Example #1
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian");
	RealMatrix matrix1 = RealMatrix("matrix1.txt");
	RealMatrix matrix2 = RealMatrix("matrix2.txt");
	RealMatrix matrix3 = RealMatrix("matrix3.txt");
	RealMatrix matrix4 = RealMatrix("matrix4.txt");
	cout << matrix4.det();
	return 0;
Example #2
LPSolver::LPSolver(const RealMatrix& _A, const RealVector& _b, const RealVector& _c)
    N = B = 0;
    eps = 10E-07;
    m = _b.size();
    n = _c.size();
    D = RealMatrix(m+2, n+2);

    B = new int[m];
    N = new int[n+1];
    // copy matrix
    for(int i=0; i<m; ++i)
        for(int j=0; j<n; ++j)
            D(i,j) = _A(i,j);
    for(int i=0; i<m; ++i)
        B[i] = n+i;
        D(i,n) = -1;
        D(i,n+1) = _b(i);
    for(int j=0; j<n; ++j)
        N[j] = j;
        D(m,j) = -_c(j);
    N[n] = -1;
    D(m+1, n) = 1;
Example #3
const RealMatrix& Triag::local_coordinates()
    static const RealMatrix loc_coord =
        (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, dimensionality) <<

         1./3.,  1./3.

    return loc_coord;
Example #4
const RealMatrix& Quad::local_coordinates()
  static const RealMatrix loc_coord =
      (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, dimensionality) <<

       0., 0.

  return loc_coord;
Example #5
const RealMatrix& Point::local_coordinates()
  static const RealMatrix loc_coord =
      (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, 3) <<

       0.,  0., 0.

  return loc_coord;
Example #6
const RealMatrix& Line::mononomial_exponents()
  static const RealMatrix exponents=
      (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, dimensionality) <<


  return exponents;
Example #7
const RealMatrix& Line::mononomial_coefficients()
  static const RealMatrix coeffs=
      (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, nb_nodes) <<

       -1,   1,   9,  -9,
       -1,  -1,   9,   9,
        9,  -27, -9,   27,
        9,   27, -9,  -27

       ).finished() / 16.;
  return coeffs;
Example #8
const RealMatrix& Triag::mononomial_coefficients()
  static const RealMatrix coeffs=
      (RealMatrix(nb_nodes, nb_nodes) <<

       1, -3, -3,  2,  4,  2,
       0, -1,  0,  2,  0,  0,
       0,  0, -1,  0,  0,  2,
       0,  4,  0, -4, -4,  0,
       0,  0,  0,  0,  4,  0,
       0,  0,  4,  0, -4, -4

  return coeffs;
Example #9
namespace SF {


Common::ComponentBuilder < SFTriagLagrangeP1, ShapeFunction, LibSF > SFTriagLagrangeP1_Builder;


SFTriagLagrangeP1::SFTriagLagrangeP1(const std::string& name) : ShapeFunction(name)
  m_dimensionality = dimensionality;
  m_nb_nodes = nb_nodes;
  m_order = order;
  m_shape = shape;


void SFTriagLagrangeP1::compute_value(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, ValueT& result)
  result[0] = 1. - mapped_coord[KSI] - mapped_coord[ETA];
  result[1] = mapped_coord[KSI];
  result[2] = mapped_coord[ETA];


void SFTriagLagrangeP1::compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, GradientT& result)
  result(KSI, 0) = -1.;
  result(ETA, 0) = -1.;
  result(KSI, 1) =  1.;
  result(ETA, 1) =  0.;
  result(KSI, 2) =  0.;
  result(ETA, 2) =  1.;


RealMatrix SFTriagLagrangeP1::s_mapped_sf_nodes =  ( RealMatrix(3,2) <<
   0.,  0.,
   1.,  0.,
   0.,  1.


} // SF
Example #10
namespace SF {


Common::ComponentBuilder < SFLineLagrangeP2, ShapeFunction, LibSF > SFLineLagrangeP2_Builder;


SFLineLagrangeP2::SFLineLagrangeP2(const std::string& name) : ShapeFunction(name)
  m_dimensionality = dimensionality;
  m_nb_nodes = nb_nodes;
  m_order = order;
  m_shape = shape;


void SFLineLagrangeP2::compute_value(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, ValueT& result)
  result[0] = 0.5 * (mapped_coord[KSI]*mapped_coord[KSI] - mapped_coord[KSI]);
  result[1] = 0.5 * (mapped_coord[KSI]*mapped_coord[KSI] + mapped_coord[KSI]);
  result[2] = (1.0 - mapped_coord[KSI]*mapped_coord[KSI]);


void SFLineLagrangeP2::compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, GradientT& result)
  result(KSI, 0) = mapped_coord[KSI]-0.5;
  result(KSI, 1) = mapped_coord[KSI]+0.5;
  result(KSI, 2) = -2.0*mapped_coord[KSI];


