bool wxToolBar::DeleteTool( int nId ) { bool bOk = wxToolBarBase::DeleteTool(nId); if (bOk) { Realize(); } return bOk; } // end of wxToolBar::DeleteTool
bool wxToolBar::DeleteToolByPos( size_t nPos ) { bool bOk = wxToolBarBase::DeleteToolByPos(nPos); if (bOk) { Realize(); } return bOk; } // end of wxToolBar::DeleteTool
wxToolBarToolBase* wxToolBar::InsertSeparator( size_t nPos ) { wxToolBarToolBase* pTool = wxToolBarBase::InsertSeparator(nPos); if (m_bInitialized) { Realize(); Refresh(); } return pTool; } // end of wxToolBar::InsertSeparator
void SelectItem(wxAuiToolBarItem* item) { Realize(); // Simulate click event so tool gets properly selected. wxRect itemRect = item->GetSizerItem()->GetRect(); wxMouseEvent e; e.SetPosition(itemRect.GetPosition()); wxAuiToolBar::OnLeftDown(e); wxAuiToolBar::OnLeftUp(e); }
void wxRibbonButtonBar::ClearButtons() { m_layouts_valid = false; size_t count = m_buttons.GetCount(); size_t i; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase* button = m_buttons.Item(i); delete button; } m_buttons.Clear(); Realize(); }
void SjCoverBrowser::OnDropImage(SjDataObject* data, int mouseX, int mouseY) { SjCol* cover; long found = FindCover(mouseX, mouseY, &cover); if( found == FOUND_COVER && cover->m_rowCount > 0 ) { if( cover->m_rows[0]->OnDropData(data) ) { Realize(false, true /*keep col index*/); m_window->Refresh(); m_window->Update(); } } }
MyToolBar1::MyToolBar1( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxToolBar( parent, id, pos, size, style ) { ComposeNew = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, wxT("Compose New "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT ); ComposeNew->Wrap( -1 ); AddControl( ComposeNew ); wxString MessageTypeChoices[] = { wxT("Letter") }; int MessageTypeNChoices = sizeof( MessageTypeChoices ) / sizeof( wxString ); MessageType = new wxChoice( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, MessageTypeNChoices, MessageTypeChoices, 0 ); MessageType->SetSelection( 0 ); MessageType->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), 70, 90, 90, false, wxEmptyString ) ); AddControl( MessageType ); Realize(); }
wxToolBarToolBase* wxToolBar::InsertControl( size_t nPos , wxControl* pControl ) { wxToolBarToolBase* pTool = wxToolBarBase::InsertControl( nPos ,pControl ); if (m_bInitialized) { Realize(); Refresh(); } return pTool; } // end of wxToolBar::InsertControl
void wxGISToolBar::AddCommand(ICommand* pCmd) { switch(pCmd->GetKind()) { case enumGISCommandMenu: return; case enumGISCommandSeparator: case enumGISCommandCheck: case enumGISCommandRadio: case enumGISCommandNormal: { wxBitmap Bitmap = pCmd->GetBitmap(); if(!Bitmap.IsOk()) Bitmap = wxBitmap(default_16_xpm); AddTool(pCmd->GetID(), wxStripMenuCodes(pCmd->GetCaption()), Bitmap, wxBitmap(), (wxItemKind)pCmd->GetKind(), pCmd->GetTooltip(), pCmd->GetMessage(), NULL); } break; case enumGISCommandControl: { IToolControl* pToolCtrl = dynamic_cast<IToolControl*>(pCmd); if(pToolCtrl) { IToolBarControl* pToolBarControl = pToolCtrl->GetControl(); wxControl* pControl = dynamic_cast<wxControl*>(pToolBarControl); if(pControl) { if(pToolCtrl->HasToolLabel()) { wxString sToolLabel = pToolCtrl->GetToolLabel(); AddLabel(wxID_ANY, sToolLabel, sToolLabel.Len() * 5); } pControl->Reparent(this); AddControl(pControl); //add ctrl to remove map m_RemControlMap[m_CommandArray.size()] = pToolBarControl; } else return; } else return; } break; default: return; } wxGISCommandBar::AddCommand(pCmd); Realize(); }
void CToolBar::MakeDropdownTool(int id) { wxToolBarToolBase* pOldTool = FindById(id); if (!pOldTool) return; wxToolBarToolBase* pTool = new wxToolBarToolBase(0, id, pOldTool->GetLabel(), pOldTool->GetNormalBitmap(), pOldTool->GetDisabledBitmap(), wxITEM_DROPDOWN, NULL, pOldTool->GetShortHelp(), pOldTool->GetLongHelp()); int pos = GetToolPos(id); wxASSERT(pos != wxNOT_FOUND); DeleteToolByPos(pos); InsertTool(pos, pTool); Realize(); }
