int TSOut::PutUInt(const uint& UInt){ return PutStr(TUInt::GetStr(UInt)); }
int TSOut::PutInt(const int& Int){ return PutStr(TInt::GetStr(Int)); }
int TSOut::PutInt(const int& Int, const char* FmtStr){ return PutStr(TInt::GetStr(Int, FmtStr)); }
void main( void ) { int Done = FALSE; ULONG sig; static STRPTR styleoptions[] = { "IRC", "Email", "HTML", NULL }; if( !( MUIMasterBase = OpenLibrary( MUIMASTER_NAME, 19 ) ) ) return; if( app = ApplicationObject, MUIA_Application_Title, "TextInputDemo", MUIA_Application_Version, "$VER: TextInput Demo 2.0", MUIA_Application_Copyright, "© 1997-99 by Oliver Wagner, All Rights Reserved", MUIA_Application_Author, "Oliver Wagner", MUIA_Application_Description, "Demo for Textinput.mcc", MUIA_Application_Base, "TEXTINPUT-DEMO", SubWindow, win = WindowObject, MUIA_Window_ID, 42, MUIA_Window_Title, "TextInput Demo", WindowContents, VGroup, Child, HGroup, Child, Label1( "Style:" ), Child, Cycle( styleoptions ), End, Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT( "Single line" ), Child, ColGroup( 2 ), Child, Label2( "Input:" ), Child, ti1 = TextinputObject, StringFrame, MUIA_CycleChain, 1, MUIA_ControlChar, 'a', MUIA_Textinput_Multiline, FALSE, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, C1, End, Child, Label2( "NoInput:" ), Child, ti2 = TextinputObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Textinput_NoInput, TRUE, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, C1, End, End, End, Child, VGroup, GroupFrameT( "Multi line with scroll" ), Child, timl1 = TextinputscrollObject, StringFrame, MUIA_CycleChain, 1, MUIA_ControlChar, 'b', MUIA_Textinput_Multiline, TRUE, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, C2, End, Child, bt_get = SimpleButton( "Get contents (to shell window)" ), End, Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT( "NoInput multi line with Scroll" ), Child, timl2 = TextinputscrollObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background,MUII_TextBack,MUIA_CycleChain, 1, MUIA_ControlChar, 'c', MUIA_Textinput_NoInput, TRUE, MUIA_Textinput_Multiline, TRUE, MUIA_Textinput_AutoExpand, TRUE, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, C2, MUIA_Textinput_MinVersion, 12, MUIA_Textinput_WordWrap, 60, End, End, Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT( "Old stringgadget" ), Child, String( C1, 256 ), End, End, End, End ) { DoMethod( win, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Window_CloseRequest, TRUE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit ); DoMethod( bt_get, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, 2 ); DoMethod( ti1, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Contents, MUIV_EveryTime, ti2, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_Text_Contents, MUIV_TriggerValue ); DoMethod( timl1, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Contents, MUIV_EveryTime, timl2, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_Text_Contents, MUIV_TriggerValue ); DoMethod( ti1, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Acknowledge, MUIV_EveryTime, ti1, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, "" ); set( win, MUIA_Window_Open, TRUE ); while( !Done ) { LONG id; id = DoMethod( app, MUIM_Application_Input, &sig ); switch( id ) { case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit: Done = TRUE; case 2: { char *p; get( timl1, MUIA_Textinput_Contents, &p ); PutStr( ">>>>>\n" ); PutStr( p ); PutStr( "<<<<<\n" ); } break; } if( sig ) if( Wait( sig | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) Done = TRUE; } MUI_DisposeObject( app ); } CloseLibrary( MUIMasterBase ); }
