Example #1
static void RTreeSplitNode (node_t n, branch_t b, node_t *new_node)
  partition_t p;
  int level;
  int i;


  p = PartitionNew();

  for (i = 0; i < MAXCARD; i ++)

  level = n->level;
  n->level = level;
  *new_node = RTreeNewNode();
  (*new_node)->level = level;

  RTreePickSeeds(p, n, *new_node);

  while (p->n)
    if (n->count + p->n <= MINCARD)
      /* first group (n) needs all entries */
      RTreeNodeAddBranch(&(p->cover[0]), n, PartitionPop(p));
    else if ((*new_node)->count + p->n <= MINCARD)
      /* second group (new_node) needs all entries */
      RTreeNodeAddBranch(&(p->cover[1]), *new_node, PartitionPop(p));
      RTreePickNext(p, n, *new_node);
Example #2
| Method #0 for choosing a partition:
| As the seeds for the two groups, pick the two rects that would waste the
| most area if covered by a single rectangle, i.e. evidently the worst pair
| to have in the same group.
| Of the remaining, one at a time is chosen to be put in one of the two groups.
| The one chosen is the one with the greatest difference in area expansion
| depending on which group - the rect most strongly attracted to one group
| and repelled from the other.
| If one group gets too full (more would force other group to violate min
| fill requirement) then other group gets the rest.
| These last are the ones that can go in either group most easily.
static void RTreeMethodZero(struct PartitionVars *p, int minfill)
	register int i;
	RectReal biggestDiff;
	int group, chosen=0, betterGroup=0;

	RTreeInitPVars(p, BranchCount, minfill);

	while (p->count[0] + p->count[1] < p->total
		&& p->count[0] < p->total - p->minfill
		&& p->count[1] < p->total - p->minfill)
		biggestDiff = (RectReal)-1.;
		for (i=0; i<p->total; i++)
			if (!p->taken[i])
				struct Rect *r, rect_0, rect_1;
				RectReal growth0, growth1, diff;

				r = &BranchBuf[i].rect;
				rect_0 = RTreeCombineRect(r, &p->cover[0]);
				rect_1 = RTreeCombineRect(r, &p->cover[1]);
				growth0 = RTreeRectSphericalVolume(
				growth1 = RTreeRectSphericalVolume(
				diff = growth1 - growth0;
				if (diff >= 0)
					group = 0;
					group = 1;
					diff = -diff;

				if (diff > biggestDiff)
					biggestDiff = diff;
					chosen = i;
					betterGroup = group;
				else if (diff==biggestDiff &&
					chosen = i;
					betterGroup = group;
		RTreeClassify(chosen, betterGroup, p);

	/* if one group too full, put remaining rects in the other */
	if (p->count[0] + p->count[1] < p->total)
		if (p->count[0] >= p->total - p->minfill)
			group = 1;
			group = 0;
		for (i=0; i<p->total; i++)
			if (!p->taken[i])
				RTreeClassify(i, group, p);

	assert(p->count[0] + p->count[1] == p->total);
	assert(p->count[0] >= p->minfill && p->count[1] >= p->minfill);