Example #1
void start(){
	masses[0] = EARTH_MASS*500000.0;
	for(int i=1;i<N;i++){
		double distance = 0;
		masses[i] = EARTH_MASS*Ranf( 0.999f, 1.0f );
		do {
			pos[i][X]=EARTH_SUN*Ranf( -500.0f, 500.f );
			pos[i][Y]=EARTH_SUN*Ranf( -500.0f, 500.f );
			distance = sqrt(pos[i][Y]*pos[i][Y]+pos[i][X]*pos[i][X]);
		}while(distance<EARTH_SUN*100 );
	double time0 = omp_get_wtime();
	double time1 = omp_get_wtime();
	/**Impresion del tiempo que tardo el algoritmo para determinar las
	 * posiciones y velocidades de las particulas ***/
	printf("duracion: %f\n",time1-time0);	
void start(){	
	best_tour= malloc(sizeof(tour));
	stack= malloc(sizeof(Stack));
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
		digraph[i][i] = 0;
		point[i][0] = Ranf( -G, G );
		point[i][1] = Ranf( -G, G );
		best_tour->path[i] = 0;
		t1.path[i] = 0;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
		for(int j=0;j<N;j++){
			digraph[i][j] = sqrt((point[i][0]-point[j][0])*(point[i][0]-point[j][0])+(point[i][1]-point[j][1])*(point[i][1]-point[j][1]));
	best_tour->cost = RAND_MAX;
	best_tour->last = 0;
	best_tour->first = 0;
	best_tour->n = 1;
	t1.cost = 0;
	t1.last = 0;
	t1.first = 0;
	t1.n = 1;	
	stack->max = N*((N-1)*0.5);
	stack->top = -1;
	stack->content = malloc((stack->max)*sizeof(int));
Example #3
int Wolf(int i) { // affected by NowDeer
    while( NowYear <= 2020 )
        // compute a temporary next-value for this quantity based on the current state of the simulation:
        int tmpNumWolf = NowNumWolf;

        if (NowNumDeer > 3 * tmpNumWolf || NowNumDeer < tmpNumWolf)
            tmpNumWolf-= (int) (2.0*Ranf(0.2,0.9));
            tmpNumWolf+= (int) (2.0*Ranf(0.3,0.9));

        if (tmpNumWolf < 0)
            tmpNumWolf = 0 ;

        // DoneComputing barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier
            NowNumWolf = tmpNumWolf;
        // DoneAssigning barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier
            //  do nothing
        // DonePrinting barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier

    return i;
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {

    double prec = omp_get_wtick();
    //fprintf( stderr, "Clock precision = %g\n", prec );

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
        A[i] = Ranf(-10.f, 10.f);
        B[i] = Ranf(-10.f, 10.f);

     * SIMD test block
     * **************************/
    double time0 = Timer();
    for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TRIALS; t++) {
        SimdMul(A, B, C, NUM);
    double time1 = Timer();

    double dts = (time1 - time0) / (float) NUM_TRIALS;
    if (PRINT_SIMD == 1) {
        if(GNUPLOT == 0) {
            printf("Average SIMD Elapsed time = %g\n", dts);
            printf("SIMD speed = %8.3f MFLOPS\n", ((float) NUM / dts) / 1000000.f);
        } else {
            // x-axis: #-of-elements y-axis: MFLOPS, do not need elapsed time
            printf("%d %8.3f\n", NUM, ((float) NUM / dts) / 1000000.f);

     * non SIMD test block
     * **************************/
    double time2 = Timer();
    for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TRIALS; t++) {
        NonSimdMul(A, B, C, NUM);
    double time3 = Timer();

    double dtn = (time3 - time2) / (float) NUM_TRIALS;
    if(PRINT_NOSIMD == 1) { 
        if(GNUPLOT == 0) {
            printf("Average Non-SIMD Elapsed time = %g\n", dtn);
            printf("Non-SIMD speed = %8.3f MFLOPS\n", ((float) NUM / dtn) / 1000000.f);
            //printf("Speed-up = %g\n", dtn / dts);
        } else {
            // x-axis: #-of-elements y-axis: MFLOPS, do not need elapsed time
            printf("%d %8.3f\n", NUM, ((float) NUM / dtn) / 1000000.f);

    if(PRINT_DIFFERENCE == 1) {
        printf("%d %g\n", NUM, ((float) NUM / dtn) / (dtn/dts));
    return 0;
Example #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[ ])
#ifndef _OPENMP
    fprintf( stderr, "OpenMP is not available\n" );
    return 1;

    // set up global variables

    // starting date and time:
    NowMonth =    0;
    NowYear  = 2015;

