Example #1
void CAI_Spotlight::UpdateSpotlightDirection( void )
	if ( !m_hSpotlight )

	// Compute the current beam direction
	Vector vTargetDir;
	VectorSubtract( m_vSpotlightTargetPos, m_hSpotlight->GetAbsStartPos(), vTargetDir ); 
	ConstrainToCone( &vTargetDir );

	// Compute the amount to rotate
	float flDot = DotProduct( vTargetDir, m_vSpotlightDir );
	flDot = clamp( flDot, -1.0f, 1.0f );
	float flAngle = AngleNormalize( RAD2DEG( acos( flDot ) ) );
	float flClampedAngle = clamp( flAngle, 0.0f, 45.0f );
	float flBeamTurnRate = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flClampedAngle, 0.0f, 45.0f, 10.0f, 45.0f );
	if ( fabs(flAngle) > flBeamTurnRate * gpGlobals->frametime )
		flAngle = flBeamTurnRate * gpGlobals->frametime;

	// Compute the rotation axis
	Vector vecRotationAxis;
	CrossProduct( m_vSpotlightDir, vTargetDir, vecRotationAxis );
	if ( VectorNormalize( vecRotationAxis ) < 1e-3 )
		vecRotationAxis.Init( 0, 0, 1 );

	// Compute the actual rotation amount, using quat slerp blending
	Quaternion desiredQuat, resultQuat;
	AxisAngleQuaternion( vecRotationAxis, flAngle, desiredQuat );
	QuaternionSlerp( m_vAngularVelocity, desiredQuat, QUAT_BLEND_FACTOR, resultQuat );
	m_vAngularVelocity = resultQuat;

	// If we're really close, and we're not moving very quickly, slam.
	float flActualRotation = AngleNormalize( RAD2DEG(2 * acos(m_vAngularVelocity.w)) );
	if (( flActualRotation < 1e-3 ) && (flAngle < 1e-3 ))
		m_vSpotlightDir = vTargetDir;
		m_vAngularVelocity.Init( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

	// Update the desired direction
	matrix3x4_t rot;
	Vector vecNewDir;
	QuaternionMatrix( m_vAngularVelocity, rot );
	VectorRotate( m_vSpotlightDir, rot, vecNewDir );
	m_vSpotlightDir = vecNewDir;
void C_NPC_Hydra::CalcBoneAngles( const Vector pos[], Quaternion q[] )
	int i;
	matrix3x4_t bonematrix;

	for (i = m_numHydraBones - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		Vector forward;
		Vector left2;

		if (i != m_numHydraBones - 1)
			QuaternionMatrix( q[i+1], bonematrix );
			MatrixGetColumn( bonematrix, 1, left2 );

			forward = (pos[i+1] - pos[i]) /* + (pos[i] - pos[i-1])*/;
			float length = VectorNormalize( forward );
			if (length == 0.0)
				q[i] = q[i+1];
			forward = m_vecHeadDir;
			VectorNormalize( forward );

			VectorMatrix( forward, bonematrix );
			MatrixGetColumn( bonematrix, 1, left2 );

		Vector up = CrossProduct( forward, left2 );
		VectorNormalize( up );

		Vector left = CrossProduct( up, forward );

		MatrixSetColumn( forward, 0, bonematrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( left, 1, bonematrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( up, 2, bonematrix );

		// MatrixQuaternion( bonematrix, q[i] );
		QAngle angles;
		MatrixAngles( bonematrix, angles );
		AngleQuaternion( angles, q[i] );
// Purpose: Builds the animation transformation matrix for the entity if it's animating
void CMapAnimator::UpdateAnimation( float animTime )
	// only animate if the doc is animating and we're selected
	if ( !CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc()->IsAnimating() || !Parent->IsSelected() )
		// we're not animating
		m_bCurrentlyAnimating = false;

	m_bCurrentlyAnimating = true;

	Vector newOrigin;
	Quaternion newAngles;
	GetAnimationAtTime( animTime, newOrigin, newAngles );

	matrix4_t mat, tmpMat;
	Vector ourOrigin;
	GetOrigin( ourOrigin );
	IdentityMatrix( mat );

	// build us a matrix
	// T(newOrigin)R(angle)T(-ourOrigin)
	IdentityMatrix( m_CoordFrame ) ;

	// transform back to the origin
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		m_CoordFrame[i][3] = -ourOrigin[i];
	// Apply interpolated Rotation
	QuaternionMatrix( newAngles, mat );

	ConcatTransforms( mat, m_CoordFrame, tmpMat );

	// transform back to our new position
	IdentityMatrix( mat );
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		mat[i][3] = newOrigin[i];

	ConcatTransforms( mat, tmpMat, m_CoordFrame );
Example #4
SOPAngle *SOPAngle::RotateAroundAxis(SOPVector *vec, lua_Number degrees) {
    matrix3x4_t     m_rgflCoordinateFrame;
    Vector          rotationAxisLs;
    Quaternion      q;
    matrix3x4_t     xform;
    matrix3x4_t     localToWorldMatrix;
    Vector          axisvector = vec->ToVector();
    QAngle          rotatedAngles;

    QAngle          angOurAngs = ToQAngle();
    AngleMatrix( angOurAngs, m_rgflCoordinateFrame );
    VectorIRotate( axisvector, m_rgflCoordinateFrame, rotationAxisLs );
    AxisAngleQuaternion( rotationAxisLs, degrees, q );
    QuaternionMatrix( q, vec3_origin, xform );
    ConcatTransforms( m_rgflCoordinateFrame, xform, localToWorldMatrix );

