Example #1
HRESULT CRom::Init(const struct GameDriver *gamedrv, const struct RomModule *region, const struct RomModule *rom)
	if ( !gamedrv || !region ||!rom )
		return S_FALSE;

	m_gamedrv = gamedrv;
	m_region = region;
	m_rom = rom;

	m_pszName = ROM_GETNAME(m_rom);

	m_dwState = 0;
	m_dwLength = 0;
	m_dwExpLength = 0;

	const struct RomModule *chunk;
	for (chunk = rom_first_chunk(m_rom); chunk; chunk = rom_next_chunk(chunk))
		m_dwExpLength += ROM_GETLENGTH(chunk);

	m_dwChecksum = 0;

	char szExpChecksum[256];
	lstrcpy(szExpChecksum, ROM_GETHASHDATA(m_rom));
	m_dwExpChecksum = GetChecksumFromHash(szExpChecksum);

	m_dwRegionFlags = ROMREGION_GETFLAGS(m_region);

	return S_OK;
Example #2
void rom_init(running_machine *machine, const rom_entry *romp)
	const rom_entry *regionlist[REGION_MAX];
	const rom_entry *region;
	static rom_load_data romdata;
	int regnum;

	/* if no roms, bail */
	if (romp == NULL)

	/* make sure we get called back on the way out */
	add_exit_callback(machine, rom_exit);

	/* reset the region list */
	memset((void *)regionlist, 0, sizeof(regionlist));

	/* reset the romdata struct */
	memset(&romdata, 0, sizeof(romdata));
	romdata.romstotal = count_roms(romp);

	/* reset the disk list */
	memset(disk_handle, 0, sizeof(disk_handle));

	/* determine the correct biosset to load based on options.bios string */
	system_bios = determine_bios_rom(Machine->gamedrv->bios);

	/* loop until we hit the end */
	for (region = romp, regnum = 0; region; region = rom_next_region(region), regnum++)
		int regiontype = ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region);

		debugload("Processing region %02X (length=%X)\n", regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region));

		/* the first entry must be a region */

		/* remember the base and length */
		romdata.regionbase = new_memory_region(machine, regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region), ROMREGION_GETFLAGS(region));
		romdata.regionlength = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region);
		debugload("Allocated %X bytes @ %08X\n", romdata.regionlength, (int)romdata.regionbase);

		/* clear the region if it's requested */
		if (ROMREGION_ISERASE(region))
			memset(romdata.regionbase, ROMREGION_GETERASEVAL(region), romdata.regionlength);

		/* or if it's sufficiently small (<= 4MB) */
		else if (romdata.regionlength <= 0x400000)
			memset(romdata.regionbase, 0, romdata.regionlength);

		/* if we're debugging, fill region with random data to catch errors */
			fill_random(romdata.regionbase, romdata.regionlength);

		/* now process the entries in the region */
			process_rom_entries(&romdata, region + 1);
		else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
			process_disk_entries(&romdata, region + 1);

		/* add this region to the list */
		if (regiontype < REGION_MAX)
			regionlist[regiontype] = region;

	/* post-process the regions */
	for (regnum = 0; regnum < REGION_MAX; regnum++)
		if (regionlist[regnum])
			debugload("Post-processing region %02X\n", regnum);
			romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regnum);
			romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regnum);
			region_post_process(&romdata, regionlist[regnum]);

	/* display the results and exit */
	total_rom_load_warnings = romdata.warnings;

Example #3
int rom_load(const struct RomModule *romp)
	const struct RomModule *regionlist[REGION_MAX];
	const struct RomModule *region;
	static struct rom_load_data romdata;
	int regnum;

	/* reset the region list */
	for (regnum = 0;regnum < REGION_MAX;regnum++)
		regionlist[regnum] = NULL;

	/* reset the romdata struct */
	memset(&romdata, 0, sizeof(romdata));
	romdata.romstotal = count_roms(romp);

	/* reset the disk list */
	memset(disk_handle, 0, sizeof(disk_handle));

	/* determine the correct biosset to load based on options.bios string */
	system_bios = determine_bios_rom(Machine->gamedrv->bios);

	/* loop until we hit the end */
	for (region = romp, regnum = 0; region; region = rom_next_region(region), regnum++)
		int regiontype = ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region);

		debugload("Processing region %02X (length=%X)\n", regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region));

		/* the first entry must be a region */
		if (!ROMENTRY_ISREGION(region))
			printf("Error: missing ROM_REGION header\n");
			return 1;

		/* if sound is disabled and it's a sound-only region, skip it */
		if (Machine->sample_rate == 0 && ROMREGION_ISSOUNDONLY(region))

		/* allocate memory for the region */
		if (new_memory_region(regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region), ROMREGION_GETFLAGS(region)))
			printf("Error: unable to allocate memory for region %d\n", regiontype);
			return 1;

		/* remember the base and length */
		romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regiontype);
		romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regiontype);
		debugload("Allocated %X bytes @ %08X\n", romdata.regionlength, (int)romdata.regionbase);

		/* clear the region if it's requested */
		if (ROMREGION_ISERASE(region))
			memset(romdata.regionbase, ROMREGION_GETERASEVAL(region), romdata.regionlength);

