Example #1
static void CAL_SetupAudioFile()
	int handle;
	long length;
	char fname[13];
	int i;
	strcpy(fname, aheadname);
	strcat(fname, extension);

	handle = OpenRead(fname);
	if (handle == -1)
	length = ReadLength(handle);
	MM_GetPtr((memptr)&audiostarts, length);
	for (i = 0; i < (length/4); i++)
		audiostarts[i] = ReadInt32(handle);


/* open the data file */

	strcpy(fname, afilename);
	strcat(fname, extension);

	audiohandle = OpenRead(fname);
	if (audiohandle == -1)
Example #2
boolean CA_LoadFile(const char *filename, memptr *ptr)
	int handle;
	ssize_t l;
	long size;

	if ((handle = OpenRead(filename)) == -1)
		return false;

	size = ReadLength(handle);
	MM_GetPtr(ptr, size);
	l = ReadBytes(handle, (byte *)(*ptr), size);
	if (l == -1) {
		return false;
	} else if (l == 0) { 
		fprintf(stderr, "CA_FarRead hit EOF?\n");
		return false;
	} else if (l != size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "CA_FarRead only read %d out of %ld\n", l, size);
		return false;
	return true;
Example #3
bool Pickle::ReadWString(void** iter, std::wstring* result) const

    int len;
    if(!ReadLength(iter, &len))
        return false;
    // 避免整数溢出.
    if(len > INT_MAX/static_cast<int>(sizeof(wchar_t)))
        return false;
    if(!IteratorHasRoomFor(*iter, len*sizeof(wchar_t)))
        return false;

    wchar_t* chars = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(*iter);
    result->assign(chars, len);

    UpdateIter(iter, len*sizeof(wchar_t));
    return true;
Example #4
        float Extra(int i, int j) const
            assert(0 <= j && j <= TemplateLength() &&
                   0 <= i && i < ReadLength() );

           float trans = pStay(j);
           float em = stayDist(features_.Channel[i], j);
           return log(trans * em);
Example #5
        float Del(int i, int j) const
            assert(0 <= j && j < TemplateLength() &&
                   0 <= i && i <= ReadLength() );
            if ( (!PinStart() && i == 0) || (!PinEnd() && i == ReadLength()) )
                return 0.0f;
                float ps = pStay(j);
                float pm = (1.0f - ps) * pMerge(j);
                float trans = 1.0f - ps - pm;

                float em = moveDist(0, j);
                return log(trans * em);
Example #6
bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(uint8** pos,
                                                  uint8* end,
                                                  uint8 expected_tag,
                                                  uint32* length) {
  if(!(*pos < end)) return false;
  if(!(**pos == expected_tag)) return false;

  return ReadLength(pos, end, length);
Example #7
        float Inc(int i, int j) const
            assert(0 <= j && j < TemplateLength() &&
                   0 <= i && i < ReadLength() );

            float ps = pStay(j);
            float pm = (1.0f - ps) * pMerge(j);
            float trans = 1.0f - ps - pm;

            float em = moveDist(features_.Channel[i], j);
            return log(trans * em);
Example #8
// Очистить приемный буфер
// Возвращает - сколько пакетов укучено
int TUDP::Flush(void)
  DWORD l;
  int count = 0;
  FlushSize = 0;
  while( (l = ReadLength()) > 0 )
    BYTE * p = new BYTE[l];
    Read(p, l);
    delete [] p;
    FlushSize += l;
  return count;
Example #9
bool Pickle::ReadData(void** iter, const char** data, int* length) const
    *length = 0;
    *data = 0;

    if(!ReadLength(iter, length))
        return false;

    return ReadBytes(iter, data, *length);
Example #10
File: dd.c Project: haxworx/misc
int GetHeaders(int sock, char *addr, char *file)
	char out[8192] = { 0 };
	char buf[8192] = { 0 };
	sprintf(out, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", file, addr);
	write(sock, out, strlen(out));

	ssize_t len = 0;

	do {
		len = ReadLength(sock);
	} while (!len);