RealMatrix SFLineLagrangeP2::s_mapped_sf_nodes =  ( RealMatrix(3,1) <<


} // SF
Example #11
namespace SF {


Common::ComponentBuilder < SFTetraLagrangeP0, ShapeFunction, LibSF > SFTetraLagrangeP0_Builder;


SFTetraLagrangeP0::SFTetraLagrangeP0(const std::string& name) : ShapeFunction(name)
  m_dimensionality = dimensionality;
  m_nb_nodes = nb_nodes;
  m_order = order;
  m_shape = shape;


void SFTetraLagrangeP0::compute_value(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, ValueT& result)
  result[0] = 1.;


void SFTetraLagrangeP0::compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, GradientT& result)
  result(KSI, 0) = 0.;
  result(ETA, 0) = 0.;
  result(ZTA, 0) = 0.;


RealMatrix SFTetraLagrangeP0::s_mapped_sf_nodes =  ( RealMatrix(1,3) <<
   1./3.,  1./3.,  1./3.


} // SF
Example #12
namespace SF {


Common::ComponentBuilder < QuadFluxP3, Mesh::ShapeFunction, LibSF > QuadFluxP3_Builder;


QuadFluxP3::QuadFluxP3(const std::string& name) : ShapeFunction(name)
  m_dimensionality = dimensionality;
  m_nb_nodes = nb_nodes;
  m_order = order;
  m_shape = shape;
  m_nb_lines_per_orientation = nb_lines_per_orientation;

  m_points[KSI][0][0] =  0;
  m_points[KSI][0][1] =  1;
  m_points[KSI][0][2] =  2;
  m_points[KSI][0][3] =  3;
  m_points[KSI][1][0] =  4;
  m_points[KSI][1][1] =  5;
  m_points[KSI][1][2] =  6;
  m_points[KSI][1][3] =  7;
  m_points[KSI][2][0] =  8;
  m_points[KSI][2][1] =  9;
  m_points[KSI][2][2] = 10;
  m_points[KSI][2][3] = 11;
  m_points[ETA][0][0] =  0;
  m_points[ETA][0][1] = 12;
  m_points[ETA][0][2] = 13;
  m_points[ETA][0][3] =  8;
  m_points[ETA][1][0] = 14;
  m_points[ETA][1][1] = 15;
  m_points[ETA][1][2] = 16;
  m_points[ETA][1][3] = 17;
  m_points[ETA][2][0] =  3;
  m_points[ETA][2][1] = 18;
  m_points[ETA][2][2] = 19;
  m_points[ETA][2][3] = 11;

  m_face_points[KSI][0][LEFT ] =  0;
  m_face_points[KSI][0][RIGHT] =  3;
  m_face_points[KSI][1][LEFT ] =  4;
  m_face_points[KSI][1][RIGHT] =  7;
  m_face_points[KSI][2][LEFT ] =  8;
  m_face_points[KSI][2][RIGHT] = 11;
  m_face_points[ETA][0][LEFT ] =  0;
  m_face_points[ETA][0][RIGHT] =  8;
  m_face_points[ETA][1][LEFT ] = 14;
  m_face_points[ETA][1][RIGHT] = 17;
  m_face_points[ETA][2][LEFT ] =  3;
  m_face_points[ETA][2][RIGHT] = 11;

  m_face_number[KSI][LEFT ]=3;
  m_face_number[ETA][LEFT ]=0;


const ShapeFunction& QuadFluxP3::line() const
  return line_type();


const LineFluxP3& QuadFluxP3::line_type()
  static const LineFluxP3 sf;
  return sf;


void QuadFluxP3::compute_value(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, ValueT& result)
  throw Common::NotImplemented(FromHere(),"This should never be called, as fluxes are only being computed using LineFluxP3 instead.");


void QuadFluxP3::compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, GradientT& result)
  throw Common::NotImplemented(FromHere(),"This should never be called, as fluxes are only being computed using LineFluxP3 instead.");


RealMatrix QuadFluxP3::s_mapped_sf_nodes =  ( RealMatrix(20,2) <<
  -1.,          -1.,
  -1./sqrt(3.), -1.,
   1./sqrt(3.), -1.,
   1.,          -1.,
  -1.,           0.,
  -1./sqrt(3.),  0.,
   1./sqrt(3.),  0.,
   1.,           0.,
  -1.,           1.,
  -1./sqrt(3.),  1.,
   1./sqrt(3.),  1.,
   1.,           1.,
  -1.,          -1./sqrt(3.),
  -1.,           1./sqrt(3.),
   0.,          -1.,
   0.,          -1./sqrt(3.),
   0.,           1./sqrt(3.),
   0.,           1.,
   1.,          -1./sqrt(3.),
   1.,           1./sqrt(3.)


