PERROR MakeKeyMaterial( FRAME *frame, UBYTE *passphrase, struct PPTBase *PPTBase ) { ROWPTR cp, tmprow; WORD row; struct ExecBase *SysBase = PPTBase->lb_Sys; SHA_INFO sha = {0}; PERROR res = PERR_OK; sha_init( &sha ); InitProgress(frame,"Building key...", 0, frame->pix->height ); /* * First, use the passphrase for the key. */ if( strlen(passphrase) > 0 ) sha_update( &sha, passphrase, strlen(passphrase) ); if( tmprow = AllocVec( frame->pix->bytes_per_row, 0L ) ) { for( row = 0; row < frame->pix->height; row++ ) { WORD col; cp = GetPixelRow( frame, row ); if( Progress( frame, row ) ) { res = PERR_BREAK; break; } for( col = 0; col < frame->pix->bytes_per_row; col++ ) { /* Use only significant bytes */ tmprow[col] = cp[col] & 0xFE; } sha_update( &sha, tmprow, frame->pix->bytes_per_row ); } // Use the passphrase again (why?) if( strlen(passphrase) > 0 ) sha_update( &sha, passphrase, strlen(passphrase) ); FinishProgress( frame ); sha_final( &sha ); memcpy( key, &sha.digest[0], SHA_DIGESTSIZE ); D(sha_print( &sha ) ); FreeVec( tmprow ); } else { SetErrorCode( frame, PERR_OUTOFMEMORY ); res = PERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } return res; }
EditTagDialog::EditTagDialog(Application* app, QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), ui_(new Ui_EditTagDialog), app_(app), album_cover_choice_controller_(new AlbumCoverChoiceController(this)), loading_(false), ignore_edits_(false), tag_fetcher_(new TagFetcher(this)), cover_art_id_(0), cover_art_is_set_(false), results_dialog_(new TrackSelectionDialog(this)) { cover_options_.default_output_image_ = AlbumCoverLoader::ScaleAndPad(cover_options_, QImage(":nocover.png")); connect(app_->album_cover_loader(), SIGNAL(ImageLoaded(quint64,QImage,QImage)), SLOT(ArtLoaded(quint64,QImage,QImage))); connect(tag_fetcher_, SIGNAL(ResultAvailable(Song, SongList)), results_dialog_, SLOT(FetchTagFinished(Song, SongList)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(tag_fetcher_, SIGNAL(Progress(Song,QString)), results_dialog_, SLOT(FetchTagProgress(Song,QString))); connect(results_dialog_, SIGNAL(SongChosen(Song, Song)), SLOT(FetchTagSongChosen(Song, Song))); connect(results_dialog_, SIGNAL(finished(int)), tag_fetcher_, SLOT(Cancel())); album_cover_choice_controller_->SetApplication(app_); ui_->setupUi(this); ui_->splitter->setSizes(QList<int>() << 200 << width() - 200); ui_->loading_label->hide(); // An editable field is one that has a label as a buddy. The label is // important because it gets turned bold when the field is changed. foreach (QLabel* label, findChildren<QLabel*>()) { QWidget* widget = label->buddy(); if (widget) { // Store information about the field fields_ << FieldData(label, widget, widget->objectName()); // Connect the Reset signal if (dynamic_cast<ExtendedEditor*>(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(Reset()), SLOT(ResetField())); } // Connect the edited signal if (qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } else if (qobject_cast<QPlainTextEdit*>(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(textChanged()), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } else if (qobject_cast<QSpinBox*>(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } } }
void CGameGraphBuilder::fill_distances (const float &start, const float &amount) { Progress (start); m_distances.resize (graph().vertices().size()); { DISTANCES::iterator I = m_distances.begin(); DISTANCES::iterator E = m_distances.end(); for ( ; I != E; I++) { (*I).resize (level_graph().header().vertex_count()); xr_vector<u32>::iterator i = (*I).begin(); xr_vector<u32>::iterator e = (*I).end(); for ( ; i != e; i++) *i = u32(-1); } } Progress (start + amount); }