int TSOut::PutBool(const bool& Bool){ return PutStr(TBool::GetStr(Bool)); }
int TSOut::PutFlt(const double& Flt, const char* FmtStr){ return PutStr(TFlt::GetStr(Flt, FmtStr)); }
int TSOut::PutStr(const TStr& Str, const char* FmtStr){ return PutStr(TStr::GetStr(Str, FmtStr)); }
int TSOut::PutFlt(const double& Flt){ return PutStr(TFlt::GetStr(Flt)); }
int TSOut::PutUInt(const uint& UInt, const char* FmtStr){ return PutStr(TUInt::GetStr(UInt, FmtStr)); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PutStr("Hello world!\n"); return 0; }
bool CnsMgr::GetLine(std::string *str, uint8_t sx, uint8_t sy, uint16_t att, const Event& end, int8_t max, char show) { if(!initialized) return false; if(sx > WND_W || sy >= WND_H) // > for sx, so that u can use it to get enter when at end of line return false; if(max == -1) max = WND_H - sx; Event my_end = end; if(my_end.type != EVT_KEY) my_end = KEY_EVENT_ENTER; std::string print = std::string(max, ' '); std::string read = ""; uint8_t xpos = sx; if(xpos < sx + print.size()) Put(CHAR_BLOCK, xpos, sy, att); Flip(); Event ev; while(true) { ZeroMemory(&ev, sizeof(ev)); if(!GetNextEvent(ev)) return false; if(ev.type != EVT_KEY) continue; if(ev.val == my_end.val && my_end.meta == (my_end.meta & ev.meta)) break; if(!(ev.meta & EVM_KEY_DOWN || ev.meta & EVM_KEY_HOLD)) continue; if(ev.val == EVV_KEY_BACKSPACE) { if(!read.empty()) { read = read.substr(0, read.size()-1); print[xpos-sx] = ' '; xpos--; PutStr(print, sx, sy, att); if(xpos < sx + print.size()) Put(CHAR_BLOCK, xpos, sy, att); Flip(); continue; } continue; } if(xpos >= sx + print.size()) continue; char ch = KeyEventToChar(ev); if(ch == 0 || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') continue; read += ch; if(show == 0) print[xpos-sx] = ch; else print[xpos-sx] = show; xpos++; PutStr(print, sx, sy, att); if(xpos < sx + print.size()) Put(CHAR_BLOCK, xpos, sy, att); Flip(); } if(str != NULL) *str = read; return true; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *oname = nullptr, *dot = nullptr, *filename = nullptr; char str[32]; const char* ext=EXT; int n, n1,n2,err, num_axes,num_blocks, num_side_sets,num_node_sets,num_time_steps, num_info_lines,num_global_vars, num_nodal_vars,num_element_vars,num_nodeset_vars, num_sideset_vars; size_t num_nodes = 0; size_t num_elements = 0; int mat_version = 73; /* process arguments */ for (int j=1; j< argc; j++){ if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-t")==0){ /* write text file (*.m) */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); textfile=1; j--; continue; } if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-h")==0){ /* write help info */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); usage(); exit(1); } if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-d")==0){ /* write help info */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); j--; debug = 1; continue; } if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-v73")==0){ /* Version 7.3 */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); mat_version = 73; j--; continue; } // This matches the option used in matlab if ( (strcmp(argv[j],"-v7.3")==0) || (strcmp(argv[j],"-V7.3")==0)){ /* Version 7.3 */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); mat_version = 73; j--; continue; } if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-v5")==0){ /* Version 5 (default) */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); mat_version = 50; j--; continue; } if ( strcmp(argv[j],"-o")==0){ /* specify output file name */ del_arg(&argc,argv,j); if ( argv[j] ){ oname=(char*)calloc(strlen(argv[j])+10,sizeof(char)); strcpy(oname,argv[j]); del_arg(&argc,argv,j); std::cout << "output file: " << oname << "\n"; } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: Invalid output file specification.