int main() { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); std::ifstream in (BINARY_DIR "/Input.txt"); std::ofstream out (BINARY_DIR "/Output.txt"); if (!in.is_open()|| !out.is_open()) { return 1; } std::string base_str; std::getline(in, base_str); PrepareString(base_str); while (!in.eof()) { std::string str; std::getline(in, str); if(!str.empty()) { PrepareString(str); std::reverse(str.begin(), str.end()); out << ((base_str.find(str)!=std::wstring::npos) ? "YES" : "NO") << std::endl; } } return 0; }
UTF8String StringPrep::SASLPrep(UTF8String str, bool checkUnassigned) { UTF32String str32 = UTF::utf8to32(str); std::vector<MappingTable> maps; maps.push_back(m_B1map); maps.push_back(RangeTableToMappingTable(m_C12ranges, UTF32String())); std::vector<RangeTable> prohibitRanges; prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C11ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C12ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C21ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C22ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C3ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C4ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C5ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C6ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C7ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C8ranges); prohibitRanges.push_back(m_C9ranges); UTF32String preparedString = PrepareString(str32, checkUnassigned, true, true, maps, prohibitRanges); return UTF::utf32to8(preparedString); }
bool ConfigAPI::HasKey(QString file, QString section, QString key) const { if (configFolder_.isEmpty()) { LogError("ConfigAPI::HasKey: Config folder has not been prepared, returning false."); return false; } PrepareString(file); PrepareString(section); PrepareString(key); if (!IsFilePathSecure(file)) return false; QSettings config(GetFilePath(file), QSettings::IniFormat); if (!section.isEmpty()) key = section + "/" + key; return config.allKeys().contains(key); }
bool EdiComposer::ComposeTrailer() { BufferClean(); BufferWriteRawData(GetTrailer().RecordType, 1); BufferWriteRawData(GetTrailer().Carrier, 9); wxString total; total << GetTrailer().TotalRecords; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(total, 9), 9); wxString added; added << GetTrailer().TotalAdds; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(added, 9), 9); wxString changed; changed << GetTrailer().TotalChanges; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(changed, 9), 9); wxString moved; moved << GetTrailer().TotalMoveHistory; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(moved, 9), 9); wxString rolled; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(rolled, 9), 9); wxString replaced; replaced << GetTrailer().TotalReplacements; BufferWriteRawData(PrepareString(replaced, 9), 9); BufferFlush(); return true; };
QVariant ConfigAPI::Read(QString file, QString section, QString key, const QVariant &defaultValue) const { if (configFolder_.isEmpty()) { LogError("ConfigAPI::Read: Config folder has not been prepared, returning null QVariant."); return ""; } PrepareString(file); PrepareString(section); PrepareString(key); // Don't return 'defaultValue' but null QVariant // as this is an error situation. if (!IsFilePathSecure(file)) return QVariant(); QSettings config(GetFilePath(file), QSettings::IniFormat); if (section.isEmpty()) return config.value(key, defaultValue); else return config.value(section + "/" + key, defaultValue); }
void ConfigAPI::Write(QString file, QString section, QString key, const QVariant &value) { if (configFolder_.isEmpty()) { LogError("ConfigAPI::Write: Config folder has not been prepared, can not write value to config."); return; } PrepareString(file); PrepareString(section); PrepareString(key); if (!IsFilePathSecure(file)) return; QSettings config(GetFilePath(file), QSettings::IniFormat); if (!config.isWritable()) return; if (section.isEmpty()) config.setValue(key, value); else config.setValue(section + "/" + key, value); config.sync(); }
int FindExactMatches(char *SourcePhrase) { char SQLString[200] = ""; char strOriginal[200] = ""; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL; char *data = NULL; int nResponse = 0; int nLength = strlen(SourcePhrase); PrepareString(SourcePhrase); strcpy(strOriginal, SourcePhrase); // quicksort the string into alphabetical order qsort(SourcePhrase, nLength, sizeof(char), CompareElements); sprintf(SQLString, "SELECT * FROM words WHERE alpha=\'%s\'", SourcePhrase); nResponse = sqlite3_prepare_v2( WordsDb, SQLString, -1, &stmt, NULL ); if ( nResponse != SQLITE_OK) return (-1); nResponse = sqlite3_step( stmt ); while (nResponse == SQLITE_ROW) { data = (char*)sqlite3_column_text( stmt, 1 ); if (strcmp(data, strOriginal) != 0) AddWordToList(data); nResponse = sqlite3_step( stmt ); } sqlite3_finalize( stmt ); // return from function return (0); } // end of FindExactMatches
void LoadScriptFile(pzllst *lst,FManNode *filename, bool control, MList *controlst) { #ifdef TRACE printf("Loading script file %s\n",filename->File); #endif if (control) { Rend_SetRenderer(RENDER_FLAT); } mfile *fl=mfopen(filename); if (fl == NULL) { printf("Error opening file %s\n",filename->File); exit(1); return; } char buf[FILE_LN_BUF]; while(!mfeof(fl)) { mfgets(buf,FILE_LN_BUF,fl); char *str=PrepareString(buf); if (strCMP(str,"puzzle")==0) { Parse_Puzzle(lst,fl,str); } else if (strCMP(str,"control")==0 && control ) { Parse_Control(controlst,fl,str); } } mfclose(fl); }
void AppendProperty(const ACE_TString& prop, const ACE_TString& value, ACE_TString& dest_str) { ACE_TString newprop = ACE_TString(ACE_TEXT(" ")) + prop + ACE_TString(ACE_TEXT("=\"")) + PrepareString(value) + ACE_TString(ACE_TEXT("\"")); dest_str += newprop; }