Example #1
void problem(DomainS *pDomain)
  GridS *pGrid=(pDomain->Grid);
  int i,il,iu,j,jl,ju,k,kl,ku;
  int is,ie,js,je,ks,ke,nx1,nx2,nx3;

  int shk_dir; /* Shock direction: {1,2,3} -> {x1,x2,x3} */
  Real ang_2, ang_3; /* Rotation angles about the y and z' axis */
  Real sin_a2, cos_a2, sin_a3, cos_a3;

  Real x1,x2,x3;
  Prim1DS Wl, Wr;
  Cons1DS U1d, Ul, Ur;
  Real Bxl=0.0, Bxr=0.0, Bxb=0.0;
/* speeds of shock, contact, head and foot of rarefaction for Sod test */
/* speeds of slow/fast shocks, Alfven wave and contact in RJ2a test */
  Real tlim;
  int err_test;
  Real r,xs,xc,xf,xh,vs,vc,vf,vh;
  Real xfp,xrp,xsp,xsm,xrm,xfm,vfp,vrp,vsp,vsm,vrm,vfm;
  Real d0,v0,Mx,My,Mz,E0,r0,Bx,By,Bz;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  int n;

  is = pGrid->is; ie = pGrid->ie;
  js = pGrid->js; je = pGrid->je;
  ks = pGrid->ks; ke = pGrid->ke;

  nx1 = (ie-is)+1 + 2*nghost;
  nx2 = (je-js)+1 + 2*nghost;
  nx3 = (ke-ks)+1 + 2*nghost;


  if (pDomain->Level == 0){
    if ((RootSoln = (ConsS***)calloc_3d_array(nx3,nx2,nx1,sizeof(ConsS)))
      == NULL) ath_error("[problem]: Error alloc memory for RootSoln\n");

/* Parse left state read from input file: dl,pl,ul,vl,wl,bxl,byl,bzl */

  Wl.d = par_getd("problem","dl");
  Wl.P = par_getd("problem","pl");
  Wl.Vx = par_getd("problem","v1l");
  Wl.Vy = par_getd("problem","v2l");
  Wl.Vz = par_getd("problem","v3l");
#ifdef MHD
  Bxl = par_getd("problem","b1l");
  Wl.By = par_getd("problem","b2l");
  Wl.Bz = par_getd("problem","b3l");
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Wl.r[0] = par_getd("problem","r0l");

/* Parse right state read from input file: dr,pr,ur,vr,wr,bxr,byr,bzr */

  Wr.d = par_getd("problem","dr");
  Wr.P = par_getd("problem","pr");
  Wr.Vx = par_getd("problem","v1r");
  Wr.Vy = par_getd("problem","v2r");
  Wr.Vz = par_getd("problem","v3r");
#ifdef MHD
  Bxr = par_getd("problem","b1r");
  Wr.By = par_getd("problem","b2r");
  Wr.Bz = par_getd("problem","b3r");
  if (Bxr != Bxl) ath_error(0,"[shkset1d] L/R values of Bx not the same\n");
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Wr.r[0] = par_getd("problem","r0r");

 Ul = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl, &Bxl,&Bxb);
  Ur = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr, &Bxr,&Bxb);
#elif defined  SMAUG_INTEGRATOR
 Ul = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl, &Bxl,&Bxb);
  Ur = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr, &Bxr,&Bxb);
  Ul = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl, &Bxl);
  Ur = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr, &Bxr);
/* Parse shock direction */
  shk_dir = par_geti("problem","shk_dir");
  if (shk_dir != 1 && shk_dir != 2 && shk_dir != 3) {
    ath_error("[problem]: shk_dir = %d must be either 1,2 or 3\n",shk_dir);

/* Set up the index bounds for initializing the grid */
  iu = pGrid->ie + nghost;
  il = pGrid->is - nghost;

  if (pGrid->Nx[1] > 1) {
    ju = pGrid->je + nghost;
    jl = pGrid->js - nghost;
  else {
    ju = pGrid->je;
    jl = pGrid->js;

  if (pGrid->Nx[2] > 1) {
    ku = pGrid->ke + nghost;
    kl = pGrid->ks - nghost;
  else {
    ku = pGrid->ke;
    kl = pGrid->ks;

/* Initialize the grid including the ghost cells.  Discontinuity is always
 * located at x=0, so xmin/xmax in input file must be set appropriately. */

  switch(shk_dir) {
/*--- shock in 1-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 1:  /* shock in 1-direction  */
    ang_2 = 0.0;
    ang_3 = 0.0;

    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive and conserved variables to be L or R state */
          if (x1 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = U1d.Mx;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.My;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.Mz;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = U1d.By;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];

/*--- shock in 2-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 2:  /* shock in 2-direction  */
    ang_2 = 0.0;
    ang_3 = PI/2.0;
    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive variables to be L or R state */
          if (x2 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = -U1d.My;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.Mx;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.Mz;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = -U1d.By;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = -U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];

/*--- shock in 3-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 3:  /* shock in 3-direction  */
    ang_2 = PI/2.0;
    ang_3 = 0.0;
    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive variables to be L or R state */
          if (x3 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = -U1d.Mz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.My;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.Mx;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = -U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = U1d.By;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = -U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];
    ath_error("[shkset1d]: invalid shk_dir = %i\n",shk_dir);

/* Compute Analytic solution for Sod and RJ4a tests, if required */

  tlim = par_getd("time","tlim");
  err_test = par_getd_def("problem","error_test",0);
  if (err_test == 1) {

    sin_a3 = sin(ang_3);
    cos_a3 = cos(ang_3);
    sin_a2 = sin(ang_2);
    cos_a2 = cos(ang_2);

/* wave speeds for Sod test */
#ifdef HYDRO
    vs = 1.7522; xs = vs*tlim;
    vc = 0.92745; xc = vc*tlim;
    vf = -0.07027; xf = vf*tlim;
    vh = -1.1832; xh = vh*tlim;
#endif /* HYDRO */

/* wave speeds for RJ2a test */
#ifdef MHD
    vfp = 2.2638; xfp = vfp*tlim;
    vrp = (0.53432 + 1.0/sqrt(PI*1.309)); xrp = vrp*tlim;
    vsp = (0.53432 + 0.48144/1.309); xsp = vsp*tlim;
    vc = 0.57538; xc = vc*tlim;
    vsm = (0.60588 - 0.51594/1.4903); xsm = vsm*tlim;
    vrm = (0.60588 - 1.0/sqrt(PI*1.4903)); xrm = vrm*tlim;
    vfm = (1.2 - 2.3305/1.08); xfm = vfm*tlim;
#endif /* MHD */

    for (k=ks; k<=ke; k++) {
    for (j=js; j<=je; j++) {
      for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
        r = cos_a2*(x1*cos_a3 + x2*sin_a3) + x3*sin_a2;

