/** * Lists table indexes * * <code> * print_r($connection->describeIndexes('robots_parts')); * </code> * * @param string table * @param string schema * @return \Phalcon\Db\IndexInterface[] */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql, describeIndexes) { HashTable *_5, *_15; HashPosition _4, _14; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_20 = NULL; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *table_param = NULL, *schema = NULL, *indexes = NULL, *index = NULL, *keyName = NULL, *indexObjects = NULL, *columns = NULL, *name = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_1, *_2 = NULL, *_3, **_6, **_16, *_7$$4 = NULL, *_8$$3, *_10$$3, *_11$$3, *_9$$6, *_12$$7 = NULL, *_13$$8 = NULL, *_17$$10 = NULL, *_18$$10, *_19$$10; zval *table = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &table_param, &schema); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(table_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(table_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'table' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(table_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(table, table_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(table); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(table); } if (!schema) { schema = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(indexes); array_init(indexes); _1 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_dialect"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_2, _1, "describeindexes", NULL, 0, table, schema); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(_3, 2); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_0, this_ptr, "fetchall", NULL, 0, _2, _3); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_is_iterable(_0, &_5, &_4, 0, 0, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 389); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_5, (void**) &_6, &_4) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_5, &_4) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(index, _6); zephir_array_fetch_string(&keyName, index, SL("Key_name"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 365 TSRMLS_CC); if (!(zephir_array_isset(indexes, keyName))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_7$$4); array_init(_7$$4); zephir_array_update_zval(&indexes, keyName, &_7$$4, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_fetch(&_8$$3, indexes, keyName, PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 371 TSRMLS_CC); if (!(zephir_array_isset_string(_8$$3, SS("columns")))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(columns); array_init(columns); } else { zephir_array_fetch(&_9$$6, indexes, keyName, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 374 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(columns); zephir_array_fetch_string(&columns, _9$$6, SL("columns"), PH_NOISY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 374 TSRMLS_CC); } zephir_array_fetch_string(&_10$$3, index, SL("Column_name"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 377 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_array_append(&columns, _10$$3, PH_SEPARATE, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 377); zephir_array_update_multi(&indexes, &columns TSRMLS_CC, SL("zs"), 3, keyName, SL("columns")); zephir_array_fetch_string(&_11$$3, index, SL("Non_unique"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 382 TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(keyName, "PRIMARY")) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_12$$7); ZVAL_STRING(_12$$7, "PRIMARY", 1); zephir_array_update_multi(&indexes, &_12$$7 TSRMLS_CC, SL("zs"), 3, keyName, SL("type")); } else if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(_11$$3, 0)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_13$$8); ZVAL_STRING(_13$$8, "UNIQUE", 1); zephir_array_update_multi(&indexes, &_13$$8 TSRMLS_CC, SL("zs"), 3, keyName, SL("type")); } else { zephir_array_update_multi(&indexes, &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null) TSRMLS_CC, SL("zs"), 3, keyName, SL("type")); } } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(indexObjects); array_init(indexObjects); zephir_is_iterable(indexes, &_15, &_14, 0, 0, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 394); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_15, (void**) &_16, &_14) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_15, &_14) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HMKEY(name, _15, _14); ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(index, _16); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_17$$10); object_init_ex(_17$$10, phalcon_db_index_ce); zephir_array_fetch_string(&_18$$10, index, SL("columns"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 391 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_array_fetch_string(&_19$$10, index, SL("type"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 391 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _17$$10, "__construct", &_20, 15, name, _18$$10, _19$$10); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_array_update_zval(&indexObjects, name, &_17$$10, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } RETURN_CCTOR(indexObjects); }
/** * Loads registered template engines, if none is registered it will use Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Php * * @return array */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_View, _loadTemplateEngines){ zval *engines = NULL, *dependency_injector = NULL, *registered_engines = NULL; zval *number_engines = NULL, *php_engine = NULL, *arguments = NULL; zval *engine_service = NULL, *extension = NULL, *engine_object = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(engines); phalcon_read_property(&engines, this_ptr, SL("_engines"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(engines) == IS_BOOL && !Z_BVAL_P(engines)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dependency_injector); phalcon_read_property(&dependency_injector, this_ptr, SL("_dependencyInjector"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(engines); array_init(engines); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(registered_engines); phalcon_read_property(®istered_engines, this_ptr, SL("_registeredEngines"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(number_engines); phalcon_fast_count(number_engines, registered_engines TSRMLS_CC); if (phalcon_compare_strict_long(number_engines, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(php_engine); object_init_ex(php_engine, phalcon_mvc_view_engine_php_ce); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(php_engine, "__construct", this_ptr, dependency_injector, PH_CHECK); phalcon_array_update_string(&engines, SL(".phtml"), &php_engine, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(dependency_injector) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_mvc_view_exception_ce, "A dependency injector container is required to obtain the application services"); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(arguments); array_init(arguments); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, this_ptr, PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, dependency_injector, PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(registered_engines TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(registered_engines); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_ecde_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_ecde_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(extension); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(extension, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(engine_service); ZVAL_ZVAL(engine_service, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(engine_object); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2(engine_object, dependency_injector, "getshared", engine_service, arguments, PH_NO_CHECK); phalcon_array_update_zval(&engines, extension, &engine_object, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_ecde_0; fee_ecde_0: if(0){} } phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_engines"), engines TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(engines); phalcon_read_property(&engines, this_ptr, SL("_engines"), PH_NOISY_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(engines); }
/** * Validate a set of data according to a set of rules * * @param array|object data * @param object entity * @return Phalcon\Validation\Message\Group */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Validation, validate) { HashTable *_2; HashPosition _1; zend_bool _0; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *data = NULL, *entity = NULL, *validators, *messages = NULL, *scope = NULL, *field = NULL, *validator = NULL, *status = NULL, **_3, *_4 = NULL, *_5 = NULL, *_6 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &data, &entity); if (!data) { data = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!entity) { entity = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(validators); zephir_read_property_this(&validators, this_ptr, SL("_validators"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(validators) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "There are no validators to validate", "phalcon/validation.zep", 83); return; } zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_values"), ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null) TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(messages); object_init_ex(messages, phalcon_validation_message_group_ce); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, messages, "__construct", NULL, 171); zephir_check_call_status(); if ((zephir_method_exists_ex(this_ptr, SS("beforevalidation") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&status, this_ptr, "beforevalidation", NULL, 0, data, entity, messages); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(status)) { RETURN_CCTOR(status); } } zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_messages"), messages TSRMLS_CC); _0 = Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY; if (!(_0)) { _0 = Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_OBJECT; } if (_0) { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_data"), data TSRMLS_CC); } zephir_is_iterable(validators, &_2, &_1, 0, 0, "phalcon/validation.zep", 138); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_2, (void**) &_3, &_1) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_2, &_1) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(scope, _3); if (Z_TYPE_P(scope) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "The validator scope is not valid", "phalcon/validation.zep", 115); return; } ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(field); zephir_array_fetch_long(&field, scope, 0, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/validation.zep", 118 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(validator); zephir_array_fetch_long(&validator, scope, 1, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/validation.zep", 119 TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(validator) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "One of the validators is not valid", "phalcon/validation.zep", 122); return; } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_4, validator, "validate", NULL, 0, this_ptr, field); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_4)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_6); ZVAL_STRING(_6, "cancelOnFail", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_5, validator, "getoption", NULL, 0, _6); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_6); zephir_check_call_status(); if (zephir_is_true(_5)) { break; } } } ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(messages); zephir_read_property_this(&messages, this_ptr, SL("_messages"), PH_NOISY_CC); if ((zephir_method_exists_ex(this_ptr, SS("aftervalidation") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, this_ptr, "aftervalidation", NULL, 0, data, entity, messages); zephir_check_call_status(); } RETURN_CCTOR(messages); }
/** * Returns a complete resultset as an array, if the resultset has a big number of rows * it could consume more memory than currently it does. * * @return array */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Resultset_Simple, toArray){ zval *type, *result = NULL, *active_row = NULL, *records = NULL, *row_count; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(type); phalcon_read_property(&type, this_ptr, SL("_type"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(type)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(result); phalcon_read_property(&result, this_ptr, SL("_result"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(result) == IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(active_row); phalcon_read_property(&active_row, this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Check if we need to re-execute the query */ if (Z_TYPE_P(active_row) != IS_NULL) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_NORETURN(result, "execute"); } /** * We fetch all the results in memory */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(records); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(records, result, "fetchall"); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(records); array_init(records); } } else { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(records); phalcon_read_property(&records, this_ptr, SL("_rows"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(records) != IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(result); phalcon_read_property(&result, this_ptr, SL("_result"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(result) == IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(active_row); phalcon_read_property(&active_row, this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Check if we need to re-execute the query */ if (Z_TYPE_P(active_row) != IS_NULL) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_NORETURN(result, "execute"); } /** * We fetch all the results in memory again */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(records); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(records, result, "fetchall"); phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_rows"), records TSRMLS_CC); /** * Update the row count */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(row_count); phalcon_fast_count(row_count, records TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_count"), row_count TSRMLS_CC); } } } RETURN_CCTOR(records); }
/** * Returns the string meaning of a logger constant * * @param integer $type * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_File, getTypeString){ zval *type = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL, *r6 = NULL; zval *r7 = NULL, *r8 = NULL, *r9 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL, *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL, *t3 = NULL, *t4 = NULL, *t5 = NULL, *t6 = NULL; zval *t7 = NULL, *t8 = NULL, *t9 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &type) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_SEPARATE_PARAM(type); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t0); ZVAL_LONG(t0, 7); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); is_equal_function(r0, type, t0 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "DEBUG", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t1); ZVAL_LONG(t1, 3); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); is_equal_function(r1, type, t1 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r1)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "ERROR", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t2); ZVAL_LONG(t2, 4); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); is_equal_function(r2, type, t2 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r2)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "WARNING", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t3); ZVAL_LONG(t3, 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r3); is_equal_function(r3, type, t3 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r3)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "CRITICAL", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t4); ZVAL_LONG(t4, 8); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r4); is_equal_function(r4, type, t4 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r4)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "CUSTOM", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t5); ZVAL_LONG(t5, 2); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r5); is_equal_function(r5, type, t5 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r5)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "ALERT", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t6); ZVAL_LONG(t6, 5); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r6); is_equal_function(r6, type, t6 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r6)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "NOTICE", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t7); ZVAL_LONG(t7, 6); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r7); is_equal_function(r7, type, t7 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r7)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "INFO", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t8); ZVAL_LONG(t8, 0); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r8); is_equal_function(r8, type, t8 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r8)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "EMERGENCE", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t9); ZVAL_LONG(t9, 9); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r9); is_equal_function(r9, type, t9 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r9)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "SPECIAL", 1); goto se_654f_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_STRING(type, "CUSTOM", 1); se_654f_0: RETURN_CCTOR(type); }