void Cf3Replay::Record() { (*m_iPointer).pressed[m_nPointer]=(*m_iPointer).pushed[m_nPointer]=0; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (f3Input.GetKeyPressed(i+1)) (*m_iPointer).pressed [m_nPointer] |= (1<<i); if (f3Input.GetKeyPushed(i+1)) (*m_iPointer).pushed [m_nPointer] |= (1<<i); } Progress(); m_nSize++; }
void CGameGraphBuilder::optimize_graph (const float &start, const float &amount) { Progress (start); Msg ("Optimizing graph"); Msg ("edges before optimization : %d",graph().edge_count()); create_tripples (start + .00f, amount*.50f); TRIPPLES::const_iterator I = m_tripples.begin(); TRIPPLES::const_iterator E = m_tripples.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) process_tripple (*I); Msg ("edges after optimization : %d",graph().edge_count()); Progress (start + amount); }
bool OGL_LoadScreen::Start() { // load the image FileSpecifier File; if (path.size() == 0) return use = false; if (!File.SetNameWithPath(path.c_str())) return use = false; if (!image.LoadFromFile(File, ImageLoader_Colors, 0)) return use = false; if (!blitter.Load(image)) return use = false; int screenWidth, screenHeight; MainScreenSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); bound_screen(); // the true width/height int imageWidth = static_cast<int>(image.GetWidth() * image.GetVScale()); int imageHeight = static_cast<int>(image.GetHeight() * image.GetUScale()); if (scale) { if (stretch) { m_dst.w = screenWidth; m_dst.h = screenHeight; } else if (imageWidth / imageHeight > screenWidth / screenHeight) { m_dst.w = screenWidth; m_dst.h = imageHeight * screenWidth / imageWidth; } else { m_dst.w = imageWidth * screenHeight / imageHeight; m_dst.h = screenHeight; } } else { m_dst.w = imageWidth; m_dst.h = imageHeight; } m_dst.x = (screenWidth - m_dst.w) / 2; m_dst.y = (screenHeight - m_dst.h) / 2; x_offset = m_dst.x; y_offset = m_dst.y; x_scale = m_dst.w / (double) imageWidth; y_scale = m_dst.h / (double) imageHeight; OGL_ClearScreen(); Progress(0); return use = true; }
void CBuild::u_Tesselate(tesscb_estimator* cb_E, tesscb_face* cb_F, tesscb_vertex* cb_V) { // main process FPU::m64r (); Status ("Tesselating..."); g_bUnregister = false; u32 counter_create = 0; u32 cnt_verts = lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(); //u32 cnt_faces = g_faces.size(); for (u32 I=0; I<lc_global_data()->g_faces().size(); ++I) { Face* F = lc_global_data()->g_faces()[I]; if (0==F) continue; if( !check_and_destroy_splited( I ) ) continue; Progress (float(I)/float(lc_global_data()->g_faces().size())); int max_id = -1; if( !do_tesselate_face( *F, cb_E, max_id ) ) continue; xr_vector<Face*> adjacent_vec; Vertex *V1,*V2; CollectProblematicFaces( *F, max_id, adjacent_vec, &V1, &V2 ); ++counter_create; if (0==(counter_create%10000)) { for (u32 I=0; I<lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(); ++I) if (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[I]->m_adjacents.empty()) lc_global_data()->destroy_vertex (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[I]); Status ("Working: %d verts created, %d(now) / %d(was) ...",counter_create,lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(),cnt_verts); FlushLog (); } tessalate_faces( adjacent_vec, V1, V2, cb_F, cb_V ); } // Cleanup for (u32 I=0; I<lc_global_data()->g_faces().size(); ++I) if (0!=lc_global_data()->g_faces()[I] && lc_global_data()->g_faces()[I]->flags.bSplitted) lc_global_data()->destroy_face (lc_global_data()->g_faces()[I]); for (u32 I=0; I<lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(); ++I) if (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[I]->m_adjacents.empty()) lc_global_data()->destroy_vertex (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[I]); lc_global_data()->g_faces().erase (std::remove(lc_global_data()->g_faces().begin(),lc_global_data()->g_faces().end(),(Face*)0),lc_global_data()->g_faces().end()); lc_global_data()->g_vertices().erase (std::remove(lc_global_data()->g_vertices().begin(),lc_global_data()->g_vertices().end(),(Vertex*)0),lc_global_data()->g_vertices().end()); g_bUnregister = true; }
