static VectorClock* readVectorClock(std::istream* inputStream,
                                    int& bytesRead) {
    std::list<std::pair<short, uint64_t> > entries;

    bytesRead = 0;
    uint16_t numEntries;
    READ_SHORT(inputStream, numEntries);
    bytesRead += 2;

    int versionSize = inputStream->get();
    bytesRead += 1;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        short nodeId;

        READ_SHORT(inputStream, nodeId);
        bytesRead += 2;

        uint64_t version = readUINT64(inputStream, versionSize);
        bytesRead += versionSize;
        entries.push_back(std::make_pair(nodeId, version));

    uint64_t timestamp = readUINT64(inputStream, 8);
    bytesRead += 8;
    return new VectorClock(&entries, timestamp);
Example #2
void CHud :: MsgFunc_SetFog( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
//	CONPRINT("MSG:SetFog");
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		 g_fFogColor[ i ] = READ_BYTE();

	g_fFadeDuration = READ_SHORT();
	g_fStartDist = READ_SHORT();

	if (g_fFadeDuration > 0)
//		// fading in
//		g_fStartDist = READ_SHORT();
		g_iFinalEndDist = READ_SHORT();
//		g_fStartDist = FOG_LIMIT;
		g_fEndDist = FOG_LIMIT;
	else if (g_fFadeDuration < 0)
//		// fading out
//		g_iFinalStartDist =
		g_iFinalEndDist = g_fEndDist = READ_SHORT();
//		g_fStartDist = READ_SHORT();
		g_fEndDist = READ_SHORT();
int CHud::MsgFunc_SetFog( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		 g_fFogColor[ i ] = READ_BYTE();

	g_fFadeDuration = READ_SHORT();
	g_fStartDist = READ_SHORT();

	if (g_fFadeDuration > 0)
//		// fading in
		g_iFinalEndDist = READ_SHORT();
		g_fEndDist = FOG_LIMIT;
	else if (g_fFadeDuration < 0)
//		// fading out
		g_iFinalEndDist = g_fEndDist = READ_SHORT();
		g_fEndDist = READ_SHORT();
	return 1;
	// trigger_viewset message
int CHud :: MsgFunc_CamData( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) // rain stuff
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
		gHUD.viewEntityIndex = READ_SHORT();
		gHUD.viewFlags = READ_SHORT();
//	gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Got view entity with index %i\n", gHUD.viewEntityIndex );
	return 1;
Example #5
void CHud :: MsgFunc_InitHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	g_iTeleNum = 0;
	g_bLoadedTeles = false;
	int i;

	//Clear all the teleporters
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TELES; i++ )
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].x = 0.0;
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].y = 0.0;
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].z = 0.0;

		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].x = 0.0;
		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].y = 0.0;
		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].z = 0.0;

	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		 g_iFogColor[ i ] = 0.0;

	g_iStartDist = 0.0;
	g_iEndDist = 0.0;

	// prepare all hud data
	HUDLIST *pList = m_pHudList;

	while (pList)
		if ( pList->p )
		pList = pList->pNext;

	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	g_iTeleNum = READ_BYTE();

	for ( i = 0; i < g_iTeleNum; i++ )
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].x = READ_COORD();
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].y = READ_COORD();
		g_vecTeleMins[ i ].z = READ_COORD();
		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].x = READ_COORD();
		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].y = READ_COORD();
		g_vecTeleMaxs[ i ].z = READ_COORD();

	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		 g_iFogColor[ i ] = READ_SHORT(); // Should just get a byte.

