void QLinuxFbScreenPrivate::openTty()
    const char *const devs[] = {"/dev/tty0", "/dev/tty", "/dev/console", 0};

    if (ttyDevice.isEmpty()) {
        for (const char * const *dev = devs; *dev; ++dev) {
            ttyfd = QT_OPEN(*dev, O_RDWR);
            if (ttyfd != -1)
    } else {
        ttyfd = QT_OPEN(ttyDevice.toAscii().constData(), O_RDWR);

    if (ttyfd == -1)

    if (doGraphicsMode) {
        ioctl(ttyfd, KDGETMODE, &oldKdMode);
        if (oldKdMode != KD_GRAPHICS) {
            int ret = ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS);
            if (ret == -1)
                doGraphicsMode = false;

    // No blankin' screen, no blinkin' cursor!, no cursor!
    const char termctl[] = "\033[9;0]\033[?33l\033[?25l\033[?1c";
    QT_WRITE(ttyfd, termctl, sizeof(termctl));
qint64 QFSFileEnginePrivate::writeFdFh(const char *data, qint64 len)
    qint64 result;
    qint64 written = 0;

    do {
        // Write blocks of 4k to avoid platform limitations (Windows commonly
        // bails out if you read or write too large blocks at once).
        qint64 bytesToWrite = qMin<qint64>(4096, len - written);
        if (fh) {
            do {
                // Buffered stdlib mode.
                result = qint64(fwrite(data + written, 1, size_t(bytesToWrite), fh));
            } while (result == 0 && errno == EINTR);
            if (bytesToWrite > 0 && result == 0)
                result = -1;
        } else {
            do {
                // Unbuffered stdio mode.
                result = QT_WRITE(fd, data + written, bytesToWrite);
            } while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);
        if (result > 0)
            written += qint64(result);
    } while (written < len && result > 0);

    // If we read anything, return that with success. Otherwise, set an error,
    // and return the last return value.
    if (result > 0)
        return written;
    q->setError(errno == ENOSPC ? QFile::ResourceError : QFile::WriteError, qt_error_string(errno));
    return result;
Example #3
static void resetTty(int ttyfd, int oldMode)
    ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, oldMode);

    // Blankin' screen, blinkin' cursor!
    const char termctl[] = "\033[9;15]\033[?33h\033[?25h\033[?0c";
    QT_WRITE(ttyfd, termctl, sizeof(termctl));

Example #4
    void init()
        int n;
        uchar reply[20];

        if (tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH) == -1) {
            perror("QWSPcMouseSubHandler_intellimouse: pre-init tcflush");
        static const uchar initseq[] = { 243, 200, 243, 100, 243, 80 };
        static const uchar query[] = { 0xf2 };
        if (QT_WRITE(fd, initseq, sizeof(initseq))!=sizeof(initseq)) {
            badness = 100;
        if (tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH) == -1) {
            perror("QWSPcMouseSubHandler_intellimouse: post-init tcflush");
        if (QT_WRITE(fd, query, sizeof(query))!=sizeof(query)) {
            badness = 100;
        n = QT_READ(fd, reply, 20);
        if (n > 0) {
            goodness = 10;
            switch (reply[n-1]) {
              case 3:
              case 4:
                packetsize = 4;
                packetsize = 3;
        } else {
            badness = 100;
Example #5
static bool switchToGraphicsMode(int ttyfd, int *oldMode)
    ioctl(ttyfd, KDGETMODE, oldMode);
    if (*oldMode != KD_GRAPHICS) {
       if (ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS) != 0)
            return false;

    // No blankin' screen, no blinkin' cursor!, no cursor!
    const char termctl[] = "\033[9;0]\033[?33l\033[?25l\033[?1c";
    QT_WRITE(ttyfd, termctl, sizeof(termctl));
    return true;
void QLinuxFbScreenPrivate::closeTty()
    if (ttyfd == -1)

    if (doGraphicsMode)
        ioctl(ttyfd, KDSETMODE, oldKdMode);