/* Sod solution */
#ifdef HYDRO
        My = Mz = 0.0;
        if (r > xs) {
          d0 = 0.125;
          Mx = 0.0;
          E0 = 0.25;
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xc) {
          d0 = 0.26557;
          Mx = 0.92745*d0;
          E0 = 0.87204;
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xf) {
          d0 = 0.42632;
          Mx = 0.92745*d0;
          E0 = 0.94118;
          r0 = 1.0;
        } else if (r > xh) {
          v0 = 0.92745*(r-xh)/(xf-xh);
          d0 = 0.42632*pow((1.0+0.20046*(0.92745-v0)),5);
          E0 = (0.30313*pow((1.0+0.20046*(0.92745-v0)),7))/0.4 + 0.5*d0*v0*v0;
          r0 = 1.0;
          Mx = v0*d0;
        } else {
          d0 = 1.0;
          Mx = 0.0;
          E0 = 2.5;
          r0 = 1.0;
#endif /* HYDRO */
/* RJ2a solution (Dai & Woodward 1994 Tables Ia and Ib) */
#ifdef MHD
        Bx = 2.0/sqrt(4.0*PI);
        if (r > xfp) {
          d0 = 1.0;
          Mx = 0.0;
          My = 0.0;
          Mz = 0.0;
          By = 4.0/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 2.0/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.0/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xrp) {
          d0 = 1.3090;
          Mx = 0.53432*d0;
          My = -0.094572*d0;
          Mz = -0.047286*d0;
          By = 5.3452/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 2.6726/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.5844/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xsp) {
          d0 = 1.3090;
          Mx = 0.53432*d0;
          My = -0.18411*d0;
          Mz = 0.17554*d0;
          By = 5.7083/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 1.7689/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.5844/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xc) {
          d0 = 1.4735;
          Mx = 0.57538*d0;
          My = 0.047601*d0;
          Mz = 0.24734*d0;
          By = 5.0074/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 1.5517/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.9317/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 0.0;
        } else if (r > xsm) {
          d0 = 1.6343;
          Mx = 0.57538*d0;
          My = 0.047601*d0;
          Mz = 0.24734*d0;
          By = 5.0074/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 1.5517/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.9317/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 1.0;
        } else if (r > xrm) {
          d0 = 1.4903;
          Mx = 0.60588*d0;
          My = 0.22157*d0;
          Mz = 0.30125*d0;
          By = 5.5713/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 1.7264/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.6558/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 1.0;
        } else if (r > xfm) {
          d0 = 1.4903;
          Mx = 0.60588*d0;
          My = 0.11235*d0;
          Mz = 0.55686*d0;
          By = 5.0987/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 2.8326/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 1.6558/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 1.0;
        } else {
          d0 = 1.08;
          Mx = 1.2*d0;
          My = 0.01*d0;
          Mz = 0.5*d0;
          By = 3.6/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          Bz = 2.0/sqrt(4.0*PI);
          E0 = 0.95/Gamma_1 + 0.5*((Mx*Mx+My*My+Mz*Mz)/d0 + (Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz));
          r0 = 1.0;
#endif /* MHD */
        RootSoln[k][j][i].d = d0;

        RootSoln[k][j][i].M1 = Mx*cos_a2*cos_a3 - My*sin_a3 - Mz*sin_a2*cos_a3;
        RootSoln[k][j][i].M2 = Mx*cos_a2*sin_a3 + My*cos_a3 - Mz*sin_a2*sin_a3;
        RootSoln[k][j][i].M3 = Mx*sin_a2                    + Mz*cos_a2;

#ifdef MHD
        RootSoln[k][j][i].B1c = Bx*cos_a2*cos_a3 - By*sin_a3 - Bz*sin_a2*cos_a3;
        RootSoln[k][j][i].B2c = Bx*cos_a2*sin_a3 + By*cos_a3 - Bz*sin_a2*sin_a3;
        RootSoln[k][j][i].B3c = Bx*sin_a2                    + Bz*cos_a2;
#endif /* MHD */

        RootSoln[k][j][i].E = E0;
#endif /* ISOTHERMAL */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) RootSoln[k][j][i].s[n] = r0*d0;


  } /* end calculation of analytic (root) solution */

Example #2
void integrate_2d_smaug(DomainS *pD)
  GridS *pG=(pD->Grid);
  Real dtodx1=pG->dt/pG->dx1, dtodx2=pG->dt/pG->dx2, dtodx3=pG->dt/pG->dx3;
  Real hdt = 0.5*pG->dt, dx2=pG->dx2;
  Real q1 = 0.5*dtodx1, q2 = 0.5*dtodx2, q3 = 0.5*dtodx3;
  int dir;
  int i,il,iu, is = pG->is, ie = pG->ie;
  int j,jl,ju, js = pG->js, je = pG->je;
  int k,kl,ku, ks = pG->ks, ke = pG->ke;
  Real x1,x2,x3,phicl,phicr,phifc,phil,phir,phic,M1h,M2h,M3h,Bx=0.0,Bxb=0.0;

/*Used for hyperdiffusion computations*/
int ii1, dim, ii, ii0;
int field; /*integers map to following index rho, mom1, mom2, energy, b1, b2,energyb,rhob,b1b,b2b*/

#ifdef MHD
  Real MHD_src_By,MHD_src_Bz,mdb1,mdb2,mdb3;
  Real db1,db2,db3,l1,l2,l3,B1,B2,B3,V1,V2,V3;
  Real B1ch,B2ch,B3ch;
// #if defined(MHD) || defined(SELF_GRAVITY)
  Real dx1i=1.0/pG->dx1, dx2i=1.0/pG->dx2, dx3i=1.0/pG->dx3;
// #endif

#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  int n;
  Real gxl,gxr,gyl,gyr,gzl,gzr,flx_m1l,flx_m1r,flx_m2l,flx_m2r,flx_m3l,flx_m3r;
  Real dt1 = 1.0/pG->dt;

  int ncg,npg,dim;
  int ii,ics,ice,jj,jcs,jce,kk,kcs,kce,ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe;

  Real g,gl,gr;
  Real lsf=1.0, rsf=1.0;

/* With particles, one more ghost cell must be updated in predict step */
  Real d1;
  il = is - 3;
  iu = ie + 3;
  jl = js - 3;
  ju = je + 3;
  kl = ks - 3;
  ku = ke + 3;
  il = is - 2;
  iu = ie + 2;
  jl = js - 2;
  ju = je + 2;
  kl = ks - 2;
  ku = ke + 2;

/* Set etah=0 so first calls to flux functions do not use H-correction */
  etah = 0.0;

/* Compute predictor feedback from particle drag */

/*=== STEP 1: Compute L/R x1-interface states and 1D x1-Fluxes ===============*/

/*--- Step 1a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Load 1D vector of conserved variables;
 * U1d = (d, M1, M2, M3, E, B2c, B3c, s[n])

    for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
      for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
        U1d[i].d  = pG->U[ks][j][i].d;
        U1d[i].Mx = pG->U[ks][j][i].M1;
        U1d[i].My = pG->U[ks][j][i].M2;
        U1d[i].Mz = pG->U[ks][j][i].M3;
        U1d[i].E  = pG->U[ks][j][i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
        U1d[i].By = pG->U[ks][j][i].B2c;
        U1d[i].Bz = pG->U[ks][j][i].B3c;
        Bxc[i] = pG->U[ks][j][i].B1c;
        Bxi[i] = pG->B1i[ks][j][i];
        B1_x1[j][i] = pG->B1i[ks][j][i];       
#endif /* MHD */
#ifdef BKG
        U1d[i].db  = pG->U[ks][j][i].db;
        U1d[i].Byb = pG->U[ks][j][i].B2cb;
        U1d[i].Bzb = pG->U[ks][j][i].B3cb;