HRPosToolBar::HRPosToolBar(wxWindow *parent) : wxToolBar(parent, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(20,20)/*DefaultPosition*/, wxSize(parent->GetSize().GetWidth(), 30), wxBORDER_NONE|wxTB_HORIZONTAL|wxTB_NODIVIDER|wxTB_FLAT|wxTB_TEXT|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) { try { SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(30, 30)); AddTool(1, local->get("HR_f", "add_pos", "Add"), HR_tool(2)); //BITMAP_TYPE_BMP AddTool(3, local->get("HR_f", "edit_pos", "Edit"), HR_tool(1)); //BITMAP_TYPE_BMP AddTool(2, local->get("HR_f", "del_pos", "Delete"), HR_tool(0)); AddSeparator(); if (!(users->user().administrator())) { EnableTool(1, false); EnableTool(2, false); EnableTool(3, false); } if (!positionrole->loaded()) positionrole->load_positionrole(); wxString pposition [1000]; for ( int i=0; i< positionrole->size(); i++) pposition[i] = to_uc(positionrole->get_name(i)); lb_position = new HRListBox(parent, positionrole->size(), pposition); wxCommandEvent evt = wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED, 0); lb_position->OnClickPos(evt); lb_position->Select(0); pos = 0; Realize(); } catch(exception_t &e) { wxMessageBox(to_uc(e.message())); } catch(std::exception &e) { wxMessageBox(to_uc(e.what())); } catch(...) { exception_t e(5022, "unexpected error", "HRPosToolBar::HRPosToolBar"); wxMessageBox(to_uc(e.message())); } }
void wxRibbonToolBar::SetRows(int nMin, int nMax) { if(nMax == -1) nMax = nMin; wxASSERT(1 <= nMin); wxASSERT(nMin <= nMax); m_nrows_min = nMin; m_nrows_max = nMax; delete[] m_sizes; m_sizes = new wxSize[m_nrows_max - m_nrows_min + 1]; for(int i = m_nrows_min; i <= m_nrows_max; ++i) m_sizes[i - m_nrows_min] = wxSize(0, 0); Realize(); }
bool wxRibbonButtonBar::DeleteButton(int button_id) { size_t count = m_buttons.GetCount(); size_t i; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase* button = m_buttons.Item(i); if(button->id == button_id) { m_layouts_valid = false; m_buttons.RemoveAt(i); Realize(); Refresh(); return true; } } return false; }
void wxMainToolBar::InitToolBar() { // set up the toolbar controls int ipos = 0; if(m_first_dpos == 0) { ipos += InsertObject(ipos); ipos += InsertType(ipos); ipos += InsertBin(ipos); // we need to be able to set binning always m_first_dpos = ipos; } if(m_first_dpos > 0) { int ntools = GetToolsCount(); size_t max_pos = ntools-1; // Delete the camera dependent tools for(size_t ipos=max_pos; ipos>m_first_dpos; ipos--) { DeleteToolByPos(ipos); } // clear references to the deleted tools m_zoomSpin = 0; m_temp_text = 0; } wxCamera* camera = wxF()->cam(); if(camera && camera->IsArtcam()) { ipos = m_first_dpos; ipos += InsertZoom(ipos); ipos += InsertSubframe(ipos); ipos += InsertRestartExposure(ipos); ipos += InsertCooling(ipos); } //20080525:BM try to support more webcam else if(camera && camera->IsWebcam()) { ipos = m_first_dpos; ipos += InsertZoom(ipos); ipos += InsertSubframe(ipos); } Realize(); CamEnable(); }
wxMailboxToolBar::wxMailboxToolBar(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id) : wxToolBar(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_TEXT) { AddTool(0, _("Get Mail"), getIcon(_("mail_get"), 32)); AddSeparator();AddSeparator();AddSeparator(); AddTool(0, _("Delete"), getIcon(_("mail_delete"), 32)); AddTool(0, _("Junk"), getIcon(_("anti_spam"), 32)); AddSeparator();AddSeparator();AddSeparator(); AddTool(0, _("Reply"), getIcon(_("mail_reply"), 32)); AddTool(0, _("Reply All"), getIcon(_("mail_replyall"), 32)); AddTool(0, _("Forward"), getIcon(_("mail_forward"), 32)); AddSeparator();AddSeparator();AddSeparator(); AddTool(0, _("Write"), getIcon(_("mail_new"), 32)); Realize(); }
bool CToolBar::ShowTool(int id) { int offset = 0; for (auto iter = m_hidden_tools.begin(); iter != m_hidden_tools.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second->GetId() != id) { offset++; continue; } InsertTool(iter->first - offset, iter->second); Realize(); m_hidden_tools.erase(iter); return true; } return false; }
void wxRibbonBar::ClearPages() { size_t i; for(i=0; i<m_pages.GetCount(); i++) { wxRibbonPage *page = m_pages.Item(i).page; // Schedule page object for destruction and not destroying directly // as this function can be called in an event handler and page functions // can be called afeter removing. // Like in wxRibbonButtonBar::OnMouseUp if(!wxTheApp->IsScheduledForDestruction(page)) { wxTheApp->ScheduleForDestruction(page); } } m_pages.Empty(); Realize(); m_current_page = -1; Refresh(); }
