Example #1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LABHistogram2D::AddValue(CvScalar bgr) {
	double lab[3];
	RGB2Lab(bgr.val[2], bgr.val[1], bgr.val[0], lab);
	if (lab[1] < a_min || lab[1] >= a_max || lab[2] < b_min || lab[2] >= b_max)
	int A = (int)((lab[1]-a_min)*a_bins/(a_max-a_min));
	int B = (int)((lab[2]-b_min)*b_bins/(b_max-b_min));
	float* value = cvGetHistValue_2D(h, A, B);
void __fastcall TForm1::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
	switch( TabControl1 -> TabIndex )
		case 0:
			TabControl1 -> Tabs -> Strings[ TabControl1 -> TabIndex ] = ExtractFileName( FileListBox1 -> FileName );
			Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( FileListBox1 -> FileName );
		case 1:
			char ToneOldFile[ 150 ];
			strcpy( ToneOldFile, FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
			sprintf( strrchr( ToneOldFile, '.' ), "_ToneOld.emf" );
			if( !FileExists( ToneOldFile ) )
				char filename[ 150 ];
				int LDomain[ 100 ];
				int L_index;
				memset( LDomain, 0, sizeof( LDomain ) );
				strcpy( filename,  FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
				ReadBMPData( filename );
				for( int i = 0 ; i < imageHeight; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth * 3; j += 3 )
						RGB2Lab( ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 0 ], ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 1 ], ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 2 ],
							&Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 0 ], &Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 1 ], &Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 2 ] );
						L_index = ( int )( Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 0 ] + 0.5 );
						LDomain[ L_index ] ++;
				FILE *ToneOldData = fopen( "ToneOldData.dat", "w" );
				// write L domain value in data file
				for( int i = 0; i <= 99; i ++ )
					//if( LDomain[ i ] >= 300 )
						fprintf( ToneOldData, "%d %d\n", i, LDomain[ i ] );
				fclose( ToneOldData );
				char PresentWorkingDirectory[ 150 ];
				sprintf( PresentWorkingDirectory, "%s", ExtractFileDir( FileListBox1 -> FileName ) );
				FILE *fp_domain_script = fopen( "histogram.dem", "w" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "cd '%s'\n", PresentWorkingDirectory );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set terminal emf\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set xrange [ 0 : 100 ]\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set xlabel 'L'\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set ylabel 'intensity'\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set grid\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set output '%s'\n", ToneOldFile );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "plot 'ToneOldData.dat' title '%s' with impulses 1 4\n", "ToneOld.dat" );
				fclose( fp_domain_script );
				char command[ 200 ];
				sprintf( command, "%s\\gnuplot\\bin\\wgnuplot.exe histogram.dem", ExtractFileDrive( FileListBox1 -> FileName ) );
				system( command );
				remove( "histogram.dem" );
				remove( "ToneOldData.dat" );
			Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( ToneOldFile );
		case 2:
			char ToneOutPutFile[ 150 ];
			strcpy( ToneOutPutFile, FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
			sprintf( strrchr( ToneOutPutFile, '.' ), "_tone.bmp" );
			if( !FileExists( ToneOutPutFile ) )
				char filename[ 150 ];
				strcpy( filename,  FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
				ReadBMPData( filename );
				MacroBlock block[ imageHeight / 16 ][ imageWidth / 16 ];
				memset( block, 0, sizeof( block ) );
				double LSum = 0;
				double aSum = 0;
				double bSum = 0;
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; LSum = 0, aSum = 0, bSum = 0, j ++ )
						for( int k = i * 16; k <= ( i * 16 + 15 ); k ++ )
							for( int m = j * 16 * 3; m <= ( j * 16 + 15 ) * 3; m += 3 )
								RGB2Lab( ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 0 ], ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 1 ], ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 2 ],
									&Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 0 ], &Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 1 ], &Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 2 ] );
								LSum += Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 0 ];
								aSum += Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 1 ];
								bSum += Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 2 ];
						block[ i ][ j ].DCL = LSum / 256.0;
						block[ i ][ j ].DCa = aSum / 256.0;
						block[ i ][ j ].DCb = bSum / 256.0;
				int num = 0;
				double L_sort[ Len_pri ];
				//  make Macroblock in one dimension
				for( int i = 1; i < imageHeight / 16 - 1; i ++ )
					for( int j = 1; j < imageWidth / 16 - 1; j ++, num ++ )
						L_sort[ num ] = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
