Example #1
InfoBoxWindow::Paint(Canvas &canvas)
  const Color background_color = pressed
    ? look.pressed_background_color
    : (HasFocus() || dragging || force_draw_selector
       ? look.focused_background_color
       : look.background_color);
  if (settings.border_style == InfoBoxSettings::BorderStyle::GLASS)
    DrawGlassBackground(canvas, canvas.GetRect(), background_color);

  if (data.GetCustom() && content != NULL) {
    /* if there's no comment, the content object may paint that area,
       too */
    const PixelRect &rc = data.comment.empty()
      ? value_and_comment_rect
      : value_rect;
    content->OnCustomPaint(canvas, rc);


  PaintValue(canvas, background_color);

  if (border_kind != 0) {

    const unsigned width = canvas.GetWidth(),
      height = canvas.GetHeight();

    if (border_kind & BORDERTOP) {
      canvas.DrawExactLine(0, 0, width - 1, 0);

    if (border_kind & BORDERRIGHT) {
      canvas.DrawExactLine(width - 1, 0, width - 1, height);

    if (border_kind & BORDERBOTTOM) {
      canvas.DrawExactLine(0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1);

    if (border_kind & BORDERLEFT) {
      canvas.DrawExactLine(0, 0, 0, height - 1);
Example #2
int32 SGraphPanel::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_SlateOnPaint_SGraphPanel );

	CachedAllottedGeometryScaledSize = AllottedGeometry.Size * AllottedGeometry.Scale;

	//Style used for objects that are the same between revisions
	FWidgetStyle FadedStyle = InWidgetStyle;

	// First paint the background
	const UEditorExperimentalSettings& Options = *GetDefault<UEditorExperimentalSettings>();

	const FSlateBrush* BackgroundImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Panel.SolidBackground"));
	PaintBackgroundAsLines(BackgroundImage, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);

	const float ZoomFactor = AllottedGeometry.Scale * GetZoomAmount();

	FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
	ArrangeChildNodes(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

	// Determine some 'global' settings based on current LOD
	const bool bDrawShadowsThisFrame = GetCurrentLOD() > EGraphRenderingLOD::LowestDetail;

	// Because we paint multiple children, we must track the maximum layer id that they produced in case one of our parents
	// wants to an overlay for all of its contents.

	// Save LayerId for comment boxes to ensure they always appear below nodes & wires
	const int32 CommentNodeShadowLayerId = LayerId++;
	const int32 CommentNodeLayerId = LayerId++;

	// Save a LayerId for wires, which appear below nodes but above comments
	// We will draw them later, along with the arrows which appear above nodes.
	const int32 WireLayerId = LayerId++;

	const int32 NodeShadowsLayerId = LayerId;
	const int32 NodeLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId + 1;
	int32 MaxLayerId = NodeLayerId;

	const FVector2D NodeShadowSize = GetDefault<UGraphEditorSettings>()->GetShadowDeltaSize();
	const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphObj->GetSchema();

	// Draw the child nodes
		// When drawing a marquee, need a preview of what the selection will be.
		const FGraphPanelSelectionSet* SelectionToVisualize = &(SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
		FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectionPreview;
		if ( Marquee.IsValid() )
			ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionPreview);
			SelectionToVisualize = &SelectionPreview;

		// Context for rendering node infos
		FKismetNodeInfoContext Context(GraphObj);

		TArray<FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch> NodeMatches;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(CurWidget.Widget);
			// Examine node to see what layers we should be drawing in
			int32 ShadowLayerId = NodeShadowsLayerId;
			int32 ChildLayerId = NodeLayerId;

			// If a comment node, draw in the dedicated comment slots
				UObject* NodeObj = ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed();
				if (NodeObj && NodeObj->IsA(UEdGraphNode_Comment::StaticClass()))
					ShadowLayerId = CommentNodeShadowLayerId;
					ChildLayerId = CommentNodeLayerId;

			const bool bNodeIsVisible = FSlateRect::DoRectanglesIntersect( CurWidget.Geometry.GetClippingRect(), MyClippingRect );

			if (bNodeIsVisible)
				const bool bSelected = SelectionToVisualize->Contains( StaticCastSharedRef<SNodePanel::SNode>(CurWidget.Widget)->GetObjectBeingDisplayed() );

				// Handle Node renaming once the node is visible
				if( bSelected && ChildNode->IsRenamePending() )

