Example #1
void SceneImporter<real>::ReadScene( std::istream& stream, Scene<real>& oScene )
	// Read the 'Scene' token
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, "Scene" );
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, "{" );

	// Read scene components
	std::string token = ReadNextToken( stream );

	while( token != "}" )
		if ( token == "SceneInfo" )
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			ReadSceneInfo( stream, oScene );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );
		else if ( token == "TurntableCamera" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Camera<real>* camera = ReadTurntableCamera( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( camera, true );
		else if ( token == "DirectionalLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadDirectionalLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "PointLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadPointLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "SpotLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadSpotLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "BlinnPhongMaterial" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Material* material = ReadBlinnPhongMaterial( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( material, true );
		else if ( token == "EnvironmentMaterial" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Material* material = ReadEnvironmentMaterial( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( material, true );
		else if ( token == "CubeMap" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Texture<real>* cubeMap = ReadCubeMap( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cubeMap, true );
		else if ( token == "Texture2D" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Texture<real>* texture = ReadTexture2D( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( texture, true );
		else if ( token == "Box" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* box = ReadBox( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( box, true );
		else if ( token == "Cone" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* cone = ReadCone( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cone, true );
		else if ( token == "Cylinder" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* cylinder = ReadCylinder( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cylinder, true );
		else if ( token == "Plane" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* plane = ReadPlane( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( plane, true );
		else if ( token == "Sphere" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* sphere = ReadSphere( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( sphere, true );
		else if ( token == "TriMesh" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* triMesh = ReadTriMesh( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( triMesh, true );
		else if ( token == "Node" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* node = ReadNode( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( node, true );
			throw ( std::string( "Unknown token: " ) + token ).c_str();

		token = ReadNextToken( stream );

	// Read scene ending token
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );
Example #2
__kernel void CalculateStatisticalMapSearchlight_(__global float* Classifier_Performance,
        __global const float* Volumes,
        __global const float* Mask,
        __constant float* c_d,
        __constant float* c_Correct_Classes,
        __private int DATA_W,
        __private int DATA_H,
        __private int DATA_D,
        __private int NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES,
        __private float n,
        __private int EPOCS)

    int x = get_global_id(0);
    int y = get_global_id(1);
    int z = get_global_id(2);

    int3 tIdx = {get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1), get_local_id(2)};

    if (x >= DATA_W || y >= DATA_H || z >= DATA_D)

    if ( Mask[Calculate3DIndex(x,y,z,DATA_W,DATA_H)] != 1.0f )
        Classifier_Performance[Calculate3DIndex(x,y,z,DATA_W,DATA_H)] = 0.0f;

    __local float l_Volume[16][16][16];    // z, y, x

    int classification_performance = 0;

    // Leave one out cross validation
    for (int validation = 0; validation < NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES; validation++)
        float weights[20];

        weights[0]  = 0.0f;
        weights[1]  = 0.0f;
        weights[2]  = 0.0f;
        weights[3]  = 0.0f;
        weights[4]  = 0.0f;
        weights[5]  = 0.0f;
        weights[6]  = 0.0f;
        weights[7]  = 0.0f;
        weights[8]  = 0.0f;
        weights[9]  = 0.0f;
        weights[10] = 0.0f;
        weights[11] = 0.0f;
        weights[12] = 0.0f;
        weights[13] = 0.0f;
        weights[14] = 0.0f;
        weights[15] = 0.0f;
        weights[16] = 0.0f;
        weights[17] = 0.0f;
        weights[18] = 0.0f;
        weights[19] = 0.0f;