int wxMainToolBar::InsertZoom(int pos) { wxStaticText* tool_text = new wxStaticText(this, wxNewId(), _("Zoom"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0); m_zoomSpin = new wxSpinCtrlDbl(this, ID_ZOOM_SPIN, _T("1.0"), wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(60,-1), 0, 0, 100, 0, _("Zoom")); m_zoomSpin->SetRange(0.01,5.0); m_zoomSpin->SetValue(1.0); m_zoomSpin->SetIncrement(0.1); m_zoomSpin->SetFormat(_T("%.3lf")); int ipos = pos; // Separator, leading text + spinctrl InsertSeparator(ipos++); InsertControl(ipos++,tool_text); InsertControl(ipos++,m_zoomSpin); InsertTool(ipos++,ID_UNZOOM, _("Undo Zoom"), wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_MAKE_ART_ID_FROM_STR(_T("wxART_UNDO")),wxART_TOOLBAR,wxSize(15,16)), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, _("Undo Zoom"), wxEmptyString); SetToolShortHelp(ID_ZOOM_SPIN,_("Zoom factor")); Realize(); return (ipos-pos); }
// This code originally came from GIMP -- gimppalette-import.c // I don't think they'd recognize it anymore. wxString thPaletteData::Import(wxString filename) { int number_of_colors; int i, j; /*Maximum valid file size: 256 * 4 * 3 + 256 * 2 ~= 3650 bytes */ wxString msg; wxTextFile lines(filename); int color_ints[3]; lines.Open(); if (lines[0] != _T("JASC-PAL")) // signature return _T("First line should be \"JASC-PAL\"."); if (lines[1] != _T("0100")) // version return _T("Second line should be \"0100\"."); number_of_colors = _tstoi(lines[2]); wxStringTokenizer st; for (i = 0; i < number_of_colors; i++) { const int line = i + 3; if (line >= (int)lines.GetLineCount()) return wxString::Format(_T("File too short. Expected %d more colors."), number_of_colors - i); st.SetString(lines[line]); if (st.CountTokens() != 3) return _T("Corrupted palette file."); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { color_ints[j] = _tstoi(st.GetNextToken()); if (color_ints[j] < 0 || color_ints[j] > 255) return _T("Corrupted palette file."); } Add(i, RGB(color_ints[0], color_ints[2], color_ints[2])); } Realize(); return wxEmptyString; }
int wxMainToolBar::InsertBin(int pos) { wxStaticText* tool_text = new wxStaticText(this, wxNewId(), _("Bin"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, _T("ID_STATICTEXT6")); m_binChoice = new wxChoice(this, ID_BIN_CHOICE, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(60,-1), 0, 0, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T("Binning")); m_binChoice->Append(_("1:1")); m_binChoice->Append(_("2:2")); m_binChoice->Append(_("3:3")); m_binChoice->Append(_("4:4")); m_binChoice->Append(_("5:5")); m_binChoice->Append(_("6:6")); m_binChoice->SetSelection(wxArtcam::DefaultBinning()-1); int ipos = pos; // Separator, leading text + binning choice box InsertSeparator(ipos++); InsertControl(ipos++,tool_text); InsertControl(ipos++,m_binChoice); SetToolShortHelp(ID_BIN_CHOICE,_("Binning level")); Realize(); return (ipos-pos); }
void wxMainToolBar::UpdateTemp() { if(m_temp_text) { if(wxCamera* camera = wxF()->cam()) { if(camera->HasCooling()) { bool do_realize = false; // update the temperature text if changed wxString temp_txt = wxString::Format(_T("%5.1lf")+Celsius,camera->Temperature() ); wxString cur_txt = m_temp_text->GetLabel(); if(temp_txt != cur_txt) { m_temp_text->SetLabel(temp_txt); do_realize = true; } // update the temperature button icon if status has changed const char** bitmap = 0; ECoolingStatus cstat = camera->CoolingStatus(); if(m_cstat != cstat) { switch(cstat) { case ECS_Off: { bitmap = &temp_red_15x16_xpm[0]; break; } case ECS_Cooling: { bitmap = &temp_yellow_15x16_xpm[0]; break; } // Red means target not reached case ECS_Holding: { bitmap = &temp_blue_15x16_xpm[0]; break; } // Blue case ECS_Warmup: { bitmap = &heat_15x16_xpm[0]; break; } default: { bitmap = &temp_red_15x16_xpm[0]; } // Red (should not happen..) }; SetToolNormalBitmap(ID_SET_TEMP,wxBitmap(bitmap)); m_cstat = cstat; do_realize = true; } if(do_realize)Realize(); } } } }