void CBuild::CorrectTJunctions() { Status ("Processing..."); vecJunctions = xr_new<xr_vector<record> > (); vecJunctions->reserve (1024); vecEdges = xr_new<xr_vector<record> > (); vecEdges->reserve (1024); for (u32 I=0; I<g_faces.size(); I++) { Face* F = g_faces[I]; // Iterate on edges for (u32 e=0; e<3; e++) { Vertex *vA,*vB; F->EdgeVerts (e,&vA,&vB); // Iterate on 'vA'-adjacent faces for (u32 f1=0; f1!=vA->adjacent.size(); f1++) { Face* F1 = vA->adjacent[f1]; // Iterate on it's edges for (u32 e1=0; e1<3; e1++) { Vertex *v1,*v2; F1->EdgeVerts (e1,&v1,&v2); edge (v1,v2); if (v1==vA && v2!=vB) check(vA,vB,v2); else if (v2==vA && v1!=vB) check(vA,vB,v1); } } // Iterate on 'vB'-adjacent faces for (u32 f2=0; f2!=vB->adjacent.size(); f2++) { Face* F2 = vB->adjacent[f2]; // Iterate on it's edges for (u32 e1=0; e1<3; e1++) { Vertex *v1,*v2; F2->EdgeVerts (e1,&v1,&v2); edge (v1,v2); if (v1==vB && v2!=vA) check(vA,vB,v2); else if (v2==vB && v1!=vA) check(vA,vB,v1); } } } Progress(float(I)/float(g_faces.size())); } clMsg("*** %d junctions and %d long edges found.",vecJunctions->size(),vecEdges->size()); xr_delete(vecJunctions); xr_delete(vecEdges); }
SRes MtProgress_Set(CMtProgress *p, unsigned index, UInt64 inSize, UInt64 outSize) { SRes res; CriticalSection_Enter(&p->cs); UPDATE_PROGRESS(inSize, p->inSizes[index], p->totalInSize) UPDATE_PROGRESS(outSize, p->outSizes[index], p->totalOutSize) if (p->res == SZ_OK) p->res = Progress(p->progress, p->totalInSize, p->totalOutSize); res = p->res; CriticalSection_Leave(&p->cs); return res; }
ECommandResult::Type FPerforceSourceControlProvider::ExecuteSynchronousCommand(FPerforceSourceControlCommand& InCommand, const FText& Task, bool bSuppressResponseMsg) { ECommandResult::Type Result = ECommandResult::Failed; struct Local { static void CancelCommand(FPerforceSourceControlCommand* InControlCommand) { InControlCommand->Cancel(); } }; // Display the progress dialog FScopedSourceControlProgress Progress(Task, FSimpleDelegate::CreateStatic(&Local::CancelCommand, &InCommand)); // Perform the command asynchronously IssueCommand( InCommand, false ); // Wait until the command has been processed while (!InCommand.bCancelledWhileTryingToConnect && CommandQueue.Contains(&InCommand)) { // Tick the command queue and update progress. Tick(); Progress.Tick(); // Sleep for a bit so we don't busy-wait so much. FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.01f); } if (InCommand.bCancelled) { Result = ECommandResult::Cancelled; } else if (InCommand.bCommandSuccessful) { Result = ECommandResult::Succeeded; } // If the command failed, inform the user that they need to try again if ( !InCommand.bCancelled && Result != ECommandResult::Succeeded && !bSuppressResponseMsg ) { FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, LOCTEXT("Perforce_ServerUnresponsive", "Perforce server is unresponsive. Please check your connection and try again.") ); } // Delete the command now if not marked as auto-delete if (!InCommand.bAutoDelete) { delete &InCommand; } return Result; }
