Example #1
static int
set_private_key(hx509_context context,
		SecKeychainItemRef itemRef,
		hx509_cert cert)
    struct kc_rsa *kc;
    hx509_private_key key;
    RSA *rsa;
    int ret;

    ret = _hx509_private_key_init(&key, NULL, NULL);
    if (ret)
	return ret;

    kc = calloc(1, sizeof(*kc));
    if (kc == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

    kc->item = itemRef;

    rsa = RSA_new();
    if (rsa == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

    /* Argh, fake modulus since OpenSSL API is on crack */
	SecKeychainAttributeList *attrs = NULL;
	uint32_t size;
	void *data;

	rsa->n = BN_new();
	if (rsa->n == NULL) abort();

	ret = getAttribute(itemRef, kSecKeyKeySizeInBits, &attrs);
	if (ret) abort();

	size = *(uint32_t *)attrs->attr[0].data;
	SecKeychainItemFreeAttributesAndData(attrs, NULL);

	kc->keysize = (size + 7) / 8;

	data = malloc(kc->keysize);
	memset(data, 0xe0, kc->keysize);
	BN_bin2bn(data, kc->keysize, rsa->n);
    rsa->e = NULL;

    RSA_set_method(rsa, &kc_rsa_pkcs1_method);
    ret = RSA_set_app_data(rsa, kc);
    if (ret != 1)

    _hx509_private_key_assign_rsa(key, rsa);
    _hx509_cert_assign_key(cert, key);

    return 0;
Example #2
Qt::HANDLE QSmartCard::key()
	RSA *rsa = RSAPublicKey_dup( (RSA*)d->t.authCert().publicKey().handle() );
	if ( !rsa )
		return 0;

	RSA_set_method( rsa, &d->method );
	rsa->flags |= RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER;
	RSA_set_app_data( rsa, d );
	EVP_PKEY *key = EVP_PKEY_new();
	EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA( key, rsa );
	RSA_free( rsa );
	return Qt::HANDLE(key);
static int extract_certificate_and_pkey(PluginInstance *inst,
					X509 **x509_out,
					EVP_PKEY **pkey_out)
	int r;
	X509 *x509 = NULL;
	struct sc_pkcs15_id cert_id;
	struct sc_priv_data *priv = NULL;
        EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
        RSA *rsa = NULL;
        r = init_pkcs15(inst);
        if (r)
                goto err;
        r = get_certificate(inst, &x509, &cert_id);
        if (r)
                goto err;

	r = -1;
        pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x509);
        if (pkey == NULL)
        	goto err;
        if (pkey->type != EVP_PKEY_RSA)
        	goto err;
	rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey); /* increases ref count */
	if (rsa == NULL)
		goto err;
	rsa->flags |= RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER;
	RSA_set_method(rsa, sc_get_method());
	priv = (struct sc_priv_data *) calloc(1, sizeof(*priv));
	if (priv == NULL)
		goto err;
	priv->cert_id = cert_id;
	priv->ref_count = 1;
	RSA_set_app_data(rsa, priv);
	RSA_free(rsa);		/* decreases ref count */
	*x509_out = x509;
	*pkey_out = pkey;

	return 0;
	if (pkey)
	if (x509)
	return -1;
static void
convert_rsa_to_rsa1(Key * in, Key * out)
	struct sc_priv_data *priv;

	out->rsa->flags = in->rsa->flags;
	out->flags = in->flags;
	RSA_set_method(out->rsa, RSA_get_method(in->rsa));
	BN_copy(out->rsa->n, in->rsa->n);
	BN_copy(out->rsa->e, in->rsa->e);
	priv = RSA_get_app_data(in->rsa);
	RSA_set_app_data(out->rsa, priv);
Example #5
static int
collect_private_key(hx509_context context,
		    struct p11_module *p, struct p11_slot *slot,
		    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
		    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
		    void *ptr, CK_ATTRIBUTE *query, int num_query)
    struct hx509_collector *collector = ptr;
    hx509_private_key key;
    heim_octet_string localKeyId;
    int ret;
    RSA *rsa;
    struct p11_rsa *p11rsa;

    localKeyId.data = query[0].pValue;
    localKeyId.length = query[0].ulValueLen;

    ret = _hx509_private_key_init(&key, NULL, NULL);
    if (ret)
	return ret;

    rsa = RSA_new();
    if (rsa == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