	return len;
Example #11
 float Merge(int i, int j) const
     assert(0 <= j && j < TemplateLength() - 1 &&
            0 <= i && i < ReadLength() );
     if (!(features_.Channel[i] == channelTpl_[j] &&
           features_.Channel[i] == channelTpl_[j + 1]) )
         return -FLT_MAX;
         float ps = pStay(j);
         float pm = (1.0f - ps) * pMerge(j);
         return log(pm);
Example #12
bool Pickle::ReadString16(void** iter, string16* result) const

    int len;
    if(!ReadLength(iter, &len))
        return false;
    if(!IteratorHasRoomFor(*iter, len*sizeof(char16)))
        return false;

    char16* chars = reinterpret_cast<char16*>(*iter);
    result->assign(chars, len);

    UpdateIter(iter, len*sizeof(char16));
    return true;
Example #13
int ezStringUtils::vsnprintf(char* szOutputBuffer, unsigned int uiBufferSize, const char* szFormat, va_list args0)
  va_list args;
  va_copy(args, args0);

  EZ_ASSERT(ezUnicodeUtils::IsValidUtf8(szFormat), "The sprintf format string must be valid Utf8.");

  // make sure the last character is a \0
  if ((szOutputBuffer) && (uiBufferSize > 0))
    szOutputBuffer[uiBufferSize - 1] = '\0';

  unsigned int uiReadPos = 0;
  unsigned int uiWritePos = 0;
  bool bError = false;

  while (szFormat[uiReadPos] != '\0')
    const char c = szFormat[uiReadPos];


    // if c is not %, just print it out and be done with it
    if (c != '%')
      OutputChar (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, c);

    // otherwise parse the formatting string to find out what has to be done
    char cNext = szFormat[uiReadPos];

    // *** parse the format string ***

    // first read the flags (as many as there are)
    unsigned int Flags = ReadFlags (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the width of the field
    int iWidth = ReadWidth (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the precision specifier
    int iPrecision = ReadPrecision (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the input data 'length' (short / int / long it, float / double)
    const sprintfLength::Enum Length = ReadLength (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the 'specifier' type
    const char cSpecifier = ReadSpecifier (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext, bError);

    if (bError)
      snprintf (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, "Error in formatting string at position %u ('%c').", uiReadPos, cSpecifier);
      return -1;

    // if 'width' was specified as '*', read it from an extra parameter
    if (iWidth < 0)
      iWidth = va_arg (args, int);

    // if 'precision' was specified as '*', read it from an extra parameter
    if (iPrecision == -2)
      iPrecision = va_arg (args, int);

    // % Sign
    if (cSpecifier == '%')
      OutputChar (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, '%');

    // Nothing: Writes the current write position back to an int pointer
    if (cSpecifier == 'n')
      int* p = va_arg (args, int*);
      if (p) 
        *p = (int) uiWritePos;

    // String
    if (cSpecifier == 's')
      const char* s = va_arg (args, const char*);
      OutputString (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, s, Flags, iWidth, iPrecision);

    // Character
    if (cSpecifier == 'c')
      char c2 = va_arg (args, int);
      char s[2] = {c2, 0};
      OutputString (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, s, Flags, iWidth, iPrecision);
Example #14
//#define CUPDEBUG
bool ParseCUPWayPointString(TCHAR *String,WAYPOINT *Temp)
  TCHAR ctemp[(COMMENT_SIZE*2)+1]; // must be bigger than COMMENT_SIZE!
  TCHAR *pToken;
  int flags=0;

  unsigned int i, j;
  bool ishome=false; // 100310

  // strtok does not return empty fields. we create them here with special char
  #define DUMCHAR	'|'

  Temp->Visible = true; // default all waypoints visible at start
  Temp->FarVisible = true;
  Temp->Format = LKW_CUP;
  Temp->Number = WayPointList.size();

  Temp->FileNum = globalFileNum;

  // This should never happen
  LKASSERT(_tcslen(String) < sizeof(OrigString));
  LK_tcsncpy(OrigString, String,READLINE_LENGTH);
  // if string is too short do nothing
  if (_tcslen(OrigString)<11) return false;

