void ColumnManager::ReadSettings
	( DWORD defaultColumns
	, DWORD hideColumns
	, const CString& containerName
	, int maxsize
	, int * widthlist)
	// defaults
	DWORD selectedStandardColumns = defaultColumns & ~hideColumns;
	m_dwDefaultColumns = defaultColumns & ~hideColumns;

	columns.resize (maxsize);
	int power = 1;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < maxsize; ++i)
		columns[i].index = static_cast<int>(i);
			columns[i].width = 0;
			columns[i].width = widthlist[i];
		columns[i].visible = true;
		columns[i].relevant = !(hideColumns & power);
		power *= 2;

//	userProps.clear();

	// where the settings are stored within the registry

	registryPrefix = _T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\StatusColumns\\") + containerName;

	// we accept settings of current version only
	bool valid = (DWORD)CRegDWORD (registryPrefix + _T("Version"), 0xff) == BLAME_COLUMN_VERSION;
	if (valid)
		// read (possibly different) column selection

		selectedStandardColumns = CRegDWORD (registryPrefix, selectedStandardColumns) & ~hideColumns;

		// read user-prop lists

		CString userPropList = CRegString (registryPrefix + _T("UserProps"));
		CString shownUserProps = CRegString (registryPrefix + _T("ShownUserProps"));

		ParseUserPropSettings (userPropList, shownUserProps);

		// read column widths

		CString colWidths = CRegString (registryPrefix + _T("_Width"));

		ParseWidths (colWidths);

	// process old-style visibility setting

	SetStandardColumnVisibility (selectedStandardColumns);

	// clear all previously set header columns

	int c = ((CHeaderCtrl*)(control->GetDlgItem(0)))->GetItemCount()-1;
	while (c>=0)

	// create columns

	for (int i = 0, count = GetColumnCount(); i < count; ++i)
		control->InsertColumn (i, GetName(i), LVCFMT_LEFT, IsVisible(i)&&IsRelevant(i) ? -1 : GetVisibleWidth(i, false));

	// restore column ordering

	if (valid)
		ParseColumnOrder (CRegString (registryPrefix + _T("_Order")));
		ParseColumnOrder (CString());


	// auto-size the columns so we can see them while fetching status
	// (seems the same values will not take affect in InsertColumn)

	for (int i = 0, count = GetColumnCount(); i < count; ++i)
		if (IsVisible(i))
			control->SetColumnWidth (i, GetVisibleWidth (i, true));
void CSVNStatusListCtrl::ColumnManager::ReadSettings
    ( DWORD defaultColumns
    , const CString& containerName)
    // defaults

    DWORD selectedStandardColumns = defaultColumns;

    columns.resize (SVNSLC_NUMCOLUMNS);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < SVNSLC_NUMCOLUMNS; ++i)
        columns[i].index = static_cast<int>(i);
        columns[i].width = 0;
        columns[i].visible = true;
        columns[i].relevant = true;


    // where the settings are stored within the registry

        = L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\StatusColumns\\" + containerName;

    // we accept only the current version
    bool valid = (DWORD)CRegDWORD (registryPrefix + L"Version", 0xff) == SVNSLC_COL_VERSION;
    if (valid)
        // read (possibly different) column selection

            = CRegDWORD (registryPrefix, selectedStandardColumns);

        // read user-prop lists

        CString userPropList
            = CRegString (registryPrefix + L"UserProps");
        CString shownUserProps
            = CRegString (registryPrefix + L"ShownUserProps");

        ParseUserPropSettings (userPropList, shownUserProps);

        // read column widths

        CString colWidths
            = CRegString (registryPrefix + L"_Width");

        ParseWidths (colWidths);

    // process old-style visibility setting

    SetStandardColumnVisibility (selectedStandardColumns);

    // clear all previously set header columns

    int c = ((CHeaderCtrl*)(control->GetDlgItem(0)))->GetItemCount()-1;
    while (c>=0)

    // create columns

    for (int i = 0, count = GetColumnCount(); i < count; ++i)
        control->InsertColumn (i, GetName(i), LVCFMT_LEFT, IsVisible(i) ? -1 : GetVisibleWidth(i, false));

    // restore column ordering

    if (valid)
        ParseColumnOrder (CRegString (registryPrefix + L"_Order"));
        ParseColumnOrder (CString());


    // auto-size the columns so we can see them while fetching status
    // (seems the same values will not take affect in InsertColumn)

    for (int i = 0, count = GetColumnCount(); i < count; ++i)
        if (IsVisible(i))
            control->SetColumnWidth (i, GetVisibleWidth (i, true));