BOOL WINAPI iSAuthorized(LPCWSTR lpFileName) { BOOL ret = FALSE; BOOL wow64 = FALSE; LPWSTR filename = NULL; wchar_t *szAuthorizedList[] = {L"comctl32.dll", L"uxtheme.dll", L"indicdll.dll", L"msctf.dll",L"shell32.dll", L"imageres.dll", L"winmm.dll",L"ole32.dll", L"oleacc.dll", L"oleaut32.dll",L"secur32.dll",L"shlwapi.dll", L"ImSCTip.DLL",L"gdi32.dll",L"dwmapi.dll" }; WORD line = sizeof(szAuthorizedList)/sizeof(szAuthorizedList[0]); IsWow64Process(NtCurrentProcess(),&wow64); if (lpFileName[1] == L':') { wchar_t sysdir[VALUE_LEN+1] = {0}; GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"SystemRoot",sysdir,VALUE_LEN); if (wow64) { PathAppendW(sysdir,L"SysWOW64"); } else { PathAppendW(sysdir,L"system32"); } if ( _wcsnicmp(lpFileName,sysdir,wcslen(sysdir)) == 0 ) { filename = PathFindFileNameW(lpFileName); } else if ( wow64 && wcslen(sysdir)>0 ) /* compare system32 directory again */ { PathRemoveFileSpecW(sysdir); PathAppendW(sysdir,L"system32"); filename = _wcsnicmp(lpFileName,sysdir,wcslen(sysdir))?NULL:PathFindFileNameW(lpFileName); } } else { filename = (LPWSTR)lpFileName; } if (filename) { WORD i; for(i=0;i<line;i++) { if ( _wcsicmp(filename,szAuthorizedList[i]) == 0 ) { ret = TRUE; break; } } } return ret; }
CMWDiscovery::CMWDiscovery(IDispatch* pDispatch) : m_hwnd(0), m_pReportManager(NULL), m_pDocDispatch(pDispatch), m_bHasPassword(false) { Excel::_WorkbookPtr spWorkBook; spWorkBook = m_pDocDispatch; if(spWorkBook) { m_officeType = OfficeApplicationType::Excel; m_name = PathFindFileNameW(spWorkBook->FullName); m_bHasPassword = spWorkBook->GetHasPassword() == VARIANT_TRUE; return; } PowerPoint::_PresentationPtr spPresentation = pDispatch; if(spPresentation) { m_officeType = OfficeApplicationType::PowerPoint; PowerPoint::_ApplicationPtr pPptApp = spPresentation->Application; // hopefully PowerPoint 14 will give a new way to get the App HWND? #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable : 4312) m_hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(pPptApp->GetHWND()); #pragma warning (pop) return; } Word::_DocumentPtr spDocument; spDocument = m_pDocDispatch; if(spDocument) { m_officeType = OfficeApplicationType::Word; } }
NTSTATUS GenerateXlAccCommandLine(PWSTR* XlAccCmdLine, PWSTR Entry, PCWSTR ApplicationName, PCWSTR CommandLine) { PWSTR Buffer; ULONG_PTR Length; PLDR_MODULE Module; UNICODE_STRING AccPath; ApplicationName = ApplicationName == NULL ? L"" : ApplicationName; CommandLine = CommandLine == NULL ? L"" : CommandLine; Module = FindLdrModuleByHandle(&__ImageBase); Length = (lstrlenW(ApplicationName) + lstrlenW(CommandLine) + MAX_NTPATH) * sizeof(WCHAR) + Module->FullDllName.Length; Buffer = (PWSTR)malloc(Length); if (Buffer == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; *XlAccCmdLine = Buffer; AccPath = Module->FullDllName; AccPath.Length = (USHORT)PtrOffset(PathFindFileNameW(Module->FullDllName.Buffer), Module->FullDllName.Buffer); swprintf( Buffer, L"\"%wZXLacc.exe\" -hookstart game:\"%s\" path:\"%s\" param:%s", &AccPath, Entry, ApplicationName, CommandLine ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
BOOL KProcessInfo::IsSpecialProc() { LPCWSTR pwcszPath = NULL; LPWSTR pwszFileName = NULL; if (!m_bFirstCheck) { return m_bSpecialProc; } m_bFirstCheck = FALSE; pwcszPath = GetProcPath(); if (NULL == pwcszPath) { return FALSE; } pwszFileName = PathFindFileNameW(pwcszPath); if (NULL == pwszFileName) { return FALSE; } if (wcsicmp(pwszFileName, L"wscript.exe") == 0 || wcsicmp(pwszFileName, L"rundll32.exe") == 0) { m_bSpecialProc = TRUE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CReadChangesRequest::ProcessNotification() { BYTE* pBase =; for (;;) { FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION& fni = (FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION&)*pBase; CStringW wstrFilename(fni.FileName, fni.FileNameLength/sizeof(wchar_t)); // Handle a trailing backslash, such as for a root directory. if (wstrFilename.Right(1) != L"\\") wstrFilename = m_wstrDirectory + L"\\" + wstrFilename; else wstrFilename = m_wstrDirectory + wstrFilename; // If it could be a short filename, expand it. LPCWSTR wszFilename = PathFindFileNameW(wstrFilename); int len = lstrlenW(wszFilename); // The maximum length of an 8.3 filename is twelve, including the dot. if (len <= 12 && wcschr(wszFilename, L'~')) { // Convert to the long filename form. Unfortunately, this // does not work for deletions, so it's an imperfect fix. wchar_t wbuf[MAX_PATH]; if (::GetLongPathNameW(wstrFilename, wbuf, _countof(wbuf)) > 0) wstrFilename = wbuf; } m_pServer->m_pBase->Push(fni.Action, wstrFilename); if (!fni.NextEntryOffset) break; pBase += fni.NextEntryOffset; }; }
/*********************************************************************** * FD31_UpdateResult [internal] * update the displayed file name (with path) */ static void FD31_UpdateResult(PFD31_DATA lfs, WCHAR *tmpstr) { int lenstr2; LPOPENFILENAMEW ofnW = lfs->ofnW; WCHAR tmpstr2[BUFFILE]; WCHAR *p; TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(tmpstr)); if(ofnW->Flags & OFN_NOVALIDATE) tmpstr2[0] = '\0'; else GetCurrentDirectoryW(BUFFILE, tmpstr2); lenstr2 = strlenW(tmpstr2); if (lenstr2 > 3) tmpstr2[lenstr2++]='\\'; lstrcpynW(tmpstr2+lenstr2, tmpstr, BUFFILE-lenstr2); if (ofnW->lpstrFile) lstrcpynW(ofnW->lpstrFile, tmpstr2, ofnW->nMaxFile); /* set filename offset */ p = PathFindFileNameW(ofnW->lpstrFile); ofnW->nFileOffset = (p - ofnW->lpstrFile); /* set extension offset */ p = PathFindExtensionW(ofnW->lpstrFile); ofnW->nFileExtension = (*p) ? (p - ofnW->lpstrFile) + 1 : 0; TRACE("file %s, file offset %d, ext offset %d\n", debugstr_w(ofnW->lpstrFile), ofnW->nFileOffset, ofnW->nFileExtension); /* update the real client structures if any */ lfs->callbacks->UpdateResult(lfs); }
// main function - sets up a 'meta command' to contain each of the library commands, and executes it on the given arguments int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { // initialize COM before doing anything else, since the IShellLibrary API depends on COM HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CMetaCommand::PFNCREATECOMMAND rgMainCmds[] = { CMetaCommand::Create<CCreateCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CInfoCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CEnumCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CSetAttributeCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CAddCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CRemoveCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CSetDefaultSaveFolderCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CResolveCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CResolveAllCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CManageCommand>, }; { PCWSTR pszExeName = PathFindFileNameW(CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc)); CMetaCommand main(pszExeName, L"Displays and modifies the attributes of Shell Libraries.", rgMainCmds, ARRAYSIZE(rgMainCmds)); main.Execute(const_cast<PCWSTR*>(argv), argc); } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
bool ModuleFileName(std::wstring* out, HMODULE hModule) { std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> buffer(new wchar_t[MAX_PATH]); GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, buffer.get(), MAX_PATH); *out = PathFindFileNameW(buffer.get()); return !out->empty(); }