				// sort L from small to big
				exchange_sort( L_sort, Len_pri );
				double WeightTotalFinal = 0;
				for( int i = 1; i < imageHeight / 16 - 1; i ++ )
					for( int j = 1; j < imageWidth / 16 - 1; j ++ )
						block[ i ][ j ].WeightL
							= pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i - 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i - 1 ][ j      ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i - 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i     ][ j - 1 ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i     ][ j + 1 ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i + 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i + 1 ][ j     ].DCL, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCL - block[ i + 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCL, 2 );
						block[ i ][ j ].Weighta                                            
							= pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i - 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i - 1 ][ j     ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i - 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i     ][ j - 1 ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i     ][ j + 1 ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i + 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i + 1 ][ j     ].DCa, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCa - block[ i + 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCa, 2 );
						block[ i ][ j ].Weightb                                            
							= pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i - 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i - 1 ][ j     ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i - 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i     ][ j - 1 ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i     ][ j + 1 ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i + 1 ][ j - 1 ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i + 1 ][ j     ].DCb, 2 )
							+ pow( block[ i ][ j ].DCb - block[ i + 1 ][ j + 1 ].DCb, 2 );
						block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal = pow( block[ i ][ j ].WeightL * block[ i ][ j ].Weighta * block[ i ][ j ].Weightb, 0.5 );
						WeightTotalFinal += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal;
				double tone_L1;		// every L of control point ( 0 ~ 100 )
				double tone_L2;
				double tone_L3;
				double tone_L4;
				double tone_c1x = 10;	// MacroBlock DCL weight sum accumulation ratio
				double tone_c2x = 30;
				double tone_c3x = 70;
				double tone_c4x = 90;
				double tone_wL1 = 0;	// accumulate every DCL weight sum of control pointªºDCL weight sum, aim at final value
				double tone_wL2 = 0;
				double tone_wL3 = 0;
				double tone_wL4 = 0;
				// find out four ratios of WeightFinal, calculate corresponding DCL
				for( int p = 0; p < Len_pri; p ++ )
					for( int i = 1; i < imageHeight / 16 - 1; i ++ )
						for( int j = 1; j < imageWidth / 16 - 1; j ++ )
							if( block[ i ][ j ].DCL == L_sort[ p ] )
								if( tone_wL1 < tone_c1x / 100 )
									tone_wL1 +=  block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;
									if( tone_wL1 >= tone_c1x / 100 )
										tone_L1 = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
									tone_wL2 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;
									tone_wL3 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;							
									tone_wL4 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;							
								else if( tone_wL1 >= tone_c1x / 100 && tone_wL2 < tone_c2x / 100 )
									tone_wL2 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;
									if( tone_wL2 >= tone_c2x / 100 )
										tone_L2 = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
									tone_wL3 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;
									tone_wL4 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;							
								else if( tone_wL2 >= tone_c2x / 100 && tone_wL3 < tone_c3x / 100 )
									tone_wL3 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;
									if( tone_wL3 >= tone_c3x / 100 )
										tone_L3 = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
									tone_wL4 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;							
								else if( tone_wL3 >= tone_c3x / 100 && tone_wL4 < tone_c4x / 100 )
									tone_wL4 += block[ i ][ j ].WeightFinal / WeightTotalFinal;							
									if( tone_wL4 >= tone_c4x / 100 )
										tone_L4 = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
				double tone_c1y = 20;	// every L of control point should be adjust to value( 0 ~100 )
				double tone_c2y = 40;
				double tone_c3y = 60;
				double tone_c4y = 80;
				// Tone Reproduction on L domain
				for( int p = 0; p < imageHeight; p ++ )
					for( int q = 0; q < ( 3 * imageWidth ); q +=3 )