    MatrixAngles( localToWorldMatrix, rotatedAngles );
    return new SOPAngle(rotatedAngles.x, rotatedAngles.y, rotatedAngles.z);
Example #5
// Constrain to cone
bool CAI_Spotlight::ConstrainToCone( Vector *pDirection )
	Vector vecOrigin, vecForward;
	if ( m_nSpotlightAttachment == 0 ) 
		QAngle vecAngles;
		vecAngles = GetOuter()->GetAbsAngles();
		AngleVectors( vecAngles, &vecForward );
		GetOuter()->GetAttachment( m_nSpotlightAttachment, vecOrigin, &vecForward );

	if ( m_flConstraintAngle == 0.0f )
		*pDirection = vecForward;
		return true;

	float flDot = DotProduct( vecForward, *pDirection );
	if ( flDot >= cos( DEG2RAD( m_flConstraintAngle ) ) )
		return false;

	Vector vecAxis;
	CrossProduct( *pDirection, vecForward, vecAxis );
	VectorNormalize( vecAxis );

	Quaternion q;
	AxisAngleQuaternion( vecAxis, -m_flConstraintAngle, q );

	Vector vecResult;
	matrix3x4_t rot;
	QuaternionMatrix( q, rot );
	VectorRotate( vecForward, rot, vecResult );
	VectorNormalize( vecResult );

	*pDirection = vecResult;

	return true;

void CStudioModelRenderer::StudioMergeBones ( model_t *m_pSubModel )
	int					i, j;
	double				f;
	int					do_hunt = true;

	mstudiobone_t		*pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t	*pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t		*panim;

	static float		pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	float				bonematrix[3][4];
	static vec4_t		q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence >=  m_pStudioHeader->numseq) 
		m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence = 0;

	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence;

	f = StudioEstimateFrame( pseqdesc );

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe > f)
		//Con_DPrintf("%f %f\n", m_pCurrentEntity->prevframe, f );

	panim = StudioGetAnim( m_pSubModel, pseqdesc );
	StudioCalcRotations( pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f );

	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);

	for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++) 
		for (j = 0; j < m_nCachedBones; j++)
			if (stricmp(pbones[i].name, m_nCachedBoneNames[j]) == 0)
				MatrixCopy( m_rgCachedBoneTransform[j], (*m_pbonetransform)[i] );
				MatrixCopy( m_rgCachedLightTransform[j], (*m_plighttransform)[i] );
		if (j >= m_nCachedBones)
			QuaternionMatrix( q[i], bonematrix );

			bonematrix[0][3] = pos[i][0];
			bonematrix[1][3] = pos[i][1];
			bonematrix[2][3] = pos[i][2];

			if (pbones[i].parent == -1) 
				if ( IEngineStudio.IsHardware() )
					ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);

					// MatrixCopy should be faster...
					//ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
					MatrixCopy( (*m_pbonetransform)[i], (*m_plighttransform)[i] );
					ConcatTransforms ((*m_paliastransform), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
					ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);

				// Apply client-side effects to the transformation matrix
				StudioFxTransform( m_pCurrentEntity, (*m_pbonetransform)[i] );
				ConcatTransforms ((*m_pbonetransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms ((*m_plighttransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);

void CStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetupBones ( void )
	int					i;
	double				f;

	mstudiobone_t		*pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t	*pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t		*panim;

	static float		pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t		q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	float				bonematrix[3][4];

	static float		pos2[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t		q2[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float		pos3[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t		q3[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float		pos4[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t		q4[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence >=  m_pStudioHeader->numseq) 
		m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence = 0;

	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence;

	f = StudioEstimateFrame( pseqdesc );

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe > f)
		//Con_DPrintf("%f %f\n", m_pCurrentEntity->prevframe, f );

	panim = StudioGetAnim( m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc );
	StudioCalcRotations( pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f );

	if (pseqdesc->numblends > 1)
		float				s;
		float				dadt;

		panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
		StudioCalcRotations( pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f );

		dadt = StudioEstimateInterpolant();
		s = (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] * dadt + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevblending[0] * (1.0 - dadt)) / 255.0;

		StudioSlerpBones( q, pos, q2, pos2, s );

		if (pseqdesc->numblends == 4)
			panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
			StudioCalcRotations( pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, f );

			panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
			StudioCalcRotations( pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, f );

			s = (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] * dadt + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevblending[0] * (1.0 - dadt)) / 255.0;
			StudioSlerpBones( q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s );

			s = (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[1] * dadt + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevblending[1] * (1.0 - dadt)) / 255.0;
			StudioSlerpBones( q, pos, q3, pos3, s );
	if (m_fDoInterp &&
		m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime &&
		( m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime + 0.2 > m_clTime ) && 
		( m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence < m_pStudioHeader->numseq ))
		// blend from last sequence
		static float		pos1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
		static vec4_t		q1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
		float				s;

		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence;
		panim = StudioGetAnim( m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc );
		// clip prevframe
		StudioCalcRotations( pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe );

		if (pseqdesc->numblends > 1)
			panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
			StudioCalcRotations( pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe );

			s = (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0]) / 255.0;
			StudioSlerpBones( q1b, pos1b, q2, pos2, s );

			if (pseqdesc->numblends == 4)
				panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
				StudioCalcRotations( pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe );

				panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
				StudioCalcRotations( pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe );

				s = (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0]) / 255.0;
				StudioSlerpBones( q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s );

				s = (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[1]) / 255.0;
				StudioSlerpBones( q1b, pos1b, q3, pos3, s );

		s = 1.0 - (m_clTime - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime) / 0.2;
		StudioSlerpBones( q, pos, q1b, pos1b, s );
		//Con_DPrintf("prevframe = %4.2f\n", f);
		m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe = f;

	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);

	// calc gait animation
	if (m_pPlayerInfo && m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence != 0)
		if (m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence >= m_pStudioHeader->numseq) 
			m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence = 0;