/** * Produces an string representation of a variable * * @param mixed $variable * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Debug, _getVarDump){ zval *variable, *class_name, *dumped_object; zval *array_dump = NULL, *dump = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &variable); if (PHALCON_IS_SCALAR(variable)) { /** * Boolean variables are represented as 'true'/'false' */ if (Z_TYPE_P(variable) == IS_BOOL) { if (zend_is_true(variable)) { RETURN_MM_STRING("true", 1); } else { RETURN_MM_STRING("false", 1); } } /** * String variables are escaped to avoid XSS injections */ if (Z_TYPE_P(variable) == IS_STRING) { phalcon_call_method_p1(return_value, this_ptr, "_escapestring", variable); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Other scalar variables are just converted to strings */ RETURN_CCTOR(variable); } /** * If the variable is an object print its class name */ if (Z_TYPE_P(variable) == IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(class_name); phalcon_get_class(class_name, variable, 0 TSRMLS_CC); /** * Try to check for a 'dump' method, this surely produces a better printable * representation */ if (phalcon_method_exists_ex(variable, SS("dump") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dumped_object); phalcon_call_method(dumped_object, variable, "dump"); /** * dump() must return an array, generate a recursive representation using * getArrayDump */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(array_dump); phalcon_call_method_p1(array_dump, this_ptr, "_getarraydump", dumped_object); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dump); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVSVS(dump, "Object(", class_name, ": ", array_dump, ")"); } else { /** * If dump() is not available just print the class name */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(dump); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(dump, "Object(", class_name, ")</span>"); } RETURN_CTOR(dump); } /** * Recursively process the array and enclose it in Array() */ if (Z_TYPE_P(variable) == IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(array_dump); phalcon_call_method_p1(array_dump, this_ptr, "_getarraydump", variable); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(return_value, "Array(", array_dump, ")"); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Null variables are represented as 'null' * Other types are represented by its type */ RETURN_MM_STRING(zend_zval_type_name(variable), 1); }
/** * Renders a view * * @param string path * @param array params * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_View_Simple, render) { zephir_nts_static zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_2 = NULL, *_3 = NULL, *_5 = NULL; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *path_param = NULL, *params = NULL, *cache = NULL, *key = NULL, *lifetime = NULL, *cacheOptions, *content = NULL, *viewParams, *mergedParams = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_1, *_4 = NULL; zval *path = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &path_param, ¶ms); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(path_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(path_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'path' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(path_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(path, path_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(path); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(path); } if (!params) { params = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&cache, this_ptr, "getcache", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(cache) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_0, cache, "isstarted", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_0)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(key); ZVAL_NULL(key); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(lifetime); ZVAL_NULL(lifetime); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(cacheOptions); zephir_read_property_this(&cacheOptions, this_ptr, SL("_cacheOptions"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(cacheOptions) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(key); zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&key, cacheOptions, SS("key"), 0 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(lifetime); zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&lifetime, cacheOptions, SS("lifetime"), 0 TSRMLS_CC); } if (Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_NULL) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(key); zephir_md5(key, path); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&content, cache, "start", NULL, key, lifetime); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(content) != IS_NULL) { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_content"), content TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(content); } } } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); zephir_create_symbol_table(TSRMLS_C); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(NULL, "ob_start", &_2); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(viewParams); zephir_read_property_this(&viewParams, this_ptr, SL("_viewParams"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(params) == IS_ARRAY) { if (Z_TYPE_P(viewParams) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(mergedParams); zephir_fast_array_merge(mergedParams, &(viewParams), &(params) TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(mergedParams, params); } } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(mergedParams, viewParams); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, this_ptr, "_internalrender", &_3, path, mergedParams); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(cache) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_0, cache, "isstarted", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_TRUE_IDENTICAL(_0)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_4, cache, "isfresh", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_TRUE_IDENTICAL(_4)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, cache, "save", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, cache, "stop", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); } } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, cache, "stop", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); } } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(NULL, "ob_end_clean", &_5); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM_MEMBER(this_ptr, "_content"); }
/** * Returns routePaths */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Router_Route, getRoutePaths) { int _0; zval *paths = NULL, *moduleName = NULL, *controllerName = NULL, *actionName = NULL, *parts, *routePaths = NULL, *realClassName = NULL, *namespaceName, *_1; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 1, &paths); if (!paths) { paths = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (Z_TYPE_P(paths) != IS_NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(paths) == IS_STRING) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(moduleName); ZVAL_NULL(moduleName); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(controllerName); ZVAL_NULL(controllerName); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(actionName); ZVAL_NULL(actionName); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(parts); zephir_fast_explode_str(parts, SL("::"), paths, LONG_MAX TSRMLS_CC); do { _0 = zephir_fast_count_int(parts TSRMLS_CC); if (_0 == 3) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(moduleName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&moduleName, parts, 0, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 353 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(controllerName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&controllerName, parts, 1, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 354 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(actionName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&actionName, parts, 2, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 355 TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (_0 == 2) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(controllerName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&controllerName, parts, 0, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 359 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(actionName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&actionName, parts, 1, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 360 TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (_0 == 1) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(controllerName); zephir_array_fetch_long(&controllerName, parts, 0, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 364 TSRMLS_CC); break; } } while(0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(routePaths); array_init(routePaths); if (Z_TYPE_P(moduleName) != IS_NULL) { zephir_array_update_string(&routePaths, SL("module"), &moduleName, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } if (Z_TYPE_P(controllerName) != IS_NULL) { if (zephir_memnstr_str(controllerName, SL("\\"), "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 379)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(realClassName); zephir_get_class_ns(realClassName, controllerName, 0 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(namespaceName); zephir_get_ns_class(namespaceName, controllerName, 0 TSRMLS_CC); if (zephir_is_true(namespaceName)) { zephir_array_update_string(&routePaths, SL("namespace"), &namespaceName, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(realClassName, controllerName); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); zephir_uncamelize(_1, realClassName); zephir_array_update_string(&routePaths, SL("controller"), &_1, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } if (Z_TYPE_P(actionName) != IS_NULL) { zephir_array_update_string(&routePaths, SL("action"), &actionName, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(routePaths, paths); } } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(routePaths); array_init(routePaths); } if (Z_TYPE_P(routePaths) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_mvc_router_exception_ce, "The route contains invalid paths", "phalcon/mvc/router/route.zep", 411); return; } RETURN_CCTOR(routePaths); }
/** * @todo this method can be write differently with (P< style match * Matches a user submitted path with parts defined by a map. Assigns and * returns an array of variables on a successful match. * * @param string $path Path used to match against this routing map * @return array|false An array of assigned values or a false on a mismatch */ PHP_METHOD(Yaf_Route_Rewrite, _match) { zephir_nts_static zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_27 = NULL, *_33 = NULL; zend_bool _12, _28, _32; HashTable *_7, *_22, *_35; HashPosition _6, _21, _34; int staticCount, pathStaticCount, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *path_param = NULL, *values, *matchedPath = NULL, *parts, *variables, *wildcardData, *name = NULL, *part = NULL, *pos = NULL, *pathMatch, *count = NULL, *i = NULL, *varr = NULL, *pathPart = NULL, *tmpReturn = NULL, *_0, *_1 = NULL, *_2 = NULL, *_3, _4 = zval_used_for_init, _5 = zval_used_for_init, **_8, _9 = zval_used_for_init, _10 = zval_used_for_init, *_11 = NULL, _13 = zval_used_for_init, _14 = zval_used_for_init, *_15 = NULL, _16 = zval_used_for_init, _17 = zval_used_for_init, *_18 = NULL, _19 = zval_used_for_init, *_20 = NULL, **_23, *_24 = NULL, *_25, *_26, *_29 = NULL, *_30, *_31 = NULL, **_36; zval *path = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &path_param); zephir_get_strval(path, path_param); staticCount = 0; pathStaticCount = 0; ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(values); array_init(values); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(matchedPath); ZVAL_STRING(matchedPath, "", 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(parts); array_init(parts); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(variables); array_init(variables); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(wildcardData); array_init(wildcardData); _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_route"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!ZEPHIR_IS_STRING_IDENTICAL(_0, "")) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_2); _3 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_route"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_4); ZVAL_STRING(&_4, "/", 0); zephir_fast_trim(_2, _3, &_4, ZEPHIR_TRIM_BOTH TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_5); ZVAL_STRING(&_5, "/", 0); zephir_fast_explode(_1, &_5, _2, LONG_MAX TSRMLS_CC); zephir_is_iterable(_1, &_7, &_6, 0, 0, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 135); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_7, (void**) &_8, &_6) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_7, &_6) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HMKEY(pos, _7, _6); ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(part, _8); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_9); ZVAL_LONG(&_9, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_10); ZVAL_LONG(&_10, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_11); zephir_substr(_11, part, 0 , 1 , 0); _12 = ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_11, ":"); if (_12) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_13); ZVAL_LONG(&_13, 1); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_14); ZVAL_LONG(&_14, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_15); zephir_substr(_15, part, 1 , 1 , 0); _12 = !ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_15, ":"); } if (_12) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_16); ZVAL_LONG(&_16, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(name); zephir_substr(name, part, 1 , 0, ZEPHIR_SUBSTR_NO_LENGTH); zephir_array_update_zval(&parts, pos, &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_zval(&variables, pos, &name, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } else { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_16); ZVAL_LONG(&_16, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_17); ZVAL_LONG(&_17, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_18); zephir_substr(_18, part, 0 , 1 , 0); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_18, ":")) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_19); ZVAL_LONG(&_19, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_20); zephir_substr(_20, part, 1 , 0, ZEPHIR_SUBSTR_NO_LENGTH); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(part, _20); } zephir_array_update_zval(&parts, pos, &part, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); if (!ZEPHIR_IS_STRING_IDENTICAL(part, "*")) { staticCount++; } } } } if (!ZEPHIR_IS_STRING_IDENTICAL(path, "")) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(pathMatch); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_4); ZVAL_STRING(&_4, "/", 0); zephir_fast_explode(pathMatch, &_4, path, LONG_MAX TSRMLS_CC); zephir_is_iterable(pathMatch, &_22, &_21, 0, 0, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 193); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_22, (void**) &_23, &_21) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_22, &_21) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HMKEY(pos, _22, _21); ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(pathPart, _23); if (!(zephir_array_key_exists(parts, pos TSRMLS_CC))) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_24); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VS(_24, pathPart, "/"); zephir_concat_self(&matchedPath, _24 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_array_fetch(&_25, parts, pos, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 150 TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_25, "*")) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(count); ZVAL_LONG(count, zephir_fast_count_int(pathMatch TSRMLS_CC)); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(i, pos); while (1) { if (!(ZEPHIR_LT(i, count))) { break; } zephir_array_fetch(&_26, pathMatch, i, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 154 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&varr, "urldecode", &_27, _26); zephir_check_call_status(); _12 = !(zephir_array_isset(wildcardData, varr)); if (_12) { _3 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_default"), PH_NOISY_CC); _12 = !(zephir_array_isset(_3, varr)); } _28 = _12; if (_28) { _28 = !(zephir_array_isset(values, varr)); } if (_28) { ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_29); if (zephir_array_isset_long(pathMatch, (zephir_get_numberval(i) + 1))) { zephir_array_fetch_long(&_30, pathMatch, (zephir_get_numberval(i) + 1), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 157 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_29, "urldecode", &_27, _30); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_29); ZVAL_NULL(_29); } zephir_array_update_zval(&wildcardData, varr, &_29, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_LONG(_1, 2); ZEPHIR_ADD_ASSIGN(i, _1); } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(matchedPath); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_5); ZVAL_STRING(&_5, "/", 0); zephir_fast_join(matchedPath, &_5, pathMatch TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (zephir_array_isset(variables, pos)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(name); zephir_array_fetch(&name, variables, pos, PH_NOISY, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 165 TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(name); ZVAL_NULL(name); } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_31, "urldecode", &_27, pathPart); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(pathPart, _31); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(part); zephir_array_fetch(&part, parts, pos, PH_NOISY, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 167 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_9); ZVAL_LONG(&_9, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_10); ZVAL_LONG(&_10, 2); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); zephir_substr(_2, part, 0 , 2 , 0); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING_IDENTICAL(_2, "@@")) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_13); ZVAL_LONG(&_13, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_11); zephir_substr(_11, part, 1 , 0, ZEPHIR_SUBSTR_NO_LENGTH); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(part, _11); } _28 = Z_TYPE_P(name) == IS_NULL; if (_28) { _28 = !ZEPHIR_IS_EQUAL(part, pathPart); } if (_28) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } _32 = Z_TYPE_P(part) != IS_NULL; if (_32) { ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_29); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VSSS(_29, part, "#^", "$#", "iu"); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_31, "preg_match", &_33, _29, pathPart); zephir_check_call_status(); _32 = !zephir_is_true(_31); } if (_32) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } if (Z_TYPE_P(name) != IS_NULL) { zephir_array_update_zval(&values, name, &pathPart, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } else { pathStaticCount++; } } } if (staticCount != pathStaticCount) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(tmpReturn); zephir_add_function_ex(tmpReturn, values, wildcardData TSRMLS_CC); zephir_is_iterable(variables, &_35, &_34, 0, 0, "yaf/Route/rewrite.zep", 212); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_35, (void**) &_36, &_34) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_35, &_34) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(varr, _36); if (!(zephir_array_key_exists(tmpReturn, varr TSRMLS_CC))) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } } _12 = Z_TYPE_P(values) == IS_NULL; if (_12) { _12 = Z_TYPE_P(wildcardData) == IS_NULL; } _32 = _12; if (_32) { _32 = staticCount != 0; } if (_32) { _3 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_default"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_24); zephir_add_function_ex(_24, tmpReturn, _3 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(tmpReturn, _24); } RETURN_CCTOR(tmpReturn); }
