Example #1
// IDirect3DDevice9 can not be used on WDDM OSes(>=vista)
bool GLInteropResource::ensureWGL()
    if (wgl)
        return true;
    static const char* ext[] = {
    if (!OpenGLHelper::hasExtension(ext)) { // TODO: use wgl getprocaddress function (for qt4)
        qWarning("WGL_NV_DX_interop is required");
    wgl = new WGL();
    memset(wgl, 0, sizeof(*wgl));
    const QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); //const for qt4
    // QGLContext::getProcAddress(const QByteArray&), QOpenGLContext::getProcAddress(const QString&). So to work with QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII we need a wrapper
#define QB(x) x
#define QB(x) QString::fromLatin1(x)
    wgl->DXSetResourceShareHandleNV = (PFNWGLDXSETRESOURCESHAREHANDLENVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV"));
    wgl->DXOpenDeviceNV = (PFNWGLDXOPENDEVICENVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXOpenDeviceNV"));
    wgl->DXCloseDeviceNV = (PFNWGLDXCLOSEDEVICENVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXCloseDeviceNV"));
    wgl->DXRegisterObjectNV = (PFNWGLDXREGISTEROBJECTNVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXRegisterObjectNV"));
    wgl->DXUnregisterObjectNV = (PFNWGLDXUNREGISTEROBJECTNVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXUnregisterObjectNV"));
    wgl->DXObjectAccessNV = (PFNWGLDXOBJECTACCESSNVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXObjectAccessNV"));
    wgl->DXLockObjectsNV = (PFNWGLDXLOCKOBJECTSNVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXLockObjectsNV"));
    wgl->DXUnlockObjectsNV = (PFNWGLDXUNLOCKOBJECTSNVPROC)ctx->getProcAddress(QB("wglDXUnlockObjectsNV"));
#undef QB
    return true;
Example #2
/* A callback that is invoked when the host sends data.
 * Param:
 *  opaque - AdbClient instance.
 *  connection - An opaque pointer that identifies connection with the ADB host.
 *  buff, size - Buffer containing the host data.
static void
_adb_on_host_data(void* opaque, void* connection, const void* buff, int size)
    AdbClient* const adb_client = (AdbClient*)opaque;
    D("ADB client %p(o=%p) received from the host %p %d bytes in %s",
      adb_client, adb_client->opaque, connection, size, QB(buff, size));

    if (adb_client->state == ADBC_STATE_CONNECTED) {
        /* Dispatch data down to the guest. */
        qemud_client_send(adb_client->qemud_client, (const uint8_t*)buff, size);
    } else {
        D("Unexpected data from ADB host %p while client %p(o=%p) is in state %d",
          connection, adb_client, adb_client->opaque, adb_client->state);
Example #3
adb_server_on_guest_message(void* opaque, const uint8_t* msg, int msglen)
    AdbGuest* const adb_guest = (AdbGuest*)opaque;
    AdbHost* const adb_host = adb_guest->adb_host;

    if (adb_host != NULL) {
        D("Sending %d bytes to the ADB host: %s", msglen, QB(msg, msglen));

        /* Lets see if we can send the data immediatelly... */
        if (adb_host->pending_send_buffer == NULL) {
            /* There are no data that are pending to be sent to the host. Do the
             * direct send. */
            const int sent = socket_send(adb_host->host_so, msg, msglen);
            if (sent < 0) {
                if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
                } else {
                    D("Unable to send data to ADB host: %s", strerror(errno));
            } else if (sent == 0) {
                /* Disconnect condition. */
            } else if (sent < msglen) {
                /* Couldn't send everything. Schedule write via I/O callback. */
                _adb_host_append_message(adb_host, msg + sent, msglen - sent);
        } else {
            /* There are data that are pending to be sent to the host. We need
             * to append new data to the end of the pending data buffer. */
            _adb_host_append_message(adb_host, msg, msglen);
    } else {
        D("ADB host is disconneted and can't accept %d bytes in %s",
          msglen, QB(msg, msglen));
Example #4
/* Read I/O callback on ADB host socket. */
static void
_on_adb_host_read(AdbHost* adb_host)
    char buff[4096];

