phydbl Get_Lambda_F84(phydbl *pi, phydbl *kappa) { phydbl A,C,G,T,R,Y,lambda; int kappa_has_changed; A = pi[0]; C = pi[1]; G = pi[2]; T = pi[3]; R = A+G; Y = T+C; if(*kappa < .0) *kappa = 1.0e-5; kappa_has_changed = NO; do { lambda = (Y+(R-Y)/(2.*(*kappa)))/(R-(R-Y)/(2.*(*kappa))); if(lambda < .0) { *kappa += *kappa/10.; kappa_has_changed = YES; } }while(lambda < .0); if(kappa_has_changed) { PhyML_Printf("\n. WARNING: This transition/transversion ratio\n"); PhyML_Printf(" is impossible with these base frequencies!\n"); PhyML_Printf(" The ratio is now set to %.3f\n",*kappa); } return lambda; }
void Usage() { char *BOLD=(char *)mCalloc(10,sizeof(char)); char *FLAT=(char *)mCalloc(10,sizeof(char)); char *LINE=(char *)mCalloc(10,sizeof(char)); char *cha; cha =getenv("OS"); if(cha!=NULL) { strcpy(BOLD, ""); strcpy(FLAT, ""); strcpy(LINE, ""); } else { strcpy(BOLD, "\033[00;01m"); strcpy(FLAT, "\033[00;00m"); strcpy(LINE, "\033[00;04m"); } #ifdef PHYML PhyML_Printf("%sNAME\n" "%s\t- PhyML %s - \n\n" "%s\t\''A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate\n" "%s\tlarge phylogenies by maximum likelihood\''\n\n" "%s\tStephane Guindon and Olivier Gascuel,\n" "%s\tSystematic Biology 52(5):696-704, 2003.\n\n" "%s\tPlease cite this paper if you use this software in your publications.\n",BOLD,FLAT,VERSION,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%sNAME\n" "%s\t- PhyTime %s - \n\n" "%s\t'Bayesian estimation of divergence times from large sequence alignments.'\n" "%s\tStephane Guindon,\n" "%s\tMolecular Biology and Evolution 27(8):1768-81, 2010.\n\n" "%s\tPlease cite this paper if you use this software in your publications.\n",BOLD,FLAT,VERSION,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT,FLAT); #endif #ifdef PHYML PhyML_Printf("%s\nSYNOPSIS:\n\n" "%s\tphyml %s[command args]\n",BOLD,BOLD,BOLD); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\nSYNOPSIS:\n\n" "%s\tphytime %s[command args]\n",BOLD,BOLD,BOLD); #endif #ifdef PHYML PhyML_Printf("%s\n\tAll the options below are optional (except '%s-i%s' if you want to use the command-line interface).\n\n",FLAT,BOLD,FLAT); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\tAll the options below are optional except '%s-i%s','%s-u%s' and '%s--calibration%s'.\n\n",FLAT,BOLD,FLAT,BOLD,FLAT,BOLD,FLAT); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\nCommand options:\n%s",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n\t%s-i (or --input) %sseq_file_name%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sseq_file_name%s is the name of the nucleotide or amino-acid sequence file in PHYLIP format.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-d (or --datatype) ""%sdata_type%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sdata_type%s is 'nt' for nucleotide (default), 'aa' for amino-acid sequences, or 'generic',\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t(use NEXUS file format and the 'symbols' parameter here).\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-q (or --sequential)%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\tChanges interleaved format (default) to sequential format.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-n (or --multiple) ""%snb_data_sets%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%snb_data_sets%s is an integer corresponding to the number of data sets to analyse.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-p (or --pars)%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\tUse a minimum parsimony starting tree. This option is taken into account when the '-u' option\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\tis absent and when tree topology modifications are to be done.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-b (or --bootstrap) %sint%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s > 0: %sint%s is the number of bootstrap replicates.\n",LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = 0: neither approximate likelihood ratio test nor bootstrap values are computed.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = -1: approximate likelihood ratio test returning aLRT statistics.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = -2: approximate likelihood ratio test returning Chi2-based parametric branch supports.\n",LINE,FLAT); /* PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = -3 : minimum of Chi2-based parametric and SH-like branch supports.\n",LINE,FLAT); */ PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = -4: (default) SH-like branch supports alone.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sint%s = -5: approximate Bayes branch supports.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-m (or --model) %smodel%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tmodel%s : substitution model name.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%s- %sNucleotide%s-based models : %sHKY85%s (default) | %sJC69%s | %sK80%s | %sF81%s | %sF84%s | %sTN93%s | %sGTR%s | %scustom (*)%s\n", FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t(*) : for the custom option, a string of six digits identifies the model. For instance, 000000\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t corresponds to F81 (or JC69 provided the distribution of nucleotide frequencies is uniform).\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t 012345 corresponds to GTR. This option can be used for encoding any model that is a nested within GTR.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%s- %sAmino-acid%s based models : %sLG%s (default) | %sWAG%s | %sJTT%s | %sMtREV%s | %sDayhoff%s | %sDCMut%s | %sRtREV%s | %sCpREV%s | %sVT%s\n", FLAT,LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t %sBlosum62%s | %sMtMam%s | %sMtArt%s | %sHIVw%s | %sHIVb%s | %scustom%s\n", LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT, LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--aa_rate_file %sfilename%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sfilename%s is the name of the file that provides the amino acid substitution rate matrix in PAML format.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tIt is compulsory to use this option when analysing amino acid sequences with the `custom' model.