		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence;

		panim = StudioGetAnim( m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc );
		StudioCalcRotations( pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pPlayerInfo->gaitframe );

		for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++)
			if (strcmp( pbones[i].name, "Bip01 Spine") == 0)
			memcpy( pos[i], pos2[i], sizeof( pos[i] ));
			memcpy( q[i], q2[i], sizeof( q[i] ));

	for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++) 
		QuaternionMatrix( q[i], bonematrix );

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos[i][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos[i][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos[i][2];

		if (pbones[i].parent == -1) 
			if ( IEngineStudio.IsHardware() )
				ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);

				// MatrixCopy should be faster...
				//ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
				MatrixCopy( (*m_pbonetransform)[i], (*m_plighttransform)[i] );
				ConcatTransforms ((*m_paliastransform), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms ((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);

			// Apply client-side effects to the transformation matrix
			StudioFxTransform( m_pCurrentEntity, (*m_pbonetransform)[i] );
			ConcatTransforms ((*m_pbonetransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
			ConcatTransforms ((*m_plighttransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
Example #8
void C_ServerRagdoll::BuildTransformations( CStudioHdr *hdr, Vector *pos, Quaternion q[], const matrix3x4_t &cameraTransform, int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed )
    if ( !hdr )
    matrix3x4_t bonematrix;
    bool boneSimulated[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

    // no bones have been simulated
    memset( boneSimulated, 0, sizeof(boneSimulated) );
    mstudiobone_t *pbones = hdr->pBone( 0 );

    mstudioseqdesc_t *pSeqDesc = NULL;
    if ( m_nOverlaySequence >= 0 && m_nOverlaySequence < hdr->GetNumSeq() )
        pSeqDesc = &hdr->pSeqdesc( m_nOverlaySequence );

    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < m_elementCount; i++ )
        int index = m_boneIndex[i];
        if ( index >= 0 )
            if ( hdr->boneFlags(index) & boneMask )
                boneSimulated[index] = true;
                matrix3x4_t &matrix = GetBoneForWrite( index );

                if ( m_flBlendWeightCurrent != 0.0f && pSeqDesc &&
                        // FIXME: this bone access is illegal
                        pSeqDesc->weight( index ) != 0.0f )
                    // Use the animated bone position instead
                    boneSimulated[index] = false;
                    AngleMatrix( m_ragAngles[i], m_ragPos[i], matrix );

    for ( i = 0; i < hdr->numbones(); i++ )
        if ( !( hdr->boneFlags( i ) & boneMask ) )

        // BUGBUG: Merge this code with the code in c_baseanimating somehow!!!
        // animate all non-simulated bones
        if ( boneSimulated[i] ||
                CalcProceduralBone( hdr, i, m_BoneAccessor ) )
            QuaternionMatrix( q[i], pos[i], bonematrix );

            if (pbones[i].parent == -1)
                ConcatTransforms( cameraTransform, bonematrix, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );
                ConcatTransforms( GetBone( pbones[i].parent ), bonematrix, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );

        if ( pbones[i].parent == -1 )
            // Apply client-side effects to the transformation matrix
            //	ApplyBoneMatrixTransform( GetBoneForWrite( i ) );
Example #9
/* <16247> ../cstrike/dlls/animation.cpp:1115 */
void SV_StudioSetupBones(model_t *pModel, float frame, int sequence, const vec_t *angles, const vec_t *origin, const byte *pcontroller, const byte *pblending, int iBone, const edict_t *pEdict)
	int i, j;
	float_precision f;
	float subframe;
	mstudiobone_t *pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t *panim;
	float bonematrix[3][4];
	int chainlength;
	vec3_t temp_angles;
	static float pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3], pos2[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static float q[MAXSTUDIOBONES][4], q2[MAXSTUDIOBONES][4];

	g_pstudiohdr = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata(pModel);

	// Bound sequence number
	if (sequence < 0 || sequence >= g_pstudiohdr->numseq)
		sequence = 0;

	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)g_pstudiohdr + g_pstudiohdr->boneindex);
	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)g_pstudiohdr + g_pstudiohdr->seqindex) + sequence;
	panim = StudioGetAnim(pModel, pseqdesc);

	if (iBone < -1 || iBone >= g_pstudiohdr->numbones)
		iBone = 0;

	if (iBone == -1)
		chainlength = g_pstudiohdr->numbones;

		for (i = 0; i < chainlength; i++)
			chain[(chainlength - i) - 1] = i;
		chainlength = 0;

		for (i = iBone; i != -1; i = pbones[i].parent)
			chain[chainlength++] = i;

	f = StudioEstimateFrame(frame, pseqdesc);
	subframe = (int)f;
	f -= subframe;

	StudioCalcBoneAdj(0, adj, pcontroller, pcontroller, 0);
	StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

	if (pseqdesc->numblends != 9)
		if (pseqdesc->numblends > 1)
			float b = (float_precision)pblending[0] / 255.0f;
			pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)g_pstudiohdr + g_pstudiohdr->seqindex) + sequence;
			panim = StudioGetAnim(pModel, pseqdesc);
			panim += g_pstudiohdr->numbones;

			StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);
			StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q2, pos2, b);
	// This game knows how to do nine way blending
		static float pos3[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3], pos4[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
		static float q3[MAXSTUDIOBONES][4], q4[MAXSTUDIOBONES][4];
		float_precision s, t;

		s = GetPlayerYaw(pEdict);
		t = GetPlayerPitch(pEdict);

		// Blending is 0-127 == Left to Middle, 128 to 255 == Middle to right
		if (s <= 127.0f)
			// Scale 0-127 blending up to 0-255
			s = (s * 2.0f);

			if (t <= 127.0f)
				t = (t * 2.0f);

