Example #1
int RTSP_setup(RTSP_buffer * pRtsp)
	char s8TranStr[128], *s8Str;
	char *pStr;
	RTP_transport Transport;
	int s32SessionID=0;
	RTP_session *rtp_s, *rtp_s_prec;
	RTSP_session *rtsp_s;

	if ((s8Str = strstr(pRtsp->in_buffer, HDR_TRANSPORT)) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error %s,%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		send_reply(406, 0, pRtsp);     // Not Acceptable
		printf("not acceptable");
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	if (sscanf(s8Str, "%*10s %255s", s8TranStr) != 1)
		fprintf(stderr,"SETUP request malformed: Transport string is empty\n");
		send_reply(400, 0, pRtsp);       // Bad Request
		printf("check transport 400 bad request");
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	fprintf(stderr,"*** transport: %s ***\n", s8TranStr);

	if ( !pRtsp->session_list )
		pRtsp->session_list = (RTSP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTSP_session));
	rtsp_s = pRtsp->session_list;

	if (pRtsp->session_list->rtp_session == NULL)
		pRtsp->session_list->rtp_session = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = pRtsp->session_list->rtp_session;
		for (rtp_s = rtsp_s->rtp_session; rtp_s != NULL; rtp_s = rtp_s->next)
			rtp_s_prec = rtp_s;
		rtp_s_prec->next = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = rtp_s_prec->next;

	printf("\tFile Name %s\n", Object);
	if((rtp_s->file_id = open(Object, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
		printf("Open File error %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	rtp_s->pause = 1;

	rtp_s->hndRtp = NULL;

	Transport.type = RTP_no_transport;

	if((pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, RTSP_RTP_AVP)))
		//Transport: RTP/AVP
		pStr += strlen(RTSP_RTP_AVP);
		if ( !*pStr || (*pStr == ';') || (*pStr == ' '))
			if (strstr(s8TranStr, "unicast"))
				if( (pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, "client_port")) )
					pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, "=");
					sscanf(pStr + 1, "%d", &(Transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP));
					pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, "-");
					sscanf(pStr + 1, "%d", &(Transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP));

				if (RTP_get_port_pair(&Transport.u.udp.ser_ports) != ERR_NOERROR)
					fprintf(stderr, "Error %s,%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
					send_reply(500, 0, pRtsp);/* Internal server error */
					return ERR_GENERIC;

				rtp_s->hndRtp = (struct _tagStRtpHandle*)RtpCreate((unsigned int)(((struct sockaddr_in *)(&pRtsp->stClientAddr))->sin_addr.s_addr), Transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP, _h264nalu);
				printf("<><><><>Creat RTP<><><><>\n");

				Transport.u.udp.is_multicast = 0;
				printf("multicast not codeing\n");
				//multicast 多播处理....
			Transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp;
		else if (!strncmp(s8TranStr, "/TCP", 4))
			if( (pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, "interleaved")) )
				pStr = strstr(s8TranStr, "=");
				sscanf(pStr + 1, "%d", &(Transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP));
				if ((pStr = strstr(pStr, "-")))
					sscanf(pStr + 1, "%d", &(Transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP));
					Transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP = Transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP + 1;


			Transport.rtp_fd = pRtsp->fd;
//			Transport.rtcp_fd_out = pRtsp->fd;
//			Transport.rtcp_fd_in = -1;

			Transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp_tcp;

	if (Transport.type == RTP_no_transport)
		fprintf(stderr,"AAAAAAAAAAA Unsupported Transport,%s,%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		send_reply(461, 0, pRtsp);// Bad Request
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	memcpy(&rtp_s->transport, &Transport, sizeof(Transport));

	if ((pStr = strstr(pRtsp->in_buffer, HDR_SESSION)) != NULL)
		if (sscanf(pStr, "%*s %d", &s32SessionID) != 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "Error %s,%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			send_reply(454, 0, pRtsp); // Session Not Found
			return ERR_NOERROR;
		struct timeval stNowTmp;
		gettimeofday(&stNowTmp, 0);
		srand((stNowTmp.tv_sec * 1000) + (stNowTmp.tv_usec / 1000));
		s32SessionID = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
		if (s32SessionID == 0)