        // Do training for a number of iterations
        for (int epoc = 0; epoc < EPOCS; epoc++)
            float gradient[20];

            gradient[0] = 0.0f;
            gradient[1] = 0.0f;
            gradient[2] = 0.0f;
            gradient[3] = 0.0f;
            gradient[4] = 0.0f;
            gradient[5] = 0.0f;
            gradient[6] = 0.0f;
            gradient[7] = 0.0f;
            gradient[8] = 0.0f;
            gradient[9] = 0.0f;
            gradient[10] = 0.0f;
            gradient[11] = 0.0f;
            gradient[12] = 0.0f;
            gradient[13] = 0.0f;
            gradient[14] = 0.0f;
            gradient[15] = 0.0f;
            gradient[16] = 0.0f;
            gradient[17] = 0.0f;
            gradient[18] = 0.0f;
            gradient[19] = 0.0f;

            for (int t = 0; t < NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES; t++)
                // Skip training with validation time point
                if (t == validation)

                float s;

                // Classification for current timepoint
                ReadSphere((__local float*)l_Volume, Volumes, x, y, z, t, tIdx, DATA_W, DATA_H, DATA_D);

                // Make sure all threads have written to local memory

                // Make classification
                s =  weights[0] * 1.0f;

                // z - 1
                s += weights[1] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                s += weights[2] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[3] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
                s += weights[4] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[5] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

                // z
                s += weights[6] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 	//
                s += weights[7] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[8] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 	//
                s += weights[9] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                s += weights[10] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			//	center pixel
                s += weights[11] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//
                s += weights[12] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 	//
                s += weights[13] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[14] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 	//

                // z + 1
                s += weights[15] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                s += weights[16] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[17] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
                s += weights[18] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                s += weights[19] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

                // Calculate contribution to gradient
                gradient[0] += (s - c_d[t]) * 1.0f;

                // z - 1
                gradient[1]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                gradient[2]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                gradient[3]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
                gradient[4]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                gradient[5]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

                // z
                gradient[6]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                gradient[7]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 			//
                gradient[8]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//
                gradient[9]  += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 			//
                gradient[10] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 				//	center pixel
                gradient[11] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 			//
                gradient[12] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                gradient[13] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 			//
                gradient[14] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

                // z + 1
                gradient[15] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
                gradient[16] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                gradient[17] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
                gradient[18] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
                gradient[19] += (s - c_d[t]) * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

                // end for t

            // Update weights
            weights[0] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[0];
            weights[1] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[1];
            weights[2] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[2];
            weights[3] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[3];
            weights[4] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[4];
            weights[5] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[5];
            weights[6] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[6];
            weights[7] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[7];
            weights[8] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[8];
            weights[9] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[9];
            weights[10] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[10];
            weights[11] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[11];
            weights[12] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[12];
            weights[13] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[13];
            weights[14] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[14];
            weights[15] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[15];
            weights[16] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[16];
            weights[17] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[17];
            weights[18] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[18];
            weights[19] -= n/(float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES * gradient[19];

            // end for epocs

        // Make classification on validation timepoint

        ReadSphere((__local float*)l_Volume, Volumes, x, y, z, validation, tIdx, DATA_W, DATA_H, DATA_D);

        // Make sure all threads have written to local memory

        // Make classification
        float s;
        s =  weights[0] * 1.0f;

        // z - 1
        s += weights[1] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
        s += weights[2] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
        s += weights[3] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
        s += weights[4] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
        s += weights[5] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 - 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

        // z
        s += weights[6] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
        s += weights[7] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 			//
        s += weights[8] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//
        s += weights[9] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 			//
        s += weights[10] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			//	center pixel
        s += weights[11] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//
        s += weights[12] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 	//
        s += weights[13] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
        s += weights[14] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 	//

        // z + 1
        s += weights[15] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 - 1]; 		//
        s += weights[16] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 - 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
        s += weights[17] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4]; 			// center pixel
        s += weights[18] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4 + 1][tIdx.x + 4]; 		//
        s += weights[19] * l_Volume[tIdx.z + 4 + 1][tIdx.y + 4][tIdx.x + 4 + 1]; 		//

        float classification;
        if (s > 0.0f)
            classification = 0.0f;
            classification = 1.0f;

        if (classification == c_Correct_Classes[validation])

        // end for validation

    Classifier_Performance[Calculate3DIndex(x,y,z,DATA_W,DATA_H)] = (float)classification_performance / (float)NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES;