Example #1
static void cancel (
   int rows ,
   int cols ,
   int lower ,
   int index ,
   double matnorm ,
   double *a ,
   double *w ,
   double *work
   int col, row ;
   double c, rr, ww, hypot, s, pp, qq ;

   s = 1.0 ;
   for (col=lower ; col<=index ; col++) {
      rr = s * work[col] ;
      if (fabs (rr) + matnorm != matnorm) {
         ww = w[col] ;
         hypot = RSS ( rr , ww ) ;
         w[col] = hypot ;
         c =  ww / hypot ;
         s = -rr / hypot ;
         for (row=0 ; row<rows ; row++) {
            pp = a[row*cols+lower-1] ;
            qq = a[row*cols+col] ;
            a[row*cols+lower-1] = qq * s  +  pp * c ;
            a[row*cols+col] = qq * c  -  pp * s ;
Example #2
 void CorrectedEphemerisRange::rotateEarth(const Position& Rx)
    GPSEllipsoid ellipsoid;
    double tof = RSS(svPosVel.x[0]-Rx.X(),
    double wt = ellipsoid.angVelocity()*tof;
    double sx =  ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + ::sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    double sy = -::sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    svPosVel.x[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.x[1] = sy;
    sx =  ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + ::sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    sy = -::sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    svPosVel.v[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.v[1] = sy;
Example #3
shared_ptr<IDbResult> Connection::_query(const String &sql)

	RealtimeStatsScopeTimer RSS(_S("Debug"), _S("Sqlite - ") + preAnalyze(sql));

	shared_ptr<IDbResult> result = doQuery(m_connection, sql);


	return result;
Example #4
uint32 Connection::_execute(const String &sql)

	//RealtimeStatsScopeTimer RSS(_S("Debug"), _S("Sqlite - Connection::execute"));
	RealtimeStatsScopeTimer RSS(_S("Debug"), _S("Sqlite - ") + preAnalyze(sql));

	uint32 result = doExecute(m_connection, sql);
	return result;
Example #5
 void CorrectedEphemerisRange::rotateEarth(const Position& Rx)
    GPSGeoid geoid;
    double tof = RSS(svPosVel.x[0]-Rx.X(),
    double wt = geoid.angVelocity()*tof;
    double sx =  cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    double sy = -sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    svPosVel.x[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.x[1] = sy;
    sx =  cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    sy = -sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    svPosVel.v[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.v[1] = sy;
Example #6
shared_ptr<IDbStatement> Connection::_prepare(const String &sql)
	//RealtimeStatsScopeTimer RSS(_S("Debug"), _S("Sqlite - Connection::prepare"));

	RealtimeStatsScopeTimer RSS(_S("Debug"), _S("Sqlite - ") + preAnalyze(sql));

	shared_ptr<Statement> statement(OS_NEW Statement(m_cs));
	statement->prepare(m_connection, sql);


	return statement;
Example #7
   // Compute the corrected range at RECEIVE time, from receiver at position Rx,
   // to the GPS satellite given by SatID sat, as well as all the CER quantities,
   // given the nominal receive time tr_nom and an EphemerisStore. Note that this
   // routine does not intrinsicly account for the receiver clock error
   // like the ComputeAtTransmitTime routine does.
   double CorrectedEphemerisRange::ComputeAtReceiveTime(
      const CommonTime& tr_nom,
      const Position& Rx,
      const SatID sat,
      const XvtStore<SatID>& Eph)
      try {
         int nit;
         double tof,tof_old;
         GPSEllipsoid ellipsoid;

         nit = 0;
         tof = 0.07;       // initial guess 70ms
         do {
            // best estimate of transmit time
            transmit = tr_nom;
            transmit -= tof;
            tof_old = tof;
            // get SV position
            try {
               svPosVel = Eph.getXvt(sat, transmit);
            catch(InvalidRequest& e) {

            // update raw range and time of flight
            rawrange = RSS(svPosVel.x[0]-Rx.X(),
            tof = rawrange/ellipsoid.c();

