int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Expression_t *a = Term("a"), *b = Term("b"), *c = TermLiteral(litInt(5)), *plus = Plus(a,b), *mult = Multiply(plus, c); Expression_print(mult); append_expression(mult, plus); puts(""); Expression_printList(mult); puts(""); return 0; }
//Creates a heightmap from your seed. void MAPGEN::create(float fractalfactor, int seed){ srand(seed); int w=msize,h=msize; int i, j, k; float amount = 256;//, l; // Do the corners map[0][0] = 0; //FRandom(amount); map[w-1][0] = 0; //FRandom(amount); map[w-1][h-1] = 0; //FRandom(amount); map[0][h-1] = 0; //FRandom(amount); amount /= fractalfactor; for (i = 128; i > 0; i /= 2){ // This is the square phase for (j = i; j < w; j += 2 * i) for (k = i; k < h; k += 2 * i){ map[j][k] = (map[Minus(j, i)][Minus(k, i)] + map[Minus(j, i)][Plus(k, i)] + map[Plus(j, i)][Plus(k, i)] + map[Plus(j, i)][Minus(k, i)]) / 4. + FRandom(amount); } amount /= fractalfactor; // This is the diamond phase for (j = 0; j < w; j += i) for (k = 0; k < h; k += i) if ((((j + k) / i) % 2) == 1){ // In this phase we might fall off the edge // when we count the average of neighbours // Minus and Plus take care of that map[j][k] = (map[Minus(j, i)][k] + map[j][Minus(k, i)] + map[Plus(j, i)][k] + map[j][Plus(k, i)]) / 4 + FRandom(amount); } amount /= fractalfactor; } }
void M2MFstAligner::Sequences2FST( VectorFst<LogArc>* fst, vector<string>* seq1, vector<string>* seq2 ){ /* Build an FST that represents all possible alignments between seq1 and seq2, given the parameter values input by the user. Here we encode the input and output labels, in fact creating a WFSA. This simplifies the training process, but means that we can only easily compute a joint maximization. In practice joint maximization seems to give the best results anyway, so it probably doesn't matter. Note: this also performs the initizization routine. It performs a UNIFORM initialization meaning that every non-null alignment sequence is eventually initialized to 1/Num(unique_alignments). It might be more appropriate to consider subsequence length here, but for now we stick to the m2m-aligner approach. TODO: Add an FST version and support for conditional maximization. May be useful for languages like Japanese where there is a distinct imbalance in the seq1->seq2 length correspondences. */ int istate=0; int ostate=0; for( unsigned int i=0; i<=seq1->size(); i++ ){ for( unsigned int j=0; j<=seq2->size(); j++ ){ fst->AddState(); istate = i*(seq2->size()+1)+j; //Epsilon arcs for seq1 if( seq1_del==true ) for( unsigned int l=1; l<=seq2_max; l++ ){ if( j+l<=seq2->size() ){ vector<string> subseq2( seq2->begin()+j, seq2->begin()+j+l ); int is = isyms->AddSymbol(skip+s1s2_sep+vec2str(subseq2, seq2_sep)); ostate = i*(seq2->size()+1) + (j+l); LogArc arc( is, is, 99, ostate ); fst->AddArc( istate, arc ); /* if( prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel)==prev_alignment_model.end() ){ prev_alignment_model.insert( pair<LogArc::Label,LogWeight>(arc.ilabel,arc.weight) ); _compute_penalties( arc.ilabel, 1, l, true, false ); }else{ prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel],arc.weight); } total = Plus( total, arc.weight ); */ } } //Epsilon arcs for seq2 if( seq2_del==true ) for( unsigned int k=1; k<=seq1_max; k++ ){ if( i+k<=seq1->size() ){ vector<string> subseq1( seq1->begin()+i, seq1->begin()+i+k ); int is = isyms->AddSymbol(vec2str(subseq1, seq1_sep)+s1s2_sep+skip); ostate = (i+k)*(seq2->size()+1) + j; LogArc arc( is, is, 99, ostate ); fst->AddArc( istate, arc ); /* if( prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel)==prev_alignment_model.end() ){ prev_alignment_model.insert( pair<LogArc::Label,LogWeight>(arc.ilabel,arc.weight) ); _compute_penalties( arc.ilabel, k, 1, false, true ); }else{ prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel],arc.weight); } total = Plus(total, arc.weight); */ } } //All the other arcs for( unsigned int k=1; k<=seq1_max; k++ ){ for( unsigned int