Example #1
// R_GenerateComposite
// Using the texture definition,
//  the composite texture is created from the patches,
//  and each column is cached.
void R_GenerateComposite (int texnum)
    byte*			block;
    texture_t*		texture;
    texpatch_t*		patch;	
    patch_t*		realpatch;
    int				x;
    int				x1;
    int				x2;
    int				i;
    postColumn_t*	patchcol;
    short*			collump;
    unsigned short*	colofs;
    texture = ::g->s_textures[texnum];

    block = (byte*)DoomLib::Z_Malloc (::g->s_texturecompositesize[texnum],

    collump = ::g->s_texturecolumnlump[texnum];
    colofs = ::g->s_texturecolumnofs[texnum];
    // Composite the columns together.
    patch = texture->patches;
    for (i=0 , patch = texture->patches;
	 i++, patch++)
	realpatch = (patch_t*)W_CacheLumpNum (patch->patch, PU_CACHE_SHARED);
	x1 = patch->originx;
	x2 = x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width);

	if (x1<0)
	    x = 0;
	    x = x1;
	if (x2 > texture->width)
	    x2 = texture->width;

	for ( ; x<x2 ; x++)
	    // Column does not have multiple patches?
	    if (collump[x] >= 0)
	    patchcol = (postColumn_t *)((byte *)realpatch
				    + LONG(realpatch->columnofs[x-x1]));
	    R_DrawColumnInCache (patchcol,
				 block + colofs[x],
Example #2
// R_GenerateComposite
// Using the texture definition,
//  the composite texture is created from the patches,
//  and each column is cached.
void R_GenerateComposite (int texnum)
    texture_t*		texture;
    texpatch_t*		patch;	
    patch_t*		realpatch;
    int			x;
    int			x1;
    int			x2;
    int			i;
    column_t*		patchcol;
    short*		collump;
    unsigned short*	colofs;
    texture = textures[texnum];

    texturecomposite[texnum] = (unsigned char*)malloc (texturecompositesize[texnum]);	

    collump = texturecolumnlump[texnum];
    colofs = texturecolumnofs[texnum];
    // Composite the columns together.
    patch = texture->patches;
    for (i=0 , patch = texture->patches;
	 i++, patch++)
	realpatch = (patch_t*)WadManager::getLump (patch->patch);
	x1 = patch->originx;
	x2 = x1 + realpatch->width;

	if (x1<0)
	    x = 0;
	    x = x1;
	if (x2 > texture->width)
	    x2 = texture->width;

	for ( ; x<x2 ; x++)
	    // Column does not have multiple patches?
	    if (collump[x] >= 0)
	    patchcol = (column_t *)((unsigned char *)realpatch
				    + realpatch->columnofs[x-x1]);
	    R_DrawColumnInCache (patchcol,
			texturecomposite[texnum] + colofs[x],
Example #3
= R_GenerateComposite

void R_GenerateComposite (int texnum)
	byte		*block;
	texture_t	*texture;
	texpatch_t	*patch;	
	patch_t		*realpatch;
	int			x, x1, x2;
	int			i;
	column_t	*patchcol;
	short		*collump;
	unsigned short *colofs;
	texture = textures[texnum];
	block = Z_Malloc (texturecompositesize[texnum], PU_STATIC, 
	collump = texturecolumnlump[texnum];
	colofs = texturecolumnofs[texnum];
// composite the columns together
	patch = texture->patches;
	for (i=0 , patch = texture->patches; i<texture->patchcount ; i++, patch++)
		realpatch = W_CacheLumpNum (patch->patch, PU_CACHE);
		x1 = patch->originx;
		x2 = x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width);

		if (x1<0)
			x = 0;
			x = x1;
		if (x2 > texture->width)
			x2 = texture->width;

		for ( ; x<x2 ; x++)
			if (collump[x] >= 0)
				continue;		// column does not have multiple patches
			patchcol = (column_t *)((byte *)realpatch + 
			R_DrawColumnInCache (patchcol, block + colofs[x], patch->originy,