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Http_Client_Header, build){ zval *flags = NULL, *messages, *status_code, *message = NULL, *version, *lines, *line = NULL; zval *fields, *filed = NULL, *value = NULL, *join_filed; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; int f = 0; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 0, 1, &flags); if (flags) { f = phalcon_get_intval(flags); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(lines); array_init(lines); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(messages); phalcon_read_static_property_ce(&messages, phalcon_http_client_header_ce, SL("_messages") TSRMLS_CC); status_code = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_status_code"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if ((f & PHALCON_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADER_BUILD_STATUS) && phalcon_array_isset_fetch(&message, messages, status_code)) { version = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_version "), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(line); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(line, "HTTP/", version, " "); PHALCON_SCONCAT_VSV(line, status_code, " ", message); phalcon_merge_append(lines, line); } fields = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_fields"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_is_iterable(fields, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HKEY(filed, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(value); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(line); PHALCON_CONCAT_VSV(line, filed, ": ", value); phalcon_merge_append(lines, line); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } if (f & PHALCON_HTTP_CLIENT_HEADER_BUILD_FIELDS) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(join_filed); phalcon_fast_join_str(join_filed, SL("\r\n"), lines TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(join_filed); } RETURN_CCTOR(lines); }
/** * Returns an array of prepared attributes for Phalcon\Tag helpers * according to the element parameters * * @param array attributes * @param boolean useChecked * @return array */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Forms_Element, prepareAttributes) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zend_bool useChecked; zval *attributes = NULL, *useChecked_param = NULL, *value = NULL, *name = NULL, *widgetAttributes = NULL, *mergedAttributes = NULL, *defaultAttributes = NULL, *currentValue = NULL, *_0$$10, *_1$$12; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &attributes, &useChecked_param); if (!attributes) { attributes = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!useChecked_param) { useChecked = 0; } else { useChecked = zephir_get_boolval(useChecked_param); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(name); zephir_read_property_this(&name, this_ptr, SL("_name"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(attributes) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(widgetAttributes); array_init(widgetAttributes); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(widgetAttributes, attributes); } zephir_array_update_long(&widgetAttributes, 0, &name, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE ZEPHIR_DEBUG_PARAMS_DUMMY); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(defaultAttributes); zephir_read_property_this(&defaultAttributes, this_ptr, SL("_attributes"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(defaultAttributes) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(mergedAttributes); zephir_fast_array_merge(mergedAttributes, &(defaultAttributes), &(widgetAttributes) TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(mergedAttributes, widgetAttributes); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&value, this_ptr, "getvalue", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_NULL) { if (useChecked) { if (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(¤tValue, mergedAttributes, SS("value"), 1 TSRMLS_CC)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EQUAL(currentValue, value)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0$$10); ZVAL_STRING(_0$$10, "checked", 1); zephir_array_update_string(&mergedAttributes, SL("checked"), &_0$$10, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } else { if (zephir_is_true(value)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1$$12); ZVAL_STRING(_1$$12, "checked", 1); zephir_array_update_string(&mergedAttributes, SL("checked"), &_1$$12, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_update_string(&mergedAttributes, SL("value"), &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } else { zephir_array_update_string(&mergedAttributes, SL("value"), &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } RETURN_CCTOR(mergedAttributes); }
/** * Generates random text in accordance with the template * * <code> * echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hi my name is a Bob * echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hi my name is a Jon * echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hello my name is a Bob * </code> */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Text, dynamic) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_1 = NULL, *_5 = NULL, *_8 = NULL; zval *text_param = NULL, *leftDelimiter_param = NULL, *rightDelimiter_param = NULL, *separator_param = NULL, *ldS = NULL, *rdS = NULL, *result = NULL, *pattern = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_2 = NULL, *_3$$3, *_6$$4 = NULL, *_7$$4 = NULL; zval *text = NULL, *leftDelimiter = NULL, *rightDelimiter = NULL, *separator = NULL, *_4$$3; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 3, &text_param, &leftDelimiter_param, &rightDelimiter_param, &separator_param); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'text' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(text); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(text); } if (!leftDelimiter_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(leftDelimiter); ZVAL_STRING(leftDelimiter, "{", 1); } else { if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(leftDelimiter_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(leftDelimiter_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'leftDelimiter' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(leftDelimiter_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(leftDelimiter, leftDelimiter_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(leftDelimiter); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(leftDelimiter); } } if (!rightDelimiter_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(rightDelimiter); ZVAL_STRING(rightDelimiter, "}", 1); } else { if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(rightDelimiter_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(rightDelimiter_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'rightDelimiter' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(rightDelimiter_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(rightDelimiter, rightDelimiter_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(rightDelimiter); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(rightDelimiter); } } if (!separator_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(separator); ZVAL_STRING(separator, "|", 1); } else { if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(separator_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(separator_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'separator' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(separator_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(separator, separator_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(separator); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(separator); } } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_0, "substr_count", &_1, 420, text, leftDelimiter); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "substr_count", &_1, 420, text, rightDelimiter); zephir_check_call_status(); if (!ZEPHIR_IS_IDENTICAL(_0, _2)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3$$3); object_init_ex(_3$$3, spl_ce_RuntimeException); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4$$3); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_4$$3, "Syntax error in string \"", text, "\""); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _3$$3, "__construct", NULL, 421, _4$$3); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_3$$3, "phalcon/text.zep", 261 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&ldS, "preg_quote", &_5, 422, leftDelimiter); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&rdS, "preg_quote", &_5, 422, rightDelimiter); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(pattern); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVVSVS(pattern, "/", ldS, "([^", ldS, rdS, "]+)", rdS, "/"); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(result, text); while (1) { if (!(zephir_memnstr(result, leftDelimiter, "phalcon/text.zep", 269))) { break; } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_6$$4); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_6$$4); zephir_create_closure_ex(_6$$4, NULL, phalcon_0__closure_ce, SS("__invoke") TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_7$$4, "preg_replace_callback", &_8, 423, pattern, _6$$4, result); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(result, _7$$4); } RETURN_CCTOR(result); }
/** * Gets the column name in PostgreSQL */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Dialect_Postgresql, getColumnDefinition) { zephir_nts_static zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_6 = NULL; HashTable *_3; HashPosition _2; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *column, *size = NULL, *columnType = NULL, *columnSql, *typeValues = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_1 = NULL, *value = NULL, *valueSql, **_4, _5 = zval_used_for_init, _7 = zval_used_for_init, *_8, *_9 = NULL, *_10 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &column); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&size, column, "getsize", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&columnType, column, "gettype", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(columnSql); ZVAL_STRING(columnSql, "", 1); if (Z_TYPE_P(columnType) == IS_STRING) { zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, columnType TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&columnType, column, "gettypereference", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); } do { if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 0)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("INT") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 1)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("DATE") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 2)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("CHARACTER VARYING") TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_0, "(", size, ")"); zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, _0 TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 3)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("NUMERIC") TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1, column, "getscale", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_0); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVS(_0, "(", size, ",", _1, ")"); zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, _0 TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 4)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("TIMESTAMP") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 5)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("CHARACTER") TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_0); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_0, "(", size, ")"); zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, _0 TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 6)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("TEXT") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 7)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("FLOAT") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(columnType, 8)) { if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { zephir_concat_self_str(&columnSql, SL("SMALLINT(1)") TSRMLS_CC); } break; } if (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(columnSql)) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_db_exception_ce, "Unrecognized PostgreSQL data type", "phalcon/db/dialect/postgresql.zep", 116); return; } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&typeValues, column, "gettypevalues", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (!(ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(typeValues))) { if (Z_TYPE_P(typeValues) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(valueSql); ZVAL_STRING(valueSql, "", 1); zephir_is_iterable(typeValues, &_3, &_2, 0, 0, "phalcon/db/dialect/postgresql.zep", 127); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_3, (void**) &_4, &_2) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_3, &_2) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(value, _4); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_5); ZVAL_STRING(&_5, "\"", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_1, "addcslashes", &_6, value, &_5); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_0); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_0, "\"", _1, "\", "); zephir_concat_self(&valueSql, _0 TSRMLS_CC); } ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_5); ZVAL_LONG(&_5, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_7); ZVAL_LONG(&_7, -2); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_8); zephir_substr(_8, valueSql, 0 , -2 , 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_9); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_9, "(", _8, ")"); zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, _9 TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_7); ZVAL_STRING(&_7, "\"", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_10, "addcslashes", &_6, typeValues, &_7); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_9); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_9, "(\"", _10, "\")"); zephir_concat_self(&columnSql, _9 TSRMLS_CC); } } } while(0); RETURN_CCTOR(columnSql); }