						if( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] >= 0 && Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] < tone_L1 )
							Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] = Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] * tone_c1y / tone_L1;
						else if( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] >= tone_L1 && Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] < tone_L2 )
							Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] = tone_c1y + ( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] - tone_L1 ) * ( tone_c2y - tone_c1y ) / ( tone_L2 - tone_L1 );
						else if( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] >= tone_L2 && Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] < tone_L3)
							Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] =  tone_c2y + ( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] - tone_L2 ) * ( tone_c3y - tone_c2y ) / ( tone_L3 - tone_L2 );
						else if( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] >= tone_L3 && Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] < tone_L4 )
							Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] =  tone_c3y + ( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] - tone_L3 ) * ( tone_c4y - tone_c3y ) / ( tone_L4 - tone_L3 );
							Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] =  tone_c4y + ( Lab_buf[ p ][ q ] - tone_L4 ) * ( 100 - tone_c4y ) / ( 100 - tone_L4 );
						// Lab to RGB
						Lab2RGB( Lab_buf[ p ][ q + 0 ], Lab_buf[ p ][ q + 1 ], Lab_buf[ p ][ q + 2 ],
							&ucImageOut[ p ][ q + 0 ], &ucImageOut[ p ][ q + 1 ], &ucImageOut[ p ][ q + 2 ] );
				FILE *outfp = fopen( ToneOutPutFile, "wb" );
				fwrite( &header1, 14, 1, outfp );
				fwrite( &header2, 40, 1, outfp );
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i ++ )
					fwrite( ucImageOut[ i ], 3 * imageWidth, 1, outfp );
				fclose( outfp );
			Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( ToneOutPutFile );
void __fastcall TForm1::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
	switch( TabControl1 -> TabIndex )
		case 0:
			if( !FileExists( "MeanFile.txt" ) || !FileExists( "standardDeviation.txt" ) )
				char filename[ 150 ];
				MacroBlock MeanBlock[ imageHeight / 16 ][ imageWidth / 16 ];
				MacroBlock block[ imageHeight / 16 ][ imageWidth / 16 ];
				for( int n = 0; n < FileListBox1 -> Items -> Count; n ++ )
					memset( block, 0, sizeof( block ) );
					memset( MeanBlock, 0, sizeof( MeanBlock ) );
					sprintf( filename, "%s%s", ExtractFilePath( FileListBox1 -> FileName ), FileListBox1 -> Items -> Strings[ n ].c_str() );
					ReadBMPData( filename );
					double LSum = 0;
					for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
						for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; LSum = 0, j ++ )
							for( int k = i * 16; k <= ( i * 16 + 15 ); k ++ )
								for( int m = j * 16 * 3; m <= ( j * 16 + 15 ) * 3; m += 3 )
									RGB2Lab( ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 0 ], ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 1 ], ImageDataBlock[ k ][ m + 2 ],
										&Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 0 ], &Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 1 ], &Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 2 ] );
									LSum += Lab_buf[ k ][ m + 0 ];
							block[ i ][ j ].DCL = LSum / 256.0;
							MeanBlock[ i ][ j ].DCL += block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
							AllDCL[ n ][ i ][ j ] = block[ i ][ j ].DCL;
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; j ++ )
						MeanBlock[ i ][ j ].DCL /= FileListBox1 -> Items -> Count;
				FILE *MeanFile = fopen( "MeanFile.txt", "w" );
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; j ++ )
						fprintf( MeanFile, "%f ", MeanBlock[ i ][ j ].DCL );
					fprintf( MeanFile, "\n" );
				fclose( MeanFile );
				for( int i = 0; i < 100; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageHeight / 16; j ++ )
						for( int k = 0; k < imageWidth / 16; k ++ )
							stddev[ j ][ k ] += pow( AllDCL[ i ][ j ][ k ] - MeanBlock[ j ][ k ].DCL, 2 );
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; j ++ )
						stddev[ i ][ j ] = pow( stddev[ i ][ j ] / ( FileListBox1 -> Items -> Count - 1 ), 0.5 );
				FILE *StandardDeviation = fopen( "standardDeviation.txt", "w" );
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight / 16; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth / 16; j ++ )
						fprintf( StandardDeviation, "%f ", stddev[ i ][ j ] );
					fprintf( StandardDeviation, "\n" );
				fclose( StandardDeviation );
void __fastcall TForm1::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
	switch( TabControl1 -> TabIndex )
		case 0:
			TabControl1 -> Tabs -> Strings[ TabControl1 -> TabIndex ] = ExtractFileName( FileListBox1 -> FileName );
			Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( FileListBox1 -> FileName );
		case 1:
		case 2:
			char histogram_file[ 100 ];
			char ec_file[ 100 ];
			char PresentWorkingDirectory[ 100 ];
			strcpy( histogram_file, FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
			strcpy( ec_file, FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
			sprintf( PresentWorkingDirectory, "%s", ExtractFileDir( FileListBox1 -> FileName ) );
			if( TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 1 )
				sprintf( strrchr( histogram_file, '.' ), "_histogram.emf" );

				if( FileExists( histogram_file ) )
					Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( histogram_file );
			else	// TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 2
				sprintf( strrchr( ec_file, '.' ), "_ec.emf" );
				if( FileExists( ec_file ) )
					Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( ec_file );
			FILE *fp_domain_data;
			FILE *fp_domain_script;
			int abDomain[ 185 ][ 203 ];
			unsigned int a_index;
			unsigned int b_index;
			double aSum = 0;
			double bSum = 0;
			double aMean;
			double bMean;
			double offset;
			double aVariance;
			double bVariance;
			double radius;
			double intensity;
			memset( abDomain, 0, sizeof( abDomain ) );
			ReadBMPData( FileListBox1 -> FileName.c_str() );
			for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i++ )
				for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth * 3; j += 3 )
					RGB2Lab( ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 0 ], ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 1 ], ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 2 ],
							&Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 0 ], &Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 1 ], &Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 2 ] );
					aSum += Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 1 ];
					bSum += Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 2 ];
					a_index = ( int )( Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 1 ] + 0.5 ) + 86;
					b_index = ( int )( Lab_buf[ i ][ j + 2 ] + 0.5 ) + 108;
					abDomain[ a_index ][ b_index ]++;
			fp_domain_data = fopen( "histogram.dat", "w" );
			// write ab domain value in data file
			for( int i = 0; i <= 184; i ++ )
				for( int j = 0; j <= 202; j ++ )
					if( abDomain[ i ][ j ] != 0 )
						fprintf( fp_domain_data, "%d %d %d\n", i - 86, j - 108, abDomain[ i ][ j ] );
			fclose( fp_domain_data );
			fp_domain_script = fopen( "histogram.dem", "w" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "cd '%s'\n", PresentWorkingDirectory );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set terminal emf color\n" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set xrange [ -86 : 98 ]\n" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set yrange [ -108 : 94 ]\n" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set xlabel 'a'\n" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set ylabel 'b'\n" );
			fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set grid\n" );
			if( TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 1 )
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set zlabel 'intensity'\n\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set title '2D histogram in the ab plane'\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set ticslevel 0\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set output '%s'\n", histogram_file );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "splot 'histogram.dat' title '%s' with lines\n\n", histogram_file );

			else	// TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 2
				aMean = aSum / ( imageHeight * imageWidth );
				bMean = bSum / ( imageHeight * imageWidth );				
				offset = pow( aMean * aMean + bMean * bMean, 0.5 );
				aSum = 0;
				bSum = 0;
				for( int i = 0; i <= 184; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j <= 202; j ++ )
						if( abDomain[ i ][ j ] != 0 )
							aSum += pow( aMean - ( i -  86 ), 2 ) * abDomain[ i ][ j ];
							bSum += pow( bMean - ( j - 108 ), 2 ) * abDomain[ i ][ j ];
				aVariance = aSum / ( imageHeight * imageWidth );
				bVariance = bSum / ( imageHeight * imageWidth );
				radius = pow( aVariance + bVariance, 0.5 );
				intensity = ( offset - radius ) / radius;
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set parametric\n" );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set output '%s'\n", ec_file );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set arrow to %f, %f\n", aMean, bMean );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set title 'Equivalent circle'\n" );
				if( aMean >= 0 && bMean >= 0 )		// first quadrant
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'offset = %f' at -10, -10\n", offset );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'radius = %f' at -10, -20\n", radius );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'intensity = %f' at -10, -30\n", intensity );
				else if( aMean <= 0 && bMean >= 0 )	// second quadrant
