Example #1
RectSelection::RectSelection (Coord l, Coord b, Coord r, Coord t, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    myname = "Rect";
    Append(new IFillRect(l, b, r, t));
    Append(new Rect(l, b, r, t));

// RectSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and create
// its filled interior and outline.

RectSelection::RectSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    myname = "Rect";
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord l, b, r, t;
    from >> l >> b >> r >> t;
    Append(new IFillRect(l, b, r, t));
    Append(new Rect(l, b, r, t));

// Copy returns a copy of the RectSelection.

Graphic* RectSelection::Copy () {
    Coord l, b, r, t;
    GetOriginal2(l, b, r, t);
    return new RectSelection(l, b, r, t, this);

// GetOriginal2 returns the two corners that were passed to the
// RectSelection's constructor.

void RectSelection::GetOriginal2 (Coord& l, Coord& b, Coord& r, Coord& t) {
    ((Rect*) Last())->GetOriginal(l, b, r, t);
Example #2
EllipseSelection::EllipseSelection (Coord x0, Coord y0, int rx, int ry,
Graphic* gs) : (gs) {
    Append(new IFillEllipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));
    Append(new Ellipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));

// EllipseSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

EllipseSelection::EllipseSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord x0, y0;
    int rx, ry;
    from >> x0 >> y0 >> rx >> ry;
    Append(new IFillEllipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));
    Append(new Ellipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));

// Copy returns a copy of the EllipseSelection.

Graphic* EllipseSelection::Copy () {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int rx, ry;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, rx, ry);
    return new EllipseSelection(x0, y0, rx, ry, this);

// GetOriginal returns the center point and the x and y radii lengths
// that were passed to the EllipseSelection's constructor.

void EllipseSelection::GetOriginal (Coord& x0, Coord& y0, int& rx, int& ry) {
    ((Ellipse*) Last())->GetOriginal(x0, y0, rx, ry);
Example #3
CircleSelection::CircleSelection (Coord x0, Coord y0, int r, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    Append(new IFillCircle(x0, y0, r));
    Append(new Circle(x0, y0, r));

// CircleSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

CircleSelection::CircleSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord x0, y0;
    int r;
    from >> x0 >> y0 >> r;
    Append(new IFillCircle(x0, y0, r));
    Append(new Circle(x0, y0, r));

// Copy returns a copy of the CircleSelection.

Graphic* CircleSelection::Copy () {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int r;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, r);
    return new CircleSelection(x0, y0, r, this);

// GetOriginal returns the center point and radius length that were
// passed to the CircleSelection's constructor.

void CircleSelection::GetOriginal (Coord& x0, Coord& y0, int& r) {
    ((Circle*) Last())->GetOriginal(x0, y0, r, r);
Example #4
ClosedBSplineSelection::ClosedBSplineSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n,
Graphic* gs) : (gs) {
    myname = "CBSpl";
    Append(new IFillClosedBSpline(x, y, n));
    Append(new ClosedBSpline(x, y, n));

// ClosedBSplineSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state
// and create the closed B-spline's filled interior and outline.

ClosedBSplineSelection::ClosedBSplineSelection (istream& from, State* state)
: (nil) {
    myname = "CBSpl";
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Append(new IFillClosedBSpline(x, y, n));
    Append(new ClosedBSpline(x, y, n));

// Copy returns a copy of the ClosedBSplineSelection.

Graphic* ClosedBSplineSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new ClosedBSplineSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the control points that were passed to the
// ClosedBSplineSelection's constructor.

void ClosedBSplineSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((ClosedBSpline*) Last())->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Example #5
PolygonSelection::PolygonSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    myname = "Poly";
    Append(new IFillPolygon(x, y, n));
    Append(new Polygon(x, y, n));

// PolygonSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

PolygonSelection::PolygonSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    myname = "Poly";
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Append(new IFillPolygon(x, y, n));
    Append(new Polygon(x, y, n));

// Copy returns a copy of the PolygonSelection.

Graphic* PolygonSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new PolygonSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the vertices that were passed to the
// PolygonSelection's constructor.

void PolygonSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((Polygon*) Last())->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Example #6
BSplineSelection::BSplineSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    Init(x, y, n);

// BSplineSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its components.

BSplineSelection::BSplineSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    bspline = nil;
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Init(x, y, n);

// Copy returns a copy of the BSplineSelection.

Graphic* BSplineSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new BSplineSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the control points that were passed to the
// BSplineSelection's constructor.

void BSplineSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((BSpline*) bspline)->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Example #7
KS_E_ERROR ks_file_read(KS_FILE_PTR file_ptr,
                        LongWord position,
                        LongWord data_size,
                        Pointer data_buffer)
    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Local declarations:                                           *
     * ************************************************************** */

    KS_E_ERROR   error;            /* Holds error codes for subroutine*/
                                   /*  calls                          */
    LongWord     data_offset;      /* Offset into the buffer to return*/
    LongWord     remaining_space;  /* Space remaining in file buffer  */
    LongWord     buffer_request;   /* Size of each copy from the      */
                                   /*  file buffer                    */


    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Verify the structure ID passed in is the correct one.         *
     * ************************************************************** */

    if (file_ptr->struct_id != KS_FILE_ID)

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Zero the number of bytes transfered in the KS_FILE structure. *
     * ************************************************************** */

    file_ptr->data_size = 0;

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  If there is a buffer, then lets get data from the file buffer.*
     * ************************************************************** */

    if (file_ptr->buffer_size != NULL)

