bool CopyDir(std::string source, std::string target) { if(PathExists(source)){ if(!PathExists(target)){ fs::CreateAllDirs(target); } bool retval = true; std::vector<DirListNode> content = fs::GetDirListing(source); for(unsigned int i=0; i < content.size(); i++){ std::string sourcechild = source + DIR_DELIM + content[i].name; std::string targetchild = target + DIR_DELIM + content[i].name; if(content[i].dir){ if(!fs::CopyDir(sourcechild, targetchild)){ retval = false; } } else { if(!fs::CopyFileContents(sourcechild, targetchild)){ retval = false; } } } return retval; } else { return false; } }
static int UpgradeNSIS(void) { std::string installPath = GetNSISInstallPath(); if (installPath.empty()) return 0; std::string uninstallerPath = installPath + "\\uninstall.exe"; if (!PathExists(uninstallerPath)) return 0; std::string dataPath = GetIcingaDataPath(); if (dataPath.empty()) return 1; bool moveUserData = !PathExists(dataPath); /* perform open heart surgery on the user's data dirs - yay */ if (moveUserData) { MkDir(dataPath.c_str()); std::string oldNameEtc = installPath + "\\etc"; std::string newNameEtc = dataPath + "\\etc"; if (!CopyDirectory(oldNameEtc, newNameEtc)) return 1; std::string oldNameVar = installPath + "\\var"; std::string newNameVar = dataPath + "\\var"; if (!CopyDirectory(oldNameVar, newNameVar)) return 1; } ExecuteCommand(uninstallerPath, "/S _?=" + installPath); _unlink(uninstallerPath.c_str()); if (moveUserData) { std::string oldNameEtc = installPath + "\\etc"; if (!DeleteDirectory(oldNameEtc)) return 1; std::string oldNameVar = installPath + "\\var"; if (!DeleteDirectory(oldNameVar)) return 1; _rmdir(installPath.c_str()); } return 0; }
ContentHandle* ContentManager::ReadFile(std::wstring fileName) { auto p = MakePath(fileName); ContentHandle* ch = nullptr; if (m_dictHandles.TryGet(p, &ch)) { if (ch && !ch->IsClosed()) return ch; } else if (m_dictHandles.TryGet(fileName, &ch)) { if (ch && !ch->IsClosed()) return ch; } if (PathExists(p)) { ch = new ContentHandle(p); if (ch->GetStream()->operator!()) ch = nullptr; if (ch) RegisterHandle(p, ch); } else { Formats::SMC::smcs_info inf; if (m_pSystem->GetEntry(fileName, &inf)) { ch = new ContentHandle(inf); if (ch) RegisterHandle(fileName, ch); } } return ch; }
const OTString & OTPaths::AppDataFolder() { if (m_strAppDataFolder.Exists()) return m_strAppDataFolder; // already got it, just return it. OTString strHomeDataFolder(""), strAppDataFolder(""); // eg. /home/user/ (the folder that the OT appdata folder will be in.) if(!GetHomeFromSystem(strHomeDataFolder)) { OT_ASSERT(false); return m_strAppDataFolder; } // now lets change all the '\' into '/' // then check that the path /home/user indeed exists, and is a folder. FixPath(strHomeDataFolder,strHomeDataFolder,true); if(!PathExists(strHomeDataFolder)) OT_ASSERT(false); // ok, we have the HomeData Folder, lets append our OT folder to it. if(!AppendFolder(strAppDataFolder,strHomeDataFolder,OT_APPDATA_DIR)) OT_ASSERT(false); bool bFolderCreated; if(!BuildFolderPath(strAppDataFolder,bFolderCreated)) OT_ASSERT(false); m_strAppDataFolder = strAppDataFolder; // all good lets set it. return m_strAppDataFolder; }
// Creates directory specified by |path|. Creates parent directories if // necessary. Returns 0 when successful. int CreateDirectory(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return -1; } // Search |path| for /'s, and create all directories encountered. // Start at |pos| 1: assume filesystem root exists. typedef std::string::size_type size_type; for (size_type pos = 1; pos < path.length(); ++pos) { pos = path.find('/', pos); if (pos != std::string::npos) { // Copy from start through occurence of '/'; const std::string directory = path.substr(0, pos); if (!PathExists(directory)) { // Make the directory with permissions allowing r/w for everyone. const mode_t mode_flags = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH; if (mkdir(directory.c_str(), mode_flags)) { // Could not create directory. return -1; } } } else { break; } } return 0; }