    // starting state
    NowNumDeer = 1;
    NowHeight =  1.;
    NowNumWolf = 1;

    // computing temp and precip
    float ang = (  30.*(float)NowMonth + 15.  ) * ( M_PI / 180. );
    float temp = AVG_TEMP - AMP_TEMP * cos( ang );
    NowTemp = temp + Ranf( -RANDOM_TEMP, RANDOM_TEMP );
    float precip = AVG_PRECIP_PER_MONTH + AMP_PRECIP_PER_MONTH * sin( ang );
    NowPrecip = precip + Ranf( -RANDOM_PRECIP, RANDOM_PRECIP );
    if( NowPrecip < 0. )
        NowPrecip = 0.;

    // spawn # threads
    omp_set_num_threads( 4 );
    #pragma omp parallel sections // parallel section directive // functional decomposition
        #pragma omp section

        #pragma omp section

        #pragma omp section

        #pragma omp section
    }       // implied barrier -- all functions must return to get past here

    return 0;
ResetParticles( )
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hPobj );
	struct xyzw *points = (struct xyzw *) glMapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
	for( int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++ )
		points[i].x = Ranf( XMIN, XMAX );
		points[i].y = Ranf( YMIN, YMAX );
		points[i].z = Ranf( ZMIN, ZMAX );
		points[i].w = 1.;
	glUnmapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER );

	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hCobj );
	struct rgba *colors = (struct rgba *) glMapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
	for( int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++ )
		colors[i].r = Ranf( .3f, 1. );
		colors[i].g = Ranf( .3f, 1. );
		colors[i].b = Ranf( .3f, 1. );
		colors[i].a = 1.;
	glUnmapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER );

	for( int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++ )
		hVel[i].x = Ranf( VMIN, VMAX );
		hVel[i].y = Ranf(   0., VMAX );
		hVel[i].z = Ranf( VMIN, VMAX );
void calcTempAndPrecip(void *t){
	//Must atomize so we don't have race conditions between months.
	float ang = (  30.*(float)NowMonth + 15.  ) * ( M_PI / 180. );

	float temp = AVG_TEMP - AMP_TEMP * cos( ang );
	NowTemp = temp + Ranf( -RANDOM_TEMP, RANDOM_TEMP );

	float precip = AVG_PRECIP_PER_MONTH + AMP_PRECIP_PER_MONTH * sin( ang );
	NowPrecip = precip + Ranf( -RANDOM_PRECIP, RANDOM_PRECIP );
	if( NowPrecip < 0. ){
		NowPrecip = 0.;
int Ranf( int ilow, int ihigh )
	float low = (float)ilow;
	float high = (float)ihigh + 0.9999f;

	return (int)(  Ranf(low,high) );
Example #9
int Watcher(int i) {
    while( NowYear <= 2020 )
        // compute a temporary next-value for this quantity based on the current state of the simulation:
            //  do nothing
        // DoneComputing barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier
            //  do nothing
        // DoneAssigning barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier
            fprintf(stdout, "%d01\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%d\t%d\n", NowYear*100+(NowMonth+1), (5.0/9.0)*(NowTemp-32.0), NowPrecip*2.54, NowHeight*2.54, NowNumDeer, NowNumWolf);
            //increase month
            NowMonth = NowMonth % 12;
            if (NowMonth == 0) { //increase year

            // computing temp and precip
            float ang = (  30.*(float)NowMonth + 15.  ) * ( M_PI / 180. );

            float temp = AVG_TEMP - AMP_TEMP * cos( ang );
            NowTemp = temp + Ranf( -RANDOM_TEMP, RANDOM_TEMP );

            float precip = AVG_PRECIP_PER_MONTH + AMP_PRECIP_PER_MONTH * sin( ang );
            NowPrecip = precip + Ranf( -RANDOM_PRECIP, RANDOM_PRECIP );
            if( NowPrecip < 0. )
                NowPrecip = 0.;
        // DonePrinting barrier:
        #pragma omp barrier

    return i;
Example #10
// Initialize agents with random positions
void init_data(sAgents &h_agents_in)
	const float PI = 3.1415926535;
	const float XMIN = 	{ 2.0 };
	const float XMAX = 	{  world_width };
	const float YMIN = 	{ 2.0 };
	const float YMAX = 	{  world_height };
	const float THMIN =	{   0.0};
	const float THMAX =	{    2*PI }; //2*PI
	const float VMIN =	{   0.5 }; //0.0
	const float VMAX =	{    1.0 };