				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 1);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 3);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);
				t = 2.0f * (t - 127.0f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 3);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 6);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 7);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);
			// Scale 127-255 blending up to 0-255
			s = 2.0f * (s - 127.0f);

			if (t <= 127.0f)
				t = (t * 2.0f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 1);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 2);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 5);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);
				t = 2.0f * (t - 127.0f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 5);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 7);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pModel, pseqdesc, 8);
				StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, subframe, f);

		// Normalize interpolant
		s /= 255.0f;
		t /= 255.0f;

		// Spherically interpolate the bones
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q2, pos2, s);
		StudioSlerpBones(q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s);
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q3, pos3, t);

	if (pseqdesc->numblends == 9 && sequence < ANIM_FIRST_DEATH_SEQUENCE && sequence != ANIM_SWIM_1 && sequence != ANIM_SWIM_2)
		int copy = 1;
		int gaitsequence = GetPlayerGaitsequence(pEdict);	// calc gait animation

		if (gaitsequence < 0 || gaitsequence >= g_pstudiohdr->numseq)
			gaitsequence = 0;

		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)g_pstudiohdr + g_pstudiohdr->seqindex) + gaitsequence;

		panim = StudioGetAnim(pModel, pseqdesc);
		StudioCalcRotations(pbones, chain, chainlength, adj, pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, 0, 0);

		for (i = 0; i < g_pstudiohdr->numbones; i++)
			if (!Q_strcmp(pbones[i].name, "Bip01 Spine"))
				copy = 0;
			else if (!Q_strcmp(pbones[pbones[i].parent].name, "Bip01 Pelvis"))
				copy = 1;

			if (copy)
				Q_memcpy(pos[i], pos2[i], sizeof(pos[i]));
				Q_memcpy(q[i], q2[i], sizeof(q[i]));

	VectorCopy(angles, temp_angles);

	if (pEdict != NULL)
		temp_angles[1] = UTIL_GetPlayerGaitYaw(ENTINDEX(pEdict));

		if (temp_angles[1] < 0)
			temp_angles[1] += 360.0f;

	AngleMatrix(temp_angles, (*g_pRotationMatrix));

	(*g_pRotationMatrix)[0][3] = origin[0];
	(*g_pRotationMatrix)[1][3] = origin[1];
	(*g_pRotationMatrix)[2][3] = origin[2];

	for (i = chainlength - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		j = chain[i];
		QuaternionMatrix(q[j], bonematrix);

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos[j][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos[j][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos[j][2];

		if (pbones[j].parent == -1)
			ConcatTransforms((*g_pRotationMatrix), bonematrix, (*g_pBoneTransform)[j]);
			ConcatTransforms((*g_pBoneTransform)[pbones[j].parent], bonematrix, (*g_pBoneTransform)[j]);
void StudioModel::SetUpBones ( void )
	int					i;

	mstudiobone_t		*pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t	*pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t		*panim;

	static vec3_t		pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	float				bonematrix[3][4];
	static vec4_t		q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	static vec3_t		pos2[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static vec4_t		q2[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static vec3_t		pos3[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static vec4_t		q3[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static vec3_t		pos4[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static vec4_t		q4[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	if (m_sequence >=  m_pstudiohdr->numseq) {
		m_sequence = 0;

	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pstudiohdr + m_pstudiohdr->seqindex) + m_sequence;

	panim = GetAnim( pseqdesc );
	CalcRotations( pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, m_frame );

	if (pseqdesc->numblends > 1)
		float				s;

		panim += m_pstudiohdr->numbones;
		CalcRotations( pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_frame );
		s = m_blending[0] / 255.0;

		SlerpBones( q, pos, q2, pos2, s );

		if (pseqdesc->numblends == 4)
			panim += m_pstudiohdr->numbones;
			CalcRotations( pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_frame );

			panim += m_pstudiohdr->numbones;
			CalcRotations( pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_frame );

			s = m_blending[0] / 255.0;
			SlerpBones( q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s );

			s = m_blending[1] / 255.0;
			SlerpBones( q, pos, q3, pos3, s );

	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pstudiohdr + m_pstudiohdr->boneindex);

	for (i = 0; i < m_pstudiohdr->numbones; i++) {
		QuaternionMatrix( q[i], bonematrix );

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos[i][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos[i][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos[i][2];

		if (pbones[i].parent == -1) {
			memcpy(g_bonetransform[i], bonematrix, sizeof(float) * 12);
		else {
			R_ConcatTransforms (g_bonetransform[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, g_bonetransform[i]);

void CGameStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetupBones(void)
	int    i;
	double f;

	mstudiobone_t *   pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t *   panim;

	static float  pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	float         bonematrix[3][4];

	static float  pos2[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q2[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float  pos3[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q3[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float  pos4[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q4[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	// Use default bone setup for nonplayers

	// Bound sequence number.
	if(m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence >= m_pStudioHeader->numseq)
		m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence = 0;

	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence;

	if(m_pPlayerInfo && m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence != 0)
		f = m_pPlayerInfo->gaitframe;
		f = StudioEstimateFrame(pseqdesc);

	// This game knows how to do three way blending
	if(pseqdesc->numblends == 3)
		float s;

		// Get left anim
		panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);

		// Blending is 0-127 == Left to Middle, 128 to 255 == Middle to right
		if(m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] <= 127)
			StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);

			// Scale 0-127 blending up to 0-255
			s = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0];
			s = (s * 2.0);
			// Skip ahead to middle
			panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;

			StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);

			// Scale 127-255 blending up to 0-255
			s = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0];
			s = 2.0 * (s - 127.0);

		// Normalize interpolant
		s /= 255.0;

		// Go to middle or right
		panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;

		StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f);

		// Spherically interpolate the bones
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q2, pos2, s);
		panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);
		StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);