         } while(ABS(tof-tof_old)>1.e-13 && ++nit<5);


         return (rawrange-svclkbias-relativity);
      catch(gpstk::Exception& e) {
   }  // end CorrectedEphemerisRange::ComputeAtReceiveTime
Example #8
      // Compute the corrected range at TRANSMIT time, from receiver at position Rx,
      // to the GPS satellite given by SatID sat, as well as all the CER quantities,
      // given the nominal receive time tr_nom and an EphemerisStore, as well as
      // the raw measured pseudorange.
   double CorrectedEphemerisRange::ComputeAtTransmitTime(
      const CommonTime& tr_nom,
      const double& pr,
      const Position& Rx,
      const SatID sat,
      const XvtStore<SatID>& Eph)
      try {
         CommonTime tt;

         // 0-th order estimate of transmit time = receiver - pseudorange/c
         transmit = tr_nom;
         transmit -= pr/C_MPS;
         tt = transmit;

         // correct for SV clock
         for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            // get SV position
            try {
               svPosVel = Eph.getXvt(sat,tt);
            catch(InvalidRequest& e) {
            tt = transmit;
            // remove clock bias and relativity correction
            tt -= (svPosVel.clkbias + svPosVel.relcorr);

         // raw range
         rawrange = RSS(svPosVel.x[0]-Rx.X(),


         return (rawrange-svclkbias-relativity);
      catch(gpstk::Exception& e) {
   }  // end CorrectedEphemerisRange::ComputeAtTransmitTime
Example #9
      /* 'Data'   Matrix of data containing observation data in rows, one
       *          row per observation and complying with this format:
       *                    x y z P
       *          Where x,y,z are satellite coordinates in an ECEF system
       *          and P is pseudorange (corrected as much as possible,
       *          specially from satellite clock errors), all expresed
       *          in meters.
       * 'X'      Vector of position solution, in meters. There may be
       *          another solution, that may be accessed with vector
       *          "SecondSolution" if "ChooseOne" is set to "false".
       * Return values:
       *  0  Ok
       * -1  Not enough good data
       * -2  Singular problem
   int Bancroft::Compute( Matrix<double>& Data,
                          Vector<double>& X )


         int N = Data.rows();
         Matrix<double> B(0,4);     // Working matrix

            // Let's test the input data
         if( testInput )

            double satRadius = 0.0;

               // Check each row of B Matrix
            for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
                  // If Data(i,3) -> Pseudorange is NOT between the allowed
                  // range, then drop line immediately
               if( !( (Data(i,3) >= minPRange) && (Data(i,3) <= maxPRange) ) )

                  // Let's compute distance between Earth center and
                  // satellite position
               satRadius = RSS(Data(i,0), Data(i,1) , Data(i,2));

                  // If satRadius is NOT between the allowed range, then drop
                  // line immediately
               if( !( (satRadius >= minRadius) && (satRadius <= maxRadius) ) )

                  // If everything is ok so far, then extract the good
                  // data row and add it to working matrix
               MatrixRowSlice<double> goodRow(Data,i);
               B = B && goodRow;              


               // Let's redefine "N" and check if we have enough data rows
               // left in a single step
            if( (N = B.rows()) < 4 )
               return -1;  // We need at least 4 data rows

         }  // End of 'if( testInput )...'
               // No input filtering. Working matrix (B) and
               // input matrix (Data) are equal
            B = Data;

         Matrix<double> BT=transpose(B);
         Matrix<double> BTBI(4,4), M(4,4,0.0);
         Vector<double> aux(4), alpha(N), solution1(4), solution2(4);

            // Temporary storage for BT*B. It will be inverted later
         BTBI = BT * B;

            // Let's try to invert BTB matrix
            BTBI = inverseChol( BTBI ); 
            return -2;

            // Now, let's compute alpha vector
         for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
               // First, fill auxiliar vector with corresponding satellite
               // position and pseudorange
            aux(0) = B(i,0);
            aux(1) = B(i,1);
            aux(2) = B(i,2);
            aux(3) = B(i,3);
            alpha(i) = 0.5 * Minkowski(aux, aux);