/** * Gets number of rows returned by a resulset * *<code> * $result = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM robots ORDER BY name"); * echo 'There are ', $result->numRows(), ' rows in the resulset'; *</code> * * @return int */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Result_Pdo, numRows){ zval *row_count = NULL, *connection, *type = NULL, *pdo_statement = NULL; zval *sql_statement, *bind_params, *bind_types; zval *matches, *pattern, *match, *else_clauses; zval *sql, *result = NULL, *row = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(row_count); phalcon_read_property_this(&row_count, this_ptr, SL("_rowCount"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if (PHALCON_IS_FALSE(row_count)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(connection); phalcon_read_property_this(&connection, this_ptr, SL("_connection"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&type, connection, "gettype"); /** * MySQL/PostgreSQL library property returns the number of records */ if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(type, "mysql") || PHALCON_IS_STRING(type, "pgsql")) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(pdo_statement); phalcon_read_property_this(&pdo_statement, this_ptr, SL("_pdoStatement"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&row_count, pdo_statement, "rowcount"); } /** * We should get the count using a new statement :( */ if (PHALCON_IS_FALSE(row_count)) { /** * SQLite/Oracle/SQLServer returns resultsets that to the client eyes (PDO) has an * arbitrary number of rows, so we need to perform an extra count to know that */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(sql_statement); phalcon_read_property_this(&sql_statement, this_ptr, SL("_sqlStatement"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); /** * If the sql_statement starts with SELECT COUNT(*) we don't make the count */ if (!phalcon_start_with_str(sql_statement, SL("SELECT COUNT(*) "))) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(bind_params); phalcon_read_property_this(&bind_params, this_ptr, SL("_bindParams"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(bind_types); phalcon_read_property_this(&bind_types, this_ptr, SL("_bindTypes"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(matches); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pattern); ZVAL_STRING(pattern, "/^SELECT\\s+(.*)$/i", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match); RETURN_MM_ON_FAILURE(phalcon_preg_match(match, pattern, sql_statement, matches TSRMLS_CC)); if (zend_is_true(match)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(else_clauses); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&else_clauses, matches, 1, PH_NOISY); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(sql); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(sql, "SELECT COUNT(*) \"numrows\" FROM (SELECT ", else_clauses, ")"); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&result, connection, "query", sql, bind_params, bind_types); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&row, result, "fetch"); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(row_count); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&row_count, row, SL("numrows"), PH_NOISY); } } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row_count); ZVAL_LONG(row_count, 1); } } /** * Update the value to avoid further calculations */ phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_rowCount"), row_count TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(row_count); }
/** * Magic method __get * * @param string $propertyName */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_DI_Injectable, __get){ zval *property_name, *dependency_injector = NULL; zval *has_service, *service = NULL, *class_name, *arguments; zval *persistent; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &property_name); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(dependency_injector); phalcon_read_property_this(&dependency_injector, this_ptr, SL("_dependencyInjector"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(dependency_injector) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(dependency_injector); PHALCON_CALL_STATIC(dependency_injector, "phalcon\\di", "getdefault"); if (Z_TYPE_P(dependency_injector) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_di_exception_ce, "A dependency injection object is required to access the application services"); return; } } /** * Fallback to the PHP userland if the cache is not available */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(has_service); phalcon_call_method_p1(has_service, dependency_injector, "has", property_name); if (zend_is_true(has_service)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(service); phalcon_call_method_p1(service, dependency_injector, "getshared", property_name); phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(this_ptr, property_name, service TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(service); } if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(property_name, "di")) { phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("di"), dependency_injector TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(dependency_injector); } /** * Accessing the persistent property will create a session bag in any class */ if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(property_name, "persistent")) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(class_name); phalcon_get_class(class_name, this_ptr, 0 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(arguments); array_init_size(arguments, 1); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, class_name, PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(service); ZVAL_STRING(service, "sessionBag", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(persistent); phalcon_call_method_p2(persistent, dependency_injector, "get", service, arguments); phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("persistent"), persistent TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(persistent); } /** * A notice is shown if the property is not defined and isn't a valid service */ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Access to undefined property %s", Z_STRVAL_P(property_name)); RETURN_MM_NULL(); }
/** * Internal handler to call a queue of events * * @param \SplPriorityQueue $queue * @param Phalcon\Events\Event $event * @return mixed */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Events_Manager, fireQueue){ zval *queue, *event, *status = NULL, *arguments = NULL, *event_name; zval *source, *data, *cancelable, *collect, *iterator; zval *handler = NULL, *is_stopped = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &queue, &event); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(queue) != IS_ARRAY)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(queue) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_events_exception_ce, "The SplPriorityQueue is not valid"); return; } } if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(event) != IS_OBJECT)) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_events_exception_ce, "The event is not valid"); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(status); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(arguments); /** * Get the event type */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(event_name); phalcon_call_method(event_name, event, "gettype"); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(event_name) != IS_STRING)) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_events_exception_ce, "The event type not valid"); return; } /** * Get the object who triggered the event */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(source); phalcon_call_method(source, event, "getsource"); /** * Get extra data passed to the event */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(data); phalcon_call_method(data, event, "getdata"); /** * Tell if the event is cancelable */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(cancelable); phalcon_call_method(cancelable, event, "getcancelable"); /** * Responses need to be traced? */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(collect); phalcon_read_property_this(&collect, this_ptr, SL("_collect"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(queue) == IS_OBJECT) { /** * We need to clone the queue before iterate over it */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(iterator); if (phalcon_clone(iterator, queue TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } /** * Move the queue to the top */ phalcon_call_method_noret(iterator, "top"); while (1) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(r0); phalcon_call_method(r0, iterator, "valid"); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { } else { break; } /** * Get the current data */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(handler); phalcon_call_method(handler, iterator, "current"); /** * Only handler objects are valid */ if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(handler) == IS_OBJECT)) { /** * Check if the event is a closure */ if (phalcon_is_instance_of(handler, SL("Closure") TSRMLS_CC)) { /** * Create the closure arguments */ if (Z_TYPE_P(arguments) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(arguments); array_init_size(arguments, 3); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, event, PH_SEPARATE); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, source, PH_SEPARATE); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, data, PH_SEPARATE); } /** * Call the function in the PHP userland */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(status); PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(status, handler, arguments); /** * Trace the response */ if (zend_is_true(collect)) { phalcon_update_property_array_append(this_ptr, SL("_responses"), status TSRMLS_CC); } if (zend_is_true(cancelable)) { /** * Check if the event was stopped by the user */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_stopped); phalcon_call_method(is_stopped, event, "isstopped"); if (zend_is_true(is_stopped)) { break; } } } else { /** * Check if the listener has implemented an event with the same name */ if (phalcon_method_exists(handler, event_name TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { /** * Call the function in the PHP userland */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(status); phalcon_call_method_zval_p3(status, handler, event_name, event, source, data); /** * Collect the response */ if (zend_is_true(collect)) { phalcon_update_property_array_append(this_ptr, SL("_responses"), status TSRMLS_CC); } if (zend_is_true(cancelable)) { /** * Check if the event was stopped by the user */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_stopped); phalcon_call_method(is_stopped, event, "isstopped"); if (zend_is_true(is_stopped)) { break; } } } } } /** * Move the queue to the next handler */ phalcon_call_method_noret(iterator, "next"); } } else { phalcon_is_iterable(queue, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(handler); /** * Only handler objects are valid */ if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(handler) == IS_OBJECT)) { /** * Check if the event is a closure */ if (phalcon_is_instance_of(handler, SL("Closure") TSRMLS_CC)) { /** * Create the closure arguments */ if (Z_TYPE_P(arguments) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(arguments); array_init_size(arguments, 3); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, event, PH_SEPARATE); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, source, PH_SEPARATE); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, data, PH_SEPARATE); } /** * Call the function in the PHP userland */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(status); PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(status, handler, arguments); /** * Trace the response */ if (zend_is_true(collect)) { phalcon_update_property_array_append(this_ptr, SL("_responses"), status TSRMLS_CC); } if (zend_is_true(cancelable)) { /** * Check if the event was stopped by the user */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_stopped); phalcon_call_method(is_stopped, event, "isstopped"); if (zend_is_true(is_stopped)) { break; } } } else { /** * Check if the listener has implemented an event with the same name */ if (phalcon_method_exists(handler, event_name TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { /** * Call the function in the PHP userland */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(status); phalcon_call_method_zval_p3(status, handler, event_name, event, source, data); /** * Collect the response */ if (zend_is_true(collect)) { phalcon_update_property_array_append(this_ptr, SL("_responses"), status TSRMLS_CC); } if (zend_is_true(cancelable)) { /** * Check if the event was stopped by the user */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_stopped); phalcon_call_method(is_stopped, event, "isstopped"); if (zend_is_true(is_stopped)) { break; } } } } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } } RETURN_CCTOR(status); }
/** * Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Paginator_Adapter_QueryBuilder, getPaginate) { zval *_4$$8; zval *originalBuilder = NULL, *builder = NULL, *totalBuilder = NULL, *totalPages = NULL, *limit = NULL, *number = NULL, *query = NULL, *page = NULL, *items = NULL, *totalQuery = NULL, *result = NULL, *row = NULL, *rowcount = NULL, *next = NULL, *_0, *_1 = NULL, *groups = NULL, *_6, _7, _8, *_9, *groupColumn$$8 = NULL, *_2$$8 = NULL, *_3$$8, *_5$$8; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS, numberPage = 0, before = 0; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(originalBuilder); zephir_read_property_this(&originalBuilder, this_ptr, SL("_builder"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(builder); if (zephir_clone(builder, originalBuilder TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM(); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(totalBuilder); if (zephir_clone(totalBuilder, builder TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM(); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(limit); zephir_read_property_this(&limit, this_ptr, SL("_limitRows"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(_0); zephir_read_property_this(&_0, this_ptr, SL("_page"), PH_NOISY_CC); numberPage = zephir_get_intval(_0); if (!(numberPage)) { numberPage = 1; } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(number); ZVAL_LONG(number, (zephir_get_numberval(limit) * ((numberPage - 1)))); if (ZEPHIR_LT(number, limit)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, builder, "limit", NULL, 0, limit); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, builder, "limit", NULL, 0, limit, number); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&query, builder, "getquery", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (numberPage == 1) { before = 1; } else { before = (numberPage - 1); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&items, query, "execute", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "COUNT(*) [rowcount]", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, totalBuilder, "columns", NULL, 0, _1); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&groups, totalBuilder, "getgroupby", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (!(ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(groups))) { if (Z_TYPE_P(groups) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(groupColumn$$8); zephir_fast_join_str(groupColumn$$8, SL(", "), groups TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(groupColumn$$8, groups); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3$$8); ZVAL_NULL(_3$$8); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_2$$8, totalBuilder, "groupby", NULL, 0, _3$$8); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4$$8); zephir_create_array(_4$$8, 1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_5$$8); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_5$$8, "COUNT(DISTINCT ", groupColumn$$8, ") AS rowcount"); zephir_array_fast_append(_4$$8, _5$$8); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _2$$8, "columns", NULL, 0, _4$$8); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_NULL(_1); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, totalBuilder, "orderby", NULL, 0, _1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&totalQuery, totalBuilder, "getquery", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&result, totalQuery, "execute", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&row, result, "getfirst", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (zephir_is_true(row)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(_6); zephir_read_property(&_6, row, SL("rowcount"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(rowcount); ZVAL_LONG(rowcount, zephir_get_intval(_6)); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(rowcount); ZVAL_LONG(rowcount, 0); } ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_7); div_function(&_7, rowcount, limit TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_8); ZVAL_DOUBLE(&_8, zephir_ceil(&_7 TSRMLS_CC)); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(totalPages); ZVAL_LONG(totalPages, zephir_get_intval(&_8)); if (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(totalPages, numberPage)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(next); ZVAL_LONG(next, (numberPage + 1)); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(next, totalPages); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(page); object_init(page); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("items"), items TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_9); ZVAL_LONG(_9, 1); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("first"), _9 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_9); ZVAL_LONG(_9, before); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("before"), _9 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_9); ZVAL_LONG(_9, numberPage); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("current"), _9 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("last"), totalPages TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("next"), next TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("total_pages"), totalPages TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("total_items"), rowcount TSRMLS_CC); _9 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_limitRows"), PH_NOISY_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("limit"), _9 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(page); }
