static void Key2(int key, int x, int y) { switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: yRotation -= 0.5; autoRotate = GL_FALSE; ReInit(); break; case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: yRotation += 0.5; autoRotate = GL_FALSE; ReInit(); break; case GLUT_KEY_UP: xRotation -= 0.5; autoRotate = GL_FALSE; ReInit(); break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN: xRotation += 0.5; autoRotate = GL_FALSE; ReInit(); break; default: return; } glutPostRedisplay(); }
void SpecialKey(int key, int x, int y) { switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: yRotation -= 0.5; autoRotate = FALSE; ReInit(); glutPostRedisplay(); break; case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: yRotation += 0.5; autoRotate = FALSE; glutPostRedisplay(); ReInit(); break; case GLUT_KEY_UP: xRotation -= 0.5; autoRotate = FALSE; ReInit(); glutPostRedisplay(); break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN: xRotation += 0.5; autoRotate = FALSE; ReInit(); glutPostRedisplay(); break; } }
bool C4LandscapeRenderClassic::Init(int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight, C4TextureMap *pTexs, C4GroupSet *pGraphics) { // Init proc if (!ReInit(iWidth, iHeight)) return false; this->pTexs = pTexs; return true; }
void Reshape(int width, int height) { W = width; H = height; ReInit(); }
_BOOLEAN CPaCommon::Write(CVector < short >&psData) { if (device_changed) ReInit(); if (stream==NULL) return TRUE; size_t bytes = psData.Size() * sizeof(short); //cout << "Write: got " << bytes << " can put " << PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable(&ringBuffer) << endl; if (PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable(&ringBuffer) < int(bytes)) return FALSE; /* TODO use newer data in preference to draining old */ PaUtil_WriteRingBuffer(&ringBuffer, &psData[0], bytes); if (Pa_IsStreamStopped( stream )) { int err = Pa_StartStream(stream); if (err != paNoError) { //throw string("PortAudio error: ") + Pa_GetErrorText(err); } } if (xruns==0) return FALSE; else cout << "underrun" << endl; xruns = 0; return TRUE; }
_BOOLEAN CPaCommon::Read(CVector < short >&psData) { if (device_changed) ReInit(); if (stream==NULL) return TRUE; size_t bytes = psData.Size() * sizeof(short); while (PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(&ringBuffer)<int(bytes)) { //cout << "Read: want " << bytes << " avail " << PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(&ringBuffer) << endl; Pa_Sleep(10); } PaUtil_ReadRingBuffer(&ringBuffer, &psData[0], bytes); if (xruns==0) return FALSE; else cout << "overrun" << endl; xruns = 0; return TRUE; }
void cElHJaArrangt::TestPolygoneSimple ( const std::vector<Pt2dr> & aPolyg, const std::vector<int> & aVSelect ) { ReInit(aPolyg); INT aNb = (int) aPolyg.size(); for (INT aK=0 ; aK<aNb ; aK++) { if (aVSelect[aK]) { SegComp aSeg(aPolyg[aK],aPolyg[(aK+1)%aNb]); cElHJaPlan3D * aPl = AddPlan ( cElPlan3D ( PFromSeg(aSeg,0,0), PFromSeg(aSeg,1,0), PFromSeg(aSeg,1,1) ) ); aPl->SetSegOblig(aSeg); } } }
/** * Initialization of variance options with specific parameter. * * @param oc Boolean which (de)activates the overlap complexity/variance calculation * * @param improve Boolean which (de)activates the improvement of the patternset. * * @param quiet Boolean which (de)activates just a short output of the improvement * * @param silent Boolean which (de)activates std::output on commandline (exclusive errors) * * @param randpatleng Boolean which (de)activates random generated pattern lengths * * @param outFile Char array which contains name and path to outputfile (commandline parameter) */ void variance::Init(bool oc, bool improve, bool quiet, bool silent, bool random_leng, const char *outFile){ if(!initialized){ this->oc = oc; this->improve = improve; this->quiet = quiet; this->silent = silent; this->outFile = outFile; this->random_leng = random_leng; best_silent = false; impro_silent = false; loops = 1; if(outFile != NULL && outFile[0] != '\0'){ isOutFile = true; } else{ isOutFile = false; } if(oc){ outvar = "overlap-complexity\t\t= "; } else{ outvar = "variance\t\t\t= "; } if(silent){ quiet = true; } ReInit(); } }