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG

  for (i=0,j=0; i<_tcslen(OrigString); i++) {

	// skip last comma, and avoid overruning the end
	if (  (i+1)>= _tcslen(OrigString)) break;
	if ( (OrigString[i] == _T(',')) && (OrigString[i+1] == _T(',')) ) {
		TempString[j++] = _T(',');
		TempString[j++] = _T(DUMCHAR);
	/* we need terminations for comments
	if ( OrigString[i] == _T('\r') ) continue;
	if ( OrigString[i] == _T('\n') ) continue;

	TempString[j++] = OrigString[i];
  TempString[j] = _T('\0');

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  // ---------------- NAME ----------------
  pToken = _tcstok(TempString, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;

  if (_tcslen(pToken)>NAME_SIZE) {
	pToken[NAME_SIZE-1]= _T('\0');

  _tcscpy(Temp->Name, pToken);

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP NAME=<%s>%s"),Temp->Name,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- CODE ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;

  if (_tcslen(pToken)>CUPSIZE_CODE) {
      pToken[CUPSIZE_CODE-1]= _T('\0');
  _tcscpy(Temp->Code, pToken);
  for (i=_tcslen(Temp->Code)-1; i>1; i--) { 
      if (Temp->Code[i]==' ') {
      } else {
  for (j=0, i=0; i<_tcslen(Tname); i++) {
	//if (Tname[i]!='\"') Temp->Code[j++]=Tname[i];
	if ( (Tname[i]!='\"') && (Tname[i]!=DUMCHAR) ){
  Temp->Code[j]= _T('\0');

  if (_tcslen(Temp->Code)>5) { // 100310
	if (  _tcscmp(Temp->Code,_T("LKHOME")) == 0 ) {
		StartupStore(_T(". Found LKHOME inside CUP waypoint <%s>%s"),Temp->Name,NEWLINE);
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP CODE=<%s>%s"),Temp->Code,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- COUNTRY ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  if (_tcslen(Temp->Country)>3) {
	Temp->Country[3]= _T('\0');
  if ((_tcslen(Temp->Country) == 1) && Temp->Country[0]==DUMCHAR) Temp->Country[0]=_T('\0');

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP COUNTRY=<%s>%s"),Temp->Country,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- LATITUDE  ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;

  Temp->Latitude = CUPToLat(pToken);

  if((Temp->Latitude > 90) || (Temp->Latitude < -90)) {
	return false;
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP LATITUDE=<%f>%s"),Temp->Latitude,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- LONGITUDE  ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  Temp->Longitude  = CUPToLon(pToken);
  if((Temp->Longitude  > 180) || (Temp->Longitude  < -180)) {
	return false;
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP LONGITUDE=<%f>%s"),Temp->Longitude,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- ELEVATION  ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  Temp->Altitude = ReadAltitude(pToken);
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP ELEVATION=<%f>%s"),Temp->Altitude,NEWLINE);
  if (Temp->Altitude == -9999){

  // ---------------- STYLE  ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;

  Temp->Style = (int)_tcstol(pToken,NULL,10);
  switch(Temp->Style) {
	case STYLE_AIRFIELDGRASS:	// airfield grass
	case STYLE_GLIDERSITE:		// glider site
	case STYLE_AIRFIELDSOLID:	// airfield solid
		flags = AIRPORT;
		flags += LANDPOINT;
	case STYLE_OUTLANDING:		// outlanding
		flags = LANDPOINT;
		flags = TURNPOINT;
  if (ishome) flags += HOME;
  Temp->Flags = flags;