		/* or if it's sufficiently small (<= 4MB) */
		else if (romdata.regionlength <= 0x400000)
			memset(romdata.regionbase, 0, romdata.regionlength);

		/* if we're debugging, fill region with random data to catch errors */
			fill_random(romdata.regionbase, romdata.regionlength);

		/* now process the entries in the region */
			if (!process_rom_entries(&romdata, region + 1))
				return 1;
		else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
			if (!process_disk_entries(&romdata, region + 1))
				return 1;

		/* add this region to the list */
		if (regiontype < REGION_MAX)
			regionlist[regiontype] = region;

	/* post-process the regions */
	for (regnum = 0; regnum < REGION_MAX; regnum++)
		if (regionlist[regnum])
			debugload("Post-processing region %02X\n", regnum);
			romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regnum);
			romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regnum);
			region_post_process(&romdata, regionlist[regnum]);

	/* display the results and exit */
	return display_rom_load_results(&romdata);
Example #4
static void print_game_rom(FILE* out, const game_driver* game)
	const rom_entry *region, *rom, *chunk;
	const rom_entry *pregion, *prom, *fprom=NULL;
	const game_driver *clone_of;

	if (!game->rom)

	clone_of = driver_get_clone(game);
	for (region = rom_first_region(game); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
		for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
			int offset, length, in_parent, is_disk, is_bios, found_bios, i;
			char name[100], bios_name[100];

			offset = ROM_GETOFFSET(rom);
			is_disk = ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region);
			is_bios = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom);

			in_parent = 0;
			length = 0;
			for (chunk = rom_first_chunk(rom); chunk; chunk = rom_next_chunk(chunk))
				length += ROM_GETLENGTH(chunk);

			if (!ROM_NOGOODDUMP(rom) && clone_of)
				for (pregion = rom_first_region(clone_of); pregion; pregion = rom_next_region(pregion))
					for (prom = rom_first_file(pregion); prom; prom = rom_next_file(prom))
						if (hash_data_is_equal(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), ROM_GETHASHDATA(prom), 0))
							if (!fprom || !strcmp(ROM_GETNAME(prom), name))
							in_parent = 1;

			found_bios = 0;
			if(!is_disk && is_bios && game->bios)
				const bios_entry *thisbios = game->bios;

				/* Match against bios short names */
				while(!found_bios && !BIOSENTRY_ISEND(thisbios) )
					if((is_bios-1) == thisbios->value) /* Note '-1' */
						found_bios = 1;


			if (!is_disk)
				fprintf(out, "\t\t<rom");
				fprintf(out, "\t\t<disk");

			if (*name)
				fprintf(out, " name=\"%s\"", normalize_string(name));
			if (in_parent)
				fprintf(out, " merge=\"%s\"", normalize_string(ROM_GETNAME(fprom)));
			if (!is_disk && found_bios)
				fprintf(out, " bios=\"%s\"", normalize_string(bios_name));
			if (!is_disk)
				fprintf(out, " size=\"%d\"", length);

			/* dump checksum information only if there is a known dump */
			if (!hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))
				for (i=0;i<HASH_NUM_FUNCTIONS;i++)
					int func = 1<<i;
					const char* func_name = hash_function_name(func);
					char checksum[1000];

					if (hash_data_extract_printable_checksum(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), func, checksum))
						fprintf(out, " %s=\"%s\"", func_name, checksum);

			switch (ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region))
				case REGION_CPU1: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu1\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU2: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu2\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU3: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu3\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU4: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu4\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU5: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu5\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU6: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu6\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU7: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu7\""); break;
				case REGION_CPU8: fprintf(out, " region=\"cpu8\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX1: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx1\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX2: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx2\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX3: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx3\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX4: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx4\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX5: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx5\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX6: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx6\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX7: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx7\""); break;
				case REGION_GFX8: fprintf(out, " region=\"gfx8\""); break;
				case REGION_PROMS: fprintf(out, " region=\"proms\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND1: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound1\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND2: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound2\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND3: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound3\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND4: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound4\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND5: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound5\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND6: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound6\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND7: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound7\""); break;
				case REGION_SOUND8: fprintf(out, " region=\"sound8\""); break;
				case REGION_USER1: fprintf(out, " region=\"user1\""); break;
				case REGION_USER2: fprintf(out, " region=\"user2\""); break;
				case REGION_USER3: fprintf(out, " region=\"user3\""); break;
				case REGION_USER4: fprintf(out, " region=\"user4\""); break;
				case REGION_USER5: fprintf(out, " region=\"user5\""); break;
				case REGION_USER6: fprintf(out, " region=\"user6\""); break;
				case REGION_USER7: fprintf(out, " region=\"user7\""); break;
				case REGION_USER8: fprintf(out, " region=\"user8\""); break;
				case REGION_DISKS: fprintf(out, " region=\"disks\""); break;
				default: fprintf(out, " region=\"0x%x\"", ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region));

		if (hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))
			fprintf(out, " status=\"nodump\"");
		if (hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP))
			fprintf(out, " status=\"baddump\"");

		if (!is_disk)
				fprintf(out, " dispose=\"yes\"");

			fprintf(out, " offset=\"%x\"", offset);
			fprintf(out, "/>\n");
			fprintf(out, " index=\"%x\"", DISK_GETINDEX(rom));
			fprintf(out, "/>\n");