	for(int i = 0; i< agents_total;i++)
		h_agents_in.ids[i].x = i + 1;
		h_agents_in.ids[i].y = 0;
		h_agents_in.pos[i].x = round(Ranf( XMIN, XMAX ));
		h_agents_in.pos[i].y = round(Ranf( YMIN, YMAX ));
		h_agents_in.pos[i].z = Ranf( THMIN, THMAX );
		h_agents_in.pos[i].w = Ranf( VMIN, VMAX );
Example #11
// Initialize agents with random positions
void init_data(agent *h_agents_in, int agents_total)
	const float PI = 3.1415926535;
	const float XMIN = 	{ 1.0 };
	const float XMAX = 	{  96.0 };
	const float YMIN = 	{ 1.0 };
	const float YMAX = 	{  96.0 };
	const float THMIN =	{   0.0};
	const float THMAX =	{    2*PI }; //2*PI
	const float VMIN =	{   0.0 }; //0.0
	const float VMAX =	{    1.0 };

    for( int i = 0; i < agents_total; i++ )
	h_agents_in[ i ].id = i;
	h_agents_in[ i ].x = round(Ranf( XMIN, XMAX ));
	h_agents_in[ i ].y = round(Ranf( YMIN, YMAX ));
	h_agents_in[ i ].z = Ranf( THMIN, THMAX);
	h_agents_in[ i ].w = Ranf( VMIN, VMAX);

	//printf("i: %d x: %f y: %f z: %f, w: %f \n", i, h_dptr[i].x, h_dptr[i].y, h_dptr[i].z, h_dptr[i].w);
Example #12
main( int argc, char *argv[ ] )
#ifndef _OPENMP
	fprintf( stderr, "OpenMP is not available\n" );
	return 1;

	omp_set_num_threads( NUMT );
	int numProcessors = omp_get_num_procs( );
	fprintf( stderr, "Have %d processors.\n", numProcessors );

	for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBODIES; i++ )
		Bodies[i].mass = EARTH_MASS  * Ranf( 0.5f, 10.f );
		Bodies[i].x = EARTH_DIAMETER * Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );
		Bodies[i].y = EARTH_DIAMETER * Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );
		Bodies[i].z = EARTH_DIAMETER * Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );
		Bodies[i].vx = Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );;
		Bodies[i].vy = Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );;
		Bodies[i].vz = Ranf( -100.f, 100.f );;

	double time0 = omp_get_wtime( );

	for ( int t = 0; t < NUMSTEPS; t++ )
		// #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
		for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBODIES; i++ )
			float fx = 0.;
			float fy = 0.;
			float fz = 0.;
			Body *bi = &Bodies[i];
			#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:fx,fy,fz) schedule(dynamic)
			for ( int j = 0; j < NUMBODIES; j++ )
				if ( j == i )	continue;

				Body *bj = &Bodies[j];

				float rsqd = GetDistanceSquared( bi, bj );
				if ( rsqd > 0. )
					float f = G * bi->mass * bj->mass / rsqd;
					float ux, uy, uz;
					GetUnitVector( bi, bj,   &ux, &uy, &uz );
					fx += f * ux;
					fy += f * uy;
					fz += f * uz;

			float ax = fx / Bodies[i].mass;
			float ay = fy / Bodies[i].mass;
			float az = fz / Bodies[i].mass;

			Bodies[i].xnew = Bodies[i].x + Bodies[i].vx * TIMESTEP + 0.5 * ax * TIMESTEP * TIMESTEP;
			Bodies[i].ynew = Bodies[i].y + Bodies[i].vy * TIMESTEP + 0.5 * ay * TIMESTEP * TIMESTEP;
			Bodies[i].znew = Bodies[i].z + Bodies[i].vz * TIMESTEP + 0.5 * az * TIMESTEP * TIMESTEP;

			Bodies[i].vxnew = Bodies[i].vx + ax * TIMESTEP;
			Bodies[i].vynew = Bodies[i].vy + ay * TIMESTEP;
			Bodies[i].vznew = Bodies[i].vz + az * TIMESTEP;

		// setup the state for the next animation step:

		for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBODIES; i++ )
			Bodies[i].x = Bodies[i].xnew;
			Bodies[i].y = Bodies[i].ynew;
			Bodies[i].z = Bodies[i].znew;
			Bodies[i].vx = Bodies[i].vxnew;
			Bodies[i].vy = Bodies[i].vynew;
			Bodies[i].vz = Bodies[i].vznew;

	}  // t

	double time1 = omp_get_wtime( );

	// print performance here:::
	double mbodies = (float)(NUMBODIES * NUMBODIES * NUMSTEPS) / (time1 - time0) / 1000000.;
	printf("Performance = %8.2lf MegaBodies/Sec\n", mbodies);
	printf("Time = %8.2lf MegaSecs\n", (time1 - time0) * 1000000.);
	return 0;