	//If they both are 0, it means no fog for this level.
	g_iStartDist = READ_SHORT(); 
	g_iEndDist = READ_SHORT(); 
//LRC 1.8
void CHud :: MsgFunc_ClampView( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	g_clampMinYaw = READ_SHORT();
	g_clampMaxYaw = READ_SHORT();
	g_clampMinPitch = READ_BYTE() - 128;
	g_clampMaxPitch = READ_BYTE() - 128;
	*(long*)&g_clampTurnSpeed = READ_LONG();
int CHud :: MsgFunc_RainData( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
		Rain.dripsPerSecond =	READ_SHORT();
		Rain.distFromPlayer =	READ_COORD();
		Rain.windX =			READ_COORD();
		Rain.windY =			READ_COORD();
		Rain.randX =			READ_COORD();
		Rain.randY =			READ_COORD();
		Rain.weatherMode =		READ_SHORT();
		Rain.globalHeight =		READ_COORD();
	return 1;
Example #8
int CHud :: MsgFunc_SetFog( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pszName, iSize, pbuf );

	m_vecFogColor.x = (float)(READ_BYTE() / 255.0f);
	m_vecFogColor.y = (float)(READ_BYTE() / 255.0f);
	m_vecFogColor.z = (float)(READ_BYTE() / 255.0f);

	m_flStartDist = READ_SHORT();
          m_flEndDist = READ_SHORT();

	return 1;
int CHud :: MsgFunc_Inventory( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) //AJH inventory system
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
		int i = READ_SHORT();

		if (i==0){ //We've died (or got told to lose all items) so remove inventory.
			for (i=0;i<MAX_ITEMS;i++){
			i-=1;	// subtract one so g_iInventory[0] can be used. (lowest ITEM_* is defined as '1')
			g_iInventory[i] = READ_SHORT();
	return 1;

int CParticleEngine::MsgCreateSystem( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) 
	BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize);

	vec3_t pos;
	pos.x = READ_COORD();
	pos.y = READ_COORD();
	pos.z = READ_COORD();

	vec3_t ang;
	ang.x = READ_COORD();
	ang.y = READ_COORD();
	ang.z = READ_COORD();

	int iType = READ_BYTE();
	char *szPath = READ_STRING();
	int iId = READ_SHORT();

	if(iType == 2)
	else if(iType == 1)
		CreateCluster(szPath, pos, ang, iId);
		CreateSystem(szPath, pos, ang, iId);

	return 1;
Example #11
int CHudScoreboard :: MsgFunc_ScoreInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;

	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	short cl = READ_BYTE();
	short frags = READ_SHORT();
	short deaths = READ_SHORT();

	if ( cl > 0 && cl <= MAX_PLAYERS )
		m_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].frags = frags;
		m_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].deaths = deaths;

	return 1;
Example #12
static void nv30_parse(struct nvbios *bios, char *rom, unsigned short nv_offset)
	unsigned short init_offset = 0;
	unsigned short perf_offset=0;
	unsigned short volt_offset=0;

	int offset = READ_SHORT(rom, nv_offset + 30);
	bios->signon_msg = nv_read(rom, offset);

	init_offset = READ_SHORT(rom, nv_offset + 0x4d);

	volt_offset = READ_SHORT(rom, nv_offset + 0x98);
	parse_voltage_table(bios, rom, volt_offset);

	perf_offset = READ_SHORT(rom, nv_offset + 0x94);
	parse_nv30_performance_table(bios, rom, perf_offset);
void CHud :: MsgFunc_SetFog( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
//	CONPRINT("MSG:SetFog");
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		g_fogPostFade.fogColor[i] = READ_BYTE();

		if ( g_fog.fogColor[i] >= 0 )
			g_fogPreFade.fogColor[i] = g_fog.fogColor[i];
			g_fogPreFade.fogColor[i] = g_fogPostFade.fogColor[i];

	g_fFogFadeDuration = READ_SHORT();

	g_fogPostFade.startDist = READ_SHORT();
	if ( g_fog.startDist >= 0 )
		g_fogPreFade.startDist = g_fog.startDist;
		g_fogPreFade.startDist = g_fogPostFade.startDist;

	g_fogPostFade.endDist = READ_SHORT();
	if ( g_fog.endDist >= 0 )
		g_fogPreFade.endDist = g_fog.endDist;
		g_fogPreFade.endDist = g_fogPostFade.endDist;

