_CloseStream( stream );
	if( err != paNoError ) 
		goto error;

	return err;

	// wtf? A goto? Yeah, that's leftover from the portaudio example code
    mexPrintf( "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n" );
    mexPrintf( "Error number: %d\n", err );
    mexPrintf( "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
    return err;
Example #23
int Portaudio::deviceIndex(int apiIdx, int apiDevIdx)
      return Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(apiIdx, apiDevIdx);
int maxInputChannels(PaHostApiIndex hostApi, PaDeviceIndex device)
    return Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostApi, device))->maxInputChannels;
Example #25
File: jpa.c Project: rjeschke/jpa
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_github_rjeschke_jpa_JPA_hostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint hostApi, jint hostApiDeviceIndex)
    return (jint)Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex((PaHostApiIndex)hostApi, (int)hostApiDeviceIndex);
PaTime defaultLowInputLatency(PaHostApiIndex hostApi, PaDeviceIndex device)
    return Pa_GetDeviceInfo(Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostApi, device))->defaultLowInputLatency;