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'offset = %f' at 10, -10\n", offset );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'radius = %f' at 10, -20\n", radius );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'intensity = %f' at 10, -30\n", intensity );
				else if( aMean <= 0 && bMean <= 0 )	// third quadrant
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'offset = %f' at 10, 30\n", offset );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'radius = %f' at 10, 20\n", radius );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'intensity = %f' at 10, 10\n", intensity );
				else					// fourth quadrant
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'offset = %f' at -10, 30\n", offset );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'radius = %f' at -10, 20\n", radius );
					fprintf( fp_domain_script, "set label 'intensity = %f' at -10, 10\n", intensity );
				fprintf( fp_domain_script, "plot [ 0 : 2 * pi ] %f * sin( t ) + %f, %f * cos( t ) + %f title '%s'\n", radius, aMean, radius, bMean, ec_file );

			fclose( fp_domain_data );
			char command[ 200 ];
			sprintf( command, "%s\\gnuplot\\bin\\wgnuplot.exe %s\\histogram.dem", ExtractFileDrive( FileListBox1 -> FileName ), PresentWorkingDirectory );
			system( command );
			if( TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 1 )
				Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( histogram_file );
			else	// TabControl1 -> TabIndex == 2
				Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( ec_file );
			remove( "histogram.dat" );
			remove( "histogram.dem" );
Example #5
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
double LABHistogram2D::GetValue(CvScalar bgr) {
	double lab[3];
	RGB2Lab(bgr.val[2], bgr.val[1], bgr.val[0], lab);
	return GetValue(lab[1], lab[2]);
void __fastcall TForm1::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender)
	switch( TabControl1 -> TabIndex )
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
			char CIELabChartFileName[ 150 ];
			int LValue;
			switch( TabControl1 -> TabIndex )
				case 0:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL0.BMP" ); LValue = 0; break;
				case 1:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL25.BMP" ); LValue = 25; break;
				case 2:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL50.BMP" ); LValue = 50; break;
				case 3:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL75.BMP" ); LValue = 75; break;
				case 4:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL90.BMP" ); LValue = 90; break;
				case 5:	strcpy( CIELabChartFileName, "CIELabChartL100.BMP" ); LValue = 100; break;
			if( !FileExists( CIELabChartFileName ) )
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i ++ )
					for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth * 3; j += 3 )
						ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 0 ] = 255;
						ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 1 ] = 255;
						ImageDataBlock[ i ][ j + 2 ] = 255;
				double L;
				double a;
				double b;
				//FILE *test = fopen( "test.dat", "w" );
				for( int  R = 0; R <= 255; R ++ )
					for( int G = 0; G <= 255; G ++ )
						for( int B = 0; B <= 255; B ++ )
							RGB2Lab( ( unsigned char )B, ( unsigned char )G, ( unsigned char )R, &L, &a, &b );
							if( L >= LValue - 1 && L <= LValue + 1 )
								//fprintf( test, "R = %d, G = %d, B = %d, L = %f, a = %f, b = %f\n", R, G, B, L, a, b );
								ImageDataBlock[ ( int )( b + 107 + 0.5 ) ][ ( int )( a + 86 + 0.5 ) * 3 + 0  ] = ( unsigned char )B;
								ImageDataBlock[ ( int )( b + 107 + 0.5 ) ][ ( int )( a + 86 + 0.5 ) * 3 + 1  ] = ( unsigned char )G;
								ImageDataBlock[ ( int )( b + 107 + 0.5 ) ][ ( int )( a + 86 + 0.5 ) * 3 + 2  ] = ( unsigned char )R;
				//	fclose( test );
				// plot a axis
				for( int j = 0; j < imageWidth * 3; j += 3 )
					ImageDataBlock[ 107 ][ j + 0 ] = 0;	// B element
					ImageDataBlock[ 107 ][ j + 1 ] = 0;	// G element
					ImageDataBlock[ 107 ][ j + 2 ] = 0;	// R element
				// plot b axis
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i ++ )
					ImageDataBlock[ i ][ 86 * 3 + 0 ] = 0;	// B element
					ImageDataBlock[ i ][ 86 * 3 + 1 ] = 0;	// G element
					ImageDataBlock[ i ][ 86 * 3 + 2 ] = 0;	// R element
				FILE *fp = fopen( CIELabChartFileName, "wb" );
				fwrite( &header1.bfType, 2, 1, fp );
				fwrite( &header1.bfSize, 4, 1, fp );
				fwrite( &header1.bfReserved1, 2, 1, fp );
				fwrite( &header1.bfReserved2, 2, 1, fp );
				fwrite( &header1.bfOffBits, 4, 1, fp );
				fwrite( &header2, sizeof( BitMapInfoHeader ), 1, fp );
				for( int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i ++ )
					fwrite( ImageDataBlock[ i ], 3 * imageWidth, 1, fp );
				fclose( fp );
			TabControl1 -> Tabs -> Strings[ TabControl1 -> TabIndex ] = ExtractFileName( CIELabChartFileName );
			Image4 -> Picture -> LoadFromFile( CIELabChartFileName );