l=1; l<=seq2_max; l++ ){ if( i+k<=seq1->size() && j+l<=seq2->size() ){ vector<string> subseq1( seq1->begin()+i, seq1->begin()+i+k ); string s1 = vec2str(subseq1, seq1_sep); vector<string> subseq2( seq2->begin()+j, seq2->begin()+j+l ); string s2 = vec2str(subseq2, seq2_sep); //This says only 1-M and N-1 allowed, no M-N links! if( restrict==true && l>1 && k>1) continue; int is = isyms->AddSymbol(s1+s1s2_sep+s2); ostate = (i+k)*(seq2->size()+1) + (j+l); LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::One().Value()*(k+l), ostate ); fst->AddArc( istate, arc ); //During the initialization phase, just count non-eps transitions //We currently initialize to uniform probability so there is also // no need to tally anything here. /* if( prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel)==prev_alignment_model.end() ){ prev_alignment_model.insert( pair<LogArc::Label,LogWeight>(arc.ilabel, arc.weight) ); _compute_penalties( arc.ilabel, k, l, false, false ); }else{ prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel],arc.weight); } total = Plus( total, arc.weight ); */ } } } } } fst->SetStart(0); fst->SetFinal( ((seq1->size()+1)*(seq2->size()+1))-1, LogWeight::One() ); //Unless seq1_del==true && seq2_del==true we will have unconnected states // thus we need to run connect to clean out these states if( seq1_del==false || seq2_del==false ) Connect(fst); //Only add arcs that are in the FINAL fst to the model for( StateIterator<VectorFst<LogArc> > siter(*fst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next() ){ LogArc::StateId q = siter.Value(); for( ArcIterator<VectorFst<LogArc> > aiter(*fst, q); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next() ){ const LogArc& arc = aiter.Value(); if( prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel)==prev_alignment_model.end() ){ prev_alignment_model.insert( pair<LogArc::Label,LogWeight>(arc.ilabel, arc.weight) ); string sym = isyms->Find(arc.ilabel); size_t del = sym.find("}"); size_t ski = sym.find("_"); size_t chu = sym.find("|"); int k=1; int l=1; bool xd = false; bool yd = false; if( chu!=string::npos ){ if( chu<del ) k += 1; else l += 1; } if( ski!=string::npos ){ if( ski<del ) xd = true; else yd = true; } _compute_penalties( arc.ilabel, k, l, false, false ); }else{ prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel],arc.weight); } total = Plus( total, arc.weight ); } } return; }
void MAPGEN::render(){ int w=msize,h=msize; ProgressIndicator myInd(20, 570, 236, 20,1); int startcol; float min = 256, max = -256, col; int i, j; myInd.set_text("Searching for min and max"); for (i = 0; i < w; i++){ myInd.Draw(float(i)/w); for (j = 0; j < h; j++){ if (min > map[i][j]) min = map[i][j]; if (max < map[i][j]) max = map[i][j]; } } myInd.set_text("Rendering map"); Wanderer *wander; for (i = 0; i < w; i++){ myInd.Draw(float(i)/w); for (j = 0; j < h; j++){ if(mouse_b) return; wander = new Wanderer(i, j, &ljus); col = (map[i][j] - min)/(max - min); if (col > 1) col = 1; startcol = pal->GetColour(col); ColourSystem *shady = new ColourSystem(int(0.5 * getr(startcol)), int(0.5 * getg(startcol)), int(0.5 * getb(startcol)), getr(startcol), getg(startcol), getb(startcol)); shady->AddPoint(int(0.6 * getr(startcol)), int(0.6 * getg(startcol)), int(0.6 * getb(startcol)), int(0.4)); shady->AddPoint(int(0.8 * getr(startcol)), int(0.8 * getg(startcol)), int(0.8 * getb(startcol)), int(0.6)); Vektor *v = new Vektor(1, 0, map[Plus(i,1)][j]-map[i][j]); Vektor *u = new Vektor(0, 1, map[i][Plus(j, 1)]-map[i][j]); Vektor x = *v % *u; float facing = x ^ ljus; if(flags&SHADOW){ float lightAlt = ljus.k / sqrt(ljus.i * ljus.i + ljus.j * ljus.j); wander->Step(); wander->Step(); while(1){ wander->Step(); if (wander->steps > w) break; float deltAlt = map[wander->x & (w-1)][wander->y & (w-1)] - map[i][j]; if (deltAlt / sqrt(pow(wander->x - i, 2) + pow(wander->y - j, 2)) > lightAlt){ facing /= 2; break; } } } putpixel(cmap, i, j, shady->GetColour(facing)); delete v; delete u; delete shady; delete wander; } blit(cmap, screen, i, 0, 280+i, 8, 1, h); } }