	// Are we in the process of transitioning from one sequence to another.
	if(m_fDoInterp &&
	   m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime &&
	   (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime + 0.2 > m_clTime) &&
	   (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence < m_pStudioHeader->numseq))
		// blend from last sequence
		static float  pos1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
		static vec4_t q1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
		float         s;

		// Blending value into last sequence
		unsigned char prevseqblending = m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0];

		// Point at previous sequenece
		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence;

		// Know how to do three way blends
		if(pseqdesc->numblends == 3)
			float s;

			// Get left animation
			panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);

			if(prevseqblending <= 127)
				// Set up bones based on final frame of previous sequence
				StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

				s = prevseqblending;
				s = (s * 2.0);
				// Skip to middle blend
				panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;

				StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

				s = prevseqblending;
				s = 2.0 * (s - 127.0);

			// Normalize
			s /= 255.0;

			panim += m_pStudioHeader->numbones;
			StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

			// Interpolate bones
			StudioSlerpBones(q1b, pos1b, q2, pos2, s);
			panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);
			// clip prevframe
			StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

		// Now blend last frame of previous sequence with current sequence.
		s = 1.0 - (m_clTime - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime) / 0.2;
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q1b, pos1b, s);
		m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe = f;

	// Now convert quaternions and bone positions into matrices
	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);

	for(i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++)
		QuaternionMatrix(q[i], bonematrix);

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos[i][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos[i][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos[i][2];

		if(pbones[i].parent == -1)
				ConcatTransforms((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms((*m_paliastransform), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);

			// Apply client-side effects to the transformation matrix
			StudioFxTransform(m_pCurrentEntity, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
			ConcatTransforms((*m_pbonetransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
			ConcatTransforms((*m_plighttransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
void CGameStudioModelRenderer::StudioSetupBones(void)
	int i;
	double f;

	mstudiobone_t *pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
	mstudioanim_t *panim;

	static float pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	float bonematrix[3][4];

	static float pos2[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q2[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float pos3[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q3[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	static float pos4[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
	static vec4_t q4[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	if (!m_pCurrentEntity->player)

	if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence >= m_pStudioHeader->numseq)
		m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence = 0;

	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence;
	panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);

	f = StudioEstimateFrame(pseqdesc);

	if (m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence == ANIM_WALK_SEQUENCE)
		if (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] <= 26)
			m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] = 0;
			m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0];
			m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0] -= 26;
			m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0] = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0];

	if (pseqdesc->numblends == 9)
		float s = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[0];
		float t = m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.blending[1];

		if (s <= 127.0)
			s = (s * 2.0);

			if (t <= 127.0)
				t = (t * 2.0);

				StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 1);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 3);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				t = 2.0 * (t - 127.0);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 3);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 6);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 7);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, f);
			s = 2.0 * (s - 127.0);

			if (t <= 127.0)
				t = (t * 2.0);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 1);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 2);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 5);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				t = 2.0 * (t - 127.0);

				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 5);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 7);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, f);
				panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 8);
				StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, f);

		s /= 255.0;
		t /= 255.0;

		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q2, pos2, s);
		StudioSlerpBones(q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s);
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q3, pos3, t);
		StudioCalcRotations(pos, q, pseqdesc, panim, f);

	if (m_fDoInterp && m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime && (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime + 0.2 > m_clTime) && (m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence < m_pStudioHeader->numseq))
		static float pos1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
		static vec4_t q1b[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
		float s = m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[0];
		float t = m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevseqblending[1];

		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex) + m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevsequence;
		panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);

		if (pseqdesc->numblends == 9)
			if (s <= 127.0)
				s = (s * 2.0);

				if (t <= 127.0)
					t = (t * 2.0);

					StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 1);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 3);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					t = 2.0 * (t - 127.0);

					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 3);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 6);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 7);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
				s = 2.0 * (s - 127.0);

				if (t <= 127.0)
					t = (t * 2.0);

					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 1);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 2);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 5);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					t = 2.0 * (t - 127.0);

					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 4);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 5);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 7);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos3, q3, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);
					panim = LookupAnimation(pseqdesc, 8);
					StudioCalcRotations(pos4, q4, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

			s /= 255.0;
			t /= 255.0;

			StudioSlerpBones(q1b, pos1b, q2, pos2, s);
			StudioSlerpBones(q3, pos3, q4, pos4, s);
			StudioSlerpBones(q1b, pos1b, q3, pos3, t);
			StudioCalcRotations(pos1b, q1b, pseqdesc, panim, m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe);

		s = 1.0 - (m_clTime - m_pCurrentEntity->latched.sequencetime) / 0.2;
		StudioSlerpBones(q, pos, q1b, pos1b, s);
		m_pCurrentEntity->latched.prevframe = f;

	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->boneindex);

	if (m_pPlayerInfo && (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence < ANIM_FIRST_DEATH_SEQUENCE || m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence > ANIM_LAST_DEATH_SEQUENCE) && (m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence < ANIM_FIRST_EMOTION_SEQUENCE || m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence > ANIM_LAST_EMOTION_SEQUENCE) && m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence != ANIM_SWIM_1 && m_pCurrentEntity->curstate.sequence != ANIM_SWIM_2)
		int copy = 1;

		if (m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence >= m_pStudioHeader->numseq)
			m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence = 0;

		pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqindex ) + m_pPlayerInfo->gaitsequence;

		panim = StudioGetAnim(m_pRenderModel, pseqdesc);
		StudioCalcRotations(pos2, q2, pseqdesc, panim, m_pPlayerInfo->gaitframe);

		for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++)
			if (!strcmp(pbones[i].name, "Bip01 Spine"))
				copy = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(pbones[pbones[i].parent].name, "Bip01 Pelvis"))
				copy = 1;

			if (copy)
				memcpy(pos[i], pos2[i], sizeof(pos[i]));
				memcpy(q[i], q2[i], sizeof(q[i]));

	for (i = 0; i < m_pStudioHeader->numbones; i++)
		QuaternionMatrix(q[i], bonematrix);