    // Blankin' screen, blinkin' cursor!
    const char termctl[] = "\033[9;15]\033[?33h\033[?25h\033[?0c";
    QT_WRITE(ttyfd, termctl, sizeof(termctl));

    ttyfd = -1;
Example #7
    void init()
        if (tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH) == -1) {
            perror("QWSPcMouseSubHandler_mouseman: initial tcflush");
        static const char ibuf[] = { 246, 244 };
        if (tcflush(fd,TCIOFLUSH) == -1) {
            perror("QWSPcMouseSubHandler_mouseman: tcflush");

        char buf[100];
        while (QT_READ(fd, buf, 100) > 0) { }  // eat unwanted replies
Example #8
qint64 QFSFileEnginePrivate::writeFdFh(const char *data, qint64 len)

    if (len < 0 || len != qint64(size_t(len))) {
        q->setError(QFile::WriteError, qt_error_string(EINVAL));
        return -1;

    qint64 writtenBytes = 0;

    if (fh) {
        // Buffered stdlib mode.

        size_t result;
        do {
            result = fwrite(data + writtenBytes, 1, size_t(len - writtenBytes), fh);
            writtenBytes += result;
        } while (result == 0 ? errno == EINTR : writtenBytes < len);

    } else if (fd != -1) {
        // Unbuffered stdio mode.

        SignedIOType result;
        do {
            // calculate the chunk size
            // on Windows or 32-bit no-largefile Unix, we'll need to read in chunks
            // we limit to the size of the signed type, otherwise we could get a negative number as a result
            quint64 wantedBytes = quint64(len) - quint64(writtenBytes);
            UnsignedIOType chunkSize = std::numeric_limits<SignedIOType>::max();
            if (chunkSize > wantedBytes)
                chunkSize = wantedBytes;
            result = QT_WRITE(fd, data + writtenBytes, chunkSize);
        } while (result > 0 && (writtenBytes += result) < len);

    if (len &&  writtenBytes == 0) {
        writtenBytes = -1;
        q->setError(errno == ENOSPC ? QFile::ResourceError : QFile::WriteError, qt_error_string(errno));
    } else {
        // reset the cached size, if any

    return writtenBytes;
Example #9
qint64 QFSFileEnginePrivate::writeFdFh(const char *data, qint64 len)

    if (len < 0 || len != qint64(size_t(len))) {
        q->setError(QFile::WriteError, qt_error_string(EINVAL));
        return -1;

    qint64 writtenBytes = 0;

    if (fh) {
        // Buffered stdlib mode.

        size_t result;
        do {
            result = fwrite(data + writtenBytes, 1, size_t(len - writtenBytes), fh);
            writtenBytes += result;
        } while (result == 0 ? errno == EINTR : writtenBytes < len);

    } else if (fd != -1) {
        // Unbuffered stdio mode.

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
        int result;
        ssize_t result;
        do {
            result = QT_WRITE(fd, data + writtenBytes, size_t(len - writtenBytes));
        } while ((result == -1 && errno == EINTR)
                || (result > 0 && (writtenBytes += result) < len));

    if (len &&  writtenBytes == 0) {
        writtenBytes = -1;
        q->setError(errno == ENOSPC ? QFile::ResourceError : QFile::WriteError, qt_error_string(errno));

    return writtenBytes;
Example #10
void decode_mov(decode_t *decode)

    quicktime_t *qt_handle=NULL;
    unsigned char **p_raw_buffer;
    char *p_v_codec=NULL,*p_a_codec=NULL,*p_buffer=NULL,*p_tmp=NULL;
    int s_width=0,s_height=0,s_channel=0,s_bits=0,s_buff_size=0,s_audio_size=0,s_video_size=0,s_sample=0;
    int s_cont,s_frames;
    double s_fps=0;
    long s_audio_rate,s_qt_pos;
    uint16_t *p_mask1, *p_mask2;
    char msgbuf[TC_BUF_MIN];