				// Draw the node's shadow.
				if (bDrawShadowsThisFrame || bSelected)
					const FSlateBrush* ShadowBrush = ChildNode->GetShadowBrush(bSelected);

				// Draw the comments and information popups for this node, if it has any.
					const SNodePanel::SNode::FNodeSlot& CommentSlot = ChildNode->GetOrAddSlot( ENodeZone::TopCenter );
					float CommentBubbleY = -CommentSlot.Offset.Get().Y;
					Context.bSelected = bSelected;
					TArray<FGraphInformationPopupInfo> Popups;

						ChildNode->GetNodeInfoPopups(&Context, /*out*/ Popups);

					for (int32 PopupIndex = 0; PopupIndex < Popups.Num(); ++PopupIndex)
						FGraphInformationPopupInfo& Popup = Popups[PopupIndex];
						PaintComment(Popup.Message, CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, Popup.BackgroundColor, /*inout*/ CommentBubbleY, InWidgetStyle);

				int32 CurWidgetsMaxLayerId;
					UEdGraphNode* NodeObj = Cast<UEdGraphNode>(ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed());

					/** When diffing nodes, nodes that are different between revisions are opaque, nodes that have not changed are faded */
					FGraphDiffControl::FNodeMatch NodeMatch = FGraphDiffControl::FindNodeMatch(GraphObjToDiff, NodeObj, NodeMatches);
					if (NodeMatch.IsValid())
					const bool bNodeIsDifferent = (!GraphObjToDiff || NodeMatch.Diff());

					/* When dragging off a pin, we want to duck the alpha of some nodes */
					TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > OnlyStartPin = (1 == PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num()) ? PreviewConnectorFromPins[0].FindInGraphPanel(*this) : TSharedPtr< SGraphPin >();
					const bool bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext = Schema->FadeNodeWhenDraggingOffPin(NodeObj, OnlyStartPin.IsValid() ? OnlyStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj() : NULL);
					const FWidgetStyle& NodeStyleToUse = (bNodeIsDifferent && !bNodeIsNotUsableInCurrentContext)? InWidgetStyle : FadedStyle;

					// Draw the node.O
					CurWidgetsMaxLayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint( Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ChildLayerId, NodeStyleToUse, ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled ) );

				// Draw the node's overlay, if it has one.
					// Get its size
					const FVector2D WidgetSize = CurWidget.Geometry.Size;

						TArray<FOverlayBrushInfo> OverlayBrushes;
						ChildNode->GetOverlayBrushes(bSelected, WidgetSize, /*out*/ OverlayBrushes);

						for (int32 BrushIndex = 0; BrushIndex < OverlayBrushes.Num(); ++BrushIndex)
							FOverlayBrushInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayBrushes[BrushIndex];
							const FSlateBrush* OverlayBrush = OverlayInfo.Brush;
							if(OverlayBrush != NULL)
								FPaintGeometry BouncedGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.ToPaintGeometry(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayBrush->ImageSize, 1.f);

								// Handle bouncing
								const float BounceValue = FMath::Sin(2.0f * PI * BounceCurve.GetLerpLooping());
								BouncedGeometry.DrawPosition += (OverlayInfo.AnimationEnvelope * BounceValue * ZoomFactor);



						TArray<FOverlayWidgetInfo> OverlayWidgets = ChildNode->GetOverlayWidgets(bSelected, WidgetSize);

						for (int32 WidgetIndex = 0; WidgetIndex < OverlayWidgets.Num(); ++WidgetIndex)
							FOverlayWidgetInfo& OverlayInfo = OverlayWidgets[WidgetIndex];
							if(OverlayInfo.Widget->GetVisibility() == EVisibility::Visible)
								// call SlatePrepass as these widgets are not in the 'normal' child hierarchy

								const FGeometry WidgetGeometry = CurWidget.Geometry.MakeChild(OverlayInfo.OverlayOffset, OverlayInfo.Widget->GetDesiredSize(), 1.f);

								OverlayInfo.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), WidgetGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled);

				MaxLayerId = FMath::Max( MaxLayerId, CurWidgetsMaxLayerId + 1 );

	MaxLayerId += 1;

	// Draw connections between pins 
	if (Children.Num() > 0 )