void GenTestCase(int no) { Node *n1, *n2; unsigned v0; printf("void test%d(void)\n{\n", no); printf(" printf(\"-- Test %d (seed: %u) --\\n\");\n", no, mySeed); printf(" {\n"); printf(" int failed = 0;\n"); ReInit(); n1 = GenCommaExpr(); PrintDecls(n1); printf(" unsigned v0 = ("); PrintExpr(n1); printf(");\n"); n2 = DupExpr(n1); v0 = Eval(n2); CheckVars(n2); printf(" if (v0 != %uu) ", v0); printf("{ failed = 1; printf(\"v0 != %uu\\n\"); }\n", v0); printf(" if (failed)\n printf(\"Test %d failed\\n\");\n", no); printf(" errors += failed;\n"); printf(" }\n"); printf(" printf(\"\\n\");\n"); printf("}\n\n"); DelNode(n1); DelNode(n2); }
void C4ConsoleQtDefinitionListModel::EnsureInit() { // Init if not already done if (!root.get() || root->items.empty()) if (::Definitions.GetDefCount()) ReInit(); }
void C4ConsoleQtDefinitionListModel::OnItemRemoved(C4Def *p) { for (auto idx : this->persistentIndexList()) if (idx.internalPointer() == p) this->changePersistentIndex(idx, QModelIndex()); ReInit(); }
// Initialise a TCP socket void W5500Socket::Init(SocketNumber skt, Port serverPort, NetworkProtocol p) { socketNum = skt; localPort = serverPort; protocol = p; ReInit(); }
void Water::SetNum(int i, TimeValue t, BOOL init) { count = i; waves.SetCount(count); waves.Resize(count); // pblock->SetValue(PB_NUM, t, i); pblock->SetValue(water_num, t, i); if (init) ReInit(); }
int CClock::ReStart(struct timeval sTime) { CAutoLock lock(&m_cs); if (ReInit() < 0) return -1; if (start(sTime) < 0) return -1; return 0; }
/** * Standard Reinitialization of variance options, with a new patternset. */ void variance::ReInit(){ if(isInFile){ pattern_set = patternset(inFile, true); } else{ pattern_set = patternset(size, weight, min_dontcare, max_dontcare, true); } pattern_set.Init(random_leng); ReInit(pattern_set); }
static void Reshape(int width, int height) { W = width; H = height; ReInit(); glViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); /*new*/ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glFrustum(-0.2, 0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0.15, 9.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }
void Key(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { switch (key) { case ' ' : ReInit(); break; case 27: exit(0); } }
ArcBallCameraController::ArcBallCameraController(CameraComponent* pCamera) : ICameraController(pCamera) { m_fInputTurnRate = 0.5f; m_fInputDisplacementRate = 2.0f; m_fInputDistanceRate = 4.0f; m_bRecomputeViewMatrix = true; ReInit(); }
MediaBuffer* AudioStream::GetBuffer() { LockHolder lock(this); if(_freeBuffers.empty()) { return new (nothrow) MediaBuffer(this); }else{ auto res = _freeBuffers.front(); _freeBuffers.pop(); res->ReInit(); return res; } }
void GameState::DoInit(void) { // First call our base class implementation IState::DoInit(); // Load all assets now mApp.mAssetManager.LoadAllAssets(); // Assign our background image sprite texture #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) mBackgroundSprite.SetImage(mBackground.GetAsset()); #else mBackgroundSprite.setTexture(mBackground.GetAsset()); #endif #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) mRedGainSound.SetBuffer(mRedGain.GetAsset()); mRedGainSound.SetVolume(25.0f); mRedWinSound.SetBuffer(mRedWin.GetAsset()); mBlueGainSound.SetBuffer(mBlueGain.GetAsset()); mBlueGainSound.SetVolume(25.0f); mBlueWinSound.SetBuffer(mBlueWin.GetAsset()); mLightsaberSound.SetBuffer(mLightsaber.GetAsset()); mLightsaberSound.SetVolume(10.0f); #else mRedGainSound.setBuffer(mRedGain.GetAsset()); mRedGainSound.setVolume(25.0f); mRedWinSound.setBuffer(mRedWin.GetAsset()); mBlueGainSound.setBuffer(mBlueGain.GetAsset()); mBlueGainSound.setVolume(25.0f); mBlueWinSound.setBuffer(mBlueWin.GetAsset()); mLightsaberSound.setBuffer(mLightsaber.GetAsset()); mLightsaberSound.setVolume(10.0f); #endif #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) // Setup winner text color as Yellow mWinnerText = new sf::String("", mWinFont.GetAsset(), 30); mWinnerText->SetColor(sf::Color::Yellow); #else // Setup winner text color as Yellow mWinnerText = new sf::Text("", mWinFont.GetAsset(), 30); mWinnerText->setColor(sf::Color::Yellow); #endif // Call ReInit to reset the board ReInit(); // Make sure our update loop is only called 30 times per second mApp.SetUpdateRate(30.0f); }
void CTheme::ThemeChanged(HWND hWnd) { if (m_bLibLoaded) { if (m_hTheme) { zCloseThemeData(m_hTheme); ReInit(); } } Init(); OpenTheme(hWnd); }