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP STYLE=<%d> flags=%d %s"),Temp->Style,Temp->Flags,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- RWY DIRECTION   ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  if ((_tcslen(pToken) == 1) && (pToken[0]==DUMCHAR))
	Temp->RunwayDir = (int)AngleLimit360(_tcstol(pToken, NULL, 10));
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP RUNWAY DIRECTION=<%d>%s"),Temp->RunwayDir,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- RWY LENGTH   ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  if ((_tcslen(pToken) == 1) && (pToken[0]==DUMCHAR))
	Temp->RunwayLen = -1;
	Temp->RunwayLen = (int)ReadLength(pToken);
  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP RUNWAY LEN=<%d>%s"),Temp->RunwayLen,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- AIRPORT FREQ   ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(","));
  if (pToken == NULL) return false;
  if (_tcslen(pToken)>CUPSIZE_FREQ) pToken[CUPSIZE_FREQ-1]= _T('\0');
  _tcscpy(Temp->Freq, pToken);
  for (j=0, i=0; i<_tcslen(Tname); i++)
	if ( (Tname[i]!='\"') && (Tname[i]!=DUMCHAR) ) Temp->Freq[j++]=Tname[i];
  Temp->Freq[j]= _T('\0');

  #ifdef CUPDEBUG
  StartupStore(_T("   CUP FREQ=<%s>%s"),Temp->Freq,NEWLINE);

  // ---------------- COMMENT   ------------------
  pToken = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT("\n\r"));
  if (pToken != NULL) {

	if (_tcslen(pToken)>=COMMENT_SIZE) pToken[COMMENT_SIZE-1]= _T('\0');

	// remove trailing spaces and CR LF
	_tcscpy(ctemp, pToken);
	for (i=_tcslen(ctemp)-1; i>1; i--) {
		if ( (ctemp[i]==' ') || (ctemp[i]=='\r') || (ctemp[i]=='\n') ) ctemp[i]=0;

	// now remove " " (if there)
	for (j=0, i=0; i<_tcslen(ctemp); i++)
		if (ctemp[i]!='\"') ctemp[j++]=ctemp[i];
	ctemp[j]= _T('\0');
	if (_tcslen(ctemp) >0 ) {
		if (Temp->Comment) {
		Temp->Comment = (TCHAR*)malloc((_tcslen(ctemp)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
		if (Temp->Comment) _tcscpy(Temp->Comment, ctemp);

	#ifdef CUPDEBUG
	StartupStore(_T("   CUP COMMENT=<%s>%s"),Temp->Comment,NEWLINE);
  } else {
	Temp->Comment=NULL; // useless

  if(Temp->Altitude <= 0) {

  if (Temp->Details) {

  return true;
Example #15
bool LoadCupTask(LPCTSTR szFileName) {
  //  LockTaskData();

  mapCode2Waypoint_t mapWaypoint;

  //  ClearTask();
  size_t idxTP = 0;
  bool bTakeOff = true;
  bool bLoadComplet = true;
  bool bLastInvalid=true;

  TCHAR TpCode[NAME_SIZE + 1];

  szString[READLINE_LENGTH] = _T('\0');
  TpCode[NAME_SIZE] = _T('\0');

  memset(szString, 0, sizeof (szString)); // clear Temp Buffer
  WAYPOINT newPoint = {0};

  enum {
    none, Waypoint, TaskTp, Option
  } FileSection = none;
  zzip_stream stream(szFileName, "rt");
  iNO_Tasks =0;
  TaskIndex =0;
  for (int i =0 ; i< MAX_TASKS;i++)
    szTaskStrings[ i] = NULL;
    if (stream) {
      while (stream.read_line(szString)) {

          if ((FileSection == none) && ((_tcsncmp(_T("name,code,country"), szString, 17) == 0) ||
              (_tcsncmp(_T("Title,Code,Country"), szString, 18) == 0))) {
              FileSection = Waypoint;
          } else if ((FileSection == Waypoint) && (_tcscmp(szString, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == 0)) {
              FileSection = TaskTp;

          if(  FileSection == TaskTp)
              if(_tcsstr(szString, _T("\",\""))!= NULL)   // really a task? (not an option)
                  if(iNO_Tasks < MAX_TASKS)   // Space in List left
                    {//[READLINE_LENGTH + 1];
                      szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] =  new TCHAR[READLINE_LENGTH + 1];
                      if(  szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] != NULL)
                        _tcscpy(szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks] , szString);  // copy task string
                         // StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task : %s  %s"), szTaskStrings[ iNO_Tasks], NEWLINE);
                        StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task: no memory %s"), NEWLINE);
                    StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task Too many Tasks (more than %i) %s"), MAX_TASKS, NEWLINE);
      StartupStore(_T("..Cup Selected Task:%i %s  %s"), TaskIndex, szTaskStrings[ TaskIndex] , NEWLINE);