	pRtsp->session_list->session_id = s32SessionID;
	pRtsp->session_list->rtp_session->sched_id = schedule_add(rtp_s);

	send_setup_reply(pRtsp, rtsp_s, rtp_s);

	return ERR_NOERROR;
Example #2
int RTSP_setup(RTSP_buffer * rtsp, RTSP_session ** new_session)
	char address[16];
	char object[255], server[255];
	char url[255];
	unsigned short port;
	RTSP_session *rtsp_s;
	RTP_session *rtp_s, *rtp_s_prec;
	int SessionID = 0;
//	port_pair cli_ports;
//	port_pair ser_ports;
	struct timeval now_tmp;
	char *p/* = NULL*/;
	unsigned int start_seq, start_rtptime;
	char transport_str[255];
	media_entry *list, *matching_me, req;
	struct sockaddr_storage rtsp_peer;
	socklen_t namelen = sizeof(rtsp_peer);
	unsigned long ssrc;
	SD_descr *matching_descr;
	unsigned char is_multicast_dad = 1;  //unicast and the first multicast
	RTP_transport transport;
	char *saved_ptr, *transport_tkn;
	int max_interlvd;

	// init
	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
	memset(&transport, 0, sizeof(transport));
	// Parse the input message
	/* Get the URL */
	if (!sscanf(rtsp->in_buffer, " %*s %254s ", url)) {
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* bad request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	/* Validate the URL */
	switch (parse_url(url, server, sizeof(server), &port, object, sizeof(object))) {	//object is requested file's name
		case 1: // bad request
			send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);
			return ERR_NOERROR;
		case -1: // interanl server error
			send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strcmp(server, prefs_get_hostname()) != 0) {	/* Currently this feature is disabled. */
		/* wrong server name */
		//      send_reply(404, 0 , rtsp); /* Not Found */
		//      return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strstr(object, "../")) {
		/* disallow relative paths outside of current directory. */
		send_reply(403, 0, rtsp);	/* Forbidden */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (strstr(object, "./")) {
		/* Disallow the ./ */
		send_reply(403, 0, rtsp);	/* Forbidden */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	if (!(p = strrchr(object, '.'))) {	// if filename is without extension
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	/* Unsupported media type */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else if (!is_supported_url(p)) {	//if filename's extension is not valid
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	/* Unsupported media type */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if ( !(p = strchr(object, '!')) ) {	//if '!' is not present then a file has not been specified
		send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		// SETUP name.sd!stream
		strcpy(req.filename, p + 1);
		req.flags |= ME_FILENAME;

		*p = '\0';