// This method is called before rendering begins to allow the plug-in // to evaluate anything prior to the render so it can store this information. void Water::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& ivalid) { if (!texValidity.InInterval(t)) { texValidity.SetInfinite(); xyzGen->Update(t, texValidity); // pblock->GetValue(PB_COL1, t, col[0], texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_color1, t, col[0], texValidity); col[0].ClampMinMax(); // pblock->GetValue(PB_COL2, t, col[1], texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_color2, t, col[1], texValidity); col[1].ClampMinMax(); // pblock->GetValue(PB_NUM, t, count, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_num, t, count, texValidity); ClampInt(count, (int) MIN_NUM, (int) MAX_NUM); // pblock->GetValue(PB_SIZE, t, size, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_size, t, size, texValidity); ClampFloat(size, MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE); // pblock->GetValue(PB_LEN_MIN, t, minperiod, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_len_min, t, minperiod, texValidity); ClampFloat(minperiod, MIN_LEN_MIN, MAX_LEN_MIN); // > 6/11/02 - 2:42pm --MQM-- typo, was MIN_LEN_MIN, MAX_LEN_MAX // pblock->GetValue(PB_LEN_MAX, t, maxperiod, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_len_max, t, maxperiod, texValidity); ClampFloat(maxperiod, MIN_LEN_MAX, MAX_LEN_MAX); // pblock->GetValue(PB_AMP, t, amp, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_amp, t, amp, texValidity); ClampFloat(amp, MIN_AMP, MAX_AMP); // pblock->GetValue(PB_PHASE, t, phase, texValidity); // pblock->GetValue(PB_TYPE, t, type, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_phase, t, phase, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_type, t, type, texValidity); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SUB_TEXMAPS; i++) { if (subTex[i]) subTex[i]->Update(t, texValidity); // pblock->GetValue(PB_SEED, t, randSeed, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_seed, t, randSeed, texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_mapon1, t, mapOn[0], texValidity); pblock->GetValue(water_mapon2, t, mapOn[1], texValidity); ReInit(); } } ivalid &= texValidity; }
// This method is called to reset the texmap back to its default values. void Water::Init() { // Reset the XYZGen or allocate a new one if (xyzGen) xyzGen->Reset(); else ReplaceReference(0, GetNewDefaultXYZGen()); // This replaces the reference to the previous parameter block with // a new one. Note that the previous one is automatically deleted // because when the last reference to an item is deleted, MAX deletes // the item itself. // ReplaceReference(1, CreateParameterBlock(pbdesc, // PB_LENGTH, WATER_PB_VERSION)); // if (paramDlg) // paramDlg->pmap->SetParamBlock(pblock); // Set the inital parameters SetColor(0, DEFAULT_COLOR1, TimeValue(0)); SetColor(1, DEFAULT_COLOR2, TimeValue(0)); SetRandSeed(0x75cf); SetNum(DEFAULT_NUM_WAVESETS, TimeValue(0)); RegisterDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Size"), DEFAULT_WAVE_RADIUS, IN_TO_M(DEFAULT_WAVE_RADIUS)); float size = GetDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Size")); SetSize(size, TimeValue(0)); RegisterDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Len Min"), DEFAULT_WAVE_LEN_MIN, IN_TO_M(DEFAULT_WAVE_LEN_MIN)); float lenMin = GetDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Len Min")); SetLenMin(lenMin, TimeValue(0)); RegisterDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Len Max"), DEFAULT_WAVE_LEN_MAX, IN_TO_M(DEFAULT_WAVE_LEN_MAX)); float lenMax = GetDistanceDefault(_T("Wave Params"), _T("Len Max")); SetLenMax(lenMax, TimeValue(0)); SetAmp(1.0f, TimeValue(0)); SetPhase(0.0f, TimeValue(0)); ReInit(); type = 0; // Set the validity interval of the texture to empty texValidity.SetEmpty(); }
void GameState::HandleEvents(sf::Event theEvent) { // Exit program if Escape key is pressed #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) if((theEvent.Type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) && (theEvent.Key.Code == sf::Key::Escape)) #else if((theEvent.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) && (theEvent.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)) #endif { // Signal the application to exit mApp.Quit(GQE::StatusAppOK); } // Update selected edge if mouse moved #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) if(theEvent.Type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) #else if(theEvent.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) #endif { UpdateSelected(theEvent); } #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) if(theEvent.Type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased) #else if(theEvent.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased) #endif { // If current player is 0 then the last game ended, start a new game if(0 == mCurrentPlayer) { // Reinitialize the board and start a new game ReInit(); } else { // Player has selected an edge SelectEdge(); } } }