  int res = 0;
  if(iNO_Tasks >1)   // Selection only if more than one task found
    res = dlgTaskSelectListShowModal();

  for (int i =0 ; i< MAX_TASKS;i++)    // free dynamic memory
    if(szTaskStrings[i] != NULL)
        // StartupStore(_T("..Cup Task : delete dynamic memoryLine %i %s"), i,NEWLINE);
        delete[] szTaskStrings[i];
        szTaskStrings[i] = NULL;
   if(res == mrCancel)
     return false;


  stream.open(szFileName, "rt");

  FileSection = none;
  int i=0;
  if (stream) {
      while (stream.read_line(szString)) {

          if ((FileSection == none) && ((_tcsncmp(_T("name,code,country"), szString, 17) == 0) ||
              (_tcsncmp(_T("Title,Code,Country"), szString, 18) == 0))) {
              FileSection = Waypoint;
          } else if ((FileSection == Waypoint) && (_tcscmp(szString, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == 0)) {
              FileSection = TaskTp;


          TCHAR *pToken = NULL;
          TCHAR *pWClast = NULL;

          switch (FileSection) {
          case Waypoint:
            memset(&newPoint, 0, sizeof(newPoint));
            if (ParseCUPWayPointString(szString, &newPoint)) {
                mapWaypoint[newPoint.Name] = newPoint;
          case TaskTp:
            // 1. Description
            //       First column is the description of the task. If filled it should be double quoted.
            //       If left empty, then SeeYou will determine the task type on runtime.
            if ((pToken = strsep_r(szString, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) == NULL) {
                //  UnlockTaskData();  // no need to skip if only name missing!!!
                //  return false;

            // 2. and all successive columns, separated by commas
            //       Each column represents one waypoint name double quoted. The waypoint name must be exactly the
            //       same as the Long name of a waypoint listed above the Related tasks.