	if ( g_fFogFadeDuration < 0 )
		g_fFogFadeDuration *= -1;
		g_fogPostFade.startDist = FOG_LIMIT;
		g_fogPostFade.endDist = FOG_LIMIT;
	else if ( g_fFogFadeDuration == 0 )
		g_fog.endDist = g_fogPostFade.endDist;
		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			g_fogPreFade.fogColor[i] = g_fog.fogColor[i];
	g_fFogFadeFraction = 0;
static void checkException(std::istream* inputStream) {
    uint16_t retCode;
    READ_SHORT(inputStream, retCode);
    if (retCode != 0) {
        retCode = ntohs(retCode);
        std::auto_ptr<std::string> error(readUTF(inputStream));
        throw VoldemortException(error->c_str());
Example #15
// Message handler for ShowMenu message
// takes four values:
// short: a bitfield of keys that are valid input
// char : the duration, in seconds, the menu should stay up. -1 means is stays until something is chosen.
// byte : a boolean, TRUE if there is more string yet to be received before displaying the menu, FALSE if it's the last string
// string: menu string to display
// if this message is never received, then scores will simply be the combined totals of the players.
int CHudMenu :: MsgFunc_ShowMenu( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	char *temp = NULL;

	BEGIN_READ( pszName, pbuf, iSize );

	m_bitsValidSlots = READ_SHORT();
	int DisplayTime = READ_CHAR();
	int NeedMore = READ_BYTE();

	if( DisplayTime > 0 )
		m_flShutoffTime = DisplayTime + gHUD.m_flTime;
		m_flShutoffTime = -1;

	if( m_bitsValidSlots )
		if( !m_fWaitingForMore )
			// this is the start of a new menu
			Q_strncpy( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, READ_STRING(), MAX_MENU_STRING );
			// append to the current menu string
			Q_strncat( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, READ_STRING(), MAX_MENU_STRING - Q_strlen( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ));
		g_szPrelocalisedMenuString[MAX_MENU_STRING-1] = 0;  // ensure null termination (strncat/strncpy does not)

		if( !NeedMore )
			// we have the whole string, so we can localise it now
			Q_strcpy( g_szMenuString, gHUD.m_TextMessage.BufferedLocaliseTextString( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ));

			// Swap in characters
			if( KB_ConvertString( g_szMenuString, &temp ))
				Q_strcpy( g_szMenuString, temp );
				free( temp );

		m_fMenuDisplayed = 1;
		m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;
		m_fMenuDisplayed = 0; // no valid slots means that the menu should be turned off
		m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE;

	m_fWaitingForMore = NeedMore;


	return 1;
Example #16
int CHud::MsgFunc_ScreenShake( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pszName, iSize, pbuf );

	ShakeCommand_t eCommand = (ShakeCommand_t)READ_SHORT();
	float amplitude = (float)(unsigned short)READ_SHORT() * (1.0f / (float)(1<<12));
	float duration = (float)(unsigned short)READ_SHORT() * (1.0f / (float)(1<<12));
	float frequency = (float)(unsigned short)READ_SHORT() * (1.0f / (float)(1<<8));

	if( eCommand == SHAKE_STOP )
		m_Shake.amplitude = 0;
		m_Shake.frequency = 0;
		m_Shake.duration = 0;
		if(( eCommand == SHAKE_START) || ( eCommand == SHAKE_FREQUENCY )) 
			m_Shake.frequency = frequency;

		if(( eCommand == SHAKE_START) || ( eCommand == SHAKE_AMPLITUDE ))
			// don't overwrite larger existing shake unless we are told to.
			if(( amplitude > m_Shake.amplitude ) || ( eCommand == SHAKE_AMPLITUDE ))
				m_Shake.amplitude = amplitude;