        /* ********************************************************** *
         *  If we hit the end of file last time, then we have no      *
         *  choice but to return an error.                            *
         * ********************************************************** */

        if (file_ptr->end_of_file == TRUE)
            error = eofEncountered;
            goto EXIT_NOW;

        /* ********************************************************** *
         *  Loop till we satisfy the request (or take an error)       *
         * ********************************************************** */

        data_offset = 0;

        while (data_size > 0)

            /* ****************************************************** *
             *  Calculate the remaining space in the buffer.  If      *
             *  there is any space left in the buffer then lets copy  *
             *  as much as we need to into the output buffer.         *
             * ****************************************************** */

            remaining_space = (file_ptr->buffer_available) -

            if (remaining_space > 0)
                buffer_request = MIN(data_size,

                /* ************************************************** *
                 *  Copy the available bytes (or the required bytes)  *
                 *  to the target buffer (if one was supplied).       *
                 * ************************************************** */

                if (data_buffer != NULL)

                /* ************************************************** *
                 *  Now modify the parameters of the buffers by:      *
                 *                                                    *
                 *  1) Adding the size of the request to the file     *
                 *  buffer ofset and the data offset (IE: Indices to  *
                 *  the file buffer and the read request buffer).     *
                 *                                                    *
                 *  2) Subtracting the request size from the read     *
                 *  request size and the remaining number of          *
                 *  characters in the file buffer.                    *
                 * ************************************************** */

                file_ptr->buffer_offset = file_ptr->buffer_offset +

                data_offset = data_offset + buffer_request;

                file_ptr->data_size = data_offset; 

                data_size = data_size - buffer_request;

                remaining_space = remaining_space - buffer_request;

            /* ****************************************************** *
             *  If isn't anything in the file buffer, the we have to  *
             *  re-fill it.  The problem is that the buffer size may  *
             *  have changed due to what our user wants (users are    *
             *  bound to be the end of all computing...).  This means *
             *  that we'll junp through a few hoops if we must change *
             *  buffer sizes - so expect some weirdness here.         *
             * ****************************************************** */

            if (remaining_space == 0)

                /* ************************************************** *
                 *  This is the above mentioned weirdness - if the    *
                 *  user specified a different size buffer we will    *
                 *  no comply with their wishes.                      *
                 * ************************************************** */

                if (file_ptr->buffer_size != KSf_FileBufferSize)

                    if (error != KS_E_SUCCESS)
                        goto EXIT_NOW;

                    KS_MEMORY_ALLOCATE(attrFixed + attrLocked,

                    if (error != KS_E_SUCCESS)
                        goto EXIT_NOW;

                    file_ptr->buffer = (Byte *)

                    file_ptr->buffer_size = KSf_FileBufferSize;

                    file_ptr->buffer_available = KSf_FileBufferSize;

                /* ************************************************** *
                 *  Issue a Read to the file into our buffer.         *
                 * ************************************************** */

                KSf_pkts.IO.pCount = 4;
                KSf_pkts.IO.refNum = file_ptr->refNum;
                KSf_pkts.IO.dataBuffer = TO_POINTER(file_ptr->buffer);
                KSf_pkts.IO.requestCount = file_ptr->buffer_size;


                /* ************************************************** *
                 *  Now for the error processing.                     *
                 *                                                    *
                 *  Any error means we return to our caller.          *
                 *                                                    *
                 *  The end of file error (eofEncountered or $4c) is  *
                 *  special.  At EOF we mark the KS_FILE structure    *
                 *  so the next READ call will return EOF right away. *
                 *  We will return SUCCESS in this case because the   *
                 *  user will be able to find some data in the input  *
                 *  buffer (total amount == ).
                 * ************************************************** */

                if ((error = GET_ERROR()) != KS_E_SUCCESS)
                    if (error == eofEncountered)
                        error = KS_E_SUCCESS;
                        file_ptr->end_of_file = TRUE;
                    goto EXIT_NOW;

                file_ptr->buffer_available = KSf_pkts.IO.transferCount;
                file_ptr->buffer_offset = 0;

                };  /* End if there is no remaining buffer space      */

            };  /* End while there are characters to be read...       */


        };  /* End if we are doing buffer I/O from the file           */

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Ok, we've done enough buffering... lets do some real input... *
     *                                                                *
     *  Position the 'mark' (where we will read from) in the file.    *
     *  Note: We'll move the mark only if our user asks us to.        *
     * ************************************************************** */

    if (position != KS_NEXT_FILE_POSITION)
        KSf_pkts.position.pCount = 3;
        KSf_pkts.position.refNum = file_ptr->refNum;
        KSf_pkts.position.base = startPlus;
        KSf_pkts.position.displacement = position;


        if ((error = GET_ERROR()) != KS_E_SUCCESS)
            goto EXIT_NOW;

        };  /* End if we must change the file position                */

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Setup the I/O packet and read what our user is asking for.    *
     * ************************************************************** */

    KSf_pkts.IO.pCount = 4;
    KSf_pkts.IO.refNum = file_ptr->refNum;
    KSf_pkts.IO.dataBuffer = data_buffer;
    KSf_pkts.IO.requestCount = data_size;


    if ((error = GET_ERROR()) != KS_E_SUCCESS)
        goto EXIT_NOW;

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Save the number of bytes transfered in the KS_FILE structure. *
     * ************************************************************** */

    file_ptr->data_size = KSf_pkts.IO.transferCount;

    /* ************************************************************** *
     *  Return the status back to our caller.                         *
     * ************************************************************** */


    if (error != KS_E_SUCCESS)
        KS_ERROR(error, KS_FILE_ID);


}   /* End of ks_file_read()                                          */