qPBReaderConfigDialog::qPBReaderConfigDialog() : qPBReaderDialog(0, tr("qPBReader configuration"), Qt::Popup) { TRSCOPE(cfg, "qPBReaderConfigDialog::qPBReaderConfigDialog"); qPBReaderVerticalWidget * pVert = new qPBReaderVerticalWidget(this); addWidget(pVert); // ---------------------------------- // main language // ---------------------------------- { _pCBLang = new qPBReaderComboBox(tr("Application language"), this); const QStringList & lsLang = qPBReaderLangLists::GetAvailableApplicationLanguages(); _pCBLang->_pComboBox->addItems(lsLang); pVert->AddWidget(_pCBLang); int nPos = lsLang.indexOf(qPBReaderConfig::GetApplicationLanguage()); if (nPos < 0) { nPos = 0; } _pCBLang->_pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(nPos); QObject::connect( _pCBLang->_pComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString &)), this , SLOT (ApplicationLanguageChanged(const QString &)) ); } // ---------------------------------- // magnification // ---------------------------------- { _pZoom = new qPBReaderZoomWidgetWithLabel(tr("Font size"), this); _pZoom->_pZoomWidget->SetValue(qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultMagnificationFactor()); pVert->AddWidget(_pZoom); QObject::connect(_pZoom->_pZoomWidget, SIGNAL(Minus()), this, SLOT(MagnificationStepMinus())); QObject::connect(_pZoom->_pZoomWidget, SIGNAL(Plus()), this, SLOT(MagnificationStepPlus())); } // ---------------------------------- // margins // ---------------------------------- { bool bUseBookMargin = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultUseBookMargin(); Qt::CheckState state = bUseBookMargin ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; int top, side, bottom; qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultMargins(top, side, bottom); // default margin _pUseBookMarginCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Use book margin"), pVert); _pUseBookMarginCheckBox->setCheckState(state); pVert->AddWidget(_pUseBookMarginCheckBox); // top margin _pTop = new qPBReaderSetValueWidgetWithLabel(tr("Top margin"), this); _pTop->_pSetValueWidget->SetText(QString::number(top)); _pTop->_pSetValueWidget->setEnabled(!bUseBookMargin); pVert->AddWidget(_pTop); // side margin _pSide = new qPBReaderSetValueWidgetWithLabel(tr("Side margin"), this); _pSide->_pSetValueWidget->SetText(QString::number(side)); _pSide->_pSetValueWidget->setEnabled(!bUseBookMargin); pVert->AddWidget(_pSide); // bottom margin _pBottom = new qPBReaderSetValueWidgetWithLabel("Bottom margin", this); _pBottom->_pSetValueWidget->SetText(QString::number(bottom)); _pBottom->_pSetValueWidget->setEnabled(!bUseBookMargin); pVert->AddWidget(_pBottom); QObject::connect(_pUseBookMarginCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(UseBookMarginChanged(int))); QObject::connect(_pTop->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Minus()), this , SLOT(TopMarginMinus())); QObject::connect(_pTop->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Plus()), this , SLOT(TopMarginPlus())); QObject::connect(_pSide->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Minus()), this , SLOT(SideMarginMinus())); QObject::connect(_pSide->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Plus()), this , SLOT(SideMarginPlus())); QObject::connect(_pBottom->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Minus()), this , SLOT(BottomMarginMinus())); QObject::connect(_pBottom->_pSetValueWidget, SIGNAL(Plus()), this , SLOT(BottomMarginPlus())); } // ---------------------------------- // hyphens // ---------------------------------- { QString sHyphenPatt = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultHyphenPatternLang(); bool bUseHyphens = !sHyphenPatt.isEmpty(); Qt::CheckState state = bUseHyphens ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; TRACE << VAR(bUseHyphens) << endl; const QStringList & lsLang = qPBReaderLangLists::GetAvailableHyphenPatterns(); // use hyphens _pUseHyphens = new