void MainToolBar::set_properties() { #ifdef __WXMAC__ SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(96, 24)); AddTool(IDM_MENU, wxT("Menu"), wxBitmap(menu_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_DESK, wxT("Desk"), wxBitmap(desk_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_DESK_SETUP, wxT("Desk Setup"), wxBitmap(desk_setup_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_FUNCTION_SETUP, wxT("Function Setup"), wxBitmap(function_setup_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_IO_SETUP, wxT("IO Setup"), wxBitmap(io_setup_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_GROUP_SETUP, wxT("Group Setup"), wxBitmap(group_setup_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_CHANNEL_SETUP, wxT("Channel Setup"), wxBitmap(channel_setup_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_LIBRARY, wxT("Library"), wxBitmap(library_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_DMX_PATCH, wxT("DMX Patch"), wxBitmap(dmx_patch_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_SETUP_OUTPUT, wxT("Setup Output"), wxBitmap(setup_output_xpm), wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_CHECK, wxT(""), wxT("")); #else SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(0, 0)); AddTool(IDM_MENU, wxT("Menu"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_DESK, wxT("Desk"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_DESK_SETUP, wxT("Desk Setup"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_SHOW_FUNCTION_SETUP, wxT("Function Setup"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_RADIO, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_IO_SETUP, wxT("IO Setup"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_GROUP_SETUP, wxT("Group Setup"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_CHANNEL_SETUP, wxT("Channel Setup"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_LIBRARY, wxT("Library"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddTool(IDM_DMX_PATCH, wxT("DMX Patch"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxT(""), wxT("")); AddSeparator(); AddTool(IDM_SETUP_OUTPUT, wxT("Setup Output"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_CHECK, wxT(""), wxT("")); #endif Realize(); }
void wxExOptionsToolBar::AddControls(bool realize) { const wxWindowID ID_VIEW_PROCESS = NewControlId(); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 // id, label, name, config, tooltip, default for (const auto& it : std::vector<std::tuple<int, wxString, wxString, wxString, wxString, bool>> { std::make_tuple(ID_VIEW_PROCESS, _("Process"), "PROCESS", "ViewProcess", _("View process"), false), std::make_tuple(NewControlId(), "Hex", "HEX", "HexMode", _("Open in hex mode"), false), std::make_tuple(NewControlId(), "Sync", "SYNC", "AllowSync", _("Synchronize modified files"), true)}) { if (std::get<0>(it) == ID_VIEW_PROCESS && wxExProcess::GetShell() == nullptr) { continue; } wxCheckBox* cb = new wxCheckBox(this, std::get<0>(it), std::get<1>(it)); m_CheckBoxes.emplace_back(cb); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS cb->SetToolTip(std::get<4>(it)); #endif cb->SetValue(wxConfigBase::Get()->ReadBool(std::get<3>(it), std::get<5>(it))); cb->SetName(std::get<2>(it)); AddControl(cb); Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { wxConfigBase::Get()->Write(std::get<3>(it), cb->GetValue()); if (event.GetId() == ID_VIEW_PROCESS) { GetFrame()->ShowPane("PROCESS", cb->GetValue());};}, std::get<0>(it)); } if (realize) { Realize(); } }
/* ** At startup we create a physical heap; while this is fine, the idea ** of protection is closely tied to that of stretches. Hence this function ** (a) 'frees' the memory underneath the heap, and ** (b) allocates it again through the stretch allocator. ** This allows us to map it read/write for us, and read-only to everyone else. */ void MapInitialHeap(HeapMod_clp hmod, Heap_clp heap, Frames_clp frames, word_t heap_size, ProtectionDomain_ID pdom) { Stretch_clp str; Heap_cl *realheap; addr_t a; a = (addr_t)((size_t)heap & ~(FRAME_SIZE-1)); Frames$Free(frames, a, heap_size); str = STR_NEW_R(Pvs(salloc), heap_size); ASSERT_ADDRESS(str, a); realheap = HeapMod$Realize(hmod, heap, str); if(realheap != heap) eprintf("WARNING: HeapMod$Realize(%p) => %p\n", heap, realheap); /* Map our heap as local read/write */ STR_SETPROT(str, pdom, (SET_ELEM(Stretch_Right_Read)| SET_ELEM(Stretch_Right_Write))); }