		// only reset the timer for a new shake.
		if( eCommand == SHAKE_START )
			m_Shake.duration = duration;
			m_Shake.nextShake = 0;
			m_Shake.time = m_flTime + duration;


	return 1;
Example #17
int CHudMenu::MsgFunc_VGUIMenu( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize);

	int menuType = READ_BYTE();
	m_bitsValidSlots = READ_SHORT(); // is ignored

	return 1;
void __MsgFunc_TerrainMod( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	CTerrainModParams params;

	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	unsigned char type = READ_BYTE();

	params.m_vCenter.x = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vCenter.y = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vCenter.z = READ_FLOAT();

	params.m_flRadius   = RemapVal( READ_SHORT(), 0, 65535, MIN_TMOD_RADIUS, MAX_TMOD_RADIUS );

	params.m_vecMin.x = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vecMin.y = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vecMin.z = READ_FLOAT();

	params.m_vecMax.x = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vecMax.y = READ_FLOAT();
	params.m_vecMax.z = READ_FLOAT();

	params.m_flStrength = READ_FLOAT();

	params.m_Flags = READ_BYTE();

	if( type == TMod_Suck && (params.m_Flags & CTerrainModParams::TMOD_SUCKTONORMAL) )
		params.m_vNormal.x = READ_FLOAT();
		params.m_vNormal.y = READ_FLOAT();
		params.m_vNormal.z = READ_FLOAT();

	// Apply the decal first because the place where we're applying the decal 
	// may not be there if we blow it out first!
	Vector vPosition(0,0,0);
	QAngle vAngles(0,0,0);
	int iModel = 0;
	C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( iModel );
	if( ent && type == TMod_Sphere )
			effects->Draw_DecalIndexFromName( "decals/tscorch" ), 
			0 );

	engine->ApplyTerrainMod( (TerrainModType)type, params );
Example #19
int CHud :: MsgFunc_CamData( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pszName, iSize, pbuf );

	gHUD.viewEntityIndex = READ_SHORT();
	gHUD.viewFlags = READ_SHORT();

	if( gHUD.viewFlags )
		m_iCameraMode = 1;
	else m_iCameraMode = m_iLastCameraMode;

	// update pparams->viewentity too for right hearing
	if( gHUD.viewEntityIndex )
		gpViewParams->viewentity = gHUD.viewEntityIndex;
	else gpViewParams->viewentity = GetLocalPlayer()->serialnumber;

	return 1;
Example #20
int CHudRadio::MsgFunc_SendAudio(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf)
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	m_bFirst = READ_BYTE( );
	strcpy( m_sentence, READ_STRING( ));
	m_sThird = READ_SHORT( );
	m_enableRadio = true;

	return 1;
Example #21
int CHudTimer::MsgFunc_Timer(const char *pszName,  int iSize, void *pbuf )
	Time = READ_SHORT();
	Inited = false;

	if (Time > 0)
		m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;
		m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE;

	return 1;
Example #22
// Message handler for TeamScore message
// accepts three values:
//		string: team name
//		short: teams kills
//		short: teams deaths 
// if this message is never received, then scores will simply be the combined totals of the players.
int CHudScoreboard :: MsgFunc_TeamScore( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	char *TeamName = READ_STRING();

	// find the team matching the name
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		if ( !stricmp( TeamName, m_TeamInfo[i].name ) )
	if ( i > m_iNumTeams )
		return 1;

	// use this new score data instead of combined player scores
	m_TeamInfo[i].scores_overriden = TRUE;
	m_TeamInfo[i].frags = READ_SHORT();
	m_TeamInfo[i].deaths = READ_SHORT();
	return 1;
Example #23
int CHud :: MsgFunc_ScreenFade( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pszName, iSize, pbuf );	

	float fadeTime = (float)(unsigned short)READ_SHORT() * (1.0f / (float)(1<<12));
	float holdTime = (float)(unsigned short)READ_SHORT() * (1.0f / (float)(1<<12));
	int fadeFlags = READ_SHORT();

