 * worker_apply_shard_ddl_command extends table, index, or constraint names in
 * the given DDL command. The function then applies this extended DDL command
 * against the database.
	uint64 shardId = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text *schemaNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	text *ddlCommandText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);

	char *schemaName = text_to_cstring(schemaNameText);
	const char *ddlCommand = text_to_cstring(ddlCommandText);
	Node *ddlCommandNode = ParseTreeNode(ddlCommand);

	/* extend names in ddl command and apply extended command */
	RelayEventExtendNames(ddlCommandNode, schemaName, shardId);
	ProcessUtility(ddlCommandNode, ddlCommand, PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL,
				   NULL, None_Receiver, NULL);

 * worker_apply_inter_shard_ddl_command extends table, index, or constraint names in
 * the given DDL command. The function then applies this extended DDL command
 * against the database.
	uint64 leftShardId = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text *leftShardSchemaNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	uint64 rightShardId = PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
	text *rightShardSchemaNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(3);
	text *ddlCommandText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(4);

	char *leftShardSchemaName = text_to_cstring(leftShardSchemaNameText);
	char *rightShardSchemaName = text_to_cstring(rightShardSchemaNameText);
	const char *ddlCommand = text_to_cstring(ddlCommandText);
	Node *ddlCommandNode = ParseTreeNode(ddlCommand);

	/* extend names in ddl command and apply extended command */
	RelayEventExtendNamesForInterShardCommands(ddlCommandNode, leftShardId,
											   leftShardSchemaName, rightShardId,
	ProcessUtility(ddlCommandNode, ddlCommand, PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, NULL,
				   None_Receiver, NULL);

 * FetchRegularTable fetches the given table's data using the copy out command.
 * The function then fetches the DDL commands necessary to create this table's
 * replica, and locally applies these DDL commands. Last, the function copies
 * the fetched table data into the created table; and on success, returns true.
 * On failure due to connectivity issues with remote node, the function returns
 * false. On other types of failures, the function errors out.
static bool
FetchRegularTable(const char *nodeName, uint32 nodePort, const char *tableName)
	StringInfo localFilePath = NULL;
	StringInfo remoteCopyCommand = NULL;
	List *ddlCommandList = NIL;
	ListCell *ddlCommandCell = NULL;
	CopyStmt *localCopyCommand = NULL;
	RangeVar *localTable = NULL;
	uint64 shardId = 0;
	bool received = false;
	StringInfo queryString = NULL;
	const char *tableOwner = NULL;
	Oid tableOwnerId = InvalidOid;
	Oid savedUserId = InvalidOid;
	int savedSecurityContext = 0;
	List *tableNameList = NIL;

	/* copy remote table's data to this node in an idempotent manner */
	shardId = ExtractShardId(tableName);
	localFilePath = makeStringInfo();
	appendStringInfo(localFilePath, "base/%s/%s" UINT64_FORMAT,

	remoteCopyCommand = makeStringInfo();
	appendStringInfo(remoteCopyCommand, COPY_OUT_COMMAND, tableName);

	received = ReceiveRegularFile(nodeName, nodePort, remoteCopyCommand, localFilePath);
	if (!received)
		return false;

	/* fetch the ddl commands needed to create the table */
	tableOwner = RemoteTableOwner(nodeName, nodePort, tableName);
	if (tableOwner == NULL)
		return false;
	tableOwnerId = get_role_oid(tableOwner, false);

	/* fetch the ddl commands needed to create the table */
	ddlCommandList = TableDDLCommandList(nodeName, nodePort, tableName);
	if (ddlCommandList == NIL)
		return false;

	 * Apply DDL commands against the database. Note that on failure from here
	 * on, we immediately error out instead of returning false.  Have to do
	 * this as the table's owner to ensure the local table is created with
	 * compatible permissions.
	GetUserIdAndSecContext(&savedUserId, &savedSecurityContext);
	SetUserIdAndSecContext(tableOwnerId, SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE);

	foreach(ddlCommandCell, ddlCommandList)
		StringInfo ddlCommand = (StringInfo) lfirst(ddlCommandCell);
		Node *ddlCommandNode = ParseTreeNode(ddlCommand->data);

