Example #1
static void
_LocalGetPrinterDriverLevel2(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pHandle, PDRIVER_INFO_2W* ppDriverInfo, PBYTE* ppDriverInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded)
    DWORD n;
    PCWSTR pwszStrings[5];

    /* Clearly these things should not be hardcoded, so when it is needed, someone can add meaningfull values here */
    pwszStrings[0] = pHandle->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver;  // pName
    pwszStrings[1] = wszCurrentEnvironment;  // pEnvironment
    pwszStrings[2] = L"c:\\reactos\\system32\\localspl.dll";  // pDriverPath
    pwszStrings[3] = L"c:\\reactos\\system32\\localspl.dll";  // pDataFile
    pwszStrings[4] = L"c:\\reactos\\system32\\localspl.dll";  // pConfigFile

    // Calculate the string lengths.
    if (!ppDriverInfo)
        for (n = 0; n < _countof(pwszStrings); ++n)
            *pcbNeeded += (wcslen(pwszStrings[n]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);

        *pcbNeeded += sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2W);

    (*ppDriverInfo)->cVersion = 3;

    // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer.
    *ppDriverInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppDriverInfo), dwDriverInfo2Offsets, *ppDriverInfoEnd);
Example #2
static void
_LocalGetPrinterDriverLevel1(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pHandle, PDRIVER_INFO_1W* ppDriverInfo, PBYTE* ppDriverInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded)
    DWORD n;
    PCWSTR pwszStrings[1];

    /* This value is only here to send something, I have not verified if it is actually correct */
    pwszStrings[0] = pHandle->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver;

    // Calculate the string lengths.
    if (!ppDriverInfo)
        for (n = 0; n < _countof(pwszStrings); ++n)
            *pcbNeeded += (wcslen(pwszStrings[n]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);

        *pcbNeeded += sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1W);

    // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer.
    *ppDriverInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppDriverInfo), dwDriverInfo1Offsets, *ppDriverInfoEnd);
Example #3
    PINIPORT pIniPort,
    DWORD   Level,
    LPBYTE  pPortInfo,
    LPBYTE   pEnd
    LPWSTR   SourceStrings[sizeof(PORT_INFO_1)/sizeof(LPWSTR)];
    LPWSTR   *pSourceStrings=SourceStrings;
    PPORT_INFO_1 pPort1 = (PPORT_INFO_1)pPortInfo;
    DWORD   *pOffsets;

    switch (Level) {

    case 1:
        pOffsets = PortInfo1Offsets;

        return pEnd;

    switch (Level) {

    case 1:

        pEnd = PackStrings(SourceStrings, pPortInfo, pOffsets, pEnd);


        return pEnd;

    return pEnd;
Example #4
    PINIPORT pIniPort,
    DWORD   Level,
    LPBYTE  pPortInfo,
    LPBYTE   pEnd
    LPWSTR         *SourceStrings,  *pSourceStrings;
    PPORT_INFO_2    pPort2 = (PPORT_INFO_2)pPortInfo;
    WCHAR           szLocalMonitor[MAX_PATH+1], szPortDesc[MAX_PATH+1];
    DWORD          *pOffsets;
    DWORD           Count;

    switch (Level) {

    case 1:
        pOffsets = PortInfo1Strings;

    case 2:
        pOffsets = PortInfo2Strings;

               ("CopyIniPortToPort: invalid level %d", Level));
        return NULL;

    for ( Count = 0 ; pOffsets[Count] != -1 ; ++Count ) {

    SourceStrings = pSourceStrings = AllocSplMem(Count * sizeof(LPWSTR));

    if ( !SourceStrings ) {

        DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc port source strings.\n"));
        return NULL;

    switch (Level) {

    case 1:


    case 2:

        LoadString(hInst, IDS_LOCALMONITORNAME, szLocalMonitor, sizeof(szLocalMonitor)-1);
        LoadString(hInst, IDS_LOCALMONITOR, szPortDesc, sizeof(szPortDesc)-1);
        *pSourceStrings++ = szLocalMonitor;
        *pSourceStrings++ = szPortDesc;

        // How do i findout other types ???
        pPort2->fPortType = PORT_TYPE_WRITE;

        // Reserved
        pPort2->Reserved = 0;


               ("CopyIniPortToPort: invalid level %d", Level));
        return NULL;

    pEnd = PackStrings(SourceStrings, pPortInfo, pOffsets, pEnd);

    return pEnd;
Example #5
// Given the player's current standings, generate the ranking data.
// Returns a pointer to newly malloc()ed memory, which must be freed
// by the caller.
// Returns NULL if unable to complete the request.
RankingType *Server_BuildRanking(ServerState *state, RankingInfo *rankingInfo, unsigned short *bodySize, DBID *idp)
	RankingType *rankings, metric;
	GameInfo *gameInfo;
	long numGames, gameID;
	int i, gm, rk, nextrk;
	char numBuf1[11], numBuf2[11], strBuf[64];
	char *vector[kNumRankStrings];
	unsigned char *ucp, *metric1, *metric2;
	unsigned short *usp;
	unsigned short size;

	if ((gameInfo = Common_GetGameInfo(&numGames)) == NULL) {
		Logmsg("WHOA: couldn't get GameInfo; Very Bad\n");
		return (NULL);

	gameID = rankingInfo->gameID;		// ID to search for; affected by aliases

	for (gm = 0; gm < numGames; gm++) {
		if (gameInfo[gm].gameID == gameID) {
			if (gameInfo[gm].alias != 0) {
				// found an alias; change gameID and start over
				gameID = gameInfo[gm].alias;
				gm = -1;