void TouchActivityFile() { // Generate the activity directory path for the current user, and create it // if it does not exist. const std::string activity_dir = GenerateActivityDirectoryPath(); if (!PathIsDirectory(activity_dir)) { if (CreateDirectory(activity_dir)) { // Unable to create directory, abandon touch attempt. return; } } const std::string activity_file = activity_dir + kWebmBundleId; if (PathExists(activity_file)) { // There's nothing to do when the file exists. Keystone deletes it each // time it runs the activity check. return; } // Create |activity_file|. const int open_flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY; const mode_t mode_flags = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH; const int file_desc = open(activity_file.c_str(), open_flags, mode_flags); if (file_desc == -1) { // |open failed|, give up. return; } close(file_desc); }
// Returns true when |path| exists and is a directory. bool PathIsDirectory(const std::string& path) { if (PathExists(path)) { struct stat path_stat = {0}; const int status = stat(path.c_str(), &path_stat); if (status == 0 && S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode)) { return true; } } return false; }
static void FindBIF(BIFEntry *entry) { entry->cd = 0; entry->found = PathExists(entry, core->GamePath); if (entry->found) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CD; i++) { if (PathExists(entry, core->CD[i]) ) { entry->found = true; entry->cd = i; return; } } printMessage("KEYImporter", "Cannot find %s...", WHITE, entry->name); printStatus( "ERROR", LIGHT_RED ); }
bool ContentManager::FileExists(std::wstring fileName) { auto p = MakePath(fileName); if (PathExists(p)) return true; Formats::SMC::smcs_info inf; if (m_pSystem->GetEntry(fileName, &inf)) return true; return false; }
static void CopyConfigFile(const std::string& installDir, const std::string& sourceConfigPath, size_t skelPrefixLength) { std::string relativeConfigPath = sourceConfigPath.substr(skelPrefixLength); std::string targetConfigPath = installDir + relativeConfigPath; if (!PathExists(targetConfigPath)) { MkDirP(DirName(targetConfigPath)); CopyFile(sourceConfigPath, targetConfigPath); } }
static void FindBIFOnCD(BIFEntry *entry) { if (file_exists(entry->path)) { entry->found = true; return; } core->WaitForDisc(entry->cd, entry->name); entry->found = PathExists(entry, core->CD[entry->cd-1]); }
// Test that a new volume file isn't generated it already exists. TEST_F(AudioVolumeHandlerTest, InitFilePresent) { KeyValueStore kv_store; kv_store.SetString("foo", "100"); kv_store.Save(volume_file_path_); EXPECT_CALL(handler_, InitAPSAllStreams()); handler_.Init(nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(PathExists(volume_file_path_)); std::string value; handler_.kv_store_->GetString("foo", &value); EXPECT_EQ(stoi(value), 100); }
static bool PathExists(BIFEntry *entry, const std::vector<std::string> &pathlist) { size_t i; for(i=0;i<pathlist.size();i++) { if (PathExists(entry, pathlist[i].c_str() )) { return true; } } return false; }