} // SF
Example #13
namespace SF {


Common::ComponentBuilder < SFHexaLagrangeP1, ShapeFunction, LibSF > SFHexaLagrangeP1_Builder;


SFHexaLagrangeP1::SFHexaLagrangeP1(const std::string& name) : ShapeFunction(name)
  m_dimensionality = dimensionality;
  m_nb_nodes = nb_nodes;
  m_order = order;
  m_shape = shape;


void SFHexaLagrangeP1::compute_value(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, ValueT& result)
  const Real xi   = mapped_coord[KSI];
  const Real eta  = mapped_coord[ETA];
  const Real zeta = mapped_coord[ZTA];

  const Real a1 = (1 + xi);
  const Real a2 = (1 - xi);

  const Real b1 = (1 + eta);
  const Real b2 = (1 - eta);

  const Real c1 = (1 + zeta);
  const Real c2 = (1 - zeta);

  result[0] = a2*b2*c2;
  result[1] = a1*b2*c2;
  result[2] = a1*b1*c2;
  result[3] = a2*b1*c2;
  result[4] = a2*b2*c1;
  result[5] = a1*b2*c1;
  result[6] = a1*b1*c1;
  result[7] = a2*b1*c1;

  result *= 0.125;


void SFHexaLagrangeP1::compute_gradient(const MappedCoordsT& mapped_coord, GradientT& result)

  const Real xi   = mapped_coord[KSI];
  const Real eta  = mapped_coord[ETA];
  const Real zeta = mapped_coord[ZTA];

  const Real a1 = (1 + xi);
  const Real a2 = (1 - xi);

  const Real b1 = (1 + eta);
  const Real b2 = (1 - eta);

  const Real c1 = (1 + zeta);
  const Real c2 = (1 - zeta);

  result(KSI, 0) = -0.125 * b2*c2;
  result(ETA, 0) = -0.125 * a2*c2;
  result(ZTA, 0) = -0.125 * a2*b2;

  result(KSI, 1) =  0.125 * b2*c2;
  result(ETA, 1) = -0.125 * a1*c2;
  result(ZTA, 1) = -0.125 * a1*b2;

  result(KSI, 2) =  0.125 * b1*c2;
  result(ETA, 2) =  0.125 * a1*c2;
  result(ZTA, 2) = -0.125 * a1*b1;

  result(KSI, 3) = -0.125 * b1*c2;
  result(ETA, 3) =  0.125 * a2*c2;
  result(ZTA, 3) = -0.125 * a2*b1;

  result(KSI, 4) = -0.125 * b2*c1;
  result(ETA, 4) = -0.125 * a2*c1;
  result(ZTA, 4) =  0.125 * a2*b2;

  result(KSI, 5) =  0.125 * b2*c1;
  result(ETA, 5) = -0.125 * a1*c1;
  result(ZTA, 5) =  0.125 * a1*b2;

  result(KSI, 6) =  0.125 * b1*c1;
  result(ETA, 6) =  0.125 * a1*c1;
  result(ZTA, 6) =  0.125 * a1*b1;

  result(KSI, 7) = -0.125 * b1*c1;
  result(ETA, 7) =  0.125 * a2*c1;
  result(ZTA, 7) =  0.125 * a2*b1;


RealMatrix SFHexaLagrangeP1::s_mapped_sf_nodes =  ( RealMatrix(8,3) <<
     -1., -1., -1.,
      1., -1., -1.,
      1.,  1., -1.,
     -1.,  1., -1.,
     -1., -1.,  1.,
      1., -1.,  1.,
      1.,  1.,  1.,
     -1.,  1.,  1.


} // SF
Example #14
File: layer.cpp Project: bin3/toyml
bool Layer::Init(const Options& options) {
  options_ = options;
  RealMatrix(options_.out, options_.in, 0).swap(w_);
  RealVector(options_.out, 0).swap(b_);
  return true;
Example #15
RealMatrix ElementType::jacobian(const RealVector& mapped_coord, const RealMatrix& nodes) const
  throw Common::NotImplemented(FromHere(),"jacobian not implemented for "+derived_type_name());
  return RealMatrix(0,0);