     * The exponent and modulus should always be present according to
     * the pkcs11 specification, but some smartcards leaves it out,
     * let ignore any failure to fetch it.
    rsa->n = getattr_bn(p, slot, session, object, CKA_MODULUS);
    rsa->e = getattr_bn(p, slot, session, object, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);

    p11rsa = calloc(1, sizeof(*p11rsa));
    if (p11rsa == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

    p11rsa->p = p;
    p11rsa->slot = slot;
    p11rsa->private_key = object;
    if (p->refcount == 0)
	_hx509_abort("pkcs11 refcount to high");

    RSA_set_method(rsa, &p11_rsa_pkcs1_method);
    ret = RSA_set_app_data(rsa, p11rsa);
    if (ret != 1)

    _hx509_private_key_assign_rsa(key, rsa);

    ret = _hx509_collector_private_key_add(context,

    if (ret) {
	return ret;
    return 0;
static int
set_private_key(hx509_context context, hx509_cert cert, SecKeyRef pkey)
    const SubjectPublicKeyInfo *spi;
    const Certificate *c;
    struct kc_rsa *kc;
    RSAPublicKey pk;
    hx509_private_key key;
    size_t size;
    RSA *rsa;
    int ret;

    ret = hx509_private_key_init(&key, NULL, NULL);
    if (ret)
	return ret;

    kc = calloc(1, sizeof(*kc));
    if (kc == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

    kc->pkey = pkey;

    rsa = RSA_new();
    if (rsa == NULL)
	_hx509_abort("out of memory");

    RSA_set_method(rsa, &kc_rsa_pkcs1_method);
    ret = RSA_set_app_data(rsa, kc);
    if (ret != 1)

     * Set up n and e to please RSA_size()

    c = _hx509_get_cert(cert);
    spi = &c->tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo;

    ret = decode_RSAPublicKey(spi->subjectPublicKey.data,
			      spi->subjectPublicKey.length / 8,
			      &pk, &size);
    if (ret) {
	return 0;
    rsa->n = _hx509_int2BN(&pk.modulus);
    rsa->e = _hx509_int2BN(&pk.publicExponent);

    kc->keysize = BN_num_bytes(rsa->n);


    hx509_private_key_assign_rsa(key, rsa);
    _hx509_cert_set_key(cert, key);


    return 0;
static int
sc_read_pubkey(Key * k, const struct sc_pkcs15_object *cert_obj)
	int r;
	sc_pkcs15_cert_t *cert = NULL;
	struct sc_priv_data *priv = NULL;
	sc_pkcs15_cert_info_t *cinfo = cert_obj->data;

	X509 *x509 = NULL;
	EVP_PKEY *pubkey = NULL;
	u8 *p;
	char *tmp;

	debug("sc_read_pubkey() with cert id %02X", cinfo->id.value[0]);
	r = sc_pkcs15_read_certificate(p15card, cinfo, &cert);
	if (r) {
		logit("Certificate read failed: %s", sc_strerror(r));
		goto err;
	x509 = X509_new();
	if (x509 == NULL) {
		r = -1;
		goto err;
	p = cert->data;
	if (!d2i_X509(&x509, &p, cert->data_len)) {
		logit("Unable to parse X.509 certificate");
		r = -1;
		goto err;
	cert = NULL;
	pubkey = X509_get_pubkey(x509);
	x509 = NULL;
	if (pubkey->type != EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
		logit("Public key is of unknown type");
		r = -1;
		goto err;
	k->rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pubkey);

	k->rsa->flags |= RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER;
	RSA_set_method(k->rsa, sc_get_rsa_method());
	priv = xmalloc(sizeof(struct sc_priv_data));
	priv->cert_id = cinfo->id;
	priv->ref_count = 1;
	RSA_set_app_data(k->rsa, priv);

	k->flags = KEY_FLAG_EXT;
	tmp = key_fingerprint(k, SSH_FP_MD5, SSH_FP_HEX);
	debug("fingerprint %d %s", key_size(k), tmp);

	return 0;
	if (cert)
	if (pubkey)
	if (x509)
	return r;