novatel_gps_msgs::InscovPtr novatel_gps_driver::InscovParser::ParseBinary(const BinaryMessage& bin_msg) throw(ParseException) { if (bin_msg.data_.size() != BINARY_LENGTH) { std::stringstream error; error << "Unexpected inscov message size: " << bin_msg.data_.size(); throw ParseException(error.str()); } novatel_gps_msgs::InscovPtr ros_msg = boost::make_shared<novatel_gps_msgs::Inscov>(); HeaderParser h_parser; ros_msg->novatel_msg_header = h_parser.ParseBinary(bin_msg); ros_msg->novatel_msg_header.message_name = GetMessageName(); ros_msg->week = ParseUInt32(&bin_msg.data_[0]); ros_msg->seconds = ParseDouble(&bin_msg.data_[4]); int offset = 12; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset += 8) { ros_msg->position_covariance[i] = ParseDouble(&bin_msg.data_[offset]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset += 8) { ros_msg->attitude_covariance[i] = ParseDouble(&bin_msg.data_[offset]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset += 8) { ros_msg->velocity_covariance[i] = ParseDouble(&bin_msg.data_[offset]); } return ros_msg; }
void Beatmap::readDifficulty() { if(Error != 0) return; int FoundCount = 0; for(auto &i : BeatmapFile) { if(i.find("CircleSize") != std::string::npos) { MapCircleSize = ParseDouble(i); FoundCount++; } else if (i.find("OverallDifficulty") != std::string::npos) { MapOverallDifficulty = ParseDouble(i); FoundCount++; } else if (i.find("ApproachRate") != std::string::npos) { MapApproachRate = ParseDouble(i); FoundCount++; } else if (i.find("SliderMultiplier") != std::string::npos) { MapSliderMultiplier = ParseDouble(i); FoundCount++; } if(FoundCount >= 4) return; } }
void Parser::ParseTripleDouble(double * x, double * y, double * z) { *x = ParseDouble(); ++index; *y = ParseDouble(); ++index; *z = ParseDouble(); }
bool ParsePolar(PolarInfo &polar_r, const char *s) { PolarInfo polar; // Example: // *LS-3 WinPilot POLAR file: MassDryGross[kg], MaxWaterBallast[liters], Speed1[km/h], Sink1[m/s], Speed2, Sink2, Speed3, Sink3 // 403, 101, 115.03, -0.86, 174.04, -1.76, 212.72, -3.4 if (s[0] == _T('*')) /* a comment */ return false; char *p; polar.reference_mass = fixed(ParseDouble(s, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.max_ballast = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[0].v = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[0].w = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[1].v = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[1].w = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[2].v = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; polar.shape[2].w = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); polar.wing_area = (*p != _T(',')) ? fixed(0) : fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); polar.v_no = (*p != _T(',')) ? fixed(0) : fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); polar_r = polar; return true; }
F32 StringToF32( const char* s, F32 minValue, F32 maxValue ) { F32 v = ParseDouble(s); Assert(v >= minValue); Assert(v <= maxValue); return v; }
/** @brief Strictly read a num value */ int CliGetNum(num *Value, const char *String, const char *Param) { double DoubleValue; int i; if(!Value) { fprintf(stderr, "Null pointer.\n"); return 0; } else if(!String) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected a number for %s.\n", Param); return 0; } i = ParseDouble(&DoubleValue, String); if(!i || String[i]) /* No number read, or ends with non-null character */ { *Value = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid syntax \"%s\".\n", String); return 0; } else { *Value = (num)DoubleValue; return 1; } }
void ServerTimingParser::Parse() { // // Server-Timing = #server-timing-metric // server-timing-metric = metric-name *( OWS ";" OWS server-timing-param ) // metric-name = token // server-timing-param = server-timing-param-name OWS "=" OWS server-timing-param-value // server-timing-param-name = token // server-timing-param-value = token / quoted-string ParsedHeaderValueListList parsedHeader(mValue, false); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < parsedHeader.mValues.Length(); ++index) { if (parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues.IsEmpty()) { continue; } // According to spec, the first ParsedHeaderPair's name is metric-name. RefPtr<nsServerTiming> timingHeader = new nsServerTiming(); mServerTimingHeaders.AppendElement(timingHeader); timingHeader->SetName(parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues[0].mName); if (parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues.Length() == 1) { continue; } // Try to find duration and description from the rest ParsedHeaderPairs. bool foundDuration = false; bool foundDescription = false; for (uint32_t pairIndex = 1; pairIndex < parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues.Length(); ++pairIndex) { nsDependentCSubstring ¤tName = parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues[pairIndex].mName; nsDependentCSubstring ¤tValue = parsedHeader.mValues[index].mValues[pairIndex].mValue; // We should only take the value from the first // occurrence of server-timing-param-name ("dur" and "desc"). if (currentName.