void wxRibbonButtonBar::SetArtProvider(wxRibbonArtProvider* art) { if(art == m_art) { return; } wxRibbonControl::SetArtProvider(art); wxClientDC temp_dc(this); size_t btn_count = m_buttons.Count(); size_t btn_i; for(btn_i = 0; btn_i < btn_count; ++btn_i) { wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase* base = m_buttons.Item(btn_i); FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, wxRIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_SMALL, temp_dc); FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, wxRIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_MEDIUM, temp_dc); FetchButtonSizeInfo(base, wxRIBBON_BUTTONBAR_BUTTON_LARGE, temp_dc); } m_layouts_valid = false; Realize(); }
/** Draws the Control on the Output Display */ void MapControl::Draw(unsigned short XWin, unsigned short YWin) { if (!Width || !Height) { return; } if (Owner->Visible!=WINDOW_VISIBLE) { return; } if (Changed) { Realize(); Changed = false; } // we're going to paint over labels/etc, so they need to repaint! bool seen_this = false; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < Owner->GetControlCount(); i++) { Control *ctrl = Owner->GetControl(i); if (!ctrl) continue; // we could try working out which controls overlap, // but the later controls are cheap to paint.. if (ctrl == this) { seen_this = true; continue; } if (!seen_this) continue; ctrl->Changed = true; } Video* video = core->GetVideoDriver(); Region r( XWin + XPos, YWin + YPos, Width, Height ); if (MapMOS) { video->BlitSprite( MapMOS, MAP_TO_SCREENX(0), MAP_TO_SCREENY(0), true, &r ); } if (core->FogOfWar&FOG_DRAWFOG) DrawFog(XWin, YWin); Region vp = video->GetViewport(); vp.x = GAME_TO_SCREENX(vp.x); vp.y = GAME_TO_SCREENY(vp.y); vp.w = ViewWidth; vp.h = ViewHeight; if ((vp.x + vp.w) >= MAP_TO_SCREENX( Width )) vp.w = MAP_TO_SCREENX( Width ) - vp.x; if ((vp.y + vp.h) >= MAP_TO_SCREENY( Height )) vp.h = MAP_TO_SCREENY( Height ) - vp.y; video->DrawRect( vp, colors[green], false, false ); // Draw PCs' ellipses Game *game = core->GetGame(); i = game->GetPartySize(true); while (i--) { Actor* actor = game->GetPC( i, true ); if (MyMap->HasActor(actor) ) { video->DrawEllipse( (short) GAME_TO_SCREENX(actor->Pos.x), (short) GAME_TO_SCREENY(actor->Pos.y), 3, 2, actor->Selected ? colors[green] : colors[darkgreen], false ); } } // Draw Map notes, could be turned off in bg2 // we use the common control value to handle it, because then we // don't need another interface if (Value!=MAP_NO_NOTES) { i = MyMap -> GetMapNoteCount(); while (i--) { MapNote * mn = MyMap -> GetMapNote(i); Sprite2D *anim = Flag[mn->color&7]; Point pos = mn->Pos; if (convertToGame) { vp.x = GAME_TO_SCREENX(mn->Pos.x); vp.y = GAME_TO_SCREENY(mn->Pos.y); } else { //pst style vp.x = MAP_TO_SCREENX(mn->Pos.x); vp.y = MAP_TO_SCREENY(mn->Pos.y); pos.x = pos.x * MAP_MULT / MAP_DIV; pos.y = pos.y * MAP_MULT / MAP_DIV; } //Skip unexplored map notes bool visible = MyMap->IsVisible( pos, true ); if (!visible) continue; if (anim) { video->BlitSprite( anim, vp.x - anim->Width/2, vp.y - anim->Height/2, true, &r ); } else { video->DrawEllipse( (short) vp.x, (short) vp.y, 6, 5, colors[mn->color&7], false ); } } } }
wxExFindToolBar::wxExFindToolBar( wxExManagedFrame* frame, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxExToolBar(frame, id, pos, size, style) { const wxWindowID ID_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD = NewControlId(); const wxWindowID ID_MATCH_CASE = NewControlId(); const wxWindowID ID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION = NewControlId(); wxExFindTextCtrl* findCtrl = new wxExFindTextCtrl(this, GetFrame()); wxCheckBox* matchCase = new wxCheckBox(this, ID_MATCH_CASE, wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->GetTextMatchCase()); wxCheckBox* matchWholeWord = new