\n"; return 2; } j--; continue; } } /* QA Info */ printf("%s: %s, %s\n", qainfo[0], qainfo[2], qainfo[1]); /* usage message*/ if (argc != 2){ usage(); exit(1); } /* open output file */ if ( textfile ) ext=".m"; if ( !oname ){ filename = (char*)malloc( strlen(argv[1])+10); strcpy(filename,argv[1]); dot=strrchr(filename,'.'); if ( dot ) *dot='\0'; strcat(filename,ext); } else { filename=oname; } if ( textfile ){ m_file = fopen(filename,"w"); if (!m_file ){ std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open " << filename << "\n"; exit(1); } } else { if (mat_version == 50) { mat_file = Mat_CreateVer(filename, nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT5); } else if (mat_version == 73) { mat_file = Mat_CreateVer(filename, nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT73); } if (mat_file == nullptr) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unable to create matlab file " << filename << "\n"; exit(1); } } /* word sizes */ int cpu_word_size=sizeof(double); int io_word_size=0; /* open exodus file */ float exo_version; int exo_file=ex_open(argv[1],EX_READ,&cpu_word_size,&io_word_size,&exo_version); if (exo_file < 0){ std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " << argv[1] << "\n"; exit(1); } /* print */ std::cout << "\ttranslating " << argv[1] << " to " << filename << "...\n"; /* read database paramters */ char *line=(char *) calloc ((MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1),sizeof(char)); ex_get_init(exo_file,line, &num_axes,&num_nodes,&num_elements,&num_blocks, &num_node_sets,&num_side_sets); num_info_lines = ex_inquire_int(exo_file,EX_INQ_INFO); num_time_steps = ex_inquire_int(exo_file,EX_INQ_TIME); ex_get_variable_param(exo_file,EX_GLOBAL,&num_global_vars); ex_get_variable_param(exo_file,EX_NODAL,&num_nodal_vars); ex_get_variable_param(exo_file,EX_ELEM_BLOCK,&num_element_vars); ex_get_variable_param(exo_file,EX_NODE_SET,&num_nodeset_vars); ex_get_variable_param(exo_file,EX_SIDE_SET,&num_sideset_vars); /* export paramters */ PutInt("naxes", num_axes); PutInt("nnodes", num_nodes); PutInt("nelems", num_elements); PutInt("nblks", num_blocks); PutInt("nnsets", num_node_sets); PutInt("nssets", num_side_sets); PutInt("nsteps", num_time_steps); PutInt("ngvars", num_global_vars); PutInt("nnvars", num_nodal_vars); PutInt("nevars", num_element_vars); PutInt("nnsvars",num_nodeset_vars); PutInt("nssvars",num_sideset_vars); /* allocate -char- scratch space*/ int nstr2 = num_info_lines; nstr2 = std::max(nstr2, num_blocks); nstr2 = std::max(nstr2, num_node_sets); nstr2 = std::max(nstr2, num_side_sets); char **str2 = get_exodus_names(nstr2, 512); /* title */ PutStr("Title",line); /* information records */ if (num_info_lines > 0 ){ ex_get_info(exo_file,str2); std::string ostr; for (int i=0;i<num_info_lines;i++) { if (strlen(str2[i]) > 0) { ostr += str2[i]; ostr += "\n"; } } PutStr("info",ostr.c_str()); ostr = ""; for (int i=0;i<num_info_lines;i++) { if (strlen(str2[i]) > 0 && strncmp(str2[i],"cavi",4)==0) { ostr += str2[i]; ostr += "\n"; } } PutStr("cvxp",ostr.c_str()); } /* nodal coordinates */ { if (debug) {logger("Coordinates");} std::vector<double> x, y, z; x.resize(num_nodes); if (num_axes >= 2) y.resize(num_nodes); if (num_axes == 3) z.resize(num_nodes); ex_get_coord(exo_file,TOPTR(x), TOPTR(y), TOPTR(z)); PutDbl("x0", num_nodes, 