//***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the sound output. //! //! This function prepares the sound driver to play songs or sound effects. It //! must be called before any other sound function. The sound driver uses //! uDMA and the caller must ensure that the uDMA peripheral is enabled and //! its control table configured prior to making this call. //! //! \return None // //***************************************************************************** void SoundInit(void) { // // Set the current active buffer to zero. // g_ulPlaying = 0; // // Enable and reset the peripheral. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2S0); // // Select alternate functions for all of the I2S pins. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(I2S0_SCLKTX_PERIPH); GPIOPinTypeI2S(I2S0_SCLKTX_PORT, I2S0_SCLKTX_PIN); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(I2S0_LRCTX_PERIPH); GPIOPinTypeI2S(I2S0_LRCTX_PORT, I2S0_LRCTX_PIN); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(I2S0_SDATX_PERIPH); GPIOPinTypeI2S(I2S0_SDATX_PORT, I2S0_SDATX_PIN); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(I2S0_MCLKTX_PERIPH); GPIOPinTypeI2S(I2S0_MCLKTX_PORT, I2S0_MCLKTX_PIN); // // Initialize the DAC. // WM8510Init(); // // Set the intial volume level // WM8510VolumeSet(g_ucVolume); // // Set the FIFO trigger limit // I2STxFIFOLimitSet(I2S0_BASE, 4); // // Clear out all pending interrupts. // I2SIntClear(I2S0_BASE, I2S_INT_TXERR | I2S_INT_TXREQ ); // // Enable the I2S interrupt on the NVIC // ROM_IntEnable(INT_I2S0); // // Disable all uDMA attributes. // ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeDisable(UDMA_CHANNEL_I2S0TX, UDMA_ATTR_ALL); }
void timerInit() { #if F_CPU >= 80000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_2_5|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 50000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 40000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 25000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_8|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 16200000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1|SYSCTL_USE_OSC|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); //NOT PLL #elif F_CPU >= 16100000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1|SYSCTL_USE_OSC|SYSCTL_OSC_INT| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); //NOT PLL, INT OSC #elif F_CPU >= 16000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_12_5|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 10000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_20|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #elif F_CPU >= 8000000 ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_25|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #else ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_2_5|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); #endif // // SysTick is used for delay() and delayMicroseconds() // // ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(0x00FFFFFF); ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / TICKS_PER_SECOND); ROM_SysTickEnable(); // //Initialize Timer5 to be used as time-tracker since beginning of time // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER5); //not tied to launchpad pin ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP); ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()/1000); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER5A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); }
//***************************************************************************** // // Initializes the uDMA software channel to perform a memory to memory uDMA // transfer. // //***************************************************************************** void InitSWTransfer(void) { unsigned int uIdx; // // Fill the source memory buffer with a simple incrementing pattern. // for(uIdx = 0; uIdx < MEM_BUFFER_SIZE; uIdx++) { g_ulSrcBuf[uIdx] = uIdx; } // // Enable interrupts from the uDMA software channel. // ROM_IntEnable(INT_UDMA); // // Put the attributes in a known state for the uDMA software channel. // These should already be disabled by default. // ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeDisable(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW, UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST | UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT | (UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY | UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK)); // // Configure the control parameters for the SW channel. The SW channel // will be used to transfer between two memory buffers, 32 bits at a time. // Therefore the data size is 32 bits, and the address increment is 32 bits // for both source and destination. The arbitration size will be set to 8, // which causes the uDMA controller to rearbitrate after 8 items are // transferred. This keeps this channel from hogging the uDMA controller // once the transfer is started, and allows other channels cycles if they // are higher priority. // ROM_uDMAChannelControlSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW | UDMA_PRI_SELECT, UDMA_SIZE_32 | UDMA_SRC_INC_32 | UDMA_DST_INC_32 | UDMA_ARB_8); // // Set up the transfer parameters for the software channel. This will // configure the transfer buffers and the transfer size. Auto mode must be // used for software transfers. // ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW | UDMA_PRI_SELECT, UDMA_MODE_AUTO, g_ulSrcBuf, g_ulDstBuf, MEM_BUFFER_SIZE); // // Now the software channel is primed to start a transfer. The channel // must be enabled. For software based transfers, a request must be // issued. After this, the uDMA memory transfer begins. // ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW); ROM_uDMAChannelRequest(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW); }