		ProcessUtility(ddlCommandNode, ddlCommand->data, PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL,
					   NULL, None_Receiver, NULL);
Example #4
 * master_apply_delete_command takes in a delete command, finds shards that
 * match the criteria defined in the delete command, drops the found shards from
 * the worker nodes, and updates the corresponding metadata on the master node.
 * This function drops a shard if and only if all rows in the shard satisfy
 * the conditions in the delete command. Note that this function only accepts
 * conditions on the partition key and if no condition is provided then all
 * shards are deleted.
 * We mark shard placements that we couldn't drop as to be deleted later. If a
 * shard satisfies the given conditions, we delete it from shard metadata table
 * even though related shard placements are not deleted.
	text *queryText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
	char *queryString = text_to_cstring(queryText);
	char *relationName = NULL;
	char *schemaName = NULL;
	Oid relationId = InvalidOid;
	List *shardIntervalList = NIL;
	List *deletableShardIntervalList = NIL;
	List *queryTreeList = NIL;
	Query *deleteQuery = NULL;
	Node *whereClause = NULL;
	Node *deleteCriteria = NULL;
	Node *queryTreeNode = NULL;
	DeleteStmt *deleteStatement = NULL;
	int droppedShardCount = 0;
	LOCKMODE lockMode = 0;
	char partitionMethod = 0;
	bool failOK = false;
#if (PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000)
	RawStmt *rawStmt = (RawStmt *) ParseTreeRawStmt(queryString);
	queryTreeNode = rawStmt->stmt;
	queryTreeNode = ParseTreeNode(queryString);


	if (!IsA(queryTreeNode, DeleteStmt))
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("query \"%s\" is not a delete statement",

	deleteStatement = (DeleteStmt *) queryTreeNode;

	schemaName = deleteStatement->relation->schemaname;
	relationName = deleteStatement->relation->relname;

	 * We take an exclusive lock while dropping shards to prevent concurrent
	 * writes. We don't want to block SELECTs, which means queries might fail
	 * if they access a shard that has just been dropped.
	lockMode = ExclusiveLock;

	relationId = RangeVarGetRelid(deleteStatement->relation, lockMode, failOK);

	/* schema-prefix if it is not specified already */
	if (schemaName == NULL)
		Oid schemaId = get_rel_namespace(relationId);
		schemaName = get_namespace_name(schemaId);

	EnsureTablePermissions(relationId, ACL_DELETE);

#if (PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000)
	queryTreeList = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(rawStmt, queryString, NULL, 0, NULL);
	queryTreeList = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(queryTreeNode, queryString, NULL, 0);
	deleteQuery = (Query *) linitial(queryTreeList);

	/* get where clause and flatten it */
	whereClause = (Node *) deleteQuery->jointree->quals;
	deleteCriteria = eval_const_expressions(NULL, whereClause);

	partitionMethod = PartitionMethod(relationId);
	if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH)
						errmsg("cannot delete from hash distributed table with this "
						errdetail("Delete statements on hash-partitioned tables "
								  "are not supported with master_apply_delete_command."),
						errhint("Use master_modify_multiple_shards command instead.")));
	else if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_NONE)
						errmsg("cannot delete from distributed table"),
						errdetail("Delete statements on reference tables "
								  "are not supported.")));

	CheckPartitionColumn(relationId, deleteCriteria);

	shardIntervalList = LoadShardIntervalList(relationId);

	/* drop all shards if where clause is not present */
	if (deleteCriteria == NULL)
		deletableShardIntervalList = shardIntervalList;
		ereport(DEBUG2, (errmsg("dropping all shards for \"%s\"", relationName)));
		deletableShardIntervalList = ShardsMatchingDeleteCriteria(relationId,

	droppedShardCount = DropShards(relationId, schemaName, relationName,