/** * Fires an event in the events manager causing that active listeners be notified about it * *<code> * $eventsManager->fire('db', $connection); *</code> * * @param string $eventType * @param object $source * @param mixed $data * @param int $cancelable * @return mixed */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Events_Manager, fire){ zval *event_type, *source, *data = NULL, *cancelable = NULL, *events; zval *exception_message, *event_parts, *type; zval *event_name, *status = NULL, *collect, *event = NULL, *fire_events = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 2, 2, &event_type, &source, &data, &cancelable); if (!data) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(data); } if (!cancelable) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(cancelable); ZVAL_BOOL(cancelable, 1); } if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(event_type) != IS_STRING)) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_events_exception_ce, "Event type must be a string"); return; } PHALCON_OBS_VAR(events); phalcon_read_property_this(&events, this_ptr, SL("_events"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(events) != IS_ARRAY) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } /** * All valid events must have a colon separator */ if (!phalcon_memnstr_str(event_type, SL(":"))) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SV(exception_message, "Invalid event type ", event_type); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_events_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(event_parts); phalcon_fast_explode_str(event_parts, SL(":"), event_type); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(type); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&type, event_parts, 0, PH_NOISY); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(event_name); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&event_name, event_parts, 1, PH_NOISY); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(status); /** * Responses must be traced? */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(collect); phalcon_read_property_this(&collect, this_ptr, SL("_collect"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(collect)) { phalcon_update_property_null(this_ptr, SL("_responses") TSRMLS_CC); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(event); /** * Check if events are grouped by type */ if (phalcon_array_isset(events, type)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(fire_events); phalcon_array_fetch(&fire_events, events, type, PH_NOISY); if (Z_TYPE_P(fire_events) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(fire_events) == IS_OBJECT) { /** * Create the event context */ object_init_ex(event, phalcon_events_event_ce); phalcon_call_method_p4_noret(event, "__construct", event_name, source, data, cancelable); /** * Call the events queue */ phalcon_call_method_p2(status, this_ptr, "firequeue", fire_events, event); } } /** * Check if there are listeners for the event type itself */ if (phalcon_array_isset(events, event_type)) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(fire_events); phalcon_array_fetch(&fire_events, events, event_type, PH_NOISY); if (Z_TYPE_P(fire_events) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(fire_events) == IS_OBJECT) { /** * Create the event if it wasn't created before */ if (Z_TYPE_P(event) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(event); object_init_ex(event, phalcon_events_event_ce); phalcon_call_method_p4_noret(event, "__construct", event_name, source, data, cancelable); } /** * Call the events queue */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(status); phalcon_call_method_p2(status, this_ptr, "firequeue", fire_events, event); } } RETURN_CCTOR(status); }
/** * Loads registered template engines, if none is registered it will use Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Php * * @return array */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_View_Simple, _loadTemplateEngines) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_5 = NULL, *_7 = NULL; HashTable *_3; HashPosition _2; zephir_nts_static zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_1 = NULL; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *engines = NULL, *dependencyInjector, *registeredEngines, *arguments, *extension = NULL, *engineService = NULL, *engineObject = NULL, *_0 = NULL, **_4, *_6 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(engines); zephir_read_property_this(&engines, this_ptr, SL("_engines"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(engines)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(dependencyInjector); zephir_read_property_this(&dependencyInjector, this_ptr, SL("_dependencyInjector"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(engines); array_init(engines); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(registeredEngines); zephir_read_property_this(®isteredEngines, this_ptr, SL("_registeredEngines"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(registeredEngines) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0); object_init_ex(_0, phalcon_mvc_view_engine_php_ce); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _0, "__construct", &_1, this_ptr, dependencyInjector); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_array_update_string(&engines, SL(".phtml"), &_0, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(dependencyInjector) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_mvc_view_exception_ce, "A dependency injector container is required to obtain the application services", "phalcon/mvc/view/simple.zep", 141); return; } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(arguments); zephir_create_array(arguments, 2, 0 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_array_fast_append(arguments, this_ptr); zephir_array_fast_append(arguments, dependencyInjector); zephir_is_iterable(registeredEngines, &_3, &_2, 0, 0, "phalcon/mvc/view/simple.zep", 173); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_3, (void**) &_4, &_2) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_3, &_2) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HMKEY(extension, _3, _2); ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(engineService, _4); if (Z_TYPE_P(engineService) == IS_OBJECT) { if (zephir_instance_of_ev(engineService, zend_ce_closure TSRMLS_CC)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(engineObject); ZEPHIR_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(engineObject, engineService, arguments); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(engineObject, engineService); } } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(engineService) == IS_STRING) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&engineObject, dependencyInjector, "getshared", &_5, engineService, arguments); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_0); object_init_ex(_0, phalcon_mvc_view_exception_ce); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_6); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(_6, "Invalid template engine registration for extension: ", extension); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _0, "__construct", &_7, _6); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_0, "phalcon/mvc/view/simple.zep", 167 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } } zephir_array_update_zval(&engines, extension, &engineObject, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_engines"), engines TSRMLS_CC); } else { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(engines); zephir_read_property_this(&engines, this_ptr, SL("_engines"), PH_NOISY_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(engines); }
/** * Assigns values to a row from an array returning a new row * * @param array $result * @return Phalcon\Mvc\Model $result */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Row, dumpResult){ zval *result = NULL, *object_row = NULL, *columns = NULL, *value = NULL, *field = NULL; zval *i0 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL, *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &result) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(i0); if (phalcon_clone(i0, this_ptr TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE){ return; } PHALCON_CPY_WRT(object_row, i0); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_columns"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_count(r0, t0 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t1); ZVAL_LONG(t1, 0); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); is_equal_function(r1, r0, t1 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r1)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(columns); array_init(columns); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(result TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(result); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_4c15_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_4c15_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(field); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(field, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); ZVAL_ZVAL(value, *hd, 1, 0); phalcon_array_update_zval_bool(&columns, field, 1, PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(object_row, field, value TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_4c15_0; fee_4c15_0: if(0){} phalcon_update_property_zval(object_row, SL("_columns"), columns TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_columns"), columns TSRMLS_CC); } else { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(result TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah1 = Z_ARRVAL_P(result); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah1, &hp1); fes_4c15_1: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_4c15_1; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(field); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(field, ah1, hp1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); ZVAL_ZVAL(value, *hd, 1, 0); phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(object_row, field, value TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); goto fes_4c15_1; fee_4c15_1: if(0){} PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t2); phalcon_read_property(&t2, this_ptr, SL("_columns"), PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval(object_row, SL("_columns"), t2 TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(object_row); }
/** * Generates a random string based on the given type. Type is one of the RANDOM_* constants * * <code> * echo Phalcon\Text::random(Phalcon\Text::RANDOM_ALNUM); //"aloiwkqz" * </code> */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Text, random) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_3 = NULL, *_18 = NULL; long length; zval *type_param = NULL, *length_param = NULL, *pool = NULL, *str = NULL, _0$$3 = zval_used_for_init, _1$$3 = zval_used_for_init, *_2$$3 = NULL, *_4$$3 = NULL, _5$$4 = zval_used_for_init, _6$$4 = zval_used_for_init, *_7$$4 = NULL, *_8$$4 = NULL, _9$$5, _10$$5, _11$$6, _12$$6, _13$$7 = zval_used_for_init, _14$$7 = zval_used_for_init, *_15$$7 = NULL, *_16$$7 = NULL, *_17$$7 = NULL, *_19$$8, _20$$8 = zval_used_for_init, _21$$8 = zval_used_for_init; int type, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS, end = 0; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &type_param, &length_param); if (!type_param) { type = 0; } else { type = zephir_get_intval(type_param); } if (!length_param) { length = 8; } else { length = zephir_get_intval(length_param); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(str); ZVAL_STRING(str, "", 1); do { if (type == 1) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0$$3); ZVAL_STRING(&_0$$3, "a", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_1$$3); ZVAL_STRING(&_1$$3, "z", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2$$3, "range", &_3, 441, &_0$$3, &_1$$3); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_0$$3); ZVAL_STRING(&_0$$3, "A", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_1$$3); ZVAL_STRING(&_1$$3, "Z", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_4$$3, "range", &_3, 441, &_0$$3, &_1$$3); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(pool); zephir_fast_array_merge(pool, &(_2$$3), &(_4$$3) TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (type == 2) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_5$$4); ZVAL_LONG(&_5$$4, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_6$$4); ZVAL_LONG(&_6$$4, 9); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_7$$4, "range", &_3, 441, &_5$$4, &_6$$4); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_5$$4); ZVAL_STRING(&_5$$4, "a", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_6$$4); ZVAL_STRING(&_6$$4, "f", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_8$$4, "range", &_3, 441, &_5$$4, &_6$$4); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(pool); zephir_fast_array_merge(pool, &(_7$$4), &(_8$$4) TSRMLS_CC); break; } if (type == 3) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_9$$5); ZVAL_LONG(&_9$$5, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_10$$5); ZVAL_LONG(&_10$$5, 9); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&pool, "range", &_3, 441, &_9$$5, &_10$$5); zephir_check_call_status(); break; } if (type == 4) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_11$$6); ZVAL_LONG(&_11$$6, 1); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_12$$6); ZVAL_LONG(&_12$$6, 9); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&pool, "range", &_3, 441, &_11$$6, &_12$$6); zephir_check_call_status(); break; } ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_13$$7); ZVAL_LONG(&_13$$7, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_14$$7); ZVAL_LONG(&_14$$7, 9); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_15$$7, "range", &_3, 441, &_13$$7, &_14$$7); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_13$$7); ZVAL_STRING(&_13$$7, "a", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_14$$7); ZVAL_STRING(&_14$$7, "z", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_16$$7, "range", &_3, 441, &_13$$7, &_14$$7); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_13$$7); ZVAL_STRING(&_13$$7, "A", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_14$$7); ZVAL_STRING(&_14$$7, "Z", 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_17$$7, "range", &_3, 441, &_13$$7, &_14$$7); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&pool, "array_merge", &_18, 442, _15$$7, _16$$7, _17$$7); zephir_check_call_status(); break; } while(0); end = (zephir_fast_count_int(pool TSRMLS_CC) - 1); while (1) { if (!(zephir_fast_strlen_ev(str) < length)) { break; } ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_20$$8); ZVAL_LONG(&_20$$8, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_21$$8); ZVAL_LONG(&_21$$8, end); zephir_array_fetch_long(&_19$$8, pool, zephir_mt_rand(zephir_get_intval(&_20$$8), zephir_get_intval(&_21$$8) TSRMLS_CC), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/text.zep", 129 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_concat_self(&str, _19$$8 TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(str); }
/** * Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Paginator_Adapter_QueryBuilder, getPaginate) { int numberPage, before, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *originalBuilder, *builder, *totalBuilder, *totalPages, *limit, *number, *query = NULL, *page, *items = NULL, *totalQuery = NULL, *result = NULL, *row = NULL, *rowcount, *next = NULL, *_0, *_1 = NULL, *_2, _3, _4, *_5; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(originalBuilder); zephir_read_property_this(&originalBuilder, this_ptr, SL("_builder"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(builder); if (zephir_clone(builder, originalBuilder TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM(); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(totalBuilder); if (zephir_clone(totalBuilder, builder TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM(); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(limit); zephir_read_property_this(&limit, this_ptr, SL("_limitRows"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(_0); zephir_read_property_this(&_0, this_ptr, SL("_page"), PH_NOISY_CC); numberPage = zephir_get_intval(_0); if (!(numberPage)) { numberPage = 1; } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(number); ZVAL_LONG(number, (zephir_get_numberval(limit) * ((numberPage - 1)))); if (ZEPHIR_LT(number, limit)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, builder, "limit", NULL, 0, limit); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, builder, "limit", NULL, 0, limit, number); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&query, builder, "getquery", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (numberPage == 1) { before = 1; } else { before = (numberPage - 1); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&items, query, "execute", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "COUNT(*) [rowcount]", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, totalBuilder, "columns", NULL, 0, _1); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_NULL(_1); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, totalBuilder, "orderby", NULL, 0, _1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&totalQuery, totalBuilder, "getquery", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&result, totalQuery, "execute", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&row, result, "getfirst", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(_2); zephir_read_property(&_2, row, SL("rowcount"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(rowcount); ZVAL_LONG(rowcount, zephir_get_intval(_2)); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_3); div_function(&_3, rowcount, limit TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_4); ZVAL_DOUBLE(&_4, zephir_ceil(&_3 TSRMLS_CC)); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(totalPages); ZVAL_LONG(totalPages, zephir_get_intval(&_4)); if (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(totalPages, numberPage)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(next); ZVAL_LONG(next, (numberPage + 1)); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(next, totalPages); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(page); object_init(page); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("items"), items TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_5); ZVAL_LONG(_5, 1); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("first"), _5 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_5); ZVAL_LONG(_5, before); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("before"), _5 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_5); ZVAL_LONG(_5, numberPage); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("current"), _5 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("last"), totalPages TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("next"), next TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("total_pages"), totalPages TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("total_items"), rowcount TSRMLS_CC); _5 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_limitRows"), PH_NOISY_CC); zephir_update_property_zval(page, SL("limit"), _5 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(page); }
