bool IntersectedPlane(CVector3 vPoly[], CVector3 vLine[], CVector3 &vNormal, float &originDistance)
	float distance1=0, distance2=0;						// The distances from the 2 points of the line from the plane
	vNormal = Normal(vPoly);							// We need to get the normal of our plane to go any further

	// Let's find the distance our plane is from the origin.  We can find this value
	// from the normal to the plane (polygon) and any point that lies on that plane (Any vertex)
	originDistance = PlaneDistance(vNormal, vPoly[0]);

	// Get the distance from point1 from the plane using: Ax + By + Cz + D = (The distance from the plane)

	distance1 = ((vNormal.x * vLine[0].x)  +					// Ax +
		         (vNormal.y * vLine[0].y)  +					// Bx +
				 (vNormal.z * vLine[0].z)) + originDistance;	// Cz + D
	// Get the distance from point2 from the plane using Ax + By + Cz + D = (The distance from the plane)
	distance2 = ((vNormal.x * vLine[1].x)  +					// Ax +
		         (vNormal.y * vLine[1].y)  +					// Bx +
				 (vNormal.z * vLine[1].z)) + originDistance;	// Cz + D

	// Now that we have 2 distances from the plane, if we times them together we either
	// get a positive or negative number.  If it's a negative number, that means we collided!
	// This is because the 2 points must be on either side of the plane (IE. -1 * 1 = -1).

	if(distance1 * distance2 >= 0)			// Check to see if both point's distances are both negative or both positive
	   return false;						// Return false if each point has the same sign.  -1 and 1 would mean each point is on either side of the plane.  -1 -2 or 3 4 wouldn't...
	return true;							// The line intersected the plane, Return TRUE
Example #2
vec AseFile::CheckSimpleCollision(const vec &vp, float radius)
	vec newvp = vp;
	if(!SphereInBox( vp, radius, min, max))
		return newvp;
	for(int i=0; i<objects.size(); i++)
		zASE_Object *obj = &objects[i];
		if(!SphereInBox( newvp, radius, obj->min, obj->max))continue;
		for( int j=0; j<obj->numOfFaces; j++)
			zASE_Face *ind = &obj->pFaces[j];
			if( SpherePolygonCollisionRadius05( newvp, radius, obj->pVerts[ind->index[0]], obj->pVerts[ind->index[1]], obj->pVerts[ind->index[2]], obj->pFaceNormals[j] ) )
				float distanceCenterToPlane = DOT3( obj->pFaceNormals[j], newvp) + PlaneDistance( obj->pFaceNormals[j], obj->pVerts[ind->index[0]] );			// d = Ax + By + Cz + D

					newvp += (radius-distanceCenterToPlane)*obj->pFaceNormals[j];
					newvp -= (radius+distanceCenterToPlane)*obj->pFaceNormals[j];
	return newvp;
Example #3
bool IntersectedPlane(Vector3 vPoly[], Vector3 vLine[], Vector3 &vNormal, float &originDistance)//线段与平面是否相交
	float distance1=0, distance2=0;				
	vNormal = Normal(vPoly);							
	originDistance = PlaneDistance(vNormal, vPoly[0]);
	distance1 = vNormal.dotProduct(vLine[0]);
	distance2 = vNormal.dotProduct(vLine[1]);
    if(distance1 * distance2 >= 0)			 //如果两个端点在平面同侧,不相叫,否则相交
	   return false;						
	return true;							
Example #4
int ClassifySphere(Vector3 &vCenter, 
				   Vector3 &vNormal, Vector3 &vPoint, float radius, float &distance)
{                                                              //球体与平面的关系
	float d = (float)PlaneDistance(vNormal, vPoint);

	distance = (vNormal.dotProduct(vCenter)+ d);

	if(Absolute(distance) < radius)   //绝对值小于半径,相交
		return INTERSECTS;
	else if(distance >= radius)       //大于或等于半径在前面   
		return FRONT;
	return BEHIND;
Example #5
Vector3 IntersectionPoint(Vector3 vNormal, Vector3 vLine[], double distance)//计算交点
	distance=PlaneDistance(vNormal,  vLine[0]);
	Vector3 vPoint, vLineDir;				
	double Numerator = 0.0, Denominator = 0.0, dist = 0.0;
	vLineDir = vLine[1] - vLine[0];		
	vLineDir = Normalize(vLineDir);				
	Numerator = - (vNormal.dotProduct(vLine[0])+ distance);
	Denominator =vNormal.dotProduct(vLineDir);		
	if( Denominator == 0.0)						
		return vLine[0];						