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("dur") && currentValue.BeginReading() && !foundDuration) { timingHeader->SetDuration(ParseDouble(currentValue)); foundDuration = true; } else if (currentName.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("desc") && !currentValue.IsEmpty() && !foundDescription) { timingHeader->SetDescription(currentValue); foundDescription = true; } if (foundDuration && foundDescription) { break; } } } }
double UniValue::get_real() const { if (typ != VNUM) throw std::runtime_error("JSON value is not a number as expected"); double retval; if (!ParseDouble(getValStr(), &retval)) throw std::runtime_error("JSON double out of range"); return retval; }
bool ConstDataNode::GetAttribute(const TCHAR *name, fixed &value) const { const TCHAR *val = GetAttribute(name); if (val == nullptr) return false; value = (fixed)ParseDouble(val); return true; }
static bool ReadFixed(const char *string, fixed &out) { char *endptr; double tmp = ParseDouble(string, &endptr); if (endptr == string) return false; out = fixed(tmp); return true; }
double ExpectNextDouble() { const char *p = ExpectNext(); assert(p != NULL); char *endptr; double result = ParseDouble(p, &endptr); if (p == endptr) UsageError(); return result; }
static void ParseArcBearings(const TCHAR *buffer, TempAirspaceType &temp_area) { // Determine radius and start/end bearing TCHAR *endptr; temp_area.radius = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(&buffer[2], &endptr)), Unit::NAUTICAL_MILES); Angle start_bearing = ParseBearingDegrees(&endptr[1], &endptr); Angle end_bearing = ParseBearingDegrees(&endptr[1], &endptr); temp_area.AppendArc(start_bearing, end_bearing); }
RadioFrequency RadioFrequency::Parse(const TCHAR *p) { TCHAR *endptr; double mhz = ParseDouble(p, &endptr); RadioFrequency frequency; if (mhz < 100 || *endptr != _T('\0')) frequency.Clear(); else frequency.SetKiloHertz((unsigned)(mhz * 1000 + 0.5)); return frequency; }
novatel_gps_msgs::InscovPtr novatel_gps_driver::InscovParser::ParseAscii(const NovatelSentence& sentence) throw(ParseException) { if (sentence.body.size() != ASCII_FIELDS) { std::stringstream error; error << "Unexpected number of fields in INSCOV log: " << sentence.body.size(); throw ParseException(error.str()); } novatel_gps_msgs::InscovPtr ros_msg = boost::make_shared<novatel_gps_msgs::Inscov>(); HeaderParser h_parser; ros_msg->novatel_msg_header = h_parser.ParseAscii(sentence); bool valid = true; valid &= ParseUInt32(sentence.body[0], ros_msg->week); valid &= ParseDouble(sentence.body[1], ros_msg->seconds); int offset = 2; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset++) { valid &= ParseDouble(sentence.body[offset], ros_msg->position_covariance[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset++) { valid &= ParseDouble(sentence.body[offset], ros_msg->attitude_covariance[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++, offset++) { valid &= ParseDouble(sentence.body[offset], ros_msg->velocity_covariance[i]); } if (!valid) { throw ParseException("Error parsing INSCOV log."); } return ros_msg; }
novatel_gps_msgs::TrackstatPtr novatel_gps_driver::TrackstatParser::ParseAscii(const novatel_gps_driver::NovatelSentence& sentence) throw(ParseException) { if (sentence.body.size() < ASCII_BODY_FIELDS) { std::stringstream error; error << "Unexpected number of body fields in TRACKSTAT log: " << sentence.body.size(); throw ParseException(error.str()); } uint32_t n_channels = 0; ParseUInt32(sentence.body[3], n_channels, 10); if (sentence.body.size() != ASCII_BODY_FIELDS + n_channels * ASCII_CHANNEL_FIELDS) { std::stringstream error; error << "Size of TRACKSTAT log did not match expected size."; throw ParseException(error.str()); } bool valid = true; novatel_gps_msgs::TrackstatPtr msg = boost::make_shared<novatel_gps_msgs::Trackstat>(); msg->solution_status = sentence.body[0]; msg->position_type = sentence.body[1]; valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[2], msg->cutoff); msg->channels.resize(n_channels); for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(n_channels); ++i) { size_t offset = 4 + i * ASCII_CHANNEL_FIELDS; novatel_gps_msgs::TrackstatChannel& channel = msg->channels[i]; valid &= ParseInt16(sentence.body[offset], channel.prn); valid &= ParseInt16(sentence.body[offset+1], channel.glofreq); valid &= ParseUInt32(sentence.body[offset+2], channel.ch_tr_status, 16); valid &= ParseDouble(sentence.body[offset+3], channel.psr); valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[offset+4], channel.doppler); valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[offset+5], channel.c_no); valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[offset+6], channel.locktime); valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[offset+7], channel.psr_res); channel.reject = sentence.body[offset+8]; valid &= ParseFloat(sentence.body[offset+9], channel.psr_weight); } if (!valid) { std::stringstream error; error << "Error parsing TRACKSTAT log."; throw ParseException(error.str()); } return msg; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { SetupBenchArgs(); std::string error; if (!gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv, error)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n", error.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (HelpRequested(gArgs)) { std::cout << gArgs.GetHelpMessage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Set the datadir after parsing the bench options const fs::path bench_datadir{SetDataDir()}; SHA256AutoDetect(); RandomInit(); ECC_Start(); SetupEnvironment(); int64_t evaluations = gArgs.GetArg("-evals", DEFAULT_BENCH_EVALUATIONS); std::string regex_filter = gArgs.GetArg("-filter", DEFAULT_BENCH_FILTER); std::string scaling_str = gArgs.GetArg("-scaling", DEFAULT_BENCH_SCALING); bool is_list_only = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-list", false); double scaling_factor; if (!ParseDouble(scaling_str, &scaling_factor)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing scaling factor as double: %s\n", scaling_str.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::unique_ptr<benchmark::Printer> printer(new benchmark::ConsolePrinter()); std::string printer_arg = gArgs.GetArg("-printer", DEFAULT_BENCH_PRINTER); if ("plot" == printer_arg) { printer.reset(new benchmark::PlotlyPrinter( gArgs.GetArg("-plot-plotlyurl", DEFAULT_PLOT_PLOTLYURL), gArgs.GetArg("-plot-width", DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH), gArgs.GetArg("-plot-height", DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT))); } benchmark::BenchRunner::RunAll(*printer, evaluations, scaling_factor, regex_filter, is_list_only); fs::remove_all(bench_datadir); ECC_Stop(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool LX16xxConfigWidget::SaveFixedSetting(LX1600::Setting key, unsigned idx, LX1600::SettingsMap &settings) { const std::string old_value = device.GetLX16xxSetting(key); fixed value = fixed(ParseDouble(old_value.c_str())); if (!SaveValue(idx, value)) return false; NarrowString<32> buffer; buffer.UnsafeFormat("%.2f", (double)value); settings[key] = std::string(buffer.c_str(), buffer.end()); return true; }
static fixed WaitFixedValue(LXDevice &device, LX1600::Setting key, fixed default_value) { PopupOperationEnvironment env; const auto x = device.WaitLX16xxSetting(key, env, TIMEOUT); if (!x.empty()) { char *endptr; double y = ParseDouble(x.c_str(), &endptr); if (endptr > x.c_str() && *endptr == 0) return fixed(y); } return default_value; }
bool Profile::GetGeoPoint(const char *key, GeoPoint &value) { const char *p = Get(key); if (p == nullptr) return false; char *endptr; double longitude = ParseDouble(p, &endptr); if (endptr == p || *endptr != _T(' ') || longitude < -180.0 || longitude > 180.0) return false; p = endptr + 1; double latitude = ParseDouble(p, &endptr); if (endptr == p || *endptr != _T('\0') || latitude < -90.0 || latitude > 90.0) return false; value.longitude = Angle::Degrees(longitude); value.latitude = Angle::Degrees(latitude); return true; }
bool json::Reader::ParseNumber(ConfigValue& value) { bool integer = true; // Number is either integer or float for(const char* c = _cur; c != _end; ++c) { if((*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') || ((*c == '-' || *c == '+') && (c == _cur))) // Allow a negative sign at the start for integers continue; else if(*c == '.' || *c == 'e' || *c == 'E' || *c == '+') { integer = false; break; } else break; } if(!integer) return ParseDouble(value); bool negative = (*_cur == '-'); if(negative) _cur++; uint64_t number = 0; while(_cur != _end) { if(*_cur >= '0' && *_cur <= '9') { uint32_t digit = *_cur - '0'; number = number * 10 + digit; _cur++; } else break; } if(negative) { value.SetInt(-int64_t(number)); } else if(number <= INT64_MAX) { value.SetInt(int64_t(number)); } else { value.SetUInt(number); } return true; }
