Example #1
    DrawablePtr pDrawable,
    GC		*pGC,
    int		 x,
    int		 y,
    unsigned int nglyph,
    CharInfoPtr *ppci,		/* array of character info */
    pointer      pglyphBase	/* start of array of glyphs */
    ExtentInfoRec info;		/* used by QueryGlyphExtents() */
    ChangeGCVal gcvals[3];
    int oldAlu, oldFS;
    unsigned long	oldFG;
    xRectangle backrect;

    QueryGlyphExtents(pGC->font, ppci, (unsigned long)nglyph, &info);

    if (info.overallWidth >= 0)
    	backrect.x = x;
    	backrect.width = info.overallWidth;
	backrect.x = x + info.overallWidth;
	backrect.width = -info.overallWidth;
    backrect.y = y - FONTASCENT(pGC->font);
    backrect.height = FONTASCENT(pGC->font) + FONTDESCENT(pGC->font);

    oldAlu = pGC->alu;
    oldFG = pGC->fgPixel;
    oldFS = pGC->fillStyle;

    /* fill in the background */
    gcvals[0].val = GXcopy;
    gcvals[1].val = pGC->bgPixel;
    gcvals[2].val = FillSolid;
    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, GCFunction|GCForeground|GCFillStyle, gcvals);
    ValidateGC(pDrawable, pGC);
    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDrawable, pGC, 1, &backrect);

    /* put down the glyphs */
    gcvals[0].val = oldFG;
    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, GCForeground, gcvals);
    ValidateGC(pDrawable, pGC);
    (*pGC->ops->PolyGlyphBlt)(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci,

    /* put all the toys away when done playing */
    gcvals[0].val = oldAlu;
    gcvals[1].val = oldFG;
    gcvals[2].val = oldFS;
    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, GCFunction|GCForeground|GCFillStyle, gcvals);
    ValidateGC(pDrawable, pGC);

Example #2
QueryTextExtents(FontPtr pFont, 
		 unsigned long count, 
		 unsigned char *chars, 
		 ExtentInfoRec *info)
    xCharInfo     **charinfo;
    unsigned long   n;
    FontEncoding    encoding;
    int             cm;
    int             i;
    unsigned long   t;
    xCharInfo      *defaultChar = 0;
    unsigned char   defc[2];
    int             firstReal;

    charinfo = (xCharInfo **) xalloc(count * sizeof(xCharInfo *));
    if (!charinfo)
	return FALSE;
    encoding = TwoD16Bit;
    if (pFont->info.lastRow == 0)
	encoding = Linear16Bit;
    (*pFont->get_metrics) (pFont, count, chars, encoding, &n, charinfo);

    /* Do default character substitution as get_metrics doesn't */

#define IsNonExistentChar(ci) (!(ci) || \
			       ((ci)->ascent == 0 && \
			       (ci)->descent == 0 && \
			       (ci)->leftSideBearing == 0 && \
			       (ci)->rightSideBearing == 0 && \
			       (ci)->characterWidth == 0))

    firstReal = n;
    defc[0] = pFont->info.defaultCh >> 8;
    defc[1] = pFont->info.defaultCh;
    (*pFont->get_metrics) (pFont, 1, defc, encoding, &t, &defaultChar);
    if ((IsNonExistentChar (defaultChar)))
	defaultChar = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	if ((IsNonExistentChar (charinfo[i])))
	    if (!defaultChar)
	    charinfo[i] = defaultChar;
	if (firstReal == n)
	    firstReal = i;
    cm = pFont->info.constantMetrics;
    pFont->info.constantMetrics = FALSE;
    QueryGlyphExtents(pFont, (CharInfoPtr*) charinfo + firstReal, 
		      n - firstReal, info);
    pFont->info.constantMetrics = cm;
    return TRUE;
xf4bppImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GC *pGC, int x, int y,
		    unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase)
    ExtentInfoRec info;	/* used by QueryGlyphExtents() */
    xRectangle backrect;/* backing rectangle to paint.
			   in the general case, NOT necessarily
			   the same as the string's bounding box
    /* GJA -- I agree, this ALL should be moved to GC validation. */
    if ( (pDrawable->type != DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || (pGC->alu != GXcopy) ||
         !xf86Screens[pDrawable->pScreen->myNum]->vtSema ||
         ((pGC->font) &&
	    (FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font,rightSideBearing) -
	     FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font,leftSideBearing) > 32 ||
	     FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font,characterWidth) < 0)) ) {
       miImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
    } else {
       ppcPrivGC *pPrivGC;
       int oldfillStyle, oldfg, oldalu;

       if (!(pGC->planemask & 0x0F))

       QueryGlyphExtents(pGC->font, ppci, (unsigned long)nglyph, &info);

       backrect.x = x;
       backrect.y = y - FONTASCENT(pGC->font);
       backrect.width = info.overallWidth;
       backrect.height = FONTASCENT(pGC->font) + FONTDESCENT(pGC->font);

       pPrivGC = pGC->devPrivates[mfbGCPrivateIndex].ptr;
       oldfillStyle = pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle; /* GJA */
       oldfg = pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel; /* GJA */
       oldalu = pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu; /* GJA */

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle = FillSolid; /* GJA */
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel = pGC->bgPixel; /* GJA */
       pGC->fgPixel = pGC->bgPixel;
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu = GXcopy; /* GJA */
       pGC->alu = GXcopy;

       /* Required fields:
        * colorRrop.alu, colorRrop.planemask, colorRrop.fgPixel
       xf4bppPolyFillRect(pDrawable, pGC, 1, &backrect);

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel = oldfg; /* GJA */
       pGC->fgPixel = oldfg;

       /* the faint-hearted can open their eyes now */

       DO_WM3(pGC,doImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci,

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle = oldfillStyle; /* GJA */
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu = oldalu; /* GJA */
       pGC->alu = oldalu;