// ------------ START PATCH
		char temp[255];
		char *pd=NULL;
		strcpy(temp, object);
#if 0
	printf("%s\n", object);
		// BEGIN 
		// if ( (p = strstr(temp, "/")) ) {
		if ( (p = strchr(temp, '/')) ) {
			strcpy(object, p + 1);	// CRITIC. 
	printf("%s\n", temp);
		// pd = strstr(p, ".sd");	// this part is usefull in order to
		pd = strstr(temp, ".sd");
		if ( (p = strstr(pd + 1, ".sd")) ) {	// have compatibility with RealOne
			strcpy(object, pd + 4);	// CRITIC. 
		}		//Note: It's a critic part
		// END 
// ------------ END PATCH
	if (enum_media(object, &matching_descr) != ERR_NOERROR) {
		send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	if (get_media_entry(&req, list, &matching_me) == ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
		send_reply(404, 0, rtsp);	/* Not found */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	// Get the CSeq 
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_CSEQ)) == NULL) {
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		if (sscanf(p, "%*s %d", &(rtsp->rtsp_cseq)) != 1) {
			send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	/*if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "ssrc")) != NULL) {
		p = strchr(p, '=');
		sscanf(p + 1, "%lu", &ssrc);
	} else {*/
		ssrc = random32(0);
	// Start parsing the Transport header
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_TRANSPORT)) == NULL) {
		send_reply(406, "Require: Transport settings" /* of rtp/udp;port=nnnn. "*/, rtsp);	/* Not Acceptable */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (sscanf(p, "%*10s%255s", transport_str) != 1) {
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"SETUP request malformed: Transport string is empty\n");
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	printf("transport: %s\n", transport_str); // XXX tmp.
	// tokenize the coma seaparated list of transport settings:
	if ( !(transport_tkn=strtok_r(transport_str, ",", &saved_ptr)) ) {
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"Malformed Transport string from client\n");
		send_reply(400, 0, rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;
	if (getpeername(rtsp->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&rtsp_peer, &namelen) != 0) {
		send_reply(415, 0, rtsp);	// Internal server error
		return ERR_GENERIC;
	transport.type = RTP_no_transport;
	do { // search a good transport string
		if ( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, RTSP_RTP_AVP)) ) { // Transport: RTP/AVP
			p += strlen(RTSP_RTP_AVP);
			if ( !*p || (*p == ';') || (*p == ' ')) {
#if 0
				// if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "client_port")) == NULL && strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, "multicast") == NULL) {
				if ((p = strstr(transport_tkn, "client_port")) == NULL && strstr(transport_tkn, "multicast") == NULL) {
					send_reply(406, "Require: Transport settings of rtp/udp;port=nnnn. ", rtsp);	/* Not Acceptable */
					return ERR_NOERROR;
#endif // #if 0
				if (strstr(transport_tkn, "unicast")) {
					if( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, "client_port")) ) {
						p = strstr(p, "=");
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP));
						p = strstr(p, "-");
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP));
					if (RTP_get_port_pair(&transport.u.udp.ser_ports) != ERR_NOERROR) {
						send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
						return ERR_GENERIC;
					// strcpy(address, get_address());
					//UDP connection for outgoing RTP packets
					udp_connect(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP, &transport.u.udp.rtp_peer, (*((struct sockaddr_in *) (&rtsp_peer))).sin_addr.s_addr,&transport.rtp_fd);
					//UDP connection for outgoing RTCP packets
					udp_connect(transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_out_peer,(*((struct sockaddr_in *) (&rtsp_peer))).sin_addr.s_addr, &transport.rtcp_fd_out);
					udp_open(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_in_peer, &transport.rtcp_fd_in);	//bind
					transport.u.udp.is_multicast = 0;
				} else if ( matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST ) {	/*multicast*/
				//  TODO: make the difference between only multicast allowed or unicast fallback allowed.
					transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTP = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP =matching_me->rtp_multicast_port;
					transport.u.udp.cli_ports.RTCP = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP =matching_me->rtp_multicast_port+1;
					is_multicast_dad = 0;
					if (!(matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT) ) {	
						struct in_addr inp;
						unsigned char ttl=DEFAULT_TTL;
						struct ip_mreq mreq;

						mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(matching_descr->multicast);
						mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
						setsockopt(transport.rtp_fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
						setsockopt(transport.rtp_fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl));

						is_multicast_dad = 1;
						strcpy(address, matching_descr->multicast);
						//RTP outgoing packets
						inet_aton(address, &inp);
						udp_connect(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP, &transport.u.udp.rtp_peer, inp.s_addr, &transport.rtp_fd);
						//RTCP outgoing packets
						inet_aton(address, &inp);
						udp_connect(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &transport.u.udp.rtcp_out_peer, inp.s_addr, &transport.rtcp_fd_out);
						//udp_open(transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTCP, &(sp2->rtcp_in_peer), &(sp2->rtcp_fd_in));	//bind 
							matching_descr->flags |= SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT;
						matching_me->rtp_multicast_port = transport.u.udp.ser_ports.RTP;
						transport.u.udp.is_multicast = 1;
						fnc_log(FNC_LOG_DEBUG,"\nSet up socket for multicast ok\n");
				} else
				transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp;
				break; // found a valid transport
			} else if (!strncmp(p, "/TCP", 4)) { // Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;interleaved=x-y // XXX still not finished
				if( (p = strstr(transport_tkn, "interleaved")) ) {
					p = strstr(p, "=");
					sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP));
					if ( (p = strstr(p, "-")) )
						sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &(transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP));
						transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP = transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP + 1;
				} else { // search for max used interleved channel.
					max_interlvd = -1;
					for (rtp_s = (rtsp->session_list)?rtsp->session_list->rtp_session:NULL; rtp_s; rtp_s = rtp_s->next)
						max_interlvd = max(max_interlvd, (rtp_s->transport.type == RTP_rtp_avp_tcp)?rtp_s->transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP:-1);
					transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTP = max_interlvd + 1;
				 	transport.u.tcp.interleaved.RTCP = max_interlvd + 2;
				transport.rtp_fd = rtsp->fd; // dup(rtsp->fd);
				transport.rtcp_fd_out = rtsp->fd; // dup(rtsp->fd);
				transport.rtcp_fd_in = -1;
				transport.type = RTP_rtp_avp_tcp;
				break; // found a valid transport
	} while ((transport_tkn=strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saved_ptr)));
	printf("rtp transport: %d\n", transport.type);
	if (transport.type == RTP_no_transport) {
		// fnc_log(FNC_LOG_ERR,"Unsupported Transport\n");
		send_reply(461, "Unsupported Transport", rtsp);	/* Bad Request */
		return ERR_NOERROR;