static bool ReadLine(NLineReader &reader, double &value_r) { const char *line = reader.ReadLine(); // x scale if (line == nullptr) return false; char *endptr; double value = ParseDouble(line, &endptr); if (endptr == line) return false; value_r = value; return true; }
double CInfixExpressionCalculator::ParseExprMul(boost::string_ref &ref) { double value = ParseDouble(ref); while (true) { SkipSpaces(ref); if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '*') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value *= ParseDouble(ref); } else if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '/') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value /= ParseDouble(ref); } else { break; } } return value; }
void Parser::ParseCamera() { Point position, focus; Vector up; double filedOfView; int xResolution, yResolution; while (HasNextTag()) { std::string tag = NextTag(); if (tag == "position") { SkipSpace(); ParseTripleDouble(&position.x, &position.y, &position.z); } else if (tag == "up") { SkipSpace(); ParseTripleDouble(&up.x, &up.y, &up.z); } else if (tag == "focus") { SkipSpace(); ParseTripleDouble(&focus.x, &focus.y, &focus.z); } else if (tag == "fov") { SkipSpace(); filedOfView = ParseDouble(); } else if (tag == "resolution") { SkipSpace(); xResolution = ParseInteger(); ++index; yResolution = ParseInteger(); } else if (tag == "/camera") { double aspect = static_cast<double>(xResolution) / static_cast<double>(yResolution); camera = new Camera(position, focus, up, filedOfView, aspect); image = new Image(xResolution,yResolution); break; } } }
static bool ParseCircleTNP(const TCHAR *buffer, TempAirspaceType &temp_area) { // CIRCLE RADIUS=17.00 CENTRE=N533813 E0095943 const TCHAR* parameter; if ((parameter = StringAfterPrefixCI(buffer, _T("RADIUS="))) == nullptr) return false; temp_area.radius = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(parameter)), Unit::NAUTICAL_MILES); if ((parameter = _tcsstr(parameter, _T(" "))) == nullptr) return false; if ((parameter = StringAfterPrefixCI(parameter, _T(" CENTRE="))) == nullptr) return false; ParseCoordsTNP(parameter,; return true; }
// static status_t M3UParser::parseMetaDataDuration( const AString &line, sp<AMessage> *meta, const char *key) { ssize_t colonPos = line.find(":"); if (colonPos < 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } double x; status_t err = ParseDouble(line.c_str() + colonPos + 1, &x); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (meta->get() == NULL) { *meta = new AMessage; } (*meta)->setInt64(key, (int64_t)(x * 1E6)); return OK; }
//top level parse function sgdm::StackGuard<JsonValue>&& JsonParser::ParsePrimary(){ switch(currentTok){ case tok_endl: return std::move(Error("primary fail")); case tok_identifier: return std::move(ParseName()); case tok_integer: return std::move(ParseInteger()); case tok_double: return std::move(ParseDouble()); case '[': return std::move(ParseArray(alloc)); case '{': return std::move(ParseObject(alloc)); default: return std::move(Error("unknown token found near place" + std::to_string(indexCount))); } sgdm::StackGuard<JsonValue>&& JsonParser::Parse(){ getNextTok(); return std::move(ParsePrimary(alloc)); }
bool ParsePolarShape(PolarShape &shape, const char *s) { char *p; fixed v1 = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(s, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; fixed w1 = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; fixed v2 = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; fixed w2 = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; fixed v3 = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)), Unit::KILOMETER_PER_HOUR); if (*p != _T(',')) return false; fixed w3 = fixed(ParseDouble(p + 1, &p)); if (*p != '\0') return false; shape[0].v = v1; shape[0].w = w1; shape[1].v = v2; shape[1].w = w2; shape[2].v = v3; shape[2].w = w3; return true; }
void AngleDataField::SetAsString(const TCHAR *_value) { ModifyValue(Angle::Degrees(ParseDouble(_value, nullptr))); }