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-f %se%s, %sm%s, or %sfA,fC,fG,fT%s\n",BOLD,LINE,BOLD,LINE,BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%se%s : the character frequencies are determined as follows : \n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\t- %sNucleotide%s sequences: (Empirical) the equilibrium base frequencies are estimated by counting\n" "\t\t the occurence of the different bases in the alignment.\n",FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\t- %sAmino-acid%s sequences: (Empirical) the equilibrium amino-acid frequencies are estimated by counting\n" "\t\t the occurence of the different amino-acids in the alignment.\n",FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sm%s : the character frequencies are determined as follows : \n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\t- %sNucleotide%s sequences: (ML) the equilibrium base frequencies are estimated using maximum likelihood \n",FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\t\t- %sAmino-acid%s sequences: (Model) the equilibrium amino-acid frequencies are estimated using\n" "\t\t the frequencies defined by the substitution model.\n",FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%s\"fA,fC,fG,fT\"%s : only valid for nucleotide-based models. fA, fC, fG and fT are floating numbers that \n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t correspond to the frequencies of A, C, G and T respectively (WARNING: do not use any blank space between\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t your values of nucleotide frequencies, only commas!)\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--calibration %sfilename%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sfilename%s is the name of the calibration file that provides a priori defined boundaries for node ages.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tPlease read the manual for more information about the format of this file.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-t (or --ts/tv) %sts/tv_ratio%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tts/tv_ratio%s : transition/transversion ratio. DNA sequences only.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tCan be a fixed positive value (ex:4.0) or %se%s to get the maximum likelihood estimate.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-v (or --pinv) %sprop_invar%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tprop_invar%s : proportion of invariable sites.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tCan be a fixed value in the [0,1] range or %se%s to get the maximum likelihood estimate.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-c (or --nclasses) %snb_subst_cat%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tnb_subst_cat%s : number of relative substitution rate categories. Default : %snb_subst_cat%s=4.\n", FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tMust be a positive integer.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-a (or --alpha) %sgamma%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tgamma%s : distribution of the gamma distribution shape parameter.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tCan be a fixed positive value or %se%s to get the maximum likelihood estimate.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-s (or --search) %smove%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tTree topology search operation option.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\tCan be either %sNNI%s (default, fast) or %sSPR%s (a bit slower than NNI) or %sBEST%s (best of NNI and SPR search).\n",LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-u (or --inputtree) %suser_tree_file%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tuser_tree_file%s : starting tree filename. The tree must be in Newick format.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t-o %sparams%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tThis option focuses on specific parameter optimisation.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=tlr : tree topology (t), branch length (l) and rate parameters (r) are optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=tl : tree topology and branch length are optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=lr : branch length and rate parameters are optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=l : branch length are optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=r : rate parameters are optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sparams%s=n : no parameter is optimised.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--rand_start%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tThis option sets the initial tree to random.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\tIt is only valid if SPR searches are to be performed.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--n_rand_starts %snum%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tnum%s is the number of initial random trees to be used.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tIt is only valid if SPR searches are to be performed.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--r_seed %snum%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tnum%s is the seed used to initiate the random number generator.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tMust be an integer.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--print_site_lnl%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sPrint the likelihood for each site in file *_phyml_lk.txt.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--print_trace%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sPrint each phylogeny explored during the tree search process\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sin file *_phyml_trace.txt.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--run_id %sID_string%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sAppend the string %sID_string%s at the end of each PhyML output file.\n",FLAT,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sThis option may be useful when running simulations involving PhyML.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--quiet%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sNo interactive question (for running in batch mode) and quiet output.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--no_memory_check%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sNo interactive question for memory usage (for running in batch mode). Normal ouput otherwise.