         Vector<double> tau(N,1.0), BTBIBTtau(4), BTBIBTalpha(4);

         BTBIBTtau = BTBI * BT * tau;
         BTBIBTalpha = BTBI * BT * alpha;

            // Now, let's find the coeficients of the second order-equation
         double a(Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTtau));
         double b(2.0 * (Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTalpha) - 1.0));
         double c(Minkowski(BTBIBTalpha, BTBIBTalpha));

            // Calculate discriminant and exit if negative
         double discriminant = b*b - 4.0 * a * c;
         if (discriminant < 0.0)
            return -2;

            // Find possible DELTA values
         double DELTA1 = ( -b + SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );
         double DELTA2 = ( -b - SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );

            // We need to define M matrix
         M(0,0) = 1.0;
         M(1,1) = 1.0;
         M(2,2) = 1.0;
         M(3,3) = - 1.0;

            // Find possible position solutions with their implicit radii
         solution1 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA1 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius1(RSS(solution1(0), solution1(1), solution1(2)));

         solution2 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA2 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius2(RSS(solution2(0), solution2(1), solution2(2)));

            // Let's choose the right solution
         if ( ChooseOne )
            if ( ABS(CloseTo-radius1) < ABS(CloseTo-radius2) )
               X = solution1;
               X = solution2;
               // Both solutions will be reported
            X = solution1;
            SecondSolution = solution2;
         return 0;

      }  // end of first "try"
      catch(Exception& e)
   }  // end Bancroft::Compute()
Example #10
    //  SolveConstitutiveEquations
    //    -  Solves the constitutive equation given the applied strain rate; i.e.,
    //       find the stress state that is compatible with the strain rate defined.
    //  Applying Newton Raphson to solve the the stress state given the strain state of
    //  the system.
    EigenRep SolveConstitutiveEquations( const EigenRep           & InitialStressState,   // initial guess, either from Sach's or previous iteration
                                         const vector<EigenRep>   & SchmidtTensors,
                                         const vector<Float>      & CRSS,
                                         const vector<Float>      & GammaDotBase,         // reference shear rate
                                         const vector<int>      & RateSensitivity,
                                         const EigenRep           & StrainRate,           // Current strain rate - constant from caller
                                         Float                      EpsilonConvergence,
                                         Float                      MaxResolvedStress,
                                         int                        MaxNumIterations )
      const Float Coeff = 0.2; // global fudge factor
      EigenRep CurrentStressState = InitialStressState;
      int RemainingIterations     = MaxNumIterations;
      EigenRep NewStressState = InitialStressState;
      EigenRep SavedState(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);  // used to return to old state
      while( RemainingIterations > 0 )
        bool AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
        std::vector<Float> RSS( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        do    // refresh critical resolved shear stress.
              // check to see if it is outside of the yield
              // surface, and therefore inadmissible
          AdmissibleStartPointFound = true;
          for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
            RSS[i] = InnerProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], CurrentStressState) / CRSS[i];

            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) < 1e-10 )
              RSS[i] = 0;
            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) > MaxResolvedStress )
              AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
          if( !AdmissibleStartPointFound )
            CurrentStressState = SavedState + ( CurrentStressState - SavedState ) * Coeff;
          RemainingIterations --;
          if( RemainingIterations < 0 )
            return NewStressState;
        } while ( !AdmissibleStartPointFound ); 
        std::vector<Float> GammaDot( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          if( RateSensitivity[i] -1 > 0 )
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i] * std::pow( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), static_cast<int>( RateSensitivity[i] - 1 ) );
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i];          

        // Construct residual vector R(Sigma), where Sigma is stress.  R(Sigma) is a 5d vector
        EigenRep Residual( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // current estimate
        SMatrix5x5 ResidualJacobian;

        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          Residual += SchmidtTensors[i] * GammaDot[i] * RSS[i];  // Residual = StrainRate - sum_{k} [ m^{k}_i * |r_ss/ crss|^n ]