QCheckBox(tr("Hyphenation"), pVert); _pUseHyphens->setCheckState(state); pVert->AddWidget(_pUseHyphens); // hyphen lang _pHyphenDic = new qPBReaderComboBox(tr("Hyphen dictionary language"), this); _pHyphenDic->_pComboBox->addItems(lsLang); int nPos = lsLang.indexOf(sHyphenPatt); if (nPos < 0) { nPos = 9; // en-us } _pHyphenDic->_pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(nPos); _pHyphenDic->_pComboBox->setEnabled(bUseHyphens); pVert->AddWidget(_pHyphenDic); QObject::connect(_pUseHyphens, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(UseHyphensChanged(int))); QObject::connect(_pHyphenDic->_pComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(HyphenDicChanged(const QString &))); } // ---------------------------------- // fonts // ---------------------------------- { bool bIgnoreFonts = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultIgnoreFonts(); // ignore book fonts _pIgnoreFontsCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Ignore book fonts"), pVert); Qt::CheckState state = bIgnoreFonts ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; _pIgnoreFontsCheckBox->setCheckState(state); pVert->AddWidget(_pIgnoreFontsCheckBox); // serif _pFonts[0] = new qPBReaderFontSelectorWidget(tr("Serif"), pVert); QString sSerif = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultSerifFont(); _pFonts[0]->_pFontComboBox->setCurrentFont(QFont(sSerif)); pVert->AddWidget(_pFonts[0]); // sans _pFonts[1] = new qPBReaderFontSelectorWidget(tr("Sans-serif"), pVert); QString sSans = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultSansFont(); _pFonts[1]->_pFontComboBox->setCurrentFont(QFont(sSans)); pVert->AddWidget(_pFonts[1]); // mono _pFonts[2] = new qPBReaderFontSelectorWidget(tr("Monospace"), pVert); QString sMono = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultMonoFont(); _pFonts[2]->_pFontComboBox->setCurrentFont(QFont(sMono)); pVert->AddWidget(_pFonts[2]); // std _pType = new qPBReaderTypeSelectorWidget(tr("Standard"), pVert); int idx = qPBReaderConfig::GetDefaultStandardFont(); _pType->_pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(idx); pVert->AddWidget(_pType); QObject::connect(_pIgnoreFontsCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this , SLOT(IgnoreFontsChanged(int))); QObject::connect(_pFonts[0]->_pFontComboBox, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(const QFont &)), this, SLOT(SelectionChanged())); QObject::connect(_pFonts[1]->_pFontComboBox, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(const QFont &)), this, SLOT(SelectionChanged())); QObject::connect(_pFonts[2]->_pFontComboBox, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(const QFont &)), this, SLOT(SelectionChanged())); QObject::connect(_pType->_pComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SelectionChanged())); } QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit())); }
void TVector::Resize(int delta){ if (delta>0) Plus(delta); else if (delta<0) Minus(-delta); }
Expression< array<T,N> , Plus , array<T,N> > operator+ ( const array<T,N>& lhs , const array<T,N>& rhs ) { return make_Expression( lhs , Plus() , rhs ); }
Expression< Expression<Lhs,Op,Rhs> , Plus , OtherExp > operator+ ( const Expression<Lhs,Op,Rhs>& lhs , const OtherExp& rhs ) { return make_Expression( lhs , Plus() , rhs ); }
void M2MFstAligner::Sequences2FST(VectorFst<LogArc> *fst, vector<string> *seq1, vector<string> *seq2) { /* Build an FST that represents all possible alignments between seq1 and seq2, given the parameter values input by the user. Here we encode the input and output labels, in fact creating a WFSA. This simplifies the training process, but means that we can only easily compute a joint maximization. In practice joint maximization seems to give the best results anyway, so it probably doesn't matter. Note: this also performs the initizization routine. It performs a UNIFORM initialization meaning that every non-null alignment sequence is eventually initialized to 1/Num(unique_alignments). It