	Vector m_FadeColor;
	m_FadeColor.x = READ_BYTE();	// fade red
	m_FadeColor.y = READ_BYTE();	// fade green
	m_FadeColor.z = READ_BYTE();	// fade blue

	float alpha = READ_BYTE();	// fade alpha

	SetScreenFade( m_FadeColor, alpha, fadeTime, holdTime, fadeFlags );


	return 1;
Example #24
int CHud :: MsgFunc_Particle( const char *pszName,  int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pszName, iSize, pbuf );

	int idx = READ_SHORT();
	char *sz = READ_STRING();

	CreateAurora( idx, sz );

	return 1;
Example #25
int CHudBattery:: MsgFunc_Battery(const char *pszName,  int iSize, void *pbuf )
	m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;

	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	int x = READ_SHORT();

	if (x != m_iBat)
		m_fFade = FADE_TIME;
		m_iBat = x;

	// modif de Julien

	float unTiers =		( (float)MAX_MEMBER_ARMOR		/ 3 );
	float deuxTiers =	( (float)MAX_MEMBER_ARMOR * 2	/ 3 );

	for ( int i=0; i<MAX_ARMOR_GROUP; i++ )
		// lecture
		float value = READ_COORD();

		// dommages

		if ( value > m_flArmorvalue[i] )
			m_flPain[i] = ARMOR_PAIN_TIME;

		else if ( value < m_flArmorvalue[i] )
			m_flPain[i] = -ARMOR_PAIN_TIME;

		m_flArmorvalue [i] = value;

		// couleurs

		/* horreur pour simplifier les couleurs :
			blanc	255	255	255
			jaune	255	255	0
			orange	255	128	0
			rouge	255	0	0

		m_flArmor [i] [0] = (int)( value > unTiers ? 255 : ( value / unTiers ) * ( 255 - 150 ) + 150 );
		m_flArmor [i] [1] = (int)( value > deuxTiers ? 255 : ( value / deuxTiers ) * 255 );
		m_flArmor [i] [2] = (int)( value < deuxTiers ? 0 : ( (value - deuxTiers) / unTiers ) * 255 );


	return 1;
Example #26
int CHudScoreboard::MsgFunc_ScoreInfo(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf)
	m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;

	BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize);
	short cl          = READ_BYTE();
	short frags       = READ_SHORT();
	short deaths      = READ_SHORT();
	short playerclass = READ_SHORT();
	short teamnumber  = READ_SHORT();

	if(cl > 0 && cl <= MAX_PLAYERS)
		g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].frags       = frags;
		g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].deaths      = deaths;
		g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].playerclass = playerclass;
		g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].teamnumber  = teamnumber;


	return 1;
// Message handler for StatusText message
// accepts two values:
//		byte: index into the status value array
//		short: value to store
int CHudStatusBar :: MsgFunc_StatusValue( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	int index = READ_BYTE();
	if ( index < 1 || index >= MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES )
		return 1; // index out of range

	m_iStatusValues[index] = READ_SHORT();

	m_bReparseString = TRUE;
	return 1;
Example #28
int CHudBattery:: MsgFunc_Battery(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;
	int x = READ_SHORT();

	if( x != m_iBat )
		m_fFade = FADE_TIME;
		m_iBat = x;

	return 1;
Example #29
int CHudBattery:: MsgFunc_Battery(const char *pszName,  int iSize, void *pbuf )
	m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;

	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	int x = READ_SHORT();

	if (x != m_iBat)
		// We're sent the health of the player we're observing as if it were our own
		m_fFade = FADE_TIME;
		m_iBat = x;

	return 1;
Example #30
// Message handler. Gets the Ids of the players in the round.
int CDiscArenaPanel::MsgFunc_GetPlayers(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );

	m_iRoundNumber = READ_BYTE();
	m_iSecondsToGo = READ_BYTE();

	m_iNumPlayers = READ_BYTE();
	if ( m_iNumPlayers > 0 && m_iNumPlayers <= MAX_PLAYERS )
		for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumPlayers; i++)
			m_iClients[i] = READ_SHORT();


	return 1;