          // Construct F', or the Jacobian
          ResidualJacobian -= OuterProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], SchmidtTensors[i] )
            * RateSensitivity[i] * GammaDot[i] / CRSS[i];

        Residual =  Residual - StrainRate ;  // need the negative residual, instead of E - R
        SavedState            = CurrentStressState;
        EigenRep Delta_Stress = LU_Solver( ResidualJacobian, Residual );     // <----------- Need to hangle error from this
        NewStressState        = CurrentStressState + Delta_Stress;        
        Float RelativeError = static_cast<Float>(2) * Delta_Stress.Norm() / ( NewStressState + CurrentStressState ).Norm();

        CurrentStressState = NewStressState;
        if( RelativeError < EpsilonConvergence )
      } // end while
      return NewStressState;
Example #11
    //  SolveConstrainedConstitutiveEquations
    //  --  This is *REALLY* close to the normal SolveConstitutiveEquations.  One could
    //      replace both of these functions with a function that takes a functor...  but
    //      may not do this till later.
    EigenRep SolveConstrainedConstitutiveEquations( const EigenRep           & InitialStressState,
                                                    const vector<EigenRep>   & SchmidtTensors,
                                                    const vector<Float>      & CRSS,
                                                    const vector<Float>      & GammaDotBase,         // reference shear rate
                                                    const vector<int>      & RateSensitivity,
                                                    const EigenRep           & MacroscopicStrainRate,
                                                    const EigenRep           & LagrangeMultiplier,      // also known as - lagrange multiplier, or lambda(x)
                                                    const EigenRep           & LocalDisplacementVariation,
                                                    const SMatrix5x5         & HomogeonousReference,
                                                    Float                      EpsilonConvergence,
                                                    Float                      MaxResolvedStress,
                                                    int                        MaxNumIterations,
                                                    Float *NR_Error_Out )
      const Float Coeff = 0.2; // global fudge factor
      EigenRep CurrentStressState = InitialStressState;
      int RemainingIterations     = MaxNumIterations;
      EigenRep NewStressState( -1, -3, -7, -9, -11 );
      Float RelativeError = 1e5;
      EigenRep SavedState = InitialStressState; 

      // DEBUG
//       std::cout << "MacroscopicStrainRate " << MacroscopicStrainRate << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "LagrangeMultiplier " << LagrangeMultiplier << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "Local d-dot " << LocalDisplacementVariation << std::endl;
//       std::cout << "Local L \n " << HomogeonousReference << std::endl;
      while( RemainingIterations > 0 )
        EigenRep LoopStartStressState = CurrentStressState;
        bool AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
        std::vector<Float> RSS( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        do    // refresh critical resolved shear stress.
              // check to see if it is outside of the yield
              // surface, and therefore inadmissible
          AdmissibleStartPointFound = true;
          Float MaxCRSS = 0;
          for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
            RSS[i] = InnerProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], CurrentStressState) / CRSS[i];
            MaxCRSS = std::max( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), MaxCRSS );
            if( std::fabs( RSS[i] ) > MaxResolvedStress )
              AdmissibleStartPointFound = false;
          if( !AdmissibleStartPointFound )
            CurrentStressState =  SavedState + ( CurrentStressState - SavedState ) * Coeff;
          RemainingIterations --;
          if( RemainingIterations < 0 )
            return CurrentStressState; //  InitialStressState;      // not failing gracefully at all
        } while ( !AdmissibleStartPointFound );

        std::vector<Float> GammaDot( SchmidtTensors.size(), 0 );            //  This is really RSS / tau
        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          if( RateSensitivity[i] != 1 )
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i] * std::pow( std::fabs( RSS[i] ), ( RateSensitivity[i] - 1 ) );
            GammaDot[i] = GammaDotBase[i];          