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--alias_subpatt%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sSite aliasing is generalized at the subtree level. Sometimes lead to faster calculations.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sSee Kosakovsky Pond SL, Muse SV, Sytematic Biology (2004) for an example.\n",FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifndef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--boot_progress_display %snum%s (default=20)\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%snum%s is the frequency at which the bootstrap progress bar will be updated.\n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tMust be an integer.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--chain_len %snum%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\t%snum%s is the number of generations or runs of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Set to 1E+6 by default. \n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tMust be an integer.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif /* #ifdef PHYTIME */ /* PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--burnin %snum%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); */ /* PhyML_Printf("\t\t%snum%s is the number of generations of runs of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo during the 'burnin' period.\n",LINE,FLAT); */ /* PhyML_Printf("\t\t%sSet to 1E+5 by default. Must be an integer. \n",FLAT); */ /* PhyML_Printf("\n"); */ /* #endif */ #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--sample_freq %snum%s\n",BOLD,LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tThe chain is sampled every %snum%s generations. Set to 1E+3 by default. \n",LINE,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tMust be an integer.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--no_data%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tUse this option to sample from the priors only (rather from the posterior joint density\n"); PhyML_Printf("\t\tof the model parameters).\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef PHYTIME PhyML_Printf("%s\n\t--fastlk%s\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("\t\tUse the multivariate normal approximation to the likelihood and speed up calculations\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef PHYML PhyML_Printf("%sPHYLIP-LIKE INTERFACE\n""%s\n\tYou can also use PhyML with no argument, in this case change the value of\n",BOLD,FLAT); PhyML_Printf("%s\ta parameter by typing its corresponding character as shown on screen.\n\n",FLAT); #endif #ifdef PHYML PhyML_Printf("%sEXAMPLES\n\n" "%s\tDNA interleaved sequence file, default parameters : ""%s ./phyml -i seqs1" "%s\n\tAA interleaved sequence file, default parameters : ""%s ./phyml -i seqs2 -d aa" "%s\n\tAA sequential sequence file, with customization : ""%s ./phyml -i seqs3 -q -d aa -m JTT -c 4 -a e%s\n",BOLD,FLAT,BOLD,FLAT,BOLD,FLAT,BOLD,FLAT); #endif Exit(""); }
/* Update partial likelihood on edge b on the side of b where node d lies. */ void update_beagle_partials(t_tree* tree, t_edge* b, t_node* d) { /* | |<- b | d / \ b1 / \ b2 / \ n_v1 n_v2 */ if(d->tax) //Partial likelihoods are only calculated on internal nodes { PhyML_Printf("\n== t_node %d is a leaf...",d->num); PhyML_Printf("\n== Err. in file %s at line %d (function '%s')\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__); Warn_And_Exit("\n"); } //Determine d's "left" and "right" neighbors. t_node *n_v1, *n_v2;//d's "left" and "right" neighbor nodes phydbl *p_lk,*p_lk_v1,*p_lk_v2; phydbl *Pij1,*Pij2; int *sum_scale, *sum_scale_v1, *sum_scale_v2; int *p_lk_loc; int dest_p_idx, child1_p_idx, child2_p_idx, Pij1_idx, Pij2_idx; n_v1 = n_v2 = NULL; p_lk = p_lk_v1 = p_lk_v2 = NULL; Pij1 = Pij2 = NULL; sum_scale_v1 = sum_scale_v2 = NULL; p_lk_loc = NULL; dest_p_idx = child1_p_idx = child2_p_idx = Pij1_idx = Pij2_idx = UNINITIALIZED; Set_All_P_Lk(&n_v1,&n_v2, &p_lk,&sum_scale,&p_lk_loc, &Pij1,&p_lk_v1,&sum_scale_v1, &Pij2,&p_lk_v2,&sum_scale_v2, d,b,tree, &dest_p_idx, &child1_p_idx, &child2_p_idx, &Pij1_idx, &Pij2_idx); // fprintf(stdout, "\nUpdating partials on Branch %d (on the side where Node %d lies)\n",b->num,d->num);fflush(stdout); // double* p_lk_v1_b = (double*)malloc(tree->mod->ras->n_catg*tree->mod->ns*tree->n_pattern*sizeof(double));if(NULL==p_lk_v1_b) Warn_And_Exit("Couldnt allocate memory"); // beagleGetPartials(tree->b_inst, child1_p_idx, BEAGLE_OP_NONE, (double*)p_lk_v1_b); // double* p_lk_v2_b = (double*)malloc(tree->mod->ras->n_catg*tree->mod->ns*tree->n_pattern*sizeof(double));if(NULL==p_lk_v2_b) Warn_And_Exit("Couldnt allocate memory"); // beagleGetPartials(tree->b_inst, child2_p_idx, BEAGLE_OP_NONE, (double*)p_lk_v2_b); // fprintf(stdout, "Left partials :");fflush(stdout); // Dump_Arr_D(p_lk_v1_b, tree->mod->ras->n_catg*tree->mod->ns*tree->n_pattern); // fprintf(stdout, "Right partials:");fflush(stdout); // Dump_Arr_D(p_lk_v2_b, tree->mod->ras->n_catg*tree->mod->ns*tree->n_pattern); // Free(p_lk_v1_b); // Free(p_lk_v2_b); //Create the corresponding BEAGLE operation // fprintf(stderr,"%d, %d, %d, ", dest_p_idx, child1_p_idx, child2_p_idx); BeagleOperation operations[1] = {{dest_p_idx, BEAGLE_OP_NONE, BEAGLE_OP_NONE, child1_p_idx, Pij1_idx, child2_p_idx, Pij2_idx}}; //Compute the partials int ret = beagleUpdatePartials(tree->b_inst, operations, 1, BEAGLE_OP_NONE); if(ret<0){ fprintf(stderr, "beagleUpdatePartials() on instance %i failed:%i\n\n",tree->b_inst,ret); Exit(""); } //Load the computed/updated partial partials #ifndef CLEAN_BEAGLE_API ret = beagleGetPartials(tree->b_inst, dest_p_idx, BEAGLE_OP_NONE, (double*)p_lk); if(ret<0){ fprintf(stderr, "beagleGetPartials() on instance %i failed:%i\n\n",tree->b_inst,ret); Exit(""); } #endif // fprintf(stdout, "Updated partials:");fflush(stdout); // Dump_Arr_D(p_lk, tree->mod->ras->n_catg*tree->mod->ns*tree->n_pattern); }