	dist = Numerator / Denominator;			
	vPoint.x = (float)(vLine[0].x + (vLineDir.x * dist));
	vPoint.y = (float)(vLine[0].y + (vLineDir.y * dist));
	vPoint.z = (float)(vLine[0].z + (vLineDir.z * dist));

	return vPoint;								
int ClassifySphere(CVector3 &vCenter, 
				   CVector3 &vNormal, CVector3 &vPoint, float radius, float &distance)
	// First we need to find the distance our polygon plane is from the origin.
	float d = (float)PlaneDistance(vNormal, vPoint);

	// Here we use the famous distance formula to find the distance the center point
	// of the sphere is from the polygon's plane.  
	distance = (vNormal.x * vCenter.x + vNormal.y * vCenter.y + vNormal.z * vCenter.z + d);

	// If the absolute value of the distance we just found is less than the radius, 
	// the sphere intersected the plane.
	if(Absolute(distance) < radius)
		return INTERSECTS;
	// Else, if the distance is greater than or equal to the radius, the sphere is
	// completely in FRONT of the plane.
	else if(distance >= radius)
		return FRONT;
	// If the sphere isn't intersecting or in FRONT of the plane, it must be BEHIND
	return BEHIND;
Example #7
bool IntersectedPlane(CVector3 vTriangle[], CVector3 vLine[])
    float distance1=0, distance2=0;						// The distances from the 2 points of the line from the plane

    CVector3 vNormal = Normal(vTriangle);				 // We need to get the normal of our plane to go any further

    // Now that we have the normal, we need to calculate the distance our triangle is from the origin.
    // Since we would have the same triangle, but -10 down the z axis, we need to know
    // how far our plane is to the origin.  The origin is (0, 0, 0), so we need to find
    // the shortest distance our plane is from (0, 0, 0).  This way we can test the collision.
    // The direction the plane is facing is important (We know this by the normal), but it's
    // also important WHERE that plane is in our 3D space.  I hope this makes sense.

    // We created a function to calculate the distance for us.  All we need is the normal
    // of the plane, and then ANY point located on that plane.  Well, we have 3 points.  Each
    // point of the triangle is on the plane, so we just pass in one of our points.  It doesn't
    // matter which one, so we will just pass in the first one.  We get a single value back.
    // That is the distance.  Just like our normalized normal is of length 1, our distance
    // is a single value too.  It's like if you were to measure something with a ruler,
    // you don't measure it according to the X Y and Z of our world, you just want ONE number.

    float originDistance = PlaneDistance(vNormal, vTriangle[0]);

    // Now the next step is simple, but hard to understand at first.  What we need to
    // do is get the distance of EACH point from out plane.  Above we got the distance of the
    // plane to the point (0, 0, 0) which happens to be the origin, now we need to get a distance
    // for each point.  If the distance is a negative number, then the point is BEHIND the plane.
    // If the distance is positive, then the point is in front of the plane.  Basically, if the
    // line collides with the plane, there should be a negative and positive distance.  make sense?
    // If the line pierces the plane, it will have a negative distance and a positive distance,
    // meaning that a point will be on one side of the plane, and one point on the other.  But we
    // will do the check after this, first we need to get the distance of each point to the plane.

    // Now, we need to use something called the plane equation to get the distance from each point.
    // Here is the plane Equation:  (Ax + By + Cz + D = The distance from the plane)
    // If "The distance from the plane" is 0, that means that the point is ON the plane, which all the polygon points should be.
    // A, B and C is the Normal's X Y and Z values.  x y and z is the Point's x y and z values.
    // "the Point" meaning one of the points of our line.  D is the distance that the plane
    // is from the origin.  We just calculated that and stored it in "originDistance".
    // Let's fill in the equation with our data:

    // Get the distance from point1 from the plane using: Ax + By + Cz + D = (The distance from the plane)

    distance1 = ((vNormal.x * vLine[0].x)  +					// Ax +
                 (vNormal.y * vLine[0].y)  +					// Bx +
                 (vNormal.z * vLine[0].z)) + originDistance;	// Cz + D

    // We just got the first distance from the first point to the plane, now let's get the second.

