Example #1
static int AutoAwayEvent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
	MIRANDA_IDLE_INFO mii = { sizeof(mii) };
	CallService(MS_IDLE_GETIDLEINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&mii);

	if (mii.idlesoundsoff)
		iBreakSounds = (lParam & IDF_ISIDLE) != 0;

	// we don't need to switch the status
	if (mii.aaStatus == 0)
		return 0;

	int numAccounts;
	PROTOACCOUNT** accounts;
	Proto_EnumAccounts(&numAccounts, &accounts);

	for (int i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
		PROTOACCOUNT *pa = accounts[i];
		if (!Proto_IsAccountEnabled(pa) || Proto_IsAccountLocked(pa))

		int currentstatus = CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0);
		int statusbits = CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_2, 0);
		int status = mii.aaStatus;
		if (!(statusbits & Proto_Status2Flag(status))) {
			// the protocol doesnt support the given status
			if (statusbits & Proto_Status2Flag(ID_STATUS_AWAY))
				status = ID_STATUS_AWAY;
		if (lParam & IDF_ISIDLE) {
			if (currentstatus != ID_STATUS_ONLINE && currentstatus != ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)

			// save old status of account and set to given status
			db_set_w(NULL, AA_MODULE, pa->szModuleName, currentstatus);
			Proto_SetStatus(pa->szModuleName, status);
		else {
			int oldstatus = db_get_w(NULL, AA_MODULE, pa->szModuleName, 0);
			if (oldstatus != ID_STATUS_ONLINE && oldstatus != ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)

			// returning from idle and this accout was set away, set it back
			db_unset(NULL, AA_MODULE, pa->szModuleName);
			if (!mii.aaLock)
				Proto_SetStatus(pa->szModuleName, oldstatus);

	return 0;
Example #2
INT_PTR StatusMenuExecService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	StatusMenuExecParam *smep = (StatusMenuExecParam*)wParam;
	if (smep != NULL) {
		if (smep->custom) {
			if (smep->svc && *smep->svc)
				CallService(smep->svc, 0, (LPARAM)smep->hMenuItem);
		else {
			if (smep->status == 0 && smep->protoindex != 0 && smep->proto != NULL) {
				PMO_IntMenuItem pimi;
				char *prot = smep->proto;
				char szHumanName[64] = { 0 };
				PROTOACCOUNT *acc = Proto_GetAccount(smep->proto);
				bool bIsLocked = !Proto_IsAccountLocked(acc);
				db_set_b(NULL, prot, "LockMainStatus", bIsLocked);

				CallProtoServiceInt(NULL, smep->proto, PS_GETNAME, (WPARAM)SIZEOF(szHumanName), (LPARAM)szHumanName);
				pimi = MO_GetIntMenuItem((HGENMENU)smep->protoindex);
				PMO_IntMenuItem root = (PMO_IntMenuItem)pimi->mi.root;
				if (bIsLocked) {
					TCHAR buf[256];
					pimi->mi.flags |= CMIF_CHECKED;
					if (cli.bDisplayLocked) {
						mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), TranslateT("%s (locked)"), acc->tszAccountName);
						pimi->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(buf);
						root->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(buf);
					else {
						pimi->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(acc->tszAccountName);
						root->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(acc->tszAccountName);
				else {
					pimi->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(acc->tszAccountName);
					root->mi.ptszName = mir_tstrdup(acc->tszAccountName);
					pimi->mi.flags &= ~CMIF_CHECKED;
				if (cli.hwndStatus)
					InvalidateRect(cli.hwndStatus, NULL, TRUE);
			else if (smep->proto != NULL) {
				Proto_SetStatus(smep->proto, smep->status);
				NotifyEventHooks(hStatusModeChangeEvent, smep->status, (LPARAM)smep->proto);
			else {
				int MenusProtoCount = 0;

				for (int i = 0; i < accounts.getCount(); i++)
					if (cli.pfnGetProtocolVisibility(accounts[i]->szModuleName))

				cli.currentDesiredStatusMode = smep->status;

				for (int j = 0; j < accounts.getCount(); j++) {
					PROTOACCOUNT *pa = accounts[j];
					if (!Proto_IsAccountEnabled(pa))
					if (MenusProtoCount > 1 && Proto_IsAccountLocked(pa))

					Proto_SetStatus(pa->szModuleName, cli.currentDesiredStatusMode);
				NotifyEventHooks(hStatusModeChangeEvent, cli.currentDesiredStatusMode, 0);
				db_set_w(NULL, "CList", "Status", (WORD)cli.currentDesiredStatusMode);
				return 1;

	return 0;