void CBuild::SaveTREE (IWriter &fs) { CMemoryWriter MFS; Status ("Geometry buffers..."); xr_vector<u32> remap; remap.reserve (g_tree.size()); for (u32 rid=0; rid<g_tree.size(); rid++) { OGF* o = dynamic_cast<OGF*> (g_tree[rid]); if (o) remap.push_back(rid); } std::stable_sort (remap.begin(),remap.end(),remap_order); clMsg ("remap-size: %d / %d",remap.size(),g_tree.size()); for (u32 sid=0; sid<remap.size(); sid++) { u32 id = remap[sid]; //clMsg ("%3d: subdiv: %d",sid,id); g_tree[id]->PreSave (id); } Status ("Visuals..."); fs.open_chunk (fsL_VISUALS); for (xr_vector<OGF_Base*>::iterator it = g_tree.begin(); it!=g_tree.end(); it++) { u32 idx = u32(it-g_tree.begin()); MFS.open_chunk (idx); (*it)->Save (MFS); MFS.close_chunk (); Progress (float(idx)/float(g_tree.size())); } fs.w (MFS.pointer(),MFS.size()); fs.close_chunk (); clMsg ("Average: %d verts/%d faces, 50(%2.1f), 100(%2.1f), 500(%2.1f), 1000(%2.1f), 5000(%2.1f)", g_batch_verts/g_batch_count, g_batch_faces/g_batch_count, 100.f * float(g_batch_50)/float(g_batch_count), 100.f * float(g_batch_100)/float(g_batch_count), 100.f * float(g_batch_500)/float(g_batch_count), 100.f * float(g_batch_1000)/float(g_batch_count), 100.f * float(g_batch_5000)/float(g_batch_count) ); mem_Compact (); SaveGEOMs ("level.geom", g_VB,g_IB,g_SWI); // Normal SaveGEOMs ("level.geomx", x_VB,x_IB,x_SWI); // Fast-Path Status ("Shader table..."); fs.open_chunk (fsL_SHADERS); fs.w_u32 (g_Shaders.size()); for (xr_vector<LPCSTR>::iterator T=g_Shaders.begin(); T!=g_Shaders.end(); T++) fs.w_stringZ (*T); fs.close_chunk (); //mem_Compact (); }
void CGameGraphBuilder::build_cross_table (const float &start, const float &amount) { Progress (start); Msg ("Building cross table"); // CTimer timer; // timer.Start (); fill_marks (start + 0.000000f*amount,0.018725f*amount); // Msg ("CT : %f",timer.GetElapsed_sec()); fill_distances (start + 0.018725f*amount,0.183732f*amount); // Msg ("CT : %f",timer.GetElapsed_sec()); iterate_distances (start + 0.202457f*amount,0.757202f*amount); // Msg ("CT : %f",timer.GetElapsed_sec()); save_cross_table (start + 0.959659f*amount,0.040327f*amount); // Msg ("CT : %f",timer.GetElapsed_sec()); load_cross_table (start + 0.999986f*amount,0.000014f*amount); // Msg ("CT : %f",timer.GetElapsed_sec()); Progress (start + amount); }
//CALLBACK! void Jabber::Authorized() { SetAway(false); fPerc +=0.3333; fAuth=true; Progress("Jabber Login", "Jabber: Authorized", fPerc); LOG(kProtocolName, liDebug, "Jabber:Login %f - Authorized",fPerc) ; CheckLoginStatus(); JabberHandler::Authorized(); }
void vfRecurseUpdate(u32 dwStartNodeID, u32 percent, u32 iVertexCount) { xr_vector<u32> curr_fringe, next_fringe; curr_fringe.reserve (g_tDistances->size()); next_fringe.reserve (g_tDistances->size()); g_tDistances->assign (g_tDistances->size(),u32(-1)); curr_fringe.push_back (dwStartNodeID); u32 curr_dist = 0, total_count = 0; Progress (float(percent)/float(iVertexCount)); for (;!curr_fringe.empty();) { xr_vector<u32>::iterator I = curr_fringe.begin(); xr_vector<u32>::iterator E = curr_fringe.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { (*g_tDistances)[*I] = curr_dist; CLevelGraph::const_iterator i, e; CLevelGraph::CVertex *node = (*g_tMap).vertex(*I); (*g_tMap).begin (*I,i,e); for ( ; i != e; ++i) { u32 dwNexNodeID = node->link(i); if (!(*g_tMap).valid_vertex_id(dwNexNodeID) || (*g_tMarks)[dwNexNodeID]) continue; if ((*g_tDistances)[dwNexNodeID] > curr_dist) { next_fringe.push_back(dwNexNodeID); (*g_tMarks)[dwNexNodeID] = true; } } } I = curr_fringe.begin(); E = curr_fringe.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) (*g_tMarks)[*I] = false; total_count += curr_fringe.size(); curr_fringe = next_fringe; next_fringe.clear(); ++curr_dist; Progress (float(percent)/float(iVertexCount) + float(total_count)/(float(iVertexCount)*float(g_tMap->header().vertex_count()))); } }
