Example #1
// R_InitSpriteDefs
// Pass a null terminated list of sprite names
//	(4 chars exactly) to be used.
// Builds the sprite rotation matrices to account
//	for horizontally flipped sprites.
// Will report an error if the lumps are inconsistant.
// Only called at startup.
// Sprite lump names are 4 characters for the actor,
//	a letter for the frame, and a number for the rotation.
// A sprite that is flippable will have an additional
//	letter/number appended.
// The rotation character can be 0 to signify no rotations.
void R_InitSpriteDefs (const char **namelist)
	int i;
	int l;
	int intname;
	int start;
	int end;
	int realsprites;

	// count the number of sprite names
	for (numsprites = 0; namelist[numsprites]; numsprites++)
	// [RH] include skins in the count
	realsprites = numsprites;
	numsprites += numskins - 1;

	if (!numsprites)

	sprites = (spritedef_t *)Z_Malloc (numsprites * sizeof(*sprites), PU_STATIC, NULL);

	start = firstspritelump - 1;
	end = lastspritelump + 1;

	// scan all the lump names for each of the names,
	//	noting the highest frame letter.
	// Just compare 4 characters as ints
	for (i = 0; i < realsprites; i++)
		spritename = namelist[i];
		memset (sprtemp, -1, sizeof(sprtemp));

		maxframe = -1;
		intname = *(int *)namelist[i];

		// scan the lumps,
		//	filling in the frames for whatever is found
		for (l = lastspritelump; l >= firstspritelump; l--)
			if (*(int *)lumpinfo[l].name == intname)
				R_InstallSpriteLump (l,
									 lumpinfo[l].name[4] - 'A', // denis - fixme - security
									 lumpinfo[l].name[5] - '0',

				if (lumpinfo[l].name[6])
					R_InstallSpriteLump (l,
									 lumpinfo[l].name[6] - 'A',
									 lumpinfo[l].name[7] - '0',

		R_InstallSprite (namelist[i], i);
Example #2
void R_InitSkins (void)
	FSoundID playersoundrefs[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
	spritedef_t temp;
	int sndlumps[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
	char key[65];
	DWORD intname, crouchname;
	size_t i;
	int j, k, base;
	int lastlump;
	int aliasid;
	bool remove;
	PClassPlayerPawn *basetype, *transtype;

	key[sizeof(key)-1] = 0;
	i = PlayerClasses.Size () - 1;
	lastlump = 0;

	for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; ++j)
		playersoundrefs[j] = skinsoundnames[j][1];

	while ((base = Wads.FindLump ("S_SKIN", &lastlump, true)) != -1)
		// The player sprite has 23 frames. This means that the S_SKIN
		// marker needs a minimum of 23 lumps after it.
		if (base >= Wads.GetNumLumps() - 23 || base == -1)

		for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
			sndlumps[j] = -1;
		skins[i].namespc = Wads.GetLumpNamespace (base);

		FScanner sc(base);
		intname = 0;
		crouchname = 0;

		remove = false;
		basetype = NULL;
		transtype = NULL;

		// Data is stored as "key = data".
		while (sc.GetString ())
			strncpy (key, sc.String, sizeof(key)-1);
			if (!sc.GetString() || sc.String[0] != '=')
				Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Bad format for skin %d: %s\n", (int)i, key);
			sc.GetString ();
			if (0 == stricmp (key, "name"))
				strncpy (skins[i].name, sc.String, 16);
				for (j = 0; (size_t)j < i; j++)
					if (stricmp (skins[i].name, skins[j].name) == 0)
						mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);
						Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s duplicated as %s\n",
							skins[j].name, skins[i].name);
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "sprite"))
				for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
					sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
				intname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "crouchsprite"))
				for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
					sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
				crouchname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "face"))
				for (j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
					skins[i].face[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
				skins[i].face[3] = '\0';
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "gender"))
				skins[i].gender = D_GenderToInt (sc.String);
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "scale"))
				skins[i].Scale.X = clamp(atof (sc.String), 1./65536, 256.);
				skins[i].Scale.Y = skins[i].Scale.X;
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "game"))
				if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
					basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
				else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
					basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_StrifePlayer));
					basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));

				transtype = basetype;

				if (stricmp (sc.String, "heretic") == 0)
					if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
						transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
						skins[i].othergame = true;
					else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Heretic)
						remove = true;
				else if (stricmp (sc.String, "strife") == 0)
					if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife)
						remove = true;
					if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
						transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
						skins[i].othergame = true;
					else if (!(gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex))
						remove = true;