wxCheckBox(this, ID_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD, wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->GetTextMatchWholeWord()); wxCheckBox* isRegularExpression = new wxCheckBox(this, ID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION, wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->GetTextRegEx()); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS matchCase->SetToolTip(_("Search case sensitive")); matchWholeWord->SetToolTip(_("Search matching words")); isRegularExpression->SetToolTip(_("Search using regular expressions")); #endif matchCase->SetValue(wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->MatchCase()); matchWholeWord->SetValue(wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->MatchWord()); isRegularExpression->SetValue(wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->UseRegEx()); // And place the controls on the toolbar. AddControl(findCtrl); AddTool( wxID_DOWN, wxEmptyString, wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_GO_DOWN, wxART_TOOLBAR), _("Find next")); AddTool( wxID_UP, wxEmptyString, wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_GO_UP, wxART_TOOLBAR), _("Find previous")); AddControl(matchWholeWord); AddControl(matchCase); AddControl(isRegularExpression); Realize(); Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->SetMatchWord( matchWholeWord->GetValue());}, ID_MATCH_WHOLE_WORD); Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->SetMatchCase( matchCase->GetValue());}, ID_MATCH_CASE); Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { wxExFindReplaceData::Get()->SetUseRegEx( isRegularExpression->GetValue());}, ID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { findCtrl->Find(true);}, wxID_DOWN); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [=](wxCommandEvent& event) { findCtrl->Find(false);}, wxID_UP); Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [=](wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable(!findCtrl->GetValue().empty());}, wxID_DOWN); Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [=](wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable(!findCtrl->GetValue().empty());}, wxID_UP); }
void wxToolbook::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (m_needsRealizing) Realize(); event.Skip(); }
static int Start(dtaudio_output_t *aout) { SLresult result; aout_sys_t *sys = (aout_sys_t *) aout->ao_priv; dtaudio_para_t *para = &aout->para; // configure audio source - this defines the number of samples you can enqueue. SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq = { SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, OPENSLES_BUFFERS }; int mask; if (para->dst_channels > 1) mask = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT; else mask = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER; SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm; format_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM; format_pcm.numChannels = para->dst_channels; //format_pcm.samplesPerSec = ((SLuint32) para->dst_samplerate * 1000) ; format_pcm.samplesPerSec = ((SLuint32) convertSampleRate(para->dst_samplerate)); format_pcm.bitsPerSample = SL_PCMSAMPLEFORMAT_FIXED_16; format_pcm.containerSize = SL_PCMSAMPLEFORMAT_FIXED_16; format_pcm.channelMask = mask; format_pcm.endianness = SL_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN; SLDataSource audioSrc = {&loc_bufq, &format_pcm}; // configure audio sink SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = { SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, sys->outputMixObject }; SLDataSink audioSnk = {&loc_outmix, NULL}; //create audio player const SLInterfaceID ids2[] = {sys->SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, sys->SL_IID_VOLUME}; static const SLboolean req2[] = {SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE}; result = CreateAudioPlayer(sys->engineEngine, &sys->playerObject, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, sizeof(ids2) / sizeof(*ids2), ids2, req2); if (unlikely(result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS)) { // error return -1; /* Try again with a more sensible samplerate */ #if 0 