//=================================== void DirMonitor::ScanDirectoryForChanges_CS () { // Search for all files in this directory wchar filespec[MAX_PATH]; PathCombineW(filespec, m_directory, L"*"); // Start search WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; HANDLE find = FindFirstFileW(filespec, &data); if (find == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG_OS_LAST_ERROR(L"FindFirstFileW"); return; } // Search for watched files do { // Ignore directories if (data.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) continue; // Convert to lowercase for hash matching wchar * filename = PathFindFileNameW(data.cFileName); CharLowerW(filename); // Reparse if file changed CheckReparseFile_CS(filename); } while (FindNextFileW(find, &data)); // Cleanup FindClose(find); }
extern "C" bool ArchExtractFilesW(HZIP hZip,WCHAR *pstrPath) { bool r=false; ZIPDECOMPRESSION *p=(ZIPDECOMPRESSION*)hZip; if ((hZip) && (pstrPath) && (p->bHandleType == HT_DECOMPRESSOR)) { lstrcpyW(p->strOutputDir,pstrPath); unzGoToFirstFile(p->hZip); if (!p->bInMem) { WCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH],fileName[MAX_PATH],*pstrFile; lstrcpyW(filePath,p->strZipFile); pstrFile=PathFindFileNameW(filePath); PathRemoveFileSpecW(filePath); lstrcpyW(fileName,pstrFile); PathAddBackslashW(filePath); } r=(InternalEnumFiles(hZip) < 0) ? false : true; } else ArchSetLastError(ARCH_INVALID_PARAMETER); return r; }
BOOL IsHookStartEnabled() { BOOL Enabled; ULONG_PTR Length; PWSTR Buffer; PLDR_MODULE Module; static WCHAR Config[] = L"config.ini"; Module = FindLdrModuleByHandle(&__ImageBase); if (Module == NULL) return FALSE; Length = Module->FullDllName.Length + sizeof(Config); Buffer = (PWSTR)malloc(Length); if (Buffer == NULL) return FALSE; CopyMemory(Buffer, Module->FullDllName.Buffer, Module->FullDllName.Length); Buffer[Module->FullDllName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; CopyMemory(PathFindFileNameW(Buffer), Config, sizeof(Config)); Enabled = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"HOOKSTART", L"BOpen", FALSE, Buffer); free(Buffer); return Enabled; }
int Cx_PluginLoader::GetPluginIndex(const wchar_t* filename) { const wchar_t* title = PathFindFileNameW(filename); int i = x3::GetSize(m_modules); while (--i >= 0) { // ignore folders if (_wcsicmp(title, PathFindFileNameW(m_modules[i]->filename)) == 0) { break; } } return i; }
void TestDominoDocArtifact::TestName() { DomDocHelper domDocHelper(TEST_ARTIFACT_FILE); DominoDocArtifact validArtifact(m_spLibrary, domDocHelper.DocumentId, domDocHelper.GetVersionLabel()); wchar_t fileName[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; lstrcpynW(fileName, PathFindFileNameW(TEST_ARTIFACT_FILE), _MAX_PATH); PathRemoveExtensionW(fileName); assertEquals(domDocHelper.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(), validArtifact.Name); }
static int parse_arguments_and_execute() { enum { Argument_logical_sector = 0, Argument_file_name, Argument_help, }; const std::vector<Parsing::Argument_descriptor> argument_map = { { Argument_logical_sector, u8"logical-sector", u8's', true, u8"The logical block address (LBA) of the sector to read." }, { Argument_file_name, u8"file-name", u8'f', true, u8"The name of the file to hold the output. This file will be overwritten." }, { Argument_help, u8"help", u8'?', false, nullptr }, }; #ifndef NDEBUG Parsing::validate_argument_map(argument_map); #endif const auto arguments = WindowsCommon::args_from_command_line(); const auto options = Parsing::options_from_allowed_args(arguments, argument_map); int error_level = 0; if(options.count(Argument_help) == 0) { CHECK_EXCEPTION(options.count(Argument_logical_sector) > 0, u8"Missing a required argument: --" + std::string(argument_map[Argument_logical_sector].long_name)); CHECK_EXCEPTION(options.count(Argument_file_name) > 0, u8"Missing a required argument: --" + std::string(argument_map[Argument_file_name].long_name)); // There is no _atoui64 function (and perhaps a private implementation is a good idea), but // reading an int64_t into a uint64_t will have no negative (ha!) consequences, as any sector // number is considered a valid sector to read. const uint64_t sector_number = _atoi64(; GetSector::read_physical_drive_sector_to_file(0, sector_number, PortableRuntime::utf16_from_utf8(; } else { constexpr auto arg_program_name = 0; // Hold a reference to program_name_long for the duration of the output functions. const auto program_name_long = PortableRuntime::utf16_from_utf8(arguments[arg_program_name]); const auto program_name = PathFindFileNameW(program_name_long.c_str()); std::fwprintf(stderr, L"Usage: %s [options]\nOptions:\n", program_name); std::fwprintf(stderr, PortableRuntime::utf16_from_utf8(Parsing::Options_help_text(argument_map)).c_str()); std::fwprintf(stderr, L"\nTo read the Master Boot Record:\n %s -%c 1 -%c mbr.bin\n", program_name, argument_map[Argument_logical_sector].short_name, argument_map[Argument_file_name].short_name); error_level = 1; } return error_level; }
static HRESULT WINAPI RecycleBin_GetDisplayNameOf(IShellFolder2 *This, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, SHGDNF uFlags, STRRET *pName) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; TRACE("(%p, %p, %x, %p)\n", This, pidl, uFlags, pName); TRASH_UnpackItemID(&pidl->mkid, &data); pName->uType = STRRET_WSTR; pName->u.pOleStr = StrDupW(PathFindFileNameW(data.cFileName)); if (pName->u.pOleStr == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; }
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibrary(LPCWSTR lpFileName) { HMODULE hModule = TrueLoadLibrary(lpFileName); // Only enable the GetProcAddress hook when the Oculus Runtime was loaded. WCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hModule, modulePath, sizeof(modulePath)); LPCWSTR moduleName = PathFindFileNameW(modulePath); if (wcscmp(moduleName, ovrModuleName) == 0) MH_EnableHook(GetProcAddress); return hModule; }
HRESULT WINAPI CRecycleBin::CompareIDs(LPARAM lParam, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl1, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl2) { PIDLRecycleStruct* pData1 = _ILGetRecycleStruct(pidl1); PIDLRecycleStruct* pData2 = _ILGetRecycleStruct(pidl2); LPWSTR pName1, pName2; if(!pData1 || !pData2 || LOWORD(lParam) >= COLUMNS_COUNT) return E_INVALIDARG; SHORT result; LONGLONG diff; switch (LOWORD(lParam)) { case 0: /* Name */ pName1 = PathFindFileNameW(pData1->szName); pName2 = PathFindFileNameW(pData2->szName); result = wcsicmp(pName1, pName2); break; case 1: /* Orig. Location */ result = wcsicmp(pData1->szName, pData2->szName); break; case 2: /* Date Deleted */ result = CompareFileTime(&pData1->DeletionTime, &pData2->DeletionTime); break; case 3: /* Size */ diff = pData1->FileSize.QuadPart - pData2->FileSize.QuadPart; return MAKE_COMPARE_HRESULT(diff); case 4: /* Type */ pName1 = PathFindExtensionW(pData1->szName); pName2 = PathFindExtensionW(pData2->szName); result = wcsicmp(pName1, pName2); break; case 5: /* Modified */ result = CompareFileTime(&pData1->LastModification, &pData2->LastModification); break; } return MAKE_COMPARE_HRESULT(result); }
FARPROC HookGetProcAddress(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName) { WCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hModule, modulePath, sizeof(modulePath)); LPCWSTR moduleName = PathFindFileNameW(modulePath); if (wcscmp(moduleName, ovrModuleName) == 0) { FARPROC reviveFuncAddress = TrueGetProcAddress(ReviveModule, lpProcName); if (reviveFuncAddress) { return reviveFuncAddress; } } return TrueGetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName); }