// Start the timers and interrupt frequency void servoStart(void) { ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SERVO_TIMER_PERIPH); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_TimerConfigure(SERVO_TIMER, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); ROM_TimerLoadSet(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A, (ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 1000000) * SERVO_TIMER_RESOLUTION); ROM_IntEnable(SERVO_TIMER_INTERRUPT); ROM_TimerIntEnable(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_TRIGGER); ROM_TimerEnable(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A); }
// * svm_int_init ************************************************************* // * setup counter reload interrupt from pwm generator for svm * // * Assumes system clock already configured * // **************************************************************************** void svm_int_init(void) { ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // enable NVIC interrupts ROM_PWMIntEnable(SVM_PWM_BASE, SVM_PWM_INT_GEN); // enable interrupt assertion from our specific generator in module ROM_PWMGenIntTrigEnable(SVM_PWM_BASE, SVM_PWM_GEN, PWM_INT_CNT_LOAD); // enable counter load interrupt from our generator ROM_IntEnable(SVM_PWM_GEN_INTVECT); // enable NVIC vector for our generator // load interrupt for our generator is now active }
//***************************************************************************** // // PoC2Repeater // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal at 120MHz. g_ui32SysClock = MAP_SysCtlClockFreqSet((SYSCTL_XTAL_25MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_CFG_VCO_480), 120000000); // Enable the peripherals ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART7); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOC); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOJ); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPION); // Enable the GPIO pins for the LEDs (PN0 and PN1). ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTN_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTN_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4); // ButtonsInit ROM_GPIODirModeSet(GPIO_PORTJ_BASE, ALL_BUTTONS, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN); MAP_GPIOPadConfigSet(GPIO_PORTJ_BASE, ALL_BUTTONS, GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA, GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU); // Enable processor interrupts. ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // Set GPIO PC4 and PC5 as UART pins. GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PC4_U7RX); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PC5_U7TX); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTC_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); // Configure the UART for 115,200, 8-N-1 operation. ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART7_BASE, g_ui32SysClock, 115200, (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE)); // Enable the UART interrupt. ROM_IntEnable(INT_UART7); ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART7_BASE, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); // Reset message info for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MSG; i++) message[i] = 0; // Loop forever echoing data through the UART. while(1) { } }
void initializeTimer(void) { timerSeconds = 0; ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); // invoke timer once a second ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); }
//***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the sound driver. //! //! \param ui32SysClock is the frequency of the system clock. //! //! This function initializes the sound driver, preparing it to output sound //! data to the speaker. //! //! The system clock should be as high as possible; lower clock rates reduces //! the quality of the produced sound. For the best quality sound, the system //! should be clocked at 120 MHz. //! //! \note In order for the sound driver to function properly, the sound driver //! interrupt handler (SoundIntHandler()) must be installed into the vector //! table for the timer 5 subtimer A interrupt. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void SoundInit(uint32_t ui32SysClock) { // // Enable the peripherals used by the sound driver. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER5); // // Compute the PWM period based on the system clock. // g_sSoundState.ui32Period = ui32SysClock / 64000; // // Set the default volume. // g_sSoundState.i32Volume = 255; // // Configure the timer to run in PWM mode. // if((HWREG(TIMER5_BASE + TIMER_O_CTL) & TIMER_CTL_TBEN) == 0) { ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER5_BASE, (TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR | TIMER_CFG_A_PWM | TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC)); } ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A, g_sSoundState.ui32Period - 1); ROM_TimerMatchSet(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A, g_sSoundState.ui32Period); ROM_TimerControlLevel(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A, true); // // Update the timer values on timeouts and not immediately. // TimerUpdateMode(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A, TIMER_UP_LOAD_TIMEOUT | TIMER_UP_MATCH_TIMEOUT); // // Configure the timer to generate an interrupt at every time-out event. // ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_CAPA_EVENT); // // Enable the timer. At this point, the timer generates an interrupt // every 15.625 us. // ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_A); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER5A); // // Clear the sound flags. // g_sSoundState.ui32Flags = 0; }