				if (remove)
			else if (0 == stricmp (key, "class"))
			{ // [GRB] Define the skin for a specific player class
				int pclass = D_PlayerClassToInt (sc.String);

				if (pclass < 0)
					remove = true;

				basetype = transtype = PlayerClasses[pclass].Type;
			else if (key[0] == '*')
			{ // Player sound replacment (ZDoom extension)
				int lump = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
				if (lump == -1)
					lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
				if (lump != -1)
					if (stricmp (key, "*pain") == 0)
					{ // Replace all pain sounds in one go
						aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
							playersoundrefs[0], lump, true);
						for (int l = 3; l > 0; --l)
							S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
								playersoundrefs[l], aliasid, true);
						int sndref = S_FindSoundNoHash (key);
						if (sndref != 0)
							S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender, sndref, lump, true);
				for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
					if (stricmp (key, skinsoundnames[j][0]) == 0)
						sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
						if (sndlumps[j] == -1)
						{ // Replacement not found, try finding it in the global namespace
							sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
				//if (j == 8)
				//	Printf ("Funny info for skin %i: %s = %s\n", i, key, sc.String);

		// [GRB] Assume Doom skin by default
		if (!remove && basetype == NULL)
			if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
				basetype = transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
			else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
				basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
				transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
				skins[i].othergame = true;
				remove = true;

		if (!remove)
			skins[i].range0start = transtype->ColorRangeStart;
			skins[i].range0end = transtype->ColorRangeEnd;

			remove = true;
			for (j = 0; j < (int)PlayerClasses.Size (); j++)
				PClassPlayerPawn *type = PlayerClasses[j].Type;

				if (type->IsDescendantOf (basetype) &&
					GetDefaultByType(type)->SpawnState->sprite == GetDefaultByType(basetype)->SpawnState->sprite &&
					type->ColorRangeStart == basetype->ColorRangeStart &&
					type->ColorRangeEnd == basetype->ColorRangeEnd)
					PlayerClasses[j].Skins.Push ((int)i);
					remove = false;

		if (!remove)
			if (skins[i].name[0] == 0)
				mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);

			// Now collect the sprite frames for this skin. If the sprite name was not
			// specified, use whatever immediately follows the specifier lump.
			if (intname == 0)
				char name[9];
				Wads.GetLumpName (name, base+1);
				memcpy(&intname, name, 4);

			int basens = Wads.GetLumpNamespace(base);

			for(int spr = 0; spr<2; spr++)
				spriteframewithrotate sprtemp[MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES];
				memset (sprtemp, 0xFFFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
				for (k = 0; k < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++k)
					sprtemp[k].Flip = 0;
					sprtemp[k].Voxel = NULL;
				int maxframe = -1;

				if (spr == 1)
					if (crouchname !=0 && crouchname != intname)
						intname = crouchname;
						skins[i].crouchsprite = -1;

				for (k = base + 1; Wads.GetLumpNamespace(k) == basens; k++)
					char lname[9];
					DWORD lnameint;
					Wads.GetLumpName (lname, k);
					memcpy(&lnameint, lname, 4);
					if (lnameint == intname)
						FTextureID picnum = TexMan.CreateTexture(k, FTexture::TEX_SkinSprite);
						bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[4] - 'A', lname[5], false, sprtemp, maxframe);

						if (lname[6] && res)
							R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[6] - 'A', lname[7], true, sprtemp, maxframe);

				if (spr == 0 && maxframe <= 0)
					Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s (#%d) has no frames. Removing.\n", skins[i].name, (int)i);
					remove = true;

				Wads.GetLumpName (temp.name, base+1);
				temp.name[4] = 0;
				int sprno = (int)sprites.Push (temp);
				if (spr==0)	skins[i].sprite = sprno;
				else skins[i].crouchsprite = sprno;
				R_InstallSprite (sprno, sprtemp, maxframe);

		if (remove)
			if (i < numskins-1)
				memmove (&skins[i], &skins[i+1], sizeof(skins[0])*(numskins-i-1));

		// Register any sounds this skin provides
		aliasid = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
			if (sndlumps[j] != -1)
				if (j == 0 || sndlumps[j] != sndlumps[j-1])
					aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
						playersoundrefs[j], sndlumps[j], true);
					S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
						playersoundrefs[j], aliasid, true);