// now that the texture has been built, it is purgable
	Z_ChangeTag (block, PU_CACHE);
Example #4
void R_GenerateComposite (int texnum)
	byte *block = (byte *)Z_Malloc (texturecompositesize[texnum], PU_STATIC,
						   (void **) &texturecomposite[texnum]);
	texture_t *texture = textures[texnum];

	// Composite the columns together.
	texpatch_t *texpatch = texture->patches;
	short *collump = texturecolumnlump[texnum];

	// killough 4/9/98: marks to identify transparent regions in merged textures
	byte *marks = new byte[texture->width * texture->height];
	memset(marks, 0, texture->width * texture->height);

	for (int i = texture->patchcount; --i >=0; texpatch++)
		patch_t *patch = W_CachePatch(texpatch->patch);
		int x1 = texpatch->originx, x2 = x1 + patch->width();
		const int *cofs = patch->columnofs-x1;
		if (x1<0)
			x1 = 0;
		if (x2 > texture->width)
			x2 = texture->width;

		for (; x1 < x2 ; x1++)
			if (collump[x1] == -1)			// Column has multiple patches?
				// killough 1/25/98, 4/9/98: Fix medusa bug.
				tallpost_t *srcpost = (tallpost_t*)((byte*)patch + LELONG(cofs[x1]));
				tallpost_t *destpost = (tallpost_t*)(block + texturecolumnofs[texnum][x1]);

				R_DrawColumnInCache(srcpost, destpost->data(), texpatch->originy, texture->height,
									marks + x1 * texture->height);

	// killough 4/9/98: Next, convert multipatched columns into true columns,
	// to fix Medusa bug while still allowing for transparent regions.

	byte *tmpdata = new byte[texture->height];		// temporary post data
	for (int i = 0; i < texture->width; i++)
		if (collump[i] != -1)	// process only multipatched columns

		tallpost_t *post = (tallpost_t *)(block + texturecolumnofs[texnum][i]);
		const byte *mark = marks + i * texture->height;
		int j = 0;

		// save column in temporary so we can shuffle it around
		memcpy(tmpdata, post->data(), texture->height);

		// reconstruct the column by scanning transparency marks
		while (true)
			while (j < texture->height && !mark[j]) // skip transparent pixels
			if (j >= texture->height) 				// if at end of column
				post->writeend();					// end-of-column marker

			post->topdelta = j;						// starting offset of post

			// count opaque pixels
			for (post->length = 0; j < texture->height && mark[j]; j++)

			// copy opaque pixels from the temporary back into the column
			memcpy(post->data(), tmpdata + post->topdelta, post->length);	
			post = post->next();

	delete [] marks;
	delete [] tmpdata;

	// Now that the texture has been built in column cache,
	// it is purgable from zone memory.

	Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
Example #5
void R_GenerateComposite (int texnum)
	byte *block = (byte *)Z_Malloc (texturecompositesize[texnum], PU_STATIC,
						   (void **) &texturecomposite[texnum]);
	texture_t *texture = textures[texnum];
	// Composite the columns together.
	texpatch_t *patch = texture->patches;
	short *collump = texturecolumnlump[texnum];
	unsigned *colofs = texturecolumnofs[texnum]; // killough 4/9/98: make 32-bit
	int i = texture->patchcount;
	// killough 4/9/98: marks to identify transparent regions in merged textures
	byte *marks = (byte *)Calloc (texture->width, texture->height), *source;

	for (; --i >=0; patch++)
		patch_t *realpatch = W_CachePatch (patch->patch);
		int x1 = patch->originx, x2 = x1 + realpatch->width();
		const int *cofs = realpatch->columnofs-x1;
		if (x1<0)
			x1 = 0;
		if (x2 > texture->width)
			x2 = texture->width;
		for (; x1<x2 ; x1++)
			if (collump[x1] == -1)			// Column has multiple patches?
				// killough 1/25/98, 4/9/98: Fix medusa bug.
									marks + x1 * texture->height);

	// killough 4/9/98: Next, convert multipatched columns into true columns,
	// to fix Medusa bug while still allowing for transparent regions.