            if (i++ == TaskIndex)  // load selected task
                while (bLoadComplet && (pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) {
                    if (idxTP < MAXTASKPOINTS) {
                        _tcsncpy(TpCode, pToken, NAME_SIZE);
                        mapCode2Waypoint_t::iterator It = mapWaypoint.find(TpCode);
                        if(!ISGAAIRCRAFT) {
                            if (It != mapWaypoint.end()) {
                                if (bTakeOff) {
                                    // skip TakeOff Set At Home Waypoint
                                    int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),false);
                                    if (ix>=0) {
#if 0 // REMOVE
                                        // We must not change HomeWaypoint without user knowing!
                                        // The takeoff and homewaypoint are independent from task.
                                        // In addition, this is a bug because on next run the index is invalid
                                        // and we have no more HowWaypoint!
                                        HomeWaypoint = ix;
                                        bTakeOff = false;
                                    else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO
                                } else {
                                    int ix =  FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),false);
                                    if (ix>=0) Task[idxTP++].Index = ix;
                                    else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO
                            } else {
                                // An invalid takeoff, probably a "???" , which we ignore
                                if (bTakeOff) StartupStore(_T("....... CUP Takeoff not found: <%s>\n"),TpCode);
                                // in any case bTakeOff now is false
                        } else { //ISGAIRRCRAFT
                            if(It != mapWaypoint.end()) {
                                if(WPtoAdd!=NULL) {
                                    //add what we found in previous cycle: it was not the last one
                                    int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(WPtoAdd,false);
                                    if (ix>=0) Task[idxTP++].Index = ix;
                                    else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO
                                if (bTakeOff) { //it's the first: may be we have a corresponding airfield
                                    //look for departure airfield and add it
                                    int ix = FindOrAddWaypoint(&(It->second),true);
                                    if (ix>=0) {
                                        Task[idxTP++].Index = ix;
                                        bTakeOff = false;
                                    else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO
                                } else WPtoAdd=&(It->second); //store it for next cycle (may be it is the last one)
                    } else {
                        bLoadComplet = false;
                if(ISGAAIRCRAFT) { //For GA: check if we have an airport corresponding to the last WP
                    if(WPtoAdd!=NULL) { //if we have the last one (probably an airfield) still to add...
                        if(idxTP<MAXTASKPOINTS) {
                            int ix=FindOrAddWaypoint(WPtoAdd,true); //look for arrival airport and add it
                            if (ix>=0) {
                                Task[idxTP++].Index= ix;
                            else LKASSERT(0); // .. else is unmanaged, TODO
                        else bLoadComplet=false;
                FileSection = Option;
          case Option:
            if ((pToken = strsep_r(szString, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) {
                if (_tcscmp(pToken, _T("Options")) == 0) {
                    while ((pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) {
                        if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NoStart=")) == pToken) {
                            // Opening of start line
                            PGNumberOfGates = 1;
                            StrToTime(pToken + 8, &PGOpenTimeH, &PGOpenTimeM);
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("TaskTime=")) == pToken) {
                            // Designated Time for the task
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("WpDis=")) == pToken) {
                            // Task distance calculation. False = use fixes, True = use waypoints
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NearDis=")) == pToken) {
                            // Distance tolerance
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("NearAlt=")) == pToken) {
                            // Altitude tolerance
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("MinDis=")) == pToken) {
                            // Uncompleted leg.
                            // False = calculate maximum distance from last observation zone.
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("RandomOrder=")) == pToken) {
                            // if true, then Random order of waypoints is checked
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("MaxPts=")) == pToken) {
                            // Maximum number of points
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("BeforePts=")) == pToken) {
                            // Number of mandatory waypoints at the beginning. 1 means start line only, two means
                            //      start line plus first point in task sequence (Task line).
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("AfterPts=")) == pToken) {
                            // Number of mandatory waypoints at the end. 1 means finish line only, two means finish line
                            //      and one point before finish in task sequence (Task line).
                            // TODO :
                        } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Bonus=")) == pToken) {
                            // Bonus for crossing the finish line
                            // TODO :
                } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("ObsZone=")) == pToken) {
                    TCHAR *sz = NULL;
                    CupObsZoneUpdater TmpZone;
                    TmpZone.mIdx = _tcstol(pToken + 8, &sz, 10);
                    if (TmpZone.mIdx < MAXTASKPOINTS) {
                        while ((pToken = strsep_r(NULL, TEXT(","), &pWClast)) != NULL) {
                            if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Style=")) == pToken) {
                                // Direction. 0 - Fixed value, 1 - Symmetrical, 2 - To next point, 3 - To previous point, 4 - To start point
                                TmpZone.mType = _tcstol(pToken + 6, &sz, 10);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("R1=")) == pToken) {
                                // Radius 1
                                TmpZone.mR1 = ReadLength(pToken + 3);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A1=")) == pToken) {
                                // Angle 1 in degrees
                                TmpZone.mA1 = _tcstod(pToken + 3, &sz);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("R2=")) == pToken) {
                                // Radius 2
                                TmpZone.mR2 = ReadLength(pToken + 3);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A2=")) == pToken) {
                                // Angle 2 in degrees
                                TmpZone.mA2 = _tcstod(pToken + 3, &sz);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("A12=")) == pToken) {
                                // Angle 12
                                TmpZone.mA12 = _tcstod(pToken + 4, &sz);
                            } else if (_tcsstr(pToken, _T("Line=")) == pToken) {
                                // true For Line Turmpoint type
                                // Exist only for start an Goalin LK
                                TmpZone.mLine = (_tcstol(pToken + 5, &sz, 10) == 1);
          case none:
          memset(szString, 0, sizeof (szString)); // clear Temp Buffer
      // Landing don't exist in LK Task Systems, so Remove It;
      if ( bLoadComplet && !bLastInvalid ) {
  for (mapCode2Waypoint_t::iterator It = mapWaypoint.begin(); It != mapWaypoint.end(); ++It) {
      if (It->second.Comment) {
      if (It->second.Details) {