    /* Read data from the socket. */
    const int size = socket_recv(adb_host->host_so, buff, sizeof(buff));
    if (size < 0) {
        D("Error while reading from ADB host %p(so=%d). Error: %s",
          adb_host, adb_host->host_so, strerror(errno));
    } else if (size == 0) {
        /* This is a "disconnect" condition. */
    } else {
        D("%s %d bytes received from ADB host %p(so=%d): %s",
           adb_host->adb_guest ? "Transfer" : "Pend", size, adb_host,
           adb_host->host_so, QB(buff, size));

        /* Lets see if there is an ADB guest associated with this host, and it
         * is ready to receive host data. */
        AdbGuest* const adb_guest = adb_host->adb_guest;
        if (adb_guest != NULL && adb_guest->is_connected) {
            /* Channel the data through... */
            adb_guest->callbacks->on_read(adb_guest->opaque, adb_guest, buff, size);
        } else {
            /* Pend the data for the upcoming guest connection. */
            if (adb_host->pending_data == NULL) {
                adb_host->pending_data = malloc(size);
            } else {
                adb_host->pending_data = realloc(adb_host->pending_data,
                                                 adb_host->pending_data_size + size);
            if (adb_host->pending_data != NULL) {
                memcpy(adb_host->pending_data + adb_host->pending_data_size,
                       buff, size);
                adb_host->pending_data_size += size;
            } else {
                D("Unable to (re)allocate %d bytes for pending ADB host data",
                  adb_host->pending_data_size + size);
Example #5
/* A callback that is invoked when ADB guest sends data to the service.
 * Param:
 *  opaque - AdbClient instance.
 *  msg, msglen - Message received from the ADB guest.
 *  client - adb QEMUD client.
static void
_adb_client_recv(void* opaque, uint8_t* msg, int msglen, QemudClient* client)
    AdbClient* const adb_client = (AdbClient*)opaque;

    D("ADB client %p(o=%p) received from guest %d bytes in %s",
      adb_client, adb_client->opaque, msglen, QB(msg, msglen));

    if (adb_client->state == ADBC_STATE_CONNECTED) {
        /* Connection is fully established. Dispatch the message to the host. */
        adb_server_on_guest_message(adb_client->opaque, msg, msglen);

     * At this point we expect either "accept", or "start" messages. Depending
     * on the state of the pipe (although small) these messages could be broken
     * into pieces. So, simply checking msg for "accept", or "start" may not
     * work. Lets collect them first in internal buffer, and then will see.

    /* Make sure tha message doesn't overflow the buffer. */
    if ((msglen + adb_client->msg_cur) > sizeof(adb_client->msg_buffer)) {
        D("Unexpected message in ADB client.");
        adb_client->msg_cur = 0;
    /* Append to current message. */
    memcpy(adb_client->msg_buffer + adb_client->msg_cur, msg, msglen);
    adb_client->msg_cur += msglen;

    /* Properly dispatch the message, depending on the client state. */
    switch (adb_client->state) {
            /* At this state the only message that is allowed is 'accept' */
            if (adb_client->msg_cur == 6 &&
                !memcmp(adb_client->msg_buffer, "accept", 6)) {
                adb_client->msg_cur = 0;
                /* Register ADB guest connection with the ADB server. */
                adb_client->opaque =
                    adb_server_register_guest(adb_client, &_adb_client_routines);
                if (adb_client->opaque == NULL) {
                    D("Unable to register ADB guest with the ADB server.");
                    /* KO the guest. */
                                      (const uint8_t*)"ko", 2);
            } else {
                D("Unexpected guest request while waiting on ADB host to connect.");

            /* At this state the only message that is allowed is 'start' */
            if (adb_client->msg_cur &&
                !memcmp(adb_client->msg_buffer, "start", 5)) {
                adb_client->msg_cur = 0;
                adb_client->state = ADBC_STATE_CONNECTED;
            } else {
                D("Unexpected request while waiting on connection to start.");

            D("Unexpected ADB guest request '%s' while client state is %d.",
              QB(msg, msglen), adb_client->state);
Example #6
int QDWH
( DistMatrix<F>& A, 
  typename Base<F>::type lowerBound,
  typename Base<F>::type upperBound )
#ifndef RELEASE
    typedef typename Base<F>::type R;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const int height = A.Height();
    const int width = A.Width();
    const R oneHalf = R(1)/R(2);
    const R oneThird = R(1)/R(3);

    if( height < width )
        throw std::logic_error("Height cannot be less than width");

    const R epsilon = lapack::MachineEpsilon<R>();
    const R tol = 5*epsilon;
    const R cubeRootTol = Pow(tol,oneThird);