BOOL install_util::CreateLnkPath(std::wstring wsSourceFilePath, std::wstring wsDestLnkPath, std::wstring wsArgument, std::wstring wsAppId) { IShellLink *pisl = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (void**)&pisl); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } pisl->SetPath(wsSourceFilePath.c_str()); pisl->SetArguments(wsArgument.c_str()); int nStart = wsSourceFilePath.find_last_of(_T("/\\")); pisl->SetWorkingDirectory(wsSourceFilePath.substr(0,nStart).c_str()); IPersistFile *plPF = NULL; hr = pisl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&plPF); bool shortcut_existed = false; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (PathExists(wsDestLnkPath)) { shortcut_existed = true; install_util::DeleteFile(wsDestLnkPath.c_str()); } if (Win7OrLater() && !wsAppId.empty() && wsAppId.length() < 64) { IPropertyStore *piPS = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pisl->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, (void**)&piPS))) { PROPVARIANT property_value; if (SUCCEEDED(InitPropVariantFromString(wsAppId.c_str(), &property_value))) { if (piPS->SetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, property_value) == S_OK) piPS->Commit(); PropVariantClear(&property_value); } piPS->Release(); } } hr = plPF->Save(wsDestLnkPath.c_str(), TRUE); plPF->Release(); } pisl->Release(); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, NULL, NULL); return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
static void FindBIF(BIFEntry *entry) { entry->cd = 0; entry->found = PathExists(entry, core->GamePath); if (entry->found) { return; } if (core->GameOnCD) { int mask = 1<<2; for(int cd = 1; cd<=MAX_CD; cd++) { if ((entry->BIFLocator & mask) != 0) { entry->cd = cd; break; } mask += mask; } if (!entry->cd) { printStatus( "ERROR", LIGHT_RED ); print( "Cannot find %s... Resource unavailable.\n", entry->name ); entry->found = false; return; } entry->found = PathExists(entry, core->CD[entry->cd-1]); return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CD; i++) { if (PathExists(entry, core->CD[i]) ) { entry->found = true; return; } } printMessage("KEYImporter", "Cannot find %s...", WHITE, entry->name); printStatus( "ERROR", LIGHT_RED ); }
bool DOS_CreateFile(char const * name,Bit16u attributes,Bit16u * entry,bool fcb) { // Creation of a device is the same as opening it // Tc201 installer if (DOS_FindDevice(name) != DOS_DEVICES) return DOS_OpenFile(name, OPEN_READ, entry, fcb); LOG(LOG_FILES,LOG_NORMAL)("file create attributes %X file %s",attributes,name); char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; Bit8u drive; DOS_PSP psp(dos.psp()); if (!DOS_MakeName(name,fullname,&drive)) return false; /* Check for a free file handle */ Bit8u handle=DOS_FILES; Bit8u i; for (i=0; i<DOS_FILES; i++) { if (!Files[i]) { handle=i; break; } } if (handle==DOS_FILES) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } /* We have a position in the main table now find one in the psp table */ *entry = fcb?handle:psp.FindFreeFileEntry(); if (*entry==0xff) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } /* Don't allow directories to be created */ if (attributes&DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_ACCESS_DENIED); return false; } bool foundit=Drives[drive]->FileCreate(&Files[handle],fullname,attributes); if (foundit) { Files[handle]->SetDrive(drive); Files[handle]->AddRef(); if (!fcb) psp.SetFileHandle(*entry,handle); return true; } else { if(!PathExists(name)) DOS_SetError(DOSERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); else DOS_SetError(DOSERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return false; } }
bool CreateAllDirs(std::string path) { std::vector<std::string> tocreate; std::string basepath = path; while(!PathExists(basepath)) { tocreate.push_back(basepath); basepath = RemoveLastPathComponent(basepath); if(basepath.empty()) break; } for(int i=tocreate.size()-1;i>=0;i--) if(!CreateDir(tocreate[i])) return false; return true; }