	// If there's a Session header we have an aggregate control
	if ((p = strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_SESSION)) != NULL) {
		if (sscanf(p, "%*s %d", &SessionID) != 1) {
			send_reply(454, 0, rtsp);	/* Session Not Found */
			return ERR_NOERROR;
	} else {
		// Generate a random Session number
		gettimeofday(&now_tmp, 0);
		srand((now_tmp.tv_sec * 1000) + (now_tmp.tv_usec / 1000));
#ifdef WIN32
		SessionID = rand();
		SessionID = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
		if (SessionID == 0) {

	// Add an RTSP session if necessary
	if ( !rtsp->session_list ) {
		rtsp->session_list = (RTSP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTSP_session));
	rtsp_s = rtsp->session_list;
	// Setup the RTP session
	if (rtsp->session_list->rtp_session == NULL) {
		rtsp->session_list->rtp_session = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = rtsp->session_list->rtp_session;
	} else {
		for (rtp_s = rtsp_s->rtp_session; rtp_s != NULL; rtp_s = rtp_s->next) {
			rtp_s_prec = rtp_s;
		rtp_s_prec->next = (RTP_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(RTP_session));
		rtp_s = rtp_s_prec->next;

#ifdef WIN32
	start_seq = rand();
	start_rtptime = rand();
	// start_seq = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
	// start_rtptime = 1 + (int) (10.0 * rand() / (100000 + 1.0));
#if 0
	start_seq = 1 + (unsigned int) ((float)(0xFFFF) * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX));
	start_rtptime = 1 + (unsigned int) ((float)(0xFFFFFFFF) * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX));
	start_seq = 1 + (unsigned int) (rand()%(0xFFFF));
	start_rtptime = 1 + (unsigned int) (rand()%(0xFFFFFFFF));
	if (start_seq == 0) {
	if (start_rtptime == 0) {
	rtp_s->pause = 1;
	strcpy(rtp_s->sd_filename, object);
	rtp_s->current_media = (media_entry *) calloc(1, sizeof(media_entry));
	// if(!(matching_descr->flags & SD_FL_MULTICAST_PORT)){
	if( is_multicast_dad ) {
		if ( mediacpy(&rtp_s->current_media, &matching_me) ) {
			send_reply(500, 0, rtsp);	/* Internal server error */
			return ERR_GENERIC;

	gettimeofday(&now_tmp, 0);
	srand((now_tmp.tv_sec * 1000) + (now_tmp.tv_usec / 1000));
	rtp_s->start_rtptime = start_rtptime;
	rtp_s->start_seq = start_seq;
	memcpy(&rtp_s->transport, &transport, sizeof(transport));
	rtp_s->is_multicast_dad = is_multicast_dad;

	rtp_s->sched_id = schedule_add(rtp_s);

	rtp_s->ssrc = ssrc;
	// Setup the RTSP session       
	rtsp_s->session_id = SessionID;
	*new_session = rtsp_s;

	fnc_log(FNC_LOG_INFO,"SETUP %s RTSP/1.0 ",url);
	send_setup_reply(rtsp, rtsp_s, matching_descr, rtp_s);	
	// See User-Agent 
	if ((p=strstr(rtsp->in_buffer, HDR_USER_AGENT))!=NULL) {
		char cut[strlen(p)];
		p=strstr(cut, "\n");
		fnc_log(FNC_LOG_CLIENT,"- \n");

	return ERR_NOERROR;