//***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the Timer and GPIO functionality associated with the RGB LED //! //! \param ui32Enable enables RGB immediately if set. //! //! This function must be called during application initialization to //! configure the GPIO pins to which the LEDs are attached. It enables //! the port used by the LEDs and configures each color's Timer. It optionally //! enables the RGB LED by configuring the GPIO pins and starting the timers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void RGBInit(uint32_t ui32Enable) { // // Enable the GPIO Port and Timer for each LED // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(RED_GPIO_PERIPH); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(RED_TIMER_PERIPH); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(GREEN_GPIO_PERIPH); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(GREEN_TIMER_PERIPH); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(BLUE_GPIO_PERIPH); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(BLUE_TIMER_PERIPH); // // Configure each timer for output mode // HWREG(GREEN_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CFG) = 0x04; HWREG(GREEN_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TAMR) = 0x0A; HWREG(GREEN_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TAILR) = 0xFFFF; HWREG(BLUE_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CFG) = 0x04; HWREG(BLUE_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TBMR) = 0x0A; HWREG(BLUE_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TBILR) = 0xFFFF; HWREG(RED_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CFG) = 0x04; HWREG(RED_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TBMR) = 0x0A; HWREG(RED_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_TBILR) = 0xFFFF; // // Invert the output signals. // HWREG(RED_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CTL) |= 0x4000; HWREG(GREEN_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CTL) |= 0x40; HWREG(BLUE_TIMER_BASE + TIMER_O_CTL) |= 0x4000; if(ui32Enable) { RGBEnable(); } // // Setup the blink functionality // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); ROM_TimerConfigure(WTIMER5_BASE, TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC | TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR); ROM_TimerLoadSet64(WTIMER5_BASE, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); ROM_IntEnable(INT_WTIMER5B); ROM_TimerIntEnable(WTIMER5_BASE, TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT); }
void setup() { //--------------------- GENERAL --------------------- // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers. This allows floating-point // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of // extra stack usage. ROM_FPUEnable(); ROM_FPULazyStackingEnable(); // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal. ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1 | SYSCTL_USE_OSC | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_6); //--------------------- UART --------------------- ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1); // Configure the UART for 115,200, 8-N-1 operation. ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), 115200, (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE)); // Enable the UART interrupt. ROM_IntEnable(INT_UART0); ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART0_BASE, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); //--------------------- SSI --------------------- SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_SSI0); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA2_SSI0CLK); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA3_SSI0FSS); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA4_SSI0RX); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA5_SSI0TX); GPIOPinTypeSSI(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_2); SSIConfigSetExpClk(SSI0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(), SSI_FRF_MOTO_MODE_0, SSI_MODE_MASTER, 10000, 8); SSIEnable(SSI0_BASE); }
ServoClass::ServoClass() { ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_2_5|SYSCTL_USE_PLL|SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ| SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // Initialize variables of the class g_ulPeriod = 0; for(int il_iter = 0; il_iter < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; il_iter++) { g_ulServoPins[il_iter] = INVALID_SERVO_PIN; g_ulServoPulse[il_iter] = DEFAULT_SERVO_PULSE_WIDTH; } g_iServoNo = 0; g_ulPulseWidth = 0; g_ulTicksPerMicrosecond = 0; setRefresh(); // for(int il_iter = 0; il_iter < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; il_iter++) // { // if (g_ulServoPins[il_iter] != INVALID_SERVO_PIN) // { // pinMode(g_ulServoPins[il_iter], OUTPUT); // digitalWrite(g_ulServoPins[il_iter], LOW); // } // } // Enable TIMER ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SERVO_TIMER_PERIPH); // Enable processor interrupts. ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // Configure the TIMER ROM_TimerConfigure(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIME_CFG); // Calculate the number of timer counts/microsecond g_ulTicksPerMicrosecond = ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 1000000; g_ulPeriod = g_ulTicksPerMicrosecond * REFRESH_INTERVAL; // 20ms = Standard Servo refresh delay // Initially load the timer with 20ms interval time ROM_TimerLoadSet(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A, g_ulPeriod); // Setup the interrupt for the TIMER1A timeout. ROM_IntEnable(SERVO_TIMER_INTERRUPT); ROM_TimerIntEnable(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_TRIGGER); // Enable the timer. ROM_TimerEnable(SERVO_TIMER, SERVO_TIMER_A); }
