void ClusterCursorManager::PinnedCursor::returnCursor(CursorState cursorState) {
    // Note that unpinning a cursor transfers ownership of the underlying ClusterClientCursor object
    // back to the manager.
    _manager->checkInCursor(std::move(_cursor), _nss, _cursorId, cursorState);
    *this = PinnedCursor();
Example #2
StatusWith<ClusterCursorManager::PinnedCursor> ClusterCursorManager::checkOutCursor(
    const NamespaceString& nss, CursorId cursorId) {
    // Read the clock out of the lock.
    const auto now = _clockSource->now();

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    if (_inShutdown) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress,
                      "Cannot check out cursor as we are in the process of shutting down");

    CursorEntry* entry = getEntry_inlock(nss, cursorId);
    if (!entry) {
        return cursorNotFoundStatus(nss, cursorId);
    if (entry->getKillPending()) {
        return cursorNotFoundStatus(nss, cursorId);
    std::unique_ptr<ClusterClientCursor> cursor = entry->releaseCursor();
    if (!cursor) {
        return cursorInUseStatus(nss, cursorId);


    // Note that pinning a cursor transfers ownership of the underlying ClusterClientCursor object
    // to the pin; the CursorEntry is left with a null ClusterClientCursor.
    return PinnedCursor(this, std::move(cursor), nss, cursorId);
ClusterCursorManager::PinnedCursor ClusterCursorManager::registerCursor(
    std::unique_ptr<ClusterClientCursor> cursor,
    const NamespaceString& nss,
    CursorType cursorType,
    CursorLifetime cursorLifetime) {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);


    // Find the CursorEntryContainer for this namespace.  If none exists, create one.
    auto nsToContainerIt = _namespaceToContainerMap.find(nss);
    if (nsToContainerIt == _namespaceToContainerMap.end()) {
        uint32_t containerPrefix = 0;
        do {
            // The server has always generated positive values for CursorId (which is a signed
            // type), so we use std::abs() here on the prefix for consistency with this historical
            // behavior.
            containerPrefix = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::abs(_pseudoRandom.nextInt32()));
        } while (_cursorIdPrefixToNamespaceMap.count(containerPrefix) > 0);
        _cursorIdPrefixToNamespaceMap[containerPrefix] = nss;

        auto emplaceResult =
            _namespaceToContainerMap.emplace(nss, CursorEntryContainer(containerPrefix));
        invariant(_namespaceToContainerMap.size() == _cursorIdPrefixToNamespaceMap.size());

        nsToContainerIt = emplaceResult.first;
    } else {
        invariant(!nsToContainerIt->second.entryMap.empty());  // If exists, shouldn't be empty.
    CursorEntryContainer& container = nsToContainerIt->second;

    // Generate a CursorId (which can't be the invalid value zero).
    CursorEntryMap& entryMap = container.entryMap;
    CursorId cursorId = 0;
    do {
        const uint32_t cursorSuffix = static_cast<uint32_t>(_pseudoRandom.nextInt32());
        cursorId = createCursorId(container.containerPrefix, cursorSuffix);
    } while (cursorId == 0 || entryMap.count(cursorId) > 0);

    // Create a new CursorEntry and register it in the CursorEntryContainer's map.
    auto emplaceResult = entryMap.emplace(
        cursorId, CursorEntry(std::move(cursor), cursorType, cursorLifetime, _clockSource->now()));

    // Pin and return the cursor.  Note that pinning a cursor transfers ownership of the underlying
    // ClusterClientCursor object to the pin; the CursorEntry is left with a null
    // ClusterClientCursor.
    CursorEntry& entry = emplaceResult.first->second;
    return PinnedCursor(this, entry.releaseCursor(), nss, cursorId);
StatusWith<ClusterCursorManager::PinnedCursor> ClusterCursorManager::checkOutCursor(
    const NamespaceString& nss, CursorId cursorId) {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    CursorEntry* entry = getEntry_inlock(nss, cursorId);
    if (!entry) {
        return cursorNotFoundStatus(nss, cursorId);
    if (entry->getKillPending()) {
        return cursorNotFoundStatus(nss, cursorId);
    std::unique_ptr<ClusterClientCursor> cursor = entry->releaseCursor();
    if (!cursor) {
        return cursorInUseStatus(nss, cursorId);


    // Note that pinning a cursor transfers ownership of the underlying ClusterClientCursor object
    // to the pin; the CursorEntry is left with a null ClusterClientCursor.
    return PinnedCursor(this, std::move(cursor), nss, cursorId);