bool CreateAllDirs(std::string path) { size_t pos; std::vector<std::string> tocreate; std::string basepath = path; while(!PathExists(basepath)) { tocreate.push_back(basepath); pos = basepath.rfind('/'); if(pos == std::string::npos) return false; basepath = basepath.substr(0,pos); } for(int i=tocreate.size()-1;i>=0;i--) CreateDir(tocreate[i]); return true; }
void PathBehaviorEditor::OnBitmapButton3Click1(wxCommandEvent& event) { gd::String newPathName = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Name of the new path:"), _("New path"), "newPath"); if(PathExists(newPathName)) { wxMessageBox(_("This path already exists."), _("Unable to create the path")); return; } PathInfo newPathInfo; = newPathName; newPathInfo.isGlobal = false; paths[] = newPathInfo; UpdateComboBoxWithPathsName(); ChangePathOfPreview(newPathName); }
bool DOS_CreateFile(char const* name, Bit16u attributes, Bit16u* entry) { if (DOS_FindDevice(name) != DOS_DEVICES) // Creating a device is the same as opening it return DOS_OpenFile(name, OPEN_READWRITE, entry); char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; Bit8u drive; if (!DOS_MakeName(name, fullname, &drive)) return false; Bit8u handle; for (handle = 0; handle < DOS_FILES; handle++) // Check for a free file handle if (!Files[handle]) break; if (handle == DOS_FILES) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } DOS_PSP psp(dos.psp()); // We have a position in the main table, now find one in the psp table *entry = psp.FindFreeFileEntry(); if (*entry == 0xff) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } if (attributes&DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) // Don't allow directories to be created { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_ACCESS_DENIED); return false; } if (Drives[drive]->FileCreate(&Files[handle], fullname, attributes)) { Files[handle]->SetDrive(drive); Files[handle]->AddRef(); psp.SetFileHandle(*entry, handle); return true; } DOS_SetError(PathExists(name) ? DOSERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS : DOSERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); return false; }
static int InstallIcinga(void) { std::string installDir = GetIcingaInstallPath(); std::string dataDir = GetIcingaDataPath(); if (!PathExists(dataDir)) { std::string sourceDir = installDir + "\\share\\skel" + std::string(1, '\0'); std::string destinationDir = dataDir + std::string(1, '\0'); SHFILEOPSTRUCT fop; fop.wFunc = FO_COPY; fop.pFrom = sourceDir.c_str(); fop.pTo = destinationDir.c_str(); fop.fFlags = FOF_NO_UI | FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS; if (SHFileOperation(&fop) != 0) return 1; MkDirP(dataDir + "/etc/icinga2/pki"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/cache/icinga2"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/pki"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/agent/inventory"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/api/config"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/api/log"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/api/repository"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/log/icinga2/compat/archive"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/log/icinga2/crash"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/run/icinga2/cmd"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/spool/icinga2/perfdata"); MkDirP(dataDir + "/var/spool/icinga2/tmp"); } ExecuteCommand("icacls", "\"" + dataDir + "\" /grant *S-1-5-20:(oi)(ci)m"); ExecuteCommand("icacls", "\"" + dataDir + "\\etc\" /inheritance:r /grant:r *S-1-5-20:(oi)(ci)m *S-1-5-32-544:(oi)(ci)f"); ExecuteIcingaCommand("--scm-install daemon"); return 0; }