//***************************************************************************** // //! Initializes the touch screen driver. //! //! \param ui32SysClock is the frequency of the system clock. //! //! This function initializes the touch screen driver, beginning the process of //! reading from the touch screen. This driver uses the following hardware //! resources: //! //! - ADC 0 sample sequence 3 //! - Timer 5 subtimer B //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void TouchScreenInit(uint32_t ui32SysClock) { // // Set the initial state of the touch screen driver's state machine. // g_ui32TSState = TS_STATE_INIT; // // There is no touch screen handler initially. // g_pfnTSHandler = 0; // // Enable the peripherals used by the touch screen interface. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_ADC0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER5); // // Configure the ADC sample sequence used to read the touch screen reading. // ROM_ADCHardwareOversampleConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 4); ROM_ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, ADC_TRIGGER_TIMER, 0); ROM_ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, 0, TS_YP_ADC | ADC_CTL_END | ADC_CTL_IE); ROM_ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 3); // // Enable the ADC sample sequence interrupt. // ROM_ADCIntEnable(ADC0_BASE, 3); ROM_IntEnable(INT_ADC0SS3); // // Configure the timer to trigger the sampling of the touch screen // every 2.5 milliseconds. // if((HWREG(TIMER5_BASE + TIMER_O_CTL) & TIMER_CTL_TAEN) == 0) { ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER5_BASE, (TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR | TIMER_CFG_A_PWM | TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC)); } ROM_TimerPrescaleSet(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_B, 255); ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_B, ((ui32SysClock / 256) / 400) - 1); TimerControlTrigger(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_B, true); // // Enable the timer. At this point, the touch screen state machine will // sample and run every 2.5 ms. // ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER5_BASE, TIMER_B); }
//***************************************************************************** // // This function prepares the watchdog timer to detect the lost of the input // link. // //***************************************************************************** void WatchdogInit(void) { // // Configure the watchdog timer to interrupt if it is not pet frequently // enough. // ROM_WatchdogReloadSet(WATCHDOG0_BASE, WATCHDOG_PERIOD); ROM_WatchdogStallEnable(WATCHDOG0_BASE); ROM_WatchdogEnable(WATCHDOG0_BASE); ROM_IntEnable(INT_WATCHDOG); }
//***************************************************************************** // // This example demonstrates how to send a string of data to the UART. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { // // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal. // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1 | SYSCTL_USE_OSC | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA); // // Enable processor interrupts. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Set GPIO A0 and A1 as UART pins. // GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure the UART for 115,200, 8-N-1 operation. // ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), 115200, (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE)); // // Enable the UART interrupt. // ROM_IntEnable(INT_UART0); ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART0_BASE, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); // // Prompt for text to be entered. // UARTSend((unsigned char *)"\033[2JEnter text: ", 16); // // Loop forever echoing data through the UART. // while(1) { } }
//函数创建区 //----------------------------------------Start------------------------------------------- void Init_Timer() { ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()/100);//10ms周期ä¸æ–,ç”±100决定 如果为1为1s定时 GPIOIntRegister(INT_TIMER0A, Timer0AIntHandler); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void clock_init(void) { SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); TimerConfigure(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()/1000); TimerControlStall(TIMER0_BASE,TIMER_A,true); TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); count = 0; }
void initTimer0(int interval, gyro *G){ // // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers. This allows floating-point // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of // extra stack usage. // ROM_FPULazyStackingEnable(); volatile int tick = 0; tick = (ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 1000) * interval; // // Enable the GPIO port that is used for the on-board LED. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF); // // Enable the GPIO pins for the LED (PF1 & PF2). // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_1); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); // // Configure the two 32-bit periodic timers. // ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); /// imposta il time_out ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, tick); G->tick = (float) interval / 1000; // // Setup the interrupts for the timer timeouts. // ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A); //ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER1A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); //ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); // // Enable the timers. // ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); }