static void create_target_directory(LPWSTR Target) { WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH]; int res; strcpyW(dir, Target); *PathFindFileNameW(dir) = 0; /* Truncate file name */ if(!PathIsDirectoryW(dir)) { res = SHCreateDirectoryExW(NULL, dir, NULL); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) WINE_ERR("Can't create directory: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(dir)); } }
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibrary(LPCWSTR lpFileName) { LPCWSTR name = PathFindFileNameW(lpFileName); LPCWSTR ext = PathFindExtensionW(name); size_t length = ext - name; // Load our own library again so the ref count is incremented. if (wcsncmp(name, ovrModuleName, length) == 0) return TrueLoadLibrary(revModuleName); // We've already injected OpenVR, block attempts to override it. if (wcsncmp(name, L"openvr_api.dll", length) == 0) return NULL; return TrueLoadLibrary(lpFileName); }
static HRESULT WINAPI FolderImpl_get_Title(Folder3 *iface, BSTR *pbs) { FolderImpl *This = impl_from_Folder(iface); WCHAR *p; int len; TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", iface, pbs); *pbs = NULL; if (V_VT(&This->dir) == VT_I4) { FIXME("special folder constants are not supported\n"); return E_NOTIMPL; } p = PathFindFileNameW(V_BSTR(&This->dir)); len = lstrlenW(p); *pbs = SysAllocStringLen(p, p[len - 1] == '\\' ? len - 1 : len); return *pbs ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
BOOL CFileDefExt::InitFilePath(HWND hwndDlg) { /* Find the filename */ WCHAR *pwszFilename = PathFindFileNameW(m_wszPath); if (pwszFilename > m_wszPath) { /* Location field */ WCHAR wszLocation[MAX_PATH]; StringCchCopyNW(wszLocation, _countof(wszLocation), m_wszPath, pwszFilename - m_wszPath); PathRemoveBackslashW(wszLocation); SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, 14009, wszLocation); } /* Filename field */ SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, 14001, pwszFilename); return TRUE; }
static UINT LoadPropSheetHandlers(LPCWSTR pwszPath, PROPSHEETHEADERW *pHeader, UINT cMaxPages, HPSXA *phpsxa, IDataObject *pDataObj) { WCHAR wszBuf[MAX_PATH]; UINT cPages = 0, i = 0; LPWSTR pwszFilename = PathFindFileNameW(pwszPath); BOOL bDir = PathIsDirectoryW(pwszPath); if (bDir) { phpsxa[i] = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"Folder", cMaxPages - cPages, pDataObj); cPages += SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(phpsxa[i++], AddPropSheetPageCallback, (LPARAM)pHeader); phpsxa[i] = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"Directory", cMaxPages - cPages, pDataObj); cPages += SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(phpsxa[i++], AddPropSheetPageCallback, (LPARAM)pHeader); } else { /* Load property sheet handlers from ext key */ LPWSTR pwszExt = PathFindExtensionW(pwszFilename); phpsxa[i] = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pwszExt, cMaxPages - cPages, pDataObj); cPages += SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(phpsxa[i++], AddPropSheetPageCallback, (LPARAM)pHeader); /* Load property sheet handlers from prog id key */ DWORD cbBuf = sizeof(wszBuf); if (RegGetValueW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pwszExt, L"", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, wszBuf, &cbBuf) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("EnumPropSheetExt wszBuf %s, pwszExt %s\n", debugstr_w(wszBuf), debugstr_w(pwszExt)); phpsxa[i] = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, wszBuf, cMaxPages - cPages, pDataObj); cPages += SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(phpsxa[i++], AddPropSheetPageCallback, (LPARAM)pHeader); } /* Add property sheet handlers from "*" key */ phpsxa[i] = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"*", cMaxPages - cPages, pDataObj); cPages += SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(phpsxa[i++], AddPropSheetPageCallback, (LPARAM)pHeader); } return cPages; }