    // Get the distance from point2 from the plane using Ax + By + Cz + D = (The distance from the plane)

    distance2 = ((vNormal.x * vLine[1].x)  +					// Ax +
                 (vNormal.y * vLine[1].y)  +					// Bx +
                 (vNormal.z * vLine[1].z)) + originDistance;	// Cz + D

    // Ok, we should have 2 distances from the plane, from each point of our line.
    // Remember what I said about an intersection?  If one is negative and one is positive,
    // that means that they are both on either side of the plane.  So, all we need to do
    // is multiply the 2 distances together, and if the result is less than 0, we intersection.
    // This works because, any number times a negative number is always negative, IE (-1 * 1 = -1)
    // If they are both positive or negative values then it will be above zero.

    if(distance1 * distance2 >= 0)			// Check to see if both point's distances are both negative or both positive
        return false;						// Return false if each point has the same sign.  -1 and 1 would mean each point is on either side of the plane.  -1 -2 or 3 4 wouldn't...

    return true;							// The line intersected the plane, Return TRUE
Example #8
bool R_ClipPolygon (int numPoints, vec3_t *points, const cplane_t plane, float epsilon, int *numClipped, vec3_t *clipped){

	vec3_t	tmpVector, tmpVector2;
	float	dists[MAX_POLYGON_POINTS];
	int		sides[MAX_POLYGON_POINTS];
	bool	frontSide, backSide;
	float	frac;
	int		i;

	if (numPoints >= MAX_POLYGON_POINTS - 2)
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "R_ClipPolygon: MAX_POLYGON_POINTS hit");

	*numClipped = 0;

	// Determine sides for each point
	frontSide = false;
	backSide = false;

	for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
		dists[i] = PlaneDistance(plane.normal, plane.dist, points[i]);

		if (dists[i] > epsilon){
			sides[i] = PLANESIDE_FRONT;
			frontSide = true;

		if (dists[i] < -epsilon){
			sides[i] = PLANESIDE_BACK;
			backSide = true;

		sides[i] = PLANESIDE_ON;

	if (!frontSide)
		return false;	// Not clipped

	if (!backSide){
		*numClipped = numPoints;
		Mem_Copy(clipped, points, numPoints * sizeof(vec3_t));

		return true;

	// Clip it
	VectorCopy(points[0], points[i]);

	dists[i] = dists[0];
	sides[i] = sides[0];

	for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
		if (sides[i] == PLANESIDE_ON){
			VectorCopy(points[i], clipped[(*numClipped)++]);

		if (sides[i] == PLANESIDE_FRONT)
			VectorCopy(points[i], clipped[(*numClipped)++]);

		if (sides[i+1] == PLANESIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i])

		if (dists[i] == dists[i+1])
			VectorCopy(points[i], clipped[(*numClipped)++]);
		else {
			frac = dists[i] / (dists[i] - dists[i+1]);

			VectorSubtract(points[i+1], points[i], tmpVector);
			VectorMA(points[i], frac, tmpVector, tmpVector2);
			VectorCopy(tmpVector2, clipped[(*numClipped)++]);

	return true;
Example #9
/* Loop over all vertices and determine on which side of the plane
 * defined by "n" we live, if not on both sides. We assume at this
 * point that the polygon is _FLAT_. The main entry-point
 * BSPTreeCreate() has to split polygons such that this is true. Maybe
 * we will allow for non-convex polygons here, but _FLAT_ is a must.
static inline PolyPos ClassifyPoly(HPoint3 *plane, Poly *poly,
				   EdgeIntersection edges[2])
  HPt3Coord scp0, scp1 = 0.0, scp2, scp3 = 0.0;
  PolyPos sign0, sign1 = COPLANAR, sign2, sign3 = COPLANAR;
  int i, i0, i2;

