Example #1
void IMU_IntegrateGyros(float dt, vec3 *rates, quat *pGyroFrame)
// Integrate gyros into our gyro frame. 
	// Get rotation axis from gyros, and rate in rads/sec	
	if ((rates->x==0.0f) && (rates->y==0.0f) && (rates->z==0.0f)) return;

	vec3 axis;	
	float rate = v3normalize(&axis,rates);


	// Get a quat for the displacement this timestep did.
	quat q_dot;
	Quat_SetAxisAndAngle( &q_dot, &axis, rate * dt);

	Quat_Multiply(pGyroFrame, pGyroFrame, &q_dot);
	Quat_Normalize( pGyroFrame);
Example #2
* Mod_LoadAliasMD3Model
void Mod_LoadAliasMD3Model( model_t *mod, model_t *parent, void *buffer, bspFormatDesc_t *unused )
	int version, i, j, l;
	int bufsize, numverts;
	qbyte *buf;
	dmd3header_t *pinmodel;
	dmd3frame_t *pinframe;
	dmd3tag_t *pintag;
	dmd3mesh_t *pinmesh;
	dmd3skin_t *pinskin;
	dmd3coord_t *pincoord;
	dmd3vertex_t *pinvert;
	elem_t *pinelem, *poutelem;
	maliasvertex_t *poutvert;
	vec2_t *poutcoord;
	maliasskin_t *poutskin;
	maliasmesh_t *poutmesh;
	maliastag_t *pouttag;
	maliasframe_t *poutframe;
	maliasmodel_t *poutmodel;
	drawSurfaceAlias_t *drawSurf;

	pinmodel = ( dmd3header_t * )buffer;
	version = LittleLong( pinmodel->version );

	if( version != MD3_ALIAS_VERSION )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
		mod->name, version, MD3_ALIAS_VERSION );

	mod->type = mod_alias;
	mod->extradata = poutmodel = Mod_Malloc( mod, sizeof( maliasmodel_t ) );
	mod->radius = 0;
	mod->registrationSequence = rf.registrationSequence;
	mod->touch = &Mod_TouchAliasModel;

	ClearBounds( mod->mins, mod->maxs );

	// byte swap the header fields and sanity check
	poutmodel->numframes = LittleLong( pinmodel->num_frames );
	poutmodel->numtags = LittleLong( pinmodel->num_tags );
	poutmodel->nummeshes = LittleLong( pinmodel->num_meshes );
	poutmodel->numskins = 0;

	if( poutmodel->numframes <= 0 )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has no frames", mod->name );
	//	else if( poutmodel->numframes > MD3_MAX_FRAMES )
	//		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has too many frames", mod->name );

	if( poutmodel->numtags > MD3_MAX_TAGS )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has too many tags", mod->name );
	else if( poutmodel->numtags < 0 )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has invalid number of tags", mod->name );

	if( poutmodel->nummeshes < 0 )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has invalid number of meshes", mod->name );
	else if( !poutmodel->nummeshes && !poutmodel->numtags )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has no meshes and no tags", mod->name );
	//	else if( poutmodel->nummeshes > MD3_MAX_MESHES )
	//		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "model %s has too many meshes", mod->name );

	bufsize = poutmodel->numframes * ( sizeof( maliasframe_t ) + sizeof( maliastag_t ) * poutmodel->numtags ) +
		poutmodel->nummeshes * sizeof( maliasmesh_t ) + 
		poutmodel->nummeshes * sizeof( drawSurfaceAlias_t );
	buf = Mod_Malloc( mod, bufsize );

	// load the frames
	pinframe = ( dmd3frame_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmodel + LittleLong( pinmodel->ofs_frames ) );
	poutframe = poutmodel->frames = ( maliasframe_t * )buf; buf += sizeof( maliasframe_t ) * poutmodel->numframes;
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->numframes; i++, pinframe++, poutframe++ )
		for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			poutframe->scale[j] = MD3_XYZ_SCALE;
			poutframe->translate[j] = LittleFloat( pinframe->translate[j] );

		// never trust the modeler utility and recalculate bbox and radius
		ClearBounds( poutframe->mins, poutframe->maxs );

	// load the tags
	pintag = ( dmd3tag_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmodel + LittleLong( pinmodel->ofs_tags ) );
	pouttag = poutmodel->tags = ( maliastag_t * )buf; buf += sizeof( maliastag_t ) * poutmodel->numframes * poutmodel->numtags;
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->numframes; i++ )
		for( l = 0; l < poutmodel->numtags; l++, pintag++, pouttag++ )
			mat3_t axis;

			for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
				axis[AXIS_FORWARD+j] = LittleFloat( pintag->axis[0][j] );
				axis[AXIS_RIGHT+j] = LittleFloat( pintag->axis[1][j] );
				axis[AXIS_UP+j] = LittleFloat( pintag->axis[2][j] );
				pouttag->origin[j] = LittleFloat( pintag->origin[j] );

			Quat_FromMatrix3( axis, pouttag->quat );
			Quat_Normalize( pouttag->quat );

			Q_strncpyz( pouttag->name, pintag->name, MD3_MAX_PATH );

	// allocate drawSurfs
	drawSurf = poutmodel->drawSurfs = ( drawSurfaceAlias_t * )buf; buf += sizeof( drawSurfaceAlias_t ) * poutmodel->nummeshes;
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->nummeshes; i++, drawSurf++ )
		drawSurf->type = ST_ALIAS;
		drawSurf->model = mod;
		drawSurf->mesh = poutmodel->meshes + i;

