Example #1
void PGameServer::Update()
  if ( ServerSock->newConnection() )
    int clid = Server->NewClient();
    if ( clid != -1 )
      Console->Print( GREEN, BLACK, "[Info] Gameserver: client [%i] connected", clid );
      PClient *Client = Server->GetClient( clid );
      if ( Client->getTCPConn() ) Console->Print( RED, BLACK, "WARNING: Client %d : TCP Socket NOT NULL before allocation.", Client->GetID() );
      ConnectionTCP* tcpConn = ServerSock->getTCPConnection();
      Client->setTCPConnection( tcpConn );

      //ConnectionUDP* udpConn = ServerSock->getUDPConnection();

      Console->Print( "Client address: %s", Client->GetAddress() );

      PGameState *state = new PGameState();
      ClientStates.insert( std::make_pair( Client, state ) );
      state->TCP.mState = PGameState::TCP::GS_CONNECTED;

      // add the new connected client to the global clientmanager for further use in chat, etc...
      ClientManager->addClientToList( Client );
      Console->Print( YELLOW, BLACK, "[Notice] Gameserver: Client connection refused (server full?)" );

  /*** temp check ***/
  for ( PClientMap::iterator it = ClientManager->getClientListBegin(); it != ClientManager->getClientListEnd(); it++ )
    if ( !it->second )
      Console->Print( RED, BLACK, "PANIC: NULL Client found in ClientManager Clients Map." );
  /*** end temp check ***/

  for ( GameStateMap::iterator i = ClientStates.begin(); i != ClientStates.end(); )
    PClient *Client = i->first;
    PGameState *State = i->second;
    // node gets erased in FinalizeClient, increment iterator now
    if ( !ProcessClient( Client, State ) )
      FinalizeClient( Client, State );
Example #2
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	int lsock;
	struct ClientNode * clients = NULL;
	int port;
	if(argc == 1) 
		port = PORT_NUM;
		return 1;
	printf("    Server v0.01\n");
	lsock = CreateSocket(port);
	if (lsock == -1)
		return 1;
	for(;;) { /**/
		fd_set readfds;
		int maxDs = lsock;
		int res;
		FD_SET(lsock, &readfds);
		struct ClientNode * cl, *prev;
		for (cl = clients; cl!=NULL; cl = cl->next) {
			FD_SET(cl->fd, &readfds);
			if(cl->fd > maxDs)
				maxDs = cl->fd;
		res = select(maxDs+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if(res<1) {
			/*handle error*/
		if(FD_ISSET(lsock, &readfds)) {	
			clients = AddClient(lsock, clients);
			printf("new client connected\n");
		prev = clients;
		for(cl = clients; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next) {
			if(FD_ISSET(cl->fd, &readfds)) {
				/*read data, process it*/
				int status;
				printf("new data arrives from client\n");
				status = ProcessClient(cl);
				if(1 == status) { 
					cl = DeleteClient(cl, prev, &clients);
					if(cl == NULL)
			prev = cl;
	return 0;
Example #3
void PPatchServer::Update()

		int clid = Server->NewClient();
			Console->Print(GREEN, BLACK, "Patchserver: client [%i] connected", clid);
			PClient *Client = Server->GetClient(clid);

			ConnectionTCP* tcpConn = ServerSock->getTCPConnection();

			Console->Print("Client address: %s", Client->GetAddress());

			PPatchState *state = new PPatchState();
			ClientStates.insert(std::make_pair(Client, state));
			state->mState = PPatchState::PS_CONNECTED;
		} else
			Console->Print("Patchserver: Client connection refused (server full?)");

	for(PatchStateMap::iterator i=ClientStates.begin(); i!=ClientStates.end();)
		PClient *Client = i->first;
		PPatchState *State = i->second;
		// node gets erased in FinalizeClient, increment iterator now
		if(!ProcessClient(Client, State))
			FinalizeClient(Client, State);
Example #4
PerformOperation(short port)
    int acceptFd = 0;
    struct sockaddr_in sin;
    socklen_t sinlen = sizeof(sin);
    int fd = 0;
    int blocking = 1;
    int reuseaddr = 1;
    int devpoll = 0;
    int pollresult = 0;
    struct pollfd dp_fds[MAXSET];
    struct dvpoll pollset;
    int procClient = 0;
    int i = 0;

    /* create devpoll fd
    if ((devpoll = open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR)) == -1)
        printf("devpoll can't be opened: %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
    /* create the accept socket
    acceptFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
    if (acceptFd == -1)
        /* Error creating accept fd
        printf("Error creating socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));

    /* set socket opt to reuse address
    if (setsockopt(acceptFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 
                                        &reuseaddr, sizeof(reuseaddr)) == -1)
        printf("Error w/ setsockopt: %s\n", strerror(errno));  

    /* setup the accept fd as nonblocking
    if (ioctl(acceptFd, FIONBIO, &blocking) == -1)
        /* error setting the nonblocking of fd
        printf("Error setting FIONBIO: %s\n", strerror(errno));

    /* bind the socket to the port
    memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
    sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sin.sin_port = htons(port);
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    if (bind(acceptFd, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin))==-1)
        printf("Error binding socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));

    /* setup the listen queue
    if (listen(acceptFd, 1) == -1)
        printf("Error listening: %s\n", strerror(errno));

    /* Add to dev poll queue
    Add(devpoll, acceptFd);

    while (1)
        /* Get and service any active fd
        pollset.dp_fds = dp_fds;
        pollset.dp_nfds = MAXSET;
        pollset.dp_timeout = -1;

        if ((pollresult = DoPoll(devpoll, &pollset)) == -1)
            printf("Error w/ the polling: %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
        for (i = 0; i < pollresult; i++)
            /* if accept then accept the conn and add it to the devpoll
            if (pollset.dp_fds[i].fd == acceptFd)
                fd = Accept(acceptFd);
                Add(devpoll, fd);
                /* if a client fd then get the data and echo back
                procClient = ProcessClient(pollset.dp_fds[i].fd);
                if (procClient == 0)
                    /* client closed conn remove it from devpoll
                    Remove(devpoll, fd);