Example #1
 * memblock_run_bitmap -- calculate bitmap parameters for given arguments
memblock_run_bitmap(uint32_t *size_idx, uint16_t flags,
	uint64_t unit_size, uint64_t alignment, void *content,
	struct run_bitmap *b)
	ASSERTne(*size_idx, 0);

	 * Flexible bitmaps have a variably sized values array. The size varies
	 * depending on:
	 *	alignment - initial run alignment might require up-to a unit
	 *	size idx - the larger the run, the more units it carries
	 *	unit_size - the smaller the unit size, the more units per run
	 * The size of the bitmap also has to be calculated in such a way that
	 * the beginning of allocations data is cacheline aligned. This is
	 * required to perform many optimizations throughout the codebase.
	 * This alignment requirement means that some of the bitmap values might
	 * remain unused and will serve only as a padding for data.
	if (flags & CHUNK_FLAG_FLEX_BITMAP) {
		 * First calculate the number of values without accounting for
		 * the bitmap size.
		size_t content_size = RUN_CONTENT_SIZE_BYTES(*size_idx);
		b->nbits = (unsigned)(content_size / unit_size);
		b->nvalues = util_div_ceil(b->nbits, RUN_BITS_PER_VALUE);

		 * Then, align the number of values up, so that the cacheline
		 * alignment is preserved.
		b->nvalues = ALIGN_UP(b->nvalues + RUN_BASE_METADATA_VALUES, 8U)

		 * This is the total number of bytes needed for the bitmap AND
		 * padding.
		b->size = b->nvalues * sizeof(*b->values);

		 * Calculate the number of allocations again, but this time
		 * accounting for the bitmap/padding.
		b->nbits = (unsigned)((content_size - b->size) / unit_size)
			- (alignment ? 1U : 0U);

		 * The last step is to calculate how much of the padding
		 * is left at the end of the bitmap.
		unsigned unused_bits = (b->nvalues * RUN_BITS_PER_VALUE)
			- b->nbits;
		unsigned unused_values = unused_bits / RUN_BITS_PER_VALUE;
		b->nvalues -= unused_values;

		b->values = (uint64_t *)content;


	b->nbits = memblock_run_default_nallocs(size_idx, flags,
		unit_size, alignment);

	unsigned unused_bits = RUN_DEFAULT_BITMAP_NBITS - b->nbits;
	unsigned unused_values = unused_bits / RUN_BITS_PER_VALUE;
	b->nvalues = RUN_DEFAULT_BITMAP_VALUES - unused_values;

	b->values = (uint64_t *)content;
Example #2
 * alloc_class_find_or_create -- (internal) searches for the
 * biggest allocation class for which unit_size is evenly divisible by n.
 * If no such class exists, create one.
static struct alloc_class *
alloc_class_find_or_create(struct alloc_class_collection *ac, size_t n)
	LOG(10, NULL);

	uint64_t required_size_bytes = n * RUN_MIN_NALLOCS;
	uint32_t required_size_idx = 1;
	if (required_size_bytes > RUN_DEFAULT_SIZE) {
		required_size_bytes -= RUN_DEFAULT_SIZE;
		required_size_idx +=
			CALC_SIZE_IDX(CHUNKSIZE, required_size_bytes);
		if (required_size_idx > RUN_SIZE_IDX_CAP)
			required_size_idx = RUN_SIZE_IDX_CAP;

	for (int i = MAX_ALLOCATION_CLASSES - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
		struct alloc_class *c = ac->aclasses[i];

		if (c == NULL || c->type == CLASS_HUGE ||
				c->run.size_idx < required_size_idx)

		if (n % c->unit_size == 0 &&
			n / c->unit_size <= RUN_UNIT_MAX_ALLOC)
			return c;

	 * In order to minimize the wasted space at the end of the run the
	 * run data size must be divisible by the allocation class unit size
	 * with the smallest possible remainder, preferably 0.
	struct run_bitmap b;
	size_t runsize_bytes = 0;
	do {
		if (runsize_bytes != 0) /* don't increase on first iteration */

		uint32_t size_idx = required_size_idx;
		memblock_run_bitmap(&size_idx, ALLOC_CLASS_DEFAULT_FLAGS, n, 0,
			NULL, &b);

		runsize_bytes = RUN_CONTENT_SIZE_BYTES(size_idx) - b.size;
	} while ((runsize_bytes % n) > MAX_RUN_WASTED_BYTES);

	 * Now that the desired unit size is found the existing classes need
	 * to be searched for possible duplicates. If a class that can handle
	 * the calculated size already exists, simply return that.
	for (int i = 1; i < MAX_ALLOCATION_CLASSES; ++i) {
		struct alloc_class *c = ac->aclasses[i];
		if (c == NULL || c->type == CLASS_HUGE)
		if (n / c->unit_size <= RUN_UNIT_MAX_ALLOC &&
			n % c->unit_size == 0)
			return c;
		if (c->unit_size == n)
			return c;

	return alloc_class_new(-1, ac, CLASS_RUN, HEADER_COMPACT, n, 0,