/** Configures timer. @see timers example in EK-LM4F120XL StellarisWare package @note On the LM4F120XL, there are 16/32 bit timers or "wide" timers featuring 32/64bit. We use a standard timer. @param seconds period of the timer. Maximum is 0xFFFFFFFF / SysCtlClockGet(); or about 171 sec if using 25MHz main clock @return 0 if success; -1 if illegal parameter */ int16_t initTimer(uint8_t seconds) { #define TIMER_MAX_SECONDS (0xFFFFFFFF / SysCtlClockGet()) if ((seconds > TIMER_MAX_SECONDS) || (seconds == 0)) return -1; ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER2); ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); // Full width (32 bit for Timer 2) periodic timer ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_A, (ROM_SysCtlClockGet() * seconds)); // for once per second ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER2A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_A); return 0; }
void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baud) { // // Initialize the UART. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(g_ulUARTInt[uartModule]); //TODO:Add functionality for PinConfigure with variable uartModule ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1); // // Only allow a single instance to be opened. // ASSERT(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule] == 0); // // Check to make sure the UART peripheral is present. // if(!ROM_SysCtlPeripheralPresent(g_ulUARTPeriph[uartModule])) { return; } ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(g_ulUARTPeriph[uartModule]); ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule], ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), baud, (UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8)); // // Set the UART to interrupt whenever the TX FIFO is almost empty or // when any character is received. // ROM_UARTFIFOLevelSet(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule], UART_FIFO_TX1_8, UART_FIFO_RX1_8); flushAll(); ROM_UARTIntDisable(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule], 0xFFFFFFFF); ROM_UARTIntEnable(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule], UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_IntEnable(g_ulUARTInt[uartModule]); // // Enable the UART operation. // ROM_UARTEnable(g_ulUARTBase[uartModule]); }
void DBG_Init(void) { newlines = 0; ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA0_U0RX); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PA1_U0TX); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1); ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), DBG_BAUD, UART_CFG_8N1); ROM_UARTFIFOLevelSet(UART0_BASE, UART_FIFO_TX1_8, UART_FIFO_RX7_8); ROM_IntEnable(INT_UART0); ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART0_BASE, UART_INT_TX | UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); } // DBG_Init()
//***************************************************************************** // // Initialize the IO used in this demo // //***************************************************************************** void io_init(void) { // // Configure Port N0 for as an output for the status LED. // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(LED_PORT_BASE, LED_PIN); // // Configure Port N0 for as an output for the animation LED. // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(LED_ANIM_PORT_BASE, LED_ANIM_PIN); // // Initialize LED to OFF (0) // ROM_GPIOPinWrite(LED_PORT_BASE, LED_PIN, 0); // // Initialize animation LED to OFF (0) // ROM_GPIOPinWrite(LED_ANIM_PORT_BASE, LED_ANIM_PIN, 0); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER2); // // Configure the timer used to pace the animation. // ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); // // Setup the interrupts for the timer timeouts. // ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER2A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); // // Set the timer for the current animation speed. This enables the // timer as a side effect. // io_set_timer(g_ulAnimSpeed); }
void init_Timer1B(void) { ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR | TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC); ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_B, ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 2000); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER1B); timeCounter = 0; ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_B); }
void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baud) { baudRate = baud; // // Initialize the UART. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(g_ulUARTPeriph[uartModule]); //TODO:Add functionality for PinConfigure with variable uartModule ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(g_ulUARTConfig[uartModule][0]); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(g_ulUARTConfig[uartModule][1]); ROM_GPIOPinTypeUART(g_ulUARTPort[uartModule], g_ulUARTPins[uartModule]); ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART_BASE, F_CPU, baudRate, (UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8)); // // Set the UART to interrupt whenever the TX FIFO is almost empty or // when any character is received. // ROM_UARTFIFOLevelSet(UART_BASE, UART_FIFO_TX1_8, UART_FIFO_RX1_8); flushAll(); ROM_UARTIntDisable(UART_BASE, 0xFFFFFFFF); ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART_BASE, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); ROM_IntEnable(g_ulUARTInt[uartModule]); // // Enable the UART operation. // ROM_UARTEnable(UART_BASE); // Allocate TX & RX buffers if (txBuffer != (unsigned char *)0xFFFFFFFF) // Catch attempts to re-init this Serial instance by freeing old buffer first free(txBuffer); if (rxBuffer != (unsigned char *)0xFFFFFFFF) // Catch attempts to re-init this Serial instance by freeing old buffer first free(rxBuffer); txBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(txBufferSize); rxBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(rxBufferSize); SysCtlDelay(100); }
