Example #1
void CgDeclParms(               // DEFINE ARGS FOR CURRENT FN IN CORRECT ORDER
    FN_CTL *fctl,               // - current function control pointer
    SCOPE scope )               // - argument scope
    SYMBOL curr;
    SYMBOL stop;
    SYMBOL *psym;               // - addr[ parameter symbol ]
    TYPE fn_type;
    auto VSTK_CTL sym_stack;
    SYMBOL ret_sym;
    NAME ret_name;

    fn_type = FunctionDeclarationType( fctl->func->sym_type );
    VstkOpen( &sym_stack, sizeof( SYMBOL ), 16 );
    stop = ScopeOrderedStart( scope );
    ret_name = CppSpecialName( SPECIAL_RETURN_VALUE );
    ret_sym = NULL;
    curr = NULL;
    for(;;) {
        curr = ScopeOrderedNext( stop, curr );
        if( curr == NULL ) break;
        if( ( curr->name != NULL ) && ( ret_name == curr->name->name ) ) {
            ret_sym = curr;
        } else {
            psym = VstkPush( &sym_stack );
            *psym = curr;
    declareParameter( fctl->this_sym );
    declareParameter( fctl->cdtor_sym );
    declareParameter( ret_sym );
    switch( PcCallImpl( fn_type ) ) {
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_CPP :
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_C :
        for(;;) {
            psym = VstkPop( &sym_stack );
            if( psym == NULL ) break;
            declareParameter( *psym );
      case CALL_IMPL_CPP :
      case CALL_IMPL_C :
      case CALL_IMPL_ELL_CPP :
      case CALL_IMPL_ELL_C :
      { unsigned index;             // - parameter index
        unsigned max_parms;         // - # parameters
        SYMBOL *psym1;              // - addr[ parameter symbol ]
        max_parms = VstkDimension( &sym_stack );
        for( index = 0; index < max_parms; ++index ) {
            psym1 = VstkIndex( &sym_stack, index );
            declareParameter( *psym1 );
      } break;
    VstkClose( &sym_stack );
Example #2
static void addDtorArgs(        // ADD DTOR ARGUMENTS
    call_handle handle,         // - call handle
    SYMBOL dtor,                // - destructor
    cg_name var,                // - destruction address
    unsigned cdtor )            // - CDTOR to be used
    cg_name expr;               // - expression for CDTOR

    expr = CGInteger( cdtor, TY_UNSIGNED );
    switch( PcCallImpl( dtor->sym_type ) ) {
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_CPP :
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_C :
        addArgument( handle, var, TY_POINTER );
        addArgument( handle, expr, TY_UNSIGNED );
      default :
        addArgument( handle, expr, TY_UNSIGNED );
        addArgument( handle, var, TY_POINTER );
Example #3
PTREE CallArgsArrange(          // ARRANGE CALL ARGUMENTS
    TYPE ftype,                 // - function type
    PTREE callnode,             // - node for call
    PTREE userargs,             // - user arguments
    PTREE thisnode,             // - this node
    PTREE cdtor,                // - cdtor node (ignored when thisnode==NULL)
    PTREE retnnode )            // - return node (for struct return)
    PTREE arglist;              // - argument list under construction
    OMR return_kind;            // - type of return

    if( thisnode != NULL ) {
        thisnode->flags |= PTF_ARG_THIS;
    return_kind = ObjModelFunctionReturn( ftype );
    switch( PcCallImpl( ftype ) ) {
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_C :
        return_kind = OMR_CLASS_VAL;
        // drops thru
      case CALL_IMPL_REV_CPP :
        arglist = insertCDtor( thisnode, cdtor );
        arglist = insertCppRetnArg( arglist, retnnode, return_kind );
        arglist = appendArg( userargs, arglist );
      case CALL_IMPL_ELL_C :
      case CALL_IMPL_C :
        return_kind = OMR_CLASS_VAL;
        // drops thru
      case CALL_IMPL_ELL_CPP :
      case CALL_IMPL_CPP :
        arglist = insertCppRetnArg( userargs, retnnode, return_kind );
        arglist = insertCDtor( arglist, cdtor );
        arglist = insertArg( arglist, thisnode );
    callnode->u.subtree[1] = arglist;
    callnode = insertCppRetnCopy( callnode, retnnode, return_kind );
    return callnode;