void PathBehaviorEditor::OnBitmapButton5Click(wxCommandEvent& event) { gd::String originalName = pathInfo->name; if(originalName == "") { wxMessageBox(_("Object's main path cannot be renamed"), _("Error")); return; } gd::String newName = wxGetTextFromUser(_("New path name:"), _("Rename a path"), originalName); if(PathExists(newName) && newName != originalName) { wxMessageBox(_("This path already exists."), _("Unable to rename the path")); return; } replace_key< std::map<gd::String, PathInfo> >(paths, originalName, newName); = newName; UpdateComboBoxWithPathsName(); ChangePathOfPreview(newName); }
SPECIALURLTYPE TransformUrl(wxString&Url) { SPECIALURLTYPE ut = GetSpecialUrlType(Url); const wxString location = Url.Mid(ut & 0x0F); const wxString exePath = wxPathOnly(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath()); if (SUT_BIN == ut) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ Url = BuildPath(exePath, location) + wxT(".exe"); if (!PathExists(Url)) Url = BuildPath(exePath, wxT("Bin"), location) + wxT(".exe"); #else Url = BuildPath(exePath, location); #endif } else if (SUT_DOC == ut) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString path = BuildPath(exePath, location); #else wxString path = BuildPath(wxT(PREFIX_DOC), location); #endif if ((!CanOpenChm() || !wxFileExists(path)) && 0 == location.CmpNoCase(wxT("NSIS.chm"))) { path = BuildPath(wxPathOnly(path), wxT("Docs"), wxT("Manual.html")); // DOCTYPES=htmlsingle if (!wxFileExists(path)) path = BuildPath(wxPathOnly(path), wxT("Contents.html")); // DOCTYPES=html (Not adding /Docs/ because it has already been appended) } Url = path; } else if (SUT_WEB == ut) { Url = location; } return ut; }
int DPTDriveBusy::drvBusy(int hba, int bus, int target, int lun) { char * Targets[2]; char ** Dirs[sizeof(Targets)/sizeof(Targets[0])]; char ** Suffixes[sizeof(Targets)/sizeof(Targets[0])]; int SuffixIndex; DPTDeviceList * Mounts = (DPTDeviceList *)NULL; int RetVal = -1; /* Initialize the local structures */ Targets[0] = getTargetString(hba, bus, target, lun); Dirs[0] = TargetStringDirs; Suffixes[0] = TargetStringSuffixes; Targets[1] = getTargetPath(hba, bus, target, lun); Dirs[1] = TargetPathDirs; Suffixes[1] = TargetPathSuffixes; for (SuffixIndex = 0;;) { while (Targets[0] == (char *)NULL) { int Index, NoneZero = 0; for (Index = sizeof(Targets)/sizeof(Targets[0]); Index; --Index) { if ((Targets[Index-2] = Targets[Index-1]) != (char *)NULL) { ++NoneZero; } Targets[Index-1] = (char *)NULL; Dirs[Index-2] = Dirs[Index-1]; Suffixes[Index-2] = Suffixes[Index-1]; } if (NoneZero == 0) { break; } } if (Targets[0] == (char *)NULL) { break; } /* Check if the Dirs/Targets entry exists */ { char * name = new char[strlen(Dirs[0][0]) + strlen(Targets[0]) + strlen(Suffixes[0][SuffixIndex]) + 1]; if (name == (char *)NULL) { RetVal = -2; break; } (void)strcat(strcat(strcpy(name, Dirs[0][0]), Targets[0]), Suffixes[0][SuffixIndex]); switch(PathExists(name)) { case PathExists_Exists: case PathExists_Read: case PathExists_Open: /* Check if the Dirs/Target entry is mounted */ if (Mounts == (DPTDeviceList *)NULL) { FILE * fp = SafePopenRead("mount | sed -n '" "s/^\\([^ ][^ ]*\\)[ ][ ]*on[ ][ ]*\\([^ ][^ ]*\\).