GIntBig OGRDODSSequenceLayer::GetFeatureCount( int bForce ) { if( !bDataLoaded && !bForce ) return -1; ProvideDataDDS(); return nRecordCount; }
OGRFeature *OGRDODSSequenceLayer::GetFeature( GIntBig nFeatureId ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ensure we have the dataset. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !ProvideDataDDS() ) return NULL; Sequence *seq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>(poTargetVar); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out what the super and subsequence number this */ /* feature will be, and validate it. If there is not super */ /* sequence the feature id is the subsequence number. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iSubSeq = -1; if( nFeatureId < 0 || nFeatureId >= nRecordCount ) return NULL; if( poSuperSeq == NULL ) iSubSeq = nFeatureId; else { int nSeqOffset = 0, iSuperSeq; // for now we just scan through till find find out what // super sequence this in. In the long term we need a better (cached) // approach that doesn't involve this quadratic cost. for( iSuperSeq = 0; iSuperSeq < nSuperSeqCount; iSuperSeq++ ) { if( nSeqOffset + panSubSeqSize[iSuperSeq] > nFeatureId ) { iSubSeq = nFeatureId - nSeqOffset; break; } nSeqOffset += panSubSeqSize[iSuperSeq]; } CPLAssert( iSubSeq != -1 ); // Make sure we have the right target var ... the one // corresponding to our current super sequence. if( iSuperSeq != iLastSuperSeq ) { iLastSuperSeq = iSuperSeq; poTargetVar = poSuperSeq->var_value( iSuperSeq, pszSubSeqPath ); seq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>(poTargetVar); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the feature being read. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature; poFeature = new OGRFeature( poFeatureDefn ); poFeature->SetFID( nFeatureId ); m_nFeaturesRead++; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process all the regular data fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iField; for( iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { if( papoFields[iField]->pszPathToSequence ) continue; BaseType *poFieldVar = GetFieldValue( papoFields[iField], iSubSeq, NULL ); if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; switch( poFieldVar->type() ) { case dods_byte_c: { signed char byVal; void *pValPtr = &byVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, byVal ); } break; case dods_int16_c: { GInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_uint16_c: { GUInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_int32_c: { GInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_uint32_c: { GUInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, (int) nIntVal ); } break; case dods_float32_c: poFeature->SetField( iField, dynamic_cast<Float32 *>(poFieldVar)->value()); break; case dods_float64_c: poFeature->SetField( iField, dynamic_cast<Float64 *>(poFieldVar)->value()); break; case dods_str_c: case dods_url_c: { string *poStrVal = NULL; poFieldVar->buf2val( (void **) &poStrVal ); poFeature->SetField( iField, poStrVal->c_str() ); delete poStrVal; } break; default: break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle data nested in sequences. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRDODSFieldDefn *poFD = papoFields[iField]; const char *pszPathFromSubSeq; if( poFD->pszPathToSequence == NULL ) continue; CPLAssert( strlen(poFD->pszPathToSequence) < strlen(poFD->pszFieldName)-1 ); if( strstr(poFD->pszFieldName,poFD->pszPathToSequence) != NULL ) pszPathFromSubSeq = strstr(poFD->pszFieldName,poFD->pszPathToSequence) + strlen(poFD->pszPathToSequence) + 1; else continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get the sequence out of which this variable will be collected. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BaseType *poFieldVar = seq->var_value( iSubSeq, poFD->pszPathToSequence ); Sequence *poSubSeq; int nSubSeqCount; if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; poSubSeq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>( poFieldVar ); if( poSubSeq == NULL ) continue; nSubSeqCount = poSubSeq->number_of_rows(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Allocate array to put values into. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFieldDefn *poOFD = poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef( iField ); int *panIntList = NULL; double *padfDblList = NULL; char **papszStrList = NULL; if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { panIntList = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nSubSeqCount); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { padfDblList = (double *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(double),nSubSeqCount); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { papszStrList = (char **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(char*),nSubSeqCount+1); } else continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop, fetching subsequence values. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iSubIndex; for( iSubIndex = 0; iSubIndex < nSubSeqCount; iSubIndex++ ) { poFieldVar = poSubSeq->var_value( iSubIndex, pszPathFromSubSeq ); if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; switch( poFieldVar->type() ) { case dods_byte_c: { signed char byVal; void *pValPtr = &byVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = byVal; } break; case dods_int16_c: { GInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_uint16_c: { GUInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_int32_c: { GInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_uint32_c: { GUInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_float32_c: padfDblList[iSubIndex] = dynamic_cast<Float32 *>(poFieldVar)->value(); break; case dods_float64_c: padfDblList[iSubIndex] = dynamic_cast<Float64 *>(poFieldVar)->value(); break; case dods_str_c: case dods_url_c: { string *poStrVal = NULL; poFieldVar->buf2val( (void **) &poStrVal ); papszStrList[iSubIndex] = CPLStrdup( poStrVal->c_str() ); delete poStrVal; } break; default: break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply back to feature. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, nSubSeqCount, panIntList ); CPLFree(panIntList); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, nSubSeqCount, padfDblList ); CPLFree(padfDblList); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, papszStrList ); CSLDestroy( papszStrList ); } } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Fetch the geometry. */ /* ==================================================================== */ if( oXField.bValid && oYField.bValid ) { int iXField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex( oXField.pszFieldName ); int iYField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex( oYField.pszFieldName ); int iZField = -1; if( oZField.bValid ) iZField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex(oZField.pszFieldName); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we can't find the values in attributes then use the more */ /* general mechanism to fetch the value. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( iXField == -1 || iYField == -1 || (oZField.bValid && iZField == -1) ) { poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oXField, iSubSeq ), GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oYField, iSubSeq ), GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oZField, iSubSeq ) ) ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If the fields are list values, then build a linestring. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iXField)->GetType() == OFTRealList && poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iYField)->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { const double *padfX, *padfY, *padfZ = NULL; int nPointCount, i; OGRLineString *poLS = new OGRLineString(); padfX = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iXField, &nPointCount ); padfY = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iYField, &nPointCount ); if( iZField != -1 ) padfZ = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(iZField,&nPointCount); poLS->setPoints( nPointCount, (double *) padfX, (double *) padfY, (double *) padfZ ); // Make a pass clearing out NaN or Inf values. for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ ) { double dfX = poLS->getX(i); double dfY = poLS->getY(i); double dfZ = poLS->getZ(i); int bReset = FALSE; if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfX ) ) { dfX = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfY ) ) { dfY = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfZ ) ) { dfZ = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( bReset ) poLS->setPoint( i, dfX, dfY, dfZ ); } poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( poLS ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise build a point. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iXField ), poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iYField ), poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iZField ) ) ); } } return poFeature; }
OGRFeature *OGRDODSGridLayer::GetFeature( GIntBig nFeatureId ) { if( nFeatureId < 0 || nFeatureId >= nMaxRawIndex ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ensure we have the dataset. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !ProvideDataDDS() ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the feature being read. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature = new OGRFeature( poFeatureDefn ); poFeature->SetFID( nFeatureId ); m_nFeaturesRead++; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish the values for the various dimension indices. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iDim; int nRemainder = static_cast<int>(nFeatureId); for( iDim = nDimCount-1; iDim >= 0; iDim-- ) { paoDimensions[iDim].iLastValue = (nRemainder % paoDimensions[iDim].nDimEntries) * paoDimensions[iDim].nDimStride + paoDimensions[iDim].nDimStart; nRemainder = nRemainder / paoDimensions[iDim].nDimEntries; if( poTargetGrid == NULL ) poFeature->SetField( iDim, paoDimensions[iDim].iLastValue ); } CPLAssert( nRemainder == 0 ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* For grids, we need to apply the values of the dimensions */ /* looked up in the corresponding map. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poTargetGrid != NULL ) { for( iDim = 0; iDim < nDimCount; iDim++ ) { ArrayEntryToField( paoDimensions[iDim].poMap, paoDimensions[iDim].pRawData, paoDimensions[iDim].iLastValue, poFeature, iDim ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process all the regular data fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iArray; for( iArray = 0; iArray < nArrayRefCount; iArray++ ) { OGRDODSArrayRef *poRef = paoArrayRefs + iArray; ArrayEntryToField( poRef->poArray, poRef->pRawData, static_cast<int>(nFeatureId), poFeature, poRef->iFieldIndex ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we have geometry information? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( oXField.iFieldIndex >= 0 && oYField.iFieldIndex >= 0 ) { OGRPoint *poPoint = new OGRPoint(); poPoint->setX( poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( oXField.iFieldIndex ) ); poPoint->setY( poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( oYField.iFieldIndex ) ); if( oZField.iFieldIndex >= 0 ) poPoint->setZ( poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(oZField.iFieldIndex) ); poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( poPoint ); } return poFeature; }