/* buffer_size is in samples - frames would be better */ _BOOLEAN CPaCommon::Init(int iSampleRate, int iNewBufferSize, _BOOLEAN bNewBlocking) { if (device_changed == false && double(iSampleRate) == samplerate) return FALSE; unsigned long channels=2; samplerate = double(iSampleRate); if (is_capture) framesPerBuffer = iNewBufferSize / channels; else framesPerBuffer = 256; blocking = bNewBlocking; /* TODO honour this */ iBufferSize = iNewBufferSize; ReInit(); if (stream) { const PaStreamInfo* info = Pa_GetStreamInfo( stream ); if (is_capture) cout << "init capture "; else cout << "init play "; cout << iNewBufferSize; if (info) cout << " latency " << info->outputLatency; else cout << " can't read latency"; cout << endl; } else { cerr << "portaudio can't open stream" << endl; //throw "portaudio open error"; } return TRUE; }
void DlgController::SelectFile (SourceType type) { FileGetter browser; browser.SetFilter (GetFileFilter (type)); if (browser.GetExistingFile (_hWnd, "Select a source file")) { char const * path = browser.GetPath (); _currentDir.Change (browser.GetDirectory ()); ListCurrentDir (); _editFile.SetText (browser.GetFileName ()); _painter.SetSource (type, path); } else { _wave.UnCheck (); _image.UnCheck (); _mike.Check (); _painter.SetSource (SRC_MIKE); } ReInit (); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { GLenum type; glutInit(&argc, argv); Args(argc, argv); type = GLUT_DEPTH; type |= (rgb) ? GLUT_RGB : GLUT_INDEX; type |= (doubleBuffer) ? GLUT_DOUBLE : GLUT_SINGLE; glutInitDisplayMode(type); glutInitWindowSize(300, 300); glutCreateWindow("Olympic"); Init(); ReInit(); glutReshapeFunc(Reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(Key); glutDisplayFunc(DrawScene); glutMainLoop(); }
void CCarCtrlHack::ReInitHack() { ReInit(); LastTimeFireTruckCreated = 0; LastTimeAmbulanceCreated = 0; }
FileAnalysis::FileAnalysis(const wxString& FileName) { ReInit(FileName); }
// Called by the parser startElement() handler. void CPrefElement::startElement(const char* name, const char** atts) { // These are the elements we know how to handle: if (stricmp(name, "PREF") == 0) { m_bPrefOpen = TRUE; ReInit(); // Process the list of attribute/value pairs. int i = 0; while(atts[i]) { const char* attrName = atts[i++]; const char* attrVal = atts[i++]; if (stricmp(attrName, "uiname") == 0) m_strUIName = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "prefname") == 0) m_strPrefName = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "type") == 0) m_strType = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "default") == 0) m_strDefaultValue = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "lockable") == 0) m_bLockable = (stricmp(attrVal, "true") == 0); else if (stricmp(attrName, "description") == 0) m_strDescription = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "useradded") == 0) m_bUserAdded = (stricmp(attrVal, "true") == 0); } } else if (stricmp(name, "CHOICES") == 0) { if (!m_bPrefOpen) return; } else if (stricmp(name, "CHOICE") == 0) { if (!m_bPrefOpen) return; // Process the list of attribute/value pairs. // There must be exactly 2 attributes: a uiname // and a value. ASSERT(atts[0] && atts[1] && atts[2] && atts[3] && !atts[4]); // If you get this assertion, you have too many <CHOICE> elements inside // a <CHOICES> element. Boost MAX_CHOICES in prefselement.h. ASSERT( m_iChoices < MAX_CHOICES); int i = 0; while(atts[i]) { const char* attrName = atts[i++]; const char* attrVal = atts[i++]; if (stricmp(attrName, "uiname") == 0) m_astrChoiceName[m_iChoices] = attrVal; else if (stricmp(attrName, "value") == 0) m_astrChoiceVal[m_iChoices] = attrVal; } m_iChoices++; } else if (stricmp(name, "VALUE") == 0) { if (!m_bPrefOpen) return; } else if (stricmp(name, "LOCKED") == 0) { if (!m_bPrefOpen) return; } else if (stricmp(name, "REMOTEADMIN") == 0) { if (!m_bPrefOpen) return; } else { return; } // Save the tag we are handling. m_strCurrentTag = name; }