	// load meshes
	pinmesh = ( dmd3mesh_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmodel + LittleLong( pinmodel->ofs_meshes ) );
	poutmesh = poutmodel->meshes = ( maliasmesh_t * )buf; buf += sizeof( maliasmesh_t ) * poutmodel->nummeshes;
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->nummeshes; i++, poutmesh++ )
		if( strncmp( (const char *)pinmesh->id, IDMD3HEADER, 4 ) )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %s in model %s has wrong id (%s should be %s)",
			pinmesh->name, mod->name, pinmesh->id, IDMD3HEADER );

		Q_strncpyz( poutmesh->name, pinmesh->name, MD3_MAX_PATH );

		Mod_StripLODSuffix( poutmesh->name );

		poutmesh->numtris = LittleLong( pinmesh->num_tris );
		poutmesh->numskins = LittleLong( pinmesh->num_skins );
		poutmesh->numverts = numverts = LittleLong( pinmesh->num_verts );

		/*		if( poutmesh->numskins <= 0 )
		ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has no skins", i, mod->name );
		else*/ if( poutmesh->numskins > MD3_MAX_SHADERS )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has too many skins", i, mod->name );
		if( poutmesh->numtris <= 0 )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has no elements", i, mod->name );
		else if( poutmesh->numtris > MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has too many triangles", i, mod->name );
		if( poutmesh->numverts <= 0 )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has no vertices", i, mod->name );
		else if( poutmesh->numverts > MD3_MAX_VERTS )
			ri.Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "mesh %i in model %s has too many vertices", i, mod->name );

		bufsize = sizeof( maliasskin_t ) * poutmesh->numskins + poutmesh->numtris * sizeof( elem_t ) * 3 +
			numverts * ( sizeof( vec2_t ) + sizeof( maliasvertex_t ) * poutmodel->numframes );
		buf = Mod_Malloc( mod, bufsize );

		// load the skins
		pinskin = ( dmd3skin_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmesh + LittleLong( pinmesh->ofs_skins ) );
		poutskin = poutmesh->skins = ( maliasskin_t * )buf; buf += sizeof( maliasskin_t ) * poutmesh->numskins;
		for( j = 0; j < poutmesh->numskins; j++, pinskin++, poutskin++ ) {
			Q_strncpyz( poutskin->name, pinskin->name, sizeof( poutskin->name ) );
			poutskin->shader = R_RegisterSkin( poutskin->name );
		// load the elems
		pinelem = ( elem_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmesh + LittleLong( pinmesh->ofs_elems ) );
		poutelem = poutmesh->elems = ( elem_t * )buf; buf += poutmesh->numtris * sizeof( elem_t ) * 3;
		for( j = 0; j < poutmesh->numtris; j++, pinelem += 3, poutelem += 3 )
			poutelem[0] = (elem_t)LittleLong( pinelem[0] );
			poutelem[1] = (elem_t)LittleLong( pinelem[1] );
			poutelem[2] = (elem_t)LittleLong( pinelem[2] );

		// load the texture coordinates
		pincoord = ( dmd3coord_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmesh + LittleLong( pinmesh->ofs_tcs ) );
		poutcoord = poutmesh->stArray = ( vec2_t * )buf; buf += poutmesh->numverts * sizeof( vec2_t );
		for( j = 0; j < poutmesh->numverts; j++, pincoord++ )
			poutcoord[j][0] = LittleFloat( pincoord->st[0] );
			poutcoord[j][1] = LittleFloat( pincoord->st[1] );

		// load the vertexes and normals
		pinvert = ( dmd3vertex_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmesh + LittleLong( pinmesh->ofs_verts ) );
		poutvert = poutmesh->vertexes = ( maliasvertex_t * )buf;
		for( l = 0, poutframe = poutmodel->frames; l < poutmodel->numframes; l++, poutframe++, pinvert += poutmesh->numverts, poutvert += poutmesh->numverts )
			vec3_t v;

			for( j = 0; j < poutmesh->numverts; j++ )
				poutvert[j].point[0] = LittleShort( pinvert[j].point[0] );
				poutvert[j].point[1] = LittleShort( pinvert[j].point[1] );
				poutvert[j].point[2] = LittleShort( pinvert[j].point[2] );

				poutvert[j].latlong[0] = pinvert[j].norm[0];
				poutvert[j].latlong[1] = pinvert[j].norm[1];

				VectorCopy( poutvert[j].point, v );
				AddPointToBounds( v, poutframe->mins, poutframe->maxs );

		pinmesh = ( dmd3mesh_t * )( ( qbyte * )pinmesh + LittleLong( pinmesh->meshsize ) );

	// setup drawSurfs
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->nummeshes; i++ )
		drawSurf = poutmodel->drawSurfs + i;
		drawSurf->type = ST_ALIAS;
		drawSurf->model = mod;
		drawSurf->mesh = poutmodel->meshes + i;

	// build S and T vectors for frame 0
	Mod_AliasBuildMeshesForFrame0( mod );

	// calculate model bounds
	poutframe = poutmodel->frames;
	for( i = 0; i < poutmodel->numframes; i++, poutframe++ )
		VectorMA( poutframe->translate, MD3_XYZ_SCALE, poutframe->mins, poutframe->mins );
		VectorMA( poutframe->translate, MD3_XYZ_SCALE, poutframe->maxs, poutframe->maxs );
		poutframe->radius = RadiusFromBounds( poutframe->mins, poutframe->maxs );

		AddPointToBounds( poutframe->mins, mod->mins, mod->maxs );
		AddPointToBounds( poutframe->maxs, mod->mins, mod->maxs );
		mod->radius = max( mod->radius, poutframe->radius );