	source = (byte *)Malloc (texture->height); 		// temporary column
	for (i=0; i < texture->width; i++)
		if (collump[i] == -1) 				// process only multipatched columns
			column_t *col = (column_t *)(block + colofs[i] - 3);	// cached column
			const byte *mark = marks + i * texture->height;
			int j = 0;

			// save column in temporary so we can shuffle it around
			memcpy(source, (byte *) col + 3, texture->height);

			for (;;)	// reconstruct the column by scanning transparency marks
				while (j < texture->height && !mark[j]) // skip transparent cells
				if (j >= texture->height) 				// if at end of column
					col->topdelta = 255; 				// end-of-column marker
				col->topdelta = j;						// starting offset of post
				for (col->length=0; j < texture->height && mark[j]; j++)
					col->length++;						// count opaque cells
				// copy opaque cells from the temporary back into the column
				memcpy((byte *) col + 3, source + col->topdelta, col->length);
				col = (column_t *)((byte *) col + col->length + 4); // next post
	M_Free(source); 				// free temporary column
	M_Free(marks);				// free transparency marks

	// Now that the texture has been built in column cache,
	// it is purgable from zone memory.

	Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
Example #6
// R_GenerateComposite
// Using the texture definition,
//  the composite texture is created from the patches,
//  and each column is cached.
// Rewritten by Lee Killough for performance and to fix Medusa bug
static void R_GenerateComposite(int texnum)
    byte                *block = Z_Malloc(texturecompositesize[texnum], PU_STATIC,
                                          (void **)&texturecomposite[texnum]);
    texture_t           *texture = textures[texnum];

    // Composite the columns together.
    texpatch_t          *patch = texture->patches;
    short               *collump = texturecolumnlump[texnum];
    unsigned int        *colofs = texturecolumnofs[texnum];
    int                 i = texture->patchcount;

    // killough 4/9/98: marks to identify transparent regions in merged textures
    byte                *marks = calloc(texture->width, texture->height), *source;
    boolean             tekwall1 = (texnum == R_CheckTextureNumForName("TEKWALL1"));

    for (; --i >= 0; patch++)
        patch_t         *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNum(patch->patch, PU_CACHE);
        int             x1 = MAX(0, patch->originx);
        int             x2 = MIN(x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width), texture->width);
        const int       *cofs = realpatch->columnofs - x1;

        for (; x1 < x2 ; x1++)
            if (collump[x1] == -1)      // Column has multiple patches?
                // killough 1/25/98, 4/9/98: Fix medusa bug.
                R_DrawColumnInCache((column_t *)((byte *)realpatch + LONG(cofs[x1])),
                    block + colofs[x1], patch->originy, texture->height,
                    marks + x1 * texture->height, tekwall1);

    // killough 4/9/98: Next, convert multipatched columns into true columns,
    // to fix Medusa bug while still allowing for transparent regions.
    source = (byte *)malloc(texture->height);   // temporary column
    for (i = 0; i < texture->width; i++)
        if (collump[i] == -1)                   // process only multipatched columns
            column_t    *col = (column_t *)(block + colofs[i] - 3);     // cached column
            const byte  *mark = marks + i * texture->height;
            int         j = 0;

            // save column in temporary so we can shuffle it around
            memcpy(source, (byte *)col + 3, texture->height);

            for (;;)  // reconstruct the column by scanning transparency marks
                unsigned int    len;                    // killough 12/98

                while (j < texture->height && !mark[j]) // skip transparent cells

                if (j >= texture->height)               // if at end of column
                    col->topdelta = -1;                 // end-of-column marker

                col->topdelta = j;                      // starting offset of post

                // killough 12/98:
                // Use 32-bit len counter, to support tall 1s multipatched textures

                for (len = 0; j < texture->height && mark[j]; j++)
                    len++;                              // count opaque cells

                col->length = len; // killough 12/98: intentionally truncate length

                // copy opaque cells from the temporary back into the column
                memcpy((byte *)col + 3, source + col->topdelta, len);
                col = (column_t *)((byte *)col + len + 4); // next post
    free(source);       // free temporary column
    free(marks);        // free transparency marks