#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) U1d[i].s[n] = pG->U[ks][j][i].s[n];

/*--- Step 1b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute L and R states at X1-interfaces, add "MHD source terms" for 0.5*dt

   for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
      W[i] = Cons1D_to_Prim1D(&U1d[i],&Bxc[i],&Bxb);

/*--- Step 1c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms from static gravitational potential for 0.5*dt to L/R states

      /*if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
        for (i=il+1; i<=iu; i++) {

          phicr = (*StaticGravPot)( x1             ,x2,x3);
          phicl = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-    pG->dx1),x2,x3);
          phifc = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);

          gl = 2.0*(phifc - phicl)*dx1i;
          gr = 2.0*(phicr - phifc)*dx1i;
#if defined(CYLINDRICAL) && defined(FARGO)
          gl -= r[i-1]*SQR((*OrbitalProfile)(r[i-1]));
          gr -= r[i  ]*SQR((*OrbitalProfile)(r[i  ]));

          W[i].Vx -= hdt*gl;

/*--- Step 1c (cont) -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Add the geometric source-terms now using cell-centered primitive
 * variables at time t^n

/*--- Step 1d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 1D fluxes in x1-direction, storing into 3D array
    for (i=il+1; i<=iu; i++) {
      Uc_x1[j][i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&W[i],&Bxi[i],&Bxb);

#ifdef MHD
      Bx = B1_x1[j][i];

/*=== STEP 2: Compute L/R x2-interface states and 1D x2-Fluxes ===============*/

/*--- Step 2a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Load 1D vector of conserved variables;
 * U1d = (d, M2, M3, M1, E, B3c, B1c, s[n])

  for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
    dx2 = r[i]*pG->dx2;
    dx2i = 1.0/dx2;
    dtodx2 = pG->dt*dx2i;
    hdtodx2 = 0.5*dtodx2;
    for (j=js-nghost; j<=je+nghost; j++) {
      U1d[j].d  = pG->U[ks][j][i].d;
      U1d[j].Mx = pG->U[ks][j][i].M2;
      U1d[j].My = pG->U[ks][j][i].M3;
      U1d[j].Mz = pG->U[ks][j][i].M1;
      U1d[j].E  = pG->U[ks][j][i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
      U1d[j].By = pG->U[ks][j][i].B3c;
      U1d[j].Bz = pG->U[ks][j][i].B1c;
      Bxc[j] = pG->U[ks][j][i].B2c;
      Bxi[j] = pG->B2i[ks][j][i];
      B2_x2[j][i] = pG->B2i[ks][j][i];
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
      for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) U1d[j].s[n] = pG->U[ks][j][i].s[n];

/*--- Step 2b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute L and R states at X2-interfaces, add "MHD source terms" for 0.5*dt

/*--- Step 2c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms from static gravitational potential for 0.5*dt to L/R states

    /*  if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
        for (j=jl+1; j<=ju; j++) {
          phicr = (*StaticGravPot)(x1, x2             ,x3);
          phicl = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,(x2-    pG->dx2),x3);
          phifc = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,(x2-0.5*pG->dx2),x3);

          W[j].Vx -= dtodx2*(phifc - phicl);

/*--- Step 2d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 1D fluxes in x2-direction, storing into 3D array

    for (j=jl+1; j<=ju; j++) {
      Uc_x2[j][i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&W[j],&Bxi[j],&Bxb);
#ifdef MHD
      Bx = B2_x2[j][i];

/*--- Step 3c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms from static gravitational potential for 0.5*dt to L/R states

    /*  if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
        for (k=kl+1; k<=ku; k++) {
          phicr = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,x2, x3             );
          phicl = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,x2,(x3-    pG->dx3));
          phifc = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,x2,(x3-0.5*pG->dx3));

          W[k].Vx -= dtodx3*(phifc - phicl);

/*--- Step 3d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 1D fluxes in x3-direction, storing into 3D array

 /*Not needed here for 2d problem*/

/*=== STEP 4:  Update face-centered B for 0.5*dt =============================*/

/*--- Step 4a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Calculate the cell centered value of emf1,2,3 at t^{n} and integrate
 * to corner.

/*--- Step 4b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update the interface magnetic fields using CT for a half time step.

/*=== STEP 5: Correct x1-interface states with transverse flux gradients =====*/

/*--- Step 5a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x1-interface states using x2-fluxes computed in Step 2d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x2-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (z,x,y) on LHS 

/*--- Step 5b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x1-interface states using x3-fluxes computed in Step 3d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x3-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (y,z,x) on LHS

/*--- Step 5c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add the "MHD source terms" from the x2- and x3-flux-gradients to the
 * conservative variables on the x1Face.  Limiting is used as in GS (2007)

/*--- Step 5d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms for a static gravitational potential arising from x2-Flux
 * and x3-Flux gradients.  To improve conservation of total energy, average
 * the energy source term computed at cell faces.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

 /* if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
  for (k=kl+1; k<=ku-1; k++) {
    for (j=jl+1; j<=ju-1; j++) {
      for (i=il+1; i<=iu; i++) {
        phic = (*StaticGravPot)(x1, x2             ,x3);
        phir = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,(x2+0.5*pG->dx2),x3);
        phil = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,(x2-0.5*pG->dx2),x3);    ---------*/

        /* correct right states; x2 and x3 gradients */

        q2 = hdt/(r[i]*pG->dx2);
        Ur_x1Face[k][j][i].My -= q2*(phir-phil)*pG->U[k][j][i].d;
        Ur_x1Face[k][j][i].E -= q2*(x2Flux[k][j  ][i  ].d*(phic - phil)
                                  + x2Flux[k][j+1][i  ].d*(phir - phic));
        #ifdef ROTATING_FRAME
                Ur_x1Face[k][j][i].E += hdt * 0.5*(x2Flux[k][j  ][i  ].d*sin(x2-0.5*pG->dx2) +
						   x2Flux[k][j+1][i  ].d*sin(x2+0.5*pG->dx2)) *SQR(Omega_0)*Rc;

        phir = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,x2,(x3+0.5*pG->dx3));
        phil = (*StaticGravPot)(x1,x2,(x3-0.5*pG->dx3));

        Ur_x1Face[k][j][i].Mz -= q3*(phir-phil)*pG->U[k][j][i].d;
        Ur_x1Face[k][j][i].E -= q3*(x3Flux[k  ][j][i  ].d*(phic - phil)
                                  + x3Flux[k+1][j][i  ].d*(phir - phic));


        /* correct left states; x2 and x3 gradients */
        phic = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-pG->dx1), x2             ,x3);
        phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-pG->dx1),(x2+0.5*pG->dx2),x3);
        phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-pG->dx1),(x2-0.5*pG->dx2),x3);

        q2 = hdt/(r[i-1]*pG->dx2);
        Ul_x1Face[k][j][i].My -= q2*(phir-phil)*pG->U[k][j][i-1].d;
        Ul_x1Face[k][j][i].E -= q2*(x2Flux[k][j  ][i-1].d*(phic - phil)
                                  + x2Flux[k][j+1][i-1].d*(phir - phic));
        #ifdef ROTATING_FRAME
                Ul_x1Face[k][j][i].E += hdt * 0.5*(x2Flux[k][j  ][i-1].d*sin(x2-0.5*pG->dx2) +
                                                x2Flux[k][j+1][i-1].d*sin(x2+0.5*pG->dx2)) *SQR(Omega_0)*Rc;

        phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-pG->dx1),x2,(x3+0.5*pG->dx3));
        phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-pG->dx1),x2,(x3-0.5*pG->dx3));