/** * Traverses a collection calling the callback to generate its HTML * * @param Phalcon\Assets\Collection $collection * @param callback $callback * @param string $type * @param array $args */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Assets_Manager, output){ zval *collection, *callback, *type = NULL, *args = NULL, *output, *use_implicit_output; zval *resources = NULL, *filters = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *source_base_path = NULL; zval *target_base_path = NULL, *options, *collection_source_path = NULL; zval *complete_source_path = NULL, *collection_target_path = NULL; zval *complete_target_path = NULL, *filtered_joined_content = NULL; zval *join = NULL, *exception_message = NULL, *is_directory; zval *resource = NULL, *filter_needed = NULL, *local = NULL, *source_path = NULL; zval *target_path = NULL, *path = NULL, *prefixed_path = NULL, *attributes = NULL; zval *parameters = NULL, *html = NULL, *content = NULL, *must_filter = NULL; zval *filter = NULL, *filtered_content = NULL, *target_uri = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; zval *type_css; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 2, 2, &collection, &callback, &type, &args); if (!args) { args = PHALCON_GLOBAL(z_null); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(output); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(use_implicit_output); phalcon_read_property_this(&use_implicit_output, this_ptr, SL("_implicitOutput"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); /** * Get the resources as an array */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&resources, collection, "getresources"); /** * Get filters in the collection */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&filters, collection, "getfilters"); /** * Get the collection's prefix */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&prefix, collection, "getprefix"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_css); ZVAL_STRING(type_css, "css", 1); /** * Prepare options if the collection must be filtered */ if (Z_TYPE_P(filters) == IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(source_base_path); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(target_base_path); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(options); phalcon_read_property_this(&options, this_ptr, SL("_options"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); /** * Check for global options in the assets manager */ if (Z_TYPE_P(options) == IS_ARRAY) { /** * The source base path is a global location where all resources are located */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(options, SS("sourceBasePath"))) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(source_base_path); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&source_base_path, options, SL("sourceBasePath"), PH_NOISY); } /** * The target base path is a global location where all resources are written */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(options, SS("targetBasePath"))) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(target_base_path); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&target_base_path, options, SL("targetBasePath"), PH_NOISY); } } /** * Check if the collection have its own source base path */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&collection_source_path, collection, "getsourcepath"); /** * Concatenate the global base source path with the collection one */ if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_EMPTY(collection_source_path)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(complete_source_path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(complete_source_path, source_base_path, collection_source_path); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(complete_source_path, source_base_path); } /** * Check if the collection have its own target base path */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&collection_target_path, collection, "gettargetpath"); /** * Concatenate the global base source path with the collection one */ if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_EMPTY(collection_target_path)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(complete_target_path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(complete_target_path, target_base_path, collection_target_path); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(complete_target_path, target_base_path); } /** * Global filtered content */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(filtered_joined_content); /** * Check if all the resources in the collection must be joined */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&join, collection, "getjoin"); /** * Check for valid target paths if the collection must be joined */ if (zend_is_true(join)) { /** * We need a valid final target path */ if (PHALCON_IS_EMPTY(complete_target_path)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Path '", complete_target_path, "' is not a valid target path (1)"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(is_directory); phalcon_is_dir(is_directory, complete_target_path TSRMLS_CC); /** * The targetpath needs to be a valid file */ if (PHALCON_IS_TRUE(is_directory)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Path '", complete_target_path, "' is not a valid target path (2)"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } } } phalcon_is_iterable(resources, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(resource); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filter_needed); ZVAL_FALSE(filter_needed); if (!type) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&type, resource, "gettype"); } /** * Is the resource local? */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&local, resource, "getlocal"); /** * If the collection must not be joined we must print a HTML for each one */ if (Z_TYPE_P(filters) == IS_ARRAY) { if (zend_is_true(local)) { /** * Get the complete path */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&source_path, resource, "getrealsourcepath", complete_source_path); /** * We need a valid source path */ if (!zend_is_true(source_path)) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&source_path, resource, "getpath"); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Resource '", source_path, "' does not have a valid source path"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } } else { /** * Get the complete source path */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&source_path, resource, "getpath"); /** * resources paths are always filtered */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filter_needed); ZVAL_TRUE(filter_needed); } /** * Get the target path, we need to write the filtered content to a file */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&target_path, resource, "getrealtargetpath", complete_target_path); /** * We need a valid final target path */ if (PHALCON_IS_EMPTY(target_path)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Resource '", source_path, "' does not have a valid target path"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } if (zend_is_true(local)) { /** * Make sure the target path is not the same source path */ if (PHALCON_IS_EQUAL(target_path, source_path)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Resource '", target_path, "' have the same source and target paths"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, exception_message); return; } if (phalcon_file_exists(target_path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { if (phalcon_compare_mtime(target_path, source_path TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filter_needed); ZVAL_TRUE(filter_needed); } } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filter_needed); ZVAL_TRUE(filter_needed); } } } /** * If there are no filters, just print/buffer the HTML */ if (Z_TYPE_P(filters) != IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&path, resource, "getrealtargeturi"); if (Z_TYPE_P(prefix) != IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(prefixed_path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(prefixed_path, prefix, path); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(prefixed_path, path); } /** * Gets extra HTML attributes in the resource */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&attributes, resource, "getattributes"); /** * Prepare the parameters for the callback */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameters); array_init_size(parameters, 3); if (Z_TYPE_P(attributes) == IS_ARRAY) { phalcon_array_update_long(&attributes, 0, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, attributes, PH_COPY); } else { phalcon_array_append(¶meters, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); } phalcon_array_append(¶meters, local, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, args, PH_COPY); /** * Call the callback to generate the HTML */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(html);/**/ PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(html, callback, parameters); /** * Implicit output prints the content directly */ if (zend_is_true(use_implicit_output)) { zend_print_zval(html, 0); } else { phalcon_concat_self(&output, html TSRMLS_CC); } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); continue; } if (zend_is_true(filter_needed)) { /** * Get the resource's content */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&content, resource, "getcontent", complete_source_path); /** * Check if the resource must be filtered */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&must_filter, resource, "getfilter"); /** * Only filter the resource if it's marked as 'filterable' */ if (zend_is_true(must_filter)) { phalcon_is_iterable(filters, &ah1, &hp1, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(filter); /** * Filters must be valid objects */ if (Z_TYPE_P(filter) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_assets_exception_ce, "Filter is invalid"); return; } /** * Calls the method 'filter' which must return a filtered version of the content */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&filtered_content, filter, "filter", content); PHALCON_CPY_WRT_CTOR(content, filtered_content); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); } /** * Update the joined filtered content */ if (zend_is_true(join)) { if (PHALCON_IS_EQUAL(type, type_css)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(filtered_joined_content) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered_joined_content); PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(filtered_joined_content, content, ""); } else { PHALCON_SCONCAT_VS(filtered_joined_content, content, ""); } } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(filtered_joined_content) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered_joined_content); PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(filtered_joined_content, content, ";"); } else { PHALCON_SCONCAT_VS(filtered_joined_content, content, ";"); } } } } else { /** * Update the joined filtered content */ if (zend_is_true(join)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(filtered_joined_content) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(filtered_joined_content, content); } else { phalcon_concat_self(&filtered_joined_content, content TSRMLS_CC); } } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(filtered_content, content); } } if (!zend_is_true(join)) { /** * Write the file using file-put-contents. This respects the openbase-dir also * writes to streams */ phalcon_file_put_contents(NULL, target_path, filtered_content TSRMLS_CC); } } if (!zend_is_true(join)) { /** * Generate the HTML using the original path in the resource */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&path, resource, "getrealtargeturi"); if (Z_TYPE_P(prefix) != IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(prefixed_path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(prefixed_path, prefix, path); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(prefixed_path, path); } /** * Gets extra HTML attributes in the resource */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&attributes, resource, "getattributes"); /** * Filtered resources are always local */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(local); ZVAL_TRUE(local); /** * Prepare the parameters for the callback */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameters); array_init_size(parameters, 3); if (Z_TYPE_P(attributes) == IS_ARRAY) { phalcon_array_update_long(&attributes, 0, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, attributes, PH_COPY); } else { phalcon_array_append(¶meters, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); } phalcon_array_append(¶meters, local, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, args, PH_COPY); /** * Call the callback to generate the HTML */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(html);/**/ PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(html, callback, parameters); /** * Implicit output prints the content directly */ if (zend_is_true(use_implicit_output)) { zend_print_zval(html, 0); } else { phalcon_concat_self(&output, html TSRMLS_CC); } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } if (Z_TYPE_P(filters) == IS_ARRAY) { if (zend_is_true(join)) { /** * Write the file using file_put_contents. This respects the openbase-dir also * writes to streams */ phalcon_file_put_contents(NULL, complete_target_path, filtered_joined_content TSRMLS_CC); /** * Generate the HTML using the original path in the resource */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&target_uri, collection, "gettargeturi"); if (Z_TYPE_P(prefix) != IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(prefixed_path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(prefixed_path, prefix, target_uri); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(prefixed_path, target_uri); } /** * Gets extra HTML attributes in the resource */ PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&attributes, collection, "getattributes"); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&local, collection, "gettargetlocal"); /** * Prepare the parameters for the callback */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameters); array_init_size(parameters, 3); if (Z_TYPE_P(attributes) == IS_ARRAY) { phalcon_array_update_long(&attributes, 0, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, attributes, PH_COPY); } else { phalcon_array_append(¶meters, prefixed_path, PH_COPY); } phalcon_array_append(¶meters, local, PH_COPY); phalcon_array_append(¶meters, args, PH_COPY); /** * Call the callback to generate the HTML */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(html);/**/ PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(html, callback, parameters); /** * Implicit output prints the content directly */ if (zend_is_true(use_implicit_output)) { zend_print_zval(html, 0); } else { phalcon_concat_self(&output, html TSRMLS_CC); } } } RETURN_CCTOR(output); }