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos[i][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos[i][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos[i][2];

		if (pbones[i].parent == -1)
			if (IEngineStudio.IsHardware())
				ConcatTransforms((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				MatrixCopy((*m_pbonetransform)[i], (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms((*m_paliastransform), bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
				ConcatTransforms((*m_protationmatrix), bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);

			StudioFxTransform(m_pCurrentEntity, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
			ConcatTransforms((*m_pbonetransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_pbonetransform)[i]);
			ConcatTransforms((*m_plighttransform)[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, (*m_plighttransform)[i]);
void C_GStringPlayerRagdoll::BuildTransformations( CStudioHdr *hdr, Vector *pos, Quaternion *q,
	const matrix3x4_t &cameraTransform, int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed )
	if ( !hdr )

	matrix3x4_t bonematrix;
	bool boneSimulated[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	// no bones have been simulated
	memset( boneSimulated, 0, sizeof(boneSimulated) );
	mstudiobone_t *pbones = hdr->pBone( 0 );

	if ( m_pRagdoll )
		// simulate bones and update flags
		int oldWritableBones = m_BoneAccessor.GetWritableBones();
		int oldReadableBones = m_BoneAccessor.GetReadableBones();
		m_BoneAccessor.SetWritableBones( BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );
		m_BoneAccessor.SetReadableBones( BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
		// If we're playing back a demo, override the ragdoll bones with cached version if available - otherwise, simulate.
		if ( ( !engine->IsPlayingDemo() && !engine->IsPlayingTimeDemo() ) ||
				!CReplayRagdollCache::Instance().IsInitialized() ||
				!CReplayRagdollCache::Instance().GetFrame( this, engine->GetDemoPlaybackTick(), boneSimulated, &m_BoneAccessor ) )
			m_pRagdoll->RagdollBone( this, pbones, hdr->numbones(), boneSimulated, m_BoneAccessor );
		m_BoneAccessor.SetWritableBones( oldWritableBones );
		m_BoneAccessor.SetReadableBones( oldReadableBones );

	// For EF_BONEMERGE entities, copy the bone matrices for any bones that have matching names.
	bool boneMerge = IsEffectActive(EF_BONEMERGE);
	if ( boneMerge || m_pBoneMergeCache )
		if ( boneMerge )
			if ( !m_pBoneMergeCache )
				m_pBoneMergeCache = new CBoneMergeCache;
				m_pBoneMergeCache->Init( this );
			m_pBoneMergeCache->MergeMatchingBones( boneMask );
			delete m_pBoneMergeCache;
			m_pBoneMergeCache = NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < hdr->numbones(); i++) 
		if ( i == m_iBoneHead )
			MatrixScaleBy( 0.01f, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );

		// Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
		if ( !( hdr->boneFlags( i ) & boneMask ) )

		if ( m_pBoneMergeCache && m_pBoneMergeCache->IsBoneMerged( i ) )

		// animate all non-simulated bones
		if ( boneSimulated[i] || CalcProceduralBone( hdr, i, m_BoneAccessor ))
		// skip bones that the IK has already setup
		else if (boneComputed.IsBoneMarked( i ))
			// dummy operation, just used to verify in debug that this should have happened
			GetBoneForWrite( i );
			QuaternionMatrix( q[i], pos[i], bonematrix );

			Assert( fabs( pos[i].x ) < 100000 );
			Assert( fabs( pos[i].y ) < 100000 );
			Assert( fabs( pos[i].z ) < 100000 );

			if ( (hdr->boneFlags( i ) & BONE_ALWAYS_PROCEDURAL) && 
					(hdr->pBone( i )->proctype & STUDIO_PROC_JIGGLE) )
				// Physics-based "jiggle" bone
				// Bone is assumed to be along the Z axis
				// Pitch around X, yaw around Y

				// compute desired bone orientation
				matrix3x4_t goalMX;

				if (pbones[i].parent == -1) 
					ConcatTransforms( cameraTransform, bonematrix, goalMX );
					ConcatTransforms( GetBone( pbones[i].parent ), bonematrix, goalMX );

				// get jiggle properties from QC data
				mstudiojigglebone_t *jiggleInfo = (mstudiojigglebone_t *)pbones[i].pProcedure( );

				if (!m_pJiggleBones)
					m_pJiggleBones = new CJiggleBones;

				// do jiggle physics
				m_pJiggleBones->BuildJiggleTransformations( i, gpGlobals->realtime, jiggleInfo, goalMX, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );

			else if (hdr->boneParent(i) == -1) 
				ConcatTransforms( cameraTransform, bonematrix, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );
				ConcatTransforms( GetBone( hdr->boneParent(i) ), bonematrix, GetBoneForWrite( i ) );
Example #14
/* <836d8> ../engine/r_studio.c:696 */
void EXT_FUNC SV_StudioSetupBones(model_t *pModel, float frame, int sequence, const vec_t *angles, const vec_t *origin, const unsigned char *pcontroller, const unsigned char *pblending, int iBone, const edict_t *edict)
	static vec4_t q1[128];
	static vec3_t pos1[128];
	static vec4_t q2[128];
	static vec3_t pos2[128];

	int chainlength;
	mstudiobone_t *pbones;
	mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
	int chain[128];
	float bonematrix[3][4];
	mstudioanim_t *panim;
	float f;
	float adj[8];
	float s;