/** * Fill the Option fields, with the argc array */ int Read_Command_Line(option *io, int argc, char **argv) { int c; int idx; int i; int writemode; PhyML_Printf("\n. command-line: "); For(i,argc) PhyML_Printf("%s ",argv[i]); if(argc == 1) Exit("\n. No argument was passed to the program. Please check the documentation. \n"); struct option longopts[] = { {"n_rgrft", required_argument,NULL,0}, {"n_globl", required_argument,NULL,1}, {"max_dist", required_argument,NULL,2}, {"n_optim", required_argument,NULL,3}, {"n_best", required_argument,NULL,4}, {"model", required_argument,NULL,5}, {"search", required_argument,NULL,6}, {"datatype", required_argument,NULL,7}, {"multiple", required_argument,NULL,8}, {"input", required_argument,NULL,9}, {"bootstrap", required_argument,NULL,10}, {"ts/tv", required_argument,NULL,11}, {"nclasses", required_argument,NULL,12}, {"pinv", required_argument,NULL,13}, {"alpha", required_argument,NULL,14}, {"inputtree", required_argument,NULL,15}, {"min_diff_lk_local", required_argument,NULL,16}, {"min_diff_lk_global",required_argument,NULL,17}, {"steph_spr", no_argument,NULL,18}, {"brent_it_max", required_argument,NULL,19}, {"rand_start", no_argument,NULL,20}, {"n_rand_starts", required_argument,NULL,21}, {"sequential", no_argument,NULL,22}, {"inside_opt", no_argument,NULL,23}, {"p_moves", required_argument,NULL,24}, {"fast_nni", no_argument,NULL,25}, {"g_pars", no_argument,NULL,26}, {"r_seed", required_argument,NULL,27}, {"collapse_boot", required_argument,NULL,28}, {"random_boot", required_argument,NULL,29}, {"print_trace", no_argument,NULL,30}, {"print_site_lnl", no_argument,NULL,31}, {"print_site_lk", no_argument,NULL,31}, {"cov", no_argument,NULL,32}, {"cov_delta", required_argument,NULL,33}, {"cov_alpha", required_argument,NULL,34}, {"cov_ncats", required_argument,NULL,35}, {"ps", no_argument,NULL,36}, {"cov_free", no_argument,NULL,37}, {"no_gap", no_argument,NULL,38}, {"n_rr_branch", required_argument,NULL,39}, {"append", no_argument,NULL,40}, {"no_five_branch", no_argument,NULL,41}, {"pars_thresh", required_argument,NULL,42}, {"min_diff_lk_move", required_argument,NULL,43}, {"hybrid", no_argument,NULL,44}, {"use_median", no_argument,NULL,45}, {"run_id", required_argument,NULL,46}, {"pars", no_argument,NULL,47}, {"quiet", no_argument,NULL,48}, {"version", no_argument,NULL,49}, {"calibration_file", required_argument,NULL,50}, {"calibration", required_argument,NULL,50}, {"clade_file", required_argument,NULL,50}, {"boot_progress_every", required_argument,NULL,51}, {"aa_rate_file", required_argument,NULL,52}, {"chain_len", required_argument,NULL,53}, {"sample_freq", required_argument,NULL,54}, {"burnin", required_argument,NULL,55}, {"no_memory_check", no_argument,NULL,56}, {"no_colalias", no_argument,NULL,57}, {"alias_subpatt", no_argument,NULL,58}, {"no_sequences", no_argument,NULL,59}, {"prior", no_argument,NULL,59}, {"fastlk", no_argument,NULL,60}, {"free_rates", no_argument,NULL,61}, {"freerates", no_argument,NULL,61}, {"freerate", no_argument,NULL,61}, {"free_rate", no_argument,NULL,61}, {"is", no_argument,NULL,62}, // no 63 since it corresponds to character '?' {"rate_model", required_argument,NULL,64}, {"ratemodel", required_argument,NULL,64}, {"log_l", no_argument,NULL,65}, {"gamma_lens", no_argument,NULL,66}, {"il", no_argument,NULL,66}, {"codpos", required_argument,NULL,67}, {"constraint_file", required_argument,NULL,68}, {"constraint_tree", required_argument,NULL,68}, {"help", no_argument,NULL,69}, {"mutmap", no_argument,NULL,70}, {"parvals", required_argument,NULL,71}, {"constrained_lens", no_argument,NULL,72}, {"xml", required_argument,NULL,73}, {"l_var", required_argument,NULL,74}, #ifdef BEAGLE {"beagle_resource", required_argument,NULL,75}, #endif {"ancestral", no_argument,NULL,76}, {"anc", no_argument,NULL,76}, {"coord_file", required_argument,NULL,77}, {0,0,0,0} }; io->datatype = UNDEFINED; #ifndef PHYML int open_ps_file = 0; #endif idx=-1; do { c = getopt_long(argc,argv,"qi:d:m:b:n:t:f:zk:v:c:a:u:ho:s:x:g:l:ep",longopts,&idx); switch(c) { case 77: { char *tmp; tmp = (char *)mCalloc(T_MAX_FILE, sizeof(char)); if(strlen(optarg) > T_MAX_FILE -11) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file name'"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' is too long.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else if (!Filexists (optarg)) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file '"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' doesn't exist.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { strcpy(io->in_coord_file, optarg); io->fp_in_coord = Openfile(io->in_coord_file,READ); } Free(tmp); break; } case 76: { io->ancestral = YES; break; } #ifdef BEAGLE case 75: { io->beagle_resource = (int)atoi(optarg); break; } #endif case 74: { io->mod->l_var_sigma = String_To_Dbl(optarg); break; } case 73: { #ifdef INVITEE Free_Optimiz(io->mod->s_opt); M4_Free_M4_Model(io->mod->m4mod); Free_Model_Basic(io->mod); Free_Input(io); PhyTime_XML(optarg); return 0; #elif defined(PHYML) Free_Optimiz(io->mod->s_opt); M4_Free_M4_Model(io->mod->m4mod); Free_Model_Basic(io->mod); Free_Input(io); PhyML_XML(optarg); return 0; #elif defined(DATE) Free_Optimiz(io->mod->s_opt); M4_Free_M4_Model(io->mod->m4mod); Free_Model_Basic(io->mod); Free_Input(io); DATE_XML(optarg); return 0; #endif break; } case 72: { io->mod->s_opt->constrained_br_len = YES; break; } case 71: { io->mcmc->in_fp_par = fopen(optarg,"r"); io->mcmc->randomize = NO; break; } case 70: { io->mutmap = YES; break; } case 68: { char *tmp; tmp = (char *)mCalloc(T_MAX_FILE, sizeof(char)); if(strlen(optarg) > T_MAX_FILE -11) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file name'"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' is too long.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else if (!Filexists (optarg)) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file '"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' doesn't exist.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { strcpy(io->in_constraint_tree_file, optarg); io->fp_in_constraint_tree = Openfile(io->in_constraint_tree_file,0); } Free(tmp); break; } case 67: { phydbl pos; pos = atof(optarg); io->codpos = (int)pos; if(io->codpos < 1 || io->codpos > 3) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Coding position must be set to 1, 2 or 3.