        Ul_x1Face[k][j][i].Mz -= q3*(phir-phil)*pG->U[k][j][i-1].d;
        Ul_x1Face[k][j][i].E -= q3*(x3Flux[k  ][j][i-1].d*(phic - phil)
                                  + x3Flux[k+1][j][i-1].d*(phir - phic));

/*=== STEP 6: Correct x2-interface states with transverse flux gradients =====*/

/*--- Step 6a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x2-interface states using x1-fluxes computed in Step 1d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x1-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (y,z,x) on LHS

/*--- Step 6b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x2-interface states using x3-fluxes computed in Step 3d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x3-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (z,x,y) on LHS 

/*--- Step 6c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add the "MHD source terms" from the x1- and x3-flux-gradients to the
 * conservative variables on the x2Face.  Limiting is used as in GS (2007)

/*--- Step 6d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms for a static gravitational potential arising from x1-Flux
 * and x3-Flux gradients. To improve conservation of total energy,
 * average the energy source term computed at cell faces.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

/*=== STEP 7: Correct x3-interface states with transverse flux gradients =====*/

/*--- Step 7a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x3-interface states using x1-fluxes computed in Step 1d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x1-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (z,x,y) on LHS 

/*--- Step 7b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Correct x3-interface states using x2-fluxes computed in Step 2d.
 * Since the fluxes come from an x2-sweep, (x,y,z) on RHS -> (y,z,x) on LHS 

/*--- Step 7c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add the "MHD source terms" from the x1- and x2-flux-gradients to the
 * conservative variables on the x3Face.  Limiting is used as in GS07.

/*--- Step 7d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms for a static gravitational potential arising from x1-Flux
 * and x2-Flux gradients. To improve conservation of total energy,
 * average the energy source term computed at cell faces.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

/*--- Step 7e ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Apply density floor

/*=== STEP 8: Compute cell-centered values at n+1/2 ==========================*/

/*=== STEP 9: Compute 3D x1-Flux, x2-Flux, x3-Flux ===========================*/

/*--- Step 9a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute maximum wavespeeds in multidimensions (eta in eq. 10 from Sanders et
 *  al. (1998)) for H-correction

/*--- Step 9b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 3D x1-fluxes from corrected L/R states.

/*--- Step 9c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 3D x2-fluxes from corrected L/R states.

/*--- Step 9d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute 3D x3-fluxes from corrected L/R states.


/*=== STEP 10: Update face-centered B for a full timestep ====================*/

/*--- Step 10a -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Integrate emf*^{n+1/2} to the grid cell corners

/*--- Step 10b -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update the interface magnetic fields using CT for a full time step.

/*=== STEP 11: Add source terms for a full timestep using n+1/2 states =======*/

/*=== STEP 12: Update cell-centered values for a full timestep ===============*/

/*--- Step 12a -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update cell-centered variables in pG using 3D x1-Fluxes
 for (j=js; j<=je; j++) {
    for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
      rsf = ri[i+1]/r[i];  lsf = ri[i]/r[i];
      pG->U[ks][j][i].d  -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].d  - lsf*x1Flux[j][i].d );
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M1 -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].Mx - lsf*x1Flux[j][i].Mx);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M2 -= dtodx1*(SQR(rsf)*x1Flux[j][i+1].My - SQR(lsf)*x1Flux[j][i].My);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M3 -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].Mz - lsf*x1Flux[j][i].Mz);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].E  -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].E  - lsf*x1Flux[j][i].E );
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
      pG->U[ks][j][i].B2c -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[j][i+1].By - x1Flux[j][i].By);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].B3c -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].Bz - lsf*x1Flux[j][i].Bz);
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
      for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
        pG->U[ks][j][i].s[n] -= dtodx1*(rsf*x1Flux[j][i+1].s[n] 
                                      - lsf*x1Flux[j][i  ].s[n]);


/*--- Step 12b -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update cell-centered variables in pG using 3D x2-Fluxes

  for (j=js; j<=je; j++) {
    for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
      dtodx2 = pG->dt/(r[i]*pG->dx2);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].d  -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].d  - x2Flux[j][i].d );
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M1 -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].Mz - x2Flux[j][i].Mz);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M2 -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].Mx - x2Flux[j][i].Mx);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].M3 -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].My - x2Flux[j][i].My);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].E  -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].E  - x2Flux[j][i].E );
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
      pG->U[ks][j][i].B3c -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].By - x2Flux[j][i].By);
      pG->U[ks][j][i].B1c -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].Bz - x2Flux[j][i].Bz);
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
      for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
        pG->U[ks][j][i].s[n] -= dtodx2*(x2Flux[j+1][i].s[n] 
                                         - x2Flux[j  ][i].s[n]);

/*--- Step 12c -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update cell-centered variables in pG using 3D x3-Fluxes




//density contribution
for(dim=0; dim<2; dim++) //each direction


//energy hyperdiffusion term
for(dim=0; dim<2; dim++) //each direction


       //momentum hyperdiffusion term
for(dim=0; dim<2; dim++) //each direction

		                  if (ii1 == 0)
				           ii0=field;  //f is field

				  ;//  hyperdifmomsource1(ii,ii0,pG->dt);
				   ;// hyperdifmomsourcene1(ii,ii0,pG->dt);  //off diagonal

#ifdef MHD

  //b field hyperdiffusion term
for(dim=0; dim<2; dim++) //each direction

		                  if (ii1 == 0)
				           ii0=field;  //f is field

				   ;// hyperdifbsource(ii,ii0,pG->dt,pG);
				   ;// hyperdifbsourcene(ii,ii0,pG->dt,pG);  //off diagonal


#endif  /*hyperdiffusion source term for bfield*/

/*static mesh refinement part goes here*/
/*--- Step 12e -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * With SMR, store fluxes at boundaries of child and parent grids.

  for (ncg=0; ncg<pG->NCGrid; ncg++) {

/* x1-boundaries of child Grids (interior to THIS Grid) */

    for (dim=0; dim<2; dim++){
      if (pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        if (dim==0) i = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijks[0];
        if (dim==1) i = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijke[0] + 1;
        jcs = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijks[1];
        jce = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijke[1];

        for (j=jcs, jj=0; j<=jce; j++, jj++){
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].d  = x1Flux[j][i].d; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M1 = x1Flux[j][i].Mx; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M2 = x1Flux[j][i].My;
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M3 = x1Flux[j][i].Mz; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].E  = x1Flux[j][i].E; 
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B1c = 0.0;
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B2c = x1Flux[j][i].By; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B3c = x1Flux[j][i].Bz; 
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].s[n]  = x1Flux[j][i].s[n]; 
#ifdef MHD
        for (j=jcs, jj=0; j<=jce+1; j++, jj++){
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myEMF3[dim][ks][jj] = emf3[j][i];
#endif /* MHD */

