int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ExitCode = 0; std::string creoStartCommand; std::string proeIsisExtensionsDir; std::string templateFile_PathAndFileName; std::stringstream exceptionErrorStringStream; bool Logging_Set_Up = false; isis::ProgramInputArguments programInputArguments; ::boost::filesystem::path workingDir; try { // Parse Input Arguments programInputArguments.ParseInputArguments(argc, argv); // Setup Boost logging SetupLogging(programInputArguments.logFileName, programInputArguments.logVerbosity); Logging_Set_Up = true; isis::ThrowException_If_InvalidInputArguments(argc, argv, programInputArguments); // Must get the complete path to the working directory. This is necessary because when // isis_ProDirectoryChange is called to change to a STEP directory, workingDir must be fully // defined so that isis_ProDirectoryChange can be called to return to the original directory. workingDir = isis::SetupWorkingDirectory(programInputArguments.workingDirectory); isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.instanceId = programInputArguments.instanceID; // Log CADCreoParametricCreateAssembly version information std::string programName_Version_TimeStamp; programName_Version_TimeStamp = "CADCreoParametricMetaLink " + std::string(ISIS_PRODUCT_VERSION_WITH_v_AND_DOTS); /////////////////// // Add Time Stamp /////////////////// programName_Version_TimeStamp += isis_CADCommon::GetDayMonthTimeYear(); isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << programName_Version_TimeStamp; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "Notes: " << isis_EOL << " 1. The \"Component Instance ID\"s in this file equate to ComponentInstanceIDs in CyPhy." << isis_EOL << " 2. To map \"Component Instance ID\"s in this file to AVM-IDs, see .\\log\\CyPhy2CAD.log." << isis_EOL; time_t time_start; /* calendar time */ time_start=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */ // Log input line and parameters std::ostringstream inputLine; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { inputLine << argv[i] << std::string(" "); } isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "Command line: " << inputLine.str(); isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << "Input arguments (parsed): " << isis_EOL << programInputArguments; if(workingDir.generic_string().size() >= PRO_PATH_SIZE) // PRO_PATH_SIZE 260 { std::stringstream errorString; errorString << "WORKING_DIR string too long. Maximum allowed number of characters: " << PRO_PATH_SIZE - 1 << " WORKING_DIR string: " << workingDir; throw isis::application_exception(errorString); } isis::SetCreoEnvirVariable_RetrieveSystemSettings(programInputArguments.graphicsModeOn, programInputArguments.synchronizeWithCyPhy, creoStartCommand, proeIsisExtensionsDir, templateFile_PathAndFileName); std::map<std::string, isis::CADComponentData> CADComponentData_map; isis::CADAssemblies CADComponentAssemblies; writeConfigProFile(workingDir, programInputArguments); ///////////////////////////// /////// Start Pro/E ///////// ///////////////////////////// const char* proeIsisExt = std::getenv("PROE_ISIS_EXTENSIONS"); char* creoStartChar = const_cast<char*>(creoStartCommand.c_str()); ::boost::filesystem::current_path(workingDir); std::string textPath=std::string(proeIsisExt)+"plugins\\"; isis::isis_ProEngineerStart(creoStartChar, const_cast<char*>(textPath.c_str())); ProTermFuncSet(ProTermAction); isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "Creo-Parametric successfully started."; boost::asio::io_service ios; std::string delimiters(":"); std::vector<std::string> parts; boost::split(parts, programInputArguments.syncConnectionString, boost::is_any_of(delimiters)); std::string host = ""; // localhost may be subject to firewall and DNS restrictions and not work std::string service = "15152"; // it looks like ISIS with a zero if(parts.size() > 1) { host = parts[0]; service = parts[1]; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "host: " << host << ", service: " << service; } else if(parts.size() > 0) { host = parts[0]; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "host: " << host << ", service: " << service << "(default)"; } else { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "host: " << host << "(default), service: " << service << "(default)"; } SetupCreoPlugins(); SetupCreoSelectPlugin(); ProNotificationSet(PRO_PARAM_MODIFY_POST, (ProFunction)metaParameterModifyAction); isis::cad::CadFactoryAbstract::ptr cad_factory = isis::cad::creo::create(); isis::MetaLinkAssemblyEditor::Pointer assembler_ptr(new isis::MetaLinkAssemblyEditor(cad_factory, programInputArguments, isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.CadComponentData)); boost::mutex eventloop_mutex; if(programInputArguments.is_passiveMode()) { isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.designId = programInputArguments.designID; } isis::MetaLinkHandler metalink_handler(assembler_ptr, ios, host, service, programInputArguments.instanceID, programInputArguments.designID, eventloop_mutex); // pass design ID pass in as argument isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.metalink_handler_ptr = &metalink_handler; isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.metalinkAssemblyEditorPtr = assembler_ptr; metalink_handler.change_m_operator("CAD"); bool inputFileProcessed = false; while(!terminateProcess) { ProEventProcess(); if(programInputArguments.inputXmlFileName.size()!