/** * Returns a cached content */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Cache_Backend_File, get) { int lifetime, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS, ttl = 0, modifiedTime = 0; zval *keyName_param = NULL, *lifetime_param = NULL, *prefixedKey = NULL, *cacheDir = NULL, *cacheFile = NULL, *frontend = NULL, *lastLifetime = NULL, *cachedContent = NULL, *ret = NULL, *_0, *_1 = NULL, *_2, *_3$$6 = NULL, *_4$$4, *_5$$4, *_6$$10, *_7$$10; zval *keyName = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &keyName_param, &lifetime_param); zephir_get_strval(keyName, keyName_param); if (!lifetime_param) { lifetime = 0; } else { lifetime = zephir_get_intval(lifetime_param); } _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_prefix"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1, this_ptr, "getkey", NULL, 0, keyName); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(prefixedKey); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(prefixedKey, _0, _1); zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_lastKey"), prefixedKey TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(cacheDir); _2 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_options"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!(zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&cacheDir, _2, SS("cacheDir"), 0 TSRMLS_CC))) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_cache_exception_ce, "Unexpected inconsistency in options", "phalcon/cache/backend/file.zep", 111); return; } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(cacheFile); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(cacheFile, cacheDir, prefixedKey); if ((zephir_file_exists(cacheFile TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) == 1) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(frontend); zephir_read_property_this(&frontend, this_ptr, SL("_frontend"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!(lifetime)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(lastLifetime); zephir_read_property_this(&lastLifetime, this_ptr, SL("_lastLifetime"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!(zephir_is_true(lastLifetime))) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_3$$6, frontend, "getlifetime", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); ttl = zephir_get_intval(_3$$6); } else { ttl = zephir_get_intval(lastLifetime); } } else { ttl = lifetime; } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(NULL, "clearstatcache", NULL, 114, ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), cacheFile); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4$$4); zephir_filemtime(_4$$4, cacheFile TSRMLS_CC); modifiedTime = zephir_get_intval(_4$$4); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_5$$4); zephir_time(_5$$4); if (ZEPHIR_LT_LONG(_5$$4, (modifiedTime + ttl))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(cachedContent); zephir_file_get_contents(cachedContent, cacheFile TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(cachedContent)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_6$$10); object_init_ex(_6$$10, phalcon_cache_exception_ce); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_7$$10); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_7$$10, "Cache file ", cacheFile, " could not be opened"); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _6$$10, "__construct", NULL, 9, _7$$10); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_6$$10, "phalcon/cache/backend/file.zep", 148 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } if (zephir_is_numeric(cachedContent)) { RETURN_CCTOR(cachedContent); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&ret, frontend, "afterretrieve", NULL, 0, cachedContent); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_CCTOR(ret); } } } RETURN_MM_NULL(); }
/** * Applies the internal format to the message * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $time * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_File, _applyFormat){ zval *message = NULL, *type = NULL, *time = NULL, *format = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz|z", &message, &type, &time) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (!time) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(time); ZVAL_LONG(time, 0); } else { PHALCON_SEPARATE_PARAM(time); } if (!zend_is_true(time)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(time); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC(time, "time"); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(format); phalcon_read_property(&format, this_ptr, SL("_format"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "%date%", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_dateFormat"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(r0, "date", t0, time); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r1, c0, r0, format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, r1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "%type%", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(r2, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type, PH_NO_CHECK); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r3); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r3, c1, r2, format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, r3); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "%message%", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r4); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r4, c2, message, format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, r4); RETURN_CCTOR(format); }
/** * Stores cached content into the file backend and stops the frontend * * @param int|string keyName * @param string content * @param int lifetime * @param boolean stopBuffer */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Cache_Backend_File, save) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zend_bool stopBuffer; zval *keyName = NULL, *content = NULL, *lifetime = NULL, *stopBuffer_param = NULL, *lastKey = NULL, *frontend = NULL, *cacheDir = NULL, *isBuffering = NULL, *cacheFile = NULL, *cachedContent = NULL, *preparedContent = NULL, *status = NULL, *_2, *_0$$4, *_1$$4 = NULL, *_3$$11, *_4$$11; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 4, &keyName, &content, &lifetime, &stopBuffer_param); if (!keyName) { keyName = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!content) { content = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!lifetime) { lifetime = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!stopBuffer_param) { stopBuffer = 1; } else { stopBuffer = zephir_get_boolval(stopBuffer_param); } if (Z_TYPE_P(keyName) == IS_NULL) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(lastKey); zephir_read_property_this(&lastKey, this_ptr, SL("_lastKey"), PH_NOISY_CC); } else { _0$$4 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_prefix"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1$$4, this_ptr, "getkey", NULL, 0, keyName); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(lastKey); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(lastKey, _0$$4, _1$$4); zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_lastKey"), lastKey TSRMLS_CC); } if (!(zephir_is_true(lastKey))) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_cache_exception_ce, "Cache must be started first", "phalcon/cache/backend/file.zep", 186); return; } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(frontend); zephir_read_property_this(&frontend, this_ptr, SL("_frontend"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(cacheDir); _2 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_options"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!(zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&cacheDir, _2, SS("cacheDir"), 0 TSRMLS_CC))) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_cache_exception_ce, "Unexpected inconsistency in options", "phalcon/cache/backend/file.zep", 192); return; } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(cacheFile); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(cacheFile, cacheDir, lastKey); if (Z_TYPE_P(content) == IS_NULL) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&cachedContent, frontend, "getcontent", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(cachedContent, content); } if (!(zephir_is_numeric(cachedContent))) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&preparedContent, frontend, "beforestore", NULL, 0, cachedContent); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(preparedContent, cachedContent); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(status); zephir_file_put_contents(status, cacheFile, preparedContent TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(status)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3$$11); object_init_ex(_3$$11, phalcon_cache_exception_ce); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4$$11); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_4$$11, "Cache file ", cacheFile, " could not be written"); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _3$$11, "__construct", NULL, 9, _4$$11); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_3$$11, "phalcon/cache/backend/file.zep", 215 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&isBuffering, frontend, "isbuffering", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (stopBuffer == 1) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, frontend, "stop", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); } if (ZEPHIR_IS_TRUE_IDENTICAL(isBuffering)) { zend_print_zval(cachedContent, 0); } if (0) { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_started"), ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true) TSRMLS_CC); } else { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_started"), ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_false) TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_CCTOR(status); }
/** * Handle the whole command-line tasks * * @param array arguments * @return mixed */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Cli_Console, handle) { zephir_nts_static zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_6 = NULL; zend_bool _3; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *arguments = NULL, *dependencyInjector, *router = NULL, *eventsManager = NULL, *moduleName = NULL, *modules, *module, *path, *className = NULL, *moduleObject = NULL, *dispatcher = NULL, *task = NULL, *_0, *_1 = NULL, *_2 = NULL, *_4, *_5 = NULL, *_7 = NULL, *_8 = NULL, *_9 = NULL, *_10 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 1, &arguments); if (!arguments) { arguments = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(dependencyInjector); zephir_read_property_this(&dependencyInjector, this_ptr, SL("_dependencyInjector"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(dependencyInjector) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_cli_console_exception_ce, "A dependency injection object is required to access internal services", "phalcon/cli/console.zep", 171); return; } _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_eventsManager"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(eventsManager, _0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "router", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1, dependencyInjector, "getshared", NULL, _2); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(router, _1); _3 = !zephir_is_true(arguments); if (_3) { _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_arguments"), PH_NOISY_CC); _3 = zephir_is_true(_0); } if (_3) { _4 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_arguments"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, router, "handle", NULL, _4); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, router, "handle", NULL, arguments); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&moduleName, router, "getmodulename", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (zephir_is_true(moduleName)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "console:beforeStartModule", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, _2, this_ptr, moduleName); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_1)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(modules); zephir_read_property_this(&modules, this_ptr, SL("_modules"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!(zephir_array_isset(modules, moduleName))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); object_init_ex(_2, phalcon_cli_console_exception_ce); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_5); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_5, "Module '", moduleName, "' isn't registered in the console container"); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _2, "__construct", &_6, _5); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_2, "phalcon/cli/console.zep", 195 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(module); zephir_array_fetch(&module, modules, moduleName, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/cli/console.zep", 198 TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(module) != IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_cli_console_exception_ce, "Invalid module definition path", "phalcon/cli/console.zep", 200); return; } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(path); if (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&path, module, SS("path"), 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { if (!((zephir_file_exists(path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); object_init_ex(_2, phalcon_cli_console_exception_ce); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_5); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_5, "Module definition path '", path, "' doesn't exist"); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _2, "__construct", &_6, _5); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_throw_exception_debug(_2, "phalcon/cli/console.zep", 205 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); return; } if (zephir_require_zval(path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(className); if (!(zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&className, module, SS("className"), 0 TSRMLS_CC))) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(className); ZVAL_STRING(className, "Module", 1); } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&moduleObject, dependencyInjector, "get", NULL, className); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, moduleObject, "registerautoloaders", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, moduleObject, "registerservices", NULL, dependencyInjector); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_moduleObject"), moduleObject TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "console:afterStartModule", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_7, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, _2, this_ptr, moduleObject); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_7)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } } } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "dispatcher", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_7, dependencyInjector, "getshared", NULL, _2); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(dispatcher, _7); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_7, router, "gettaskname", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, dispatcher, "settaskname", NULL, _7); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_8, router, "getactionname", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, dispatcher, "setactionname", NULL, _8); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_9, router, "getparams", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, dispatcher, "setparams", NULL, _9); zephir_check_call_status(); _4 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_options"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, dispatcher, "setoptions", NULL, _4); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "console:beforeHandleTask", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_10, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, _2, this_ptr, dispatcher); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_10)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } } ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&task, dispatcher, "dispatch", NULL); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_2); ZVAL_STRING(_2, "console:afterHandleTask", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, _2, this_ptr, task); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2); zephir_check_call_status(); } RETURN_CCTOR(task); }
/** * Sends SQL statements to the database server returning the success state. * Use this method only when the SQL statement sent to the server is returning rows * *<code> * //Querying data * $resultset = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM robots WHERE type='mechanical'"); * $resultset = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM robots WHERE type=?", array("mechanical")); *</code> */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo, query) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *sqlStatement_param = NULL, *bindParams = NULL, *bindTypes = NULL, *eventsManager = NULL, *pdo = NULL, *statement = NULL, *_0, *_1$$3 = NULL, *_2$$3, *_3$$6 = NULL, *_4$$9; zval *sqlStatement = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 2, &sqlStatement_param, &bindParams, &bindTypes); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(sqlStatement_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(sqlStatement_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'sqlStatement' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(sqlStatement_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(sqlStatement, sqlStatement_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(sqlStatement); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(sqlStatement); } if (!bindParams) { bindParams = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (!bindTypes) { bindTypes = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_eventsManager"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(eventsManager, _0); if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_sqlStatement"), sqlStatement TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_sqlVariables"), bindParams TSRMLS_CC); zephir_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_sqlBindTypes"), bindTypes TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_2$$3); ZVAL_STRING(_2$$3, "db:beforeQuery", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1$$3, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, 0, _2$$3, this_ptr); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_2$$3); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE_IDENTICAL(_1$$3)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } } _0 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_pdo"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(pdo, _0); if (Z_TYPE_P(bindParams) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&statement, pdo, "prepare", NULL, 0, sqlStatement); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(statement) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_3$$6, this_ptr, "executeprepared", NULL, 0, statement, bindParams, bindTypes); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(statement, _3$$6); } } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&statement, pdo, "query", NULL, 0, sqlStatement); zephir_check_call_status(); } if (Z_TYPE_P(statement) == IS_OBJECT) { if (Z_TYPE_P(eventsManager) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4$$9); ZVAL_STRING(_4$$9, "db:afterQuery", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, eventsManager, "fire", NULL, 0, _4$$9, this_ptr); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_4$$9); zephir_check_call_status(); } object_init_ex(return_value, phalcon_db_result_pdo_ce); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, return_value, "__construct", NULL, 37, this_ptr, statement, sqlStatement, bindParams, bindTypes); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } RETURN_CCTOR(statement); }