/* x2-boundaries of child Grids (interior to THIS Grid) */

    for (dim=2; dim<4; dim++){
      if (pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        ics = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijks[0];
        ice = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijke[0];
        if (dim==2) j = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijks[1];
        if (dim==3) j = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijke[1] + 1;

        for (i=ics, ii=0; i<=ice; i++, ii++){
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].d  = x2Flux[j][i].d; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M1 = x2Flux[j][i].Mz; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M2 = x2Flux[j][i].Mx;
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M3 = x2Flux[j][i].My; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].E  = x2Flux[j][i].E; 
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B1c = x2Flux[j][i].Bz; 
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B2c = 0.0;
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B3c = x2Flux[j][i].By; 
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].s[n]  = x2Flux[j][i].s[n]; 
#ifdef MHD
        for (i=ics, ii=0; i<=ice+1; i++, ii++){
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myEMF3[dim][ks][ii] = emf3[j][i];
#endif /* MHD */

  for (npg=0; npg<pG->NPGrid; npg++) {

/* x1-boundaries of parent Grids (at boundaries of THIS Grid)  */

    for (dim=0; dim<2; dim++){
      if (pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        if (dim==0) i = pG->PGrid[npg].ijks[0];
        if (dim==1) i = pG->PGrid[npg].ijke[0] + 1;
        jps = pG->PGrid[npg].ijks[1];
        jpe = pG->PGrid[npg].ijke[1];

        for (j=jps, jj=0; j<=jpe; j++, jj++){
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].d  = x1Flux[j][i].d; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M1 = x1Flux[j][i].Mx; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M2 = x1Flux[j][i].My;
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].M3 = x1Flux[j][i].Mz; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].E  = x1Flux[j][i].E; 
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B1c = 0.0;
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B2c = x1Flux[j][i].By; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].B3c = x1Flux[j][i].Bz; 
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][jj].s[n]  = x1Flux[j][i].s[n]; 
#ifdef MHD
        for (j=jps, jj=0; j<=jpe+1; j++, jj++){
          pG->PGrid[npg].myEMF3[dim][ks][jj] = emf3[j][i];
#endif /* MHD */

/* x2-boundaries of parent Grids (at boundaries of THIS Grid)  */

    for (dim=2; dim<4; dim++){
      if (pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        ips = pG->PGrid[npg].ijks[0];
        ipe = pG->PGrid[npg].ijke[0];
        if (dim==2) j = pG->PGrid[npg].ijks[1];
        if (dim==3) j = pG->PGrid[npg].ijke[1] + 1;

        for (i=ips, ii=0; i<=ipe; i++, ii++){
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].d  = x2Flux[j][i].d; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M1 = x2Flux[j][i].Mz; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M2 = x2Flux[j][i].Mx;
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].M3 = x2Flux[j][i].My; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].E  = x2Flux[j][i].E; 
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B1c = x2Flux[j][i].Bz; 
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B2c = 0.0;
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].B3c = x2Flux[j][i].By; 
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][ii].s[n]  = x2Flux[j][i].s[n]; 
#ifdef MHD
        for (i=ips, ii=0; i<=ipe+1; i++, ii++){
          pG->PGrid[npg].myEMF3[dim][ks][ii] = emf3[j][i];
#endif /* MHD */


Example #3
void integrate_1d_vl(DomainS *pD)
  GridS *pG=(pD->Grid);
  Real dtodx1=pG->dt/pG->dx1, hdtodx1=0.5*pG->dt/pG->dx1;
  int i, is = pG->is, ie = pG->ie;
  int js = pG->js;
  int ks = pG->ks;
  Real x1,x2,x3,phicl,phicr,phifc,phil,phir,phic;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  int n;
  Real gxl,gxr,flx_m1l,flx_m1r;
  int ncg,npg,dim;

  int il=is-(nghost-1), iu=ie+(nghost-1);

  for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
    Uhalf[i] = pG->U[ks][js][i];

/*=== STEP 1: Compute first-order fluxes at t^{n} in x1-direction ============*/
/* No source terms are needed since there is no temporal evolution */

/*--- Step 1a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Load 1D vector of conserved variables;  
 * U1d = (d, M1, M2, M3, E, B2c, B3c, s[n])

  for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
    U1d[i].d  = pG->U[ks][js][i].d;
    U1d[i].Mx = pG->U[ks][js][i].M1;
    U1d[i].My = pG->U[ks][js][i].M2;
    U1d[i].Mz = pG->U[ks][js][i].M3;
    U1d[i].E  = pG->U[ks][js][i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
    U1d[i].By = pG->U[ks][js][i].B2c;
    U1d[i].Bz = pG->U[ks][js][i].B3c;
    Bxc[i] = pG->U[ks][js][i].B1c;
    Bxi[i] = pG->B1i[ks][js][i];
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
    for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) U1d[i].s[n] = pG->U[ks][js][i].s[n];

/*--- Step 1b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute first-order L/R states */

  for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
    W[i] = Cons1D_to_Prim1D(&U1d[i],&Bxc[i]);

  for (i=il; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
    Wl[i] = W[i-1];
    Wr[i] = W[i  ];

    Ul[i] = U1d[i-1];
    Ur[i] = U1d[i  ];

/*--- Step 1c ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * No source terms needed */

/*--- Step 1d ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute flux in x1-direction */

  for (i=il; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {

/*=== STEPS 2-4: Not needed in 1D ===*/

/*=== STEP 5: Update cell-centered variables to half-timestep ================*/

/*--- Step 5a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update cell-centered variables (including B2c and B3c) to half-timestep

  for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
    Uhalf[i].d   -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].d  - x1Flux[i].d );
    Uhalf[i].M1  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mx - x1Flux[i].Mx);
    Uhalf[i].M2  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].My - x1Flux[i].My);
    Uhalf[i].M3  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mz - x1Flux[i].Mz);
    Uhalf[i].E   -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].E  - x1Flux[i].E );
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
    Uhalf[i].B2c -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].By - x1Flux[i].By);
    Uhalf[i].B3c -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Bz - x1Flux[i].Bz);
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
    for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
      Uhalf[i].s[n] -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].s[n] - x1Flux[i].s[n]);

/*=== STEP 6: Add source terms to predict values at half-timestep ============*/

/*--- Step 6a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms from a static gravitational potential for 0.5*dt to predict
 * step.  To improve conservation of total energy, we average the energy
 * source term computed at cell faces.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

  if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
    for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
      phic = (*StaticGravPot)((x1            ),x2,x3);
      phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1+0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);
      phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);

      Uhalf[i].M1 -= hdtodx1*pG->U[ks][js][i].d*(phir-phil);
      Uhalf[i].E -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                             x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));
    Real accl, accc1, accr;
    if(1) {
        accc = pG->AccX[i];
        accl = pG->AccX[i-1];
        accr = pG->AccX[i+1];

/*--- Step 6b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add source terms for self gravity for 0.5*dt to predict step.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

  for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
    phic = pG->Phi[ks][js][i];
    phir = 0.5*(pG->Phi[ks][js][i] + pG->Phi[ks][js][i+1]);
    phil = 0.5*(pG->Phi[ks][js][i] + pG->Phi[ks][js][i-1]);

    Uhalf[i].M1 -= hdtodx1*pG->U[ks][js][i].d*(phir-phil);
    Uhalf[i].E -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                           x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));
#endif /* SELF_GRAVITY */