1, TOPTR(x)); if (num_axes >= 2) { PutDbl("y0", num_nodes, 1, TOPTR(y)); } if (num_axes == 3){ PutDbl("z0",num_nodes,1, TOPTR(z)); } } /* side sets */ std::vector<int> num_sideset_sides(num_side_sets); std::vector<int> ids; if (num_side_sets > 0) { if (debug) {logger("Side Sets");} ids.resize(num_side_sets); ex_get_ids(exo_file,EX_SIDE_SET,TOPTR(ids)); PutInt( "ssids",num_side_sets, 1,TOPTR(ids)); std::vector<int> nssdfac(num_side_sets); std::vector<int> iscr; std::vector<int> jscr; std::vector<double> scr; std::vector<int> elem_list; std::vector<int> side_list; std::vector<int> junk; for (int i=0;i<num_side_sets;i++) { ex_get_set_param(exo_file,EX_SIDE_SET, ids[i],&n1,&n2); num_sideset_sides[i]=n1; nssdfac[i]=n2; /* * the following provision is from Version 1.6 when there are no * distribution factors in exodus file */ bool has_ss_dfac = (n2 != 0); if (n2==0 || n1==n2){ std::cerr << "WARNING: Exodus II file does not contain distribution factors.\n"; /* n1=number of faces, n2=number of df */ /* using distribution factors to determine number of nodes in the sideset causes a lot grief since some codes do not output distribution factors if they are all equal to 1. mkbhard: I am using the function call below to figure out the total number of nodes in this sideset. Some redundancy exists, but it works for now */ junk.resize(n1); ex_get_side_set_node_count(exo_file,ids[i],TOPTR(junk)); n2=0; /* n2 will be equal to the total number of nodes in the sideset */ for (int j=0; j<n1; j++) n2+=junk[j]; } iscr.resize(n1); jscr.resize(n2); ex_get_side_set_node_list(exo_file,ids[i],TOPTR(iscr),TOPTR(jscr)); /* number-of-nodes-per-side list */ sprintf(str,"ssnum%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n1,1,TOPTR(iscr)); /* nodes list */ sprintf(str,"ssnod%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n2,1,TOPTR(jscr)); /* distribution-factors list */ scr.resize(n2); if (has_ss_dfac) { ex_get_side_set_dist_fact(exo_file,ids[i], TOPTR(scr)); } else { for (int j=0; j<n2; j++) { scr[j] = 1.0; } } sprintf(str,"ssfac%02d",i+1); PutDbl(str,n2,1,TOPTR(scr)); /* element and side list for side sets (dgriffi) */ elem_list.resize(n1); side_list.resize(n1); ex_get_set(exo_file,EX_SIDE_SET,ids[i],TOPTR(elem_list),TOPTR(side_list)); sprintf(str,"ssside%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n1,1,TOPTR(side_list)); sprintf(str,"sselem%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n1,1,TOPTR(elem_list)); } /* Store # sides and # dis. factors per side set (dgriffi) */ PutInt("nsssides",num_side_sets,1,TOPTR(num_sideset_sides)); PutInt("nssdfac",num_side_sets,1,TOPTR(nssdfac)); } /* node sets (section by dgriffi) */ std::vector<int> num_nodeset_nodes(num_node_sets); if (num_node_sets > 0){ if (debug) {logger("Node Sets");} std::vector<int> iscr; std::vector<double> scr; ids.resize(num_node_sets); ex_get_ids(exo_file,EX_NODE_SET, TOPTR(ids)); PutInt( "nsids",num_node_sets, 1,TOPTR(ids)); std::vector<int> num_nodeset_df(num_node_sets); for (int i=0;i<num_node_sets;i++){ ex_get_set_param(exo_file,EX_NODE_SET,ids[i],&n1,&n2); iscr.resize(n1); ex_get_node_set(exo_file,ids[i],TOPTR(iscr)); /* nodes list */ sprintf(str,"nsnod%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n1,1,TOPTR(iscr)); { /* distribution-factors list */ scr.resize(n2); ex_get_node_set_dist_fact(exo_file,ids[i],TOPTR(scr)); sprintf(str,"nsfac%02d",i+1); PutDbl(str,n2,1,TOPTR(scr)); } num_nodeset_nodes[i]=n1; num_nodeset_df[i]=n2; } /* Store # nodes and # dis. factors per node set */ PutInt("nnsnodes",num_node_sets,1,TOPTR(num_nodeset_nodes)); PutInt("nnsdfac",num_node_sets,1,TOPTR(num_nodeset_df)); } /* element blocks */ if (debug) {logger("Element Blocks");} std::vector<int> num_elem_in_block(num_blocks); { ids.resize(num_blocks); std::vector<int> iscr; ex_get_ids(exo_file,EX_ELEM_BLOCK,TOPTR(ids)); PutInt( "blkids",num_blocks, 1,TOPTR(ids)); for (int i=0;i<num_blocks;i++) { ex_get_elem_block(exo_file,ids[i],str2[i],&n,&n1,&n2); num_elem_in_block[i]=n; iscr.resize(n*n1); ex_get_conn(exo_file,EX_ELEM_BLOCK,ids[i],TOPTR(iscr), nullptr, nullptr); sprintf(str,"blk%02d",i+1); PutInt(str,n1,n,TOPTR(iscr)); } str[0]='\0'; for (int i=0;i<num_blocks;i++) { strcat(str, str2[i]); strcat(str, "\n"); } PutStr("blknames",str); } /* time values */ if (num_time_steps > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Time Steps");} std::vector<double> scr(num_time_steps); ex_get_all_times (exo_file, TOPTR(scr)); PutDbl( "time", num_time_steps, 1, TOPTR(scr)); } /* global variables */ if (num_global_vars > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Global Variables");} get_put_names(exo_file, EX_GLOBAL, num_global_vars, "gnames"); std::vector<double> scr(num_time_steps); for (int i=0;i<num_global_vars;i++){ sprintf(str,"gvar%02d",i+1); ex_get_glob_var_time(exo_file,i+1,1,num_time_steps,TOPTR(scr)); PutDbl(str,num_time_steps,1,TOPTR(scr)); } } /* nodal variables */ if (num_nodal_vars > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Nodal Variables");} if (debug) {logger("\tNames");} get_put_names(exo_file, EX_NODAL, num_nodal_vars, "nnames"); std::vector<double> scr(num_nodes*num_time_steps); for (int i=0; i<num_nodal_vars; i++){ sprintf(str,"nvar%02d",i+1); if (debug) {logger("\tReading");} for (int j=0; j<num_time_steps; j++) { ex_get_nodal_var(exo_file,j+1,i+1,num_nodes, &scr[num_nodes*j]); } if (debug) {logger("\tWriting");} PutDbl(str,num_nodes,num_time_steps,TOPTR(scr)); } } /* element variables */ if (num_element_vars > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Element Variables");} get_put_names(exo_file, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, num_element_vars, "enames"); get_put_vars(exo_file, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, num_blocks, num_element_vars, num_time_steps, num_elem_in_block, "evar%02d"); } /* nodeset variables */ if (num_nodeset_vars > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Nodeset Variables");} get_put_names(exo_file, EX_NODE_SET, num_nodeset_vars, "nsnames"); get_put_vars(exo_file, EX_NODE_SET, num_node_sets, num_nodeset_vars, num_time_steps, num_nodeset_nodes, "nsvar%02d"); } /* sideset variables */ if (num_sideset_vars > 0 ) { if (debug) {logger("Sideset Variables");} get_put_names(exo_file, EX_SIDE_SET, num_sideset_vars, "ssnames"); get_put_vars(exo_file, EX_SIDE_SET, num_side_sets, num_sideset_vars, num_time_steps, num_sideset_sides, "ssvar%02d"); } /* node and element number maps */ if (debug) {logger("Node and Element Number Maps");} ex_opts(0); /* turn off error reporting. It is not an error to have no map*/ ids.resize(num_nodes); err = ex_get_node_num_map(exo_file,TOPTR(ids)); if ( err==0 ){ PutInt("node_num_map",num_nodes,1,TOPTR(ids)); } ids.resize(num_elements); err = ex_get_elem_num_map(exo_file,TOPTR(ids)); if ( err==0 ){ PutInt("elem_num_map",num_elements,1,TOPTR(ids)); } if (debug) {logger("Closing file");} ex_close(exo_file); if ( textfile ) fclose(m_file); else Mat_Close(mat_file); std::cout << "done...\n"; free(filename); free(line); delete_exodus_names(str2, nstr2); /* exit status */ add_to_log("exo2mat", 0); return(0); }