  scp0 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[0]->pt);
  sign0 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp0) - fneg(scp0));
  if (sign0 == COPLANAR) {
    for (i = 1; i < poly->n_vertices; i++) {
      scp1 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[i]->pt);
      sign1 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp1) - fneg(scp1));
      if (sign1 != COPLANAR) {
      scp0 = scp1;
      sign0 = sign1;
    if (i >= 2) {
      return sign1;
    /* at this point: sign0 == 0 and sign1 != 0, loop until we find
     * the next zero crossing.
    i0 = 0;
    sign2 = sign1;
    scp2 = scp1;
    for (++i; i < poly->n_vertices; i++) {
      scp3 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[i]->pt);
      sign3 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp3) - fneg(scp3));
      if (sign3 != sign2) {
      scp2 = scp3;
      sign2 = sign3;
    if (i == poly->n_vertices) {
      return sign1;
    /* At this point we have sign0 == 0 != sign1 == sign2 != sign3. If
     * sign3 == 0, then the next vertex may also be located on the
     * plane => sign1 == sign2 determine the side we are located on.
     * Otherwise sign3 must be != sign1 and we have to sub-divide this
     * polygon.
    if (sign3 == COPLANAR) {
      if (i == poly->n_vertices-1) {
	return sign1;
      scp2 = scp3;
      sign2 = sign3;
      scp3 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[++i]->pt);
      sign3 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp3) - fneg(scp3));
      if (sign3 == COPLANAR) {
	return sign1;
      } else if (sign3 == sign1) {
	/* impossible case with exact arithmetic; this should mean
	 * that we are in the COPLANAR case. Assume that? Or retry
	 * with increased telerance?
	return COPLANAR; /* FIXME */
    /* At this point we have sign0 == 0 != sign1. sign2 may be 0, then
     * sign3 != sign1. Or 0 == sign0 != sign1 == sign2 != sign 3. At
     * any rate we are located on both sides.
    i2 = i-1;
  } else {
    /* Loop until we find a change of sign */
    for (i = 1; i < poly->n_vertices; i++) {
      scp1 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[i]->pt);
      sign1 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp1) - fneg(scp1));
      if (sign1 != sign0) {
      scp0 = scp1;
      sign0 = sign1;
    if (i == poly->n_vertices) {
      return sign1;
    i0 = i-1;
    sign2 = sign1;
    scp2 = scp1;
    if (sign2 == COPLANAR) {
      /* if sign2 is accidentally 0, then the next point must be != 0,
       * or sign0 determines the proper side.
      i %= poly->n_vertices;

      scp3 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[i]->pt);
      sign3 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp3) - fneg(scp3));
      if (sign3 == COPLANAR || sign3 == sign0) {
	return sign0;
      scp2 = scp3;
      sign2 = sign3;
    /* loop until we find the next zero crossing, at this point we
     * have 0 != sign0 != sign1, 0 != sign2 != sign0, the polygon
     * cannot be on one side of the plane.
    for (++i; i < poly->n_vertices; i++) {
      scp3 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[i]->pt);
      sign3 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp3) - fneg(scp3));
      if (sign3 != sign2) {
      scp2 = scp3;
      sign2 = sign3;
    if (i == poly->n_vertices) {
      if (i0 == 0) {
	scp3 = scp0;
	sign3 = sign0;
      } else {
	scp3 = PlaneDistance(plane, &poly->v[0]->pt);
	sign3 = (PolyPos)(fpos(scp3) - fneg(scp3));
    i2 = i-1;
  /* points of intersection between [i0,i0+1], [i2,i2+1] */
  edges[0].v[0] = i0;
  edges[0].v[1] = i0+1;
  edges[0].scp[0] = scp0;
  edges[0].scp[1] = scp1;

  edges[1].v[0] = i2;
  edges[1].v[1] = (i2+1) % poly->n_vertices;
  edges[1].scp[0] = scp2;
  edges[1].scp[1] = scp3;

  return BOTH_SIDES;
Example #10
File: Util.cpp Project: Mantora/GA
int CheckCollisionGround( vector<z_face> &collision, vec center, float radius, float angle, float mindist)
	float ground_skew = (float)cos(angle*PI180)*radius;
	vec vpold_vp = mindist*vec(0,-1,0);