*/\\1 \\2/p'"); char * Buffer = new char[512]; while (fgets (Buffer, 512, fp)) { if (newDeviceList (&Mounts, Buffer)) { RetVal = -2; } } SafePclose(fp); if (RetVal == -1) { RetVal = 0; } # if (defined(DEBUG) && (DEBUG > 0)) if (Mounts != (DPTDeviceList *)NULL) { DPTDeviceList * List = Mounts; DPTDeviceList * Link; printf ("Mount list:\n"); do { printf ("%s", List->Name); if ((List->Major == -2) && (List->Minor == -2)) { printf ("/"); } else if ((List->Major != -1) || (List->Minor != -1)) { printf ("(%d,%d)", List->Major, List->Minor); } if ((Link = List->Link) == (DPTDeviceList *)NULL) { printf ("\n"); Link = List->Next; } else { printf (", "); } } while ((List = Link) != (DPTDeviceList *)NULL); } # endif } /* We have an initialized mount database, search! */ { DPTDeviceList * Link; DPTDeviceList * Names = (DPTDeviceList *)NULL; newDeviceList (&Names, name); for (Link = Mounts; Link != (DPTDeviceList *)NULL; ) { DPTDeviceList * Next; DPTDeviceList *Name; for (Name = Names; (Name = Name->Link) != (DPTDeviceList *)NULL; ) { /* Same name, or same device */ if ((strcmp (Name->Name, Link->Name) == 0) || ((Name->Major == Link->Major) && (Name->Minor == Link->Minor))) { break; } } if (Name != (DPTDeviceList *)NULL) { RetVal = 1; break; } if ((Next = Link->Link) == (DPTDeviceList *)NULL) { Next = Link->Next; } Link = Next; } deleteDeviceList (Names); } break; case PathExists_Busy: RetVal = 1; /* It's busy even before we hit the ground */ case PathExists_None: break; } delete [] name; } if ((RetVal != -1) && (RetVal != 0)) { break; } /* Try next */ if (Suffixes[0][++SuffixIndex] == (char *)NULL) { SuffixIndex = 0; if ((++(Dirs[0]))[0] == (char *)NULL) { delete [] Targets[0]; Targets[0] = (char *)NULL; } } } /* Free up resources */ { int Index; for (Index = 0; Index < (sizeof(Targets)/sizeof(Targets[0])); ++Index) { if (Targets[Index] != (char *)NULL) { delete [] Targets[Index]; } } } deleteDeviceList (Mounts); return (RetVal); }
bool install_util::IsFolder(const wstring& path) { return PathExists(path) && ((GetFileAttributes(path.c_str()) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); }
TEST(System, PathExistsWithBadPath) { SystemMock sys; EXPECT_FALSE(PathExists("/tmp/foo")); }
static rc_t open_and_run (Context * context) { KDirectory * pwd; rc_t rc; rc = KDirectoryNativeDir (&pwd); if (rc) LOGERR (klogFatal, rc, "Unable to open file system"); else { if (PathExists (pwd, kptDile, context->file_path)) { if (PathExists (pwd, kptDile, context->file_path)) { VDBManager * vmgr; rc = VDBManagerMakeUpdate (&vmgr, pwd); if (rc) LOGERR (kptInt, "Failed to create a database manager"); else { VSchema * vschema; rc = VDBManagerMakeSchema (vmgr, &vschema); if (rc) LOGERR (kptInt, "Failed to create schema"); else { rc = VSchemaParseFile (vschema, args->schema); if (rc) PLOGERR (klogFatal, (klogFatal, "Unable to parse schema file ($S)", "S=%s", args->schema)); else { VTable * vtable; rc = VDBManagerOpenTableUpdate (vmgr, &vtable, SCHEMA, args->table); if (rc) PLOGERR (klogFatal, (klogFatal, "Unable to open table ($T)", "T=%s", args->table)); else { VTableRelease (vtable); } } VSchemaRelease (vschema); } VDBManagerRelease (vmgr); } } else PLOGERR (kptFatal, (kptFatal, "table paramaeter is not a table directory ($F)", "F=%s", args->table)); } else PLOGERR (kptFatal, (kptFatal, "file paramaeter is not a file ($F)", "F=%s", context->file_path)); KPathType pt; pt = KDirectoryPathType (arg->file); if ((pt & ~kptAlias) != kptFile) else { } KDirectoryRelease (pwd); } return rc; }
// 27-Aug-2004 SFK Created void CopyLogsMenuOption() { static char szDfltRootPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; static char szDfltCurrentDbPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; static BOOL bFirst = TRUE; char szCurrentDbPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; char szMainCurrentDbPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; char szRootBackupPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; char szMainBackupPath[PATH_LEN+1] = ""; unsigned long ulDirSize, ulDiskSize, ulDiskAvailable; BOOL bRoom; int status; char *pStr; GUI_ACTION DlgReturn; CGFmtStr msg; SetCurrentDrive(); GetDbName(szCurrentDbPath); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * First time or when change databases, get the default values * from the .ini file else use the last successful values. * ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ((bFirst == TRUE) || (!SameDb(szDfltCurrentDbPath))) { pStr = pRAD_Init->Get_LogCopy_To_Path(); MyStrnCpy(szDfltRootPath, pStr, PATH_LEN); bFirst = FALSE; strcpy(szDfltCurrentDbPath, szCurrentDbPath); } strcpy(szRootBackupPath, szDfltRootPath); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Define the buttons and actions in the dialog box * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ CGUI_Dlg BackupDbDlg(IDD_FILE_COPY_LOGS, NULL, DLG_POSN_NO_SAVE); if (BackupDbDlg.IsValid()) { BackupDbDlg.DefinePushBtn(IDCANCEL, GUI_CANCEL); BackupDbDlg.DefinePushBtn(IDOK, GUI_OK); BackupDbDlg.DefinePushBtn(IDUPDATE, GUI_NONE, UpdateINI_Parms); BackupDbDlg.DefineFldTxt(IDC_CLOG_EDIT_NEW_PATH, szRootBackupPath, PATH_LEN); BackupDbDlg.SetFocus(IDOK); DlgReturn = BackupDbDlg.Go(); if (DlgReturn == GUI_OK) { BackupDbDlg.RetrieveAllControlValues(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Remove spaces, check length * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (PathCopy(szMainBackupPath, szRootBackupPath) != TRUE) return; strcat(szMainBackupPath, "logs\\rad\\"); if (PathCopy(szMainCurrentDbPath, szCurrentDbPath) != TRUE) return; strcat(szMainCurrentDbPath, "logs\\rad\\"); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * See if the new path exists, if not make it. If can't make it give * reason why. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ status = PathExists(szMainBackupPath); // returns TRUE, uiPATH_TOO_LONG_ERR, uiDRIVE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR oruiPATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR if ( status == uiPATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR) { status = AskAndMakePath(szMainBackupPath); if (status != TRUE) return; } if ( status != TRUE) { RadReviewMsg(status, (const char *)szMainBackupPath); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * See if a log file exists at the location specified. If yes, * see if they want to overwrite it. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (FileExists(szMainBackupPath, "RadReviewLog.txt") == TRUE) { status = AskOverwriteQuestion(szMainBackupPath); if (status == FALSE) return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Figure out how many bytes will need to be copied and if there * is room on the destination drive. (Destination drive must have * directory size + 10000 to allow for directory entries, etc.) * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (GetDirSize(szMainCurrentDbPath, "*.*", &ulDirSize) != TRUE) return; /* check number of bytes filled in szCurrentDbPath */ // Customize for COMs, if don't write to this log directory if (GetDriveSize(szMainBackupPath, &ulDiskSize, &ulDiskAvailable) != TRUE) return; /* check number of bytes available on drive */ bRoom = TRUE; if ((ulDirSize + 10000) > ulDiskAvailable) bRoom = FALSE; if (bRoom == FALSE) { if (AskNotEnoughRoomQuestion(ulDirSize, ulDiskAvailable, szMainBackupPath) == FALSE) return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Close the current database in case are trying to copy it. * Copy the data and show progress. Inform of the results of the copy. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ GetDbName(szCurrentDbPath); _flushall(); status = CopyDirectory(szMainCurrentDbPath, szMainBackupPath); // Customize for COMs, if don't write to this log directory if (status != TRUE) { RadReviewMsg(uiCOPY_DB_ERR, (const char *)szCurrentDbPath, (const char *)szRootBackupPath); } else { MyStrnCpy(szDfltRootPath,szRootBackupPath, PATH_LEN); // remember the default for next time msg.Printf("Logs copied to %s.", szRootBackupPath); GUI_MsgBox(msg, GUI_ICON_INFO); } } } }
