Example #1
int AcsSum (char *input, char *output, char *mtype, int printtime, int verbose)

    extern int status;

    IRAFPointer tpin;

    AcsSumInfo acs;
    IODescPtr im;        /* descriptor for input image */
    Hdr phdr;        /* primary header for input image */
    int nimgs;
    int i;
    char acs_input[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH];

    int          FileExists (char *);
    void         TimeStamp (char *, char *);
    void         PrBegin (char *);
    void         PrEnd (char *);
    void         PrFileName (char *, char *);
    void         PrHdrInfo (char *, char *, char *, char *);
    int          MkName (char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, int);
    void         WhichError (int);
    void         InitSumTrl (char *input, char *output);
    void         FindAsnRoot (char *, char *);
    int          mkNewSpt (char *, char *, char *);

    /* Determine input and output trailer files, then initialize
        output file by combining inputs into output file */
    InitSumTrl (input, output);

    PrBegin ("ACSSUM");
    nimgs = 0;

    if (printtime)
        TimeStamp ("ACSSUM started", "");

    /* open the input file template */
    tpin = c_imtopen (input);

    nimgs = c_imtlen(tpin);

    /* Initialize structure containing acssum information. */
    AcsInit (&acs,nimgs);

    /* Copy command-line arguments into acs. */
    for (i = 0; i < nimgs; i++) {
        c_imtgetim (tpin, acs.input[i], CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH);
        PrFileName ("input", acs.input[i]);

    /* close file template */
    c_imtclose (tpin);

    strcpy (acs.output, output);
    acs.printtime = printtime;
    acs.verbose = verbose;

    PrFileName ("output", acs.output);
    FindAsnRoot (output, acs.rootname);

    initHdr (&phdr);

    /* Check whether the output file already exists. */
    if (FileExists (acs.output)) {
        FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
        return (status);

    /* Open input image in order to read its primary header. */
    im = openInputImage (acs_input, "", 0);

    if (hstio_err()) {
        FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
        return (status = OPEN_FAILED);

    getHeader (im, &phdr);        /* get primary header */
    if (hstio_err()) {
        FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
        return (status = OPEN_FAILED);
    closeImage (im);

    /* Get keyword values from primary header. */
    if (GetSumKeyInfo (&acs, &phdr)) {
        FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
        return (status);
    freeHdr (&phdr);

    /* Print information about this image. */
    PrHdrInfo (acs.aperture, acs.filter1, acs.filter2, acs.det);

    if (acs.printtime)
        TimeStamp ("Begin processing", acs.rootname);

    /* Sum all imsets. */
    if (SumGrps (&acs,mtype)){
        FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
        return (status);

    /* create new SPT file for output product */
    if (mkNewSpt (input, mtype, output)) {

    /* Done... */
    trlmessage ("\n");
    PrEnd ("ACSSUM");

    if (acs.printtime)
        TimeStamp ("ACSSUM completed", acs.rootname);

    /* Write out temp trailer file to final file */
    WriteTrlFile ();

    FreeAcsInput (acs.input, nimgs);
    return (status);
Example #2
int CalStis11 (char *inwav, char *insci, char *output,
		int printtime, int verbose) {

	int status;

	StisInfo11 wavecal, scidata;	/* calibration switches, etc. */

	IODescPtr imWav;	/* descriptor for input wavecal */
	IODescPtr imSci;	/* descriptor for input science file */
	Hdr phdrWav;		/* primary header for input wavecal */
	Hdr phdrSci;		/* primary header for input science file */
	int subscicorr;		/* PERFORM if CCD and sclamp is HITM1 or 2 */

	int GetKeyInfo11 (StisInfo11 *, Hdr *);
	int SubSci (StisInfo11 *, StisInfo11 *);

	PrBegin (11);

	if (printtime)
	    TimeStamp ("CALSTIS-11 started", "");

	/* Initialize structure containing calstis information. */
	StisInit11 (&wavecal, &scidata);

	/* Copy command-line arguments into wavecal & scidata. */
	strcpy (wavecal.input, inwav);
	strcpy (scidata.input, insci);
	strcpy (wavecal.output, output);
	wavecal.printtime = printtime;
	scidata.printtime = printtime;
	wavecal.verbose = verbose;
	scidata.verbose = verbose;

	PrFileName ("wavecal", wavecal.input);
	PrFileName ("science", scidata.input);
	PrFileName ("output", wavecal.output);

	initHdr (&phdrWav);
	initHdr (&phdrSci);

	/* Check whether the output file already exists. */
	if ((status = FileExists (wavecal.output)))
	    return (status);

	/* Read primary header of input wavecal. */
	imWav = openInputImage (wavecal.input, "", 0);
	if (hstio_err())
	    return (OPEN_FAILED);
	getHeader (imWav, &phdrWav);
	if (hstio_err())
	    return (OPEN_FAILED);
	closeImage (imWav);

	/* Get keyword values from wavecal primary header. */
	if ((status = GetKeyInfo11 (&wavecal, &phdrWav)))
	    return (status);

	freeHdr (&phdrWav);

	/* Print information about the input wavecal. */
	PrHdrInfo (wavecal.obsmode, wavecal.aperture,
		wavecal.opt_elem, wavecal.det);

	/* Do we need to subtract the science image from the wavecal? */
	subscicorr = PERFORM;			/* initial value */
	if (wavecal.detector != CCD_DETECTOR) {
	    subscicorr = OMIT;
	    printf ("Warning  Detector is %s\n", wavecal.det);
	if (strcmp (wavecal.sclamp, "HITM1") != 0 &&
		   strcmp (wavecal.sclamp, "HITM2") != 0) {
	    subscicorr = OMIT;
	    printf ("Warning  Wavecal SCLAMP is `%s', not HITM1 or HITM2\n",
	if (wavecal.texpstrt >= EXT_SHUTTER_CLOSED) {
	    subscicorr = OMIT;
	    printf (
	"Warning  TEXPSTRT=%.2f implies external shutter is closed.\n",

	if (subscicorr != PERFORM) {
	    printf (
	"Warning  Science data will not be subtracted from wavecal.\n");
	    return (NOTHING_TO_DO);

	/* Read primary header of input science file. */
	imSci = openInputImage (scidata.input, "", 0);
	if (hstio_err())
	    return (OPEN_FAILED);
	getHeader (imSci, &phdrSci);
	if (hstio_err())
	    return (OPEN_FAILED);
	closeImage (imSci);

	if (wavecal.printtime)
	    TimeStamp ("Begin processing", wavecal.rootname);

	/* Get keyword values from science file primary header. */
	if ((status = GetKeyInfo11 (&scidata, &phdrSci)))
	    return (status);

	freeHdr (&phdrSci);

	/* Detector, central wavelength, grating, and aperture must be
	   the same in the wavecal and science file.
	if (wavecal.detector != scidata.detector ||
	    wavecal.cenwave != scidata.cenwave ||
	    strcmp (wavecal.opt_elem, scidata.opt_elem) != 0 ||
	    strcmp (wavecal.aperture, scidata.aperture) != 0) {

	    printf ("Warning  Wavecal and science file do not match; \\\n");
	    printf ("Warning  the science file will not be subtracted.\n");
	    return (NOTHING_TO_DO);

	/* Subtract the science image from the wavecal. */
	if ((status = SubSci (&wavecal, &scidata)))
	    return (status);

	printf ("\n");
	PrEnd (11);

	if (wavecal.printtime)
	    TimeStamp ("CALSTIS-11 completed", wavecal.rootname);

	return (0);