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; break; } case 66: { io->mod->gamma_mgf_bl = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_gamma_br_len = YES; break; } case 65: { io->mod->log_l = YES; break; } case 64: { char *s; int i; s = (char *)mCalloc(T_MAX_NAME,sizeof(char)); i = 0; while(optarg[i++]) s[i]=tolower(optarg[i]); if(!strcmp(optarg,"gbd")) io->rates->model = THORNE; else if(!strcmp(optarg,"gbs")) io->rates->model = GUINDON; else if(!strcmp(optarg,"gamma")) io->rates->model = GAMMA; else if(!strcmp(optarg,"clock")) io->rates->model = STRICTCLOCK; else if(!strcmp(optarg,"strictclock")) io->rates->model = STRICTCLOCK; else if(!strcmp(optarg,"strict_clock")) io->rates->model = STRICTCLOCK; else { PhyML_Printf("\n. rate_model should be 'gbs', 'gbd', 'gamma' or 'clock'."); Exit("\n"); } Free(s); break; } case 62: { io->mcmc->is = YES; break; } case 61: { io->mod->ras->free_mixt_rates = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_free_mixt_rates = YES; break; } case 60: { io->lk_approx = NORMAL; break; } case 59: { io->mcmc->use_data = NO; break; } case 58: { io->do_alias_subpatt = YES; break; } case 57: { io->colalias = NO; break; } case 56: { io->mem_question = NO; break; } case 55: { phydbl len; len = atof(optarg); io->mcmc->chain_len_burnin = (int)len; if(io->mcmc->chain_len_burnin < 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. chain_len_burnin must be an integer greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 54: { phydbl len; len = atof(optarg); io->mcmc->sample_interval = (int)len; if(io->mcmc->sample_interval < 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. sample_interval must be an integer greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 53: { phydbl len; len = atof(optarg); io->mcmc->chain_len = (int)len; if(io->mcmc->chain_len < 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. chain_len must be an integer greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 52: { char *s; s = (char *)mCalloc(T_MAX_FILE, sizeof(char)); strcpy(s,optarg); io->mod->fp_aa_rate_mat = Openfile(s,0); strcpy(io->mod->aa_rate_mat_file->s,s); Free(s); break; } case 51: { io->boot_prog_every = atoi(optarg); if(io->boot_prog_every < 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. boot_progress_every must be an integer greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 50: { strcpy(io->clade_list_file,optarg); break; } case 49: { PhyML_Printf("\n. This is PhyML version %s.\n\n",VERSION); Exit(""); break; } case 48 : { io->quiet = 1; break; } case 'p' : case 47 : { io->in_tree = 1; break; } case 46 : { io->append_run_ID = YES; strcpy(io->run_id_string,optarg); break; } case 45 : { io->mod->ras->gamma_median = 1; break; } case 44 : { io->mod->s_opt->hybrid_thresh = 0; break; } case 43 : { io->mod->s_opt->min_diff_lk_move = atof(optarg); if(io->mod->s_opt->min_diff_lk_move < 0) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Min_diff_lk_move must be a double greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 42 : { io->mod->s_opt->pars_thresh = (int)atoi(optarg); if(io->mod->s_opt->pars_thresh < 0) { PhyML_Printf("\n. The parsimony threshold must be an integer greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 41 : { io->mod->s_opt->opt_five_branch = 0; break; } case 40 : { writemode = 2; break; } case 39 : { break; } case 38 : { io->rm_ambigu = 1; break; } case 37 : { io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_free_rates = YES; io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_alpha = NO; io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_free = YES; break; } case 36 : { #ifndef PHYML open_ps_file = 1; #endif break; } case 35 : { io->mod->m4mod->n_h = (int)atoi(optarg); if(io->mod->m4mod->n_h < 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The number of classes must be greater than 0.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 34 : { io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_alpha = YES; io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_free = NO; if(!strcmp(optarg,"e") || !strcmp(optarg,"E") || !strcmp(optarg,"estimated") || !strcmp(optarg,"ESTIMATED")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_alpha = YES; io->mod->m4mod->alpha = 1.0; } else { io->mod->m4mod->alpha = (phydbl)atof(optarg); if(io->mod->m4mod->alpha < 1.E-5) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The value of alpha must be greater than 1.E-5.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } } break; } case 33 : { if(!strcmp(optarg,"e") || !strcmp(optarg,"E") || !strcmp(optarg,"estimated") || !strcmp(optarg,"ESTIMATED")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_delta = YES; io->mod->m4mod->delta = 1.0; } else { io->mod->m4mod->delta = (phydbl)atof(optarg); if(atof(optarg) < 1.E-10) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The value of delta must be larger than 1.E-10.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } } break; } case 32 : { io->mod->use_m4mod = YES; break; } case 31 : { io->print_site_lnl = YES; break; } case 30 : { io->print_trace = YES; break; } case 29 : { io->random_boot_seq_order = (int)atoi(optarg); break; } case 28 : { io->collapse_boot = (int)atoi(optarg); break; } case 27 : { io->r_seed = (int)atoi(optarg); break; } case 26 : { io->mod->s_opt->general_pars = YES; break; } case 25 : { io->mod->s_opt->fast_nni = YES; break; } case 24 : { io->mod->s_opt->p_moves_to_examine = (phydbl)atof(optarg); break; } case 23 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_inside_opt = 1; break; } case 0 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_n_rgrft = atoi(optarg); break; } case 1 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_n_globl = atoi(optarg); break; } case 2 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_max_dist = atoi(optarg); break; } case 3 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_n_optim = atoi(optarg); break; } case 4 : { io->mod->s_opt->wim_n_best = atoi(optarg); break; } case 16 : { io->mod->s_opt->min_diff_lk_local = atof(optarg); break; } case 17 : { io->mod->s_opt->min_diff_lk_global = atof(optarg); break; } case 18 : { io->mod->s_opt->steph_spr = 0; io->mod->s_opt->greedy = 1; break; } case 19 : { io->mod->s_opt->brent_it_max = atoi(optarg); break; } case 20 : { io->mod->s_opt->random_input_tree = 1; break; } case 21 : { io->mod->s_opt->random_input_tree = 1; io->mod->s_opt->n_rand_starts = atoi(optarg); if(io->mod->s_opt->n_rand_starts < 1) Exit("\n== Number of random starting trees must be > 0.\n\n"); } case 's':case 6: { if((!strcmp(optarg,"spr")) || (!strcmp(optarg,"SPR"))) { io->mod->s_opt->topo_search = SPR_MOVE; io->mod->s_opt->greedy = (io->mod->s_opt->steph_spr)?(0):(1); } else if((!strcmp(optarg,"nni")) || (!strcmp(optarg,"NNI"))) { io->mod->s_opt->topo_search = NNI_MOVE; io->mod->s_opt->random_input_tree = 0; } else if((!strcmp(optarg,"best")) || (!strcmp(optarg,"BEST"))) { io->mod->s_opt->topo_search = BEST_OF_NNI_AND_SPR; io->mod->s_opt->greedy = (io->mod->s_opt->steph_spr)?