Example #1
static HRESULT RunEmbedded(
    __in HINSTANCE hInstance,
    __in BURN_ENGINE_STATE* pEngineState
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Disable system restore since the parent bundle may have done it.
    pEngineState->fDisableSystemRestore = TRUE;

    // Connect to parent process.
    hr = PipeChildConnect(&pEngineState->embeddedConnection, FALSE);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to connect to parent of embedded process.");

    // Do not register the bundle to automatically restart if embedded.
    if (BOOTSTRAPPER_DISPLAY_EMBEDDED == pEngineState->command.display)
        pEngineState->registration.fDisableResume = TRUE;

    // Now run the application like normal.
    hr = RunNormal(hInstance, pEngineState);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to run bootstrapper application embedded.");

    return hr;
Example #2
static HRESULT RunEmbedded(
    __in HINSTANCE hInstance,
    __in BURN_ENGINE_STATE* pEngineState
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Connect to parent process.
    hr = PipeChildConnect(&pEngineState->embeddedConnection, FALSE);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to connect to parent of embedded process.");

    // Now run the application like normal.
    hr = RunNormal(hInstance, pEngineState);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to run bootstrapper application embedded.");

    return hr;
Example #3
static HRESULT RunElevated(
    __in HINSTANCE hInstance,
    __in LPCWSTR wzCommandLine,
    __in BURN_ENGINE_STATE* pEngineState
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HANDLE hLock = NULL;
    BOOL fDisabledAutomaticUpdates = FALSE;

    // If we were launched elevated implicitly, launch an unelevated copy of ourselves.
    if (BURN_ELEVATION_STATE_ELEVATED == pEngineState->elevationState)

        hr = PipeCreateNameAndSecret(&pEngineState->companionConnection.sczName, &pEngineState->companionConnection.sczSecret);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to create implicit elevated connection name and secret.");

        hr = PipeLaunchParentProcess(wzCommandLine, pEngineState->command.nCmdShow, pEngineState->companionConnection.sczName, pEngineState->companionConnection.sczSecret, pEngineState->fDisableUnelevate);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to launch unelevated process.");

    // connect to per-user process
    hr = PipeChildConnect(&pEngineState->companionConnection, TRUE);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to connect to unelevated process.");

    // Set up the thread local storage to store the correct pipe to communicate logging.
    pEngineState->dwElevatedLoggingTlsId = ::TlsAlloc();
    if (TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES == pEngineState->dwElevatedLoggingTlsId)
        ExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to allocate thread local storage for logging.");

    if (!::TlsSetValue(pEngineState->dwElevatedLoggingTlsId, pEngineState->companionConnection.hPipe))
        ExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to set elevated pipe into thread local storage for logging.");

    // Create a top-level window to prevent shutting down the elevated process.
    hr = UiCreateMessageWindow(hInstance, pEngineState);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to create the message window.");


    // Override logging to write over the pipe.
    LogRedirect(RedirectLoggingOverPipe, pEngineState);

    // Pump messages from parent process.
    hr = ElevationChildPumpMessages(pEngineState->dwElevatedLoggingTlsId, pEngineState->companionConnection.hPipe, pEngineState->companionConnection.hCachePipe, &pEngineState->containers, &pEngineState->packages, &pEngineState->payloads, &pEngineState->variables, &pEngineState->registration, &pEngineState->userExperience, &hLock, &fDisabledAutomaticUpdates, &pEngineState->userExperience.dwExitCode, &pEngineState->fRestart);
    LogRedirect(NULL, NULL); // reset logging so the next failure gets written to "log buffer" for the failure log.
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to pump messages from parent process.");

    LogRedirect(NULL, NULL); // we're done talking to the child so always reset logging now.

    // If the message window is still around, close it.

    if (fDisabledAutomaticUpdates)

    if (hLock)

    return hr;