	for( int i=0; i<collision.size(); i++)
		vec normal = collision[i].normal;
		float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, collision[i].a);		// D = - (Ax+By+Cz)
		// ---------------------------------------------------------
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na guli
		vec ClosestPointOnSphere;		// najblizsi bod gule k rovine aktualneho trojuholnika
		// najdeme ho ako priesecnik priamky prechadzajucej stredom gule a smerovym vektorom = normalovemu vektoru roviny (trojuholnika)
		// vypocitame ho, ale jednodusie tak, ze pripocitame (opocitame) k stredu vektor normala*radius
		if( PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, center) > 0 )
			// center je na strane normaly, blizsi bod je v opacnom smere ako smer normaly
			ClosestPointOnSphere = -radius*normal+center;
			// center je na opacnej strane ako normala, blizsi bod je v smere normaly
			ClosestPointOnSphere = radius*normal+center;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
		// najprv najdeme kolidujuci bod vzhladom na rovinu v ktorej lezi trojuholnik
		vec contactPointSphereToPlane;			// kolidujuci bod na rovine trojuholnika s gulou
		float distanceCenterToPlane;			// vzdialenost stredu gule k rovine
		// zistime ci rovina pretina gulu
		if( SpherePlaneCollision( center, 0.9999f*radius, normal, distance, &distanceCenterToPlane)==1 )
			// gula pretina rovinu
			// kolidujuci bod je bod na rovine najblizsi k stredu gule
			// je vzdialeny od roviny na distanceCenterToPlane, pretoze pocitame bod na rovine pouzijeme -
			contactPointSphereToPlane = center-distanceCenterToPlane*normal;
			// nie sme v kolizii z gulov, ak sa pohybujeme v smere od roviny, nemoze nastat ziadna kolizia
			// ak sa pohybujeme v smere kolmom na normalovy vektor roviny, tak isto kolizia nehrozi
			// kvoli nepresnosti vypoctov umoznime pohyb aj ked velmi malou castou smeruje do roviny
		//	if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) >= 0)
			if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) > -0.000001f)
			// gula nepretina rovinu
			// kolidujuci bod je priesecnik roviny a priamky vedenej z bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
			// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp

			float t = LinePlaneIntersectionDirParameter( ClosestPointOnSphere, vpold_vp, normal, distance);
			// t > 1.f, priesecnik z rovinou je dalej ako vpold_vp od bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
				continue;	// za cely krok vpold_vp sa s tymto trojuholnikom nestretneme
			else if( t<-radius/vpold_vp.Length())		// priesecnik je za gulou, v smere pohybu tuto rovinu nestretneme
				contactPointSphereToPlane = ClosestPointOnSphere+t*vpold_vp;
		// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
		vec contactPointSphereToTriangle;
		// ak sa bod contactPointSphereToPlane nenachadza v trojuholniku 
		// najdeme najblizsi bod trojuholnika k bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
		if( !PointInsidePolygon( contactPointSphereToPlane, collision[i].a, collision[i].b, collision[i].c) )
			// najdeme najblizsi bod k contactPointSphereToPlane na hranach trojuholnika
			// z tychto vyberieme najblizi k contactPointSphereToPlane
			vec closest_ab = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].a, collision[i].b, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			vec closest_bc = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].b, collision[i].c, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			vec closest_ca = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].c, collision[i].a, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_ab = Distance2( closest_ab, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_bc = Distance2( closest_bc, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			float dist_ca = Distance2( closest_ca, contactPointSphereToPlane);
			if( dist_ab<dist_bc)
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ab;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_bc;
					contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;

			// kedze kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku je iny ako kolidujuci bod na rovine
			// zmeni sa aj kolidujuci bod na guli - ClosestPointOnSphere
			// vypocitame ho ako priesecnik gule a priamky z bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
			// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp
			double t1,t2;

			if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
				if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
					// gula je pred trojuholnikom
					// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
					if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
					ClosestPointOnSphere = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
					if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
					else continue;
					// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
					// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
				else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
					// gula je v stene, vratime ju von zo steny
					// berieme bod, ktory je blizsie k rovine
					vec t1point = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
					vec t2point = t2*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

				/*	if(PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t1point)<=PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t2point) )
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
					if( ABS(t1) < ABS(t2) )
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
					if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
					else continue;
					// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
					// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
				else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
					// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
				// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
			if( (center.y-ClosestPointOnSphere.y)>ground_skew )return 1;
			else continue;

			// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
		//	contactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToPlane;
			// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
			// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
		//	vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
/*			if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
				if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
					// gula je pred trojuholnikom
					// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
					if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
					return 1;
				else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
					return 1;		// gula je v stene
				else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
					// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
				// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
			return 1;		// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
	return 0;
Example #11
File: Util.cpp Project: Mantora/GA
vec CheckCollision( vector<z_face> &collision, vec vp, vec vpold, float radius)
	//	if(vpold_vp.Length()==0)return vpold;
	vec vpold_vp = vp-vpold;		// smer pohybu
	vec vpold_vp_povodny = vpold_vp;// smer pohybu
	int iter=0;
	float radius2 = radius*radius;

	vec newmove = vpold_vp;
	vec newClosestPointOnSphere;
	vec newContactPointSphereToTriangle;

		float distanceCenterPointOnTriangle=1.e+15f;
		int smykanie=0;
		for( int i=0; i<collision.size(); i++)
			vec normal = collision[i].normal;
			vec vp_move;
			vec center = vpold;
			float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, collision[i].a);		// D = - (Ax+By+Cz)
			// ---------------------------------------------------------
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na guli
			vec ClosestPointOnSphere;		// najblizsi bod gule k rovine aktualneho trojuholnika
			// najdeme ho ako priesecnik priamky prechadzajucej stredom gule a smerovym vektorom = normalovemu vektoru roviny (trojuholnika)
			// vypocitame ho, ale jednodusie tak, ze pripocitame (opocitame) k stredu vektor normala*radius
			if( PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, center) > 0 )
				// center je na strane normaly, blizsi bod je v opacnom smere ako smer normaly
				ClosestPointOnSphere = -radius*normal+center;
				// center je na opacnej strane ako normala, blizsi bod je v smere normaly
				ClosestPointOnSphere = radius*normal+center;

			// ---------------------------------------------------------
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
			// najprv najdeme kolidujuci bod vzhladom na rovinu v ktorej lezi trojuholnik
			vec contactPointSphereToPlane;			// kolidujuci bod na rovine trojuholnika s gulou
			float distanceCenterToPlane;			// vzdialenost stredu gule k rovine
			// zistime ci rovina pretina gulu
			if( SpherePlaneCollision( center, 0.9999f*radius, normal, distance, &distanceCenterToPlane)==1 )
				// gula pretina rovinu
				// kolidujuci bod je bod na rovine najblizsi k stredu gule
				// je vzdialeny od roviny na distanceCenterToPlane, pretoze pocitame bod na rovine pouzijeme -
				contactPointSphereToPlane = center-distanceCenterToPlane*normal;
				// nie sme v kolizii z gulov, ak sa pohybujeme v smere od roviny, nemoze nastat ziadna kolizia
				// ak sa pohybujeme v smere kolmom na normalovy vektor roviny, tak isto kolizia nehrozi
				// kvoli nepresnosti vypoctov umoznime pohyb aj ked velmi malou castou smeruje do roviny
			//	if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) >= 0)
				if( DOT3( vpold_vp, center-ClosestPointOnSphere) > -0.000001f)
				// gula nepretina rovinu
				// kolidujuci bod je priesecnik roviny a priamky vedenej z bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
				// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp

				float t = LinePlaneIntersectionDirParameter( ClosestPointOnSphere, vpold_vp, normal, distance);
				// t > 1.f, priesecnik z rovinou je dalej ako vpold_vp od bodu ClosestPointOnSphere
					continue;	// za cely krok vpold_vp sa s tymto trojuholnikom nestretneme
				else if( t<-radius/vpold_vp.Length())		// priesecnik je za gulou, v smere pohybu tuto rovinu nestretneme
					contactPointSphereToPlane = ClosestPointOnSphere+t*vpold_vp;
			// najdeme kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku
			vec contactPointSphereToTriangle;
			// ak sa bod contactPointSphereToPlane nenachadza v trojuholniku 
			// najdeme najblizsi bod trojuholnika k bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
			if( !PointInsidePolygon( contactPointSphereToPlane, collision[i].a, collision[i].b, collision[i].c) )
				// najdeme najblizsi bod k contactPointSphereToPlane na hranach trojuholnika
				// z tychto vyberieme najblizi k contactPointSphereToPlane
				vec closest_ab = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].a, collision[i].b, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				vec closest_bc = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].b, collision[i].c, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				vec closest_ca = ClosestPointOnLine( collision[i].c, collision[i].a, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_ab = Distance2( closest_ab, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_bc = Distance2( closest_bc, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				float dist_ca = Distance2( closest_ca, contactPointSphereToPlane);
				if( dist_ab<dist_bc)
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ab;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_bc;
						contactPointSphereToTriangle = closest_ca;