/*=== STEP 7: Compute second-order L/R x1-interface states ===================*/

/*--- Step 7a ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Load 1D vector of conserved variables;
 * U = (d, M1, M2, M3, E, B2c, B3c, s[n])

  for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
    U1d[i].d  = Uhalf[i].d;
    U1d[i].Mx = Uhalf[i].M1;
    U1d[i].My = Uhalf[i].M2;
    U1d[i].Mz = Uhalf[i].M3;
    U1d[i].E  = Uhalf[i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
    U1d[i].By = Uhalf[i].B2c;
    U1d[i].Bz = Uhalf[i].B3c;
    Bxc[i]  = Uhalf[i].B1c;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
    for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) U1d[i].s[n] = Uhalf[i].s[n];
#endif /* NSCALARS */

/*--- Step 7b ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute L/R states on x1-interfaces, store into arrays

  for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
    W[i] = Cons1D_to_Prim1D(&U1d[i],&Bxc[i]);


  for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) {
    Wl_x1Face[i] = Wl[i];
    Wr_x1Face[i] = Wr[i];

/*=== STEPS 8-9: Not needed in 1D ===*/

/*=== STEP 10: Compute x1-Flux ===============================================*/

/*--- Step 10b -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute second-order fluxes in x1-direction

  for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) {
    Ul[i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl_x1Face[i],&Bxi[i]);
    Ur[i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr_x1Face[i],&Bxi[i]);


/*=== STEP 11: Not needed in 1D ===*/
/*=== STEP 12: Add source terms for a full timestep using n+1/2 states =======*/
/*--- Step 12a -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add gravitational source terms due to a Static Potential
 * To improve conservation of total energy, we average the energy
 * source term computed at cell faces.
 *    S_{M} = -(\rho)^{n+1/2} Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v)^{n+1/2} Grad{Phi}

  if (StaticGravPot != NULL){
    for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
      phic = (*StaticGravPot)((x1            ),x2,x3);
      phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1+0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);
      phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);

      pG->U[ks][js][i].M1 -= dtodx1*Uhalf[i].d*(phir-phil);
      pG->U[ks][js][i].E -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                                    x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));

/*--- Step 12b -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add gravitational source terms for self-gravity.
 * A flux correction using Phi^{n+1} in the main loop is required to make
 * the source terms 2nd order: see selfg_flux_correction().

/* Add fluxes and source terms due to (d/dx1) terms  */

  for (i=is; i<=ie; i++){
    phic = pG->Phi[ks][js][i];
    phil = 0.5*(pG->Phi[ks][js][i-1] + pG->Phi[ks][js][i  ]);
    phir = 0.5*(pG->Phi[ks][js][i  ] + pG->Phi[ks][js][i+1]);

/* gx, gy and gz centered at L and R x1-faces */
    gxl = (pG->Phi[ks][js][i-1] - pG->Phi[ks][js][i  ])/(pG->dx1);
    gxr = (pG->Phi[ks][js][i  ] - pG->Phi[ks][js][i+1])/(pG->dx1);

/* momentum fluxes in x1.  2nd term is needed only if Jean's swindle used */
    flx_m1l = 0.5*(gxl*gxl)/four_pi_G + grav_mean_rho*phil;
    flx_m1r = 0.5*(gxr*gxr)/four_pi_G + grav_mean_rho*phir;

/* Update momenta and energy with d/dx1 terms  */
    pG->U[ks][js][i].M1 -= dtodx1*(flx_m1r - flx_m1l);
    pG->U[ks][js][i].E -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                                  x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */

/* Save mass fluxes in Grid structure for source term correction in main loop */

  for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) {
    pG->x1MassFlux[ks][js][i] = x1Flux[i].d;
#endif /* SELF_GRAVITY */

/*=== STEP 13: Update cell-centered values for a full timestep ===============*/

/*--- Step 13a -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update cell-centered variables in pG (including B2c and B3c) using x1-Fluxes

  for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
    pG->U[ks][js][i].d  -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].d  - x1Flux[i].d );
    pG->U[ks][js][i].M1 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mx - x1Flux[i].Mx);
    pG->U[ks][js][i].M2 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].My - x1Flux[i].My);
    pG->U[ks][js][i].M3 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mz - x1Flux[i].Mz);
    pG->U[ks][js][i].E  -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].E  - x1Flux[i].E );
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
    pG->U[ks][js][i].B2c -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].By - x1Flux[i].By);
    pG->U[ks][js][i].B3c -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Bz - x1Flux[i].Bz);
/* For consistency, set B2i and B3i to cell-centered values.  */
    pG->B2i[ks][js][i] = pG->U[ks][js][i].B2c;
    pG->B3i[ks][js][i] = pG->U[ks][js][i].B3c;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
    for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
      pG->U[ks][js][i].s[n] -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].s[n] - x1Flux[i].s[n]);

/*--- Step 13d -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * With SMR, store fluxes at boundaries of child and parent grids.

/* x1-boundaries of child Grids (interior to THIS Grid) */
  for (ncg=0; ncg<pG->NCGrid; ncg++) {
    for (dim=0; dim<2; dim++){
      if (pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        if (dim==0) i = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijks[0];
        if (dim==1) i = pG->CGrid[ncg].ijke[0] + 1;

        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].d  = x1Flux[i].d;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M1 = x1Flux[i].Mx;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M2 = x1Flux[i].My;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M3 = x1Flux[i].Mz;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].E  = x1Flux[i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B1c = 0.0;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B2c = x1Flux[i].By;
        pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B3c = x1Flux[i].Bz;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
          pG->CGrid[ncg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].s[n]  = x1Flux[i].s[n];

/* x1-boundaries of parent Grids (at boundaries of THIS Grid)  */
  for (npg=0; npg<pG->NPGrid; npg++) {
    for (dim=0; dim<2; dim++){
      if (pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim] != NULL) {

        if (dim==0) i = pG->PGrid[npg].ijks[0];
        if (dim==1) i = pG->PGrid[npg].ijke[0] + 1;

        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].d  = x1Flux[i].d;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M1 = x1Flux[i].Mx;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M2 = x1Flux[i].My;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].M3 = x1Flux[i].Mz;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].E  = x1Flux[i].E;
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B1c = 0.0;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B2c = x1Flux[i].By;
        pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].B3c = x1Flux[i].Bz;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
          pG->PGrid[npg].myFlx[dim][ks][js].s[n]  = x1Flux[i].s[n];


Example #4
void problem(DomainS *pDomain)
  GridS *pGrid=(pDomain->Grid);
  int i,il,iu,j,jl,ju,k,kl,ku;
  int shk_dir; /* Shock direction: {1,2,3} -> {x1,x2,x3} */
  Real x1,x2,x3;
  Prim1DS Wl, Wr;
  Cons1DS U1d, Ul, Ur;
  Real Bxl=0.0, Bxr=0.0;

/* Parse left state read from input file: dl,pl,ul,vl,wl,bxl,byl,bzl */

  Wl.d = par_getd("problem","dl");
  Wl.P = par_getd("problem","pl");
  Wl.Vx = par_getd("problem","v1l");
  Wl.Vy = par_getd("problem","v2l");
  Wl.Vz = par_getd("problem","v3l");
#ifdef MHD
  Bxl = par_getd("problem","b1l");
  Wl.By = par_getd("problem","b2l");
  Wl.Bz = par_getd("problem","b3l");
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Wl.r[0] = par_getd("problem","r[0]l");