(0):(1); } break; } case 'd':case 7: { if(!strcmp(optarg,"nt")) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->ns = 4; io->mod->m4mod->n_o = 4; if((io->mod->whichmodel == LG) || (io->mod->whichmodel == WAG) || (io->mod->whichmodel == DAYHOFF) || (io->mod->whichmodel == JTT) || (io->mod->whichmodel == BLOSUM62) || (io->mod->whichmodel == MTREV) || (io->mod->whichmodel == RTREV) || (io->mod->whichmodel == CPREV) || (io->mod->whichmodel == DCMUT) || (io->mod->whichmodel == VT) || (io->mod->whichmodel == MTMAM) || (io->mod->whichmodel == MTART) || (io->mod->whichmodel == HIVW) || (io->mod->whichmodel == HIVB) || (io->mod->whichmodel == AB) || (io->mod->whichmodel == CUSTOMAA) ) { io->mod->whichmodel = HKY85; strcpy(io->mod->modelname->s, "HKY85\0"); } } else if (!strcmp(optarg,"aa")) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = NO; io->mod->ns = 20; io->mod->m4mod->n_o = 20; if( (io->mod->whichmodel == JC69) || (io->mod->whichmodel == K80) || (io->mod->whichmodel == F81) || (io->mod->whichmodel == HKY85) || (io->mod->whichmodel == F84) || (io->mod->whichmodel == TN93) || (io->mod->whichmodel == GTR) || (io->mod->whichmodel == CUSTOM) ) { io->mod->whichmodel = LG; strcpy(io->mod->modelname->s, "LG\0"); } } else if ((!strcmp(optarg,"generic")) || (!strcmp(optarg,"gen"))) { io->datatype = GENERIC; } else { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Unknown argument to -d option: please use `nt' for DNA or `aa' for Amino-Acids\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case 'm': case 5 : { int i; For(i,strlen(optarg)) Uppercase(optarg+i); if(!isalpha(optarg[0])) { strcpy(io->mod->custom_mod_string->s,optarg); if(strlen(io->mod->custom_mod_string->s) != 6) { Warn_And_Exit("\n. The string should be of length 6.\n"); } else { /* Make_Custom_Model(io->mod); */ /* Translate_Custom_Mod_String(io->mod); */ } io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = CUSTOM; strcpy(io->mod->modelname->s, "custom"); io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_rr = YES; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "JC69") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = JC69; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "K80") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = K80; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "F81") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = F81; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "HKY85") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = HKY85; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "F84") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = F84; } else if (strcmp (optarg,"TN93") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = TN93; } else if(strcmp (optarg, "GTR") == 0) { io->datatype = NT; io->mod->whichmodel = GTR; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "DAYHOFF") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = DAYHOFF; } else if(strcmp (optarg, "JTT") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = JTT; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "MTREV") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = MTREV; } else if(strcmp (optarg, "LG") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = LG; } else if(strcmp (optarg, "WAG") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = WAG; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "DCMUT") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = DCMUT; } else if(strcmp (optarg, "RTREV") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = RTREV; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "CPREV") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = CPREV; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "VT") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = VT; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "BLOSUM62") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = BLOSUM62; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "MTMAM") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = MTMAM; } else if (strcmp(optarg,"MTART") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = MTART; } else if (strcmp(optarg,"HIVW") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = HIVW; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "HIVB") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = HIVB; } else if(strcmp(optarg, "AB") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = AB; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "CUSTOM") == 0) { io->datatype = AA; io->mod->whichmodel = CUSTOMAA; } else { PhyML_Printf("\n. The model name is incorrect. Please see the documentation.\n"); Exit("\n"); } Set_Model_Name(io->mod); break; } case 'a':case 14 : { if ((strcmp (optarg, "e") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "E") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "estimated") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "ESTIMATED") == 0)) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_alpha = YES; } else if (atof(optarg) < 1.E-10) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Alpha must be > 1.E-10.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { io->mod->ras->alpha->v = (phydbl)atof(optarg); io->mod->s_opt->opt_alpha = 0; } break; } case 'b':case 10: { if ((int)String_To_Dbl(optarg) < -5) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Branch test value must be a positive integer for bootstrap, or between -1 and -4 for aLRT branch test\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { if((int)String_To_Dbl(optarg) > 0) { io->ratio_test = 0; io->mod->bootstrap = (int)atoi(optarg); io->print_boot_trees = 1; if(io->n_data_sets > 1) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Bootstrap option is not allowed with multiple data sets\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } } else if (atoi(optarg)==0) { io->mod->bootstrap = 0; io->ratio_test = 0; } else { io->mod->bootstrap = 0; io->ratio_test = -(int)atoi(optarg); } } break; } case 'c':case 12: { if ((!atoi(optarg)) || (atoi(optarg) < 0)) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. Unknown argument to -c option: the number of rate categories must be a positive integer\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { io->mod->ras->n_catg = atoi(optarg); if(io->mod->ras->n_catg < 1) { PhyML_Printf("\n. The number of rate categories