DFUEngine::Result DFUEngineBase::DoRecover(const DFUEngine::Result &failure) { DFUEngine::Result result; DFURequests::DFUStatus status; // Delay a little before starting the recovery action Progress(DFUEngine::recover_clean_up, failure); Sleep(recoverDelay); // Ensure that the transport has been started result = DoConnect(false, false); if (!result) return result; // Abort any DFU operation result = transport->GetStatus(status); if (result && transport->CanAbort(status.bState)) { result = transport->Abort(); } if (result && transport->CanClrStatus(status.bState)) { result = transport->ClrStatus(); } if (!result) { // Disconnect and reconnect the transport if any problem Progress(DFUEngine::recover_fail, failure); result = transport->Disconnect(); if (result) result = DoConnect(false, false); if (!result) return result; } // Perform a reset and disconnect the transport result = transport->Reset(false); if (!result) return result; // Assume successful if this point reached return DFUEngine::success; }
void CGameGraphBuilder::load_cross_table (const float &start, const float &amount) { Progress (start); Msg ("Loading cross table"); #ifndef PRIQUEL string_path file_name; strconcat (sizeof(file_name), file_name,*m_level_name,CROSS_TABLE_NAME_RAW); #endif // PRIQUEL VERIFY (!m_cross_table); m_cross_table = xr_new<CGameLevelCrossTable>( #ifdef PRIQUEL m_cross_table_name #else // PRIQUEL file_name #endif // PRIQUEL ); Progress (start + amount); }
ECommandResult::Type FSubversionSourceControlProvider::ExecuteSynchronousCommand(FSubversionSourceControlCommand& InCommand, const FText& Task, bool bSuppressResponseMsg) { ECommandResult::Type Result = ECommandResult::Failed; // Display the progress dialog if a string was provided { FScopedSourceControlProgress Progress(Task); // Perform the command asynchronously IssueCommand( InCommand, false ); while(!InCommand.bExecuteProcessed) { // Tick the command queue and update progress. Tick(); Progress.Tick(); // Sleep for a bit so we don't busy-wait so much. FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.01f); } // always do one more Tick() to make sure the command queue is cleaned up. Tick(); if(InCommand.bCommandSuccessful) { Result = ECommandResult::Succeeded; } } // If the command failed, inform the user that they need to try again if ( Result != ECommandResult::Succeeded && !bSuppressResponseMsg ) { FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, LOCTEXT("Subversion_ServerUnresponsive", "Subversion repository is unresponsive. Please check your connection and try again.") ); } // Delete the command now check(!InCommand.bAutoDelete); // ensure commands that are not auto deleted do not end up in the command queue if ( CommandQueue.Contains( &InCommand ) ) { CommandQueue.Remove( &InCommand ); } delete &InCommand; return Result; }
void TestBackTrace () { bool rc = true; TestHeader("backtrace test"); Tracker2 t; t.doTest(25); Progress(rc, "minimal functionality"); t.doTest(25); rc = (t._codepoints[10] != 0); Progress(rc, "many levels"); rc = (t.found() > 10); Progress(rc, "many levels retval"); t.doTest(8); rc = (t.found() == 8); Progress(rc, "few levels retval"); rc = (t._codepoints[8] == 0); Progress(rc, "few levels"); PrintSeparator(); }
void ThreadResult::FileChecked(const QString &file) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); mProgress += QFile(file).size(); mFilesChecked ++; if (mMaxProgress > 0) { const int value = static_cast<int>(PROGRESS_MAX * mProgress / mMaxProgress); const QString description = tr("%1 of %2 files checked").arg(mFilesChecked).arg(mTotalFiles); emit Progress(value, description); } }
void DFUEngineBase::AccurateSleep(uint32 milliseconds, DFUEngine::SubOperation subOperation) { // Loop until done while (0 < milliseconds) { // Update the progress indicator Progress(subOperation, milliseconds / 1000); // Sleep for a second (plus any fractional part) of the remaining time uint32 sleep = min(milliseconds, 1000 + milliseconds % 1000); AccurateSleep(sleep); milliseconds -= sleep; } }