    // Now that the texture has been built in column cache,
    // it is purgable from zone memory.
    Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
Example #7
// R_GenerateTexture
// Allocate space for full size texture, either single patch or 'composite'
// Build the full textures from patches.
// The texture caching system is a little more hungry of memory, but has
// been simplified for the sake of highcolor, dynamic ligthing, & speed.
// This is not optimised, but it's supposed to be executed only once
// per level, when enough memory is available.
static UINT8 *R_GenerateTexture(size_t texnum)
	UINT8 *block;
	UINT8 *blocktex;
	texture_t *texture;
	texpatch_t *patch;
	patch_t *realpatch;
	int x, x1, x2, i;
	size_t blocksize;
	column_t *patchcol;
	UINT32 *colofs;

	I_Assert(texnum <= (size_t)numtextures);
	texture = textures[texnum];
	I_Assert(texture != NULL);

	// allocate texture column offset lookup

	// single-patch textures can have holes in them and may be used on
	// 2sided lines so they need to be kept in 'packed' format
	// BUT this is wrong for skies and walls with over 255 pixels,
	// so check if there's holes and if not strip the posts.
	if (texture->patchcount == 1)
		boolean holey = false;
		patch = texture->patches;
		realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(patch->wad, patch->lump, PU_CACHE);

		// Check the patch for holes.
		if (texture->width > SHORT(realpatch->width) || texture->height > SHORT(realpatch->height))
			holey = true;
		colofs = (UINT32 *)realpatch->columnofs;
		for (x = 0; x < texture->width && !holey; x++)
			column_t *col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)realpatch + LONG(colofs[x]));
			INT32 topdelta, prevdelta = -1, y = 0;
			while (col->topdelta != 0xff)
				topdelta = col->topdelta;
				if (topdelta <= prevdelta)
					topdelta += prevdelta;
				prevdelta = topdelta;
				if (topdelta > y)
				y = topdelta + col->length + 1;
				col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)col + col->length + 4);
			if (y < texture->height)
				holey = true; // this texture is HOLEy! D:

		// If the patch uses transparency, we have to save it this way.
		if (holey)
			texture->holes = true;
			blocksize = W_LumpLengthPwad(patch->wad, patch->lump);
			block = Z_Calloc(blocksize, PU_STATIC, // will change tag at end of this function
			M_Memcpy(block, realpatch, blocksize);
			texturememory += blocksize;

			// use the patch's column lookup
			colofs = (UINT32 *)(void *)(block + 8);
			texturecolumnofs[texnum] = colofs;
			blocktex = block;
			for (x = 0; x < texture->width; x++)
				colofs[x] = LONG(LONG(colofs[x]) + 3);
			goto done;

		// Otherwise, do multipatch format.

	// multi-patch textures (or 'composite')
	texture->holes = false;
	blocksize = (texture->width * 4) + (texture->width * texture->height);
	texturememory += blocksize;
	block = Z_Malloc(blocksize+1, PU_STATIC, &texturecache[texnum]);

	memset(block, 0xF7, blocksize+1); // Transparency hack

	// columns lookup table
	colofs = (UINT32 *)(void *)block;
	texturecolumnofs[texnum] = colofs;

	// texture data after the lookup table
	blocktex = block + (texture->width*4);

	// Composite the columns together.
	for (i = 0, patch = texture->patches; i < texture->patchcount; i++, patch++)
		realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(patch->wad, patch->lump, PU_CACHE);
		x1 = patch->originx;
		x2 = x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width);

		if (x1 < 0)
			x = 0;
			x = x1;

		if (x2 > texture->width)
			x2 = texture->width;

		for (; x < x2; x++)
			patchcol = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)realpatch + LONG(realpatch->columnofs[x-x1]));

			// generate column ofset lookup
			colofs[x] = LONG((x * texture->height) + (texture->width*4));
			R_DrawColumnInCache(patchcol, block + LONG(colofs[x]), patch->originy, texture->height);

	// Now that the texture has been built in column cache, it is purgable from zone memory.
	Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
	return blocktex;