        // Construct residual vector R(Sigma), where Sigma is stress.  R(Sigma) is a 5d vector
        EigenRep ResolvedStressSum( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // current estimate
        SMatrix5x5 ResidualJacobian;

        for( int i = 0; i < SchmidtTensors.size(); i ++ )
          ResolvedStressSum += SchmidtTensors[i] * GammaDot[i] * RSS[i];  // Residual = StrainRate - sum_{k} [ m^{k}_i * |r_ss/ crss|^n ]

          // Construct F', or the Jacobian
          ResidualJacobian += OuterProduct( SchmidtTensors[i], SchmidtTensors[i] ) * RateSensitivity[i] * GammaDot[i] / CRSS[i]; // may need a sign

        // -------------------------------
        //  If we use Eigen for this section, the
        //  expression templating will significantly improve
        //  the efficiency of this section significantly via
        //  explicit vectorization.  
        // -------------------------------
        SMatrix5x5 Identity5x5;
        ResidualJacobian  =   -Identity5x5 - (HomogeonousReference * ResidualJacobian) ;   // was I -
        EigenRep Residual =   CurrentStressState  - LagrangeMultiplier
          +   HomogeonousReference
          * ( ResolvedStressSum - MacroscopicStrainRate - LocalDisplacementVariation );     // validated
        SavedState            = CurrentStressState;
        EigenRep Delta_Stress = LU_Solver( ResidualJacobian, Residual );     // <----------- Need to hangle error from this
        NewStressState        = CurrentStressState + Delta_Stress;           // was - Delta
        RelativeError         =  (NewStressState - SavedState).Norm() /( ( NewStressState + SavedState) * static_cast<Float>(0.5)).Norm();
        CurrentStressState = NewStressState;
        if( RelativeError < EpsilonConvergence )
      } // end while

      *NR_Error_Out = RelativeError;

      return NewStressState;
Example #12
static void qr (
   int rows ,
   int cols ,
   int lower ,
   int index ,
   double *a ,
   double *v ,
   double *w ,
   double *work )
   int col, colp1, row ;
   double c, cn, s, sn, thisw, rot1, rot2, hypot, temp, ww ;

   ww = w[index] ;
   sn = work[index] ;
   rot1 = work[index-1] ;
   rot2 = w[index-1] ;
   temp = ((rot2-ww) * (rot2+ww) + (rot1-sn) * (rot1+sn)) / (2.0 * sn * rot2) ;
   hypot = RSS ( temp , 1.0 ) ;
   thisw = w[lower] ;
   cn = ((thisw-ww) * (thisw+ww) + sn *
         ((rot2 / (temp + SIGN(hypot,temp))) - sn )) / thisw ;

   c = s = 1.0 ;

   for (col=lower ; col<index ; col++) {
      colp1 = col+1 ;
      rot1 = work[colp1] ;
      sn = s * rot1 ;
      rot1 = c * rot1 ;
      hypot = RSS ( cn , sn ) ;
      work[col] = hypot ;
      c = cn / hypot ;
      s = sn / hypot ;
      cn = thisw * c  +  rot1 * s ;
      rot1 = rot1 * c  -  thisw * s ;
      rot2 = w[colp1] ;
      sn = rot2 * s ;
      rot2 *= c ;
      for (row=0 ; row<cols ; row++) {
         thisw = v[row*cols+col] ;
         temp = v[row*cols+colp1] ;
         v[row*cols+col] = thisw * c  +  temp * s ;
         v[row*cols+colp1] = temp * c  -  thisw * s ;
      hypot = RSS ( cn , sn ) ;
      w[col] = hypot ;
      if (hypot != 0.0) {
         c = cn / hypot ;
         s = sn / hypot ;
      cn = c * rot1  +  s * rot2 ;
      thisw = c * rot2  -  s * rot1 ;
      for (row=0 ; row<rows ; row++) {
         rot1 = a[row*cols+col] ;
         rot2 = a[row*cols+colp1] ;
         a[row*cols+col] = rot1 * c  +  rot2 * s ;
         a[row*cols+colp1] = rot2 * c  -  rot1 * s ;
   w[index] = thisw ;
   work[lower] = 0.0 ;
   work[index] = cn ;