void TagFetcher::PuidFound(int index, const QString& puid) { if (index >= songs_.count()) { return; } const Song& song = songs_[index]; if (puid.isEmpty()) { emit ResultAvailable(song, SongList()); return; } emit Progress(song, tr("Downloading metadata")); musicbrainz_client_->Start(index, puid); }
void TagFetcher::StartFetch(const SongList& songs) { Cancel(); songs_ = songs; QFuture<QString> future = QtConcurrent::mapped(songs_, GetFingerprint); fingerprint_watcher_ = new QFutureWatcher<QString>(this); fingerprint_watcher_->setFuture(future); connect(fingerprint_watcher_, SIGNAL(resultReadyAt(int)), SLOT(FingerprintFound(int))); for (const Song& song : songs) { emit Progress(song, tr("Fingerprinting song")); } }
void xrSaveNodes(LPCSTR N, LPCSTR out_name) { Msg ("NS: %d, CNS: %d, ratio: %f%%",sizeof(vertex),sizeof(CLevelGraph::CVertex),100*float(sizeof(CLevelGraph::CVertex))/float(sizeof(vertex))); Msg ("Renumbering nodes..."); string_path fName; strconcat (sizeof(fName),fName,N,out_name); IWriter *fs = FS.w_open(fName); // Header Status ("Saving header..."); hdrNODES H; H.version = XRAI_CURRENT_VERSION; H.count = g_nodes.size(); H.size = g_params.fPatchSize; H.size_y = CalculateHeight(H.aabb); H.guid = generate_guid(); fs->w (&H,sizeof(H)); // fs->w_u32 (g_covers_palette.size()); // for (u32 j=0; j<g_covers_palette.size(); ++j) // fs->w (&g_covers_palette[j],sizeof(g_covers_palette[j])); // All nodes Status ("Saving nodes..."); for (u32 i=0; i<g_nodes.size(); ++i) { vertex &N = g_nodes[i]; NodeCompressed NC; Compress (NC,N,H); compressed_nodes.push_back(NC); } xr_vector<u32> sorted; xr_vector<u32> renumbering; CNodeRenumberer A(compressed_nodes,sorted,renumbering); for (u32 i=0; i<g_nodes.size(); ++i) { fs->w (&compressed_nodes[i],sizeof(NodeCompressed)); Progress (float(i)/float(g_nodes.size())); } // Stats u32 SizeTotal = fs->tell(); Msg ("%dK saved",SizeTotal/1024); FS.w_close (fs); }
void Cf3Replay::Save(Cf3StageFile *stage, int map) { if (CApp::MakeFileName(m_FileName,"f3r",theSetting->m_RecordNumber,true)) { Cf3StageFile data; DWORD chunk, size; BYTE* ptr; // キー入力情報をこーんぽたーじゅ(謎) ptr = new BYTE[m_nSize*2]; Seek(); while(!Finished()) { ptr[m_nProgress*2 ] = (*m_iPointer).pressed [m_nPointer]; ptr[m_nProgress*2+1 ] = (*m_iPointer).pushed [m_nPointer]; Progress(); } data.SetStageData(CT_RPLY, m_nSize*2, ptr); delete[]ptr; // 必要なステージ情報をコピーする if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_TITL,&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_HITS,&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=Cf3Map::GetChunkType(CT_TL00,map),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=Cf3Map::GetChunkType(CT_M000,map),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=Cf3Map::GetChunkType(CT_M100,map),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=Cf3Map::GetChunkType(CT_M200,map),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCD0|(0<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); ef (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCF0|(0<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCD0|(1<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); ef (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCF0|(1<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); if (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCD0|(2<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); ef (ptr=stage->GetStageData(chunk=CT_MCF0|(2<<24),&size)) data.SetStageData(chunk,size,ptr); // 追加の情報 data.SetStageData(CT_STGN, 4, &map); data.SetStageData(CT_GRVT, 4, &theSetting->m_Gravity); data.SetStageData(CT_HYPR, 4, &theSetting->m_Hyper); data.Write(m_FileName); } }