might be more appropriate to consider subsequence length here, but for now we stick to the m2m-aligner approach. TODO: Add an FST version and support for conditional maximization. May be useful for languages like Japanese where there is a distinct imbalance in the seq1->seq2 length correspondences. */ int istate = 0; int ostate = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= seq1->size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= seq2->size(); j++) { fst->AddState(); istate = i * (seq2->size() + 1) + j; //Epsilon arcs for seq1 if (seq1_del == true) for (int l = 1; l <= seq2_max; l++) { if (j + l <= seq2->size()) { vector<string> subseq2(seq2->begin() + j, seq2->begin() + j + l); int is = isyms->AddSymbol(skip + s1s2_sep + vec2str(subseq2, seq2_sep)); ostate = i * (seq2->size() + 1) + (j + l); //LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::One().Value()*(l+1)*2, ostate ); LogArc arc(is, is, 99, ostate); //LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::Zero(), ostate ); fst->AddArc(istate, arc); if (prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel) == prev_alignment_model.end()) prev_alignment_model.insert(pair < LogArc::Label, LogWeight > (arc.ilabel, arc.weight)); else prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel], arc.weight); total = Plus(total, arc.weight); } } //Epsilon arcs for seq2 if (seq2_del == true) for (int k = 1; k <= seq1_max; k++) { if (i + k <= seq1->size()) { vector<string> subseq1(seq1->begin() + i, seq1->begin() + i + k); int is = isyms->AddSymbol(vec2str(subseq1, seq1_sep) + s1s2_sep + skip); ostate = (i + k) * (seq2->size() + 1) + j; //LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::One().Value()*(k+1)*2, ostate ); LogArc arc(is, is, 99, ostate); //LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::Zero(), ostate ); fst->AddArc(istate, arc); if (prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel) == prev_alignment_model.end()) prev_alignment_model.insert(pair < LogArc::Label, LogWeight > (arc.ilabel, arc.weight)); else prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel], arc.weight); total = Plus(total, arc.weight); } } //All the other arcs for (int k = 1; k <= seq1_max; k++) { for (int l = 1; l <= seq2_max; l++) { if (i + k <= seq1->size() && j + l <= seq2->size()) { vector<string> subseq1(seq1->begin() + i, seq1->begin() + i + k); string s1 = vec2str(subseq1, seq1_sep); vector<string> subseq2(seq2->begin() + j, seq2->begin() + j + l); string s2 = vec2str(subseq2, seq2_sep); if (l > 1 && k > 1) continue; int is = isyms->AddSymbol(s1 + s1s2_sep + s2); ostate = (i + k) * (seq2->size() + 1) + (j + l); LogArc arc(is, is, LogWeight::One().Value() * (k + l), ostate); //LogArc arc( is, is, LogWeight::One().Value(), ostate ); fst->AddArc(istate, arc); //During the initialization phase, just count non-eps transitions //We currently initialize to uniform probability so there is also // no need to tally anything here. if (prev_alignment_model.find(arc.ilabel) == prev_alignment_model.end()) prev_alignment_model.insert(pair < LogArc::Label, LogWeight > (arc.ilabel, arc.weight)); else prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel] = Plus(prev_alignment_model[arc.ilabel], arc.weight); total = Plus(total, arc.weight); } } } } } fst->SetStart(0); fst->SetFinal(((seq1->size() + 1) * (seq2->size() + 1)) - 1, LogWeight::One()); //Unless seq1_del==true && seq2_del==true we will have unconnected states // thus we need to run connect to clean out these states //fst->SetInputSymbols(isyms); //fst->Write(""); if (seq1_del == false or seq2_del == false) Connect(fst); //fst->Write("right.c.fsa"); return; }
void ON_Sum::Plus( double x, double dx ) { Plus(x); if ( ON_IsValid(dx) ) m_sum_err += fabs(dx); }
void ON_Sum::operator-=(double x) { Plus(-x); }
void ON_Sum::operator+=(double x) { Plus(x); }
void QtCalculator::pbplustoggled(bool myboolean){ if(myboolean) Plus(); if(pbplus->isOn() && (!key_pressed)) pbplus->setOn(FALSE); }