		// Make sure face prefix is a full 3 chars
		if (skins[i].face[1] == 0 || skins[i].face[2] == 0)
			skins[i].face[0] = 0;

	if (numskins > PlayerClasses.Size ())
	{ // The sound table may have changed, so rehash it.
		S_HashSounds ();
		S_ShrinkPlayerSoundLists ();
Example #3
void R_InitSpriteDefs () 
	struct Hasher
		int Head, Next;
	} *hashes;
	struct VHasher
		int Head, Next, Name, Spin;
		char Frame;
	} *vhashes;
	unsigned int i, j, smax, vmax;
	DWORD intname;

	spriteframewithrotate sprtemp[MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES];

	// Create a hash table to speed up the process
	smax = TexMan.NumTextures();
	hashes = new Hasher[smax];
	memset(hashes, -1, sizeof(Hasher)*smax);
	for (i = 0; i < smax; ++i)
		FTexture *tex = TexMan.ByIndex(i);
		if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Sprite && strlen(tex->Name) >= 6)
			size_t bucket = TEX_DWNAME(tex) % smax;
			hashes[i].Next = hashes[bucket].Head;
			hashes[bucket].Head = i;

	// Repeat, for voxels
	vmax = Wads.GetNumLumps();
	vhashes = new VHasher[vmax];
	memset(vhashes, -1, sizeof(VHasher)*vmax);
	for (i = 0; i < vmax; ++i)
		if (Wads.GetLumpNamespace(i) == ns_voxels)
			char name[9];
			size_t namelen;
			int spin;
			int sign;

			Wads.GetLumpName(name, i);
			name[8] = 0;
			namelen = strlen(name);
			if (namelen < 4)
			{ // name is too short
			if (name[4] != '\0' && name[4] != ' ' && (name[4] < 'A' || name[4] >= 'A' + MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES))
			{ // frame char is invalid
			spin = 0;
			sign = 2;	// 2 to convert from deg/halfsec to deg/sec
			j = 5;
			if (j < namelen && name[j] == '-')
			{ // a minus sign is okay, but only before any digits
				sign = -2;
			for (; j < namelen; ++j)
			{ // the remainder to the end of the name must be digits
				if (name[j] >= '0' && name[j] <= '9')
					spin = spin * 10 + name[j] - '0';
			if (j < namelen)
			{ // the spin part is invalid
			memcpy(&vhashes[i].Name, name, 4);
			vhashes[i].Frame = name[4];
			vhashes[i].Spin = spin * sign;
			size_t bucket = vhashes[i].Name % vmax;
			vhashes[i].Next = vhashes[bucket].Head;
			vhashes[bucket].Head = i;

	// scan all the lump names for each of the names, noting the highest frame letter.
	for (i = 0; i < sprites.Size(); ++i)
		memset (sprtemp, 0xFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
		for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
			sprtemp[j].Flip = 0;
			sprtemp[j].Voxel = NULL;
		int maxframe = -1;
		intname = sprites[i].dwName;

		// scan the lumps, filling in the frames for whatever is found
		int hash = hashes[intname % smax].Head;
		while (hash != -1)
			FTexture *tex = TexMan[hash];
			if (TEX_DWNAME(tex) == intname)
				bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[4] - 'A', tex->Name[5], false, sprtemp, maxframe);

				if (tex->Name[6] && res)
					R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[6] - 'A', tex->Name[7], true, sprtemp, maxframe);
			hash = hashes[hash].Next;

		// repeat, for voxels
		hash = vhashes[intname % vmax].Head;
		while (hash != -1)
			VHasher *vh = &vhashes[hash];
			if (vh->Name == (int)intname)
				FVoxelDef *voxdef = R_LoadVoxelDef(hash, vh->Spin);
				if (voxdef != NULL)
					if (vh->Frame == ' ' || vh->Frame == '\0')
					{ // voxel applies to every sprite frame
						for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
							if (sprtemp[j].Voxel == NULL)
								sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
						maxframe = MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES-1;
					{ // voxel applies to a specific frame
						j = vh->Frame - 'A';
						sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
						maxframe = MAX<int>(maxframe, j);
			hash = vh->Next;
		R_InstallSprite ((int)i, sprtemp, maxframe);

	delete[] hashes;
	delete[] vhashes;
Example #4
void R_InitSkins (void)
	char sndname[128];
	int sndlumps[8];
	char key[10];
	int intname;
	size_t i;
	int j, k, base;
	int stop;
	char *def;

	key[9] = 0;

	for (i = 1; i < numskins; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			sndlumps[j] = -1;
		base = W_CheckNumForName ("S_SKIN", skins[i].namespc);
		// The player sprite has 23 frames. This means that the S_SKIN
		// marker needs a minimum of 23 lumps after it (probably more).
		if (base + 23 >= (int)numlumps || base == -1)
		def = (char *)W_CacheLumpNum (base, PU_CACHE);
		intname = 0;