		//@TODO: Pull this into a factory like the pin and node ones
		FConnectionDrawingPolicy* ConnectionDrawingPolicy;
			ConnectionDrawingPolicy = Schema->CreateConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
			if (!ConnectionDrawingPolicy)
				if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationStateMachineSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FStateMachineConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UEdGraphSchema_K2::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(USoundCueGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FSoundCueGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
				else if (Schema->IsA(UMaterialGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FMaterialGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, GraphObj);
					ConnectionDrawingPolicy = new FConnectionDrawingPolicy(WireLayerId, MaxLayerId, ZoomFactor, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements);

		TArray<TSharedPtr<SGraphPin>> OverridePins;
		for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
			TSharedPtr<SGraphPin> Pin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
			if (Pin.IsValid())
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetHoveredPins(CurrentHoveredPins, OverridePins, TimeSinceMouseEnteredPin);

		// Get the set of pins for all children and synthesize geometry for culled out pins so lines can be drawn to them.
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> PinGeometries;
		TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> > VisiblePins;
		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			TSharedRef<SGraphNode> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(Children[ChildIndex]);

			// If this is a culled node, approximate the pin geometry to the corner of the node it is within
			if (IsNodeCulled(ChildNode, AllottedGeometry))
				TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> > NodePins;

				const FVector2D NodeLoc = ChildNode->GetPosition();
				const FGeometry SynthesizedNodeGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(NodeLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);

				for (TArray< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TConstIterator NodePinIterator(NodePins); NodePinIterator; ++NodePinIterator)
					const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>((*NodePinIterator).Get());
					FVector2D PinLoc = NodeLoc + PinWidget.GetNodeOffset();

					const FGeometry SynthesizedPinGeometry(GraphCoordToPanelCoord(PinLoc), AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition, FVector2D::ZeroVector, 1.f);
					PinGeometries.Add(*NodePinIterator, FArrangedWidget(*NodePinIterator, SynthesizedPinGeometry));

				// Also add synthesized geometries for culled nodes
				ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( FArrangedWidget(ChildNode, SynthesizedNodeGeometry) );

		// Now get the pin geometry for all visible children and append it to the PinGeometries map
		TMap<TSharedRef<SWidget>, FArrangedWidget> VisiblePinGeometries;
			this->FindChildGeometries(AllottedGeometry, VisiblePins, VisiblePinGeometries);

		// Draw preview connections (only connected on one end)
		if (PreviewConnectorFromPins.Num() > 0)
			for (const FGraphPinHandle& Handle : PreviewConnectorFromPins)
				TSharedPtr< SGraphPin > CurrentStartPin = Handle.FindInGraphPanel(*this);
				if (!CurrentStartPin.IsValid())
				const FArrangedWidget* PinGeometry = PinGeometries.Find( CurrentStartPin.ToSharedRef() );

				if (PinGeometry != NULL)
					FVector2D StartPoint;
					FVector2D EndPoint;

					if (CurrentStartPin->GetDirection() == EGPD_Input)
						StartPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;
						EndPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleLeftOf( PinGeometry->Geometry ) - FVector2D(ConnectionDrawingPolicy->ArrowRadius.X, 0);
						StartPoint = FGeometryHelper::VerticalMiddleRightOf( PinGeometry->Geometry );
						EndPoint = AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + PreviewConnectorEndpoint;

					ConnectionDrawingPolicy->DrawPreviewConnector(PinGeometry->Geometry, StartPoint, EndPoint, CurrentStartPin.Get()->GetPinObj());

				//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect
				ConnectionDrawingPolicy->SetIncompatiblePinDrawState(CurrentStartPin, VisiblePins);
			//@TODO: Re-evaluate this incompatible mojo; it's mutating every pin state every frame to accomplish a visual effect

		// Draw all regular connections
		ConnectionDrawingPolicy->Draw(PinGeometries, ArrangedChildren);

		delete ConnectionDrawingPolicy;

	// Draw a shadow overlay around the edges of the graph
	PaintSurroundSunkenShadow(FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.Shadow")), AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

		const FSlateBrush* BorderBrush = nullptr;
		if((GEditor->bIsSimulatingInEditor || GEditor->PlayWorld != NULL))
			// Draw a surrounding indicator when PIE is active, to make it clear that the graph is read-only, etc...
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.PlayInEditor"));
		else if(!IsEditable.Get())
			// Draw a different border when we're not simulating but the graph is read-only
			BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.ReadOnlyBorder"));

			// Actually draw the border

	// Draw the marquee selection rectangle
	PaintMarquee(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	// Draw the software cursor
	PaintSoftwareCursor(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, MaxLayerId);

	return MaxLayerId;