	chainlength = 0;
	if (sequence < 0 || sequence >= pstudiohdr->numseq)
		Con_DPrintf("SV_StudioSetupBones:  sequence %i/%i out of range for model %s\n", sequence, pstudiohdr->numseq, pstudiohdr->name);
		sequence = 0;
	pbones = (mstudiobone_t *)((char *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->boneindex);
	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((char *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->seqindex);
	pseqdesc += sequence;
	panim = R_GetAnim(pModel, pseqdesc);

	if (iBone < -1 || iBone >= pstudiohdr->numbones)
		iBone = 0;

	if (iBone != -1)
			chain[chainlength++] = iBone;
			iBone = pbones[iBone].parent;
		} while (iBone != -1);
		chainlength = pstudiohdr->numbones;
		for (int i = 0; i < pstudiohdr->numbones; i++)
			chain[pstudiohdr->numbones - 1 - i] = i;

	f = (pseqdesc->numframes > 1) ? (pseqdesc->numframes - 1) * frame / 256.0f : 0.0f;

	R_StudioCalcBoneAdj(0.0, adj, pcontroller, pcontroller, 0);
	s = f - (float)(int)f;

	for (int i = chainlength - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		int bone = chain[i];
		R_StudioCalcBoneQuaterion((int)f, s, &pbones[bone], &panim[bone], adj, q1[bone]);
		R_StudioCalcBonePosition((int)f, s, &pbones[bone], &panim[bone], adj, pos1[bone]);


	if (pseqdesc->numblends > 1)
		panim = R_GetAnim(pModel, pseqdesc);
		panim += pstudiohdr->numbones;

		for (int i = chainlength - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			int bone = chain[i];
			R_StudioCalcBoneQuaterion((int)f, s, &pbones[bone], &panim[bone], adj, q2[bone]);
			R_StudioCalcBonePosition((int)f, s, &pbones[bone], &panim[bone], adj, pos2[bone]);

		R_StudioSlerpBones(q1, pos1, q2, pos2, *pblending / 255.0f);

	AngleMatrix(angles, rotationmatrix);
	rotationmatrix[0][3] = origin[0];
	rotationmatrix[1][3] = origin[1];
	rotationmatrix[2][3] = origin[2];
	for (int i = chainlength - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		int bone = chain[i];
		int parent = pbones[bone].parent;
		QuaternionMatrix(q1[bone], bonematrix);

		bonematrix[0][3] = pos1[bone][0];
		bonematrix[1][3] = pos1[bone][1];
		bonematrix[2][3] = pos1[bone][2];
		R_ConcatTransforms((parent == -1) ? rotationmatrix : bonetransform[parent], bonematrix, bonetransform[bone]);
Example #15
void msModel::EvaluateJoint(int index, float frame)
	ms3d_joint_t *joint = &m_joints[index];

	// calculate joint animation matrix, this matrix will animate matLocalSkeleton
	vec3_t pos = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	int numPositionKeys = (int) joint->positionKeys.size();
	if (numPositionKeys > 0)
		int i1 = -1;
		int i2 = -1;

		// find the two keys, where "frame" is in between for the position channel
		for (int i = 0; i < (numPositionKeys - 1); i++)
			if (frame >= joint->positionKeys[i].time && frame < joint->positionKeys[i + 1].time)
				i1 = i;
				i2 = i + 1;

		// if there are no such keys
		if (i1 == -1 || i2 == -1)
			// either take the first
			if (frame < joint->positionKeys[0].time)
				pos[0] = joint->positionKeys[0].key[0];
				pos[1] = joint->positionKeys[0].key[1];
				pos[2] = joint->positionKeys[0].key[2];

			// or the last key
			else if (frame >= joint->positionKeys[numPositionKeys - 1].time)
				pos[0] = joint->positionKeys[numPositionKeys - 1].key[0];
				pos[1] = joint->positionKeys[numPositionKeys - 1].key[1];
				pos[2] = joint->positionKeys[numPositionKeys - 1].key[2];

		// there are such keys, so interpolate using hermite interpolation
			ms3d_keyframe_t *p0 = &joint->positionKeys[i1];
			ms3d_keyframe_t *p1 = &joint->positionKeys[i2];
			ms3d_tangent_t *m0 = &joint->tangents[i1];
			ms3d_tangent_t *m1 = &joint->tangents[i2];

			// normalize the time between the keys into [0..1]
			float t = (frame - joint->positionKeys[i1].time) / (joint->positionKeys[i2].time - joint->positionKeys[i1].time);
			float t2 = t * t;
			float t3 = t2 * t;

			// calculate hermite basis
			float h1 =  2.0f * t3 - 3.0f * t2 + 1.0f;
			float h2 = -2.0f * t3 + 3.0f * t2;
			float h3 =         t3 - 2.0f * t2 + t;
			float h4 =         t3 -        t2;

			// do hermite interpolation
			pos[0] = h1 * p0->key[0] + h3 * m0->tangentOut[0] + h2 * p1->key[0] + h4 * m1->tangentIn[0];
			pos[1] = h1 * p0->key[1] + h3 * m0->tangentOut[1] + h2 * p1->key[1] + h4 * m1->tangentIn[1];
			pos[2] = h1 * p0->key[2] + h3 * m0->tangentOut[2] + h2 * p1->key[2] + h4 * m1->tangentIn[2];

	vec4_t quat = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	int numRotationKeys = (int) joint->rotationKeys.size();
	if (numRotationKeys > 0)
		int i1 = -1;
		int i2 = -1;

		// find the two keys, where "frame" is in between for the rotation channel
		for (int i = 0; i < (numRotationKeys - 1); i++)
			if (frame >= joint->rotationKeys[i].time && frame < joint->rotationKeys[i + 1].time)
				i1 = i;
				i2 = i + 1;