void Network::classify_from_file ( char *name , double thresh ) { int i, maxlin, did_any, best ; double *inputs, *iptr, maxact ; char msg[81], *line, *lptr ; FILE *fp ; /* Open the file which contains the data to be classified */ if ((fp = fopen ( name , "rt" )) == NULL) { strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open " ) ; strcat ( msg , name ) ; error_message ( msg ) ; return ; } /* Allocate for the file lines as read. Conservatively guess length. Also allocate for network input vector. */ maxlin = nin * 20 + 100 ; if (maxlin < 1024) maxlin = 1024 ; MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:line, inputs" ) ; line = (char *) MALLOC ( maxlin ) ; inputs = (double *) MALLOC ( nin * sizeof(double) ) ; if ((line == NULL) || (inputs == NULL)) { memory_message ( "to classify" ) ; fclose ( fp ) ; if (line != NULL) FREE ( line ) ; if (inputs != NULL) FREE ( inputs ) ; return ; } /* Read the file. */ did_any = 0 ; /* If file runs out on first try, ERROR! */ for (;;) { // Endless loop reads until file exhausted if ((fgets ( line , maxlin , fp ) == NULL) || (strlen ( line ) < 2)) { if ((! did_any) || ferror ( fp )) { strcpy ( msg , "Problem reading file " ) ; strcat ( msg , name ) ; error_message ( msg ) ; } break ; } lptr = line ; // Parse the data from this line iptr = inputs ; // This will be the network inputs for (i=0 ; i<nin ; i++) *iptr++ = ParseDouble ( &lptr ) ; did_any = 1 ; // Flag that at least one found trial ( inputs ) ; // Compute network's outputs maxact = -1.e30 ; // Will keep highest activity here best = 0 ; // Insurance only (good habit) for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++) { // Find winning output if (out[i] > maxact) { maxact = out[i] ; best = i ; } } if (maxact >= thresh) // If winner has enough activation ++confusion[best] ; // count it in confusion else // If too little, throw it ++confusion[nout] ; // in the reject category while ((! feof ( fp )) && (line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n')) fgets ( line , maxlin , fp ) ; // Line length may exceed maxlin if (feof ( fp )) break ; } /* Endless loop until a file runs out */ fclose ( fp ) ; MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:line, inputs" ) ; FREE ( line ) ; FREE ( inputs ) ; }
void GraphDat::LoadDat(wxString data, int version) // Not in use, see GraphBase::BaseLoad - now in use { wxString readline, numstring, stringdat; long numdat; long red, green, blue; //int version; //if(diagbox) diagbox->Write(data + '\n'); readline = data.AfterFirst('f'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&xfrom); readline = readline.AfterFirst('t'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&xto); readline = readline.AfterFirst('f'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&yfrom); readline = readline.AfterFirst('t'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&yto); readline = readline.AfterFirst('l'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&numdat); xlabels = numdat; readline = readline.AfterFirst('s'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&xstep); readline = readline.AfterFirst('m'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&numdat); xtickmode = numdat; readline = readline.AfterFirst('l'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&numdat); ylabels = numdat; readline = readline.AfterFirst('s'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToDouble(&ystep); readline = readline.AfterFirst('m'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&numdat); ytickmode = numdat; readline = readline.AfterFirst('c'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&numdat); colour = numdat; readline = readline.AfterFirst('b'); readline.Trim(false); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&red); readline = readline.AfterFirst(' '); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&green); readline = readline.AfterFirst(' '); numstring = readline.BeforeFirst(' '); numstring.ToLong(&blue); strokecolour = wxColour(red, green, blue); if(version > 0) { xshift = ParseDouble(&readline, 's'); xunitscale = ParseDouble(&readline, 'u'); plotstroke = ParseDouble(&readline, 's'); //if(diagbox) diagbox->Write(readline + '\n'); gname = ParseString(&readline, 'e'); gname.Replace("_", " "); xtag = ParseString(&readline, 'g'); xtag.Replace("_", " "); ytag = ParseString(&readline, 'g'); ytag.Replace("_", " "); } if(version > 2) { xplot = ParseDouble(&readline, 'p'); yplot = ParseDouble(&readline, 'p'); labelfontsize = ParseDouble(&readline, 'f'); clipmode = ParseLong(&readline, 'm'); } if(version > 3) type = ParseLong(&readline, 'e'); if(version > 4) { xunitdscale = ParseDouble(&readline, 'd'); xsample = ParseDouble(&readline, 'm'); } }