    // Form the first iterate
    Scale( 1/upperBound, A );

    int numIts=0;
    R frobNormADiff;
    DistMatrix<F> ALast( g );
    DistMatrix<F> Q( height+width, width, g );
    DistMatrix<F> QT(g), QB(g);
    PartitionDown( Q, QT,
                      QB, height );
    DistMatrix<F> C( g );
    DistMatrix<F> ATemp( g );
        ALast = A;

        R L2;
        Complex<R> dd, sqd;
        if( Abs(1-lowerBound) < tol )
            L2 = 1;
            dd = 0;
            sqd = 1;
            L2 = lowerBound*lowerBound;
            dd = Pow( 4*(1-L2)/(L2*L2), oneThird );
            sqd = Sqrt( 1+dd );
        const Complex<R> arg = 8 - 4*dd + 8*(2-L2)/(L2*sqd);
        const R a = (sqd + Sqrt( arg )/2).real;
        const R b = (a-1)*(a-1)/4;
        const R c = a+b-1;
        const Complex<R> alpha = a-b/c;
        const Complex<R> beta = b/c;

        lowerBound = lowerBound*(a+b*L2)/(1+c*L2);

        if( c > 100 )
            // The standard QR-based algorithm
            QT = A;
            Scale( Sqrt(c), QT );
            MakeIdentity( QB );
            ExplicitQR( Q );
            Gemm( NORMAL, ADJOINT, alpha/Sqrt(c), QT, QB, beta, A );
            // Use faster Cholesky-based algorithm since A is well-conditioned
            Identity( width, width, C );
            Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, F(c), A, F(1), C );
            Cholesky( LOWER, C );
            ATemp = A;
            Trsm( RIGHT, LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), C, ATemp );
            Trsm( RIGHT, LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), C, ATemp );
            Scale( beta, A );
            Axpy( alpha, ATemp, A );

        Axpy( F(-1), A, ALast );
        frobNormADiff = Norm( ALast, FROBENIUS_NORM );
    while( frobNormADiff > cubeRootTol || Abs(1-lowerBound) > tol );
#ifndef RELEASE
    return numIts;
Example #7
int Halley
( DistMatrix<F>& A, typename Base<F>::type upperBound )
#ifndef RELEASE
    typedef typename Base<F>::type R;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const int height = A.Height();
    const int width = A.Width();
    const R oneHalf = R(1)/R(2);
    const R oneThird = R(1)/R(3);

    if( height < width )
        throw std::logic_error("Height cannot be less than width");

    const R epsilon = lapack::MachineEpsilon<R>();
    const R tol = 5*epsilon;
    const R cubeRootTol = Pow(tol,oneThird);
    const R a = 3;
    const R b = 1;
    const R c = 3;

    // Form the first iterate
    Scale( 1/upperBound, A );

    int numIts=0;
    R frobNormADiff;
    DistMatrix<F> ALast( g );
    DistMatrix<F> Q( height+width, width, g );
    DistMatrix<F> QT(g), QB(g);
    PartitionDown( Q, QT,
                      QB, height );
    DistMatrix<F> C( g );
    DistMatrix<F> ATemp( g );
        if( numIts > 100 )
            throw std::runtime_error("Halley iteration did not converge");
        ALast = A;

        // TODO: Come up with a test for when we can use the Cholesky approach
        if( true )
            // The standard QR-based algorithm
            QT = A;
            Scale( Sqrt(c), QT );
            MakeIdentity( QB );
            ExplicitQR( Q );
            Gemm( NORMAL, ADJOINT, F(a-b/c)/Sqrt(c), QT, QB, F(b/c), A );
            // Use faster Cholesky-based algorithm since A is well-conditioned
            Identity( width, width, C );
            Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, F(c), A, F(1), C );
            Cholesky( LOWER, C );
            ATemp = A;
            Trsm( RIGHT, LOWER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), C, ATemp );
            Trsm( RIGHT, LOWER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), C, ATemp );
            Scale( b/c, A );
            Axpy( a-b/c, ATemp, A );

        Axpy( F(-1), A, ALast );
        frobNormADiff = Norm( ALast, FROBENIUS_NORM );
    while( frobNormADiff > cubeRootTol );
#ifndef RELEASE
    return numIts;