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibrary(LPCWSTR lpFileName) { LPCWSTR name = PathFindFileNameW(lpFileName); LPCWSTR ext = PathFindExtensionW(name); size_t length = ext - name; // Load our own library again so the ref count is incremented. if (wcsncmp(name, ovrModuleName, length) == 0) return TrueLoadLibrary(revModuleName); // The following functions will patch the module, so we have to load it here. HMODULE module = TrueLoadLibrary(lpFileName); // Patch the export table of Oculus Platform to point to our entitlement functions. if (wcsncmp(name, ovrPlatformName, length) == 0) { TrueIsError = (_IsError)DetourEATptr("ovr_Message_IsError", ovr_Message_IsError, module); DetourEATptr("ovr_IsEntitled", ovr_IsEntitled, module); } return module; }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) { // initialize COM before doing anything else, since the IShellLibrary API depends on COM HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CMetaCommand::PFNCREATECOMMAND rgMainCmds[] = { CMetaCommand::Create<CReindexMatchingFileTypeCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CReindexMatchingMimeTypeCommand>, CMetaCommand::Create<CReindexMatchingWhereClauseCommand>, }; { PCWSTR pszExeName = PathFindFileNameW(CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc)); CMetaCommand main(pszExeName, L"Reindexes the files that match the requirements specified. \nreindex <command> -? will give you the usage for each command", rgMainCmds, ARRAYSIZE(rgMainCmds)); main.Execute(const_cast<PCWSTR *>(argv), argc); } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
//=================================== void ConfigMonitorFile (const wchar filename[]) { // Convert to canonical lowercase form wchar fullpath[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetFullPathNameW(filename, _countof(fullpath), fullpath, NULL)) { LOG_OS_LAST_ERROR(L"GetFullPathNameW"); FatalError(); } CharLowerW(fullpath); // Create the directory that contains the file to be watched wchar directory[MAX_PATH]; PathRemoveFileName(directory, _countof(directory), fullpath); if (!PathCreateDirectory(directory)) FatalError(); // Get the filename part filename = PathFindFileNameW(fullpath); s_critsect.Enter(); { // Create a monitor for this directory DirMonitor * dir = FindOrCreateDirectoryMonitor_CS(directory); // Does this file already exist in the monitor's file list? ConfigFile * file; ConfigFileMap::iterator pair = dir->m_files.find(filename); if (pair == dir->m_files.end()) { file = new ConfigFile(fullpath); dir->m_files.insert(ConfigFilePair(file->m_filename, file)); } else { file = pair->second; } // TODO: signal file for reparsing so the callback gets called. } s_critsect.Leave(); }
static void loadGeneralParams(LPCWSTR path) { GeneralParams.HookTarget = (HookTargetEnum)GetPrivateProfileIntW( L"General", L"HookTarget", (int)GeneralParams.HookTarget, path); GeneralParams.ForceNoHinting = 0 != GetPrivateProfileIntW( L"General", L"ForceNoHinting", (int)GeneralParams.ForceNoHinting, path); wchar_t exePath[_MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exePath, _MAX_PATH); wchar_t* exeName = PathFindFileNameW(exePath); CharLower(exeName); switch (GeneralParams.HookTarget) { case HookTargetEnum::All: GeneralParams.isHookTarget = true; break; case HookTargetEnum::ExcludeMode: { std::set<std::wstring, std::less<>> set; loadExeName(set, L"Exclude", path); GeneralParams.isHookTarget = set.count(exeName) == 0; break; } case HookTargetEnum::IncludeMode: { std::set<std::wstring, std::less<>> set; loadExeName(set, L"Include", path); GeneralParams.isHookTarget = set.count(exeName) > 0; break; } case HookTargetEnum::None: GeneralParams.isHookTarget = false; break; } }