				// kedze kolidujuci bod na trojuholniku je iny ako kolidujuci bod na rovine
				// zmeni sa aj kolidujuci bod na guli - ClosestPointOnSphere
				// vypocitame ho ako priesecnik gule a priamky z bodu contactPointSphereToTriangle
				// v smere pohybu t.j. z vpold do vp
				double t1,t2;

				if( LineSphereIntersectionDir( contactPointSphereToTriangle, vpold_vp, center, radius, &t1, &t2) )
					if( t1<=0 && t2<0)
						// gula je pred trojuholnikom
						// berieme bod s t1, lebo ten je blizsie k stene (t1>t2)
						if( t1<-1.f)continue;		// tento trojuholnik nas nezaujima lebo nekoliduje po cely tento krok
						ClosestPointOnSphere = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

						// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
						// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
						vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
					else if( t1>0 && t2<0)
						// gula je v stene, vratime ju von zo steny
						// berieme bod, ktory je blizsie k rovine
						vec t1point = t1*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;
						vec t2point = t2*vpold_vp+contactPointSphereToTriangle;

					/*	if(PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t1point)<=PlanePointDistance( normal, distance, t2point) )
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
						if( ABS(t1) < ABS(t2) )
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t1point;
							ClosestPointOnSphere = t2point;
						// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
						// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
						vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;
					else // if( t1>0 && t2>0)
						// gula je za trojuholnikom, gula nekoliduje s trojuholnikom v tomto smere pohybu
					// nie je priesecnik, gula je mimo trojuholnika
				// bod je vnutri trojuholnika
				contactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToPlane;
				// mozeme sa pohnut iba tolko pokial sa colidujuci bod na guli nedotkne 
				// kolidujuceho bodu na trojuholniku
				vp_move = contactPointSphereToTriangle - ClosestPointOnSphere;

			// zistime vzdialenost kontaktneho bodu na trojuholniku ku stredu gule
			float dist = Distance2(contactPointSphereToTriangle,center);
			if(dist<radius2)		// ak je mensi ako polomer, gula je v kolizii z polygonom
				if(dist<distanceCenterPointOnTriangle)	// ak vzdialenost je mensia ako ineho bodu v kolizii, nahradime ho
					newmove = vp_move;
					newClosestPointOnSphere = ClosestPointOnSphere;
					newContactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToTriangle;
				if(distanceCenterPointOnTriangle>5.e+14f)	// nenasiel sa ziaden bod vnutri gule
					if( vp_move.Length2() < newmove.Length2() )		// berieme kratsi
						newmove = vp_move;
						newClosestPointOnSphere = ClosestPointOnSphere;
						newContactPointSphereToTriangle = contactPointSphereToTriangle;

			vec normal=vpold-newClosestPointOnSphere;
			float distance = PlaneDistance( normal, newContactPointSphereToTriangle);
			vec delta = LinePlaneIntersectionDir( newClosestPointOnSphere+vpold_vp, normal, normal, distance)-newContactPointSphereToTriangle;
		//	vec	newvp = newClosestPointOnSphere+vpold_vp;
		//	float distancepoint = PlanePointDelta( normal, distance, newvp);
		//	vec intersec = -distancepoint*normal+newvp;
		//	vec delta = intersec-newContactPointSphereToTriangle;

			// taky klzavy pohyb, ktory ide proti povodnemu pohybu zamietneme
			if( DOT3(vpold_vp_povodny, delta) < 0)delta.clear();

			vpold += newmove;				// posunieme sa po najblizi kolidujuci bod
			vpold += 0.000001f*normal;
			vp = vpold + delta;				// cielovy bod posunieme o deltu klzanim
			vpold_vp = vp-vpold;			// novy vektor pohybu
			newmove = vpold_vp;
			vpold += newmove;
	while( (vpold_vp.Length2()>1.e-8f)&&(iter<10) );
	return vpold;