const bool OTPaths::ConfirmCreateFolder(const OTString & strExactPath, bool & out_Exists, bool & out_IsNew) { const bool bExists = (strExactPath.Exists() && !strExactPath.Compare("")); OT_ASSERT_MSG(bExists,"OTPaths::ConfirmCreateFolder: Assert failed: no strFolderName\n"); std::string l_strExactPath(strExactPath.Get()); if ('/' != *l_strExactPath.rbegin()) return false; // not a directory. // Confirm If Directory Exists Already out_Exists = PathExists(strExactPath); if (out_Exists) { out_IsNew = false; return true; // Already Have Folder, lets retun true! } else { // It dosn't exist: lets create it. #ifdef _WIN32 bool bCreateDirSuccess = (_mkdir(strExactPath.Get()) == 0); #else bool bCreateDirSuccess = (mkdir(strExactPath.Get(), 0700) == 0); #endif if (!bCreateDirSuccess) { OTLog::vError("OTPaths::ConfirmCreateFolder: Unable To Confirm " "Created Directory %s.\n", strExactPath.Get()); out_IsNew = false; out_Exists = false; return false; } // At this point if the folder still doesn't exist, nothing we can do. We // already tried to create the folder, and SUCCEEDED, and then STILL failed // to find it (if this is still false.) else { bool bCheckDirExist = PathExists(strExactPath); if (!bCheckDirExist) { OTLog::vError("OTPaths::ConfirmCreateFolder: " "Unable To Confirm Created Directory %s.\n", strExactPath.Get()); out_IsNew = false; out_Exists = false; return false; } else { out_IsNew = true; out_Exists = false; return true; // We have Created and checked the Folder } } return false; // should never happen. } }
bool DOS_OpenFile(char const * name,Bit8u flags,Bit16u * entry,bool fcb) { /* First check for devices */ if (flags>2) LOG(LOG_FILES,LOG_ERROR)("Special file open command %X file %s",flags,name); else LOG(LOG_FILES,LOG_NORMAL)("file open command %X file %s",flags,name); DOS_PSP psp(dos.psp()); Bit16u attr = 0; Bit8u devnum = DOS_FindDevice(name); bool device = (devnum != DOS_DEVICES); if(!device && DOS_GetFileAttr(name,&attr)) { //DON'T ALLOW directories to be openened.(skip test if file is device). if((attr & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) || (attr & DOS_ATTR_VOLUME)) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_ACCESS_DENIED); return false; } } char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; Bit8u drive; Bit8u i; /* First check if the name is correct */ if (!DOS_MakeName(name,fullname,&drive)) return false; Bit8u handle=255; /* Check for a free file handle */ for (i=0; i<DOS_FILES; i++) { if (!Files[i]) { handle=i; break; } } if (handle==255) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } /* We have a position in the main table now find one in the psp table */ *entry = fcb?handle:psp.FindFreeFileEntry(); if (*entry==0xff) { DOS_SetError(DOSERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); return false; } bool exists=false; if (device) { Files[handle]=new DOS_Device(*Devices[devnum]); } else { exists=Drives[drive]->FileOpen(&Files[handle],fullname,flags); if (exists) Files[handle]->SetDrive(drive); } if (exists || device ) { Files[handle]->AddRef(); if (!fcb) psp.SetFileHandle(*entry,handle); return true; } else { //Test if file exists, but opened in read-write mode (and writeprotected) if(((flags&3) != OPEN_READ) && Drives[drive]->FileExists(fullname)) DOS_SetError(DOSERR_ACCESS_DENIED); else { if(!PathExists(name)) DOS_SetError(DOSERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); else DOS_SetError(DOSERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } return false; } }