/* Parse right state read from input file: dr,pr,ur,vr,wr,bxr,byr,bzr */

  Wr.d = par_getd("problem","dr");
  Wr.P = par_getd("problem","pr");
  Wr.Vx = par_getd("problem","v1r");
  Wr.Vy = par_getd("problem","v2r");
  Wr.Vz = par_getd("problem","v3r");
#ifdef MHD
  Bxr = par_getd("problem","b1r");
  Wr.By = par_getd("problem","b2r");
  Wr.Bz = par_getd("problem","b3r");
  if (Bxr != Bxl) ath_error(0,"[shkset1d] L/R values of Bx not the same\n");
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
  Wr.r[0] = par_getd("problem","r[0]r");

  Ul = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl, &Bxl);
  Ur = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr, &Bxr);

/* Parse shock direction */
  shk_dir = par_geti("problem","shk_dir");
  if (shk_dir != 1 && shk_dir != 2 && shk_dir != 3) {
    ath_error("[problem]: shk_dir = %d must be either 1,2 or 3\n",shk_dir);

/* Set up the index bounds for initializing the grid */
  iu = pGrid->ie + nghost;
  il = pGrid->is - nghost;

  if (pGrid->Nx[1] > 1) {
    ju = pGrid->je + nghost;
    jl = pGrid->js - nghost;
  else {
    ju = pGrid->je;
    jl = pGrid->js;

  if (pGrid->Nx[2] > 1) {
    ku = pGrid->ke + nghost;
    kl = pGrid->ks - nghost;
  else {
    ku = pGrid->ke;
    kl = pGrid->ks;

/* Initialize the grid including the ghost cells.  Discontinuity is always
 * located at x=0, so xmin/xmax in input file must be set appropriately. */

  switch(shk_dir) {
/*--- shock in 1-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 1:  /* shock in 1-direction  */
    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive and conserved variables to be L or R state */
          if (x1 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = U1d.Mx;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.My;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.Mz;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = U1d.By;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];

/*--- shock in 2-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 2:  /* shock in 2-direction  */
    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive variables to be L or R state */
          if (x2 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = U1d.Mz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.Mx;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.My;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];

/*--- shock in 3-direction ---------------------------------------------------*/
  case 3:  /* shock in 3-direction  */
    for (k=kl; k<=ku; k++) {
      for (j=jl; j<=ju; j++) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
          cc_pos(pGrid, i, j, k, &x1, &x2, &x3);

/* set primitive variables to be L or R state */
          if (x3 <= 0.0) {
            U1d = Ul;
          } else {
            U1d = Ur;

/* Initialize conserved (and with SR the primitive) variables in Grid */
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].d  = U1d.d;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M1 = U1d.My;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M2 = U1d.Mz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].M3 = U1d.Mx;
#ifdef MHD
          pGrid->B1i[k][j][i] = U1d.By;
          pGrid->B2i[k][j][i] = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->B3i[k][j][i] = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B1c = U1d.By;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B2c = U1d.Bz;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].B3c = Bxl;
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].E = U1d.E;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
          pGrid->U[k][j][i].s[0] = U1d.s[0];
    ath_error("[shkset1d]: invalid shk_dir = %i\n",shk_dir);

Example #5
/*! \fn void integrate_1d_vl(DomainS *pD)
 *  \brief 1D version of van Leer unsplit integrator for MHD.
 *   The numbering of steps follows the numbering in the 3D version.
void integrate_1d_vl(DomainS *pD)
    GridS *pG=(pD->Grid);
    ConsS U;
    Real dtodx1=pG->dt/pG->dx1, hdtodx1=0.5*pG->dt/pG->dx1;
    int i, is = pG->is, ie = pG->ie;
    int js = pG->js;
    int ks = pG->ks;
    int cart_x1 = 1, cart_x2 = 2, cart_x3 = 3;
    Real x1,x2,x3,phicl,phicr,phifc,phil,phir,phic;
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
    int n;
    Real gxl,gxr,flx_m1l,flx_m1r;
    int ncg,npg,dim;
    int flag_cell=0,negd=0,negP=0,superl=0,NaNFlux=0;
    int fail=0,final=0;
    Real Vsq,Bx;
    PrimS Wcheck;
    Int3Vect BadCell;

    int il=is-(nghost-1), iu=ie+(nghost-1);

    for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
        Uhalf[i] = pG->U[ks][js][i];
        W[i] = Cons_to_Prim(&(pG->U[ks][js][i]));

    /*=== STEP 1: Compute first-order fluxes at t^{n} in x1-direction ============*/
    /* No source terms are needed since there is no temporal evolution */

    /*--- Step 1a ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Load 1D vector of primitive variables;
     * W1d = (d, V1, V2, V3, P, B2c, B3c, s[n])

    for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
        W1d[i].d  = W[i].d;
        W1d[i].Vx = W[i].V1;
        W1d[i].Vy = W[i].V2;
        W1d[i].Vz = W[i].V3;
        W1d[i].P  = W[i].P;
#ifdef MHD
        W1d[i].By = W[i].B2c;
        W1d[i].Bz = W[i].B3c;
        Bxc[i] = W[i].B1c;
        Bxi[i] = pG->B1i[ks][js][i];
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) W1d[i].s[n] = W[i].s[n];

    /*--- Step 1b ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compute first-order L/R states */

    /* Ensure that W & U are consistent */
    for (i=is-nghost; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
        U1d[i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&W1d[i],&Bxc[i]);

    for (i=il; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {
        Wl[i] = W1d[i-1];
        Wr[i] = W1d[i  ];

        Ul[i] = U1d[i-1];
        Ur[i] = U1d[i  ];

    /*--- Step 1c ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * No source terms needed */

    /*--- Step 1d ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compute flux in x1-direction */

    for (i=il; i<=ie+nghost; i++) {

    /*=== STEPS 2-4: Not needed in 1D ===*/

    /*=== STEP 5: Update cell-centered variables to half-timestep ================*/

    /*--- Step 5a ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Update cell-centered variables (including B2c and B3c) to half-timestep

    for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
        Uhalf[i].d   -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].d  - x1Flux[i].d );
        Uhalf[i].M1  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mx - x1Flux[i].Mx);
        Uhalf[i].M2  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].My - x1Flux[i].My);
        Uhalf[i].M3  -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mz - x1Flux[i].Mz);
        Uhalf[i].E   -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].E  - x1Flux[i].E );
#ifdef MHD
        Uhalf[i].B2c -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].By - x1Flux[i].By);
        Uhalf[i].B3c -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Bz - x1Flux[i].Bz);
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            Uhalf[i].s[n] -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].s[n] - x1Flux[i].s[n]);
        x1FluxP[i] = x1Flux[i];

    /*=== STEP 6: Add source terms to predict values at half-timestep ============*/

    /*--- Step 6a ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Add source terms from a static gravitational potential for 0.5*dt to predict
     * step.  To improve conservation of total energy, we average the energy
     * source term computed at cell faces.
     *    S_{M} = -(\rho) Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v) Grad{Phi}

    if (StaticGravPot != NULL) {
        for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
            phic = (*StaticGravPot)((x1            ),x2,x3);
            phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1+0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);
            phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);