    qt_handle = quicktime_open((char * )decode->name, 1, 0);
    if (qt_handle == NULL) {
        QT_ABORT("can't open quicktime!");
    quicktime_set_preload(qt_handle, 10240000);
    s_fps = quicktime_frame_rate(qt_handle, 0);
    if (decode->format == TC_CODEC_PCM) {
        if (quicktime_audio_tracks(qt_handle) == 0) {
            QT_ABORT("no audio track in quicktime found!");
        s_channel = quicktime_track_channels(qt_handle, 0);
        s_audio_rate = quicktime_sample_rate(qt_handle, 0);
        s_bits = quicktime_audio_bits(qt_handle, 0);
        s_audio_size = quicktime_audio_length(qt_handle,0);
        p_a_codec = quicktime_audio_compressor(qt_handle, 0);

        if (decode->frame_limit[1] < s_audio_size) {
            s_audio_size = decode->frame_limit[1] - decode->frame_limit[0];
        } else {
            s_audio_size -= decode->frame_limit[0];

        if (decode->verbose) {
            tc_log_info(__FILE__, "Audio codec=%s, rate=%ld Hz, bits=%d, channels=%d",
                                  p_a_codec, s_audio_rate, s_bits, s_channel);

        if ((s_bits != 8) && (s_bits != 16)) {
            tc_snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "unsupported %d bit rate"
                        " in quicktime!", s_bits);
        if (s_channel > 2) {
            tc_snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "too many audio tracks "
                        "(%d) found in quicktime!", s_channel);
        if (strlen(p_a_codec) == 0) {
            QT_ABORT("unsupported codec (empty!) in quicktime!");
        if (quicktime_supported_audio(qt_handle, 0) != 0) {
            s_qt_pos = quicktime_audio_position(qt_handle,0);
            s_sample = (1.00 * s_channel * s_bits *s_audio_rate)/(s_fps * 8);
            s_buff_size = s_sample * sizeof(uint16_t);
            p_buffer = tc_malloc(s_buff_size);
            if (s_bits == 16)
                s_sample /= 2;
            if (s_channel == 1) {
                p_mask1=(uint16_t *)p_buffer;
                quicktime_set_audio_position(qt_handle, s_qt_pos + decode->frame_limit[0], 0);
                for (; s_audio_size > 0; s_audio_size -= s_sample) {
                    if (quicktime_decode_audio(qt_handle, p_mask1, NULL, s_sample, 0) < 0) {
                        QT_ABORT("error reading quicktime audio frame");
                    QT_WRITE(decode->fd_out, p_buffer, s_buff_size);
            } else {
                s_sample /= 2;
                p_mask1 = (uint16_t *)p_buffer;
                p_mask2 = tc_malloc(s_sample * sizeof(uint16_t));
                s_qt_pos += decode->frame_limit[0];
                quicktime_set_audio_position(qt_handle, s_qt_pos, 0);
                for (; s_audio_size > 0; s_audio_size -= s_sample) {
                    if (quicktime_decode_audio(qt_handle, p_mask1, NULL, s_sample, 0) < 0) {
                        QT_ABORT("error reading quicktime audio frame");
                    quicktime_set_audio_position(qt_handle, s_qt_pos, 0);
                    if (quicktime_decode_audio(qt_handle,p_mask2, NULL,s_sample, 1) < 0) {
                        QT_ABORT("error reading quicktime audio frame");
                    for (s_cont = s_sample - 1; s_cont >= 0; s_cont--)
                        p_mask1[s_cont<<1] = p_mask1[s_cont];
                    for (s_cont = 0; s_cont < s_sample; s_cont++)
                        p_mask1[1+(s_cont<<1)] = p_mask2[s_cont];
                    s_qt_pos += s_sample;
                    QT_WRITE(decode->fd_out, p_buffer, s_buff_size >> 1);
#if !defined(LIBQUICKTIME_000904)
        else if ((strcasecmp(p_a_codec, QUICKTIME_RAW) == 0)