		// Data is stored as "key = data".
		while ( (def = COM_Parse (def)) )
			strncpy (key, com_token, 9);
			def = COM_Parse (def);
			if (com_token[0] != '=')
				Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Bad format for skin %d: %s %s", i, key, com_token);
			def = COM_Parse (def);
			if (!stricmp (key, "name")) {
				strncpy (skins[i].name, com_token, 16);
			} else if (!stricmp (key, "sprite")) {
				for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
					com_token[j] = toupper (com_token[j]);
				intname = *((int *)com_token);
			} else if (!stricmp (key, "face")) {
				for (j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
					skins[i].face[j] = toupper (com_token[j]);
			} else {
				for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
					if (!stricmp (key, skinsoundnames[j][0])) {
						// Can't use W_CheckNumForName because skin sounds
						// haven't been assigned a namespace yet.
						for (k = base + 1; k < (int)numlumps &&
										   lumpinfo[k].handle == lumpinfo[base].handle; k++) {
							if (!strnicmp (com_token, lumpinfo[k].name, 8)) {
								//W_SetLumpNamespace (k, skins[i].namespc);
								sndlumps[j] = k;
						if (sndlumps[j] == -1) {
							// Replacement not found, try finding it in the global namespace
							sndlumps[j] = W_CheckNumForName (com_token);
				//if (j == 8)
				//	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Funny info for skin %i: %s = %s\n", i, key, com_token);

		if (skins[i].name[0] == 0)
			sprintf (skins[i].name, "skin%d", (unsigned)i);

		// Register any sounds this skin provides
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
			if (sndlumps[j] != -1) {
				if (j > 1) {
					sprintf (sndname, "player/%s/%s", skins[i].name, skinsoundnames[j][1]);
					S_AddSoundLump (sndname, sndlumps[j]);
				} else if (j == 1) {
					int r;

					for (r = 1; r <= 4; r++) {
						sprintf (sndname, "player/%s/death%d", skins[i].name, r);
						S_AddSoundLump (sndname, sndlumps[j]);
				} else {	// j == 0
					int l, r;

					for (l =  1; l <= 4; l++)
						for (r = 1; r <= 2; r++) {
							sprintf (sndname, "player/%s/pain%d_%d", skins[i].name, l*25, r);
							S_AddSoundLump (sndname, sndlumps[j]);

		// Now collect the sprite frames for this skin. If the sprite name was not
		// specified, use whatever immediately follows the specifier lump.
		if (intname == 0) {
			intname = *(int *)(lumpinfo[base+1].name);
			for (stop = base + 2; stop < (int)numlumps &&
								  lumpinfo[stop].handle == lumpinfo[base].handle &&
								  *(int *)lumpinfo[stop].name == intname; stop++)
		} else {
			stop = numlumps;

		memset (sprtemp, -1, sizeof(sprtemp));
		maxframe = -1;

		for (k = base + 1;
			 k < stop && lumpinfo[k].handle == lumpinfo[base].handle;
			 k++) {
			if (*(int *)lumpinfo[k].name == intname)
				R_InstallSpriteLump (k,
									 lumpinfo[k].name[4] - 'A', // denis - fixme - security
									 lumpinfo[k].name[5] - '0',

				if (lumpinfo[k].name[6])
					R_InstallSpriteLump (k,
									 lumpinfo[k].name[6] - 'A',
									 lumpinfo[k].name[7] - '0',

				//W_SetLumpNamespace (k, skins[i].namespc);
		R_InstallSprite ((char *)&intname, (skins[i].sprite = (spritenum_t)(numsprites - numskins + i)));

		// Now go back and check for face graphics (if necessary)
		if (skins[i].face[0] == 0 || skins[i].face[1] == 0 || skins[i].face[2] == 0) {
			// No face name specified, so this skin doesn't replace it
			skins[i].face[0] = 0;
		} else {
			// Need to go through and find all face graphics for the skin
			// and assign them to the skin's namespace.
			for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
				strncpy (facenames[j], skins[i].face, 3);

			for (k = base + 1;
				 k < (int)numlumps && lumpinfo[k].handle == lumpinfo[base].handle;
				 k++) {
				for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
					if (!strncmp (facenames[j], lumpinfo[k].name, facelens[j])) {
						//W_SetLumpNamespace (k, skins[i].namespc);
	// Grrk. May have changed sound table. Fix it.
	if (numskins > 1)
		S_HashSounds ();