			// found the game, find the right rank
			for (rk = 0; rk < gameInfo[gm].numRanks; rk++) {
				if (gameInfo[gm].ranks[rk].xpoints > rankingInfo->xpoints) {
					// we passed it, use the previous one
					nextrk = rk;
			if (rk == gameInfo[gm].numRanks) {	// highest rank?
				rk--;			// make this equal highest rank
				nextrk = rk;	// can't go any higher

	if (gm == numGames) {
		Logmsg("Unable to find rank chart for %.8lx\n", rankingInfo->gameID);
		goto bail;

	// XBAND Points
	sprintf(numBuf1, "%d", rankingInfo->xpoints);

	// Points Needed
	if (rk == nextrk)
		strcpy(numBuf2, "---");		// can't go no higher
		sprintf(numBuf2, "%d",
			gameInfo[gm].ranks[nextrk].xpoints - rankingInfo->xpoints);

	vector[0] = gameInfo[gm].gameName;
	vector[1] = gameInfo[gm].ranks[rk].rankName;
	vector[2] = numBuf1;
	if (rk == nextrk)
		vector[3] = "---";			// that's all, folks!
		vector[3] = gameInfo[gm].ranks[nextrk].rankName;
	vector[4] = numBuf2;

	Logmsg("Rank for 0x%.8lx: %s %s %s %s %s\n", rankingInfo->gameID,
		vector[0], vector[1], vector[2], vector[3], vector[4]);

	size = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < kNumRankStrings; i++)
		size += strlen(vector[i]) + 1;
	//size += sizeof(RankingType) - 1;
	// sizeof won't work; it's a 7 byte structure, but sizeof tells us
	// that it's 8 to keep things happy
	metric1 = (unsigned char *)&metric;
	metric2 = (unsigned char *)&(metric.rankData[0]);
	size += (metric2 - metric1);

	rankings = (RankingType *)malloc((long)size + kSecretChunk);

	rankings->gameID = 			gameID;		// use aliased gameID here
	rankings->userID = 			state->loginData.userID.userID;

	PackStrings(rankings->rankData, kNumRankStrings, vector);

	// Set up the secret rankings.  Right now, every game gets two.  All
	// of this stuff has to fit within kSecretChunk bytes.
	rankings->numHiddenStats = 2;
	if (rankings->gameID == kNBAJamGameID || rankings->gameID == 0x39677bdb)
		rankings->numHiddenStats++;		// ATM

	// first secret rank: total points
	size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align
	ucp = (unsigned char *)rankings;
	ucp += size;

	*ucp++ = 2, size++;		// make it a two-key sequence
	*ucp++ = 0, size++;		// pad
	usp = (unsigned short *) ucp;
	*usp++ = kUP, size += 2;
	*usp++ = kUP, size += 2;
	ucp = (unsigned char *) usp;
	sprintf(strBuf, "Total points for: %ld, against: %ld",
		rankingInfo->pointsFor, rankingInfo->pointsAgainst);
	strcpy((char *)ucp, strBuf);
	ucp += strlen(strBuf) +1, size += strlen(strBuf) +1;
	size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align

	// second secret rank: win/loss, and my opinion
	size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align
	ucp = (unsigned char *)rankings;
	ucp += size;

	*ucp++ = 2, size++;		// make it a two-key sequence
	*ucp++ = 0, size++;		// pad
	usp = (unsigned short *) ucp;
	*usp++ = kUP, size += 2;
	*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
	ucp = (unsigned char *) usp;
	sprintf(strBuf, "Total wins: %ld, losses: %ld",
		rankingInfo->wins, rankingInfo->losses);
	if (rankingInfo->wins > rankingInfo->losses)
		strcat(strBuf, " (you rewl)");
		strcat(strBuf, " (you suck)");
	strcpy((char *)ucp, strBuf);
	ucp += strlen(strBuf) +1, size += strlen(strBuf) +1;
	size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align

	// third secret rank: only for NBA Jam
	if (rankings->numHiddenStats > 2) {
		size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align
		ucp = (unsigned char *)rankings;
		ucp += size;

		*ucp++ = 7, size++;		// try 7 keys; max is 16 (up/down only sucks)
		*ucp++ = 0, size++;		// pad
		usp = (unsigned short *) ucp;
		//*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN | kLEFT, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kDOWN, size += 2;
		*usp++ = kUP, size += 2;
		ucp = (unsigned char *) usp;
		strcpy(strBuf, "Dave, Brian, & Andy2 were here");
		strcpy((char *)ucp, strBuf);
		ucp += strlen(strBuf) +1, size += strlen(strBuf) +1;
		size += (size & 1);		// 16-bit word-align

	// All done!
	*bodySize = size;
	*idp = gameInfo[gm].gameID;
	return (rankings);

	return (NULL);