must be a positive integer\n"); Exit("\n"); } } break; } case 'f': { if(!strcmp(optarg,"e")) { if(io->datatype == NT) io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = NO; else if (io->datatype == AA) io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = YES; else { PhyML_Printf("\n. Please define the data type (nt or aa) before setting the -f option\n"); Exit("\n"); } } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"m")) { if (io->datatype == NT) io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = YES; else if (io->datatype == AA) io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = NO; else { PhyML_Printf("\n. Please define the data type (nt or aa) before setting the -f option\n"); Exit("\n"); } } else if(!isalpha(optarg[0])) { phydbl sum; double val1,val2,val3,val4; io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = 0; io->mod->s_opt->user_state_freq = 1; /* sscanf(optarg,"%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", */ /* io->mod->user_b_freq, */ /* io->mod->user_b_freq+1, */ /* io->mod->user_b_freq+2, */ /* io->mod->user_b_freq+3); */ sscanf(optarg,"%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf",&val1,&val2,&val3,&val4); io->mod->user_b_freq->v[0] = (phydbl)val1; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[1] = (phydbl)val2; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[2] = (phydbl)val3; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[3] = (phydbl)val4; sum = (io->mod->user_b_freq->v[0] + io->mod->user_b_freq->v[1] + io->mod->user_b_freq->v[2] + io->mod->user_b_freq->v[3]); io->mod->user_b_freq->v[0] /= sum; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[1] /= sum; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[2] /= sum; io->mod->user_b_freq->v[3] /= sum; if(io->mod->user_b_freq->v[0] < .0 || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[1] < .0 || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[2] < .0 || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[3] < .0 || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[0] > 1. || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[1] > 1. || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[2] > 1. || io->mod->user_b_freq->v[3] > 1.) { Warn_And_Exit("\n. Invalid base frequencies.\n"); } } break; } case 'h':case 69: { Usage(); break; } case 'i':case 9: { char *tmp; tmp = (char *) mCalloc (T_MAX_FILE, sizeof(char)); if (strlen (optarg) > T_MAX_FILE -16) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file name'"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' is too long.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else if (!Filexists (optarg)) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file '"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' does not exist.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { strcpy(io->in_align_file, optarg); io->fp_in_align = Openfile(io->in_align_file,0); strcpy(io->out_file, optarg); strcpy(io->out_tree_file,optarg); #ifdef PHYML strcat(io->out_tree_file,"_phyml_tree"); #elif M4 strcat(io->out_tree_file,"_m4_tree"); #elif PHYREX strcat(io->out_tree_file,"_phyrex_tree"); #endif strcpy(io->out_stats_file,optarg); #ifdef PHYML strcat(io->out_stats_file,"_phyml_stats"); #elif M4 strcat(io->out_stats_file,"_m4_stats"); #elif PHYREX strcat(io->out_stats_file,"_phyrex_stats"); #endif #ifdef PHYREX strcpy(io->out_summary_file,optarg); strcat(io->out_summary_file,"_phyrex_summary"); #endif } Free (tmp); break; } case 't':case 11: { if ((io->mod->whichmodel != JC69) && (io->mod->whichmodel != F81) && (io->mod->whichmodel != GTR)) { if ((strcmp(optarg, "e") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "E") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "estimated") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "ESTIMATED") == 0)) { io->mod->kappa->v = 4.0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = YES; if (io->mod->whichmodel == TN93) io->mod->s_opt->opt_lambda = YES; } else { if (atof(optarg) < .0) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The ts/tv ratio must be a positive number\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { io->mod->kappa->v = (phydbl)atof(optarg); io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_lambda = 0; } } } break; } case 'n':case 8: { if ((!atoi(optarg)) || (atoi(optarg) < 0)) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The number of alignments must be a positive integer\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else io->n_data_sets = atoi (optarg); break; } case 'q':case 22: { io->interleaved = NO; break; } case 'u':case 15: { char *tmp; tmp = (char *)mCalloc(T_MAX_FILE, sizeof(char)); if(strlen(optarg) > T_MAX_FILE -11) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file name'"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' is too long.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else if (! Filexists (optarg)) { char choix; strcpy (tmp, "\n. The file '"); strcat (tmp, optarg); strcat (tmp, "' doesn't exist.\n"); PhyML_Printf("%s",tmp); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { strcpy(io->in_tree_file, optarg); io->in_tree = 2; io->fp_in_tree = Openfile(io->in_tree_file,READ); } Free(tmp); break; } case 'v':case 13: { if ((strcmp (optarg, "e") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "E") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "estimated") == 0) || (strcmp (optarg, "ESTIMATED") == 0)) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_pinvar = YES; io->mod->ras->invar = YES; } else if ((atof(optarg) < 0.0) || (atof(optarg) > 1.0)) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n. The proportion of invariable site must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit."); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } else { io->mod->ras->pinvar->v = (phydbl)atof(optarg); if (io->mod->ras->pinvar->v > 0.0+SMALL) io->mod->ras->invar = 1; else io->mod->ras->invar = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_pinvar = 0; } break; } case 'o': { if(!strcmp(optarg,"tlr")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = YES; } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"tl")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = NO; } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"t")) { Warn_And_Exit("\n. You can't optimize the topology without adjusting branch length too...