		// if there are no such keys
		if (i1 == -1 || i2 == -1)
			// either take the first key
			if (frame < joint->rotationKeys[0].time)
				AngleQuaternion(joint->rotationKeys[0].key, quat);

			// or the last key
			else if (frame >= joint->rotationKeys[numRotationKeys - 1].time)
				AngleQuaternion(joint->rotationKeys[numRotationKeys - 1].key, quat);

		// there are such keys, so do the quaternion slerp interpolation
			float t = (frame - joint->rotationKeys[i1].time) / (joint->rotationKeys[i2].time - joint->rotationKeys[i1].time);
			vec4_t q1;
			AngleQuaternion(joint->rotationKeys[i1].key, q1);
			vec4_t q2;
			AngleQuaternion(joint->rotationKeys[i2].key, q2);
			QuaternionSlerp(q1, q2, t, quat);

	// make a matrix from pos/quat
	float matAnimate[3][4];
	QuaternionMatrix(quat, matAnimate);
	matAnimate[0][3] = pos[0];
	matAnimate[1][3] = pos[1];
	matAnimate[2][3] = pos[2];

	// animate the local joint matrix using: matLocal = matLocalSkeleton * matAnimate
	R_ConcatTransforms(joint->matLocalSkeleton, matAnimate, joint->matLocal);

	// build up the hierarchy if joints
	// matGlobal = matGlobal(parent) * matLocal
	if (joint->parentIndex == -1)
		memcpy(joint->matGlobal, joint->matLocal, sizeof(joint->matGlobal));
		ms3d_joint_t *parentJoint = &m_joints[joint->parentIndex];
		R_ConcatTransforms(parentJoint->matGlobal, joint->matLocal, joint->matGlobal);
Example #16
void CDmeMDL::SetUpBones( CStudioHdr &studioHdr, const matrix3x4_t& shapeToWorld, int nMaxBoneCount, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld )
	// Default to middle of the pose parameter range
	float pPoseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM; ++i )
		pPoseParameter[i] = 0.5f;

	int nFrameCount = Studio_MaxFrame( &studioHdr, m_nSequence, pPoseParameter );
	if ( nFrameCount == 0 )
		nFrameCount = 1;
	float flCycle = ( m_flTime * m_flPlaybackRate ) / nFrameCount;

	// FIXME: We're always wrapping; may want to determing if we should clamp
	flCycle -= (int)(flCycle);

	Quaternion	q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	InitPose( &studioHdr, pos, q, BoneMask( ) );
	AccumulatePose( &studioHdr, NULL, pos, q, m_nSequence, flCycle, pPoseParameter, BoneMask( ), 1.0f, m_flTime );

	// FIXME: Try enabling this?
//	CalcAutoplaySequences( pStudioHdr, NULL, pos, q, pPoseParameter, BoneMask( ), flTime );

	// Root transform
	matrix3x4_t rootToWorld, temp;

	// Rotate the root transform to make it align with DMEs
	// DMEs up vector is the y axis
	if ( !m_bDrawInEngine )
		matrix3x4_t engineToDme;
		EngineToDmeMatrix( engineToDme );
		ConcatTransforms( engineToDme, shapeToWorld, rootToWorld );
		MatrixCopy( shapeToWorld, rootToWorld );

	if ( nMaxBoneCount > studioHdr.numbones() )
		nMaxBoneCount = studioHdr.numbones();

	for ( int i = 0; i < nMaxBoneCount; i++ ) 
		// If it's not being used, fill with NAN for errors
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( !(studioHdr.pBone( i )->flags & BoneMask()))
			int j, k;
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
					pBoneToWorld[i][j][k] = VEC_T_NAN;

		matrix3x4_t boneMatrix;
		QuaternionMatrix( q[i], boneMatrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( pos[i], 3, boneMatrix );

		if (studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent == -1) 
			ConcatTransforms( rootToWorld, boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i] );
			ConcatTransforms( pBoneToWorld[ studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent ], boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i] );
// Set up the bones for a frame
matrix3x4_t* CIHVTestApp::SetUpBones( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const matrix3x4_t &shapeToWorld, int iRun, int model, int boneMask )
	// Default to middle of the pose parameter range
	float pPoseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
	for ( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM; ++i )
		pPoseParameter[i] = 0.5f;

	CStudioHdr studioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );

	int nFrameCount = Studio_MaxFrame( &studioHdr, g_BenchRuns[iRun].sequence1[model], pPoseParameter );
	if ( nFrameCount == 0 )
		nFrameCount = 1;

	Quaternion	q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

	InitPose( &studioHdr, pos, q, boneMask );
	AccumulatePose( &studioHdr, NULL, pos, q, g_BenchRuns[iRun].sequence1[model], s_Cycle[model], pPoseParameter, boneMask, 1.0f, 0.0 );

	// FIXME: Try enabling this?
//	CalcAutoplaySequences( pStudioHdr, NULL, pos, q, pPoseParameter, BoneMask( ), flTime );

	// Root transform
	matrix3x4_t rootToWorld, temp;

	MatrixCopy( shapeToWorld, rootToWorld );

	matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld = g_pStudioRender->LockBoneMatrices( studioHdr.numbones() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < studioHdr.numbones(); i++ ) 
		// If it's not being used, fill with NAN for errors
		if ( !(studioHdr.pBone( i )->flags & boneMask) )
			int j, k;
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
					pBoneToWorld[i][j][k] = VEC_T_NAN;

		matrix3x4_t boneMatrix;
		QuaternionMatrix( q[i], boneMatrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( pos[i], 3, boneMatrix );

		if (studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent == -1) 
			ConcatTransforms (rootToWorld, boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i]);
			ConcatTransforms (pBoneToWorld[ studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent ], boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i] );
	return pBoneToWorld;