STDMETHODIMP CTxtFile::LoadFromFile(BSTR sSrcFileName, BSTR sDstPath, BSTR sXMLOptions) { CTxtXmlFile file; //As Text try { file.txt_LoadFromFile(sSrcFileName, sDstPath, sXMLOptions); Progress(0, 1000000); } catch(...) { return S_FALSE; } return S_OK; }
void CBuild::SaveSectors(IWriter& fs) { CMemoryWriter MFS; Status("Processing..."); // validate & save for (u32 I=0; I<g_sectors.size(); I++) { MFS.open_chunk(I); g_sectors[I]->Validate(); g_sectors[I]->Save(MFS); MFS.close_chunk(); Progress(float(I)/float(g_sectors.size())); } fs.w_chunk(fsL_SECTORS,MFS.pointer(),MFS.size()); }
STDMETHODIMP CTxtFile::SaveToFile(BSTR sDstFileName, BSTR sSrcPath, BSTR sXMLOptions) { try { CTxtXmlFile file; file.txt_SaveToFile(sDstFileName, sSrcPath, sXMLOptions); Progress(0, 1000000); } catch(...) { return S_FALSE; } return S_OK; }
VOID CPatch::DrawProgressImage(VOID) { long lSpace; double dSpace; int Height; int Width; RECT tRect; HDC hdc; HDC MemDC,MemDC2; HBITMAP OldBitmap1; HBITMAP OldBitmap2; BITMAP bit; PAINTSTRUCT PaintStruct; BeginPaint(g_xMainWnd.GetSafehWnd(),&PaintStruct); GetClientRect(g_xMainWnd.GetSafehWnd(),&tRect); hdc = GetDC(g_xMainWnd.GetSafehWnd()); MemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); MemDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); OldBitmap1 = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(MemDC, m_xBmp[0]); OldBitmap2 = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(MemDC2, m_xBmp[1]); GetObject(m_xBmp[0],sizeof(BITMAP), &bit); Width = bit.bmWidth; Height = bit.bmHeight; dSpace = (Height / 100.0) * (100 - Progress(m_TheAmount, m_AnAmount % (m_TheAmount + 1))); lSpace = (long)dSpace; if(lSpace < 0) lSpace = 0; BitBlt(MemDC, 0, lSpace, tRect.right, tRect.bottom, MemDC2, 0, lSpace, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, tRect.right, tRect.bottom, MemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(MemDC, OldBitmap1); SelectObject(MemDC2, OldBitmap2); DeleteDC(MemDC); DeleteDC(MemDC2); EndPaint(g_xMainWnd.GetSafehWnd(), &PaintStruct); InvalidateRect(g_xMainWnd.GetSafehWnd(), &tRect, FALSE); }
void AnnotEdge() { const char *InputFileName = RequiredValueOpt("annotedge"); const char *RepeatFileName = RequiredValueOpt("rep"); const char *OutputFileName = RequiredValueOpt("out"); ProgressStart("Reading repeat file"); int RepCount; RepData *Reps = ReadReps(RepeatFileName, &RepCount); ProgressDone(); Progress("%d records", RepCount); FILE *fInput = OpenStdioFile(InputFileName); FILE *fOutput = OpenStdioFile(OutputFileName, FILEIO_MODE_WriteOnly); ProgressStart("Transferring annotation"); GFFRecord Rec; while (GetNextGFFRecord(fInput, Rec)) { const bool Rev = (Rec.Strand == '-'); const char *Annot = MakeAnnotEdge(Rec.SeqName, Rec.Start-1, Rec.End-1, Rev, Reps, RepCount); fprintf(fOutput, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%.3g\t%c", // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rec.SeqName, // 0 Rec.Source, // 1 Rec.Feature, // 2 Rec.Start, // 3 Rec.End, // 4 Rec.Score, // 5 Rec.Strand); // 6 if (-1 == Rec.Frame) fprintf(fOutput, "\t."); else fprintf(fOutput, "\t%d", Rec.Frame); fprintf(fOutput, "\t%s ; Annot \"%s\"\n", Rec.Attrs, Annot); } fclose(fInput); fclose(fOutput); ProgressDone(); }
void CProgress::RunL() { TInt err = iStatus.Int(); // When progres is complete, do if(err == KErrNone) { iLogger.Log(_L("Iap %d on network %d progress %d completed, error %d"), iPref.IapId(), iPref.NetId(), iProgress().iStage , iProgress().iError); if (iProgress().iStage != KLinkLayerOpen) Progress(); else if(iSavedStatus) { iLogger.Log(_L("Completing Progress object")); User::RequestComplete(iSavedStatus, err); iSavedStatus = NULL; } } }