=0 && !inputFileProcessed) { metalink_handler.CreateAssembly(programInputArguments.inputXmlFileName); inputFileProcessed = true; } if(metalink_handler.m_eventQueue.size()>0) { boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > guard(eventloop_mutex); isis::EditPointer edit = metalink_handler.m_eventQueue.front(); metalink_handler.m_eventQueue.pop(); bool result = metalink_handler.processEdit(edit); if(result) { isis::EditPointer ack(new meta::Edit()); ack->set_guid(edit->guid()); for(int i = 0; i < edit->topic_size(); i++) { *(ack->add_topic()) = edit->topic(i); } metalink_handler.send(ack); } } } metalink_handler.interrupt(); metalink_handler.disconnect(); ProEngineerEnd(); } // END Try catch(isis::application_exception& ex) { exceptionErrorStringStream << "application error: " << ex.what(); ExitCode = -1; } catch(std::exception& ex) { exceptionErrorStringStream << "general exception: " << ex.what(); ExitCode = -2; } catch(...) { exceptionErrorStringStream << "unspecified throwable (...): Please report the error to the help desk."; ExitCode = -3; } if(ExitCode != 0) { // Write to _FAILED.txt std::string failedTxtFileName = "_FAILED.txt"; bool addLineFeed = false; if(isis::FileExists(failedTxtFileName.c_str())) { addLineFeed = true; } ofstream failedTxtFileStream;, ios::app); if(failedTxtFileStream.is_open()) { if(addLineFeed) { failedTxtFileStream << std::endl; } failedTxtFileStream << isis_CADCommon::GetDayMonthTimeYear() << ", CADCreoParametricCreateAssembly.exe error code: " << ExitCode << ". For additional information, scroll to the bottom of " << programInputArguments.logFileName; failedTxtFileStream.close(); } if(Logging_Set_Up) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << exceptionErrorStringStream.str(); } else { std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << exceptionErrorStringStream.str() << std::endl << std::endl; } } /* ::boost::filesystem::current_path(original_directory); // Cleanup - Delete the working dir after execution ::boost::system::error_code ec; if (isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.mode == isis::DESIGNEDIT) { // Remove files one-by-one so if the directory removal fails still something is removed ::boost::filesystem::path deleteFile = workingDir / "*"; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << workingDir / "*"; if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove_all(deleteFile, ec); if (ec != 0) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "Failed to remove working directory, ec: " << ec; } } deleteFile = workingDir; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << workingDir; if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove_all(deleteFile, ec); if (ec != 0) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "Failed to remove working directory, ec: " << ec; } } } else if (isis::GlobalModelData::Instance.mode == isis::COMPONENTEDIT) { ::boost::filesystem::path deleteFile = workingDir / ""; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << workingDir / ""; if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove_all(deleteFile, ec); if (ec != 0) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "Failed to remove working directory, ec: " << ec; } } deleteFile = workingDir / "std.err"; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << workingDir / "std.err"; if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove_all(deleteFile, ec); if (ec != 0) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "Failed to remove working directory, ec: " << ec; } } deleteFile = workingDir / "trail.txt.*"; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_DEBUG) << workingDir / "trail.txt.*"; if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove_all(deleteFile, ec); if (ec != 0) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "Failed to remove working directory, ec: " << ec; } } } */ exit(ExitCode); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { ::boost::filesystem::path original_directory = ::boost::filesystem::current_path(); int ExitCode = 0; std::string creoStartCommand; std::string proeIsisExtensionsDir; std::string templateFile_PathAndFileName; std::stringstream exceptionErrorStringStream; bool promptBeforeExiting; bool Pro_E_Running = false; bool Template_Copied = false; bool Logging_Set_Up = false; bool logFileOpen = false; isis::ProgramInputArguments programInputArguments; ::boost::filesystem::path workingDir; try { bool regenerationSucceeded_ForAllAssemblies = true; // Parse Input Arguments isis::ParseInputArguments(argc, argv, programInputArguments); isis::ThrowExecption_If_InvalidInputArguments(argc, argv, programInputArguments); SetupLogging(programInputArguments.logFileName); // In case of exception we need to know if log4cpp is available Logging_Set_Up = true; log4cpp::Category& logcat_fileonly = log4cpp::Category::getInstance(LOGCAT_LOGFILEONLY); // Must get the complete path to the working directory. This is necessary because when // isis_ProDirectoryChange is called to change to a STEP directory, workingDir must be fully // defined so that isis_ProDirectoryChange can be called to return to the original directory. workingDir = isis::SetupWorkingDirectory( programInputArguments.workingDirectory ); //cADPartsLibDir = programInputArguments.auxiliaryCADDirectory; //xmlInputFile_PathAndFileName = programInputArguments.inputXmlFileName; promptBeforeExiting = programInputArguments.promptBeforeExiting; // Log CADCreoParametricCreateAssembly version information std::string programName_Version_TimeStamp; programName_Version_TimeStamp = "CADCreoParametricCreateAssembly " + isis::ASSEMBLE_PTC_VERSION + " "; /////////////////// // Add Time Stamp /////////////////// programName_Version_TimeStamp += isis_CADCommon::GetDayMonthTimeYear(); logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << programName_Version_TimeStamp; logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << ""; logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << "Notes: " << log4cpp::eol << " 1. The \"Component Instance ID\"s in this file equate to ComponentInstanceIDs in CyPhy." << log4cpp::eol << " 2. To map \"Component Instance ID\"s in this file to AVM-IDs, see .\\log\\CyPhy2CAD.log."; //return 0; time_t time_start; /* calendar time */ time_start=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */ // Log input line and parameters std::ostringstream inputLine; for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) inputLine << argv[i] << std::string(" "); logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << ""; logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << "************** Begin Input Line *****************" << log4cpp::eol << inputLine.str() << log4cpp::eol << "************** End Input Line *****************" ; if ( workingDir.generic_string().size() >= PRO_PATH_SIZE ) // PRO_PATH_SIZE 260 { std::stringstream errorString; errorString << "WORKING_DIR string too long. Maximum allowed number of characters: " << PRO_PATH_SIZE - 1 << " WORKING_DIR string: " << workingDir; throw isis::application_exception(errorString); } logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << ""; logcat_fileonly.infoStream() << log4cpp::eol << "************** Begin Directory Settings *****************" << log4cpp::eol << "workingDir: " << workingDir << log4cpp::eol << "inputXmlFileName: " << programInputArguments.inputXmlFileName << log4cpp::eol << "logFileName: " << programInputArguments.logFileName << log4cpp::eol << "*************** End Directory Settings *****************"; bool graphicsModeOn = false; bool creoExceptInputFromThisProgramAndCreoUI = false; if (programInputArguments.graphicsModeOn) graphicsModeOn = true; if (programInputArguments.synchronizeWithCyPhy) creoExceptInputFromThisProgramAndCreoUI = true; isis::SetCreoEnvirVariable_RetrieveSystemSettings( graphicsModeOn, creoExceptInputFromThisProgramAndCreoUI, creoStartCommand, proeIsisExtensionsDir, templateFile_PathAndFileName ); std::map<std::string, isis::CADComponentData> CADComponentData_map; isis::CADAssemblies CADComponentAssemblies; unsigned int UniqueNameIndex = 1; isis::CreateAssemblyViaInputFile( programInputArguments, proeIsisExtensionsDir, programInputArguments.inputXmlFileName, workingDir.generic_string(), programInputArguments.auxiliaryCADDirectory, programInputArguments.logFileName, templateFile_PathAndFileName, creoStartCommand, programName_Version_TimeStamp, UniqueNameIndex, Pro_E_Running, CADComponentAssemblies, CADComponentData_map); } // END Try catch ( isis::application_exception& ex ) { exceptionErrorStringStream << std::endl << "application error: " << ex.what(); ExitCode = -1; } catch ( std::exception& ex ) { exceptionErrorStringStream << std::endl << "general exception: " << ex.what(); ExitCode = -2; } catch ( ... ) { exceptionErrorStringStream << "unspecified throwable (...): Please report the error to the help desk."; ExitCode = -3; } if ( ExitCode != 0 ) { // Write to _FAILED.txt std::string failedTxtFileName = "_FAILED.txt"; bool addLineFeed = false; if ( isis::FileExists( failedTxtFileName.c_str() )) addLineFeed = true; ofstream failedTxtFileStream; (failedTxtFileName, ios::app ); if ( failedTxtFileStream.is_open() ) { if ( addLineFeed ) failedTxtFileStream << std::endl; failedTxtFileStream << isis_CADCommon::GetDayMonthTimeYear() << ", CADCreoParametricCreateAssembly.exe error code: " << ExitCode << ". Error was: " << exceptionErrorStringStream.str(); failedTxtFileStream << std::endl; failedTxtFileStream.close(); } if (Logging_Set_Up) { log4cpp::Category& logcat_consoleandfile = log4cpp::Category::getInstance(LOGCAT_CONSOLEANDLOGFILE); logcat_consoleandfile.errorStream() << exceptionErrorStringStream.str(); } else { std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << exceptionErrorStringStream.str() << std::endl << std::endl; } } // Delete the copied template assembly file if it exists. // Note - Added "if ( Template_Copied )" because the function call was returning a message to the // console if the file did not exist. if ( Template_Copied ) { ::boost::filesystem::path deleteFile = workingDir / (isis::TEMPLATE_MODEL_NAME_METRIC + isis::TEMPLATE_MODEL_NAME_METRIC_SUFFIX); if (::boost::filesystem::exists(deleteFile) ) { ::boost::filesystem::remove(deleteFile); } // isis::IfFileExists_DeleteFile( deleteFile.generic_string() ); } /////// Stop Pro/E ///////// if (Pro_E_Running) ProEngineerEnd(); if ( promptBeforeExiting ) { printf("\nType Enter to exit."); getc(stdin); } ::boost::filesystem::current_path(original_directory); log4cpp::Category::shutdown(); exit(ExitCode); }