long Cx_StringTable::RegisterFile(const std::wstring& filename) { Cx_Interface<Ix_ConfigXml> pIFFile(x3::CLSID_ConfigXmlFile); if (pIFFile.IsNull()) { return 0; } pIFFile->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); X3LOG_DEBUG2(L"@StringTable:IDS_LOAD_STRFILE", PathFindFileNameW(filename.c_str())); long count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) { Cx_ConfigSection sec (pIFFile->GetData()->GetSectionByIndex(NULL, L"module", i)); ITEM item; item.file = pIFFile->GetData(); = sec; item.module = sec->GetString(L"name"); ASSERT( && item.file); if (item.module.empty()) break; if (Find(item.module) == m_groups.end()) { m_groups.push_back(item); count++; } else { X3LOG_WARNING2(L"@StringTable:IDS_IGNORE_STRGROUP", item.module); } } return count; }
wstring CFileMonitorRequest::GetNotifyPath( CONST FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION * aNotifyInfo ) { _ASSERT( aNotifyInfo ); wstring wstrFullPath( aNotifyInfo->FileName , aNotifyInfo->FileNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR) ); //Handle a trailing backslash, such as for a root directory if ( m_wstrMonitorPath.length() > 0 && m_wstrMonitorPath[m_wstrMonitorPath.length()-1] != L'\\' ) wstrFullPath = ( m_wstrMonitorPath + L"\\" ) + wstrFullPath; else wstrFullPath = m_wstrMonitorPath + wstrFullPath; //Handle the case it's a 8.3 short filename. Convert it to long name WCHAR * wzFilename = PathFindFileNameW( wstrFullPath.c_str() ); if ( wcslen( wzFilename ) <= 12 && wcschr(wzFilename , L'~') ) { // Convert to the long filename form. Unfortunately, this does not work for deletions, so it's an imperfect fix WCHAR wzBuf[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetLongPathNameW( wstrFullPath.c_str() , wzBuf, _countof(wzBuf) ) > 0 ) wstrFullPath = wzBuf; } return wstrFullPath; }
void createCrashReport(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exceptionPointers) { wchar_t appDataDirectory[MAX_PATH]; if (FAILED(SHGetFolderPathW(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, 0, 0, appDataDirectory))) return; wchar_t executablePath[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileNameW(0, executablePath, MAX_PATH); ::PathRemoveExtensionW(executablePath); std::wstring directory = std::wstring(appDataDirectory) + L"\\" + PathFindFileNameW(executablePath); if (::SHCreateDirectoryEx(0, directory.c_str(), 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS && ::GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS && ::GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) return; std::wstring fileName = directory + L"\\CrashReport.dmp"; HANDLE miniDumpFile = ::CreateFile(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (miniDumpFile && miniDumpFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION mdei; mdei.ThreadId = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); mdei.ExceptionPointers = exceptionPointers; mdei.ClientPointers = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG MINIDUMP_TYPE dumpType = MiniDumpWithFullMemory; #else MINIDUMP_TYPE dumpType = MiniDumpNormal; #endif ::MiniDumpWriteDump(::GetCurrentProcess(), ::GetCurrentProcessId(), miniDumpFile, dumpType, &mdei, 0, 0); ::CloseHandle(miniDumpFile); processCrashReport(fileName.c_str()); } }