fmt->i_rate = 44100; format_pcm.samplesPerSec = ((SLuint32) 44100 * 1000) ; result = CreateAudioPlayer(sys->engineEngine, &sys->playerObject, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, sizeof(ids2) / sizeof(*ids2), ids2, req2); #endif } CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to create audio player"); result = Realize(sys->playerObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to realize player object."); result = GetInterface(sys->playerObject, sys->SL_IID_PLAY, &sys->playerPlay); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to get player interface."); result = GetInterface(sys->playerObject, sys->SL_IID_VOLUME, &sys->volumeItf); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("failed to get volume interface."); result = GetInterface(sys->playerObject, sys->SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &sys->playerBufferQueue); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to get buff queue interface"); result = RegisterCallback(sys->playerBufferQueue, PlayedCallback, (void *) aout); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to register buff queue callback."); // set the player's state to playing result = SetPlayState(sys->playerPlay, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to switch to playing state"); /* XXX: rounding shouldn't affect us at normal sampling rate */ sys->rate = para->dst_samplerate; sys->samples_per_buf = OPENSLES_BUFLEN * para->dst_samplerate / 1000; sys->buf = malloc(OPENSLES_BUFFERS * sys->samples_per_buf * bytesPerSample(aout)); if (!sys->buf) goto error; sys->started = 0; sys->next_buf = 0; sys->samples = 0; SetPositionUpdatePeriod(sys->playerPlay, AOUT_MIN_PREPARE_TIME * 1000 / CLOCK_FREQ); return 0; error: if (sys->playerObject) { Destroy(sys->playerObject); sys->playerObject = NULL; } return -1; }
static int Open(dtaudio_output_t *aout) { aout_sys_t *sys; SLresult result; dtaudio_para_t *para = &aout->para; sys = (aout_sys_t *) malloc(sizeof(*sys)); if (unlikely(sys == NULL)) return -1; sys->p_so_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW); if (sys->p_so_handle == NULL) { goto error; } sys->slCreateEnginePtr = dlsym(sys->p_so_handle, "slCreateEngine"); if (unlikely(sys->slCreateEnginePtr == NULL)) { goto error; } #define OPENSL_DLSYM(dest, name) \ do { \ const SLInterfaceID *sym = dlsym(sys->p_so_handle, "SL_IID_"name); \ if (unlikely(sym == NULL)) \ { \ goto error; \ } \ sys->dest = *sym; \ } while(0) OPENSL_DLSYM(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, "ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE"); OPENSL_DLSYM(SL_IID_ENGINE, "ENGINE"); OPENSL_DLSYM(SL_IID_PLAY, "PLAY"); OPENSL_DLSYM(SL_IID_VOLUME, "VOLUME"); #undef OPENSL_DLSYM // create engine result = sys->slCreateEnginePtr(&sys->engineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to create engine"); // realize the engine in synchronous mode result = Realize(sys->engineObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to realize engine"); // get the engine interface, needed to create other objects result = GetInterface(sys->engineObject, sys->SL_IID_ENGINE, &sys->engineEngine); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to get the engine interface"); // create output mix, with environmental reverb specified as a non-required interface const SLInterfaceID ids1[] = {sys->SL_IID_VOLUME}; const SLboolean req1[] = {SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE}; result = CreateOutputMix(sys->engineEngine, &sys->outputMixObject, 1, ids1, req1); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to create output mix"); // realize the output mix in synchronous mode result = Realize(sys->outputMixObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); CHECK_OPENSL_ERROR("Failed to realize output mix"); dt_lock_init(&sys->lock, NULL); if (buf_init(&sys->dbt, para->dst_samplerate * 4 / 10) < 0) // 100ms return -1; aout->ao_priv = (void *) sys; return 0; error: if (sys->outputMixObject) Destroy(sys->outputMixObject); if (sys->engineObject) Destroy(sys->engineObject); if (sys->p_so_handle) dlclose(sys->p_so_handle); free(sys); return -1; }