Example #1
static int act_new_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	bAction *action;
	PointerRNA ptr, idptr;
	PropertyRNA *prop;

	// XXX need to restore behaviour to copy old actions...
	action= add_empty_action("Action");

	/* hook into UI */
	uiIDContextProperty(C, &ptr, &prop);

	if(prop) {
		/* when creating new ID blocks, use is already 1, but RNA
		 * pointer se also increases user, so this compensates it */

		RNA_id_pointer_create(&action->id, &idptr);
		RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, idptr);
		RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);

	/* set notifier that keyframes have changed */
Example #2
int id_single_user(bContext *C, ID *id, PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop)
	ID *newid = NULL;
	PointerRNA idptr;
	if (id) {
		/* if property isn't editable, we're going to have an extra block hanging around until we save */
		if (RNA_property_editable(ptr, prop)) {
			if (id_copy(id, &newid, 0) && newid) {
				/* copy animation actions too */
				/* us is 1 by convention, but RNA_property_pointer_set
				   will also incremement it, so set it to zero */
				newid->us= 0;
				/* assign copy */
				RNA_id_pointer_create(newid, &idptr);
				RNA_property_pointer_set(ptr, prop, idptr);
				RNA_property_update(C, ptr, prop);
				return 1;
	return 0;
Example #3
/* sets the ID, returns success */
static bool datadropper_id_set(bContext *C, DataDropper *ddr, ID *id)
	PointerRNA ptr_value;

	RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &ptr_value);

	RNA_property_pointer_set(&ddr->ptr, ddr->prop, ptr_value);

	RNA_property_update(C, &ddr->ptr, ddr->prop);

	ptr_value = RNA_property_pointer_get(&ddr->ptr, ddr->prop);

	return (ptr_value.id.data == id);
Example #4
void ED_animedit_unlink_action(bContext *C, ID *id, AnimData *adt, bAction *act, ReportList *reports)
	ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	/* If the old action only has a single user (that it's about to lose),
	 * warn user about it
	 * TODO: Maybe we should just save it for them? But then, there's the problem of
	 *       trying to get rid of stuff that's actually unwanted!
	if (act->id.us == 1) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_WARNING,
		            "Action '%s' will not be saved, create Fake User or Stash in NLA Stack to retain",
		            act->id.name + 2);
	/* If in Tweak Mode, don't unlink. Instead, this 
	 * becomes a shortcut to exit Tweak Mode instead
	if ((adt) && (adt->flag & ADT_NLA_EDIT_ON)) {
		/* Exit Tweak Mode */
		/* Flush this to the Action Editor (if that's where this change was initiated) */
		if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_ACTION) {
			actedit_change_action(C, NULL);
	else {
		/* Unlink normally - Setting it to NULL should be enough to get the old one unlinked */
		if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_ACTION) {
			/* clear action editor -> action */
			actedit_change_action(C, NULL);
		else {
			/* clear AnimData -> action */
			PointerRNA ptr;
			PropertyRNA *prop;
			/* create AnimData RNA pointers */
			RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_AnimData, adt, &ptr);
			prop = RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, "action");
			/* clear... */
			RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, PointerRNA_NULL);
			RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);
Example #5
static int act_new_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	PointerRNA ptr, idptr;
	PropertyRNA *prop;

	/* hook into UI */
	uiIDContextProperty(C, &ptr, &prop);
	if (prop) {
		bAction *action = NULL, *oldact = NULL;
		PointerRNA oldptr;
		/* create action - the way to do this depends on whether we've got an
		 * existing one there already, in which case we make a copy of it
		 * (which is useful for "versioning" actions within the same file)
		oldptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(&ptr, prop);
		oldact = (bAction *)oldptr.id.data;
		if (oldact && GS(oldact->id.name) == ID_AC) {
			/* make a copy of the existing action */
			action = BKE_action_copy(oldact);
		else {
			Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);

			/* just make a new (empty) action */
			action = add_empty_action(bmain, "Action");
		/* when creating new ID blocks, use is already 1 (fake user), 
		 * but RNA pointer use also increases user, so this compensates it 
		RNA_id_pointer_create(&action->id, &idptr);
		RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, idptr);
		RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);
	/* set notifier that keyframes have changed */
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_KEYFRAME | NA_EDITED, NULL);
Example #6
/* Change the active action used by the action editor */
static void actedit_change_action(bContext *C, bAction *act)
	bScreen *screen = CTX_wm_screen(C);
	SpaceAction *saction = (SpaceAction *)CTX_wm_space_data(C);
	PointerRNA ptr, idptr;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	/* create RNA pointers and get the property */
	RNA_pointer_create(&screen->id, &RNA_SpaceDopeSheetEditor, saction, &ptr);
	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, "action");
	/* NOTE: act may be NULL here, so better to just use a cast here */
	RNA_id_pointer_create((ID *)act, &idptr);
	/* set the new pointer, and force a refresh */
	RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, idptr);
	RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);
Example #7
static int open_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	SpaceClip *sc = CTX_wm_space_clip(C);
	bScreen *screen = CTX_wm_screen(C);
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
	PropertyPointerRNA *pprop;
	PointerRNA idptr;
	MovieClip *clip = NULL;
	char str[FILE_MAX];

	if (RNA_collection_length(op->ptr, "files")) {
		PointerRNA fileptr;
		PropertyRNA *prop;
		char dir_only[FILE_MAX], file_only[FILE_MAX];
		int relative = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "relative_path");

		RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "directory", dir_only);
		if (relative)
			BLI_path_rel(dir_only, G.main->name);

		prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "files");
		RNA_property_collection_lookup_int(op->ptr, prop, 0, &fileptr);
		RNA_string_get(&fileptr, "name", file_only);

		BLI_join_dirfile(str, sizeof(str), dir_only, file_only);
	else {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No files selected to be opened");


	/* default to frame 1 if there's no scene in context */

	errno = 0;

	clip = BKE_movieclip_file_add(bmain, str);

	if (!clip) {
		if (op->customdata)

		BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot read '%s': %s", str,
		            errno ? strerror(errno) : TIP_("unsupported movie clip format"));


	if (!op->customdata)
		open_init(C, op);

	/* hook into UI */
	pprop = op->customdata;

	if (pprop->prop) {
		/* when creating new ID blocks, use is already 1, but RNA
		 * pointer se also increases user, so this compensates it */

		RNA_id_pointer_create(&clip->id, &idptr);
		RNA_property_pointer_set(&pprop->ptr, pprop->prop, idptr);
		RNA_property_update(C, &pprop->ptr, pprop->prop);
	else if (sc) {
		ED_space_clip_set_clip(C, screen, sc, clip);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MOVIECLIP | NA_ADDED, clip);


Example #8
void ED_animedit_unlink_action(bContext *C, ID *id, AnimData *adt, bAction *act, ReportList *reports, bool force_delete)
	ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	/* If the old action only has a single user (that it's about to lose),
	 * warn user about it
	 * TODO: Maybe we should just save it for them? But then, there's the problem of
	 *       trying to get rid of stuff that's actually unwanted!
	if (act->id.us == 1) {
		BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_WARNING,
		            "Action '%s' will not be saved, create Fake User or Stash in NLA Stack to retain",
		            act->id.name + 2);
	/* Clear Fake User and remove action stashing strip (if present) */
	if (force_delete) {
		/* Remove stashed strip binding this action to this datablock */
		/* XXX: we cannot unlink it from *OTHER* datablocks that may also be stashing it,
		 * but GE users only seem to use/care about single-object binding for now so this
		 * should be fine
		if (adt) {
			NlaTrack *nlt, *nlt_next;
			NlaStrip *strip, *nstrip;
			for (nlt = adt->nla_tracks.first; nlt; nlt = nlt_next) {
				nlt_next = nlt->next;
				if (strstr(nlt->name, DATA_("[Action Stash]"))) {
					for (strip = nlt->strips.first; strip; strip = nstrip) {
						nstrip = strip->next;
						if (strip->act == act) {
							/* Remove this strip, and the track too if it doesn't have anything else */
							free_nlastrip(&nlt->strips, strip);
							if (nlt->strips.first == NULL) {
								BLI_assert(nstrip == NULL);
								free_nlatrack(&adt->nla_tracks, nlt);
		/* Clear Fake User */
	/* If in Tweak Mode, don't unlink. Instead, this 
	 * becomes a shortcut to exit Tweak Mode instead
	if ((adt) && (adt->flag & ADT_NLA_EDIT_ON)) {
		/* Exit Tweak Mode */
		/* Flush this to the Action Editor (if that's where this change was initiated) */
		if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_ACTION) {
			actedit_change_action(C, NULL);
	else {
		/* Unlink normally - Setting it to NULL should be enough to get the old one unlinked */
		if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_ACTION) {
			/* clear action editor -> action */
			actedit_change_action(C, NULL);
		else {
			/* clear AnimData -> action */
			PointerRNA ptr;
			PropertyRNA *prop;
			/* create AnimData RNA pointers */
			RNA_pointer_create(id, &RNA_AnimData, adt, &ptr);
			prop = RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, "action");
			/* clear... */
			RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, PointerRNA_NULL);
			RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);
Example #9
static int action_new_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	PointerRNA ptr, idptr;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	/* hook into UI */
	UI_context_active_but_prop_get_templateID(C, &ptr, &prop);
	if (prop) {
		bAction *action = NULL, *oldact = NULL;
		AnimData *adt = NULL;
		PointerRNA oldptr;
		oldptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(&ptr, prop);
		oldact = (bAction *)oldptr.id.data;
		/* stash the old action to prevent it from being lost */
		if (ptr.type == &RNA_AnimData) {
			adt = ptr.data;
		else if (ptr.type == &RNA_SpaceDopeSheetEditor) {
			adt = ED_actedit_animdata_from_context(C);
		/* Perform stashing operation - But only if there is an action */
		if (adt && oldact) {
			/* stash the action */
			if (BKE_nla_action_stash(adt)) {
				/* The stash operation will remove the user already
				 * (and unlink the action from the AnimData action slot).
				 * Hence, we must unset the ref to the action in the
				 * action editor too (if this is where we're being called from)
				 * first before setting the new action once it is created,
				 * or else the user gets decremented twice!
				if (ptr.type == &RNA_SpaceDopeSheetEditor) {
					SpaceAction *saction = (SpaceAction *)ptr.data;
					saction->action = NULL;
			else {
				//printf("WARNING: Failed to stash %s. It may already exist in the NLA stack though\n", oldact->id.name);
		/* create action */
		action = action_create_new(C, oldact);
		/* set this new action
		 * NOTE: we can't use actedit_change_action, as this function is also called from the NLA
		RNA_id_pointer_create(&action->id, &idptr);
		RNA_property_pointer_set(&ptr, prop, idptr);
		RNA_property_update(C, &ptr, prop);
	/* set notifier that keyframes have changed */
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_KEYFRAME | NA_ADDED, NULL);