            Uhalf[i].M1 -= hdtodx1*pG->U[ks][js][i].d*(phir-phil);
            Uhalf[i].E -= hdtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                                   x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));

    /*=== STEP 7: Conserved->Primitive variable inversion at t^{n+1/2} ===========*/

    /* Invert conserved variables at t^{n+1/2} to primitive variables. With FOFC,
     * if cell-centered d < 0, P< 0, or v^2 > 1, correct by switching back to
     * values at beginning of step, rendering update first order in time for that
     * cell.

    negd = 0;
    negP = 0;
    superl = 0;
    flag_cell = 0;
    for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
        Whalf[i] = Cons_to_Prim(&Uhalf[i]);
        if (Whalf[i].d < 0.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
        if (Whalf[i].P < 0.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
        Vsq = SQR(Whalf[i].V1) + SQR(Whalf[i].V2) + SQR(Whalf[i].V3);
        if (Vsq > 1.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
        if (flag_cell != 0) {
            Whalf[i].d = W[i].d;
            Whalf[i].V1 = W[i].V1;
            Whalf[i].V2 = W[i].V2;
            Whalf[i].V3 = W[i].V3;
            Whalf[i].P = W[i].P;

    if (negd > 0 || negP > 0 || superl > 0)
        printf("[Step7]: %i cells had d<0; %i cells had P<0; %i cells had v>1\n"

    /*=== STEP 8: Compute second-order L/R x1-interface states ===================*/

    /*--- Step 8a ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Load 1D vector of primitive variables;
     * W = (d, V1, V2, V3, P, B2c, B3c, s[n])

    for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
        W1d[i].d  = Whalf[i].d;
        W1d[i].Vx = Whalf[i].V1;
        W1d[i].Vy = Whalf[i].V2;
        W1d[i].Vz = Whalf[i].V3;
        W1d[i].P  = Whalf[i].P;
#ifdef MHD
        W1d[i].By = Whalf[i].B2c;
        W1d[i].Bz = Whalf[i].B3c;
        Bxc[i]  = Whalf[i].B1c;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++) W1d[i].s[n] = Whalf[i].s[n];
#endif /* NSCALARS */

    /*--- Step 8b ------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compute L/R states on x1-interfaces, store into arrays


    for (i=il; i<=iu; i++) {
        Vsq = SQR(Wl[i].Vx) + SQR(Wl[i].Vy) + SQR(Wl[i].Vz);
        if (Vsq > 1.0) {
            Wl[i] = W1d[i];
            Wr[i] = W1d[i];
        Vsq = SQR(Wr[i].Vx) + SQR(Wr[i].Vy) + SQR(Wr[i].Vz);
        if (Vsq > 1.0) {
            Wl[i] = W1d[i];
            Wr[i] = W1d[i];

    for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) {
        Wl_x1Face[i] = Wl[i];
        Wr_x1Face[i] = Wr[i];

    /*=== STEPS 9-10: Not needed in 1D ===*/

    /*=== STEP 11: Compute x1-Flux ===============================================*/

    /*--- Step 11b -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compute second-order fluxes in x1-direction

    for (i=is; i<=ie+1; i++) {
        Ul[i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wl_x1Face[i],&Bxi[i]);
        Ur[i] = Prim1D_to_Cons1D(&Wr_x1Face[i],&Bxi[i]);


    /*=== STEP 12: Not needed in 1D ===*/

    /*=== STEP 13: Add source terms for a full timestep using n+1/2 states =======*/

    /*--- Step 13a -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Add gravitational source terms due to a Static Potential
     * To improve conservation of total energy, we average the energy
     * source term computed at cell faces.
     *    S_{M} = -(\rho)^{n+1/2} Grad(Phi);   S_{E} = -(\rho v)^{n+1/2} Grad{Phi}

    if (StaticGravPot != NULL) {
        for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
            phic = (*StaticGravPot)((x1            ),x2,x3);
            phir = (*StaticGravPot)((x1+0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);
            phil = (*StaticGravPot)((x1-0.5*pG->dx1),x2,x3);

            pG->U[ks][js][i].M1 -= dtodx1*Uhalf[i].d*(phir-phil);
            pG->U[ks][js][i].E -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i  ].d*(phic - phil) +
                                          x1Flux[i+1].d*(phir - phic));

    /*=== STEP 14: Update cell-centered values for a full timestep ===============*/

    /*--- Step 14a -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Update cell-centered variables in pG (including B2c and B3c) using x1-Fluxes

    for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
        pG->U[ks][js][i].d  -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].d  - x1Flux[i].d );
        pG->U[ks][js][i].M1 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mx - x1Flux[i].Mx);
        pG->U[ks][js][i].M2 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].My - x1Flux[i].My);
        pG->U[ks][js][i].M3 -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Mz - x1Flux[i].Mz);
        pG->U[ks][js][i].E  -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].E  - x1Flux[i].E );
#endif /* BAROTROPIC */
#ifdef MHD
        pG->U[ks][js][i].B2c -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].By - x1Flux[i].By);
        pG->U[ks][js][i].B3c -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].Bz - x1Flux[i].Bz);
        /* For consistency, set B2i and B3i to cell-centered values.  */
        pG->B2i[ks][js][i] = pG->U[ks][js][i].B2c;
        pG->B3i[ks][js][i] = pG->U[ks][js][i].B3c;
#endif /* MHD */
#if (NSCALARS > 0)
        for (n=0; n<NSCALARS; n++)
            pG->U[ks][js][i].s[n] -= dtodx1*(x1Flux[i+1].s[n] - x1Flux[i].s[n]);

    /*=== STEP 15: First-order flux correction ===================================*/

    /*--- Step 15a -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * If cell-centered d or P have gone negative, or if v^2 > 1, correct
     * by using 1st order predictor fluxes */

    for (i=is; i<=ie; i++) {
        Wcheck = check_Prim(&(pG->U[ks][js][i]));
        if (Wcheck.d < 0.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
            BadCell.i = i;
            BadCell.j = js;
            BadCell.k = ks;
        if (Wcheck.P < 0.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
            BadCell.i = i;
            BadCell.j = js;
            BadCell.k = ks;
        Vsq = SQR(Wcheck.V1) + SQR(Wcheck.V2) + SQR(Wcheck.V3);
        if (Vsq > 1.0) {
            flag_cell = 1;
            BadCell.i = i;
            BadCell.j = js;
            BadCell.k = ks;
        if (flag_cell != 0) {
            FixCell(pG, BadCell);


    if (negd > 0 || negP > 0 || superl > 0) {
        printf("[Step15a]: %i cells had d<0; %i cells had P<0;\n",negd,negP);
        printf("[Step15a]: %i cells had v>1 at 1st correction\n",superl);

    /*--- Step 15b -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * In SR the first-order flux correction can fail to fix an unphysical state.
     * We must fix these cells in order to avoid NaN's at the next timestep,
     * particuarly if v^2 > 1. We have 2 approaches; firstly, we use the entropy
     * equation (which we have not applied a 1st order flux correction to) to
     * calculate the pressure and the Lorentz factor of the gas. If this produces
     * and unphysical state, then we floor the pressure and iterate on v^2 until
     * v^2 < 1. Possibly could improved by averaging density and pressure from
     * adjacent cells and then calculating pressure.

#ifdef MHD
    fail = 0;
    negd = 0;
    negP = 0;
    final = 0;