static void doMemRealloc(RTTEST hTest)
    RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, "%u reallocation, grow by 1 bytes\n", PAGE_SIZE * 2);
    size_t cbAlloc = RTRandS32Ex(1, _16K);
    void  *pvBuf   = NULL;
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_RETV(RTMemSaferAllocZEx(&pvBuf, cbAlloc, 0));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= PAGE_SIZE * 2; i++)
        cbAlloc += 1;
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_RETV(RTMemSaferReallocZEx(cbAlloc - 1, pvBuf, cbAlloc, &pvBuf, 0));
        memset(pvBuf, i & 0x7f, cbAlloc);
    RTMemSaferFree(pvBuf, cbAlloc);

    RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS, "100 random reallocations\n");
    uint8_t chFiller = 0x42;
    cbAlloc = 0;
    pvBuf   = NULL;
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
        uint32_t cbNew = RTRandS32Ex(1, _16K + (i / 4) * _16K);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_RETV(RTMemSaferReallocZEx(cbAlloc, pvBuf, cbNew, &pvBuf, 0));

        RTTESTI_CHECK(ASMMemIsAll8(pvBuf, RT_MIN(cbAlloc, cbNew), chFiller) == NULL);

        chFiller += 0x31;
        memset(pvBuf, chFiller, cbNew);
        cbAlloc = cbNew;
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_RETV(RTMemSaferReallocZEx(cbAlloc, pvBuf, 0, &pvBuf, 0));

    RTMemSaferFree(m_pbKey, m_cbKey);
    m_cRefs = 0;
    m_pbKey = NULL;
    m_cbKey = 0;
    m_fRemoveOnSuspend = false;
    m_cUsers = 0;
static void doMemSaferAllocation(RTTEST hTest)
    size_t cbAlloc = RTRandS32Ex(1, _1M) * sizeof(uint8_t);

    void *pvBuf = NULL;
    int rc = RTMemSaferAllocZEx(&pvBuf, cbAlloc, 0);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        /* Fill it with random bytes. */
        RTRandBytes(pvBuf, cbAlloc);

        /* Scrambling test */
        doMemSaferScramble(hTest, pvBuf, cbAlloc);

        RTMemSaferFree(pvBuf, cbAlloc);
        RTTestIFailed("Allocating %z bytes of secure memory failed with %Rrc\n", cbAlloc, rc);