  return ValidTaskPoint(0);
Example #16
myint SaveTheGame(const char *fn, const char *tag, myint dx, myint dy)
	objtype *ob;
	myint fd, i, x, y;
	int32_t cs;
	fd = OpenWrite(fn);
	if (fd != -1) {
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)GAMEHDR, 8);
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)SAVTYPE, 4);
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000); /* write version */
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)GAMETYPE, 4);
		WriteInt32(fd, time(NULL));
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000);
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000); /* write checksum (placeholder) */
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)tag, 32); /* write savegame name */
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate_difficulty);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.mapon);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.oldscore);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.score);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.nextextra);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.lives);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.health);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.ammo);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.keys);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.bestweapon);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.weapon);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.chosenweapon);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.faceframe);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.attackframe);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.attackcount);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.weaponframe);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate_episode);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.secretcount);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.treasurecount);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.killcount);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.secrettotal);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.treasuretotal);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.killtotal);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.TimeCount);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.killx);
		WriteInt32(fd, gamestate.killy);
		WriteInt8(fd, gamestate.victoryflag);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
#ifdef SPEAR
		for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			WriteInt32(fd, LevelRatios[i].kill);
			WriteInt32(fd, LevelRatios[i].secret);
			WriteInt32(fd, LevelRatios[i].treasure);
			WriteInt32(fd, LevelRatios[i].time);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)tilemap, 64*64); /* MAPSIZE * MAPSIZE */
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
			for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
				WriteInt32(fd, actorat[x][y]);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)&areabyplayer, 8);
		for (ob = player; ob; ob = obj_next(ob)) {
			DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
			WriteInt32(fd, obj_id(ob));
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->active);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->ticcount);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->obclass);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->state);
			WriteInt8(fd,  ob->flags);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->distance);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->dir);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->x);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->y);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->tilex);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->tiley);
			WriteInt8(fd,  ob->areanumber);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->viewx);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->viewheight);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->transx);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->transy);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->angle);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->hitpoints);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->speed);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->temp1);
			WriteInt32(fd, ob->temp2);
			//WriteInt32(fd, ob->temp3);
		WriteInt32(fd, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* end of actor list */
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		WriteInt32(fd, laststatobj - statobjlist); /* ptr offset */

		for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) { /* MAXSTATS */
			WriteInt8(fd,  statobjlist[i].tilex);
			WriteInt8(fd,  statobjlist[i].tiley);
			WriteInt32(fd, statobjlist[i].shapenum);
			WriteInt8(fd,  statobjlist[i].is_bonus);
			WriteInt8(fd,  statobjlist[i].itemnumber);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* MAXDOORS */
			WriteInt32(fd, doorposition[i]);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* MAXDOORS */
			WriteInt8(fd,  doorobjlist[i].tilex);
			WriteInt8(fd,  doorobjlist[i].tiley);
			WriteInt8(fd,  doorobjlist[i].vertical);
			WriteInt8(fd,  doorobjlist[i].lock);
			WriteInt8(fd,  doorobjlist[i].action);
			WriteInt32(fd, doorobjlist[i].ticcount);
		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);
		WriteInt32(fd, pwallstate);
		WriteInt32(fd, pwallx);
		WriteInt32(fd, pwally);
		WriteInt32(fd, pwalldir);
		WriteInt32(fd, pwallpos);

		DiskFlopAnim(dx, dy);