//***************************************************************************** // // Initializes the ADC. // //***************************************************************************** void ADCInit(void) { // // Set the ADC speed to 1 Msps. // ROM_SysCtlADCSpeedSet(SYSCTL_ADCSPEED_1MSPS); // // Configure the GPIOs used with the analog inputs. // GPIOPinTypeADC(ADC_POSITION_PORT, ADC_POSITION_PIN); GPIOPinTypeADC(ADC_CURRENT_PORT, ADC_CURRENT_PIN); GPIOPinTypeADC(ADC_VBUS_PORT, ADC_VBUS_PIN); GPIOPinTypeADC(ADC_VBOOTA_PORT, ADC_VBOOTA_PIN); GPIOPinTypeADC(ADC_VBOOTB_PORT, ADC_VBOOTB_PIN); // // Configure the ADC sample sequence that is triggered by PWM // generator 2 // ROM_ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, ADC_TRIGGER_PWM0, 0); ROM_ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, 0, ADC_CURRENT_CH); ROM_ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, 1, ADC_VBUS_CH); ROM_ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, 2, ADC_POSITION_CH); ROM_ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, 3, (ADC_CTL_TS | ADC_CTL_IE | ADC_CTL_END)); ROM_ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 0); // // Enable interrupts // ROM_ADCIntEnable(ADC0_BASE, 0); ROM_IntEnable(INT_ADC0SS0); // // Set the zero current to indicate that the initial sampling has just // begun. // g_usCurrentZero = 0xffff; }
void OneMsTaskTimer::start(uint32_t timer_index) { uint32_t load = (F_CPU / 1000); //// !!!! count = 0; overflowing = 0; // Base address for first timer g_ulBase = getTimerBase(timerToOffset(timer_index)); timerAB = TIMER_A << timerToAB(timer_index); //Setup interrupts for duration, interrupting at 1kHz ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0+ timer_index); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_TimerConfigure(g_ulBase, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); ROM_TimerLoadSet(g_ulBase, TIMER_A, F_CPU/1000); // Setup the interrupts for the timer timeouts. TimerIntRegister(g_ulBase, TIMER_A, OneMsTaskTimer_int); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A+timer_index); ROM_TimerIntEnable(g_ulBase, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(g_ulBase, TIMER_A); }
//------------------------------------ Timer init --------------------------------- void ir_timer_init(void) { // The Timer0 peripheral must be enabled for use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); // // The Timer0 peripheral must be enabled for use. // When configured for a pair of half-width timers, each timer is separately configured. // ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR | TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC | TIMER_CFG_B_ONE_SHOT); // Calculate the number of timer counts/microsecond ulCountsPerMicrosecond = ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 10000; // 0.10ms = timeout delay ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, ulCountsPerMicrosecond); ROM_TimerIntClear(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); TimerIntRegister(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, Timer0AIntHandler ); // // Configure the Timer0 interrupt for timer timeout. // ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); // // Enable the Timer0 interrupt on the processor (NVIC). // ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER0A); gulTicks = 0; // // Enable Timer0A. // ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); }
int gpio_init_int(gpio_t pin, gpio_mode_t mode, gpio_flank_t flank, gpio_cb_t cb, void *arg) { const uint8_t port_num = _port_num(pin); const uint32_t port_addr = _port_base[port_num]; const uint32_t icr_reg_addr = port_addr + GPIO_ICR_R_OFF; const uint8_t pin_num = _pin_num(pin); const uint8_t pin_bit = 1<<pin_num; const unsigned int int_num = _int_assign[port_num]; const uint32_t sysctl_port_base = _sysctl_port_base[port_num]; ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(sysctl_port_base); gpio_config[port_num][pin_num].cb = cb; gpio_config[port_num][pin_num].arg = arg; DEBUG("init int pin:%d, int num %d, port addr %" PRIx32 "\n", pin_num, int_num, port_addr); ROM_GPIODirModeSet(port_addr, 1<<pin_num, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN); ROM_GPIOPadConfigSet(port_addr, 1<<pin_num, GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA, TYPE(mode)); ROM_IntMasterDisable(); HWREG(icr_reg_addr) = pin_bit; ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(port_addr, pin_bit, flank); HWREG(port_addr+GPIO_LOCK_R_OFF) = GPIO_LOCK_KEY; HWREG(port_addr+GPIO_CR_R_OFF) |= pin_bit; HWREG(port_addr+GPIO_DEN_R_OFF) |= pin_bit; HWREG(port_addr+GPIO_LOCK_R_OFF) = 0; gpio_irq_enable(pin); ROM_IntEnable(int_num); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); return 0; }
void tone(uint8_t _pin, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration) { uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(_pin); if (port == NOT_A_PORT) return; if (tone_state == 0 || _pin == current_pin) { //Setup PWM current_pin = _pin; tone_timer = digitalPinToTimer(_pin); uint32_t timerBase = getTimerBase(timerToOffset(tone_timer)); tone_state = 1; g_duration = duration; PWMWrite(_pin, 256, 128, frequency); //Setup interrupts for duration, interrupting at 1kHz ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER4); ROM_IntMasterEnable(); ROM_TimerConfigure(TIMER4_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); ROM_TimerLoadSet(TIMER4_BASE, TIMER_A, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()/1000); ROM_IntEnable(INT_TIMER4A); ROM_TimerIntEnable(TIMER4_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); ROM_TimerEnable(TIMER4_BASE, TIMER_A); } }