Example #1
* R_BatchCoronaSurf
void R_BatchCoronaSurf( const entity_t *e, const shader_t *shader, 
	const mfog_t *fog, drawSurfaceType_t *drawSurf )
	int i;
	vec3_t origin, point;
	vec3_t v_left, v_up;
	dlight_t *light = rsc.dlights + (drawSurf - r_coronaSurfs);
	float radius = light->intensity, colorscale;
	float up = radius, down = -radius, left = -radius, right = radius;
	vec4_t xyz[4] = { {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,1} };
	vec4_t normals[4] = { {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0} };
	byte_vec4_t colors[4];
	vec2_t texcoords[4] = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {1,0}, {1,1} };
	mesh_t mesh;

	VectorCopy( light->origin, origin );

	VectorCopy( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_RIGHT], v_left );
	VectorCopy( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_UP], v_up );

	if( rn.renderFlags & RF_MIRRORVIEW )
		VectorInverse( v_left );

	VectorMA( origin, down, v_up, point );
	VectorMA( point, left, v_left, xyz[0] );
	VectorMA( point, right, v_left, xyz[3] );

	VectorMA( origin, up, v_up, point );
	VectorMA( point, left, v_left, xyz[1] );
	VectorMA( point, right, v_left, xyz[2] );

	colorscale = 255.0 * bound( 0, r_coronascale->value, 1.0 );
	Vector4Set( colors[0],
		bound( 0, light->color[0] * colorscale, 255 ),
		bound( 0, light->color[1] * colorscale, 255 ),
		bound( 0, light->color[2] * colorscale, 255 ),
		255 );
	for( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
		Vector4Copy( colors[0], colors[i] );

	// backend knows how to count elements for quads
	memset( &mesh, 0, sizeof( mesh ) );
	mesh.numVerts = 4;
	mesh.xyzArray = xyz;
	mesh.normalsArray = normals;
	mesh.stArray = texcoords;
	mesh.colorsArray[0] = colors;

	RB_BatchMesh( &mesh );
Example #2
* R_BatchPolySurf
void R_BatchPolySurf( const entity_t *e, const shader_t *shader, const mfog_t *fog, drawSurfacePoly_t *poly )
	mesh_t mesh;

	// backend knows how to count elements for quads
	mesh.elems = NULL;
	mesh.numElems = 0;
	mesh.numVerts = poly->numVerts;
	mesh.xyzArray = poly->xyzArray;
	mesh.normalsArray = poly->normalsArray;
	mesh.lmstArray[0] = NULL;
	mesh.stArray = poly->stArray;
	mesh.colorsArray[0] = poly->colorsArray;
	mesh.colorsArray[1] = NULL;

	RB_BatchMesh( &mesh );
Example #3
* R_DrawStretchPoly
void R_DrawStretchPoly( const poly_t *poly, float x_offset, float y_offset )
	mesh_t mesh;

	if( !poly || !poly->shader ) {

	R_BeginStretchBatch( poly->shader, x_offset, y_offset );

	memset( &mesh, 0, sizeof( mesh ) );
	mesh.numVerts = poly->numverts;
	mesh.xyzArray = poly->verts;
	mesh.normalsArray = poly->normals;
	mesh.stArray = poly->stcoords;
	mesh.colorsArray[0] = poly->colors;

	RB_BatchMesh( &mesh );