		fd = OpenRead(fn);
		ReadSeek(fd, 64, SEEK_SET);
		cs = CalcFileChecksum(fd, ReadLength(fd) - 64);
		fd = OpenWriteAppend(fn);
		WriteSeek(fd, 28, SEEK_SET);
		WriteInt32(fd, cs);
	} else {
Example #17
myint ReadConfig()
#ifndef EMBEDDED
	myint fd, configokay;
	char buf[8];
	int32_t version, v;
	myint i;
	configokay = 0;
	fd = OpenRead(configname);
	if (fd != -1) {
		ReadBytes(fd, (byte *)buf, 8);
		if (strncmp(buf, GAMEHDR, 8))
			goto configend;
		ReadBytes(fd, (byte *)buf, 4);
		if (strncmp(buf, CFGTYPE, 4))
			goto configend;
		version = ReadInt32(fd);
		if (version != 0xFFFFFFFF && version != 0x00000000)
			goto configend;
		ReadBytes(fd, (byte *)buf, 4);
		if (strncmp(buf, GAMETYPE, 4))
			goto configend;
		ReadInt32(fd);	/* skip over time */
		ReadInt32(fd);	/* skip over padding */
		v = ReadInt32(fd);	/* get checksum */
		if (v != CalcFileChecksum(fd, ReadLength(fd) - 32))
			goto configend;
		ReadSeek(fd, 32, SEEK_SET);
		for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { /* MaxScores = 7 */
			ReadBytes(fd, (byte *)Scores[i].name, 58);
			Scores[i].score = ReadInt32(fd);
			Scores[i].completed = ReadInt32(fd);
			Scores[i].episode = ReadInt32(fd);
		viewsize = ReadInt32(fd);
		/* load the new data */
		if (version == 0x00000000) {
			/* sound config, etc. */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			ReadInt32(fd); /* padding */
			/* direction keys */	
			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				dirscan[i] = ReadInt32(fd);
			/* other game keys */
			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { /* NUMBUTTONS = 8 */
				buttonscan[i] = ReadInt32(fd);
			/* mouse enabled */
			mouseenabled = ReadInt8(fd);
			/* mouse buttons */
			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				buttonmouse[i] = ReadInt32(fd);
			/* mouse adjustment */
			mouseadjustment = ReadInt32(fd);
			/* unimplemented joystick */
			v = ReadInt32(fd);
			if (v != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
#ifndef EMBEDDED
#ifdef UPLOAD		
		MainMenu[readthis].active = 1;
		MainItems.curpos = 0;

		configokay = 1;
	if (fd != -1)
	if (!configokay) {
	return 0;
Example #18
myint WriteConfig()
#ifndef EMBEDDED
	myint i;
	myint fd;
	int32_t cs;
	fd = OpenWrite(configname);
	if (fd != -1) {
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)GAMEHDR, 8);	/* WOLF3D, 0, 0 */
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)CFGTYPE, 4);	/* CFG, 0 */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000);		/* Version (integer) */
		WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)GAMETYPE, 4);	/* XXX, 0 */
		WriteInt32(fd, time(NULL));		/* Time */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000);		/* Padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0x00000000);		/* Checksum (placeholder) */
		for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { /* MaxScores = 7 */
			WriteBytes(fd, (byte *)Scores[i].name, 58);
			WriteInt32(fd, Scores[i].score);
			WriteInt32(fd, Scores[i].completed);
			WriteInt32(fd, Scores[i].episode);
		WriteInt32(fd, viewsize);

		/* sound config, etc. (to be done) */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		WriteInt32(fd, 0); /* padding */
		/* direction keys */	
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			WriteInt32(fd, dirscan[i]);
		/* other game keys */
		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { /* NUMBUTTONS = 8 */
			WriteInt32(fd, buttonscan[i]);
		/* mouse enabled */
		WriteInt8(fd, mouseenabled);
		/* mouse buttons */
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			WriteInt32(fd, buttonmouse[i]);
		/* mouse adjustment */
		WriteInt32(fd, mouseadjustment);
		/* joystick (to be done) */
		WriteInt32(fd, -1);

		fd = OpenRead(configname);
		ReadSeek(fd, 32, SEEK_SET);
		cs = CalcFileChecksum(fd, ReadLength(fd) - 32);
		fd = OpenWriteAppend(configname);
		WriteSeek(fd, 28, SEEK_SET);
		WriteInt32(fd, cs);
	return 0;
Example #19
 bool IsMatch(int i, int j) const
     assert(0 <= i && i < ReadLength());
     assert (0 <= j && j < TemplateLength());
     return (features_.Channel[i] == channelTpl_[j]);