/** * Gets the a value to validate in the array/object data source * * @param string field * @return mixed */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Validation, getValue) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_2 = NULL; zend_bool _1; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *field_param = NULL, *entity, *method = NULL, *value = NULL, *data, *values, *filters, *fieldFilters, *dependencyInjector = NULL, *filterService = NULL, *_3; zval *field = NULL, *_0; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &field_param); zephir_get_strval(field, field_param); ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(entity); zephir_read_property_this(&entity, this_ptr, SL("_entity"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(entity) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(_0, "get", field); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(method, _0); if ((zephir_method_exists(entity, method TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD_ZVAL(&value, entity, method, NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { if ((zephir_method_exists_ex(entity, SS("readattribute") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&value, entity, "readattribute", NULL, 0, field); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(value); if (zephir_isset_property_zval(entity, field TSRMLS_CC)) { zephir_read_property_zval(&value, entity, field, PH_NOISY_CC); } else { ZVAL_NULL(value); } } } RETURN_CCTOR(value); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(data); zephir_read_property_this(&data, this_ptr, SL("_data"), PH_NOISY_CC); _1 = Z_TYPE_P(data) != IS_ARRAY; if (_1) { _1 = Z_TYPE_P(data) != IS_OBJECT; } if (_1) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "There is no data to validate", "phalcon/validation.zep", 386); return; } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(values); zephir_read_property_this(&values, this_ptr, SL("_values"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(value); if (zephir_array_isset_fetch(&value, values, field, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { RETURN_CCTOR(value); } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(value); ZVAL_NULL(value); if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY) { if (zephir_array_isset(data, field)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(value); zephir_array_fetch(&value, data, field, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/validation.zep", 400 TSRMLS_CC); } } else if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_OBJECT) { if (zephir_isset_property_zval(data, field TSRMLS_CC)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(value); zephir_read_property_zval(&value, data, field, PH_NOISY_CC); } } if (Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_NULL) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(filters); zephir_read_property_this(&filters, this_ptr, SL("_filters"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(filters) == IS_ARRAY) { ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(fieldFilters); if (zephir_array_isset_fetch(&fieldFilters, filters, field, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { if (zephir_is_true(fieldFilters)) { ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&dependencyInjector, this_ptr, "getdi", NULL, 0); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(dependencyInjector) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&dependencyInjector, phalcon_di_ce, "getdefault", &_2, 145); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(dependencyInjector) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "A dependency injector is required to obtain the 'filter' service", "phalcon/validation.zep", 423); return; } } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_STRING(_3, "filter", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&filterService, dependencyInjector, "getshared", NULL, 0, _3); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_3); zephir_check_call_status(); if (Z_TYPE_P(filterService) != IS_OBJECT) { ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_validation_exception_ce, "Returned 'filter' service is invalid", "phalcon/validation.zep", 429); return; } ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_METHOD(filterService, "sanitize", NULL, 0, value, fieldFilters); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } } } zephir_update_property_array(this_ptr, SL("_values"), field, value TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CCTOR(value); }
/** * Returns an array of Phalcon\Db\Column objects describing a table * * <code> * print_r($connection->describeColumns("posts")); * </code> */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql, describeColumns) { HashTable *_5; HashPosition _4; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_41 = NULL; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *table_param = NULL, *schema_param = NULL, *columns = NULL, *columnType = NULL, *field = NULL, *definition = NULL, *oldColumn = NULL, *sizePattern = NULL, *matches = NULL, *matchOne = NULL, *matchTwo = NULL, *columnName = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_1, *_2 = NULL, *_3, **_6, *_7$$5 = NULL, *_8$$5 = NULL, *_9$$6 = NULL, *_10$$6 = NULL, *_11$$7 = NULL, *_12$$8 = NULL, *_13$$9 = NULL, *_14$$10 = NULL, *_15$$11 = NULL, *_16$$12 = NULL, *_17$$13 = NULL, *_18$$14 = NULL, *_19$$14 = NULL, *_20$$15 = NULL, *_21$$15 = NULL, *_22$$16 = NULL, *_23$$16 = NULL, *_24$$17 = NULL, *_25$$17 = NULL, *_26$$18 = NULL, *_27$$18 = NULL, *_28$$19 = NULL, *_29$$20 = NULL, *_30$$21 = NULL, *_31$$4 = NULL, *_32$$22 = NULL, *_33$$24 = NULL, *_34$$25 = NULL, *_35$$3, *_36$$3, *_37$$3, *_38$$3 = NULL, *_40$$3 = NULL, *_39$$32; zval *table = NULL, *schema = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &table_param, &schema_param); zephir_get_strval(table, table_param); if (!schema_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(schema); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(schema); } else { zephir_get_strval(schema, schema_param); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(oldColumn); ZVAL_NULL(oldColumn); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(sizePattern); ZVAL_STRING(sizePattern, "#\\(([0-9]+)(?:,\\s*([0-9]+))*\\)#", 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(columns); array_init(columns); _1 = zephir_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_dialect"), PH_NOISY_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_2, _1, "describecolumns", NULL, 0, table, schema); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(_3, 3); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_0, this_ptr, "fetchall", NULL, 0, _2, _3); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_is_iterable(_0, &_5, &_4, 0, 0, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 345); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_5, (void**) &_6, &_4) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_5, &_4) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(field, _6); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(definition); zephir_create_array(definition, 1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); add_assoc_long_ex(definition, SS("bindType"), 2); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(columnType); zephir_array_fetch_long(&columnType, field, 1, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 119 TSRMLS_CC); while (1) { if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("bigint"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 126)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_7$$5); ZVAL_LONG(_7$$5, 14); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_7$$5, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("isNumeric"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_8$$5); ZVAL_LONG(_8$$5, 1); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_8$$5, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("int"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 136)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_9$$6); ZVAL_LONG(_9$$6, 0); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_9$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("isNumeric"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_10$$6); ZVAL_LONG(_10$$6, 1); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_10$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("varchar"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 146)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_11$$7); ZVAL_LONG(_11$$7, 2); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_11$$7, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("datetime"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 154)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_12$$8); ZVAL_LONG(_12$$8, 4); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_12$$8, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("enum"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 162)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_13$$9); ZVAL_LONG(_13$$9, 5); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_13$$9, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("char"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 170)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_14$$10); ZVAL_LONG(_14$$10, 5); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_14$$10, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("date"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 178)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_15$$11); ZVAL_LONG(_15$$11, 1); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_15$$11, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("timestamp"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 186)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_16$$12); ZVAL_LONG(_16$$12, 17); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_16$$12, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("text"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 194)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_17$$13); ZVAL_LONG(_17$$13, 6); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_17$$13, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("decimal"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 202)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_18$$14); ZVAL_LONG(_18$$14, 3); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_18$$14, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("isNumeric"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_19$$14); ZVAL_LONG(_19$$14, 32); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_19$$14, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("double"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 212)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_20$$15); ZVAL_LONG(_20$$15, 9); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_20$$15, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("isNumeric"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_21$$15); ZVAL_LONG(_21$$15, 32); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_21$$15, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("float"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 222)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_22$$16); ZVAL_LONG(_22$$16, 7); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_22$$16, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("isNumeric"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_23$$16); ZVAL_LONG(_23$$16, 32); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_23$$16, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("bit"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 232)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_24$$17); ZVAL_LONG(_24$$17, 8); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_24$$17, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_25$$17); ZVAL_LONG(_25$$17, 5); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_25$$17, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("tinyblob"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 241)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_26$$18); ZVAL_LONG(_26$$18, 10); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_26$$18, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_27$$18); ZVAL_LONG(_27$$18, 5); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("bindType"), &_27$$18, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("mediumblob"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 250)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_28$$19); ZVAL_LONG(_28$$19, 12); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_28$$19, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("longblob"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 258)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_29$$20); ZVAL_LONG(_29$$20, 13); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_29$$20, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("blob"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 266)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_30$$21); ZVAL_LONG(_30$$21, 11); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_30$$21, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_31$$4); ZVAL_LONG(_31$$4, 2); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("type"), &_31$$4, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("("), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 281)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(matches); ZVAL_NULL(matches); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_32$$22); zephir_preg_match(_32$$22, sizePattern, columnType, matches, 0, 0 , 0 TSRMLS_CC); if (zephir_is_true(_32$$22)) { ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(matchOne); if (zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&matchOne, matches, 1, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_33$$24); ZVAL_LONG(_33$$24, zephir_get_intval(matchOne)); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("size"), &_33$$24, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(matchTwo); if (zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&matchTwo, matches, 2, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_34$$25); ZVAL_LONG(_34$$25, zephir_get_intval(matchTwo)); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("scale"), &_34$$25, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } } } if (zephir_memnstr_str(columnType, SL("unsigned"), "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 296)) { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("unsigned"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } if (Z_TYPE_P(oldColumn) == IS_NULL) { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("first"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } else { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("after"), &oldColumn, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_fetch_long(&_35$$3, field, 3, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 312 TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_35$$3, "PRI")) { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("primary"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_fetch_long(&_36$$3, field, 2, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 319 TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_36$$3, "NO")) { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("notNull"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_fetch_long(&_37$$3, field, 5, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 326 TSRMLS_CC); if (ZEPHIR_IS_STRING(_37$$3, "auto_increment")) { zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("autoIncrement"), &ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_true), PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(_38$$3); zephir_array_fetch_long(&_38$$3, field, 4, PH_NOISY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 333 TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(_38$$3) != IS_NULL) { zephir_array_fetch_long(&_39$$32, field, 4, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 334 TSRMLS_CC); zephir_array_update_string(&definition, SL("default"), &_39$$32, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); } zephir_array_fetch_long(&columnName, field, 0, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 340 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_40$$3); object_init_ex(_40$$3, phalcon_db_column_ce); ZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, _40$$3, "__construct", &_41, 142, columnName, definition); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_array_append(&columns, _40$$3, PH_SEPARATE, "phalcon/db/adapter/pdo/mysql.zep", 341); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(oldColumn, columnName); } RETURN_CCTOR(columns); }