\n"); } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"lr")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = YES; } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"l")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = YES; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = NO; } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"r")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = YES; } else if(!strcmp(optarg,"none") || !strcmp(optarg,"n")) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = NO; io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param = NO; } else { char choix; PhyML_Printf ("\n. The optimization parameter must be 'tlr' or 'tl' or 'lr' or 'l' or 'r' or ''."); PhyML_Printf("\n. Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } break; } case '?': { Exit("\n"); break; } case -1: { break; } default: { Usage(); break; } } }while(c != -1); /* if((io->mod->whichmodel == K80) || (io->mod->whichmodel == JC69)) */ /* { */ /* if(io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq) */ /* { */ /* char c; */ /* PhyML_Printf("\n. WARNING: nucleotide frequencies must be set to 1/4 with this model.\n"); */ /* PhyML_Printf("\n. Type the enter key to resume the analysis.\n"); */ /* scanf("%c",&c); */ /* } */ /* io->mod->s_opt->opt_state_freq = 0; */ /* } */ if(io->mod->s_opt->constrained_br_len == YES) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_topo = NO; /* io->mod->s_opt->opt_bl = NO; */ } #ifndef PHYML if((open_ps_file) || (io->m4_model == YES)) { strcpy(io->out_ps_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_ps_file, ""); io->fp_out_ps = Openfile(io->out_ps_file,WRITE); } #endif if(io->datatype == UNDEFINED) io->datatype = NT; if((io->mod->s_opt->n_rand_starts) && (io->mod->s_opt->topo_search == NNI_MOVE) && (io->mod->s_opt->random_input_tree)) { Warn_And_Exit("\n== The random starting tree option is only compatible with SPR based search options.\n"); } if ((io->datatype == NT) && (io->mod->whichmodel > 10)) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n== Err.: model incompatible with the data type. Please use JC69, K80, F81, HKY, F84, TN93 or GTR\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n== Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Warn_And_Exit("\n"); } else if ((io->datatype == AA) && (io->mod->whichmodel < 11)) { char choix; PhyML_Printf("\n== Err.: model incompatible with the data type. Please use LG, Dayhoff, JTT, MtREV, WAG, DCMut, RtREV, CpREV, VT, Blosum62, MtMam, MtArt, HIVw, HIVb or AB.\n"); PhyML_Printf("\n== Type any key to exit.\n"); if(!scanf("%c",&choix)) Exit("\n"); Exit("\n"); } if(io->mod->use_m4mod == NO) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_delta = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_alpha = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_free_rates = 0; } if((io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_free_rates) && (io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_alpha)) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_cov_free_rates = 1; io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_alpha = 0; io->mod->m4mod->use_cov_free = 1; } if(io->print_site_lnl) { strcpy(io->out_lk_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_lk_file, "_phyml_lk"); if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_lk_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_lk_file,io->run_id_string); } io->fp_out_lk = Openfile(io->out_lk_file,1); } if(io->print_trace) { strcpy(io->out_trace_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_trace_file,"_phyml_trace"); if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_trace_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_trace_file,io->run_id_string); } io->fp_out_trace = Openfile(io->out_trace_file,1); } if(io->mod->s_opt->random_input_tree) { strcpy(io->out_trees_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_trees_file,"_phyml_rand_trees"); if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_trees_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_trees_file,io->run_id_string); } io->fp_out_trees = Openfile(io->out_trees_file,1); } if((io->print_boot_trees) && (io->mod->bootstrap > 0)) { strcpy(io->out_boot_tree_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_boot_tree_file,"_phyml_boot_trees"); if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_boot_tree_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_boot_tree_file,io->run_id_string); } io->fp_out_boot_tree = Openfile(io->out_boot_tree_file,1); strcpy(io->out_boot_stats_file,io->in_align_file); strcat(io->out_boot_stats_file,"_phyml_boot_stats"); if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_boot_stats_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_boot_stats_file,io->run_id_string); } io->fp_out_boot_stats = Openfile(io->out_boot_stats_file,1); } if(io->append_run_ID) { strcat(io->out_tree_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_stats_file,"_"); strcat(io->out_tree_file,io->run_id_string); strcat(io->out_stats_file,io->run_id_string); } if(io->mod->ras->n_catg == 1) io->mod->s_opt->opt_alpha = 0; if(!io->mod->s_opt->opt_subst_param) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_alpha = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_lambda = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_pinvar = 0; io->mod->s_opt->opt_rr = 0; } if(io->mod->whichmodel != K80 && io->mod->whichmodel != HKY85 && io->mod->whichmodel != F84 && io->mod->whichmodel != TN93) { io->mod->s_opt->opt_kappa = 0; } if(io->datatype == AA && io->mod->whichmodel == CUSTOMAA && !io->mod->fp_aa_rate_mat) { PhyML_Printf("\n== Custom model option with amino-acid requires you to specify a rate matrix file through the '--aa_rate_file' option.\n"); Exit("\n"); } #if !defined(PHYTIME) // Make sure you don't erase the input file... if(!strcmp(io->out_tree_file,io->in_align_file) || !strcmp(io->out_stats_file,io->in_align_file)) Generic_Exit(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__); writemode = WRITE; io->fp_out_tree = Openfile(io->out_tree_file,writemode); io->fp_out_stats = Openfile(io->out_stats_file,writemode); #endif #if defined(PHYREX) io->fp_out_summary = Openfile(io->out_summary_file,writemode); #endif writemode++; // just to silence a warning message at compilation if(io->mod->whichmodel == GTR) { /* Make_Custom_Model(io->mod); */ io->mod->s_opt->opt_rr = 1; } return 1; }